tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 10, 2009 6:00pm-6:37pm EDT
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con. chris matththewreturns monday for more "hardball." right now it's t timfofor "the show" with ed schultz.z. >> i'm e ed scltlt this is "the ed show." good enenin ererics. liveve fromm 30 ck in new y yk, it's's hehe ed ow" onmsnsnbc those e mnmn ue d dogemocrats arare causing pblbls on cpitol hill again. i'in a a figightinmomo tononhth. they just wtt to makak all t the changes. and they'reotot for p pubcc option.. congressman keieithllllis and twtwblblueog demococrats willjon me tight on thhis program. > breaking news. a new reportrtays presidenent bu rerect ordered andnd prsusure ailing atattorn g geral john ashcroroft t keep on wetetping americics.s. reports tigig say that cia director leon panetet h has
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ordered an i interll inveveigigatn into whether the agency sled and flat-outied to the coreress usus, did sarah h pali r rly want t to veve h own reality show? levi johnston s sss iwas all about the moy.y. p "psycho talk." alhat anand a greaea panel coming up. "dly show" eaeator liz winstead is with us tonight. that's why i iknknow it's iday. > fit,t,onight's "op ed." well, i i gus s th best wayto say this to you,u,folks, looks o memeikewewe have blueogog democrats th n needd some bibi eddi counseling tonight. as richard nixixon used to say, they don't have their hdsds screwed on ghght. now, thblblueog d. msms areut therere t thatening to standdn the way of a public tition on health care reform. th are d demainin significant changes before they y casusuppt any refofo.. now, there's 522 of these bluee dogs. 4646 of emem have signed sying atathey gotot so realoncerns ouout we g go into the pritete
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sector a give t theprivate ininsuncnce mpanies some coetition. what is it atat they are afraid of? arththey afraid that somomebyy might, when theyey g mme, call them aiberal? are e theyfrfrd th s somody mimit t say,, youee too liberal? thth is not about gay marriage. this is not t abouguns. this i inonot ouou god. this iss abo your tchen table. an forome rereason i don't kn h h th conserervati dedemoatats ve come to the conclusion thaha72% of t ameranan people just dn't matter. yoknknowwhat? ifif theyonon't delilirrn public optition and r relyreref whwhat ho be reformeded to help ericanamilies out, i thihink need ahird partyin this cocouny.y. because i don'n'knknow how much more counseleline have toto gi th demococtsts. and what is s terriblele aboutt is thathey have theamameran peop w wh them. there's a sconnect there. i don't know whwhathehey' afraid of. yoyomean to t tell me t th the
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blue d dog democratats a concerd about the money? well. eyey wen't concerned abobo t the war fufuing, rere they? i tell youu wha's'srong with t democrcrat they've got the e ueuedog democrats ananththen there's th real momocrs who don't know how toetet mad dogogean and get this thing roroug so this figight is goinggto goo and thehere a a some heroes in e cocoress. jojoing g mes mininsosota cocongremama keith liliso he's v very outspinee on this an advocate for publblicptptio d d he hastaken it un n himself, folks, toto goo aroundd dedeote hiscolleagues andutut it on yoututub so you can e acacy whatththeye saying. it's not a r rorter bringing i to yoyou, it's an a actlllected official of theetatate of nnesota. so h he i going ound, he's ususin hisisamamer he's talking rit t ere saying who he is a are then he's going ouou and he's's interviewing cleleags saying, hey, w wrere dyou stand on puicicption? i hahaveo o say,congressman, welcome to the show nnht. you gegetbsolutely an "a" fo innotiti.
