tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC July 10, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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th familyly having to do so without puppets sasa say, ladidiesndnd entlemen, here is rachel maddow. good evening. >> good evnini, keth. vever deresesmate when a suriri puppet might make a aparance on this show. i'i'm stst saying. > il be rigightover. > anks, keith. >> good.d. >> ththanyoyou at home f f sying with ussfor the nextxthour. will have moretotoght on e seetete, releligusus group the family that appears to b the connective tissue the nator sign xx scandal andd the governor mark sanford of south cacarona sex scandal. jeff charlotte who i iililtred and wrwrotthth book on this little understooddorornization wi b be ck with u toghgh ancongresswoman j jan schakokows of lilino will be here to exexain her charge thathehe cia kept its ownirector in t t darkrkbobo a crcret progogra alalsomelissa harris w wi be here to dececiprrhe repubublin plplbobookn the sotomayor arings which s srtrt on monday and willisiscu sarah palin's's future and an odd public appepeananceshe's m mad tonight wiwi anna marie cocox, all comig up in thehe nt hourur
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>>ee start tonighttith a ststy. a m mteterythat's unfoldining alongsididththe two major lilitil scandals off e summer. it's a stster that concerns th house 133"c" strtre southeastt in washihingn,n,.c. i'm cacallggit a h hoee bause that's what it lksksike to . opopleo live therere. but if youonsult this building's financici p pap trail you will find ttt it'sctually nsnsered to be chchuh.h. that desigignaononakes "c" street a convenient tax free hahan for the secrcrivive organization thahat nsns it, a orgagazazati known as the family. itit ao o kes for some a awkrd tax a income q qutions for the at least ve,prprobly seven members of congress s oo live at the housee exchangeoror what appears to be s sststanally lolo market ntnt. as explained byur gueuest last night j jf charlotte w sesecrly infifilttetethe famimiy to write a book abobout them the "c" street house i is foer coconvt used as a sort of
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subsidideded, scale dorm f for members of cngngre who a a associatated with thisis popowe, poorly understotood religious ououp. the family andnd the house a "c stetetave endedpp reluctantly t t headlines nowecausef e e o major politicicia'' s s scandals embroilining ee reblblic party this s smmmmer ad at have tantwo of theiei reported 20 presisintntia hohopelslsut of political contentionon battled nenedada senator john ensigngn lesest t t c street house. the husband of nator ensign's mimireressays that prominent members s thefamily, thisis rerelious group, includudinthth soso o o the group's founderera well as other memembs s cocongss who live att c street were b botaware off nsnsn's cret affaiair and w werenvolved inin his effoforttoto payff the mistress a and her family as t affafaas o oagagai off ain ending. publican senator tom coburn veves ctreet with ensign. hehe h saidhe cocoaged ensign to end the affair butthehe has niniedhe allegatitionhathehe
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specifically encourarageenator ensign to pay the mimireressff to the t tunofofillions of llllar south caroronana gernor mark nfnfor mentioned c c street by name in h h long plili statement of rret about h afirir wh a aoman in argentina. >>idid yr wife and yoamily owow aut thee a aff before e tripip to gegenta? >> yes. wewee e be working ththro this thg g for aboutthe last f fiv months. ve been to a lot o different -- as far as c c stret when i was i i washington, believe it orot a c cisisti biblble s stu of m memrs of congrere a and i thinknkwere ve important and i've been w wking withth ththem >> hard questions.s. governor sananfoaid he was working with c streetet sehehow out his affaiair f monns.s. while the affair wawas ongoing,
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while itit w s sti cret, and while govevern sanford coinued to li about it pububliy.y. this is thth first point abouou ststetet a the family ttt makes the group more than j jtt a cace appearance i inototh ofhehese s scandalsls. in both iinsncnc these powerfufl family values pacachi conservavaveve polititici who were themselveses hing adulterous affairs s sa nowhaha thth disclclos thohose affairsr otothememeers of cononesessand hehepeopleffiliated withth the seetetiv religiouss grouporor long timimeehihilehe affairs cocontueueand while they werere kept secret t omom the worldtt rgrg this organanizioion s allowed to knkn but nobody else was. zack womp of tennessesee a a reblblic member of c cngngre who says heiviv inhehe c rereetouse for 12 years. today he told"the knoxville ne sesentel" that the membmber of congress w w live trere are sworn to secrecy. quoting, the c c street reesint have allll agreed they wn't tal about ththeiprpriveiving
