tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC July 29, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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journal poll shows who some americans thought was right and wrong. in honor of the american soldier, you quit making things up. media mogul sarah palin told the media, stop making things up and is claiming to be treated unfairly by the press. new reports of palin looking to host her own radio show? is rush worried? extreme measures, passengers being greeted by workers in hazmat suits. it's happening around the world. why? plus, hillary clinton says running for office isn't on her radar, but why does she still have an eight-person political team and millions in campaign cash? and they are flown to paris, orlando, even johannesburg, south africa. we're not talking executives on business trips or newly wed couples. we're talking the homeless. is that crossing the line?
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good afternoon, everyone. my co-host today, tamron hall. we'll start with breaking news. prosecutors just indicted a white supreme sift for the murder of a guard at the holocaust museum. he hilliard him at a shootout at the museum last month. outside of murder, von brunn faces federal hate crime and gun charge. this was a horrible event that the guard lost his life, his family heartbroken. >> you can see the hatred in his face. >> it's been a he said, she said. now it's what she is saying today. you heard the voice on the 911 call that led to the arrest of black harvard professor, henry lewis gate. for the first time, she faced
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the media, the public. she is describing what might surprise you, the backlash she has received. >> when i was called racist and i was a target of scorn and ridicule because of the things i never said. the criticism hurt me as a person. but it also hurt the community of cambridge. >> whalen went on to say she respects cryingly and gates and says she does not regret making the 911 call and said she would do it again. tomorrow a meeting between gates, crowley and, yes, president obama. the president invited the two over for a beer. it was actually sergeant crowley who brought up this beer summit to the president. the president making it happen. ron allen joins us live from cambridge.
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this is heartbreaking. you hear this woman. she's received threats. all she did was make a 911 call, a call that anyone would want a neighbor to make. >> indeed, tamron. there's been a lot of yelling and screaming, the last couple weeks. this was a real genuine and real moment in this whole kont vrsy. she is a plain spoken person, works down the street from gates's home, harvard office, i believe she does fund raising work for a magazine. she was going to lunch. an elderly woman didn't have a cell phone. so ms. whalen picked up the phone to make this call. she said she never imagined what happened after that would follow. the rope she was called a racist is there was something in the police report that sergeant crowley wrote that said she told him saw two black men with backpacks trying to break into the house. the police have never explained
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the discrepancies. that's why she got so much flack. she said she would do it all over again. >> if you're a concerned citizen, you should do the right thing. if you're seeing something suspicious, i would do the same thing. i don't even know how -- you know, i would do the same. >> she said she thought about it. but, again, it was on reflection she said she would certainly do it again. she seemed very committed of just being a good citizen. >> all right. ron, thank you very much for the latest. >> i think obama should invite her. why not do that? this was af life affected by that. racist is being tossed around a little too much lately. in the bigger picture, what do americans think about the arrest? it's interesting. more americans find professor gates at fault than sergeant crowley. 27%, tamron, poll placed more blame on gates while only 11%
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say it's a police officer's fault. 29% say both gates and crowley share the blame. 31% say they don't know enough to have an opinion. mark, i think that's interesting is 60% don't have an opinion or think they're both to blame which shows we are not one country with one answer on this one by any stretch of the imagination. >> absolutely. in fact, i find the last number, the 31% say they don't know enough is evidence in this case that perhaps the public is ahead of the media where people have had all kinds of opinions about this case. the fact is the more we learn about it with the 911 tapes, the more we don't know exactly what happened. i can't think of any pole where that largest number to your point, sir, is basically i don't know enough. i think that's kind of the good news out of this. i do think there's a lot of good news. >> the president, before he
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admitted himself that he said they acted stupidly, he didn't know all the affects of it. and that reflected in that report. >> he started out by saying he didn't have all the facts. then he weighed into it. then he said, to i think his regret; the police department acted stupidly. if we dig to the internals, where we didn't put out all the background about what people said about their party affiliations, it's a fairly partisan breakdown. republicans overwhelmingly find professor gates was to blame. democrats are likely to say professor gates and the police officer was to glam. >> i was shocked it was 27 to 11 in favor of the police officer. how about breaking the poll down into whites and blacks. was it demon extra tifb of that? >> i'm not sure it is a racial breakdown. most americans in america tend
