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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 11, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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re. you'll find d wa t to lp reverse boneneososs anand help prevent fractures. learn how totoelelp intain strong b bon.. and read about an effectivive treatment option. there's even a guidede tusus when you t taltoto yr doctor. osteoporosis is that impmporntt ananher surgeon agrees witith . the surgeon general.l. ...half of all w wom 50 or older will sufufrr an oststeororosirelated fracture in their lilifememe. call 1-800-3161695955. you could help prevenent a fracture, wouldn't y y?? fofor ururree kit, call now. next on msnbcsaturday, a ssage of hope to africic president t oba a devers a landmark speech h berere t paparlment of ghgha. 'v've t live repoposs sraight ahead. murder and manhunt.t. the seararchoror t kililrsrs of flflora a cole. the parents of 1 1 adopted children. just who would want to see their parents dead? on the enomic front, it's
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e chocolate measure. america's iconic chocolateker provides another gauge of the el-b of our naon wallets. and a very good morning to all ofyou. i' alex witt. all at to bring to you this morning along with whlice in los angeles are notuling out homicide charges in the michael jackson investigation. but first this hour we have some breaking news onhe space uttle "evour." oncega it has ben delayed. jay baree is live at the kennedy ace center. jay, gd morning. what hapned? >> well, last night, alex, they had seven lightning strikeon the launch pad they have a lightning arrests out there. they do not believe that any damage took placut they're noceain. so what they want to do is they want to run down every one of these lightning strikes here in the next 24 hours, absolutely sur nothing has been broken, or created a problem whatsoever withithe space shuttle tem. d they wll try to goagain tomorrowvening at 7:13 p.m. eastern time. but ain, it's the same
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question with theweather. they don't expect the weathero be any better. they hav that rking against them, 60% chance of no-go, thundershowers ithe area. but right now, they've t to make sure that theightni strikes did not no damagelast night, alex. >> okay. so this is set forwhen? st4 urs lat, 7:00 tomorrow night? >>well, 7:13 to be precise 7:13.55. tomorrow evening. the next attpt. >> but w's counting. >> let's talquick quickly, jay, when they do get "endeavour" off the ground, what's the msion going to be about? >> this is the lastajor construction mission. they have a four-ton ontorch that blongs to the japanese that will go on the janese laboratory up the and it'she last mar piece to the internatiol space station. ey have eight mre construction missions thatthey want toly by the end of next year.
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and it looks like they're running t of time, but theyl probly go in to 2011 at east, finishing this up the white use has already said you can dohat, sprobably they won't finish the job until 2011 now bau we just keep gettg delayed,delayed, delaye >> that means 'll get to see you for quite se time come, jay barbree. thank you so much. let's go to politicians and the president's trip to ghana. a short ti from now the president ll tour cape coast castle. this after visiting patients at a hospital is morning and th addressing ghana's pliament. nbc's political director and chiefhite house correspondt chuck todd is traveling with the president. chuck joins us nowive from cra, ghana. uck, let's getour interpretations on how the president's eech to parliament was received. >> well, it w inedibly ll-received, alex. was the. in the convention nter. ey moved it to theirocal convention senter to accommodate more dignitaries that they
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could come. you had a former president in the audience, talng to people aftethe speech. there was defitely an emotional conntion. and i think that that's something that we're, i think someof the pictures we're getting taste of is, some of the emion here. there is a lot of emoon here on the streets of acc. you've got, there were women i ama dresses, chanting. they h a choir, which i'm sure me folks heard in the background. singing the tune of amen singing, yes we n, to the amen hymn so that theart of it that's most striking is the recepon on the grnd here. what you'rewondering, did the president's speech,which they were all veryappyabout, and they got the message which the president wanted to give across, you know what? this is now theesnsibility of africans to pck themsees up. and that they have to start governing themselves, thathey ve to start dealing wh themse. so i'll beurious to come back here three, four years down the
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road, six years down the road and e, you know, is this just an emotionaloment because 're soxcited tt an american president has african blood d so they're excited now? or will theydo the hard work that is necesry to get africa moving forward? >> it'sinteresting. you talk aut l the emotions there of which m betting ther are going to be aot at ts upco tire of the cape cot castle. talk about the signicance this location, and just what's expected. >> well, i mean, this is i tnk going to be just personall emotiol for michelle obama d president ama. you know, here you have president obama with -- with his own aican roots, but then yo have michelle obama with her own roand i think th is going to touch her a great deal. u ju can't, you know,ntil anof us walk in the ses -- walk in the shoes of an african-american, it is hard to understand t emotion of that. and you canppreciate it
