tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC July 12, 2009 9:00am-9:59am EDT
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nextxt on msnbc sundnday w mum the word? did former vicice esesent dicic cheney gethe cia to keepep cocongssss in t t dark about secret counterterrorisism programs?? a live epepor straight aheadad and erers new evidence i in the caseff a m mdered florida couple. could a r revered redan lead lili to the killers? > plus,scandalous cimims
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between thth covers. jajack kennedynd robertt kennedy, were tsese camelot in-laws in love? a new bookiith some startling accucusaonon well,, good morning. i'mm tamron h hal inin f for al wiwitt we'l'lbrbrinyou that plulus the latest developments in the michael jackson deatat investigation. > first, in washingtonon, 'r're learning new daiai abououthe top-secret ciaia program that congress did notknknowbout for eight years. c c ne has arard thee pgrgram was kept u uerer wrapsseecae then-vice prpresenendick cheney dede it clear that he did d no want congrgrestoto kw about it. i'i'm joinedive from washington by nbcnene rrreondent, mike viqueira.. mike,e've heard a lot from the former vice presesidt t lately, his thoughgh on the direction e country issoing i s heeaeact publilicltoto these aims abouttisis actition and the a? >> repororte n nots far as we know. ththe oror first r reptete on "e w york times" website l la yesterday. asf early sunday morning,, w we have noteear fromomhehe ve president. here's basically thehe sryry.
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in the a aererma of 9/11,ththe cia was under trememdodous pressure to upup i counterterrorismsmapapabities. papantly this program wass proposed.. keep in mind, afafar we know, it was neverer operational. itasas nevernstituted. t t was plannnnedoror some eight yeaears when leeonpanetta, the incoming or thehe new rector central tetellence up a a thee ci a democrat found o o about itit on june 23rdrd,he immediately nxed the prograram. ththe xtxt d he went u u to cacatol hill and told congressionaleleads about i as w welasas lders of the intelligence committee on n bo the house e an t th senate side. and the s sto thatt we're hearig now is t thaduduri the existence of thhis oogr, even thgh it never became erational, it was vice president dick cheheyy and e bush admininisatatio who wawant congress, pretttty mumu effectively, kept t inhehe dark. ththats the source of tss controversy, as we rport this story this morningng, tamron. >ike, what happens t to this one. ncncthis story w was de blblicwe've heard dribs and drabs of fofoation. whatat'snext? > rorter: now it's entereded the p polical araren this was two ntnt ago.
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house speakeker ncy pelosi leleged that theyy lied all the time. a greaea controrovey,y, people attacking pelosii s sangng eith come up withth evidence or apologize e t thecia. w we have this revelation andd dedemoataton the intelligence committee are immediataty y calling l leopanetta and acactuly calling for an congressional investigigioion to extltl what happened. ananthis sort of buttress's nancy eleloss claim made tw montnthso. it all ties intoto the politica realmhere. memewhwhil investigatioions continue on the senana se into st what wawasoing on duungng that perioiod time. >> keke, good to see you'll thi morning.g. >> reporter: certainin i if. >> for more onontodaday'op stories from nbc's p policic unit, log on too it's a alwss updatetedd wth the latest political newews. andd s swiclub in one phphilelelia suburbs still knee deep in tubledwaters. a class actionnomomplnt has bebe filed againsthehe club babaseon allegagaonons of r rac
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dddiscrimininioion. theawsuit targetshe valley swclub. that's in huntington valley, pepennlvania. an afrfric-a-arican mother alleges thatater four children re denied swimming p prileles becacausofof t color of eir skin. the suitlso sayshhat other campers heard clubub m memrs ma racicistreremas.s. the president ofhehe cluluss board of directotorsasas apologizeded a s saithere was a mimisuerstanding. flororid investigators arar working n nonopopo try to solv ththe utut murder of pensacola cocole and today they're sasang they're getetticloose a b b bre came saturday when several t ti led them a red van n th resembleddonone seen cameme l leanghat couple's home at thee time of f t muder. rdrd a melaniebillings werere shot toeaeath while nine of their r chdrdrenere in the home slping. markrkototte joinsns u now live om p psacola where investigators s veveinterviewed mark, two p psosonsof interest o saturday. what can you telllls s abt that? >> reporter: welell,hi, tamron. it is indeed,correct, investigators say, to still call
