tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC July 11, 2009 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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new this morning, president obamin his message to africa. a live report as he shares his vision ighana. the new general motors. one day after pulling out of bankruptcy, the latest on it hot pursu of a new way to sell cars. >> o my go. you've got to be out of your mi. > bruno. thee contversial film hits the big screen thisweekend. we haveighlights and areview for you ahead. and a very good mornin everyone. i'm alex witt. we will ve all of thatlus th latest on the investigation into the death of michael jason. but first we're going to do politics andhe president' trip to ghana. just art timero now the president' family will be
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touring cape coa castle which was itain's heauarters in st africa for the transatlantislavtrade. the president finishing addre addressinghana's parliament in the la half hour wherehe spoke wi frica's tionship with t u. i see afri as a fundamental part of our interconnected world. as partnersith america on behalf of the future we want for all of our children. that partnership must be grnded in mutual responsibility. nbc'shitese correspondtavannahuthrie is traveling wth the president. savannahoins us once again li from ccra, ghana. what eactly doe the president mean by mutual responsility? well, you know, thisis a theme we hear a lot from the president. 's certainly one at ought to africa with him today. and he's talking about e west, industrializedations doing their part to he africa. t alsofric doing i part to help itself. and that is a theme that the esident had really been hiing upon all week, and now weeard all these themes come
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togeer. in particula hs beenalking a lot about corruption, that certainly is rampa through many countri on this coinent. he saihe's got a cousin in kenya who can'tet a job without a bribe. he td this aience today that's simy unacceptable. he ao talked about sme the confcts that have gone on between tribes. he talked about human rits, of young people brought in to battles and wars in some of thesenati about somef the offens against women. and so he reallygave some tough medicine to this audnce. but he al talked about the responsility that the west has to africa, d talked a lot about a newirection for development inaid, so that africans canake that aid that comes from other nations, but really make it sustainable. for exale we taed about it last hour, alex. this idea of food aid,ood sustainability, food securit for farmers here, to be abl to get that aid to help them be more productive as oosed to just getting deliveries of fd. it's tt old saying, give peon -- give man a fish and he'll eat for a day.
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teach him how to fish and he'll ea forever. that's the same kind of idea that the president is really trying to pres here. >> and savannah, talk about how e president was received by that speech. >> well, it was a very enthusiaiccrowd. about 2,000 peoe packed into this parliament hall. and there we many times when the president's wds were inteupted by applause, o spontaneous ovation. peop saying yeahn agreement. some people sid they wish 'd done me of a puic evt. that this s a speech th could have rehe a wer audience u.s. embassy on this continent did its part because they had screeninparties, that kin of thing. but some people had hoped that the president ul stay lonr and do more of a multicountry tour, which is traditional for u.s. presides. or hewould do a g public ent. this ia s stop. the president wanted to touch base with africa to acknowledge its importance, and certainly to give credence to ghana, whichs one of the betecracies on this continent. but, of course, the expectatn is that he'lle back for a loer visit to africa sometime in the future.
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>> okay. savannahguthrie, we'll talalk wiwith you ain next ur. appreciaiate tha >>all of yoube sure to watch eet the press" tomorrow.w. david grego will have nators john mccn and chuck schur as his exclusiveve guests. if it's susundayit's " "meet the press." so check your local stings for that. a new reportrt finds a secr bubush admistration surveilnce prograwas flaweded. the reportrt wasandated by congress lasast ar, and delivered onon yesteay -- delivered yeyesterda rather. it says no enough relant ofcials knew the extxtent of the ogram d it's not clelear h much useseful infoation was thered bush whihite hou acknowledgededt coucted warrantless wiretaps. but most other aspects ofof tha program remain clasfied. > the is a new tst to the outragag over the agnuses. "the washington postst" report the insusunce git is reportedly asking thee federal governmentnto appre a plan to hand o $250 million over the next ninemonths. "the post" repeport says payout incle millions in papayments owow to th top exetives in the coming days there wawas a pupublic outcry earlr this year when abou 65 until i in retention bonuses
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were paid out to aigig employe. aiaig received moore tn $8$8 billion inin fedederal loans s its near-collapspse lastall. the new gms backn the road this morng, after erging from bankruptcycy protection. the necompany is comii up with new ways of sellinin carsr. there's even talkkf repang massive government loaoa ahead ofhe 2020 dedeadline the automakererped trough the proceengs in 40 ys and came t yesterday, cleansed d much debt. >> basicallyly michael phelpsps beijing.g. it's that fast.. it's that rememarkabl there arere alst no word to describe it. >>ne of t the biggest changes, the companany downsized from eit branands to four. chchy, cadillac, gmc a buickck. e compy also dropped 2,2,00 dedealers ross the cntry. the cocompanytarted usingng itter and faceok to reach youngege byers and even taming with ebay to explolo selli cars onlinine. today, new sig of progress for c ciforni and i its current cash crisisis governor arnold schwzenegger
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d neglent lative lears are gog to meet today too seach for w wayso addss t ttate's $26 6 billiodeficit. as calififnia continues to pay most of itsills with ious, nbc's gegeorge lewis repos if yo have one ofhese ious, good luck ting to cash it. >> reporter: the state californiaia has bn runnnning t printing p presses like crazy, sending creditors s these us. that's becauseseheovernor and theegislature can't aee on a budgetet so there's no real l money pay billlls. >> this s is t harsh rlity in the crisis tha we fae. >> repororter: t state controller says hs issued almostst02,000 ious, totatallin $390 llion by the end o of the montnthhat total could go u u $3 billion. >> this is t t worst fscal time inin california history s since eat depression. >> reporter: so far bnks have been redeemiming the iouus for cash, but t that's aut toend. now,w, many major banks, includg ba of america, say t they'll stop hononoring thious.
