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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 30, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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good morning, everyone. i'm carlos watson a new poll seemed to be undercutting the president's health care push, how president obama quietly pulled a rabbit out of his house? major news in the war in afghanistan the united states
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may be getting commitments from allies in europe. and beer diplomacy? has president obama been bullied into a no-win situation. and why are rich people turning themselves literally by the hundreds to the i.r.s. an investigation on tax cheats that explode. good morning, everyone. i'm carlos watson. got a strong show today. we're joined by loretta sanchez. one of rising silicon valley stars. ron allen has an unexpected turn in the gates' controversy and a major update in the custody of michael jackson's kids. headlines this morning. new arrest in iran.
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now riot police barred opposite chief mousavi. the labor department says new unemployment claims raised. and a boston police officer has been suspended for writing a racially charged e-mail. > . nbc news has learned a custody deal has been reached in the michael jackson case. his three children will live with their grandmother, katherine jackson. debbie rowe will get visitation but no custody. jackson's personal chef says that's a good chase. kai chase describes what she saw the day jackson died. >> within minutes, i see
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paramedics running up the stairs, at that point, you could feel the energy change. >> want to introduce my guest co-host today. >> glad to see you. a lot to talk about. we saw some of those new poll numbers. but you think the president has to be worried, or just the price of trying to do difficult things? >> this is the price. this is the price. the game isn't over yet. during august, during this recess, we're really going to see an all-out add campaign, almost campaign style, between republicans and democrats, maybe obama organizing america out, knocking on doors. this war of words and the battle over what's to be done here, i don't think public espn decided. i think they're still open.
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>> when we were talking you want to talk about the gates' case. while we're focusing on the president, the professor and the police officer, we're missing an important of the case? >> absolutely. we had this revelation yesterday, right, with the press conference of the woman who made the call. >> lucia whalen. >> she made the 911 call. she was sort of misrepresented in the police reports as having her description with racial overtones. she said during the press conference, i have been painted as a racist. she's experienced a lot of pressure, as her attorney said yesterday, she said the three guys who behaved badly are going to the white house to beer, the woman who didn't do anything wrong is going to work today >> i want to focus on some of the things that she said and didn't say. finally, we're going to spend some time about this story this
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the wall street journal. the government has been looking at tax cheats, stacking their money overseas. some of these folks are actually turning themselves in. >> are scrambling. >> incredible. literally hundreds of people, the wall street journal, they have said it's gone from five to six people turning themselves, to 500, almost 1,000 wealthy people, i have done wrong and here's what i did. maybe that's the way to solve the blue dog democrat. >> we can just pay for health care. >> right now, we want to talk about brand-new nbc news/wall street journal poll, that shows president obama and his policies are losing ground. the president's overall job approval rating has fallen to 53%. the same percentage of the popular vote that he got in november. on health care the president's numbers are even lower, just 41%
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approved of the president's handling of the issues. nbc news is live at the white house. mike, time for the white house to get worried or is the famously no drama obama team, saying, hey, come on, it's summer time? many is still possible. >> i think a drop in the polls, i think the white house would say this is pretty much to be expected they're very mindful of the fact that the first year of this presidency is the time to get things done. to really push forward your initiatives. perhaps that's part of the reason the president was so adamant up until last week, getting health care votes in both the house and senate. if you like, carlos, make hay when the sun shines. it's taken its toll in this new poll. 42% now say the president's plan
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is a bad idea. that's 10-point increase from last month. now, just 36% of americans say it's a good idea. last month, 33% said. now 42% say that is a bad idea. the next element on president obama's handling of the economy -- >> mike, i want to jump in here for a quick second, it's interesting to me, while i get that the white house says that this is to be expected, we're engaged in a serious fight, lots of negative stuff run on the other side, this is start to being more of reminiscence, this reminds me of 2005 and the social security fight. where george bush said i have political capital to use and now's the time to use it. any sense you're hearing in the white house or on capitol hill, when all is said and done, they may not get a major bill done. >> something's going to have to
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be done at the end of the year. i think democrats on capitol hill, i work a lot on capitol hill, they recognize the fact their political fortunes are going to rise and fall on the strength of president obama and his popularity of his politics and president obama's popularity as a person. what that final legislation is going to look like and the president has to turn his back on liberal or core democrats in his party to get something passed, you'll talking about pulling a rabbit out of the hat a very, very high-stakes fight going on here. they recognize that. down in virginia and north carolina yesterday, you heard the president emphasize, what was going to happen to your insurance if this thing passed? he said your costs are going to go down. you're not going to lose medicare or the relationship with your doctor, anything of