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them persons of ttest. theyey a b bei tetervwed, not ininteogogat. they arereotot uer arrest. t t are told that investigatats s ar moving along very quicklkly this case. the discoveryy of that vanou ntioned was gege for em. anwewere told the sheheffff not to b b surprised if thehere an annnnncncemt later today, perhaps, earlyththisfternoon of at least one rrest. anand the endnd of the daday, peapaps o arrests in this case. ththeyhink they're movingerer quickly. they're also still looking f fo third man who o is believed have been ininvoededn the llllin he has not yetet been ididenfie. whatat they cannot sayay with a certaiaiy y yeis what wasas t motiveve f t thettack and for the killings. there are a few things they a a loing at, phaps the house was tarargedd for ney, for prescripipti ugs. there are a lot of t thee in th housusbebecae of the childrdren that were in there. peperhss jewelry,y, they justoo' know. wh they do know t thathe nn who went in the houseeemed experienceced t thi sort of thg. they were inin a o o very ickly. so that's whate e kn athis time.. a lot more to lrnrn andi i thk this aftererno,,e'll probably
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have a wsws conference with tht announcement o of a aleast one rerest >> mark, what t is the lateststo the children?? we said ninene t thee chdren wereren n thhouse at the time. nyny o thosekikidspecial nenes. >> reporter: t tt't's right. d there's been soome confusion ererhe nunumbs.s. the shererifs s fice and the family now saying it wasindeed nine a aopoppod to eight as w eaearlr r ported. ey're being cared by relatives in anonoth location. yeerday, we talkekedoo a bus driver, a pretty sasad sound cl. he was talklkgg t one of f th chilildr w whoas mourning the ss of his mom and dad. matthew told m me that his m anan ddy was shot andnd killeled and hedididn have a mom a daddddy anymore. d i told h him tatat they would always be there, that he c cou juju l lo up t to heaven and i e wawant t t talk to em, he could talk to them likike lilitt twinklininststar and therere's a real pouring -- outpouringng o sympathyy here f those chihildn,n, and verer gre concern that theyy b cared f
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well. asas isa, they're i iththe hand rerelaves right now who are surrounding themem a a all effos are being made to make surere at theyey a t ten care . >> okay. alririt, mark, t tha y youery muchch well, happening now, a new li o of penentily dangerous thunderstorms onon t move a acrs e midwestnd central plains. eyeyewnenessinbuchanan, ii say aa rnado hit ee town o on sasatuay. crews are clcleangng downed tre anand heher debris. you can seee itthere in the vivide five peopopleerer actually jured in all of this. and inin lananutah, pololicave called off the searcrchoror a missing mom m dd her two ilildr. authoritits s beeve the f filil was inside theirir he e en it collllapd d ontuturd. heavy rains used a nrby canal to r rupreretriggering mumudsdes and f floinin in the famimily nghborhood. thearth above ee home ar not ststab e eugh to have a search and rescue teteamn site and are now w ititchg to recovery. >>inin flflora,a, t rain came down so fast, the roads soonn
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stted to look like rirr >>nonow t tohe l laststn the space shuttle "endndeaurur," na managers say the s scecraft has enen cared to take off tonight. this after aererie of lightning strikes nearr the lnch pad caused shuttle managagertoto cancel the launch h hehedu for saturday. let's get thelalate from nbc's yy bberie liveinin cee nanaral. quite e a gght oflilighing strikes, incncreblble deo. >> reporter: that's s rit,t, tamrmron.. eyey a history now, i think. 70chance of going today. everything lookss rl good dnn rere. they clearere all of the lightninguestions t ttt ey had from t tho hits two days o.o. so they're g goi go eead wi t t fueling this rrni, the cotdown is under way. d they're aiming for aliftoff ececisy at 7:13:55 e easrnrn ninigh >> and give usus aitite scoop on th m mison. >> reporter: well,t's the longest mimissn n t for constructiti a at e ininteatatnal space station. it is also thehe latestobobct t beakakin upofofny size.
