tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC July 10, 2009 7:38pm-8:00pm EDT
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stand wi you to change americ to restore its future, to risto our best ideals, and elect barack obama president of the united states >> welcome back to "hardball." that was senator ted knedy speaking at the democratic hbo's new documentary ed: inr. his own words" chronicles the life and political career of the man now known as theion of the senate. it airs ononday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. and caroline waterlow co-produced thfilm. i want to get rig to the movie. there's so mh ground to cover. we d't have enough time for this. i nt to show the people out there, people under 60 w don't know the early ted kenne, don't remember the early ted kennedy, i want to show what you've got in this movie, especially these kid-- that convention was watched ba lot of youngots, a lot of kids at that convention. i was ere. that's the oy ted kennedy they
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know. >> absolutely. i alsom one of those people who know hs a -- knew him as a seor senator, very vocal, ve confint, and an older gentleman, and so, yeah, to see him when he was in thearly '60s, starting out, justs feisty and -- is incredibl >> he started out prty young running r the united states senate. he was an assistant district attorney in boston. his other got elected to the presidency. that meant there was goingo an opesenate seat to run for in two years, and he ran. and heound himself in his very first senatoalampaign debate. you have footage of that in your movie. let's take a look at that right now. >> if his nameas edward moore, with his qualifications, with your qualications, teddy, if was edward moore, your candidacy woulbe a joke, but nobody is laughing.
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bo is laughing. and nobody is lahing because his me is not edward moore. it's edward moe kennedy. >> it was a full-court pss by ede mccormack. it was really ite a baptism by fire. >> you are not running on qualification. you are running on alogan. you can do more for ssachusetts. this is thmost insulting ogan i have seen in massachusetts politics bause thlogan means vote for this man because he has influence, he has connections, he has reons. >> we should not have any lk about personalities families. i feel that we should be talki abt the people's destiny in masshutts. >> now, the ironic thing abo thatticular debate is that if eddie mccormack was runni agnst anyone else, the
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opponentould have said the same thing aut eddie mccormack because eddie mccoack's uncle wathen john mccormack the speaker of t house of reesentatives, so he was running on a very famo political na, very famous political family, t it was the second most famo political name in massachusettat the time >> exactly. >> thawas something that ted kennedy had to fure ouhow to bear and then enter the senate like al frankeis now but much bigger version, as aig celebrit everybody d their eyes on him and how he was going to peor how did he pform? >> i tnk he did very well. i me, it w amazing to see althe issues that he cares about passiote now are the things that he was cing -- he has always cared passionately abt. he was always fr the beginning talking about healthare, health care for seniors. those are issues that he has ally stuck to his guns a i think very admirable for that. >> richard nixonas absolutely obsess with the kennedys, having lost a presidential election to jfk. then he's in the whi house and he's still not confident he's beaten the kennedy and he was complete obsessed with teddy.
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'll listen to it right nowto a secr white house recording of nixon wanting to go after teddy kennedy. thiss from the nixon tapes. listen to is. >> i'd like to get teddy taped. that's why i want a l more u of wiretapping. . >> supposing there's somhing we can reay hang teddy or the kennedy clan wh. d we're going to want to r with it. >> i mean to get the rea scandal on them. >> just lookinfor scandal or impropriety. >> nowou're talking. >> imaginethat. re youre. you're a a senat. you've got a psident of the ititedtates obsessing all day. ther sething we can hang on him? sothing we can accuse hihiof? >> with teddy wi a all t thingsgs he s dealing with politicallananthin his fafaly and all of the lossssese has ffffed, he was also -- he lost his oldest brotother in world war r ii. he then has his remamaininololst