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theyeyay ey don't wantt to give the state any incentiveves to kp draggiging outts budgeget problems. thatouched off an eplosion of onli offers from enentrepreurs willg to b b e ious atat a discountnt. but the securitieses and exchae commmmission i tryinto stop anyone except licensed brokers fr doing this. george lewisis, nbc ne, los angeges. undredof psengers are planning to lelee phoenix for loon. their r ip was canced on friday when smsme srted filling up theabin of thth british airways jet monts ter it push add way om the departure gate at penix sky harbor internatnal. we arere awaiting an official cae by authorities suspect it was an electctcal problem. 300 passssgers a crew evacuateusing theescape slides. >> aribute to the king of 307 in h hohotown. ousands of peoplele gathered friday night in ry, indiaiana, to honor michaelelackson the tribute featured performances his mo memerable ngs and r remark from jesse jacksonnd michael' fathereroe jackson. meanwhwhile thismorning, new
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developmentsts in th ininvestigatn into michael jackson's s deth. and fo that l's go livee to nbc's gina kim. i undetand there's a n new devevelopment w in the cstody hearing fofor jackson'ss thr children b becauset's been pushed bk. >> thas right, alex. let's art with that.. it has beeen postptped f one week and appapantly itas atat the request off bot kaththerine jackckson asell as debb rowe, the biologicacamother of twowo jajason's der childreren. this is the rst time thate ve heard mentionon of debbie rowe as havin an active role in any of this custodod ise. and d all indications are that both sides aree tryingg t to feveririly worout some sort of deal. whether it be regardinin visition rightsts, fullcustody, financncial issues. d they're ying to w work on this feverishly inn the privac of theiriratrney's ofces, rathther than the public view the courthouse. and this w would be statement issusued by e attorney for kathere jackson yesterdayay, shtly after that stponement was nounced, he saide are
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pleased d that t child custody hearing has been continu over until jujuly 20tho fuurther our progress a a low us to privately and amicably resolve th most importantatter in a a dignified m manner for the benet of the chiren firstst and all involved.. so for now, kathere j jackson will retaifull custodody of the ildren. >> a and the l lapd cief ther willm bratton sayng he's not ruling outomicide at this poin >> yeah, wee were very surprise when he brought that rd out. because obviously, thatat t tris a whole hoststf things. and the investigagaon is ongoing most definite. but nonoit s seems ke the net is beincast wiwider. sterday, we got w wordthat instigators with the coron's office a are now sving subpoenas several off jackson'sdoctors,, includuding his longtgtime dermatologist, alllln an effo to seize any and a medicical cords. and ofof course, the suscion is, is that thehey ar trying to get to t bottom his mdical history, and especiallylyhat
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kind of drugs were i iolved in his careo treat whahat kind of ailments. d so the investigatition is definitetely ongoing. and the lapd may decidee to eier puursue one route or other, depending on whahat the coroner's investigatioion finds. >> jjah kim in los angele thank you u very mucfor that.. > an update onn th disturbrg story y out of the cook county, illinois cemetery where employs are accusesed of movii and disrding bodiies all in a scheme to rerefill thoselots and turn a quick buck. welloday the cook unty sheriff has s shut wn the cemetery. it is now classifieded as a cre scene. d sadly, bones of t the shandled bodi are surfacing all over the cemetery.y. >e are cling thishing down to makee aoncerted e efort to define t t leth and size much the crime scene and t to bring much more ceceainty peopople. >> hundreds o of family membe are turning upup at the cemety withtheath certificates, loooog for theodies of theieir loved ones.