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i love i it. what's's happened? ththk the american people e wa to know toght, keith,, constitutetelulue g democrats ii ththe h hoe screw thh thing up?? >> ll, you know, ed, we'r're just going to keep on talngng to ou friends and teing them h how important itit i to have a publc optionon. in order to drivee down cosostss that we can have a reallll fordable public health carere system s so th can actually move fooarard and cerer eveverody. the fact is that apupuic option actually justprproves mpmpetion so that these private industrtry insurance mpmpans can nott inflatete cost and have to competete -- t the point t rere i keith -- what the p peoe e wa to know, kekeh, cocongssman, is can the blue dogsrereatenough problems wher it wouldldderail the p pubi opopti c clae in thehohouse de? >> i d don t thi so. think our friends a are going to see the light.t. they're going g to s s that a public optionis necessary, imimpoanant,nd it's what the
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people ntnt. and i juju w wanto say,, i know it's tough out ther you knknow t the inindtry, the special interests are spending .4 m milonon aay -- a y, - - in order to getet -- to stp heheth care rerm. buthey're not g goi to succeed. cacae in the end we'rere a ing tooo together ound thth p pubc optionon. >> all rit. well, it seemss to me atat thes blue dogs are goingng t be p pty obstinate ababouitit. and the only wathat we're gogointo turn this t thing arndd on them isis jt t toall for a thirird party. > l's's ge them a chance, ed. let's keep o chatting andnd talking to o our friendsndnd it uldn't help -- excucuse me,it wowoul't hurt i i amicics, all 7272% o believe in aublic option,, starart calling intnthr elected officialsndndetting ththemnonow how theyey feel. congrgrsmsman ith ellison tonight here on "the edshow." thanks foroining us. he a b bl dogrom ioa. he w w oe of the 46 that sgngn
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the letterer qststiong the pupuicic oion. he join u u tonight. congressman spapa,, elala your position on this. are you agaiait t th public option? >>nno, i'm notagagait a pububli option. >hehen y did you sign the lelett? >> becauau i i tnk we n need to rerene this. ririghnonow what i'd like totod is g get t inputofof the hospspitalthth are so portant, tt just toto e prprosision of memedil care to theeoeoe i represent, but ittlsls an ececonic engine in our district. eyey'rthe rgrgt employers in ththe strict. i i ntnt tfind out f from ththew this public planaffects them. is it going t t ive them out of sisiss? look, i belilievweweeed a puuicc plan. bui think it ndsds tbe tutuaial sound. needs tocompete w with the private market. we want to briring o w wt's best ababouththe rket f foes and suppress what's s ba a abo them. thatat t theroblem with the stst now, it's not done that. i'm all for blbl opoptn,n, i just want to m make surerett's e right. >>elel now, i i'm under t the understandndg g th the 46 bluee gsgs tt signed on to tss said they don'tant the publicc
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optition >> no, that's n n t case at t all. > wl, theen, what i is tat you'u' concerned about? mean, the hospitals? >>ahah, well, w wtt the public option as ititow stands looks as though i it'gogoin t t extend dicare reimbursrsemenraras to the e puicic p. many of f r hospitals a are losg money under thth ororla. we'd l likththemto beble to opt intohose publicclans as opoppod to being required t too in. sohat t t reimbursement can bee negotiated. i think that's sennsibl it m mak sse for the hospititals, makes sensee for t pupubl. . >> you can guauantnteeo your nstituents in ohio you'r're going to fitt f a publicic option and you'ree going totogi mpmpition to the private sector? >> that's what i'm gooing to do i'm m ining fight for a public option that is gigitite, that enhanceses alalit thatriring down costs, increases ansparency, makes th system more affordable, brrin higher quality y to t systetem. >> you know,w, that's all gre talklk but are you going to suppppora public option?n? i meme - -- >> yes, i i aa ed.d.
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i want to support a a puicic option if i iss doneproperly. then what's in t letter? we're gtiting conflictingg reports herere. because it's's t letter that ee c coerervave democrats a the e blue dogs spececificlyly, of thehe 52, hahave serious reservatioions a w wt significant changesesndndhey quesononhe public option a and they can'n'ssta up right ww and sayy u'u'reoing to sport it. >> i'mtanding up right n nnd i'i'm ttoing to sak f f all my blue d d frfrnds. a t t of us doo agree with t the public oioion. we jusus w want to make surere ' measured propeperl the other thingweweavecoconcns about aree mvivi a l lite bit too fast on this issue. we all k kn that heaealthare has to be addresesd.d. it's gotoo be addresseded ts s year. i'like the ability to g go b bc m my providers, go bacack to y consumers and mymyconstituents, and get their reaction. don'teven know howhhiss going t to beaid foryet. > well, i wldld -- ononessma, wowoulsuggest yuu take yourr name offffhahat tttter because e seriously. mm n n trying to dis you. i knknow the people e inhihio n this..