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brother assassssated nember 22nd, 63, asresident of the uned states. his then -- his remainindest brother isssassinated while running for presidenin 1968, d at this point having lived throh all of that, here we are in 1972 and nixon is tryinto figure out how to make thi guy's life worse. >> yea >> but he rseveres. he keeps going, and he evenally himself wants to run for the presidency. >> yes. that was something that i also had not fully appreciated going intohis project, that from about '68, right after bobby death, people are talklkintotoim about running g foprprident, and there was an effort t torara him in '68 to o ta b bby's place, anrereal for, yeah, up until 1980 or '79 when he finally y decides he's goingngo o rufor presididen t thiis a question that's hanging o over m m d it's something people arereskskinhim about that w wlele te. >hehen u look at that early senatete ceeeer ted kennedy leading up priri t to nning for
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presidenent inhehe80s, it's hard to find the easysy yeafofoteddy. rly on as senator, he e haa a ple e ash, a small plane goeoes dodo i in stern massachusetts. he's i in e e ple. i iures his back. never going to b be ab t twalk the same way againinoror t rest of hisis lif one of thehehihingi think about when i watchch h i in ont of these audiences lilike lt t mmer is the young kids dodot t understand w wt t tholder people in that coconvenononall, what's happened to thth w whethey're crying lisisteni t tted kennedy. th d d't know the emotional l base o oththe lationship that he has with t tho v vots. lelet's keke look at ted kennedy gigivi what i believe was the e most eloloquenpupuic eulogy ever gigive it was his eulogy y ofisis brototr,r, rert kennedy. my brother need not b b idealizezeoror earged in death beyond what hehe w i in fe. to be remembmber s simy as a good andnd denent n who saw wrong g and ieieto right it, saw
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suffering and d ieied heal it, saw war and d ieied stop it. >> not easy to watch.. n n it's incredibly emotition montnts,nd really we tried very hard in this fifilm, 's's entirelylyrcrchil interviews and otote. wewe ted to let the footage speaeak r r itlf. you can see ththe ototioand you can see teddy just by y wahihing him and lettttinitit py. >> monday night t at 90 0 hbo. thank you, caroline wawarlrlow upnext,ee jojohtoton. thee fatherof bririst papann's ba s ss he knows why s sahah palin quit ass governor. we'll get t lelevi take next in "the politics fix.x." two meum cappuccinos, you're ready for the mid-morning rush thankss a good breakfast. one cffee wh room, one l largeha latte.
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mediumacchiato, light hot chocolate hod the whip, and two espressos. make one a double. she's fibefofocused! i veve twoappuccinos, one e coffith room, one largeocha latte, a medium mahio, a lighghhot cholate, hold the whip, and two ereos, one with a doublehot. ggonna take more than coffeeee to stay this focused.d. stay full and fococused . with a breakfast of kelgg's® frostemi-wheats® cereal; an exllent source of fiber at helps you avoid... the diststraction of mid-mornrning hungng. no thanks, i'm m good > coming up, senator roland burris who repced back obama the senate says he's not running in 2010. but does he leave his rty in a worse potion to hold that seat next year? we a all have confidence
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and we're ba. time now for "the litiix" with lynn sweet of "the icago sun times" and "th"washington post" perry bacon. levi johnston, theather of bristol palin's baby, s his own theory about w governor sarah palin will step do in 16 ys, and in an interview with thassociated press, levi said that governor pali quohad talked about how ne it would be to take some of this mone people h been offering us and, you know, st run with it. y forget everything else i think the big deal was the book. that w millions of dollars. a palin fami spokesman shot do"
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a palin mily spokesman shot back, "it is interesngo learn levis working on a piece of ftion while honing his acting skills." lynn eet, this soap opera continues. what do you make of vi's latest entry it's as good an exanation as anyone come up with, isn't it? >> well, it is good. money is a motivat. i'm in the camp right w where i don't know she had that much to gain bytaying in alaska to fini out her term. even though, you know, conventional wisdom wod say that's what she should do. it might not hurt her for whatever her future hos for her. >> perry bacon, are you persuaded by levi's hearsay? >> i don't knohow much levi talks to theovernor but i think, tt said, i think it is likely she'll make a book, it is likely sheill make more money being out of the governor's office than in the govnor's office. >> w been taking bets all week and i'd like you to put your bets down can she plot her w from here to a presidentl campaign or is she completely out oit?