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to trust cops, their local policemen. professional gates is known in academic circles, elite circles but not a household name. is it was oprah winfrey it would be a different thing. >> if it were oprah winfrey, i'm sure more would have sided with oprah. i'm just going out on a line. >> even obama kim around. clearly gates did nothing to break the law. no law enforcement official said he should have been arrested. i was very surprised at that number. >> most people are conditioned to believe the cop is right. one of our colleagues made a great comparison. that case in texas where the football player was not allowed to see his dieing mother-in-law. had that not been caught on tape people would have thought, no way the cop would not let him seeing his dying -- i think we are conditioned to take the side
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of cops. but they are human and they are wrong sometimes. could we be hearing the former alaska governor on the radio, your radio, sometime soon? >> not my radio. >> palin reps have gone quietly trying to find how much radio syndicators would have on her. most americans think the best job for radio is nowhere near radio or politics. >> america speaks. woo-hoo. >> donny applauding. the governor of alaska, a third of those polled said 32 say her job should be in her home. the governor should be a homemaker. one in five said she would take a good tv talk show, followed by vice president of the united states, college professor and president. maureen dowd called into a show way too early to talk about it.
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i love sarah palin. i mean, i love her more than anyone. because as a journalist she is the best story ever. it's like holy -- i say also in the column, it's like hollywood casting. when you have meg ryan playing a nuclear physicist or, you know, calista flockhart playing a harvard lawyer. you have this former beauty queen and sportscaster in the role of dick cheney, and it's mesmerizing. managing editor of cq weekly. good to see you today. >> nice to be with you. >> what do you make of this poll? 32% say housewife. it reminds me of a sitcom where a husband was asked what is the role of a woman. and he said, and i quote, the kitchen or the bedroom. 32% say she should be a homemaker. is that an insult or saying that is the most important job for a mother of five children? >> five or four.
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>> five. >> probably a little bit of both. probably some respondens who were her fans on the socially conservative right and think she question inly should be taking care of her talked her son with drowns syndrome and probably detractors on the left thinking she should stay in her house and never be seen in the public eye again. i hasten to point out not all those people who think she should stay out of the public eye are democrats or palin detractors. a new poll out in new jersey where the hottest republican candidate for governor of new jersey said he didn't want sarah palin to come campaign for him. this is chris christy, gubernatorial candidate in new jersey. two to one said it would hurt christy to have sarah palin in new jersey. >> i think interesting as far as one in three wanting her to stay home. i think that's one in three thinking women should stay home,
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not sarah palin. i think it was interesting, overall in the poll, 20% thought she should run for president, but only 12 #% of republicans want a president which shows you the democrats want her running for president. that's what was fascinating there. >> that's right. and the other thing the poll has is the classic political question, favorable, unfavorable. her favorable dropped from 54% last summer, to 38% today. that's a big, big drop. and she has a lot of rehabilitation to do if she ever wants to run again. >> colin powell was on larry king and he said -- he's a voice leadership of republican party. she's an accomplished woman, mom, grandma. i don't think she was ready to be president last fall. we'll have to see what her plans are. i don't know if she's doing this for political purpose or to start a new life in the wonderful world of speaking some she's going into radio. radio is really the way you grassroots also run for office.
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you do it one market at a time under the radar. that's where you make the most money. rush limbaugh makes 30 million a year. >> and they dominate radio. a complete person in the media. the other thing that's interesting is maureen dowd today, fascinating column comparing her to hillary clinton, how a few years ago hillary was seen as the paranoid woman, the victim. where she was on david gregory "meet the press" so statesmanly. now palin has taken on the role of the victim. he's doing this to me, doing this to me. fascinating. i don't know if that's, a, we need to take somebody down first like hillary or just the difference between one woman who is qualified and one woman who is not qualified. >> maureen is a friend. still ahead this hour, this
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is a big one, right wing pun it dids and new very personal attacks, some say hateful attacks on president obama. will the republicans elected to office speak out against those making millions via radio and other shows? plus, new speculation about hillary clinton's political future. why is she still raising millions of dollars for campaign donor sfs? does the swimsuit beat the great michael phelps? why the sport could lose its biggest star because of swim wear. you're watching msnbc. undefeated professional boxer floyd "money" mayweather has the fastest hands boxing has ever seen. so i've come to this ring to see who's faster... on the internet. i'll be using the 3g at&t laptopconnect card. he won't. so i can browse the web faster, email business plans faster.