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>> we need heaeathth care refm,, know tt,t,ed. by want totoo o right.. this is arofound i issu -- >> we'e'reoioingo do i it right just get the rpupublans out of e way. get t the republblicanououof th waway d d wel do it just right. they haven't de e any f fars atat a when it comes to h hlth rere ithe last eight years. >> i i he yo brother. . >> i'm glad t hear what y're sayingngtonight, congressman. snangs so much foror joining us > gd d toe here. not all offththe blue dogs are in my dogghoe.e. congressman ad s schf is a blueue dogemocrat from california. heid not sign the letetter on the public titi. erere ehe conservativee democrats onon this, congressm? 're getting meded meages here tonigight where do you stanand? >> elell, i've alwaysys supporoa strong p plilic option. d i continueue dvocate for that andd hee written to t leaderershipoourge that we ensu w we ha a aublic option inin t health reform. but here's where think the bl dogs are addggvalue and really theoror ofhe convtiti that we're expressing toleadership. and that ishhis -- and it not on the blic option whereasouou can see we'r divided. t rather, it's that we need to
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bring some r realososontainment the health care sysysm. wewe are spending 1 of o gdp on healththcacare whwhich the most o of any induririized nation. 'r're t gettitigreat ooutme. got 4545 mlili people uninsured. alth premiums arere going up four tesesasaste than ges. at's unsnsusininab. so wee cat s sily graft new bebeneciaries onto a brrenen system, we needd t bring about refoforms. as the prresenen talked about during his cacapaign, rororms thth m mov us to a vavalubased stem where we're compenentting providers forr h how well they'e doing in takakin re of patitientsnonosimply the voolu of servicece th are ovided. >o o yore -- >> ttt i i thk k iseally at e co. . >> congressmsman i'm heaeangng t you believe that there's's no threat whatsoevever o of the b g democrats getting i in e e wa of a publiliopopti? >> well, i'm'm telngngou, ed, i support a public option. ll, that -- i'm glad y you do. i'm glad you do, you've toldd at. but theessue here,he issusu he is that you'veotot a
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consnsertitiveroup o off democr the hohoe e rit now thatat are mang some waves and threateningotot to supportrt it. ththats a mixix signal to the american peoeopl i thought the democrats of t hohoe e we okay thihi >> wewell, the d demrarats in t hohouse ee unified i in wanting masssse e heth carere foform an toto eand and bring about univererl l verage. hohow weetetthere, theheres s n nsnsens t that involves the entire democratiti caucus. we are a big tentpapart as you know, .. i cann reayy only speak f mymylflf a those who shharehehe sa viewew and as farar as mm coconcnened, ed a publiccoption, not onn becaususei think it's a vevery cocostffective way to expend healal c carbut ituts pressure the costssinin the privatee system. by briininabout necessary cocoetetitn. so fme, aublic optionn isis not only valaluaeein itit own right, but in terms ofoo containment it b brin about competition f f the prrivat plans which ii tnknk is extraordinararily important.