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arngngemts wawa said and h tends to honor thahat pact. i hate itthat john ennsi lives in the housese and this ppened beuse it opensup all of these kinds of questions, wamp said. but, he ssai i'm n noing to t t guy whogogoes outnd talks. when y youtatalolookg into thhis organization and its mbers' thths secrecy a and fidelitytyt one anotherer ttt i'motot going to be thenene whoalks here theme loomoms ryry lalarg bu stst yr when jeff charlotte's bobo a abo the family camam o out in hardback reresuant buzz aroundthe xrels -- the secrecec and high l lev nnnntions sprere andrdr mihehe to obtainin sermons ofof the grupup long-time leader in order toto fdd out more abbtt what thehe group's aenda mightt be.. here is some of whwhathehe fnd. > i've seenictures of the young men in theeded guguar they wouou bring in thihis youn man's otothe hehe wld take an axx a a cut h
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head off. they have to putut -- t the pure of the r red guard isto have ththr father, moeer, brotherer sierer, d their own lie. that w was a a covenant, apledg. that's what jesuss said. >that's what jesus said? here's more fromhehe same rmrm. >> jesusus said, you hveve to p b befe other people.. and you haveo put m m beefo yoself. hihierer, that wasas a demand t inin the n ni partrty. you have t t put the nazi papay and its objectctiv a aad of your owlilifend ahee othth people. agn, the man speaeaki here is doug co, t the leaderf the group the family, tat runs theh secretive c rereet house that features in the sex scandals o bobothohn ensign and mark sanfnfor doug c,esesibing the grp's missssioththugh his interpretation o o e life and
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wordrds of jesus. one of t things h aiai if anany n comes tome, anddoes nohate his ttr, motherer brbrheher, sister, h his own li he can't b b a a disciplele. so i ionon't care whatototr qualificicioionsou have, if yoy don't doththatou can'tee a discscip o of rist. ifou don't h haour father, mother, rother, ster, yoyocacan' be a discipleff christ. everery ereran's f fith is h h r his own bbusess. thererisis no rlilious test for publicicofce, no official ligion in this cocoury, and ereramerican has a rht to believe or notbelieve to worsrsp p orot w wohip or a he or she se fit. religion is s a p pvate maatt i this country. andeligion is t ganizing prprinplpl of many powerful interests in the united statass including thisnene very connected,d, srnrn t secrerecy miststry onlyly to thehe powerf th has had a a keyoo inowow two major republican s s scandals h he e unspooled this summer, thaha h has a theheolyy
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power that poorly undersrsodod and cites hitler aotot and that cueneny houses at lstst seven mbers of congress.. in whahat alls a church. joing us now onon again is jeff charlotte whohoivived amon this group as s pa o the reresechchor h hisoooo"the famimilyththeecret ndamentalism at theeaeart of american power" which now out inpapeperbk.k. thanks very y mu f for coming bk on thehe s tonight.. i r rely appreciate. > h rarach. thananksororaving me ckck. >> i realize when we finishshed our intervivi l las nighthehe were morore esestis about t t connection betweenen thistheoloy and theseseoolics that i really wanted too ask you. d d wh i askeded u last night how a groupp le the family could essssenalal sanction john ensign putting his mistress's n on the republican party yryrol you said essentially this group would b be solelyly focusesed looking o out for jo engngn dling with i internalally now it seems likikaa b part of the way ensisi responded tohehe scandal was by spreading a lo ofof m mon around. talk to me a a little bit a abo alal and financial perer and
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w that fits intotothth theololog of this group. >> well, toonderstand the falyly approach to wealth,, it a good place to start is their own l lab f for themselv. they like too call themselves te christian mafia attimes. they mean thihisnhehe sense of money movingng quieieyy behid the scenes. david co, one o t the lead he recalls of the group, t son of ththe n we juju saw and alslso johnhn ensisi's's spiritualal ununser we now know, as david coco exexplnene it to me a f few years ago, if moneyey mesesround behihindhehe snes through what they call thee an-to-man nanancl mehoho thenwewe are able t t sort of maintntai tisi veneer of p pricycy and t thi i very important bececau when you're dealing with membmberofo th faily, these ys have been ososeny god for leleerersh and wh t t family iss ging to d isisn some wayay almost play t roroleff fixexersoror these guy. so when i hed about th ensign