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e sheriff says t that more people have not foununrelatis than have e found em. how distbing is tha right? still ahead ththis morning, tht presididt and the polls, his numberdropping. is it all the economy? thattory isnext. alsotwo became one with deadly force.e. we're going to tell l u abou the twister that te r rght throh a cam plus why you donon'teed to bug out abououthis lady bugg invasion. re of ese picturess coming u up here on msnbc satutuay. you have questions. o o cagive you the financl advice you need? wherere wi y find the stabilitity and reurces
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toeeyou ahead of this radly olving world? these are tougugh questitis. tht's why we brought totogeth two of the most porful names in the industr introducing g rgan snley smith barney. here to o rethink wealth management.t. here t to answ... your questionsns. rgan stanley smith barne a new wealth manage firm wi over 130 years of experiencnce. a rerelutiony in-wash booster that... works wi your detergent to hehelp remove tough stains... the first time. mimingo stores latete july get y your doll fifty coupon at y!
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ne this morning,resident obama sa the country dsn't need second round of stimulus jolt it out of recession. in hisweekly web address the president ys the current stulus just needs time to work. e must let i work the way it's supsed to. with the understanding at in any recession, unemplment nds to recer more slowly
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th other measures of econom activity. >> i'm joined now livey msnb politicalanalyst pat buchanan and democratic strategistrris green. greato have you bo. >> good morning, alex. >> pat, w is the esident comingut against a sond stimulus? >> well, i think h realizes that he' in tub politicall on the issuef spending. th deficit. and economic issues like that. andfrankly, i n't think he could get a stimulus package through, and i think probably there's a real backlash to it among e public given the enormous bats of wall stree and the banks and general motors and aig and all the rest. the president's got a real problem here, alex. the stimulus package was rrly crafted. only 10% of the money is out the door in the first six months. that's not a stimulupackage. and now you've got the unemployment is continuing to ri. the president isight when he says it's a lag indicator. th problem is, the lead indicars, like the stock maet in the last month, are
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inting down again. hmm, yeah. morris, i'm cious, do any democratnt a secd stimulus package? is this gop strategy? >> absolutely not. there's no political will and the americaneople are n confident that the goverent is going to handl the fiduciary responsibility the right i thin at the presidt needs to do is to ho in on a few bi oprtunities. you know, the loan guartee program. he needsto workhe gernment process. pat is right that only10%'s going out the door but there a other ways they cano it. i've been one of the people saying stop givin money to e bank. the governme can be a direct leer witloanuarantee programs while business administraon, doe, usda, there's a lot ofays we can mp-start the economy without reing on going back to t little for more money. >>ut morris, with re than 2 millionobs lost sincehe stimulus package w signed, you think people havethe wherewithal to just sit there and be patient
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>> it's not about being patien i think they need to hone in on a few opportunitie there are opportunities right w within their power. they're making ts harder than it needs be. sometimeshen you come as a new admistration you tend to make things more complex. get ck to the fundamental basic things. how doeeate js? whe are the poets of opportunities right now that we can really hone in and conctrate on? >> ay. >> hers the proem. theroblem is, your unployment is not only gone up to 5% and people say it's going to cross 10%, yr work week is shortening. ople areorng less hrs. ere's no wage increases out there. and 70% of our econom is bsed on consumption. so, this is whyt's very bad news forhe president when he drops belo50% in ohio, and we're 16 months off from an f-ar election. people are sayin look,hen is the fundamental economyoing to rn around? we know unemployment'going to lag by nine months. >> the point is, though,we have
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to step away om being a consumer-driven economy. we have to make things again. pat, i know you believe in thi >> i'm 100% with you onthat, morris. there are opportunities ohio right now. >> morris, to that end are we seeing evidencef all those promises that were made that 're gog to bui the united states infrastructurewe're gointo get people out tre on the jobs they're going to be rebuildingries and roads on dog all of thosethings that would create jobs and help the infrastructure? >> well,he stillas an opportunity toitalize on os this. but let'sot just look at the government only. use the government's processes asa talyst. therare opportunities where ere might be a situati where companies have ready to go projects if they had a loan guarantee or moneyo move forward. we can'tk at the government to be thesave-all. we need to start to look at wa that we can jump-start industries aga and start ilding things in american. >>okay, pat, wanto take you back to this litical. in today's republin response to the message, sa look now
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economy.n president ama's yeyohear the president saying i'm just cleaning up e wreckage that i inhited. where is the truth? is it somewhe in between? >>well, i k that's ir to say. is thing has been occurring all through 2008, fell off the table in september 2008. i think you have to call bush's recession. just like you have to call it clton's recession. but there's no doubt tt obama's been in chge of this for six mons now. he's got a massivecomic stimus package of 5% o the entire enomy up there, t fed ha doubled theoney supply and you've got all ts money lying arnd out there as morris says. it hasn't taken ignitio yet. the enginehasn't turned oer yet. and so peoe are ying, look, you gu are in charge, and it don't ok like you can fly this pne any better than those guys could. >> and pat also we ne to look at doingtuff instead of spenng money. how about extending the r&d tax credit and making i permanent. cuttingthe corporateax rates. things that we can do right now,
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without justushing money away. american peoplare tired of spending money. theyant to see a rnsible government. >> morris, ifhey'd have done those two things you rommended rit there, just give it a jolt rit into theivate ecomy which afteall is the engine th pulls the train, ihink we'd be better off now, all of us. >> those that are listeninthat ca help to affe change, listen y guys we'll hve you back next hour again. thank u so much. there's a lady bug invasion happening colorado no this you'reooking at does not have red bark. its covered in lad bugs. there are nearby homeshat are also covered. apparently the wet sing has lped lead to the increased numbers. >> i don't know wt ts tree thinks of them. we saw oneearliermating. maybe they're, youknow, inhe process of doing hard work. >> yeah, okay. well noby seems to be worried about the insion. la bugs,in ac help crops by eatg pests. e... and you have high chosterol. you've taken stepso o tr and lower both your numbers.