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all on the go. i'm bill kurtis and i'm faster than floyd mayweather. (announcer) switch to the nation's fastest 3g network and get the at&t laptopconnect card for free. my daughter was with me. i took a bayer aspirin out of my purse and chewed it. my doctor said the bayer aspirin saved my life. please talk to your doctor about aspirin and your heart. i'm going to be grandma for a long time. some pharmacies make you work for it with memberships and fees. but not walmart. they have hundreds of generic prescriptions for just $4 for up to a 30-day supply and no gimmicks. save money. live better. walmart. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches. beautiful.
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okay. welcome back. a controversy brewing over performance-enhancing suits in swimming. michael phelps set a new record in 200 butterfly in rome. >> he beat his beijing time. 24 hours before, not a happy guy. phelps was pretty angry. in fact bile biedermann from german beat phelps in the 200 meter freestyle. one of phelps's specialties. biedermann acknowledged his suit gave him an edge. it is a polyurethane that surpassed the speed douo laser. phelps won four olympic gold medals in swimming in montreal. john, good to see. >> you thank you. good to be here. >> you have michael phelps making a comeback, if you will, from what we saw just a day
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before but the controversy still lingers on the suits, this polyurethane suit. donny and i could put this on and we would still be smoked by any of these men. does the suit really make a difference? >> clearly it does. the athletes who win say the athleac suit is responsible for their success. by his own definition, his own admission he hopes next year to be able to beat phelps without the suit. so he's saying the suit is responsible for the win. >> what does this suit do? the polyurethane suit? >> in this particular instance, the polyurethane, there's a flotation device. so swimmers swim high on the water. they're not pushing through the water, they're riding on top of the water. the suit constricts the body so there's less surface resistance. the suit traps air so there's
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air bubbles trapped inside the suit which adds to the flotation. all of these are factors which caused the international governing body to make the suit illegal next year. i don't know why they didn't apply it next year. >> phelps said i look forward to racing biedermann next year. biedermann acknowledged it's unfair. why immediately wouldn't they pull the plug on it? it doesn't make sense. >> you would have to ask them that answer. on the starting block i want asking two questions, am i the fastest swimmer in the pool today and am i the fastest swimmer of all time? then again, the sport i swam in a nylon suit, my opponent sang in a cotton suit. should mine be disallowed? i don't know. >> we have a picture of you in one of your suits. not to embarrass you but to make a point. there you are in the suit you wore then. we introduced this as
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performance-enhancing suit. we talked about performance-enhancing drugs in baseball. obviously we're talking drugs there. i don't want to make too much of a comparison, but does it taint the sport? >> it doesn't taint the sport as long as every athlete has access to these. in the ancient olympics all the athletes competed in the buff. >> on that note, john, thanks. that would be awesome, i think. a lot of ladies would like to see michael phelps explain that way. >> amazing how you went to naked men and i went to naked women. >> you're a marketing man. michael phelps has a new ad out saying thank you for letting me be myself playing in the background. this is his second controversy. >> this is controversy not really around him. >> the first was about drugs.
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>> he's a good kid. the one nice thing that came out of last controversy, he's a 22-year-old, smoked with weed. this is okay. somehow the media has a way of adjusting when we go crazy and not. and the media gives good people a little bit of a past. >> i think now that he was beaten, people will root for him more. >> i would have said he beat me. i think when you're a champion, you glow excuses about anyway. another thing for air travelers to worry about. could workers in hazmat suits be waiting for you the next time you get off an aircraft. and later conservatives wondering whether g.i. go is unamerican. this is msnbc the place for politics. it can lift your mood, help rebuild muscle... and improve your concentration.