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that nature, the president displayed a lot of frustrations about the attacks that are apparently getting some traction on his health care plan from republicans. >> as we wrap up this segment, i want to bring in carrie who's joining me "today," your thoughts? >> i think mike, what do you think about this, another poll "today," 65% of americans, even though this 41% is down in terms of obama's handling is down, 65% of americans stay they fear losing their health care. if congress doesn't do anything, that a number of americans will lose their health care, what does that tell you, this disparity between 65% who are afraid of losing their health care and yet, 41% say they don't approve of the handling or they do approve of the handling? >> i think there's a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of playing to the people's worst fears on both sides of the
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aisle. if nothing is done or status quo is adopted or what would happen if the president's plan were to pass congress. i was down with the president in north carolina and. >> ted: yesterday, some of the questions that he got were bourn of a lack of information, shall we put it, what about really is going to happen? the fact of the matter is, a lot of this is unknown. president is trying to get away from the walk and try to personalize this message which is a pretty standard thing. >> mike, in washington, thank you so much for joining us. after weeks of debate a vote on health care could come tomorrow. this all is true after house democrats reached a deal to cut $100 billion from the price tag of $1 trillion.
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it would excludes more small businesses from requirement to provide employees benefits. >> congressman, good to have you on the show. congressman, i know that they unveiled a health care plan, when you look at the deal that was struck with some of the so-called blue dog democratses is that move something closer that you can get behind. >> what most americans know, we need health care reform in this country. we don't need a government takeover of health care, we don't need this administration and house democrats, even with the changes that have been negotiated in their deal, are intent on doing, launch a new massive, government-run insurance plan that will literally cost, you know, nearly a trillion dollars in higher taxes at the outset and it will --
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>> congressman pence, unless you're looking at different data than i'm looking at, i don't remember being a trillion dollars in new taxes. i remember the president said that two-thirds of that coming from savings. i want to make sure we're clear on that. you're saying $1 trillion in new taxes. >> i'm rounding up. i think the cbo of the democrat bill was about $800 billion and some costs in higher taxes and fees and mandates. yeah, i think, you know, the reality is, we're looking at the launch of a more than $1 trillion health care initiative. >> but, representative pence, i apologize. i got to interrupt you to be clear about this. it's a significant point.
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please feel free correct me. we're not anywhere close to paying $8 trillion. if you got data from the cbo x, some of the proposals on the table, represent that much in new taxes, that's significant new information, where are you getting that from? >> i adopt think that's significant new information the estimates that we have been working with from the cbo, the new costs, surtax on millionaires, increased tax on new businesses, that's really out there, carlos. the reality is, the core problem here with the administration's plan and the democrat plan, even with this so-called the blue dogs have laumplgd, they won't give up on launching a new massive government-run health insurance plan as an option to compete in the mriefrt sector.
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the reality is, if the federal government introduces a free government option, employees are going to cancel the offer they offer their employees. they're going to send them to uncle sam and do what they need to do to keep the lights on and the doors open at their business. >> hi, congressman pence, the blue dogs are making themselves felt in this debate, they have been able to walk ba the really progressive democrats, do you feel in some way blue democrats are usurping in this negotiation in. >> well, let me say first, i really recommend the blue dog democrats who have taken a stand against their own leadership, at least up until "today," we saw some very strong opposition to
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the extraordinary launch of this program. it's disappointing, carrie, to tens of millions of americans who oppose a government takeover of the deal. excluding a few more businesses while you're still launching a government-run insurance option is really less of a bad idea that the american people are not buying here. >> congressman pence, got to go. but have to ask you quickly, how seriously are you thinking about a presidential run? a number of gop insiders have been talking to you? >> it's a nice compliment, carlos. i have been in idaho, north carolina, kentucky, ohio, i'm focused on serving the people of indiana and electing as many
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conservatives into congress in 2010. >> congressman pence, i appreciate that. good to have you joining zblus thank you, carlos. straight ahead -- house democrats may have shifted the center but there's new trouble brewing on the left. beer diplomacy at the white house. how will three guys sitting around a picnic table, how will they settle the controversy sparked in cambridge? we want to hear from you from when they meet. my name is chef michael. and when i come home from my restaurant,
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welcome back to msnbc live. i'm carlos watson. in congress tonight, one intrafeud is over. the deal between party leadership and conservative blue domestics cleared the way to the way to mark up the health care bill. it could put us into a vote as soon as tomorrow. democrat congresswoman from california, loretta sanchez is a member of the blue dogs. congresswoman sanchez, always good to see you. what do you make of the deal 0c
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video sites have doubled since 2006. a study found 62% of internet users have watched an online video, myself included. a number of people have high-speed internet connections in their homes. time to fast forward through the head lines. hearing under way in washington to determine whether a detainee at gb gb will be taken in for prosecution the case can play a key role in how the obama administration handles the detainees at guantanamo. a baby girl cut from her murdered woman's womb has been found alive. 35-year-old new hampshire is being arraigned this morning in connection of this horrific case. wife of disgraced money manager bernie madoff, is facing more legal problems.