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but t close are you to yr goals? ere y be more you n do. only ct combines twprprov medicines... in a agle pill toto sigficantly lower... high blood pressure and high cholesterol. in a clinical stud of patients... wiwith slightly elevated blood prprsure and cholesterol, caduet helped d 48% ac both goalsls in just weeks. duet is one ofany treatment options, in addititn to diet and exexse... that y can discuss wi your doctor. caduet is not for everyone. it's n n for pple with liv problems... and women who are nursing, pregegnant or r y become pregnanan check for liver problemems, you need simimple ootests. tell your doct about anhearproblems... and all other medions you e e tang... oror if you experience mumuscle paiaior weakness, as they y may be sign of a rare buserious side effect. how clososare yo to where you want to be? ask your dococtor if caduet can help y you go... for both your r goal
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> a tornadoaught on tape as it tore right through a resort area in canada. witnesses say th twister started as two fnel clds. they eventually merged into one northwestern ontario and it tore through several cabins, nding debris flying into the woods and thelake and two tourts were killed. >> i closed my eyes, andoped i didn't gethit. eerts say that tnado had winds t150 miles an hour. let's go to capitol hill now, and new calls by democrats investigatehether cia leaders thheld information from congress ove the past eightyears. those calls follow revelations about a still highly classified cia program th was allegly hidden from congress. since2001. "the washiton po" says cia director leon panett just learned of that ogram on ne 23rd. four mo after taking fice. and he ordered that program canceled immediately. i'm joined here live in studio by the democratic congressman of
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new jersey. he's also a member of the house intelligence committee. >> gd to be with ou, alex. >> i'm curious your opinion, look at the whole situation. what's the worstart about it >> well,ou said whether e cia has withhe information from congress. there's no question of wheer. it's just much. there's one recent example, and that's what has made the news this week, a letter that some others sent to t director of e cia, saying that what he said in may it is neitr the policy or thpractice of the a to thhold information or deef congress, we said now you know and we know that statement was wrong. we ask u to issue a correction. not because we want correction ore want to be let in on secret. it because we seed to establish the fact and the pattern withholding formation from congress. use the cia, for ears, has conducted a nber of
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activities. really, iortant, serious operatnsunexamined. and that's dangerous. you dot get good results. it ultimately hurts the security of america. >>efore i get to whatan be done abt this particular situation, you're talking about the cia. thmere nature of the c is covert. an to whatextent do y worry that covert operations can be put into jeopardy? be they amen operatives or those peopleho these operations a supposed to help ultimately. ifll the information is released, i mean, i'm thinkin if i'm like a borne supremacy film advocate andeople want to see things, thiss the cia we're talking about. homuchtransparency can you expect? >> well, you don't want transparency in the sense that many -- man actits, the sources and the methodust be kept cure, must be kept secret. but it doesn't meathey should go unexamin. wh you have somhing as
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powerfuls the cia, and the other intelligence agcies, when they make a mitake, it can be a real bombshell. >>hmm. >> and unexamined activities, whetr it's a ceo whoudits his own books, orhether it's a spy agency that deces whose phones ty should tap. or whether it's angency that engages in inttional activieshat decides what activities need to be undertaken and whether they'r worng, if 's nexamined by an independent person, in this case i would say congressou can really me mistakes. >> what about leon panetta? he's got to be in a ugh position rht here. this is a guy who comes on bod, he has to fend the cia, yet alsothe same time hs charged with examini, scrutinizingis policies of events that ppened before he me into office. >> that's certa true. and this leer that i referred to a moment ago, yoll notice the to of the letter is not