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ththeye taking up the porch to e e janese laborarato.. it weighs fofour tons and they' be able topuput an ararra of experirintnts outside, where e willll bpopose of crsrs to thee vaumum of scece a aalso t ththharsh climatate ou there of high temempetutures and veryyow teererates and it wii b be the one place atathey can do outside experiments, brbrin t t back siside the lab w whe they wawantto. d d on they gethh one, all the major pces w wilbe on the international spacace atatio and righttnow,w, tatamr,, it's size of t football fldset sisi by sidede. it is the brightestst object in e sky with the exception, of f course, of the a a unthe t thtd the moonon. you get to see i it erery rning juststftfterun rise or justst after sunset in theheftfteron. it's quitete a t tng to e, a bg star mongng across thesky, tamron. > j, , u may make things sound so wonderful. i want to run oututdede and gaz ovove. all rightht,jay,y, gd d see yo
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toy. still ahead, wrming up, the hot seat for judge sonia somayor's confirmation hearing. is there anything th could derail her nomination? also ahead, charges, tho are words you're hearing a lot mo these days at the doctor's office. is it good forhe well-being of your wallet? and it's sour news f your sweet tooth. this another sign of an econo stuck in arecession. you're wching msnbc sunday. this is ththe new hone. you wanna tell it whto call, just say, "cl ve taylor." caininve taylor mobile. and if you wanna telit what to play, st say, "play songs by jack johnson." playaying songby jack johnson. ♪ voice control.l. on e iphone 3gsgs, the most powererful ipho yet.
9:13 am
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sooner the better, vivisly. california's now t tiningo pay its billsls wh h ios. nonoeveryone's taking themem, though. >> none of u us wanante t to se get to thehe poif hangngo have thehe is. we're there. and now wewe'r t to a poott whea number of ththbabankare saying ey're not going to cept ththem >> and g govnor a arnld schwarzenegger a and lawmwmaksr negotiating on spending cu thth c cou go as highasas $15 billion. >>now to shington and attorney genenalal ec holder is reportedly consideriring investigatatin interrorotition that t to p pla undnd the b bus miminiration. thth d deste the president's wishshes tt the country look forwrwar n bakward. m joined now livee from washington by car lelee,hite housusrerepoer for popotico. carol, thanks for joining g us. >>hanks f having me. obviously, many the lt,t, particulular t tho left ogogrs, ececsticic aut the possibility here,bubut how d do this play out again, as wee p t ou w wh the president's wiwies? >> ththiss something tt the presesenent s said on a numbere
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of occasions t th he does not want. esisted caallsararer this year for aruth commission loloining tois, much to t chagrin n his rerepoerers, particulararly oththlt.t. and he's al said a nuererf times thatat he wants too ok rward andot backward. it remains t to b seenen, sort h howe'll handle thihis ltetes ththg, buthat said, y y k kno withth theprident's numbers the waway ey are and his pol numbers sortrt odrdropng a t,t, maybybe he wantsn investigigioi into theuu adminisistrioion. maybe he wants something g th llll remind eveonon sort of w wy he n in theheirirstplace. dd to bring this backk u up to sort of remind e eryrybo what the alternative was befofore h got elected toto office. w wel that's aninteresting thought. let me ask you abt the titite goal herere. we're saying t tat eric holder s nsnsering this investigation. what are the factors of isis consideration n and atatould be ththe alal >> well, i i ink thatthth is
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memethg that eric hooerer has said that he knows that this is a political st ofhot-button susu but i think what the atatrney general is tryingngo dodo, wants to establilish - have his own i invtitigaon that's'sorort independedent a isisapolitical and to make his own deteterminioio on sorofof where to move forward once that inststation or internal inquiries is coclclud. i thinkk thatatoing forwawa,, h had sasaid ttt he would make a dedesisionr that thesee thinngs would d decided in the nextt comiming eks. it mmns to be s se h how it plays ou >> it remains to bebeseen, bubu remainina partisan battle. absolutely. isis isomething the reblicans are going to g involved and jump onon, it just tas s evybody back to the alal partisan battles that wentnt o during the b bus years over this pticular topic, it jujustrererfrfac all o of those feelings. l l me get you to switch