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and has an amazing material... that's 4x more absorbent than you may need. making fluids seem to... poof... disappear. just like magic. ♪ always infinity. have a happy period. you're ready for the mid-morning rush thanks to a good breakfast. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espress. make one a double. she's fiber focused! i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate, hold the whip, and two espressos, one with a double shot. gonna take more thacoffee to stay this focused. stay full and focused through the morning... with a breakfast of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal; an excellent source of fiber that helps you avoid... the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good.
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pregnant women infected with swine flu have a much severe risk of illness or death. 6% of the fatalities from swine flu affect pregnant women but only account for 1% of the population. cdc recommends the women get anti viral drugs within 48 hours of being infected. the u.s. government has ordered 2 million doses of the vaccine. the vaccine campaign should be ready, though, by october. meantime, nations around the world, listen to this, are stepping up their screening procedures. a passenger posted this video on the "new york times" website. officials in hazmat suits in shanghai airport in china, checking travelers temperatures before they were actually allowed off the plane. wasn't that scary? imagine trying to get back home. similar procedures have been reported in japan, mexico, turkey. closer to home we learned late
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last night five are being treated for flu-like symptoms. a group of students who traveled to china from the states. a couple of students came down with swine flu. six other kids came down and they were quarantined in china. >> two out of three people in this country. we have our hands full. still ahead, this is a hot topic that's going to set donny off today. the right wing versus president obama. critics say some attacks are getting down right nasty. is the rhetoric going too far? is it going too far when someone calls president obama a racist. we may have a health care deal in the house. we'll talk about it. be right back.
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right now stocks are lower. the dow is off more than 50 points. s&p 500 is down 7.5. and the nasdaq is off 11 points. stocks aren't the only things lower today. oil prices plunging nearly 6% today. the largest drop in more than three months. prices settled just above 63 bucks a barrel. signs emerge consumers are cutting back on energy spending. they are apparently spending more on cars that get better gas mileage. honda posted nearly 80 million bucks in profit. the jab niece automaker raised its forecast for the full year to $585 million on optimism that auto sales will improve. and google as new competition from two former rivals. microsoft and yahoo! has combined forces in a deal to compete with google's commanding league in the online advertising market. the two companies will use microsoft's new bing search
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engine. now back to msnbc. welcome back, everyone. i'm tamron hall. i'm donny deutsche. >> right now president obama headed to bristol, virginia. he's holding his second town hall meeting of the day. >> enough town halls. enough. dude, listen to me, it's not the way to do it. >> he's trying to reassure people who already have insurance. he's highlighting eight protections that consumers will get from insurance reform. >> which is good because he'll say we'll stop here. >> no discrimination for pre-existing conditions. insurance companies will not be allowed to refuse coverage because of medical history. no exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses. they have capped how much they will charge for out-of-pocket
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expenses. insurance companies must fully cover regular checkups and tests that help you proventilness. no dropping koj for serious illness and no gender discrimination. >> whether or not you have health insurance right now, the reforms we seek will bring stability and security that you don't have today. reforms that will become more and more with each passing year. >> kathleen sebelius, madam secretary, thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> for some watching, this might be a refreshing change. the president being more specific. you saw yesterday in the town hall people wondering if someone would come to their door asking them questions about how they would die. it's heartbreaking to hear the elderly be concerned. doesn't that show perhaps this administration wasn't quite clear with its message and maybe the critics got the upper hand? >> well with, unfortunately what
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it shows is people who like the status quo want to keep what we have. with rising costs and crushing family budgets are willing to say just about anything to scare anybody. and that's really unfortunate. i think the president today is focusing on some very good news for families with insurance coverage for businesses who have insurance coverage. they no longer will be kicked out of the market if someone gets sick, if your child graduates from college. you don't have to worry about him or her losing coverage, which i just saw as a parent. you won't have to have a situation where if you're healthy and paid your benefits and then get sick you can be dumped, which happens to thousands of people every day. the person standing between you and your doctor is off your insurance company. and the new rules will say, that can't happen anymore. >> madam secretary, the latest polls keep dropping for obama as far as health care goes, which a stoundz me. what does he have to do?