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money,y,hahat kes sensesess a ndnd o thing they might be comfortable with.. yoveveot to pull i it out into sort off a broader picture. ugug co, the leader of t group hasaid, iooan or give money to alloos of p peoee o i ha my fririen d ds now, co takes no salary mny yeyear all of theoney is sort of momong through thisis mama meth and when youu apply tatat overss as theyey d y start to s wh t the idea of thhis is. they believe i in something cald blical catatali and biblical catatali i the wayay they're going to brinin the gospel to te already powerful.l. where the m mon goes theyy believevgogod goes. > s biblicalal ccapalism, th eaea o the man-t-to-n n fincial meththodwhwhh is onef theoore awaward terms of a a summer ful ofof awkward tes, thatisisot just p parof the waay that they exert powewer. that is paparl of their theolog, part of t the way thehenderstan how they are, theirerersi of
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christianity at leasast? >> absololelelyyes. it's a theololocacal position. d when theycacall themselveses christian m maf and talklk abou sortrt o avoioingng institutionalizatiti, , ta about avoiding, you ow, the boks and recocordanan all of tatat kd of stuff,llll of this sff allows thehem avovoid accountability. what they st ass aavoining thee buildingp of a a edicice. there e a a level in whicich th're almost antichurch. they don't like an organized church because it's t democratic. they like this s st t of behihi the scenes elitete approach. . >> well, uu write in t family about how doug c has donee litical favorsfofor dicctarsrs like the leader of indonesesiand somalia a an angola. what is the family doing witit these e guguy wh are there so manany diatator thatatouougco a other members of the fily cross paththswith? w does that work? well, you know, wehehednn that clilio tatalngng about mas
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cha and so on and wealalso hear him again a a again using t t mo model of hititleasasn i ide of strength and i've heardimim -- this is really boilerplate seserm f f doug co. it's'sotothat he's a a neo nazif some sort bu that theyey fetti on stngth. they loooo f f the leader o th b bieve is chosen bygod. evidence is his powewer, his wealth, and s willingnesso align hihimsff with thehe versin of american power. the dictator suhartonn indonesia a waonone such. they organized meetetin foror h with american d dense contractoror w witthe chairman the joint ceefsf stafaf with the seetary of defefen,, anddosost n noblbl since indonea is a major oilprproding company with american oil executives who descriribeththr meetings i in mos ofongress as greatat moments of sririal honesty between themselves andnd the dictator. >>jeff, bbrilyly, we're justt about out of time butt religio is obviouslyyprivate mattete in
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ththiscocouny. yo think theememrs of congrere w whoelong to thhis regious group s shod feel compmpeld d tell the c couryry more a autut t group? do you feel t th wld be appropriate? >> think when youou have members congress w w are lookingngto a papartulular religious grouou fa sense of authororyy tt is explicitlyaididocratic, explicitly f fetshshizg rength andd dictatoriaiapower, if teye wa t to thatit's their choice but i i ink they owe it t tir nsnstients to say heheres why i h hav chosen to leave the mamain sstrms of ereran religion and affiliate myself with thisecect that i so unthodox and so reeal brutal in its theology. jeff shshartt contributing editor at""rprper magazine and author of the bokok "the mily." ththan for joining me. i owe you one for two ninigh i i a row. thanks v vy y mu. >> thanks. miming up a n n teteigence repoportayays eawawleness of e e sh aadmisistrion's spying prprram is way m mo lawlesesthtn we t thohthtt was.
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mr. sh's ownwn attorney genener apparently srt of duped into sisiing off on somometngng h h dididn understand.. new spying programs launched eks before even mickeyooe gagal thorization ululd bee obtained from lalawys s ha ckcked for e jobithout even the k knoededge of those lawyer survisors. democrcrat cocongsssswon jan schakowsky heads t ovoveight coitite on the house inllllence commmmiteend is also blowing the wstst on t cici keping its nn covert activities secret evevenrorothe he o of the cici congresswoman jan schakokowsky will join usus next. (announcer) the most adedutomobile we have ever cread. a car that can lplp awaken its driverer if he begins to doze... keep him i in his la if he stararts to waer... even stop itself if he becomes distracted. if you want to seeee the future of the e automole, just look at the new e-class... today. ts is the 9th nnerion e-class. this is m mdes-benz.
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they're granttonve your psonal space and touch you. i sat next to a replican senator oncet dinner and he had h hand on my innerhigh and e whole time i was like oh, get meut of here. >> compassionate conservativism yone? sorry. 's very important fo to uh check my blo sugar before i go on stage. being on when i'm feing low can be like a rollercoaster. it does at times feel likmy body elling me to do one thi.. and, my mind, my heart is telling me to do somhing else. managing my highs and lows is super important. with my contour mer i can personalize high/lo settings so it real does micromanagwhere my blood sugar needs be. i'm ni jonas and never slowindown isy simple win.