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topicsuukly to judgege sotomayor, the confirmation hearing. atat list. you've got m mchael loomberg, a jor league pitcher, andnd one of the rerefiters involvedd i ththat rerer discriminationon case.. just a cououe e ofhe people on thee witness stst. >> yeah. i i mn, thth i isiike --ititill be ---i i thk the first t upupl of d da ofhhis hearing will b b pretty ieresting, but almostst everyonessumes that j juee sotomayor is goi to be confirmed. right now you're sorort okokinat the republicacans tryingoo figure out howwhehey giveve battle ththey w to wage against her. the democrats ha ctrol and dominana t the judiciary committee, 60 votesinin t senate. ththrepublicans are in a position wre they want to figure outut w to confrontnther nomimititionithout a aenenatg hispanicicanand men for a nominee that everyone sort of agrees isguarditete to -- >>wewe'v been s sinin they've t to figigurththat out ncnce her name was first broroug out by
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the republicanpresident. ve the republicans fououndayay toto walkk that fineline? at have you hrdrd aout the estions she'll receive? >> think t the one thihi they'll toucononith he t ty'y'llo afafter rr about her lllliness -- or thedea that herbabackound or her expepericeces e going to f ftto into how she legislates omomhe bebencor whetherr she legislates from the b benchr r she's ann activist judge.. you're going to see a lotot of e old cases, ththe ne haven fifighter's case, they'llll bring that p. anani i thk that't's the o way in which thehey'lloo afterr her. t i think we're prabablyust gog to see a uple fire rks for e e rst come off days and then it's s gointo fizizzl ouo. >> all right,cararol t tha you veryryucuch. great talking g to y this morning. >> thank you. >>thth n nhthtma story outut o chicago involvining gravedidier chagagpolice are stillll trying to measure thehe scope of the ception and theft thatat desecrated a ceetery, an hihioric cemetery. ththe test word coming up.
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welcome back too msnbc. i' tamron hall. >>with risingng unemploymenenand higher alth care cos, more americans are paying out-of-p-pocket mecal bills with thr credit card a market research firmrm indicas that americans are a already charging about $74 billion a yearo their regulular cret card.. "money" magazine says s nsumer advocacates ha warning ththat ying with plastic was a dangers trend that wowould cauae re financial trouble foror consnsers. and wall streett stats the new tradinweek in the thrs of a a downward trend. both the dow a the s&p 500 are comingng off foour straight oss, losi weeeeks. investstors this week may take their cue on the econonomy from reil and wholelesale pris. now, a a w look at hohow t ececomy is eating awayat the profofs of one of the biggest candy companies.
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joininme liveve, mnbc nalyst, veve gibbo. we'ree talking aboutt hershey. why is this a big tory? >> chocololate is a recession oof business and hersheys is nefiting from the factct that people arere trang down, not gointo godiva. but theyeye shutting down thr website divisision and calog. theyey had big hopes for this. theyey had orly ambitiouss plan when the economom was good, so now they' lookingto go back to basisics. focucungs onhe stuff thhat people wt, thee cheap stu, the sses, thebars, all that stuff. >> andndhis is a b blueprinwe're seeing compananies ross the ard. >> it's a reflection ofhe economy completely.. eryone having to streamliline operions and cut their costs. they're onlyly cutting about a dozen empyees and trying to find tmobs within t the
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company. thiss a company that has 120,00 emplployees, so cutting very teeny portion. but this is a reflection of the times. everyone's saying onlinee i the way to go,o, never mindnd the s and mororrs. so they had d thesehuge, huge plananand now they're g getting back to basics. >> think it's fascininating that chocolate e was coidered one of ose rceion proof things. >> it's a cheap dulgen, tradg down our expensive gym memberships for the cheap gym memberships. the lipstick effect -- >> what's that? >> you want to feel good, goout and buy the cheap cosmetics, the blushes and those types of thgs. those ar doing well i this kind of environment. it's good they're not laying off -- no major layoffs. >> like i sai treamlining their operations. you n buy chocolate their website for % off through the end of the month.