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> a right. you know, t the rason we're in the e majority, ed is becausese e a big tenttparty. d d th means we've gotvery beral democrara and coerervave ones representinin tough areas. that's why w we' working too ge consensusu >> congressman s schif reectfully, i don't sasagr ththhe fact that we're a a gggger tent than what t the conservatitives ddver the l la eight years. t t u're in power, in my opinion,n, bauause the decrats wentutut acrossss isisountry and talked aboututhahang and said that they were gngngo do somethingg about hethth carr and when i seeee the blue dog dedemoatats,nd i knowow they ererat they go home ddhey plpl the cseservive side of thin.. they'regetting weak knees s on thisis. it would seemoo me that somebodydy'sotot t hold ththrr feet to ththe fire. let me ask you this. doou think that the democrats ---- >> ed, lt t me sayis. > you think the t ti dedecn ththe ususeave the votes to this? >e'e'reoing to have t t have th v vot to do itit, ed. and this gets to your basas popot. and thatat i you're right, the
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momocrs were put inin t the majoririty a the presidentasas elected because the arican peop w wt change. an in terms of heaealth care, w need change. basically, at theeend of the daday, e w wre going to evevalted based on w wheer we cacan deveve and theototto line is, we're going to h havtoto delivever. nottnly were we elecdd on that prise but the country need it. d i think it's in a t tim likik thisis whe,,ou know, w have an opportununitanand obligation to do m more anantitinking ararndnd the edges. anand think we need v ve substantial heal r rorm. wewe'rgoing to do it. >> congressman am schiff, god toto havyoyo on the progogra tonight. weilil obviously follow ththe story. thank you so much. coming upup this is th bes adrtising geneneralotots could buy. aa featured carr in the summer' hottttestmovie. the new cacamaro islying offhe t.t. and itould be t wind t tha gm nes s get back intothe ack. plus, george w.. bush. just how invololvewawas in wiretataining? when i was told hadiabetes,
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i lt azingly boxed in. (annouer joe uses the contour meter from bay.. (joe) my meter absolutete adapts to me and my lifestyle. i'm joe james, and ing outside of the box is my simple win. (aouncer) noavavailable in five vibrant cololors. (aouncer) noavavailable discover a lightht yoyogu like no other. activia a lit!t! delicious, fat free, d d abe all... the e lyly o that has bifidus regugulass and is clilinillll proven to help regegulee your digigesveve stem. activia a lit.t. ♪ activiaaa! !
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thfirst one was ever ilt back in march. it's outselling the ford mustang. general motors erged from bankruptcy today. ceo fritz henderson sa the new gml be focused on the customer. he says they're gog to me money on this thing. in fact, they'reoing to repay the $50 billion gernmentoan ahead of the deadline, which is 2015. i've said l along, it's a loan, it's not a bailout. now gm is coming out saying, we're going be able to make the deline, we'll probably beat it. joininus to talk about the new gm is the chief financial officer ray young. good to have you o"the ed showtonight. did you expect the camaro toe this hot? >> well, we knew ase developed the product that thisas going to be an exceptional pduct. so we were very anxio to t a prodt unched in the marketplace in order to se what the reaction was from the customers. ands you saw, the reaction has beenbsolutely incrediblefor
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this vehicle. we're absolute delighted. we've got different versions of th camas and they're all going t the doors as fast as we can build them. how much hs it helped you to ha a hot summer movie out therfeaturing this vehicle? >> well, it helps, fitely. it gs back tohat we call crcreave marketing.. you don't want to simply have to advertise your produc, you have to find different venues to show your pructs. so this partnership with the "transformers" hasuued out t be very good forors.s. not jujusthis producuct t her producuctss s ll. >> y youcocompy is telling thth amereric t tpayer that you think yoyocacan y back $50 billionon ahead of s schulule. you're goingngoo dthat all with e e d camaro? i meme,, this is a pretty b bo atement, isn't it? are you ththatconfident that gms ining be able too turn it arououndikikthat? >>well, just t t be eaea i memeanthe loan is about $8$8 billionn t the u u. government and the canadian governmeme..