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what he is doing is not working anymore. >> i think it's always difficult for people who look at the future. a lot of people have been scared about that maybe a new bill will negatively impact them. talking today about these insurance reforms, about the fact that we're not going to let the private companies who make billions of dollars every year pays their ceos tens of billions of dollars, make huge profits. part of the way they make profits they would rather insure people who don't get sick rather than people who do get sick. they want to cherry pick. that's not going to happen with the health care reform. >> the syntax that some are proposing, taxing sugary drinks.
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where do you stand on that idea? >> right now, tamron, it's not part of the house or senate package. over the last two days we had about 1,000 health experts to talk about the weight of the nation, the obesity crisis that we have, not only with adults where one in every three adultsis overweight or obese but one out of every five children in america is overweight or obese. and that trend is as it continues we have a generation of young people with shorter life spans than their parents. so we have to do something pretty dramatic to both get people's attention and to start to change what we put in our mouths and start the change the amount of exercise we get, all of which people can help to do among themselves and their families. this is a personal responsibility. >> i have to ask you about the public option versus co-op. we heard the president early on about public option. we're hearing this administration be more open to
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both. which is it? is it about public option or a co-op here? >> one of the public options can be an organized co-op. what we're talking about is some competition to the private for-profit insurance companies to keep costs down and give consumers a choice. and i think what you're going to have is a senate bill that may move in one direction and a house version in another. and i think over the course of the next couple months we'll make a decision. but cost and competition are very good to keep the private insurers honest and keep costs down. >> all right. secretary kathleen sebelius, nice talking to you. thank you for joining us. >> nice talking to you. >> you recommend on monday that he changed the strategy. >> go out less. when he goes out it means something. say, how does this affect me? take it out of theory and bring it to my door. >> okay. now the big picture. conservative commentators are calling president obama a racist. take a listen.
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>> i'm not saying that he doesn't like white people. i'm saying he has a problem. this guy is, i believe, a racist. >> i think he is a racial opportunist. and i think he has learned that he shouldn't shoot his mouth off when he explicitly admits he doesn't know what happens. >> even one of his own makings is the race card. >> the white house refused the comment. the statements are in an attempt to divide. we need to discuss the seriousness the serious question of race. >> is the strategy work something jonathan cape heart is editorial writer for washington post. jonathan, i think this is going to backfire on most of the republicans and the smart ones will come out and start talking against this. is this fair to say? >> i think the smart republicans will come out and start talking
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about this when they're pushed to do so. i assume you're directing that to the glenn beck and limbaugh and malkin who is calling president obama a racist or racial opportunist, which i think is an advanced conversation that doesn't need to be had any further. but in terms of political tactics i think, you know, a strategy of attacking the president just to attack him and to look like they're opposing him, without having any real plans for policies of their own, i think you're right. it will backfire. because the american people have shown time and time again there are a lot of problems and they want solutions. and they're tired of the bickering that's going on here in washington. >> i think it has to stop. this glenn beck is disgusting. he called this president a racist and a hatred of white people. this has to stop. the reason this man does this, glenn beck does, because it
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attracts viewers and creates controversy. i like fobs news. this hs with glep beck. some of the advertisers, general motors, chrysler, proctor & gamble, pfizer, kellogg, kraft foods. if you're an african-american or white american tired of this kind of talk, write and say put it somewhere else. take it off this show. you can control it out there. that's what happens. when ceo gets letters -- they don't know exactly where their dollars are going. say mr. ceo general motors, i drive your car i love it. i don't believe in this decisiveness. please tell the media to shift it somewhere else on fox news. talk it off glenn beck. it's enough. it's stupid. >> but what that requires is for people to be organized enough to rally and say they don't want to take it from glenn beck or anyone on fox news.