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quote, particularly describing the place to b search and th rsons or things to be seized. that's one of favorites. who doesn't lo the fourth amdment? well, actuay today we hve some more detail on that. when the congress last yea decided inex-president clinton bli to give the bush administration legal power to much o the warrantless searching that theyad done illegally anyway, one of the minor comforts in that legislation, that fis reauthizion, for those who mourned the fourth amdment, was the fact that the legislation required the inectors general of the pentagon,epartment of justice, the cia, th ns and the fice of the director of national intelligenceo comprehensively review what the bush adnistration did in tms of warrantless wiretapping. that rort is in. today thepublic at largeot access to the unclassified versionof it. it's sort of a doozie. first, thefirst legal opion that ted to pseo legally justify e program wasn't issued until weeks after the
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ogram arted. second, at legalpinion was issuedy the very famous torture memo guyn yu w appears to have been hand picke to write the legal jtification for the program even as his bs and eveone else inis departmentas kept in the dk tirely. third, attorney general john ashcroft appears t have signed off on th program for two a a half yearswithout actually understanding whate was signing o on. the bottom line? we are talking about very small number of people involved in institing what appea to anillegal prograwithout even the barest minimum tempt to make it seem legal and th small mber of peopl involved ines the presint directly, george w. bush and the vice president, richard cheney. meanwhile, in day the of a disclosed to congress, has congresswoman jan schawsky today said forthe first five months of his tenure as cia director, leon panetta was himself kept in the dark abouta secret cia program that had also
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en kept fro cgress, which is illegal. when he fou t about the programr. petta not only stopped in its tracksut disclosed it to congress immediately and has now launchn investigation into how the cia is running progms without teing even its own leadership l alone the legislative branch it's sued to ovse the agency. joining us now is congresswom jan schawsky of illinois. e chairs the house intelligence bcommittee on oversight and investigations. represtave schakowsky thank you very mh for joining us tonight. >>hank you, achel. launched annrnal probe at ta has the cia to deterne why congress wasn't told about this mysterious program that i understand w can't know about in terms of t detailsecause it's classified. u' called for an intelligence committee investigation. >> right. >>hat do you think it will take to get to the bottom of this? >> well, myhope is that on the intelligence committee wel ke this very seriously. there are two iues involved. one is the underlying substance
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of the program thatwe wer't read into,hat congress wasot informed about. the other is avery serious breach of the, i tnk breakg the lawof the national security act of 1947, whereheydid n tellhe ngress. it's ve clear that for programs like this it is t obligation of the intelligen community to inform the united states congress. so that program started right after 9/11 in 2001 andt was not unti june th they told the director of the cia. that was the fite heard it, as you aid, and the very next -- that day he stopped the program ane nextay he ca down to te us abt it. those are thtwo things i think we need t look at. >> do you think that elements the a even of the intelligce community more brdly are deliberately operating outside the chain of command now, that they're deliberately kpi their actions secret? or do you think that things like
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this which you're documenting and saying would be a violation of the ntional security act, do you think these are oversights or inadvertent mistakes? >> absolutely not. this we know, that there was a decision that was mde not to te the congress. and so that's one of the ings that we have to ok into very fully, why that decision was made, who made the decisionot tonform thecongress. this was no mimiste. ththeyid not wanantus to know about this. >> do you knonow who made t t decision?? >> we're going t to -- can't talk abobout the names t tha wr involved, but i ithink our investigation neededs determine extly who ---- what conversations were had dd who gned off on tsedecisions. okok.. the e repon these so-calllled presesenent'surveillance program at came out thihis ftfternoon, obviously we'vee oyy seen the classified version andnd what's that isrerey hairraising.