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d the rest of theinvestment, u.s.s. gerernmt has b basally purchasesed shareses oththnew generaral motors. what our cc indicateded is we hope we can rray the looan component back ahead of thth siyeye term of t loaoa with respectto the common shares o o n neweeral motors which the u us.s. gernment ownw weopope to get an ipipo out sometime next yer,r, in 20201 d thth willllllow the vevernnt to startselling down t the shhes whenenev t ty dedeem propriate. >> do you need anonoth v vicle fore that independent t blblic offering? well,l,ee have e lolot great producuctseaea to be lauauncdd righghnonow. i mean, thth nice tining about w generaral totorss we ererge todaday thatee've gotot additition f fe new products comingtoto t market this calendar year. an every one ofthem are inin toto b exceptioioll wininne.. we're actualallyvevery veryry excicite thnenew lalaososse the w cadillac s,s, the new cts spopot gogon,he new evrolet equinox, new generation, anthe
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gmc terrra.. all theserere going to be exceptioionaehicles entering the market over t te e ne three monthshs. >> goodo o ha you withss tonight and conongrululatns on thth summer success th g genal motorsrs hahavg. i'd say ttt real goood news r r thtaxpayers. good to have y youwith us. nenextpp o on hehed show," "psycho talk." the founding faththerssay americans have the rigight t t li, liberty and the pursuit of happyness. ththeyidn't say you have e h hv the right to e eat a righty talking had gives u us psycychooooofor thought coming up next. looking at beses just because theye e side you esesmean they're protecected. oh, laes. let's say you havesteoporosis. i do. yoyou uld losing bone strengt cai geit back? (announcer)) k your doctor how to lp treat osteoporosis wi once-a-month actol. actonel is clinally provenoo help inincrea bone stre to helpp prevent fractus. so you can get ck
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me of what you st do not take actonel if you have low blood calcicium, severeney disease, ant sit or ststfor minutes. foll a all dosing instructctions. stop taking actonel and tell your door if y eerience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or seve or continuing heartburn. these may be signs oserious upupper digeive problems. promptly tell yoyo doctor if you develop sereone, joint orususclpain, or if you develop ntal problems, as serious jawbo pblems have bn reported rarely. toet a free trial offerr of once-a-month actonel sit can he you reverse boneoss. you have q questions who can give you the fincial advice you need? ere will you find the ability and resources to keep you ahead of t this rapidly evolving worldld? ththe are ugh questions. that's why we bug together two of the stst powerful nameses t t industry. inintroducg morgan stanley smsmith barn. he to rethink wealththanagemt. re to answer... yo q questns.
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> since we're going to ha a great weekend we ought we'd giveou a double do of "psysycho talk tonight. herere's a d doubleheer foror y. congressman rlunt and town ll julian baers. banders was fefeatured in a heat care debatee on ms bhchlt c earliethis week. she went up against fire dog jane hampsre who spokoke in fair of a public option aand used he personal experiencnce of bei a cancncerurvivor after g going througugh th for 166 yrsto make h her point the exchchange got ait heated at time let's listenen to it >> as a 16-year c cancer surviv myself, really find it fensive that pele try and drag others in this and say th ssomehow, r syststem th we haveight now reesents the 50 million ople whoho areuninred
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or that it does anytything -- >> whoa, whoa,hoa. i'm sorry i'm not a cacancer survrvivorut ththat doesn't meai can't criticize a publicic plan >> you dn't knowwwhat you're e talking about. basic healalth care accessss sh be a basasic humanight in america. wepent $2 tririllion othe banknks las year.r. now we're talklking abouthat we cannnnot -- >>yeah, i woululdrgue food ia basic huhuman righ the fact is 48 countries includg the united states whoho gned the universalal d declarati of human rights in 1948, they think so too. movingng on to psychoho talker number two tonight. we've got congressmanan roy blu speaking to a conservative radio stion in his h home sate of missouri. listen to unt. he telells us y the g governmen should havave never arted medicacare andedicaid. >> you couldld certainly are that gernment should have never gotte into ththeealth careusiness. the e governnt did get into the health care business i in a big way in 1965 wh medica and later wiwith medicaid.