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the other thing, though, is that you need -- >> it's not all fox news. there's a lot of good reporters there. we can argue. we can differ. this is just stunting and this is disgusting. as an american it's disgusting. >> aren't we looking to see this divide within the republican party. we have republicans elected into office. walsh mentions senator lindsey graham voting for sonia sotomayor. but some get paid millions to feed the fire and say the president is a race sxift cash a $30 million check. whether you believe he is or not, you're throwing red meat to people angry and bitter. >> you know what, tamron, for those folks who hurl the red meat to collect a giant paycheck, i think the xhafr is outrageous and irresponsible. because while they might be doing it to get ratings and they
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might not believe 100% what they're saying, people out there are watching them and listening to them who do believe what they're saying and what they're saying is true. and so you're right, it only feeds this frenzy and the negativity and the harshness that has come to characterize american politics these days. >> i do not believe -- thank you, jonathan. i do not believe the ceos understand their dollars are going behind someone like glenn beck. they don't plan the media that way. that's the way it stops. it's very simple. it's all dollar and cents, kids. >> you named chrysler. they would react -- >> if they get letters, they would absolutely say, you know what, move it to o'reilly oregon shepherd smith show. >> it's got to stop. enough. >> the line has been drawn. still ahead, though, does she know something we don't?
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why secretary of state hillary clinton is still raising millions of dollars from her campaign donors. could another political run be somewhere down the line in the future? >> not so crazy. although she will be 68. >> younger than what john mccain was. >> i knew that was coming. some folks have way too much time on their hands. mattress dominoes on msnbc. sandrai went to pick up my prescription and i was told... sandra..."that's just gonna be four dollars." i said, "you're joking." amandai know sandra personally. and she was only able to afford asandrasome of my medication at was $100 for one prescription. amandabut now, she's able to get a whole month's generic prescription for $4. amandashe's also able to get a three-month supply for just $10. sandrai just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. vo: save money. live better. walmart.
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gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself. finally, good news for people with type 2 diabetes or at risk for diabetes. introducing new nutrisystem d, the clinically tested program for losing weight and reducing blood sugar. hi i'm mike, and i lost 100 pounds on nutrisystem d when i was first diagnosed with diabetes, that first step was more like a giant leap. till i discovered nutrisystem d. in a clinical study people on nutrisystem d lost 16 times more weight and reduced their blood sugar 5 times more than those on a hospital-directed plan. plus a1c was reduced .9%.
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choose from over 140 menu options, there is no counting carbs, calories or points. i lost 100 lbs. and lowered my blood sugar level. nutrisystem d changed my life. mike is one of many who have lost weight and controlled their diabetes with new nutrisystem d. backed by 35 years of research and low glycemic index science nutrisystem d works. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! new! nutrisystem d. lose weight. live better. call or ick today. welcome back. in today's making your case, secretary of state hillary clinton's political future. while she said she's ruling out another run for the white house, speculation continues. it fueled reports like the one in today's new york daily news. it reports, clinton still has an eight-person team. her team wiped out her massive
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campaign debt and sher $1 million in the black. news also her campaign committee has more than $2 million in the bank. so twice during her recent asia trip and sunday on "meet the press" clinton ruled out another presidential run. >> well, i am saying no. >> for now. >> because i have a very committed attitude toward the job i'm doing now. >> now? >> so that's not anything that is at all on my radar screen. >> are you saying you would never obtain another run. >> i have absolutely no beliefs in my mind, that i have an interest in it happening. >> that's unwinding the 200 million dollar business. that's pretty typical. >> but in her future, might she run again? >> yeah. it's open for discussion. >> bring in news editor with hough post.