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accutory ofmr. panetta. we're st saying you know, we know that th statement you made that it is neither the policy or the practic of the cia to deceive congress, you know that was not uen may when you said that. so, we want to establish a n relaonip so that you really can have a better relationship with congress. >> what isifferent of the democrat congress people there in terms of nancy pelosi's aims that the cia intentionally misledher? >> too many peopleve tri to make this an inside theeltway matter of o kn what when, and what the relationship between director panetta and speaker pelosi. it's a muc bigge issue than that. is whher, in the name of national seurity, well tentioned people can be allowed to g f on their own and engage in all sorts of internional or maybe even domestic aities th turn
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outo have very bad nsequences. >> hmm. should they be able to proceed unexamined? and of course, the founders of our constitution, an repeated peleho have looke at this over the years, a church committee in the 70s, whose results, by the w, have been ignod and eaded and just violated sce then. should thi on? and of course it shouldnot, for the sa ofhe safety of the american people. >> and the final question,hat happens now? do you think we nd some sort of commission to investite? >> yes. as i said there was this major commissionn the 70s, under senator frank church when it came out that there were assassinations andemote llings and spyingn americans and and behold,hat may not have ended. and the results, the
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recommdations of tat committee were ignore evaded, violed. it's time to undertake, i think, a major such thg again. all right. decratic new jsey congssman rush holt, tnk you for being here with us in studio. appreciate that. >> thank you. >> from bears to deer to pythons, hunters have a new target ithey head to the nshine state and th can get paid for this one. that story cominupup. the 00 cream. flabbergasted when we creamed the $7 cream for unr $30 regenerist micro-sculpting cream hydratetter than 32 of the world's most expensi creams. ntastic. phenomenal. regenerist.
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ick enclave the finest luxury crossosor ever i need some zen time withth justst ahort time agogo presesidt t oba wrapped an storic speech to the parliament of ghana.a. >> with stronong innititutns an strong will inonow that afcacans can livivee tir dreamss in nairobi and las,s,kigali, kin shash sasa, harare, and rigt here in accra. > t president called o out a nuer of countries hedidi not visisi in additiontoto tellingng ggnan paiaiant yes they can seize
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opportununits s fopeace, esident obama also lululy stated thatat tyryrnyny d corrupuponon mt stop in order o achieveprogress. in just a fefe minutes fromow the president is scheduled too arrivet t thcape coast castle, often t t last stop f africans before they y we put on slee shs to be sent to america.. mewhile, next week, psisint obama a wi a addss the naacp's nual convention. the meetetinofficially kicks afafterighteere ineeyork cityty jtt uer two hos or so from nnow and allhe moresignificant, beuse this yeaea the naacpisis cecebrbratg its centennial anniveversy.y. anandhe theme o o 100 years, bod dreams a andigig ctctors. fomore on thatndnd even more i'm j joid live frorom benjamin gellis, the president t ofhehe naacp. rely glad you're herere. >> thahank you. i i wnt to ask u before we get to the g entnt i want t to asasyoyou rst about presidedent obama.a. yes i understand he's o onl bee inin oice for the l ltt six months or so but howas has ththime
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affected your missssioanand its goals and yoyourrganization overall?l? >> well, h hangngomebody who is a vil rightseeon as presididen w w fought cases in the cots, who's wkeke in the streets, memeanthat we dn't veve tmake the case a a strongly. ans that we cann reallyocus getting the jojob done and that's what happened. passed bills. we've gotten b big d dolrsrs in stimulul f for ourschoolsls, ddo r so good. >> yeahah and i'mm curious enen you say boldreams and b big victories. how much ofof ttts emododd arouound b back obama? >> he is, you owow, he's having a blackk man inthe white hohou, filly enndi t thi33-year-old corr barrier on the whitete hsee isis tmemends, and it is the result of 50 y yrs of pphihing started back --- in the latate5s whenenololksaid, you know, finalllly isis cuntry needs to
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have one playiying f fld for al of us innpolitics. anthis year,r,ececau we have a a blk k resident, becaususwe have black c candates who h hee won, and majority whihi districts in statesesss diverse ass rhode island, and albama, forthe fifit time, becauausewewe have a black marr in philadelphia, mississisipp w whe cheney, goodman andd rner were ordrder to theirir graves notot0 yearss o, there's a cnge. >> and a aga with thisis p predt onon b bei in office six months, i know you y not havave a very definitive answer ere, but w wha benefits h havyoyo seseen overal to the aican-american coununy? even iff i's just a sense, a being, a prprenence? > hildren's aspirations arer higher. th's's t big change. children'sspirations are ghgher but the r rlity is ththat families, , siatatns haven't chanandd thhch. and the didistceceetween a family's s suauati and the childrenen's pipirations is vas measurement of frustration. soope eses up, and whenenhehe