9:27 am >> okay, w. that'some tease for hershey. >>new published reports today put former vicpresident dick cheney at the cente of alleged efforts to kep a cia program secret fm ongress. what will theipple effect be from these ports? the potical fallout is next t on msnbc sunday. product do wen th? cording to a study presented by better heses a gardens, definity cololor rapapre. it corrects the look of wrinkles and didiscolatn. 50,000 voters. one brilliant wiwinner
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welcome bac today illino police are expanding their iestigation into aruesome gravediing scandal. an historic bck cemetery outsidof chicago desecrated in an alleged m makingsche. ining us by phone from chicago, "chicago n-times'" foroining us. natasha, thanks >>ood to be here. >> we've bn hearing awful detailof what these people were willing to do for money. what's the latest on the investigatn? >> the latest on the investigation is that the entire cemetery is now cordoned off as a crime scene. it's clod to family at a time when families really trying
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to figur out what happened to their loved ones. so wh you have are hundrs of ople cing into theemetery and ng to stop there and fillut information cardsnd come back in a few days. there's two main crime scenes withinhe cemery right now, where they've found bones, just posed nes. they've also fnd an area where the topography curiously sloped uand they fear there's double stackingf bodies within these graves. these are thereas that will be focused on in the next week. beyond that, there's another ea that's called babyland. anthis was really one of he most tragic parts his ory. there's an area called babyland, infants and children were predominantlyuried there. families are coming in,y're not even findingsto headstones finding a new headstone in the place where theyaduried their ild. this is very ne they're still furinghis all
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out, but the whole story is just- >> unlievable. ople were wondering how this could go on so long, eeciall becae of the importance of this cemery being an important, african-arican ceme. >> there's aotf questions about -- four people were charged, but there's a lot of quesons ofhether the compan that ran the cemetery, whether they had, u know, anyind of negligent role in this. they made it cle, four people are charged,heirnvestigation continues. they crged four peopleecause they have, they believe, a probable cause b for th. but they'rstill looking io everything. it's gng to take them a long time. the records are mess tre. ey're finding. it's really an unbelievable sight. >> and still no word on how soon those famies could go in there and check onhe loved ones? >> they're saying ctions of theemetery might reopen next week, mighte as early as wednesday. they don't want toive a date
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yet, because they're really uncertn, buthe two main sectio that are the crime eas, that might be months. they have to g througll these --hey have to grid it off and they photo mapp it yesterday with the helicopter, walk throught, lookor bones. basilly, it's an enormous crime scene and probably one of e largest we'veeen in our county here. >> all right, natasha, thank you so mh for the update. another round of record-breakinheat is expected in the south and utest. phoenix, arizona, could e temps toppi 114 degrees with tripleigit temperatures not unusual in this state, but many people in arizona say they ar hoping for a bre in the rm of som cooler weather. most of the sate is now under an excessive heat warning. and in texas, the kties got a chance to beat the heat at the f worth water park. was 102 degrees on saturday. forecasters say temperatures could hover around 100-degree mark for at least ather week.