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historically, you can appreciate it as anobserver, but i think to understand it, ex, you and i don't we're not going to understand it. we've got walk a dayin the shoes an african-amerin to understand wt the meaning of thatastle and being there, and the symbolic significce of is. >> well, i cn't say notbeing in those shoes but looking at that castle myself personally, i know i feel a lot of pain it when i look i that's for darn sure. when it comes to the present's trip abroad, you've traveled th him and seen the multitud, the throngs,ll of it in the past he'sraveled internatiolly. how about thi trip? gaugits success and mayb put it in context with the other ones you've made. >> well, 's interesting. they wanto put it in context. i look at this way. wee not quite at the six-month mark. he has gen this speec today the ghana parliament is the fourth in what the white house says is a series of fo speeches. he gave one in prague. and there werehousands that turned outor that. the big cairo eech which i think ultimately is the one that
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ey believe historically will be perhaps one of h three or four most significant speeches of his entire presidency. whether a four-year esidency or an eighyear presidency. the speech in moscow thate gave that frankly don'tnow how many russians tually saw it. t it was a message that ey were determined to ve there, and hope that some rsians heard . and then this one today. and it gives you a sense what he hpes is the obama doctrine when it comes to foreign polic this one was about developme and aboutgovernance. and then the cairo spee about reaching o to the muslim world. and of course, prague, about nuclear nonprolifern, and with moscow about how youave diplomatic relations with coequal rivals. and so, iink read allour speeches, you doet a sense of what he hopes ts doctrine is and from w forward, these ip and his nextrip about policy going forward isbout implenting this philosophy.
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implementing theision he's laid out. does he do it? doese live up tohe words that he'spoken. >> okay. uck todd, go to see y there. safe travels home. see you backstatesi. >> good to see you, alex. >> okay. >> a update now on that gruesome story an illinois cemetery where employeese accused ofmoving and scarding bodies in a schemeo sell those plots and turn a quick buck. down the cetery and is hut classifying it as a crime sce. bones ofmishandled bodies are surfacing all overhat cemetery. we are closing ts thing down to make a concerted effort to define the width and size of the crime ene and toring more certaintyopeople. >> hundreds ofamily members are turningp at that cemetery with death certificates. they are lookingor the bodies of their lovedones. lice in florida panhandle are asking the public to be on the lookout for an old he red van that may be carrying the killof a althy couple with 12 children. authorities at least three
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peoplentered the family's home near pensacola from the front and ba doors. they shot the couple they didn't injury theight children inside. bird a melanie billings were own foradopting children with deveental disabiliti. those children are n staying with other family membs. deputies believe this s a home invasion this morning ere are new developments in the investigation into micel jackson's death. let's go live to nbc's geejina m kim. anotr good morning to you. i understand theustody hearing for the three children has bn pushed bk. what is the read on that? >>well, the re on that, alex, that this is move by bot sides, katherine jacksonnd debbie rowe, t biological mother of two of jackson's oldest children, to try to buy more te to hammer out a deal. regarding promise ll custody that deie rowe may seekg. the possibility of visitatio rights is also something that's possibly been brought up. as well as all the financial issues tt go along with all of
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that. the attorneyor katherine jason hathis to say shortly after tha postponement. he saiduote we are pleed that thelduody hearing has been continued or until july 20th to further our progss and allow usto privately and amically resve this most important matter in a dignified manner for the benefit of t children first and all volved. so it ss like we'llha to wait a little over a week to try to find out where all of this custody ise goes. alex >> what about, jinah, fr the first time we're hearing words like omicide, foul play. how that playing in regards ckson's death? where is this going i the instigatn? >> you know, were just as surprised wh this we we heard both joe jackn and lapd chie william bratn mention the very words,oe jackson sayi in an terview recently that he is convinced that foul play was voed in his son's death. because to quote him he sa he
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st can't believe that otheise his son wouldhave suffered such a sudden death. and lapd chief wli bratton says he cannot rule out homicide unl he gets that toxicology report from the coner's ofce. and of course still have up more weeks, at lea, to wait for that. d the investigation apparently in that islso wining with subpoenas served now to several doctors that were involved in michael jackson's re. alex? >> i understand that you have a sound bite from e jackson. he gave a vy interesting interview yesterday. what did he say? >>ou know, it was said in t context of wh he and his wife katherine ou continue to keep custody of the three chdren. and then he elaborates by sying on they can feed th well, they canet them get rest, and they cet them growup to be strong jackson then he kind of alludes to their performance potential aying this. >> i keep watching pas, she wants to do something you know.