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dodow oeoes dodo,, frustration , , too. itit'seird for the hot and coldd moment.. >> on the heels of what yoyou'r saying the economomic downturn s hihit all americans very ha. there a a distinguishihing difference betweenen thewhite community and thelack cocommunity terms of emplployment. 14% blacks haveecome unemployed.. 7% of white >> right. >> how do you explain th divide? >> well, discrimination is still a real pblem in ouour socieiety. it's still easier on -- there' a professor at prynneon has a work o call "mard." the bottom liline is it's stil easier with a a whitean with a criminalal record find a j job th a black mamanho has none. the only gooood news in ts stat is tha the black rate for the firsrst time since doub. it's abobout 1.6. it's harard to h have to fnd the silver linining in that sort of cloud but there is one.. >> want to ask you about what's been in thehe neews t lat couplele of daysthe incident a
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that vley clubboutside of phphiladelph where you had a group ofof racially mix chchildren, largely african-american, , going tohe po, they're signed up, they're good to go, they get there, they get tned way. hearing some rellyespicable things, whiers behind their back. ho do you see thisis incident? do you thinknkt's an isolated inincident? do you think t therere grter permanent yagss of this type o behavior?? >> i see it ass a few ways. a parent it jst hurts. >> oh, yea ye. >> to bebe humiliad in this sort of wa black man canet onn air force one t the kids can't go to the pool, i me, the factthat then th can't -- officials from the pool came out and said that we threw w out t kids b because it woulchange the colexion of our pool. whethe it's fudian or not is the wrg word and it's disturbibing anduggests maybe the kids rlly didn'thear what ey heard. finally,ou knonow, and reaeally ought we'd just kind off beaten the story to death, i w was ju walking down thehe hallway a a station,n, andhen it cam out, one of the associatete producer
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id i'm from louisiana, and there's two ols in my town th no black personn has er been allowowed to to. and as a former b boy scout whai know is tt we' had a a dearth of blalack eag scoututs historically, , becausyou have to learnow to swswim to become eagle scout. >> sure. >> and you knonow,'ve known grown memen who cry when t theyk about the pain of just n not bei able to find a pool so theyy c papasstheir eagle scoutt exams d it still goes on with kids and it just has to stop. it just has to stop. >> yeahah, wel let'ssope eveverythi that g goes on at t naacpp conveion that begins rely soon here in new yo city, hehelps tords that end. >> tnk you. holdlden will be there,e, obamal be tre, paterso will be ther >> benmin jeaalous,hank you so much. >> thahank you. >> stitill ahead the story behi some of the wiildeather we've been seeinghihis summer. > but first, bno hits t the box office, a andoes it liveup toheype or does it go a little too far?
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that whetorical because you know it does. coming over? yeah, so? it stis ine! have youou smelled this chair?? or the c curins? you've gotta wawa this whole room! are you kidddding? wash it?! let's wa i it with febreze! whoa! [ sniffs ] hey mrs.s. werer [ [ sniffs ] hey, it smells nice here. you kn, i like to keep this s frh. hes s concentrate. [ male annououncer ] f all the ththin thayou can't wash, wash iwith febreze.
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you'd think it would be sosothing out of your contntro t necessarily. after memenousus when a woman has a f fctctur ththunderlying cause cod be osteoporosis. and that's a fracture that might have beenen pvevent. if you have e stst-mopausal osteopoporisis you could be at t hi r rk for fracactu.. whwhicisis w i hope yoyollll cl now 1-800-316-6-49 for this frereininfoation kit. in it, yoyollll s the difference between the e indede of a strong bone and the insisi a aosteoporotic bone, weakened and prone to frfracree you'll find ways to o he reverse bone losss and d toelelp event fractures. learn how to help p matatain strong boneses d d re about an effective eatment option. ere's even a guide to o ee when you talk to y youdodoor. ososteorosis is that importata. otothesurgeon agrees with me. e surgeon general. ...half of all womenen 5050r older will suffer an osteoporosisis-lalad acture in their lifetime.. call 1-800-316-4955.5. ifou could help prevent a a acture, wouldn't you??