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aryou concerned about w wat the spsptors general found in that report a abo warrrrtltles wiretapping and these strange and very l limed efforts to mak ththe pogram seem gagal? >> wel,l, what iinintestedin is that it etends beyond the tfp which did f fdd out about, mostly first throughgh the newspaper, but that there's a esidential surveillancee program m atat gobeyond tht,t, that tere are other intelligence activities t ttt john u wrotee t memoabout. yoyouknow, theyey fndnd their g ain, the guyhoho will sayy ththat, well,l,hehe prerededent be stopppped.. itit h his c constututnal rightn order too d defd thecountry. hehean basicalllly do anhihing it was notot only the rture meo but now h h wasustifying this prprogm. it is sadd i think thatt d depy assistant attotoeyey geral w wa e only one that, at t the offie
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of legal ounsel, that waas r r into the p proam at all. hihiboss said hee wasrprised, a a ttle dappointed that hadn't h hea a abo itit, that h snsn cononsueded onit. anansoso ty obviously, i think, kn this is g that wouldd juststifeveverhing. now, later on ococour when a osos look was taken, his legall opion and t ntortions he went through wererviview as ininaduate to reallyy j justyy e ntntinnce of that prraram. bubut'm curious. weaven't seen - -- i hav't't seenenthe classified versionony. what a are those otr intelllligcece acvities that constititute the esesidt's susurveianan program?m? >> also o of urse i'dove to find out what john u has to say about th. hehe ocourse refefusedto talk theinectors general f forhis port as did d dav diditon as did georgetenet as dididohn asashcft. it seemsms likthere's a lot more k kn, congrgrswswom.
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>> that'ss right. there were 2200 people whodid, were sveyed, but t tose imrtant players aually would nonoparticipate. >> demomocricic congresswoman j schakowsky ofillinois, thank you very much for yr time tonight and good l luck thth yo continind d investigations. t tnk you, rhel. >>still t ome, melelsasa harris lacewell andanna marie x x wi be here iscuss the future o ofhehe gop,p, short te an long te. t t shorteerm the s srereme court nininion hearingsgstatart on moayay thth rublican strategy a agast sh-i-in sotomayor r yyurprise you and governorrarah palin makehehefirst puic appearance since e five interviewswsnn waders experienc she had on momond. thatatatt public appearance was about hour ago. it involves t ted nugent. i will explain. ay with us.
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still ahead the bgest political story of the suer. yes, bigger than the certain governors and senators philanring, judge sotomayor's confirmaon hngs that start monday. it looks like they may start a returno republican racial litics of yor. we'll talk about that shortly. and rah palin wants to help her fellow republicans. is she an offer they can't refuse? an marie cox willbe here in ment. fit, time f a couple holy mackerel stories in today's news president obama landed in the western afric nation of gahanna today. it's hisit trip t sub
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saharan africa a president and appantly highly anticipated. do youemember what washingt, d.c. looked lik when psint obama was inaugurated thipast january? the paraphernalia overloadthe flags, t-shirts, pins, posters? well, ghanans hav produced a similar smattering of stuff in honor of obama's sit. e airport was all spruced up. thereare billboards showing the ghanan president with president obama and a word i will not home, i'm guessing a vague sort of referce to thepresident's paternal ancestry in knya given the fact he h never set foot in ghna before. no matter. he will deliver a speech to parliament tomorrow. multipleafrican capitals will be screaming the speech live. in sierra leone movie theaters will show thepeech and in kenya ice of america wll stamhe president's speech live over cell phones. over in somal, however, no
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guarantees of anhing like that somalia consided toav n failed state for the past 18 years and today as president obama arrived in ghana in western africa islamist insurgentfighters in the eastern horn of africa nation that most americans learned about thugh blackhawk down got aterrifying reminder of ju how bad things are in somalia ght now. militiamen who appearedo have as good or better a chan than anyonelse of king over somalia staged aass execution in the southwester somali town. sources told the associated press the seven people were killed forviolating islami law. the current government of somalia is consideredo control only a few blocks of the capital city of mogadishu and even that tenus hold on power is said to be slipping. re our presidteft for gha at a pressconference in italy president obama made a maybe ack abou sarah palin's understanding of africa.