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and blanket, he can really dance, that's what they're saying, he can really dance, blanket. >> so, atential jackson three the works? ll, only time will tell, alex. >> i see. he's already got some enteainment entrepreneurial spit putting on those small kids. okay, thank u very much. nbc's nah kim. a swim club cancels the memberships of a number of nority children. the head of the cl today says don't blameit on racism. some peoe beg to differ. at's coming up. also they're spreading like mad in florida. they areler pythons. now there's something that cld stop them dead in their ither. lang throughout ) ( clunks ) oins splashing ) why toss out yo mey? switch s sprt.
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save $4$4 year with ee simply everything plan et the blackberry r 8330 smartphone r just $49.99. deaf, hard ofeaearing and people with s speech disabilits access w which l prepared mealcisns. toni et the blackberry r 8330 smartphone r just $49.99. roastechken recipe? you' right. tonight istew. a beef sw ki of night. [ announcer ]] beful prepared meals. anothehehehealful, flavorful benefuful. kind ococoer myself a robinhnhood of the directcting worl buick enclave th finest luxury crossover ever. i needed some n time with this modeththk you.
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e state of florida will
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announce nexweek legalize hug for pythons. you heard right, hunt pythons and you get id a bounty. biogists have officially declared the sth florida python populati of more tha 150,0 out of control, and spading. jeff buside from our miami station wtvj has thetory. reporter: albert kilon knows pyths, he captured these neby. just two of a populationof 150,0 officlly declaredut of control. >> it coils around you, arts to constct, might even suocate somebody. >> reporter: algars even ve a hard time, as these imagesshow, and tse show a tor and a pytho after aight to thedeath. ere have been ideas, everything from aing volunteers to trap the to training agles to sniff them out. meantime the death o a toddr from h pet python got congress talking,too, about banning python imports. >> sooner orlater, a burmes python will gethe ennged florida nther.
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>> we're going to hunt thm. we're going toeradicate them. >> reporter: rodne barretteo is tid of talk,s florida fh and wildli conservation commison chairman, he wan action. >>e're developing a pn imdiately that we will roll t the will allow people who are trained, pervised by us, to go ou and hunt pythons and kill them. reporter: the pan would en 750,000 acres of ste land python hunters, withpermits. paid a small bounty r each dead snake the proem is,tate land is that way, and federal landis this way. and it's in erglades national park where the phon prlem got its start. and they do no like to hu in national parks. in fact, it can cost $5,000 just for feedi oristurbing wildlife here. n't even smoke or eat i some areas. so hunting is, well, pretty much out of the question. >> they can wrap around you. >> repte national park officials are ear, huntin is not permitted period. instead they vow to use ery
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nonlethal idea tget rid of python neverthelesshunting season on pythons is about to open in florida. in the everglades jeff burnsid for msnbc. back to you, alex. >> aight, jeff, thank you. > a private swim club in suburban philadelphia is trying to explain a defend y it turned away so minoty kids who signed up use the pool. representatives of that pool say it had thing to do with race but instead say it w an iue of overcrowding and safety. but oneof the initia explanations given by that pool was that the mostly black and hispanichildren would change, e, t docomplexion of the club. pennsylvia state authorities are now investigating that pl. radio show host j madisoan alsorom philadelia, dom giordano from 1210 a.m., gentlemen with ahank you to u. i know you're investigating in terms of whatour thoughts are on thisnd your listeners i'll go to you fst this time, dom, race rlations in the
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philadelphia area. is this highlighting something thats common in this area? how do youxplain this? >> i would sayno, alex. we just elected michael nutter to be the mayor of the cy and it's the first time really in the city's history wher whites and blacks in almost equ numbers supported michael nutter, and there's idespread good feelings arou that. of course when youove out to therbs, you know, you sometimescan run into some of this sort of thin so i would say this is jt an cident of its own. it doe't highlight anything. in fact, there's be big improvement here. >>ll right i'm curious, joe, if you would agree with that. first of all no one se to be denying that the kids heard these really just hrible comments. has the poolaid anything outright denying that those mments were made? >> well, i agree with dom. i livein philadelphia for a uple o years, and we certainly enjoyedur stay there, our children were -- loved it. they still he friends there.