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todaday,wo big developments the aftererma o michchll jajason's death. first, one ste closer to a urtroom showdown overted. michchaeototh katheriri jkson anand ss one time wfe deebb rowe are akiking a judgetoto popopo the guguaranansh aring that was set t te ace on mmony. and d dehh investigation unfolding. los angeles police c chi william bratton saying he's n not rulin tt homicide as acause of death. and joe jacksonon had this tosa. >> i j ju couldn't belieie w wh was haappinin tomichael,l, cacausi just couldn't'telieve ,,ou kw.w. an i do b bieve thehere was fou play. i i believe tht.t. joinin us n now via skype from ami is geraldd snsnr, chief investigator rpoport for the daily y wee dot chief atatn saying he's waitining f f theoxoxicogy
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rerts to come bak.k. what are thehe odds t tha homice charges wiwillee filed when tha repoport c coss bacck? >> i'llltete youalex, i think from everyrythg g i' hearing inside the investigatatn,n, they're u un tremendous pressusu, , the eyes the world are upon them becausese t ts is drugnvnvesgation now that shows had yo had aop star who was t takg g a t typ of drugs with multipleprescririioions possssib h hing some employees have them fifill,, underr fsese names, having mededicioionst his house that aren'n't enen suppos to be ououtse of a hospital. if they don't f flele charges , a lolot of people are going to y theyey wenen'tough enough. so i think thehey' lookingngtt the psibility of manslaughter charges agagnsnst e or two of the doctorsrs. what they h hee ruled ouout, bye way from the inial exam, is that itasasn't murder ininhe sensnse he way wehhin of . there was n no trauma to jacks. there ararnono bruises ouou his ck. there e s nothing that was s sho w was forcedd to ininje anhing. it wsnsn'ts though somebody killed him intentionalllly. the question i isheheth they used a whole g gro of d dru ad appld them incorrectly and they knew he was at great risk and they allowed him to die.
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>> a the dealefinition of the word homicide includes accidental. that could be where th is going. wh about dr. conrad murray, whom we have not heard much since the first days followin michaeljackson's death. you have been mo about his deatologist dr. arnie klein. what about these twgentlemen? >> ver interesting you say that. i think threaswe're hearing more about arnie klein and one of the reasons i've been focused on him is he is theriginal doctor. he's a doctor who has a -year history almost with michael jackson. he goes back withhim the entire time. the other thg on tv for the first time arnie klein says that he knew at jackson had usedrivan and told h in the '90s whene was traveling, when jackson s traveling with an anesthesiolist on tour i germy that he, jackson, sane for doing at. but heever obviously inteened forcefully enough, because when miael jackson came back to los anles last september, where he's beenor the pastix months is going
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the building where arn klein's office is two or three times a week. so he's still seeindr. klein. sohere are questions about at relationship. conrad rray, i camep with information that two witnesses, employees of kson, had seen him a few weeks before administering an drip to jackson in jackson's bedro. the empyee who asked about that was told it's no deal. it's only vitaminsnd he's hydratin him after a tough workout. when called up the lawyers for dr. murray an asked aut that, they said p ourgreement with the los angeles investigators we cannot comment on the existence of iv equipment in . jackson's bedrooorther dr. murray administed an iv. i think that's one of the reasons we're not hearing from him. >> real quickwith regard to where michael jkson body is and where 's going to be buried, what do you know? >> i know this, i talked to the secuty guards around him and theyold me the same thing, he taeden about thea that he does not want t be at neverland. everody thinks he wants to be there. but that place was tainted for him, as far as he was concerne
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after the sexual abuse trial. the police had raid it, there are vids taking drugs out of there. jermaine jackson dome of the jason family want him there. it's not michael'swishes. >> okay, gerald posneras always. from the daily beast dotcom. i wan to get right now to nbc's jay barbre who is li with us from capcanaveral. jai understand tre's been a anuncement. what are they saying? well, alex, they ju scrubbed the launch attempt toght. and thatas due to the fact that lastnightherewere sen lightning hitsuring thunderstorms on theaunch pad area. nothey don't kno if there's been any dage. but at they wa to dois they want to check every aspect, every system of the rocket. so the payload on brd the shuttle itself, to make sure that nothing is damaged. and they need a4 hours to do that. ifveryg is okay, tey want to come back an try again
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tomorrow evening at 7:13 p.m. eastern time sunday evening. >>okay. >> so that's where we a right now. a 24-hour scrub. >> okay, thank you for that update on the breaking news. 'll talk to you next hournd get it more inperspective. still ead the explanation behind seeof ourild weather recently. that story will ext here on nbnbc turday. nnouncer) introducg new tide stain ase. a revolutionary asbooster that.... wos with your detergent to help remove tough aiains... ththe firstime. coming to stores late july. t your dollar fifty cpon at today!
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in these marketsts i'm glad i turnrnedo o fility r r annuity with guaranteteed income for life. that's right,, guaranteed income fofor fefe. my annuity from fidelili m mea my retiremenent inmemes safe. it's guararantee no matter whatat hpepens if guaranteed income f f l lif sounds good d to y,, do what i did ---- let fidelity be yoyouruiuide ll fidelity at...
