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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 12, 2009 8:00am-8:59am EDT

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when you' s sling exoticic ccocolas, having a card d yocaca count on i is'a luxury. i's a necessity. announcer: toy how you run your bususesess is anything but t tycaca so use the card thatat i''t your typypalal cdit card. ththe ereran express op c chae card. to see whahat o ope charge carard d cado for your bususins,s, visit open.c.comouourb orall 888-550-open. >ririgh now onmsc,c, aewew report thihis rnrng clms the former vice presididt t mahave been infnflucece the c not to tetellononess aboutnene of its secret programs. and presidede o oba back in d d. he's answeringg criticss o of h imulus program with a a stngng new message e isis wkend. >> and christmas juy. well, onee giant retailer makea dramaticic men h hos of mp-starting its sales s dd getting you u topepe your cash. ananththe lying downgame.
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it's a newininrnet azaze. atat'she point? well, we're not e exaly rere, but we're going toexplain. how abouout atat t statart your morning? good morning, e eryone, i'm mrmron hahann for alex witt. let's go t towaington, wheree we arere learning n new dedeils on that top-secrcretiai prprogmm whose existenceceasas t realal. nbc newsws has learned that the cia kept t the program ununrr ws because ofdidickcheney's wishes for what cononesess shohoul and shououldototleararn. leon p petettaust learned aut this program june 23rd and reportedlyly canceled it june 24ert. i'i'm inin live at thehe white housuse by nbc's m mi vieira. lolot secret rumors abobout what t ts s seet program could be, but what have yoyou cocoved? >>eporter: a lot of what haenenedn congress istarting totoake sense nonow.
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pieces are ststarngng to fall io place. th s sry firsteported sterday bythe new york titime on its bbsi. the e s a program tt began in 2001. aa counterterrorori program. we d don k knothe details of actly what it was i iololve we're told itt did not vovolve thee soalald w warntntle wiretapping g ofmerican tizens, butomometng else that w wasundefined. it never became fufull operational, bututt t wain the planning s stassor somom e eit yearss and it's been reporteted the new york times" and nbcbc news thattdidickheney did n want congrgresininfoed off this prograram. leon panetta, ofofcose, no the director o of t t central inlligence was briefed on the program onon jee 23. ononune 24thth, h came t t t uniteded stetes ngress and briefed the i intlilince committees about it. id he had ended this ppgram, enen ough it hadad not becomee fuyy orational and details w forthcomimi from "the timeses" anand c news sing that cheney ---dick cheney, course, the vice presidentnt during t the bush administration -- did notaant
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congress informed. ananddemocrats are saying that leon panetta hasow adtttt that t theiaia had sled congress. of c coue,e,his feeds into other controversyy involvingg nancy pelosi, who saidd jstst tt when it cameoo wawateoarding. all ofof it statartgg t add up all l thee pieces beieing conned now, tamron. >> mike, you know,onongrswoman jajan that wsky wants an ininveigation. on panetta as an ternal ininststigion according to reports. t t w you've got rerts eric lder may w wtt something stronger to happen.. criminal iinvtititions. > rorter: we're talking a aut a slightly d difrere subject he. this iss investigating the usesf tortrte,e, pmarily, ocourse, ring the busush administrarati.. this is someththg g th presididn obama himself f hasasaid thahat did not want t tpursue, contrarr to the wishesf f t democratic base. maiberals say that tisiss soththinthat absolutely must be done. tteadingemocrats, including, of crsrse,he esident and ncycyelosi have sasaidt's not timim to lookback,
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's time to okokforward. now reports say erichohold,,f coursehehe obama administratition a aorney geneneraisis csidering just such an investigation, taonon. >> might thehe investigagatiss stt to overlap, mike, becacaus of the secrcry y an not knknong fofor ample, w whatt ts secrr cicia ogogm wasas in the first place? >> righght. wellllitit's unclear e exalyly whwhat g goi to hhapn. inerer ofhaha cocoreresss going to doo i instigating this program that has now b bee revealaled,,oror at least to th extent the exisisncnce the prograram s s en reealed. enen y've got the t tourur instigation. d d ke in mind, the seena intetellenenceommittee has ann onining investstatatio as a matter ofof ft,t,he admininisttitionnd many democratic leaders have pointed to thatt iesesgation by dianne fefeststein senate ielelgence coittee as to w wt should be done and what i is a alrdy unde way, tatamr.. >> and in the e dsdst of th aa, mike, , th date on howowoon shshou you move on frfrom some thes things oror how deepp soul u u coinue to didig. mimikethank you very much. and president obama is continuing t tdedefe his
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stimulus plan in anan op-ed that appears in today's "washington popost the presididt't's ece mamakeany ofof t s sam points he t tied ive home in hiseeeey ternet address,utut will thiss push to talk upp the s stulul convince people that t t p plais actually wororki?? we're going t to ask "newsweek' eleaeanoclcliff comininupup in hour. wewe'llolo at the psiside's approval numumbe asomome say the imulus is notworking. meanwhile, president obama back in thee s stes following hs ek-long trip abroad. s last stop, ghana. the prididt's speech ving whwhatome are calling tough veve to africa. >> too many tions, even those atatave eeleions, are plagued by problems that cndemn their people to povertrty. no b buseses wants t invest in plplacwhere the govererenent sks 20% o off the top. person w wan t toive in a a soetetwhere the rulule o of law gives way to thehe rule of utality and bribery. thatatss not democracacy. that is tyranny.