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>> i want to be very careful. africa is a continent, not a country. and congratulations, amrica. we have a president wh both knows at to be true and knows it's not a sort of joke. coinent not country. on the westernide of the continent u have the american president speaki to a democrically elected parliament. on the eastern side the contint you have an al qaeda-affiat terrorist ganization close to runni thgs after 18 yea of no real government atll. ey need - toeep r bodies strong. - school bell rings ) - hey, jessica. - hey, billy. announce a nutritious start to the day is essenal. that's why carnatn instant eakfessentials suppliesll the nutrients of complete breakfast. so kids get the proteiei and calcium eyey nee to help build stronguscles and healthbos. cacarnion instant brbreaasasessentials. good nutrition fr the start. cacarnion instant brbreaasasessentials. ♪ ♪ i i'moooolike that, i'cocoolike that ♪
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the biggest politic story the summer is about to begin. bigger than the ensign afir, bigger than the sanfordaffair. bigger tn t palin shock resignation. all the legislation we don't know theate of. it is the biggest political show yet and it starts on monday. nah's the firsday of the senate confirmation heargs for president obama's supreme court nominee, sonia sotomayor. call in sickow to get jump on mony morning. the republican opposion to sotomayor appears be less related to wther she wi ultimately become a supreme court justice. at is a widely thoughot universely -- tt is widely
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though not universally seen as a forene conclusion the reblan strategy seemsto be morabout how the rublican party wants to be seen in oppositi to her. senators pat rober and sam brownback of kansas and james infe of oklahoma have pledged to vote against sotomayor. inhofe rus to meet with her. as the republicans prepared f the confirmation hearings their sttegic decisions about h to seem to be lining up in the sa direion. the big, blinking, familr, erican directiol arrow marked race. thus far republicans hav attackeder latina comments, called her an affirmative action nomie, singled out r ruling in an affiative action discrination case, and have called the lead white plaf from that case to testify against her. now in the final da leading up to the hearings they have chosen to invade against her work for the erto rican legal dense
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and educatiofund. the republicans have decide to have senator jeff essions lead this battle for them. when arlen specter dfected to the democratic party the republicans ha choice of who shld be their top senator on the judiciary committee and ertly chose jeff sessions of alabama to b thatop republican. he h his own chce at a federal judgeship blocked in 1986 by the senat judiciary mmittee by both democrats and republicans aftetestimony that sessions called an african-american assistant u.s. atrney boy and that he call the naac quote, american and commist inspired. . sessions fered this explanation at the time for his behaor. >> these comments that you could say about a commy organization or something, i may have said something like tat in a general way than pbably was wrong. >> probably was wrong but y know, who's to say? the republican party using the
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sotomayor nominion to position itself aggressively o race? this is not a theoretical rebranding about the pay and its future, about the potential future leaders. this is now. is the party showing inaction, that it is actuallyrefocusing the party along old school, mason-xon lines? ining us nowis melissa harris, pital science professor atprinceton. professor, thanks very much for coming on the show. >> absolutely. nice tbe here. >>first of all, i have to ask if you ree with my theory. es it seem to you that the campaign against judge sotomayor's nonation is subsntiall about race? >> absolutely. clearly, sotomayo is herself a moderate progressive. she has an ermous baround behind her, one of e most experienced justices to be nominated, more experien on the feder bench eve than roberts. so rather than goi after anythi on her record they're going afteher identity, her
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personhood. an mostritically after r ethnic identity and rac >> well, strategically speaking, let's talk about that decision by the republic i mean, jeb bu did an interview this wee with my former colleague tucker carlson in "esquire magazine" and lamented that the republican party is completellosing hispanics now after having made some proess with tm. he says e partcan't win if it conties to aliat hispanics. they have t be cognizant of that demograph truth so what's thpolitical strategy here? >> 's very birre. on o hand you have michael steele supposedly at the he with this hip hop strategy apparently pt of thei big tent strategy and whatever you think abou george w. bush it was effective under his administtion. in fact, w's" administration had a much higher numr of latino and africaamericans at veryigh levels in the administration than are actually represented in the party itself. here they've been pursuing a big