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and now to politics. on "meet the pressjust this morning, sorohmccain reacting to newreports that former vice presidt dick cheney influenced the cia to keep a secret counterte program undewrs. >> the vi president, i think, should obviously be heard from if the accusations e leveled in his direction. a lot of this is anymous sources and this is -- if i ow washgton, this is the beginning of a pretty invved and detailed story. >> i'm join now liv by eleanor clif contributing editor, "newsweek" magazine, keith richburg, new yor bureau chiefor "the washington post." thank you both for joini us. >> gto be he. >> eleanor, what do you makef what john main ju said, a, about former vice presiden chey being able to address the allegations and what h knows about whiton that this could be a big mess coming up. >> i agree. i thk there are a lot of more
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threads that areng to get pulled here as we try to get to the bottom of this and it's all a part of the larger story of the vice president's role inursuing the a to provide certain informion an how we got into the war. it's a huge opic. and you've got the cia director, leon panetta, here with an exquisite balcing act. he used to be a mem of congre, and yet he doesn't want to undermine the moral of the cia. so these littleact lifts are coming out. then you've gothe attorney general who wants to keep with the president's progr of let's look forrd, not look back. but he's got to deal with the plications of these various charges and it appears tt he's ready to announce a special prosecutor to pursu a ciminal investigation, particularly around theortur allegion. but the program that they're dealing with now that cheney said have deni information to -- told the cia to de
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information to congress is an tirely different program and we don't even know what that is yet. >> we mayever know. that'right. >> keith, let me bring you i on this. a former official is telli nbc news that eney felt that congress wer briefed on th existence of this ogram, it would have been leaked out. n't it fascinating how oen the name of dick cheneyis coming up, coupled with the speculation of how muc control really had during the bu years. >> tre are a lot of fascinating threads to this. i think one of the most fascinatg, we still don't know everhing. one thg john mcca said that was right, this i going to go on and on and on. th obama adminiration wants to puthe past behind, look rward. they wantoet support for things like th health care initiative, but this keep com backgain and again and again because we haven't had full accounting for everythg that went on. it's really fascinating toee at leon panetta is the direct of the cia. only found out about this cret program going on on june
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23. >> that's the thing that a lot of pple were saying, y, it's the cia, they keepsecrets, but when theirtor doesn' for. know about ts program an then the next dayhe cancels it, what does that tell us? >> well, youonder who the rogue elementsre within the cia and who are they answering to so i hope we get so faces tached, although that's a problem too caus people are operating covertly and youon't want to undermine the country's national securit you go around tryg to find who's to blame for this or that. agn, it's extremely tricky. >> what abouthe argument tt keith s presented that some are makin about th president wants to move forward,because he's got health care, has gotto get this economy back track, has got to keep the unemployment below 10%, which is creeping up as we kn, very much close to that. eleanor, can they no do both you have my on the left that make the argument that before th close the door, you've g to figure out what was happening in tse eight years.
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>> the president also says you have be able to do mo than one ing. >> yeah, he says that. so can they not focus on both things here? >> i think what ts is moving towards, believe, is some kind of an inddent commission to get it out of the politic realm, set up some independent body that all sides ca agree on to look into all the dark corners, put a flashlight under all these rock and lo at the cobwebs. we can't move on until w look at what happens. andhere are still some unknown unknowns. we don't know wh we don't know. a lot of bad stuf went on for eight years. >> how long do we wait for vice presidt dick cheney to spond? he's been a talking machine these last few weeks, rtainly, about thsafety ofhis country. do he need to come out here the next few days, keith? >> i think he will probably me out and he'll probably co out and say, this prra madeus safe and now th it's been stopd, we' less safe. and he'll use that toontinue his narrative that all the things thathedid made us
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fe and all the things happening now make us unsafe. >> eleanor? >> there could be legal implications from what he says fr this point and he's got a book. i think he'll more quiet. >> eleano thank you so much, keith, tnk. great talking y both is morning. > theecession is makin us allhink twice about how we spend our money. in a moment, wel show you how people are cutting back to survive theinancial storm. > also -- >> a relation between hamas and hummus. >> also, bruno at t box office. he, perhaps, is now the king of cash. p pying toughout ) ( clunks ) (( coi splashing ) why toss out youruroney? switch to sint.