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even occasionally youu spririlele an n eltitionn there. >e'e're j jined n now live f washington by n milika heerson, white house repepteter for polititico good morrni.. >> hey, tamron. > my are making the inin o o making the a argenen that the memesse we h hea from the president towardrd riricaould ly comeme f fr areresint whose roots s arininhe countries thther >> ah. men,n, he obviously has a lot of personal cpipita with africans. yosasaw e huge reception that got there. and he obably w the o on prprident that could make this gugunt, which people are describing a as a tugug love argument againststfrfric esesntially sayingng that africs can't look back, but theututur of afrfricisis indeed u to afafrinsns and he camamedown hard on some f the bbery that isery widespread in afafcaca, and essentially sasaidhahat ntntchtrains have toelel on ththseselv. at mes, it t alststounded like cacampgn speech. i remember covering g so o o hi
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speechch d durg the campaignndnd heououldind of gege t audiencecenn w wi y y, we can, and also talk about b budiding from thehe grassrootsts . >> it's teresting, when h he arted this latest tripip w we were covering mm inososc and people weresaying how he e wa geing a chillyy rereepepti, that ththe throngs o o screamingg admirers of thth p prident that we've seen i other trips just was not there. overall, is this consisidea success s fohihim? well, i t thi so.o. i meaean, one ofof t thinin abo thesee summits is thatththey really are k kinofof making d d an making agreememen t thaare 50 yeaea out.t. if you think a abo some of the inin that they were tining to with the climate,hehey re talkininababou2050. so i t thi it's prably an inmplete at this timm you did se kind of the clder reception in russia anandhhat looks s li i is thought o w wit me of the aeeeents they madede with nonproliferatatioanand s s of the flyovover agreements t t made with the u.s.s. being ableo flflovover rssssia zonesoend
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supplies to the afanistan war. so overall i thininitit's probay fa t t say thatt's inmplete anweweave to kindnd o waitnd see. otothe g-g- is coming upnn september. these thingngs ee coming up l the time. >>ndndhere's alwlws something, of course, comining f forhe president. anitit interesting,g,ecause savannah guthrie saiai while he wawaaway that s h hadotot seen so many negagaveve hdlines coming from heree at homeelated totohe stimulus and otherr things, unemploymement numbers. now you've gothe confirmation arings of hisisfirst suprememe court nominee,, sonia sosoomayo. what mightththiseek apap up t be for the presidentnt. we know hissirst youtube raoo adesesseally hiting hea inngng the e ststimus. >> you'v've got t thesosotoyor arargs and aeeal increased push for the stimulus plaan. weawaw h really kind of step uphehe pushfor ithis weekenen with thehe iererneaddress and the op-ed i "the washington
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post." the n numrsrsdon't look go on this. th're declining.g. and therere e e lot of jojobs s far. the ststimususackage has created about 150,0000 jobs so fafar, w supposed tocrcrte about 600,000. theconomy has lst 2 million jobs sincece tresident took ofoffi.. so that's whwhatouou'r s sining the poll numberers. so eyey'l be out onon t road, tryingtoto talk his sttimusus package. and then with tomayor, i think p pbably won't e,e,ou know, kind of dramatic hriris as kind o of initially wewehohoug some of ththeeaeay kind of rhetoror w we ard from republicans. they have to reallyind of decide how mucuc ty want to fit t at looks likikanan inevitable confifirmioio >>great to see you th mornining. thanks so much f foretetti up early wiwith uu appreciaiate it. ththanyou. >> t tee care. alalaskaa governorarah pali hatatan to twteter to share her disappointment o ove a a ne ethics complaint fled against heher. governor palin saays sheopopes the latestst filing is wake-e-u call that aa new ethics policy s neneed in asksk ththe mpmplat a alleses palin h been idid for rr media
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intervrvie i in e 17thth complat fifileagagait governorpalin, the seconond since she announce her signation. ee palin'ss cefeff staff calls this nestllllation absurd. this morning,g, john mccain and senana diciary member senator chuck schumer will weigh i on the state of ts economy, judge sotomayos upcomg nomination hearings d much m it's sunday, it's "meet the press." laakers in california say they're coming closer to aeal that would end california's much-talkeout budget crisis. issue, how to close a $26 billion deficit. governor arnold schwarzenegger wants deeper cuts ineducation and soci service programs. he also nts reforms to welfare pensions. the ate controllerhas alrey issued ious worth $355 llion. >> none of wanted t see us