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look, the bes thing that could happen is that delaycould just go back the fact, their original stement w an indication of whatsome of the members said, and i would instate their contract. i would g allhe membe together tt want to accept the young people i'd ha a par, a pizza party or something,nd say, ook, for those mbers whodon't like this, you can revoke your membersh as opposed to revoking the contract, a then let's put an end to ts. and in this day and age, we have tremdous change in this country andhe worl and that's what i would stngly urge this club and its member to do. >> ay, dom, givenat suggesti by j, how likely do you think it is that the valley club will do something like this? because what they s is this is nothing based onracism. part o what they id and the
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statement they released, unrtunately we quickly learned that we underestimated the capacity of ou facilities, and reizedcould not accommodate the number of children who needcamps. so if that is the case, and if that is the truth behind all of this, how luky is it we're going to see one of these kumbayah, pizza party moment >> i share tat with e. love to bring the pizza over and do it right now. busadly, alex, you're not dealing th people who kno how to deal with push lick percepon o crisis. and you do have some people the who claim they are racist and made racist comments, from at i can tel. and what'sappening now, you ve the state humanelat commissi nvolved. yohave all kindsof partie i ink, with agendas involved. these people are goi to hunker down, ther than doin the right thing. d thould be a very potive sort of expeence for the kids, whout all the agenda and hoopla. i wld say, too,hree other places hav offered pools. the kids said today that one of the poo they're going to go swim at is nicer than th anyhow.
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so that's going on. >> good. >> we ve that the bottom line here, thgh, joe is as a parent, i listen to the kinds of things tt were alledly said behind these children's bks i mean, whatind of seeds of destructn -- >> martin ther king in his letter fro birmingham jail reminds us what happens when you plant aeed of inferiority in the minds of young children. i went through it. our parents try to protect us from it. i don't have a problem wh the human relations committee. this is whyhe people le king d white and blackivil rights ader foght, so at these kinds of things c be nipped in the bud. this is a dfference between dejur segregation in rasm, and de fac. de facto, july never get rid of. simply because people will
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alys harbor ese kinds of attitudes. again, i go bck to my original suggestion, and let tese young people realize that they are loved for who they are. becausehese people whofeel thwaythat they did when ts initial exanation came up better be careful, because one of these kids y grew up to be prident of the united states. >> well wouldn't that be great? dom giordanond joe mason, thanyou so much. wepend billions of dlars in cold, hardash on bottled water. but are we just throwing our money down the drain? plus babeon braids. oubig boost to mason avenue's commission peal.