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than alive. "people" magazine is now reporting thatebe rowe, the ex-wife and biogical mother of two ofichaejackson's three ildren is planning on attending a july 20th custody hearing. says that michael' mother, y katherin jackson and rowe are now privately and amicably trying to resolve this custody sue. another rept clas law enforcent forces now say the ntral rget in both the coroner and lapd investigation is this ma d conradmurray, who was jackson's home when the singer went into full cardiac arrest. . murray lawyer, e chernf, says his client h nothing to hide. ining us, liz kelly, celebrity blogger with "the washingt pos post",hanks for joining us. >> thanks for hvi me. >> so la toya jason, she's been out of favor with the family. e made legations a long time ago saying that their father was u abusive, even sexuallyabusive. now shs back in the picture
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saying her brother was murdere >> this is coming out of a uk newspaper that la toya gave an inteiew to. we have to remeer, this is an opinion coming from la toya. she has no facts,pertinent to this case. she probably hasn't seen michael in years. you know, the entirefamily, you know, that mighte the o thing that la toya gotright, that the family was largely kept away from michael in e last few years,hether that was because of h entourage and thr decisions or wther it was chael's desire, there's no way that la toya wuld know that. and i think if anything, what we should take it as a heartfelt feelinrom his sster that she'in denial that maybe her brher cod have done this to herself. and the police chief in los angeles say they hav ruled out homicide and that's as far as they will go on this. >> let's talk about the custody battle. debbie rowe and katherine jackn said to be pritely and amicab ting to come up with a solution. what does debbie rowe want from
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what you've been ab to uncover? debbie rowe hasn't come o and said much after michael jackson's death. she has gone onecord prior to s death saying she doesn't want custody of the kids a she tried to give up custody of em in cou few years back and a judge tually denied at motion. she has said since the death of michael jackson that s's considerinether or not she wants custody. think, at this point, if anythi, what she's going to be after is a cash settlemen she is planni on showing upt the aring planned for the custody of t kids and what will come of them. right now they're living with jackson's mother kathere, in enci, california, and his ther, joe. and father joe came out a told anthe "new york daily news that hehoughthey'd make great performers. >> saking of joe jackson, there had been a report, liz, that one of the conditions debbie rowe wanted to put in place, that she did not wt her children around joe jackson. even, there s a report about restraing order. nothing has ever beenren
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agait joe jackson,ut it has been alleged by michael ckson and la toya aboutbuse in that ho. he comes off, ertainly,s a dubious character, if you believe some of the things that have been said about him, but nothing's ev been proven abo this guy. the on things we ow to be trueis that he really drove his children to be delivernd be ambitious and erform. and he's also a self-admitted strict disciplinarian. his definition of a strict dilinarian might be fferent from yours or mine. and rtainly if we believe what la toya and miael have both >> but does heeally live in the home with katherine jason? there was a report that really they'd been separated or estrange for ars. that he's in vas and she's in califoia and that he would never beround ose kids. >> they don't live together, but i guess debbie rowe's concern might be tt joe jackson mig see an opportuty with these kids to bring himselfack into
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the center of the entertainment world. he h his own recorlabel. whene was at the b.e.t. awar following michaejackson's death, he was talking about s record lab and his hopes for that. so i would worryabout his intentio ii were the moth of these children. >> and it should be nod, whoever has the children may control whatev estate and it uld be millions of dollars for those kids. thank you veryuc liz. great talking to you this morning, under these circumstces, obviously. >>it's getti cheaper t drive around tn thanks to falling gas prices. the averagerice at theump down anoer penny this morning tobout $2.54 a gallon. that's twoents cheaper than a nth ago and $1.5 cheaper than aear ago. and moreple are pullg back onhe spending,but when it cometo summer, a new report reveals that more people a lling to pay to have a le summer n. how much are thewilling to pay? the co-author of "you're
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ney: live richven when you're not." what are people willing to spend ? we're talkg about wet and wild, taking the kids to the summer water parks. are you ing to tell yo kid you're not taking him to disney world. >> i don't have the money. >> it's tough. you have expectations when summerti ces around an it's also spending time with your family so you feel like, this is an vestment i'm willing to make. it's n like i'm buying a big old car or anotr rse. this is time i'm sendingith myfamily. people are maybe not going to france or going on an airplane, but their getting in the car a dring someere, or going locally. >> trying to find ways to do this, but on budget. because disn is not cheap. >> it's not eap, but you an ahead, youan save. there are savings to behad. >> are pele putting this on their credit cards? >> well, de is coming downn thiscountry. people are saving ore. i think that there is a fear now to put money on cdit cards. and frankly, credit cd companies don't wa you to be puing anything on their credit cards. theye slashing limits.