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get to theoint of having to have t ious. we're there. an now a numr of the banks are not goingo acce them. >>tate workers have started taking three daysff a month without pay. lawmakers hope a resolution could be reached this ek. and some hope this morning in the case of a missi enager from new york. brittanee drexel was lasteen leaving a hotel in myrtle beach and a vetera police officer says he belies the girl stl may be alive. he says there are intimate parts of this investigation that makes this case dierent than other cases th have seen. he says there could be new details comg out. police contie to receive tips on this case on a dailbasis. and nearly 5,000 people packed into a coliseum in mississippi to honor the life andegacy o former nfl great quarterback steve mcna. a funeral svice was held for
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th36-year-old this weekend at the iversity of southe miissippi. several foball players spoke during his service,including some of mcnair's former teammates. police say they confirm that mcnair was sho and killed by his 20-ye-old girlfriend, who then turned the gun on rself. an a swim club in one philelphia suburb is still knee deep in troubled waters, you might say. a class action complaint has been filedgainst the club based on allegations of racism and discrimition. the lawsuit targethe valley swim clubin huntington valley, pennsylvania. an african-american m allegg that her fur children were denied swimng privileges because of the colorof their skin. the suit also says th other camps heard club mbers make racist remas. the presid of theclub's board of directors has apologized, saying tt it was a sunderstanding and that this was a safety issue, not one about race, even thou his original statementaid that the kids would change the complexion the cb itself. andow to the latest on e
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space shuttle "endeavo." nasa managers a aiming far liftf today. a series of lightning strikes near the launch pad caused shutmanagers to lauh the shuttle's launch. buwhat a differenca day makes. let's t the latest from our friend, c's jay barberie live ce canaveral what's the latest, sir? >> reporter: well, friend, tamron, th latest is everything is looking greatow her the un's up this morng, it's looking like a flida day. in fact, the weher forecast is bett yesterday had they tried to launch, the weaer would ve been good. the weathe stayed in inland and it was pounding disney world, if you n believe it. but they expect the s breeze to keep it in again today. i talked to a uple of members of the launch team just few minutes ago andhey said erything is ready, tve checked evytng out. all ey're doing is waitingor the mission management team. that team is meeting at this very moment to give tm the go o ahead and start fueling and they will try to launch a
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13:50 eastern time night. >> how my space walks we looking at here tonight? wow, look at that lighing strike. that's incredible. >> reporter: oh,t s. that was a bad storm 48 hours o. it was tremendous. in fact, they had 11 lightning strikes that got within 0.3 miles of the launc pad. but it's all been taken ce of. it is a long ssion. the longest conction mission yet. 16 ds. there will be five spa walks once they get into orbit and g to the international space station, tamron. >> aaygreat to talk to you, jay. thank you ve much. see what happens a ltle bit later. >> okay. >> thank you, si late this hour, the last polls for prest obama. ne nmbers show his pularity slipping a bi what he nee to do to fix that and fi thiseconomy, coming u but first, a teenager takes flight and lan in the history bos. hear from her about this accomplishment. > and later, some find it
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funny. ot think it's sign you have too much time on your hands. people posting pictures of themsees doing that. lying down. what -- that looks -- okay, whatever. we're going to talk about this latest internet craz look out, guys, that's not . coming up. ♪ on this endssssan ♪ finally lovers know nshame ♪ ♪ watching inin slow motion ♪ as yoturn to me and say ♪ take my breath awayay (a(announcer ge locomotives. customs ve them almost as ch as we love making t tm. ♪ my lolove (annouer) innovation tayor america's morr. according to a study p pnted by better hes and gardens, definityty coror rapture. it corrects the lookok of wrinkles anand scscolation.