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at 4 4 p pas the hour, w wo
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take you all ovever t t ghanaa owow y where th p psident has st arrived a a verery significanant acace historicall speaking, the e pepe cst calele thatat iaa place where t the brs used itss their base during thee slave tde, sendingngver to the americas the aves, maman many years agogo the president prprio to being re finisheded addressing ghana's rlrliant. that is whwherhehepoke of africa's r ratatiohip with the u. > i see africa as a a fundaml rt of ourinterconnected world. p parers withmmica on half ofththe fuutue want for alofof o children. ththat partnership mususe grounded in mutual spsponbility. >> and wewe areoing to go live toc'c' maara schiavo campo in just a little t. shll be in g gha f f us. 'r're ing to take a s shtt break anand r rig back with ththatnd more. cocombation of seven tantntalininflavors
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e'reoioing nowo wall ststet tomamake it fofo s strght declininingeeeeks for both t thw joness iususial averagendnd s 500. analysts areaying that investor optimism in the sprprn has givennayay to fears t tat te recession n llll bjust dragging on.. meanwhwhe,e, t price of oil continues s ss slide, it's dropoppe10% inththe past week t stst under $6$6 a barrelel and ththat c cod only h hp you the gas pup.p. where th average price is dnn ananhehe pennynd a half too about $2.2.55aall on avererag well, hehe i is an iincasasiny importananququeson. how do you take yours, bottleded or taed? by the numbersalone, stst year americans consumeded88.6ililli gallons of bottledwater. at is morere tnn 28 g galns a person. but is boled reallyy safer? is it b betr for yoyou? itit's something that c coneses looked into thissweek. and michael hanson, senior scientist j joi me n n with a gogo morning to you,hahank for ing here. >>ououe wewelme. >>reak this down for us. hoisisottled water gulated? > bottledatat is regulated by
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the fda as a food, whereaeas t p water isrerelated by the environmental p precectiagency ununr the safe wtete drinkingg act. >> which means d do it get m mh scrutiny? well, t t water isactually highlyregulated. 's's required to be teststed f cocontinints by certrtifd laboratorieses, d d ey have to make a report too the puicic evy y ye. wiwi bottled water, thahat'non the case. therere'nono rreqrereme f them to certify laboraratoeses and thth'r're t even r rquired to report those r relts to ththe f. >> okay, s s i it stands t reas, chael, that tap waterr can beereror you, despite the ctct that we p puto muchononey into bottleled war. >> t tt't's absolutely rrect. tap watat c be b bter for ouou. >> i i it ovalalbetter for you inost cases? >> well,ee don'tknow, bause ththe oper testinin hasn't been done. bubuyou're not paying for anything that'ss nesessaly sar or bettete r you when you pay for that wawar. >>owowbout tasasteests?
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i knkn t thathere were roror back i in 20000 t th consumer poporttested boled water for contaminants and the like. atatbout taste tests, how they rank? >> it depends.s. so p pple like certainbottled waters for thehetaste. others itepends on whatoo tap war is. in some parts of the countryhee tap p teter tastes perfectctly n so there's'so o re distinction. so what about rere in new yoyo c cit say to you, what do youou drink? >> ttlly, new yorkrk cyyap water tastes fine to me.e. that's what i drinink. >> okay yoyou probablyavave a bundle by doingg so. >> that's correct.t. >> michael hason, senior scientist for consumersunion, thank you. a newgallup poll s sho at prpresent obama's approval titis are down e exct among mocrats. afteter the rst week ofjuly 90% of decrats appre of the job obamis doing, up 1% fromhe month of only. only23% of republicans approve of obama whichis down 2%. but the biggest dp in support came from independents which fell 6%rom last month's ting. now, docrats are also beating out repubcans in party
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support, 49% of those rveyed identify themselves as democrats, only 40% intify as republicans. new is morning the top u.s. command in afghanistan says it's going to take a lot more oops than what the obama administration has planned to withe war in afghanistan. that's aording to a report in "the washington st" toy. joining us now retire army colonel and military analy jack jacobs. colonel, another good morng to you. i know that the president plans toend about 68,000 troops to afghanistasometime this fall. already, there's conrn that's not engh. are u in agreement with that? what do you think is goingon? >> certainly not enough rtainly the diverse nature of the effort in afghistan, how local it's going to ve to be how we're ing to have concentrat forces in a wide variety of plas more or less alat the same time. you neve have enough forces in any case i remember being in cbat myself, and ian tell you, with a little bit of experience, that it aays takes more resoues to hold onto an objective than