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> oh, gosh, y youee g to be out of y yururmind. whatisis g? >> dolce & bana. ll >> heo.o. he's got stylelegrgracand "bruno" cocoulbebe the new numb one movieinin the the thiss ekend. the brains behinind "uno" cate me memorablearacters. some critics sayhis same sacha baron cohen's anticsay have gone too far. good morning to up. >> good morning. >> you can pbably see, having seen that movie,hy some critics are lie, this is way
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over the top. >>h, is there such a thing as over the top? this is what sacha baron cohen specializes in. if there is a line, he willryry to crossate andnde e do in this movie. the susus are very, very nny. what w wgeget over t the top sasarere tt pokess fun at celebrbrity,ndnd ignorarancanand homophphob.. where criticssayay itoo over the linine arere people in yy g, the guy and lesbian alliance agait defamation says this promotes stereotypes. ere viewers may tink it go overer theline is when we have lots of fullfrontal male nudity clclosupup, ere we havee very exexplit scenes and youfeel thoroughly uomfortable through most of the movie. >>ff you're enjojoyiyour brbreaast, don't think aboututt. what do you thinkk of the momoi? >> it w was veeryfunny. cocoroversy is a rereal good thg for a movie bececau it ts everybody talking abo it.
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makes everyone want to go see itit. this is goinintoto be the big nner of the weekend. inindury analysts s e predidictg a $37 million openingweweend icich uld make it onene ofhehe biggest comedy openings of all time >> how much h isthat really getting in hollywood? it's all about money, absolutely. it all about pushing the envelope and hedoes it so credibly well. >> welso want to talk about buzzzz about the w harry potter movie, long-awaited e out on wednesda what can we expect this time? >> we are going to see a darr, more mature harry potter where he's dling with, of course, the lest installment, lord ldemort and we see so racing hormones goi on the teenagers. but it's a reay ntntasc momoe. ttttenovererelelmily positive early vvie. and i am really excited f fit. >> you and , both. i think'm going to c cat "bruno," too. you have to e it. okaa dawn yak,k, good totalk with you. > now to a new reportrthihi week thahatelpsxplain the unpredictable weweatrronditions
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lately. after a threeeeeaear hiatus, el ninonoss back and t thi year the weather expxptete to beetter dd wmer in somee surprising cations. mama rogersis c cpital weatathe memeteologist with "t"the washington posost. good morning to o u,u, matt. >> good morning.g. how are you, alex? >> i'm dng great. what can you llll us aboututll nino and w whawewe can exct ths year? well, el nino iss just beginninin just starting to deeveppight now. wewee e oficially in a w wea state. ththenational weweatrrervice rerepoed that just this weekek uumentioned. but it could haveve some gngnifant effects on weather in north amerera.a. papartulully toward the wier. totordrd t fall andwinter. i don't think we'e' see a lot om it this smmer at thiss point. buteoeoe give el nino a dd p. but el nino has go a a b bad thingsgsoioing for i onon t good sidd we have leses hurricanes during el nino eveven. you mentntnened ree years ag 2006 was a a pretty quiet yr huhurrananewe. weigight have a quieter atlantic hurricane season.. but it ao may b bng some beneficial rainin t southern
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cacalirnrniatexas, florida, th ututrn tier of ththe.s. could be wetter ththisomomg fall and ntnter but drier r inheheorthern tier ofof t u.s. >> you talk about w w said weather, warmer, d des this hv any effefect in global w warngn warming? dodoestt play into thahat a at ? >> i hvevet seen alolot ofththa t.t. elel no c cycsslike you m menonn reree,ometimes as longng a a seseveyears. we haven't had a a strongl nino since '97-98. kind of going i in a litittlbib oscillatioioririghnow. >> those people thh a looking to an e expnanati for what happened in new yoyorknn the month of june e whe e itained virtually every day. is that el nino att work? >>no, y you c can blame el nino r that. i i thk it's going too b be lik that in july foru, o. nonottuntil august oreeember wiwille e finally brbrkkhat ttern and give youu guys a little more of a a summer up therer >> what is theproblem? what is going o ere? >> the jetet seam is stuck k rht
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no the same r rsoson u guys a alallyool and wetnn the northeast, i it' also a s stng dgdg is stuck overexexas right now, very hotanand dry d dow there. therere'aactlly, there's thing to move the ptetern alalg g rit now. so we're verystuck. so maybel nino will givive u ththkikickhat we needoo get things movinin again. >> maybeso. l right matt rogers there with pipitaweather gang. ank you very much foror joining us. anks, have a aoood one.e. >>ststl ahead t investigation into a aprivate swswimlulub d the eplplation fofor y it turne away s se chilildr a andany are not buying it. we'll tetellououhy.
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u'd think it would bee something out of yououcocontl. not necessarily. afr r mepause, when a woman hasas araraure, the underlying causese could be osteoporosis.s. and that's a fraractee that might havavbebeenrevented. if you h havpopo-menopausal teteoposis, you coululd a at gh risk fofofrfracre. whh is why i hope u'u' call now 1-1-8031316-55 for thisis fe e formation kit. in it, u'u' see the difference betweeeeththe side of a strong bobone and the e indede of an osteoporotic bonon
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