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50,000 v voters. one brilliant wiwi. i felt amazingly xexed in (announcer) joe eses contour meter r from bayer. (joe) my meteabsolutely adas toe and my lilistyle. i'm joe jamesand being outside othbox is my sisimplww. (announcer) now available in five e vibrant lors. carpools, coeerenc, microwavave diers. they blur onene into thnext. we lose rseles in the f f of eryday life, and drift awaway from what mamatter but like a beacon in the night, it finds us. the ght of more th 100 lighthouses, burning through thatat fog, and beckonining usus back to what's r real antrue. this light shines forors all. this lhtht ipure michigan. your trip bebegins at michigan.ororg
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welcome back. state budget cuts coulul force zoo boston to close. ofofficial athe franin park zoo say wiwiout me funnding, they'll have t t shu down i in october. a smaller counterpart, the sto zoo would al hahave to close. deval papatrick c the o' nding. thee opators of both zoos wld
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have too lay y have 165 p peopl and may haveve to destysome of ththe 1,000 animals. today, frida innvestigats sayythey're tting closer perhs toolvinghe brutal murder of a pepensacola cole. byrd a and melanie billings we shotot toeath thursday y night. eigh o their children, sever of them w with special needs, wr ininheir home athe time of the shtings. markrk ptter joioinse with thehe test. this i is a heartrtbreakingstor. wh's the lattest? >> reporter:r: a h horribl stor tamron. ininvestigors say thehave foundhe van t one thhey believe was s spotted on vividep entering a and leadi the crime scene. thth are also talking g to two persononof interestst, but they also sayay the one pers ey cannot answer is why were these crimes committed. at the escambibia county sherifs office, deputies escorteone the persons of intest from the ofce after q qestiong him. they believe t they're getting
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clos to solvining the casese >> the dam has brok >> reporter: officials sayy teir big brk came wen a t t line caller to them whererehey could find the red vanan that seen by a home surity camera at the murder sscene. >> once weocated the van, develolod a address s of where the n was registered t interviews with a associad frfriends anfamily then le us to two psons of interest. >> reporter: on the e videotape cameras captured the van approaching the housee satday just b before 7:00.0. it can be seen laving t the house, just five minutes ter. > i will share thiswithyou.. i i ink weere surprised with the redty of t the crime. >> repter: invtigators still have not establishedd mive for r the attks onyrdnd melanie billingngs. >> home invasion can occur becae i'm there to b burglarze you, because yoou havearge amnts of prereriptio dru. reporter: in the commity, this h a large ououring of
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sympathy for the adopteded ildren, se with speciaial needs. onof the chilildren tol a school bus drdriver, he misd hs mom m and dad. >>i said, anytime you want to talk t tohihim, loooo up to he and they'll always b be there. >> reporter:r: those cldren are now beg cared f by relatives an undilosed location and backcko th investigation. detectives sayay they'reooking for a third personon, also believed t tbe invved in the killings he has nototet bee identitified. a short tim ag the sheriff sa they are very close making some arrts. >> andnd our bnner said there ws deo from insnside. in your piece, sawhat vio of theutside of the home. whatatre auorities sayingg about what they y saw on t tape insisi? >> indeed, t there is vieo. the men c can be seen inside they're nonot releasing thee vi. th're not releasing any detailof the vio.
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buit has all been g gone over by the ininvestigors, holding i close to their vest,t,ut the can sawa lot in that house they cannnnot telus about right now. >> tha may be k to the ararrests th're moving on.. and upp next, alook at what to expecect nex week on wall street. ll we see any signs of encouragemen encoagement. >plusus, the range new inteternet cze that has thousands of people e ing stf like this. whwh is th about?
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[ [ mamalennouncer ] olay goes beyond everyday cleaean to a deep micro-clean.n. ayay dp cleansers reach the micro-particles ofof dtt some basic cleansers can leave behind for r a eaeaso deep itits crcro-ean. olay deep cleanserer now evdr of shell gasolol... contain a nron-enriched clcleing system... that seeks anand destroro engine gunk.... left b by lower-quality galine. it protectsines from performabbing gunk. try new nitrogen-enricd shell gasolines.
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welclce e back.k. wall s strt t wi be lookining r signs of relieie consumer spspenngng wn the ntnthl retail reports comeutut this tutuesy. exexpes s e expececti a a modod incrcrea, , about a a half percent when theommerce releases those n new numbers. sales cimimbs a halff percent,bt
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stst o that was due toto sharp ririsen gasoline ppris. alal due out this week, wewell get a snapshot oinflation at both the wholesale andetetai levels. ananconsumer prices ve been staying in check d durng isis more than -month rrecsion. els more like a a liffeteee've en going through thisis. and spepeakgg of shoppppin ther arare lyly 166ays until christmas, i if u'u'rene of osose ople who k keerack of these things. sesearanand artstores, ough, hahave rolleded o their christm displaysysin a hopeto j jumststr the e lilida shopping seaeaso they are hopingg customers wiwi take advdvangege of layawayay p now and complple e thr purchahae by the holidada.. isn't ththatsomething? w a new look atat h t the economy isis eating awaway the profits of o one of america's biggeses c can cocompies. joining me live,eraibbons withth u u this momorng. goodod morning. thought i ngle handily k kep hersheysysaflloa b but apparent i'm not buyuyinnonoh chocolate.