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it does to tak it in the first ace. i've taken lots of objeives, d i've been thrown off about haf them. we're going to need lotsore folks than the plan calls for. thinks we don't haveenough forces is ablutely corre. it may take many times the number o forces lanned. >> which would suesthe situation afghanistans etty dire. >> well, it's n good athe moment. we have a big offensive under way in some of the more difficult areas do in the south in helman prince, and near kanhar where the taliban has made some inroadsn the st couple of yes or so, whe we've been paying attention to iraq there is aso a very difficult area up in th ntheast in places like tora boa, overlooking the hindu into pakistan we have very little control over training areas inside pakian. the enemy who recruit and
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coalesce over therand make their way into afghanist. these two areas in theouth and inhe uer northeast, again -- against the pakistani border are extremely fficult, and wee been on the losing side of this for some time. there are going to have to be more important forces there. anmore afghan forces to combat the d guys. >>eneral jack jacobs, as always. thanks. >> you're welcome. >> msnbc is the place for politics. ashe president prepares to return homerom afri tonight his pick for the supreme court is preparing to face the senate judiciary committee. judge sonia somayor's confirmation hein begin on monday and behind closed dors she is fielding pracce questions from white house wyers to get in some real hearsal before the bigday. m joined now liveby msnbc potical analyst pat buchanan andemocratic strategy morris reid. so, gentlemen, we'll turn our attentioto this subject this hour. pat, do conservatives really think they can block sotomar's nomination? is that the best-case scenar
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for them and i itrealistic at all? >> no, i don't think they think they can block her. democrats have 60votes. you have republicans ing to vote forjudgesotomayor. i think what republicans ought to do is not get preed along this. don't do any of the sagery thatas done claren omas. but what they oht to dos lay out judge sotomayor'srecord, especially in thisarea, if you will, of racbased justice. the firemen up the in new haven were denied for a long timepromotions,simply because they were all white, or one spanic in with tm. and i thin what the republican party ought t do islay out the caseoes judgeomayor beeve race should be taken into considetion in hiring and promotions? and racial preferce are they acceptab? you get thidown to a philosophical agreemt on an issue where publicans are ve rong. >> morris where doyou think judge sotomayoris most
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vulnerable? >> it's not so much whe i ink she's the most lnerable. it's ally where the publicans are going to overreach and swing the pendulum away fromthem. this is atricky suationor them and a very shre political onfor the democrats becaus she is a hispanic, latina oman. the republican party s madean overt outreach tothem. will be very difficult for them to block the first hisnic to be on the supreme court. i think the balls in their cour not in the democratic court. she needs to stayyfocused. be very prepared and measur. but this is certainly something that the republicans can't afford to come up on t wrong fo. it not a slam dunk a home run for the democrats but it certainly looks very favorabl >> i'm curious pat with things looking good forer eventually confirmation, how risky ist for political opponents to speak out against r? you thk people are going to be vocifeusn their opinions? >> voferous, no. but i thk, look, first off the democrats are taking a risk here, ll.
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affirmative action rejected by voters caifornia, the state of washington and the state of miigan. threblue stes said we don't believe in that. jue sotomay does believe in that. her record shows that. her stements show that. so republicans have to t up and expose that, and do it in correct, honorable way, in order to showheir constituencies they're not going intohe tank. morriss ri, however, if you me off of ating up a woman and beating up a hispac woman, the way r example that judge wabe up b teddy knnedy when h wife got up and walked out in tear you were hurt urself. bo sidesake risks here, and republicans take risks both ways. i think ifhey do it in the right way, they'll come ofjust fine. >> mm. >> it's a calculat risk for the democrats, though. the republica have much more to lose. i they thaif the judge just stayvery focusednd very measured s is going to be confirmed. it's the republican party, and frankly those on thear right,
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pat, that have a tendency to overreach and at will wanto be so cutthroat,hat is truly gog bkfire on the republicanarty. and have ramificatis for the midterm. >> you can'tame a sing judge who's been nominated that republicans ripped up. ruth bader ginsburg got 97 votes and breyer got 86 tes. >> dferent time. different time in the countr pat, different time and different people on the hil now, pat. ve different people. >> all right you guys. we're going to have to lhat be the last word. thank you to p buchanan and morris reid. have a good weekend. well, presidenobama and e family, they ha arrived cape cst ghana. they are there to tour the cape coast castle and we're going to keep a very cle eye on things and bring you rereails. kind of consider myseself a robinhood of the directing world.
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buicenclave the finest lury crossover ever. need some zen time wi is model thank you.