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and government already didistors the marketetplace. >> ell, let's see here. we decided to take a c closer lk at meedicaid a just t how ma people ithe state of missouri are ing helplped. the congressman's home stat herere's wt weound for missouri. the foundationor healalth. missouri's medicaidrogram currently provides publilic heah insurance to aroximately one out of sevenolks that live in e state. it covers % of missou's children. natitionally, dicaid provides public health insurance to approximately, l let's see,, 60 milln low-inincome americans. to sayedicarend medicd is a wast and suggests s food is nt a basicchuman right, folks,, that's friday y night uble "psysycho talk i i was alwa going
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hahaving to in the middlele of trafc and just stataing and stopping. having tgon the middle of a ballme and then not being a able to go once i got t there. anand gog at night. i thoughght i had a going problem. my dtor said i had a a growinproblem. it wasn't my bladder.. mymy prostat was growing. i had d an enlarng prostate that w causing my ururinary sytoms. doctor prescrcred avort. (aouounc) over timim a avort actually shrinks the prprostete and improves ininarsymptoms. so i can go more easasil when i need to go d go less often. (annnnouncer avodart is for men only. e risk of a spifificirth defect. do not done e d until 6 months after opping avodart. tetell your doctor if you have liver disease. swellilingr r nderness of the easts can occur. ly your health care provider can tell if symomoms e from an enlarged prostate and not a re serious condition like prostate cancer. so have regular exams. call your r doctoroday. avodart. help tata care of your growing prproblem
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is nbc's kellyly o'dononne.. kekell we know ththat the offic of i ispector generaral came out with anotherer reptt today. this dealing with memest surveieillcece pproams. whatidide find out about president bush and hi ininlvlvemt andwhat really went wn? >> repeporr:r: gd evening, ed.. in ttt report yo referercece therararreally interesting details that take us int a ndow of a moment inheusush administrationon tha considered onofofhe most surreal l d d unusual events.. you may recall there wasas a bedsdsid attempt to pressssure n attorney general j john ashcroft into signing paperworkoo reauthorize that w wirap ogogra now, we knew t th had ppppen. what w we dn'tnnow untilil thi rertrt w that president bushsh was very personally ininvoeded. we've learnenebabase on the tes of t t securitity deeilil f joh asashcftft tat president b bh ha cacallg the hospital room, calling mrrs. asroft, i institig on talkingg to the attorney neral, telling he that top
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ais from the white h hsese we coming to the hospipitaroom. and at rst mrs.shcroft saii i won'tt takekehehe cl, her huhuand was too ill. they persisted.. w, why were thheyso anxiouousoo do isis? th program had t b be certified. antitimeas runnnngg out. and thee wtete hse wantedhehe dedepartntnt off justicetoto ag. but there was a lolot o internrl conflict a as you rememember r whheher is was a legal program, h how i s suld wowork o should be involved, and how may pelele suld knonoww about it what's interesesngng ithis plays out like a mmieie the top aiide race the hohoital, tt to the bedsidede o john ashcroft whwh wa so illnd hehe said, i'm not the attorney geral, i've turneneovoverower to my y puty. ththatdeputy would n not sign paperwork. the new fact here iss president bubu was on the phonontrying to pressure mrs. ashcroft and t th atattoey general tollll those to aideso o geinto the romom and to tryry to convinceohoh ashcroft t thahehe nded to sign ththat pererrk.