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gmisis a an icon f the auto company, hshshs hire aotot of people. >>eersys isststil a recession prf f siness, but hshshs is trtrngng tstreamlineoperations, cut their costs. sohehere shuttttin d dwnwnhehei weweitite, and their catalog buusissss and dodg this towards t the end of f th ntnth. it's largely a reflectctnn of te economy, notsaying tt shock t chocolatate is- - >> sure. shutting down thee onlinee -- alalwa thought th w w an ea -- you don't haveo o ha memeon monitoriring whh 24 hours a day y yocacan goo online and v someone e fillour order. > morore anan t-thirds of hehe hershey's s rcrchas are impulse puhahas. people g go toto t stotos,s, bu chocolate at the registers, a a that . it basically jujut,t, you know, they're tryiyingtotout eir
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ststs. >> and employeyee se, you knkno th've got that h huge -- they've got huge ants, even h herey rk in pennsnsylvaa.a. how many eloloye are they loloing at if they have to dosize, as far as bobodi. >> they w't't be -- they're leleing t the gift business, wh isis tirir catalog business. that's where you find on tat site,, the oversized chchololate rs, the chocololee pretzels and that tye of thing. they're l leangng that. there e a a befit for coconsers. 2525% f on the wewebse t thrgh the end d of t nnth before eyeyctually shut it down. >> there is a l lead inhhis ststor 25% off. bubut in the enend, this is aan exexamee o big companies havingg to rerestctctur and rethink. i in is vironment, theolol busisissss mels aren't wowoing, so hershehesextremelining, ing back to the sics. that's what consnserers nt, the sics. whatathehey d is getet ahead of the game andoo out wi these customized bars en the enonomy was good, and nowitit's back t the bicics like evybody elels
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>> not as sweet as it used to o be, but still prpretty good. > next, the latestst polls. dohey have the white house kind of rried? >>first, bruno and h fabulouspening at theox office. yesterday. sawhis movie wow. how does it stand up to "harry potter" in t days to come? i race to win. i know when it's the pct time to changey y tis. when it comes to shavaving i know when to chchange my y ad. (announcer) giet fusion's indicator strip fades to white en it may be titi to chge. fresesh blade.e. bett shave.
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fresesh blade.e. right now, all over the country, discover card customers are getting 5% cashbk bonus at theump.
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concierge claim centerer
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so i can just dropop off my r and you'll take care of everything? yeye even e rental. what if i'm stuck the office? if youou can't come to , we'l'll come t tyou in of our imimmediate sponse vehicles! what if mother won't let me drive? then you probablyy wouldndn't have e d an accidet inin first place. and we're lkin'! ananwe're lkin'... making it ala bit easier -- now that's progressive! call or click today. to washingto now. a new revelation about a secret cia program kept unde wraps for eight s from congress. nbc news h learned that vice president dick cheney did no want the details othe program to come to light, a fct he made cl to the a. i'm joined now live in studio by retired arm colonel and military analyst, jack cobs. goo see y, colonel >> good morni. >> i can't telyou how many e-mails i got from viewers since this story broke saying, it's
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the cia,n't they spped to keep secrets but what's the bigger issue here? >> well,t's against th law, in theory, to not to brief congress about it. the nationalsecurity act of 1947 requires congress to b kept abreastof what the intelligce apparat is doing and, in this case, they didn't necessarily do it. d the concernwas that tre would be leaks, thathe congress would leak it, some staffer would leak it. and as a result, evidently, this one particular program was kept quiet from the conesitself. >> what do y make o the fact that the head of the cia, leon panetta, did not len about this program uil he'd already be on the job six months and canceled it the next day. june3rd, he learned, june 24th he closed it. >> it may very well have en a completely mpartmentalized ram that took a long while
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to bubble . there are a lot of black programs tt congress fds in which only eight people kn exactly what's gog on and is in the program. >> but we're talking about the director of the cia not knowing about is program. bureaucracy, hs the head of the a. >> if yore in charge, you're supposed to go downhere at the very beginning and say, i want to be briefedn absolutely everything. you have people who you he working around you that are supposed to dohat as well. there's little doubt th is many months already into the administration that there were some people probay inside the organization who either did not want to orere told not to release it to anybody,luding panea. >> how would w ever learn the details of this secret program? obvisly, the details are protected an have en secret for eighyears for a re. wi we ever really learn or could we lea without compromi here? >>well, you should never say neveor always, but it unlikely you'reeginning to hear anythingbout it anytime on. the program is -- probably has
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to do withdostic intelligence, which is w it wa't released and why the administrati tried to keep it as quiet as it did for as lon as possib. some of the iormation may be declassified in yearo come, but you're t going to hear about it tomorrow. >> many people have wondere since this developnt if ts is vindication speaker pelosi when she id the cia misleads congress all the time. viously, she was talking about the sue of harsh interrogation, waoarding, d what congress knew about . is thivindication for her? >> well, it certainly points up the strangeance that is done between e administration on the one hand and t congres on the other. there are lots of programs whose information is not released to anybody, incdingthe ngress, expt fthe eight people i was talking about, the headsnd the major members of the intellce committees of bo houses, buthe 1947 law tha governors all this is extremely vague abouthatneeds to be releasednd what doesn'ave to be reased. and as result, a lot of