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wa to bring you live pictures of the pe coast castle, the on the edge o gha right along the ocean.
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it is place of historical significance because the british used it as a land post at the time when they sent theapred africans to the united states in the slave trade. the's a lot of histical significce. much ofit painful here. is a plac that president obama and his wife mchelle and two daughters ar vising right now. a pla of significanceerhaps for michelle obama morean anyone else in our first family. as she is the great-great anddauter descendent of slaves here in the united states. but, nonetheless, it prises to be a very historical visit by thisresident and something of an emotional one well. let's go t nbc's mara schiavo-campo in the ghana capital of accra. give us some person reflections because yo were there athis location you did iece for us and show us a bit of the history, and the actual location. talk about what the president is likeand the sentiment rrounding it. >> absolutely. i was there earlier inhe week,
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and i actually have the same tour guide that the obamas have no so just to tell you a ltle bit about what that tour was le. as you mentiod, this was a trading post. and they traded a lot of things there, gold, tobac, ivory, and agically, human begs, as well, part of the transatlantic slavtrade. w what they're going to be seeing hat this fortress is essentially they're dungeons, and there's no other way to describe it. the maleungeon which is ly the most heart-wrenchi, at least it was for me, is several feet underground and i is completely dark. it is adark, dank hole. and up to 1,000 men we placed there at a time. th stayed there for months at a tim sleeping there, eatg there, using threstroomthere. they were never letout. they were never bathed. they never got any exercise. just a real, real trag moment in history. they were ke there,it was kind of a warehouse, because that's where they were kept until the shipsame in, in which case they could make the voyage to th america now this castle,s well asll
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of them that are along the we coast africa, ey all have what known as the door of no return this is the doorhrough which the slaves passed through before they were loaded onto ships to the americas and they never saw their home orheiramilies again. so it's al a very somber place. it makes history very real. just puts it right there in front of you. and does, inome cases, have extra significance for african-americans beuse we know for certain that our ancestors came from one of these forts,f we know thatwe have a slave history as michellema es and so it carries a significance inhat regard. it's also very significant for the rld to see the first african-american president returning to a placef such tragedy in african-american histy. >> mm-hmm. the pot should be made that -- that prent obama, to the best of my knowledge, he was not descendeat all from african slaves. s family hailed fr kenya,o this is sething that michee obama, as i s earer may have something particular, just something to b very poignant for her to -- toe there at that locaon.
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talkbout how it playsnto the mmunity there and the lture. his a placeha is reviled orrevered? is it spected? i mean,hat is it? or iit just a ple of historical significae for those in gha? >> you know, it's place of history, and there not ashamed of . it's n a shameful rt of history, but it is just aart of african history. anone point that yo made in that obama is not the descendent of sves wheas michelle obama is. something teresting that a gentleman o id to me who is an african, a ghanaia i asked him a silar question. he said yes my direncestors may nohave been ta but it could have been an aunt. it could have been a cous. it could have been an uncle. they still do feel this connectionhat it was their peopleha wereaken from eir homeland. and that is something that had a long-standing effecteven after the sle trade was abolished. use they took theyoungest, the strongest, t healthiest. so imagine a continent that has the youngest, the stngest, the healiest taken away for hundreds of years.
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at does thatean for oduction, forjobs, or growth of those countries? it's a huge loss, a it's something that has real reverberations throughtime. so it's very significant for the africans, as well. >>yeah. d you know as a mom'm looking at sasha andal there touring with their parents. at an education these girls are getting ding this summer. i think it almost beats tha whicey're gettingdung the hool year. >> ye absolutely. i was thinking about them when was dng the tour. cause r an adult, someone who studied history, you know it's very mber. wh i was there remember thinking to self, this is gointo give you nightmares. it's that powerful. i rememr thinking, is tis appropriate for chilen? to be honest, on't know i they'll fuy grasp. you go to a lot of places that are dark and dank. some people's basements might have mildew and they're n inherely scary places. what makes at place so horrifying is when you understand what happened there. so ty may be too young to fully grass the horro hundreds of thousas of people being treate like animals for nturie
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i don't know if ey can really asp that. and if theycan't, actually think th may be a benefit because they're very young and that's very scary concept to try tograsp. >> i absotely agree. i'm hopeful they can' grasp the entire thing at this point. at wha point does the prident take off, then, and head back t the states? >> he'oing to head o later on this evening. it was a very short trip, about 21 hours. but the white house was commitd to having him make a stop in sub-saran africa. at this poinhe's been to europe several times. it was about time for him to come here. th ghanans are very hpy that he did. but he's heading out later today back to whington. >> w wish him safe rafing and you, as well. mara hiavo-campo, thank you very much for joining us. coming up, why they're ringin registers across this land. u're wching msnbc saturday.