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he dididn' >> now, kel,, i understanan that a a pressss cference or in a moment when you were i i f fro f president t bu y youpecifically asaskehim about this eexcngnge. what was the r rpopons this happenened i lilie back on ma1717th, 00007. >> reporter:r:ndnd tt's why iti really caughght attention i i the report, . cacausi did ask e president about this. t tt time, we k kne that theree had been s se e indent at the hospital. and it involved the top p peoe for thee president. s s whe house counsnsel. his chiefof staff. stood up in t theoaoad gardenei said, "mr. president, did you authorize them too g go to the hospspitaloooo doouou tnk this is appopoprie conduct for yourur t officicis?" and he sesesteed that question.. his response was thatate e believed this wawas aawful a an cessary program to prect the ereran people. i followed up again and i ii "did you order it, r?" and s sd, "kelly, i don't want to move this rther. i i owow tre's been aotot of speculation but it't' an important andd nesessa ogram." so h he wodndn answer t the question thenen and we learned f fr t n not of
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agents who w wer protectiti joh asashcft that he was innlvlved >> and alalso, kelly, was thisi ee 1h hour o of this progm?m? bebecae think there's going t t be a lot americansns ttt a gogointo vi this a a psisint bush w was catchihi then attorny john ashcroft at a very vuvulnabableoment to get thisis recertificicatn.n. >> reporter: h hwawas incredibl vuvulnabable he had jusushahad rgery. he wasas on didition. he w wasotot fling well. w wasery wea d d th clock wasticking. e ddldline was r rhtht upon themem. and what tutueded o isthth deadlines s ssssed and ththe president cecertied the ogram on his own withoutthe papartnt of justicee later. thenenvevenater still,l,wewe no know that c cngngre has changed sosome oththrules so this kind of surveillance can gogon.n. bubuthey had t create new law to make i iwork. tt at that ti,, the white ususwas very intent saying isis pgram was useful, necessary, t ttrtr to listen on phone calls or l lk a at e-il of people who mhtht he t tsso al qaeda orotothe terrorist grpspsinside t the united state. >> kelly,hanks for y youime
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toninit,t, ippreciate it so mumu. >> repororte g gooto see you, ed. nbc'selelly o'dononnellhehe with us on "the eded show"" totonigh back to o thcucurrt white house. thoboba administration to meme seemstoto bpretty nervous. esident obama is goggo the greyeyarof the economy next ekekthe state of michiganan i think the f facthat obama sent joe bidedeno o e hetland eaks volumes right nn. the hourglassininheeyey of many p pplpleas really t tned on this s stilus package.. this is the o oma economy. and herere's a a number thahas poposiveve. jojobls s clms dropped dramaticallyly laswewe to the loweststevevelince januy.y. buththers still a l lo way to go. joining meow is formerlalabo secretarary bebert reiich, professor ofububl policy at uc beelel in cafofoia, also author of"surrcapitalism," available e now paperback. at's going on? why i iit so slow, in your opinion? what's happenining? >> i wish i i uld tell you t
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ececonomisis turning ouound and evererythi i i comingng uonon rs and green shoots ee souting. actually, it isototoing that wa the asset bubblelehahat ew up, e e hoing bubblele was such huhugehohocko the s sysm that ememplerers e still laying off pepeop.. we have 9.5% of o o eire workforce is laid ofoff. t t th doesn't evven ilulu all l ofhehe peopleho are too scscouged to look f f work and l l the peopple who are woworkg part-time that would thth be working full-time. ththiss a huge problem. onon o outf seven americans are either unemploymentnted o unrereloyed. and d asonong that's the case, they don't h have themoney this go a arndnduyuyhings which memes employers areoioing to be yiyingffff even morepeople. >> as formeraabo secretary what would bee your advicic t te obamama adminisistrioion? what shoulddheheybe doi?? >> the obaba a admistration wowould veve diicicul time seinin congressn a second stimuluspacke.e. papartularly given how l lggt has s take to get theirirst stimulus package o out the oror. w wou say that thee only poposslele ing thahaththeobama
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miminiration can do that rerepuicans and conservative democrats might poposslyly signn is aaxut for middle class, low and middle cssss peoplele maybe ememptg the firstst $15,00000 o of income f from pa tataxe that wouldldutut money intnto people's's pkeketsight aay. it's s sething repububcacans cod possibly kke. and maybe e itwowod get t the econony y going.g. >> they've alwayssiked tax cutsthth's rrsure. there's a veryry o onoustotory thatatamame ut earlilier tss we th a lot o t the states that are in finanaiaial trouble, ey're sitting on theney. and the stimimulus money is not goinggo job crcratatio into new projects. what do you think the obama administrarationrr the sesecrar of lababould do about that?? >>well, there areevever inin here, ed. number onon the obama administration needs to ---s alady doing but needs to do evevenmore, acally getet o top of t theunundshat are going o thee door, makiking sure that t states are spendingtt down. number two, th stateses right w ha
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