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information is notreleased to the congress. for a widevariety of reasons, mostly having to do wi security, so the snfgs is not released to the public and 's not leaked, a lot of it doesn't have go up to the white house omhich we know lots of leaks come. so eveone les to keep it as quiet asossibl for as long as possib. >> a fascing story. colonel,ood to see youhis morning. thank you. >> good to see you too. we'll have much more onhis story includg a live report from washington comingp at the top of the hour. but the oth big story today, ne shocking details emerging i the michael jackson death investigation. in a new inteiew with a british tabloid, toya jackson is charging herbrother michael was murdered b a bad circle of greedy handlers whohought he was worth more dead than alive "people" magazine is reporti debbierowe, the ex-wife and mother of the two jackson -- t ofacon's three children, the two eldest children, wel she's planning to attend a jy 20th
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custody hearin saying michaes mother, family kathine jackson and rowe are now privately and amicably trying t resolve te custy issue. and tmz is reporting la enforcement sours now say the central target in both the coroner and lapd investigati is this guy, dr. conrad murray, who was jks's house wen the singer went into full rdiac arrest. dr. murray's lawyer, ed chernoff, says his client h nothg hide, but would not say if the powerful edative, propofol, was dmiradministered the doctor. and a lot of new leg questions e being ised. joining us now for some rspective, a family lawyer attorney who has covered state case extensivelyand paul cowe we were in maup this morning, i shouldn't tell people, cause you're naturally eautiful, but we were in makeupthis morning, fired up about this custody
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issue, you said, if i sa if my will says i want give m childr to someone, how concerd they are that their lives uld mirror michael jackson's. >> wt's going on in the ckson family is quite ordinary. it's a very ordinarywill, a very ordinary divorce, by certain standar, and ev thou michael jackson had sole custody, rowe had parental rights. there was termination and there was no terminati because in the last time there was a discussion, e judge was the spoiler in situation too. 's in a child's best interests to have two parents and an obligati to hose. >>e're aring there are some reportout there, and all of this is speculation, that debbie rowe may also try toet balance etiquette, the 7-ar-old child who is not her biological child. how is th possible? >> blanket is a technical orphan. blanket does not hav a legal mother becau of the rrogate law thahas a birt certificate that has a bnk. that's how t surrogate laws
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rk. there's no interest th's been maintained by that biological mother. and by rowesaying i'll tkehe third chd, she's attaing to th important best interest question of a third childhould be with the siblings. if she wants to have thetwo ildren, she will have ha to have opened u the door. >> we've been waiting on the toxicology reports to come out fr the county's investigation, but theily had a second autopsy done for this very reason. to get the information back. do you think they know what was in his body at th point? >> o i think, yeah, the family probably has a very strong idea as to what drugs were i his body. of course, cmissioner bratton has now confirmed tat this is a homicide instation. so we' looking at avery serious investigation. >> let me ask y that. he said, we'reot ruling out homide. we've got joe jackson, mchael jacksofather sang foul play, and now la toya making allegations about whshe believ playea part in her brother's death. when they say, n ruling out a
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homicide, does that mean they're looking at someone as a quote/unquotmurder or manslahter? i know there very technical differences there? >> bratn's very careful in using the word hicide, because it covers the whole array of crimes from intentional murder toreckless manslaughte they could be looking at any one or several o thosecharges. foinstance, if la toya's intentional murder, that's one thing. but we can also be looking at these doctors for overprescribing an appropriately prescring drugs and recklessly causing his death. that's a malaughter. >> from your expertise in what you've seen in the past, do you believe they're working on charges here? >> i think they'reorking on charges and i think the most likely type of charge is reckless conduct by thedoctors, by one o more dtors in prescribing inapriately and causing h death. >> jaet, back to the custody issue he. wenow that there's a hearing coming up. they'r saying that thefamily's amicable. ie rowe, she still h her parental rigs, but could there
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be a deal on the tle where finally she gives up her parental rights, ithat something? >>t will be interesting to see if they try to terminate them at this time, because rminating rental rights is an important reold, because at that point the judg could jump in and be the spler ain. >> even if she offers, backdoor al is made for t children, thjudge could step in -- and it's ainst policy. >> why would yo give these childreno a mother that walked ay from th wh alive, when ma a deal for money f them -- >> that'what i asked in makeup today. >> why wld any judge in any circumstance give these children that mother. >> because if there is going to a legitimate cla made that joe ckn is going to allow these three chdren to be abused the wayhe jackson 5 and michael were -- allegedly ere. >> allegey. that will be the custody battle. what katrine did or didt do to protect her childre and what she's going to dor not d to protect thesehree children. there's going to be quite the