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she's being pseudofor money was said on life of splendor. new details in the michael jackson custody battle. we got breaking news on that. debbie rowe the mother of two of the children, also weighs in, just shortly ahead. we got video of the da that you got to see, police are led on a wild chase? you. you're watching msnbc live. i'm carlos watson.
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some pharmacies make you work for it with memberships and fees. but not walmart. they have hundreds of generic prescriptions for just $4 for up to a 30-day supply and no gimmicks.
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we know why we're here. to design the future of flight, inside and out. to build tomorrow's technology in amazing ways. and reshape the science of aerospace... forever. around the globe, the people of boeing... are working together -- for the dreams of generations to come. that's why we're here. welcome back. i'm carlos watson. president obama's welcoming harvard professor gates and cambridge police sergeant crowley to hash things over beer this evening. to put an end to the controversy caused by professor gates' arrest earlier this month.
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ron, what's the sense up there? two of the principals are down there in d.c., still a lot of talk and chatter in cambridge and the greater boston area? >> reporter: well, everybody's looking forward to this meeting, obviously, no one has grand illusions that this is going to solve the problem in any way, i don't think anybody expects sergeant crowley and professor gates to walk out of there arm and arm. i think this community will take anything that helps them get past. attorney general eric holder said he experienced racial profiling as a college student >> i was a young college student, driving from new york to washington, stopped on a highway, and told to open the trunk of my car, because a police officer told me he wanted to search it for weapons. as i continued on my journey,
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how humiliated i felt. how angry i got. >> let's bring in pop culture expert, toure and carrie. >> carrie, i'm taken by the number of friends i have when i explain what happened to attorney general holder to others, happened, they always seem surprise. i keep thinking, why are you surprised? but you know, as you hear these conversations about racial profiling, do you think it strikes particularly americans, white americans, as something hard to believe? >> i think it depends on who you know. i have spent the last ten years in urban areas, where i brush up against all type of people, ages, races, et cetera and you get a sense for people's experience and how different it can be from your own. lot of people live in areas
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where they may not have these conversations. they don't get a chance to have them they might not be as aware. >> the thing i was taken most by, i wonder if the president or the police officer or the professor is going to talk about, so many people are going out of their way to figure out what i could have done to legitimize this reaction. i'm frustrated by that, too. not that i think people should be open minded and ask questions, it strikes me they do all sort of mental gymnastics, how a 60-year-old man could end up in handcuffs. saying to the police officer, i'm going to kill you, that's not good police. >> i agree with you. america's built on the idea that a man's home is his castle. or a woman's home is her castle.