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and blogger with thank you both for joining us. marcus, why are people still so fascinated with the pocket of secretary of state clinton running for president? >> look, it's only been a year since -- >> it's been a year, but we have a lot with the current president and the current administration. she's doing a great job by all reviews as secretary of state. >> ambition to find the clintons. it's one of the things where you have to be naive thinking hillary will leave state and do madeline albright and write books about foreign policy or think tanks. she devil loves her political game. i think she'll learn to love it. as i said, it's only been a year since it was decided. and she lost to obama. she still has a little bit of that itch i think left in her. >> matt, i don't think in the history -- i could be wrong -- a secretary of state has gone on to be president. one argued that's probably the best training ground in the world. i would love to see my future
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president eight years fully on international policy before they take office versus sarah palin pointing across the map saying we're close to russia. >> you could argue that. i think you could make an argument that next to richard nixon -- maybe that's not a good comparison for her but hillary clinton would, if she were to succeed barack obama, have the most foreign policy experience in terms of being first lady, u.s. senator and certainly secretary of state. look, i actually agree with what's been here so far. you never count out the clintons. but i don't nersly think it's a bad thing she has these ambitions. i kind of admire the clintons for their tenacity. i don't agree philosophically but they're tough and keep fighting. so i wouldn't be surprised to see her run again. >> how much of this has to do with the lack of confidence we're seeing in the polls from independents, democrats and even some republicans towards governor palin to have such a
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strong fae male politician as a secretary of state clinton there? to compare and contrast some believe. but some people would say there is no comparison. >> yeah. i think there is an interesting contrast there. philosophically, again, i am much more in line with governor palin. but i have to say politics at the end of the day is about substance. it's not about looks, not about charisma. my hero, ronald reagan was a good-looking guy, actor, charismatic but at the end of the day he was a good president because he had substance. he believed in things and studied 40 years before becoming president. and i think that's something about hillary clinton. whether you like her or not, she ran for senate the right way and she ran for president. as a senator she buckled down and bipartisan coalitions. >> are you trying to get the campaign together and switch sides? matt, marcus, thank you very
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much. >> i can't think of any time we've had a sitting secretary of state. let's say the the wheels really come off for obama, the democrats have a safety valve there in terms of sitting there and from obama, do i want to somehow keep her. >> get vice president? >> biden is a different story. in a certain way, do i maybe not want to keep her out there so much? if things go horrible for me, i don't want a formidable choice other than me in the office. >> you are diabolical in your conspiracy. >> no, just a guy who likes to look around corners. up next, today's crossing the line. >> new york city buying some homeless families a one-way ticket out of town. no, it is not a way to help or reward. it is a way to get them out of town. is this crossing the line? we have the details. i've been growing algae for 35 years.
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most people try to get rid of algae, and we're trying to grow it. the algae are very beautiful. they come in blue or red, golden, green. algae could be converted into biofuels... that we could someday run our cars on. in using algae to form biofuels, we're not competing with the food supply. and they absorb co2, so they help solve the greenhouse problem, as well. we're making a big commitment to finding out... just how much algae can help to meet... the fuel demands of the world.
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welcome back. in today's crossing the line, a one-way ticket out of here. new york city is buying one-way tickets for homeless families to leave the big apple. the city apparently spends $36,000 a year per family providing shelter and necessities to those family who are homeless. since 2007, more than 550 families have left the city as a result of this controversial program. the families have been move or shipped depending on perspective to 24 states and five continents. the associated press reports most of them are going to puerto rico, florida, georgia and the carolinas. the new york times points out some have even gone to haiti, peru, mexico city, the ukraine and even south kafr. it's not just a plane ticket being offered. families are given tickets on trains and in buses, too. mayor michael bloomberg claims most actually do take the bus to their next destination. still though without a job.
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the mayor is quoted in the "new york times" saying it may be an he or she place for them. if we don't, we either have two choices. we do this program or pay an enormous amount of money daily to provide housing." city officials say there are no limits where a family can be sent and it's an offer the families can refuse, not like a godfather offer, but they can refuse it. but is it crossing the line? some are arguing this is just shifting the problem to another place and if they are sent to another state, it's shifting them to another state, probably hard hit as well with unemployment and other problems in this recession. crossing the line you? tell me. let us know what you think. you can twitter me, donny is also on twitter. >> almost 4:00 on the east coast. there's a lot more ahead. will sarah palin's possible future as a radio host, can she give rush limbaugh a run for his money? and police caught on camera plotting to frame a suspect, plus, is the new g.i. joe movie
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