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media cicus. >> i wouldn't give them to debbie rowe, thank you ver much. >> if it's acustodfight, it will be the cuody battles of all battles >> paul, wknow where you stand. thank you ry much, a pleasure talking with both ofyou. day, illinois police are expanding theirnvestigation into that gruesome grave dgging scandal. the bu oaks cemetery has now officially been declared a crime scene and completely closed to e thousands of famy memrs ping to see if their loved ones' grav were harmed in all of this. this weekend, more humanones ar being found strewn about the ground. as many as ,000 grave sites could been affte by this scheme. >> we don't know what the end result wl be. i can't tell you how much i want to hold somewoman's hand shoulder and say, at t end of the day, we'll be ale to get you here and you'll be able to
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have this tpe of peace and resolution. >> four former eloes stand acsed of dumping a dismemberings many as 300 uneartd corpses in a scheme to resell tho plots that netted them thousandof dlars. and another round of record-breaking heat is expected in the south and sthwest toy. phoenix, arizona, could see temperatures o 4, but you know, it the dry hot. while triple digit temperatures are not unusual for the state, many arizona resints are sayi they are hopingor a break in the formf some coor ather. most of t state is now under an excessive heat wning. and these s tykes got a chance to beat the he at a water park. 10 on saturday. temperatures could hver around e 100-degree mark for just a we. i was there last wee it was 104 every day. hot. stilill ahead, howruno did at the box fice.
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welcome ack, everyone. i'm tamron hall. a15-year-old girl makes history. she became the younges rican-american female to fly cross-couny. kimberly had a helping hand in the cockpit with her tusgee airmanvi thornhill accompanied her on the 23-city, 13-day ight. so wt could you possibly do next? >> e, sleep, relax. i have to nish my a.p. homework too. >> so cute. evtually, kimberly wants to get herpilot's licenseand fly solo. pretty cl. congratulations. it was a big weekend for uno, from the catwalk to the top of the b office, bruno is
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expected to be america's new number one movie. the over the t antics are intererestin but me are questioning the style of this movie. >> how did you find your son? swapapped h.. >> swapapdd the by the w wayoro wh? >>for an i ipo >> what! >> over $14 million on opening day and the earl read is th bruno will make morthan double that before the weekend is over. some say about $30 million. let's get t latest now from thman who recmended this moe to me. "in touch" wkley senior editor, tom o'neill who now owes me $25 fory popcorn. >> i warned you it is rachy, ist it? >> it's one of the raunchiest thing i've eve see in m life. i've lived in major citieall my le. >> i know, i know. >> okay. let's talk about the argument at this would hurt people in thgay commy. the point, many said, wa to
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expose homophobia here. some of the things that happen in there were so far beyond any ertype. some othe scenes portrayed him as thisoversexed stereotype off a gay n hitti on straight man all the time. right, right, right.. and not onlyy that,utut they te all these stster types and portray him as the sililly iot. th insult is tim o. but ththe engeusf sacha bararon cohen, he forces us to rootot f him. it offensnsive. i work with twoo g gay guysys, straigight gus, everody was apapalled an socked by this. >> a one whapoint in the movi were yoyou roototing for h? whenen the dominatrixx w beang hihim naked? he's g getting beatenn wh this belt. rooting for him there?? >> absolulutely, get o that windndow, in timefor the -- mmmm. this m movie really,eally tests your patiencnce, taste, and ope mind.
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on the other hand, i think it's an importantnt movie.. becaususbyby taking tesese sterereopepeand spinning them up bibi and this is domementary style. most of the pele we see in this movie e not awarerehat is is a vie and they're bebeing fied. >> and i couldn't tellho was aware and who wasn't. because when he'tatalking about ading an ipod for this african baby, who wouldn't be outrad? and he's in arkansas and starts making out withanothe man at an ultimate fighting ing. somee throws a chair a him and this chair slams int that ring. they wertrying to -- ty want blood. eyanted beat him up. >> and they knew ahead of time, they caged the two fighters in. you could see howdrunknd out control everyone elswas. 's the messagef this movie. by cranking up these stereotypes, it's knd of harmless, and th is wh these ople are, justeave them alone. t then we see the exaggerated stream on the other side. these wanted to killim. >> i don't ow, tom. so wl it be the nmber one
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movie all summer? this going t be the big one? >> no it will only make $ millionhis week. that coares t $26lion for "borat"' opening with. it not going to be a super hit. >> give me my $25 backnow. >> at commercial break. >> i don't take checks. stil ahead, theresident is pushing the stimulus. is the economy starting have anffect onis popurity? reaction nt on msnbc, the ple for politics. key saunder's nature vle
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the ple at inspires her to go ster... and slower, elk mountains, colorado. whe's yours? 100% natur nure valley gnolaars. the taste nature intended. a revolutionary in-wash booster that works with your detergrgent o help remove e tough ststns... thfirst time. coming to ststores late july. get your dollar ty coupon at tidestainrel.c today! kind of consider myself a robinhood of ththe recting world.