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tent strategy overthe past decadend suddenly it appears they areoing to fold that big tent up. and most critically they seem to prepared to do it around the question of latino voters which isnnormous mistake because course what any political party wantsis new voters and it's been n ee latino v ving blc thatat b bee able to give t papart sort of new voters. they're e longng tt herere >> why wouldhehe make that decicisi?? i think it doesn't make sensese for democrats to ink pupublans are just wlingly and knowowiny y epping off a demographic andd political clclf i ththinkk tey have to sense there's some political w winatat their baback someme political gs to be made even i they are going to givivup latino vors inin t procesess. >> well, y you know,ertainly th was true 40 years a when the partyy s sttegically made a oice to go, y you knowow massis resistance on questions of raraciequality in the south. it appears they're doing a sort massive resistata strategyy here ainst sototayayor as well. i mean, thisisis prettyuch a
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foforenene conclusion. e is going to b be th first lanana justice on the united ststeses sreme court. ththeye e ing to go down as a pay y at opsesed her on thee sisi h her ethnic identity. all i canan t tink is ty're thinking there is a way t to n capitalaliz onnxnxie about an african-americacan prsident, xiety aout a gwingajajory thth than minority of peoeopl of c coror, d tryoo mobilizize nd of white anxixiyy babae. actually t tnknk they're o o ba h her and t tatat in factct they'r'rikely to alienenee latino vototer who are ally whe the neww votingg bloc exexts. >> letet masask u about a different t bu releleded mattttr as you owow i fofoowow y on twtwitr r beuse you're a ry ususinand clever and i k kno that you werer one of the early major voices in this country trying tolert people to an incident that happenededatat awm clubnn pennsylvania involving a bubuh h ofssentially black kids being sent home fromhehe pool
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and told that ty y re changigi thth complexion o ofththat club. what can yoyouelel us autut t situation? >> y yea it reallyly was this moment whe u felt like oky.y. here you ha an african-american presidentnt, nominatiti latina woman fo the ccou, and athehe sa timeme ritt in pennnnsyanan the mstst olold fashioned nststy kind ofo cicismhat we tend to assssoctete with the oos soso a group of about 60frican-american and latino youth who weree rt of a mmer camp programththat had paid $1900 for the urposes of usgg privatate swim clubrrive atat t club and a toldld tt t they cannonobe part of it not onnly thatbubu they h har cicial dererogororcomments by the white adultshere an a are sentnthohome now, the happy ending to t this ththat nyff the twitterndnd progressivehihite amameranan morate white americansnsroroun the countrtryavav expressss outrage anddthther swim
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organizationons veve ce forward to give these young people a chcece. but you r rllllyo feel lilike there is thisisnder ururre, ththisind ofldld fashioned, nasty r racmm thatasn't gone awawaynd makes a i t thkk a little suuicicio about t the ida that the e eltitionf barack obama, the nomimitition sotomayor necessarily y mes s ar in a p ptt racial era. > absolutely. wellll put. melissa hhars-s-lawell popolical science professoror a princeton andarar piece wrrglglr extraordinairere, llll de. youu sort of lookok like you're listenenin r rlllly tensely. anan, melissa. ni t to see you. . >> ththanyou. >> s sahah pin makes herrfirst po waders public appearanance tonight and,yes, in fact,t d involve ted nugent. how d you know the full storyoming up. if you're takingng 8 extra-strength tylol..
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a day onheays that you ve ahritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... pills compared to aleveve. choose aleveve and you could starart taki fewer pills. juju 2 ale have the strength. to relve arthris pain all day ( rake scratchin) why throw away your money? - ( pianano muc playing ) - itch to sprint. save $ $36a ye with the erythg data family pl anget the blackberry curv8330 smartphone for just $49.99. deaff, haof-hearing and people th speech disabilitieses access
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anget the blackberry curv8330 smartphone for just $49.99. run my own business. itit's tough. some days this place gets little out of control. getting clientnts theoor and keeping them off e floor, it is a little strsf. announcer: introcicing nature made heart and stress defenseisish oi all the benefits o of sh o with super strengt ega-3 epa, which may protecyoyour heart against some of the ririsks stress caused by mood. hehey,ife's an adventure, rigight announcer: leararn morebout new heart and stress defense fisish ol nature made. fuelour greatness. > rondnd burris nonound today he will not ruru to d def thth u.s. nana seat he was
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apinind to by disgracac impeached gogoveoror blagojevic. no surprisis he only hadad 20 gnd in t tank d we got wordrdesesteay b burs wod d ke this announcement today. therere s s surprise howeverr few hours s teterhe statement.t. ththe iggest named repupuicican the e ra f f the u.s. senate at did anbrupt about f fe dd apparently saidid h he wouldt be runningng f the seaea after all. just 48 hours after tellinggth republican party senatete cpapan mmittee that he was going too rutoto replace burris congressssn n ma kirkepeptedly started tellinggololleues he hahachanged his mind aas out of the cce. no illinois is adedeeplue ststatand in normamal circumumstceces 's unikely a rereblican would have a ral shotottt winning a a u.. senate seat there right ow. inin lhtht of land buisis and ththe gogoernor, hohower,r,anyt is psisie. onththinmark kirk is naononly famous for of course is travelilingoo china this yr and d llllin the chinese vernment that theyhouldn't trust the arican governrnntnt. maybe the r reann mark k kirkk not t inin to run fofo higher office inn iinois is bececau a