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>> yes, she ca what do we know? she has to expand her base whi is gng tick with her. she's in a sense -- rember the days when hillarrodham clinton was seen as a very polaring figure at changes. you ca change your persona. it very hard. if youant to sell a lot of books and become a national figure that is accepd by all threpublican party, not just a segment, she has to fire out a way to do at. i n'know if she has now. better to be in e lower 48 to talk to people than to be stk in the lislature in alaska. that's why some this kind of makesense. twthinan happen at once. u can make a lot of monein a book and maybe, justaybe, put togeth an organization or an image where you can givet a try. running for president -- >> there's a lot of resiance -- there's a lot of resistance within the reblican party to pal. >> absolutely. >> that frequent gets ovlookn this coverage. let's nsider what peggy noonan d to say about sarah palin today.
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in television interviews s was out of her dep in a shallow pool she was lited er ability to explain and defend her positions. and sometimes in knowing them. she couldn't sayhat she read because she didn't read anything. shwas utterly unconcerned all of this and seemed, in fact, rather proud of it. it was evidence her authenticity perry, with peopleike peggy noonan taking those kind of shots from within the republican tent, how can e find her way back into credible psidel campaigning? >> i think what changed over the last wk is not -- in some ways is not that much. before, a lot ofepublicans like peggy noon who live in washgton, live in new york, didn think sarah palinas qualified t first place. in some sense is is people who alady did not like her very much and a reenforcing that. i do think ihurts her in that u'll need republican strategists, people in washington to help youun for president. she lost credibilityith those people a activists who are
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more politically invold. she lost credibilityither unexplaid behavior. i think like lynn said, she ha a strong suppo from activists who will be behind her. the polls seem to suggt it hasn't really changed much at all in that people who lik her beforetill like her, democrats, indepdents still don'ke her. >> we'll be back with lynnweet and pey bacon for more of "the politics fix." (m)) i'm rethinkingngveverying...
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and so today, i'll returto the place where my political journey began back i1978. back to the uth side of chicag back to my community and my constituency. to announce, my friends, that i will note a candidate in the 2010 election. and that i will not for the united states senate seat. >> that was senator rond burris announcing todahe won't run foection for the seat he was appointed to brod blagojojevich. we're ba with lynn sweet "chicago sun-times," and pry bacoof "the washingn post" for more theolitics fix. did he just do the math and figure ian't winhis se? there's no sense trying? he had more upon in s pocket than in his caaign account, didn he? >> he did try. he meant to party leers in may. he tried to do some fund-raising. the numbers weren'there. he told memay it doesn't
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matter what i want to doif i don't have any money i can't run. and it took him awhile t realize that this s it. because heidant to try and get elecd to the seat he was appointed to. the politics in linois were stacked against him. no one, national or cal, of any demoatic stature, would haveacked him. >> perry bacon, he seemed to love the job, emed to be thrill getting that apintmenthat looked like the place he wanted to spe the better part of the next decade, at least. los like he's got no fight left in him, huh? >> yes. saw him earlier this week, talked to him a bit. he made the same point ln made, which is he really wanted toe in this job. enjoyed it. always had smile on his face while he was in e senate. for democrats think this is good news for them. theyanted to avoid having him think he was a very ab didn't ndidate to win. i think they're hay about that. two, you've seen barack obama, president oba tryi to recruit otcandidates to run for this race personly at times. avoids having a divisive primary wherthe president
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himselis trying to defeat th only black senator out the i think that's good news for democrats who have been hoping, trying to dissuade him from running r quite a while. >> lynn sweet, youe our race for us now.ndicap the who's the frt-runner on the democrat side and repuican side? >> the front-runner in the reican side is mark kirk, who is n locked in to run. think as of now he's in. there's a few adblocks that i think wi be cleared up. three main people on the democratic side, and this is interestg that you just ran all thted kennedy stuff because on of his nephews who lives in thehicagoarea, chris nnedy, has been orgizing thth campaign. enenou have the state easurer, $1.8 million n reread the war chest.. cheryl jackson, chchieofof t chicago o baban ague. i would d sa---- >> we're goioingo o ha to leave t the. thank you, l lynswswt and perry cocon. chris matthehewsetetns monday for more "hardballll."
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