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so if you do want toput it on your credit rd, it's gog to be harder to do so. >> 29% said th summer vacations -- yes -- they said no to a summer vation. 49% said they're going to take a summer vcaon this year. are places lke bush guard, some ofhe smaller places you can have fun, are those big this year? >> therere deeals everywhere. >> one hotel we ually go to, lly 00, anit was100 a night. >> sometes all you have to do is ask for a discount. may not be advertised,ut if you tell them you'recoming to town and headed towards tir location and coming with a family or group, thereay be discounts for you. >> the summer sales are already starting, like the fall items are out. it a good time to b shopping you have some disposabl income. >> sool clothes too. take them on a little vacion and get em new clothes for scol. we'll see. thank you. i love the title of your book.
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9:51 am
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welcome back. hittin bookshelves this tuesday, new biograp that claims robert f. kennedy and jackie kennedy had four-year affair that started aft the assassination of jfk. it illed "bobby and jackie." in this book, it claims the married senar, father of ten, was the first lady's "one true ve." the authorsoining us. in '89 you wrote the book "jackie." >> "a wman named jaie." i made the f reference t --
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alluded-to romance based on a woman that worke for ethyl kennedy and at one point ted kennedy me into her home, she puts her brother-in-law away and says "we'll have none of this bobby-jackie stuff in th household." >> you said you spt nearly two decades reseching this whatat pofof o thisalleged lov affair is there? >> don't consider it alleged. it is definitive. i interviewed numerous inside, erre sallen ger, arthur schlessinger, jr i mean thereare no anonymous sources here at lst 50 pople have went o the record, whom itaped. the tapes aravailable or will , and people talk more about jackie died 1994 obviously, because when she was alive they didn't wanto impn her. >> it's ju only recently with
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this book we're learning the details. why has it been secre so log? >> well, i asked the same qution. it tk "the new york times" to put in print that jfk had made viually the white house e aorore del lolow. seeing other women.. >> s soononecrcritues your bo, itas new lovv "you wowoerer justowow far peop willll willing toto go. it is a total exaggereratn n d i feel sororfor heymann. >> i know larry d doe't't like e money. i didn't write the b boooror money.y. if i me e money,, itt's b bause it's what i as a cacare. itits s an interestingnene iinst to the entire kennnned adnistration, because i i shows not only the pllee tt jackie
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had been putt into as firstaady wherer she put the c cotrtr ahe ofer own inreres, staying with jfk,knkning that heasas an ararntnt wanizer, but she delops this incredible a anger toward the entire situation. she madede hillary clinton looo like child' play. >> why n when you discovered -- you said in the book you discovereded in '89 an you touched uponon this. whwere you just wririting out thisis now? >> ts is myy fourth kennedy bo. i wrote ababout th children, wawas still goring information short a while ago as a yearr ag. people weree still alking. i wanted to put togetether in a memeaningfulnd definitive manner. at's really interestining about this, it is a a very complicate relatitionship tt they had. not only w was bobby maied, bu jajackie w seeieing aristotle assis at the same timeme. ari had bobby, bobby hated
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bobby. jackie hated ethyl, ethyl hated jack. it was a a mess. >> the revelatns in with your ok will c certain be shocng to many. dad, thank you for joining us. the dayy's top storiries in just a moment. so doe my collleague norah o'nnell. i'mm tamron hall. amg the stors norah wille followowing foyou, the drdrumb fofor seecond ecomic stitimulus. is one really needed asas warre buffett thinksks?
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