8:53 am
buick enclave the finest l lury crossover ever.. need some zen time with is mod
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lcome back. it is perhaps these days o of the most bizre internet phenomons happening and it's sweeping t globe. take a look. it's called the lyingown me. several facebook groups are dilang thousands of photographs doin just at, people lying facedown in odd locaons. branches to waw one re fromtree photograph of a guy at a golf -- there it -- the golf range. even aaircraft engine from a jumbo jet. not off-limits.
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far, there have been more than 4,000 images of people doing this. look at that. onfacebook -- n sure what the pot is, but, hey, whateve is your fun. i'm notere to judge. >>well, to politics now. new this morning, president ama is playing defen over his stimulus plan today in the face of some rising unemployment numbers. in a ne washington postop ed, e president writes it was fro the star a two-year program. we must let it work t w it's suosed to wh the understanding that in any recession, unemployment ten to recover more slow than any her measures of enomic acvity. i'm joined now by elnor clift, editor for "neweek" magazine. od morning. >> good morning. >>ow much of this has to do with vice prident biden ying thathey misread orperhaps didn't have aull grasp of what uld happen with this econo? >> oh, i wouldn't blame that on
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the vice president. first of all, i think the vi president was llg the truth. they did look a all the available statistics a they gamblethat unemploymentould not over 8%. and they were wrong. the economy went into a deepe trough. and he admitted it. and i think presidentbama said, well, wouldn't have done anything diferently. i think ifhe president could have gotten a bigger stulus package that was a little me fron loaded,t would have been a betteridea, but he did what the political syst would allow. and it wasn't just republicans who were balking, it was democrats w s wh had their ownh list. but the case he makes in the op-ed todays cot. only13%of that huge package was at$787 billionas actually tten into the ipeline. and unemployme is always a lagging iicator. and it's goi to go over 10%. and having said all that, the goi to dge him on
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ansoar, the resus are not good andf they are going to be goodit's often the future he's asking for patien. >> he's askg for patience. but has the white house done a good enough job in your opion of geing that out, that tre needto be patience? you've got se of the world cotry's top economists who agrewith the president, saying that this was never going to work i three nths. >> rig. i think he has sai that periodally, but he's gotten distracted if youwill, you know, the demonstrions in iran, by the trip to europe, and by the fightor health re. d i tnk he's got to tie in thfight for health care reform. that is really ctical. if the democrats allow healt care reform to slipaway yet again, when they have a democrat in the whiteouse and they have commanding majorities in the house and sena, they willake a hit for that in the midterm electionin 2010. and they will deserve it.
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and i think t president supporrs are certainly willing to give himtime, but they're beginning to wonder whethere has what it takes to sort of force his will on capitol hill. >> well, you've gotome democrats going back and forth over this second stimulus. e polls showed the ameran people have notomach for that rit now. what is the likelihood tat we coulsee the white house say, let's goor a second stimulus? >> ink ifhe economy really dips further into recession/depression a we're and this stimulus packe isn't taking hold, i think t possibility exists. but again, the political wi is not there on capitol hill and the republican attackshat this is all big spending and big govement and it's n workin has taken eir toll. the president has grea oratorical gifts. i guess he's g to put them to more consistent e in defense of his own ecic plan,
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because theconomy is number one priority. and it's kinof gotten lost amst all thether cises that have upd. >> thank you very much, eleanor clift, "newsweek" magazine, greatly appreciate it. still ahead, could today the day for thshuttle "endeavour." more owhat caused the latt delay last night. a liv report from cape canaral and more on e mission ahead he on msnbc ndnday. ifou're like a lot of peoplple, you have gh blood pressure... and yohahave high cholesterol. you' ten steps to try and lower both your numbers. but how clososare yo to your goals? there may be more you can do. only caduet combmbines two proven medicicines... in a single pipi to significantly low... highlood pressure anand high cholesterol. in alical study of pients... with slightly elevated blood pressure andholeerol, caduelped 48% reach bo goals in just 4 weeks


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