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she joins t the show's host mimichl dukes and mususiaian an fellow gususicn and fellow g g lover ted nunuge of "catcctch fever" fameme >> i i goingg t to have feedom fightarder r alaska, toto fight for aerera and fit for wh's'sight and support pplple wh will haveve t t freedom too cast ee votes and administer the policies andnd laws wewe neo protect ououconstitution. at's rihtht, fighgh ght, fighght,igight soon as i i itit. ghght t as governor, but some other cacapatyty. atat'she part of t th that's impoportt.t. her state ofofdesire isto help other people, to he other candidates, totobeme, if n not nanatialal candidatat herself,e aa leading naonon republican figure who can help other people win elections. ho realistic is that? joiningg us wsnnnn maee cox, n nional correspondedentf r america radio and
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contribubutototo "p"pybyboy gazine. "cat scratctc fevver >> that w wululd play a l lotife had .. >> t theepeplican candidate runnnngg for governor in new jejers r rig now says he doesn't want sarah palinin nrrhis campaign. e e reblican running in virginia implies t s se thing, bubut rtrt omore nicely. texas governor r rickk pry says heheououldove to have her. is that essentialally the geographic sketch of sarah lin's ininueuenc right nn? i think h want her as his vice president after tas secedede the thing is, i think theres definitely a mixeded rctctn to her. i i thk right nowwhwh sarah palin's future los like depependa a t on whhat w do as mumu as what shshe eses i think ifif wee conontiee to ta about h her afterheheasasn'done anytythi n n and talkbout pepeop talking about her,that's a win for her. the more,, the less s does andd
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the morerewewe talk about her, people thatrere drawn toerer wiwillee that as demomoningng h anand rally a arnd heher. hohower,r, ariend ofiine wo o a a go strategegtt id it and i thing hepuput it very well, sh is likik a a ice sculpture. the more shes exposedoo the elements, , thfafaer shy wears dodown deder at thinking, yeyeshe shldld cacampgngn. thatatououlde fantntasc.c. she might d d great,ut as t t magic 8-ball mightayay, utlook not t ood." > talal unriried enthusiasm foforer beininggn thecacaaign traiailss much as possible with as manyny r replican candidatata popossle is thehe head of the momoatic congressional campaign committee. please, please, please, l let send her everyryerere. al publicity is gooddpublicity. joe bididen got a t less publicity thanhehe did a a a vie presesidtitial canandadate and americans were l lef thinkingngh would be a betetrr choice foror vivicereresint. >> thahass wt i'm saying.
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she does stuff and we taa about it a and analyze it,hancs arehehe is going toto dsosomeing stupid. she hassanan fauaus.s. she is arrogant a and inexperienced. those traits havaven kpt people out of the white house lately. weweve she is also disciplined. alall t t major s scaals that follllow r, people thahatt usd peopoplen n he own party t get upset are a rereltlt olack of discipipli.. tataing to others totoda someoeo ntntned she snipedbaback a at levi johnston in "u.s. w wklkly. that is not prpresenenal. sotitis being a a good p pititi isn't knowowinwhwh actionss take, but knowing whatt n n to do. in that regard,d,yes. t her out there p p her in the spotlilit t anmake her say stf.f. if she goess to nomeme a write a book foror ninemomont and we kep tatalkg g abt her, that is sosothing she probably wanantss to do. througugththe tent she thohoug through ththatsisignion, that mamabe what she i hinking. >> herer a appring on t firearms
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friday raadi sw witheded nugent, which like th trifecta of t thigsgs you wouou mama up abouthat shehohose to do next is a a debebera act putting herself f onheheop right.t. >> i think thatisis e exactct kind of thinggff she keeps doing that, we k kn that isis t actly mainstream a amicica ththe.e. th's's little bititoff, a little bit toto t side. if that is t the political jujument she is showiwi, , i n't thk k at is a odod sign forr the gop. agn,n, mt of the people i talk tonn the center of theparty, who are lookokg g to the future arareot excited about her cacandacy and people mostst excited about hehe cdidicy are people who are l loongng fward to obama'ss re-election. >> ana mae cox, t tnk you very chch f your time night. haveve a excellent weekend. >> hpypy weekend, raraeel. >> comingng up o onountdown," te shshadadmistration's secrcr spying programam. next onhihisshow, the weaeak in
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here now my friend kent jones with a loo at the last seven days lamitude. >> three some week on the grill. first up, national pasttime of the week. in an effort boost attendan, some major league baseball teams are offering all you can e packages at their ballpark stepng up to the pla, miocardi infargs. ta me out tohelgame and bring a bucket. weak.
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next, crass commercialism of the week. sears department stores put o wintererchandise hoping to get us to do our holiday shopping now in july, when it's hot. sant here is what iant for christmas. i want you to go away. beat it.y. gelo. too early. >> we will not be undersold and we mean it. >> weak. cyber criticism of theeek. this big youtube hit warns about the dangers of excess ittering. important things you sehe >> igree twittershould be used in deration, so should crooning. keep that to 140 characters or
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