11:50 am
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> bubunc of babies skating o the e sur r hill. becoming the latestmust-see ad line. chececk o out. ♪ >> h great is at, rit? almo 4 mon people have watched this adad on y youbebe fa the ad hasn't't even premiered tv yetet. ining me live to tkk about ththeimpactof the ad and others like it iss the seniorice president t of t the $2.5 billd ency. thanank u u fobeing here. in advertisising y y do the job because yoyou' a aays lookingg o targrg t the audiencetoto whom wantnt to sell. es this ad dodo that? >> yeah. i think it does. think it does fantastic job of connecti with the audience. itit sets off all ee marketiti
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bobos. i thihink first and forest, this is a great t ad absolutely link toto the cooreof what we're abo. it's alwaysseen aut life, vitalility, youtand lving young. th is an absolute par of that. >> they want to make a statement. they wt to creata buzz. they als want people to go to their store andduyuy evian. does this ad make peoeopldodo that? i think it does overr time. ry different types adadveising. some is s mett to drivee sales right away. there's other advertising that's meant to bui an emotional connecti with consumers over time. i think this ad is very mucin the laer. it's aolutely about connecting with the consumer, about wha they're lookin for in terms of a brand and bottled water. >> what about babies sl so much? at comes to mind when iee this kd of an ad,it's real baby faces put on these computer
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nerated images of them doing thr thing. it's an e-trade ad. it wed there. what iit abou babi that people think thas going to sell something? >> everybody loves babies. they're cute, adorablble. everybododyikik to watch them.m. when it comes to marartiting an usg babieseswell, w whe usingg ananhihingwhat you're tryryin t do i ismamake a a statement abo your brarand u're intendingng toto demonstra the benenefi of yourur brand. both evian a and ebay use them very well. they're usinggbabies to make a statement about vitality a a vivi young. e-trade iss t tlklking about sosothing incredidibl compmpx,x the world of p fincncesnd trtradg. they'ree usingng babytoto say is so easyy a a baby can do it. >> what about evian having used babi before? dn't they doat like a decade ago? >> they did think in 1998 with
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another great adsimilar to the one they used today. i'm real excited they broht this concept back. it's been long enough time where there hasn't been in wear out of the concept. they've done lots of dferent things in the ten years or so nc i think everything they've don has been very much linked to the coref wha evian is all about. >> the fact that the current rankthird in erall online videos being looked at right no this is in the era of michael jackn. what does t say abou t ad? >> i think it's the holy gra of rketing. th have notot oyated a viral message, you know, there's a lot viral messing out there ne because it's entertaining. thiss not only entertaining, t it's absolutely link to the core of whathe brand is all about. when someby passes that brand ob, passes that piece on, it's not just a great piece of
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entertainment, it's incredible for the brand. >> tnks so much. that's a wrapf the live msnbc.. are on a conference c ,000ish they weren' - ( phones chpiping ) - constructioion workers are makaking 244,4,0 nexextel diect connect calls. 1 milliple are resinto an email. - 151 accidentally it "reply all." - ( foghorn blows ) that's happepening n. america'a's most dendable 3g3g network bringing yo the first wiressg network. - sprint. ththe now network. - ( whoooo sound ) deaf, hard of hearinanand people with speech d disabilies accessss you' ner go back to youolold oom again. anand w w a ng for mary... frfrom a broom. ♪ don't you want me, baby ♪ don't you want me, ohhhhhh new swiffer sweepe is redesigned... to cle deeper into corners. dry cloths trap and lock 50% more dirt, dust and hair than bom... with a new dirt grabbing texture.
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