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you should be able to do what you want. if a police wrongfully comes into your home and you don't commit a crime, you should not be arrested. now, look, we're looking to move forward now. we're having the beer today, this is where you see black people penalized for having black president. he can't protect us perhaps as a white president. he can't be seen as overly protecting black people. crowley will stand on equal ground with professor gates and president obama. there's no more equivalency between the two of them. he's going to stand there, not apologize, shake hands with the president. >> any time you push back against a police officer, i'm not trif liezing racial profiling at all, any time you push back against a police
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officer, i think you run the risk of getting, you know, arrested. it may not feel justified. i know whenever i get pulled over, i do whatever they tell me. >> failing an attitude test is not a crime. >> i'm going to put the conversation on hold. we're going to come back to it. right now we're going to move the conversation a little. i'm joined by the congresswoman from southern california, congresswoman maxine waters. i want to go back to the conversation we were having yesterday, a couple of days ago, that i thought that the president is not moving fast enough for people being foreclosed from their homes. have you seen fresh evidence that there's more help on the way? >> caller: yes, something very
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powerful did happen at the white house last few days, they called in all of the many servicers and they really put the pressure on them, to get the job done, a lot faster. the services were able to talk with them about the problems that they're having. they had to hire more people. they had to train them. they had to get systems up. but, the white house let them know in no uncertain terms that they wanted them to speed it up, i think they gave them a number they wanted them to have achieved by a certain period of time. >> congresswoman, i want to ask you about the health care battle here. lot of changes in the last 48 hours since we spoke. i thought you were fairly candid a couple of days ago in noting that it's hard for the white house, particularly the chief of staff to put a lot of pressure on the the blue dog democrats because he recruited many of them to run for office. do you think that the white house is going to need the put
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pressure on to keep progressive democrats in the fold? >> caller: well, this is what we know. we know that the blue dogs have been very, very successful in gaining a lot of attention from the white house and and from the democrat leadership. and that they have been able to negotiate all of their concerns and their issues and we believe that modification certainly have been made. based on those negotiations. now, what's going to happen in the final analysis, after this bill probably gets voted on by a committee and before our joint conferences, how much strength will they continue to have? will they continue to be the balance of power? in this congress. based on the fact that they all stick together and they're going to continue to fight for what they want. i tend to believe that they are not going to let up. that they're going to continue.
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to insist on having this bill, or no bill at all. or the bill the way they would like to have it or no bill at all. >> interesting. congresswoman, i want to bring in toure, who has a question for you. >> let's talk about this skip gates beer dip lo masy moment that's going to happen today. a cop makes a bad arrest, doesn't apologize, he gets to go to white house. the president made a politically incorrect stupid comment about the cop, what do you think about that? >> caller: i think you're spending too much time on it. i haven't commented on it. i have listened to it in passing. i think mr. gates is very clear about his position. the officer is very clear about his position. i think the president is trying to modify, you know, his statement and they're working at it and so be it. i don't have a dog in that fight.
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>> congresswoman waters, thank you so much for joining us. look forward to having you again. >> you're welcome. nbc news has learned that a custody agreement has been reached for michael jackson's three children. for more on that let's go straight to lee cowan in california. it seems that katherine jackson and debbie rowe has reached a deal. >> reporter: they have. what we're being told, there's a settlement and under that agreement, i shouldn't say a settlement, debbie rowe will not be seeking custody of michael jackson's kids. they decided, a mutually greed upon decision, best place for the kids is to remain with michael jackson's mother katherine. now debbie's asking for visitation rights under this agreement. we understand under those
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agreements the visits would be supervise. no money changed hands here. this is simply agreement that they came to about the custody of the children. again, all of this will go before a superior court judge monday morning where they presume since both sides agreed upon this, the judge will agree with it as well. >> we'll continue to follow that story. up next, the wild run and the little kid who just didn't wan to do what his parents told him. take a look at this. you're watching msnbc live. i'm carlos watson. undefeated professional boxer floyd "money" mayweather
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blowing through stop signs. now, when the car stopped, the driver bolted. the driver was not toure, not carrie elvelvet, but a 7-year-old boy. this took place last sunday and the boy told police he took the family car because he didn't want to go to church. yikes. a glimmer of hope for the economy, though. better news, maybe. jobless claims rose slightly more than expected last week to 25,000, but the number of total workers without jobs fell to the lowest rate in three months. podma warrior is with cisco systems. good to see you. how bullish are those in the silicon valley about where the economy is? we keep hearing kind of conflicting reports. some seem to suggest as "newsweek" did on their cover that the recession is over. the president seemed to mock it, but we've seen the nasdaq and other gauges of the silicon valley say that things seem to be percolate.
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>> unfortunately, i can't discuss the details, because we're in a quiet period. we'll be announcing earnings next week. >> and as you look at this recession period, so many times, companies are forced to cut back on things that they do, but i know that cisco has been one of the few companies that's been acquiring and developing new technologies. is this a period of major investment in research and development for a large company like cisco, or are you frankly cutting back in some ways? >> i think cisco has always had a track record. when we go through a downturn, we see that as an opportunity to focus and prioritize and act on some of the things we feel are important to be investing in when we come out of this downturn. so we are very aggressive in areas that we feel are critical for the future, such as video collaboration and future growth opportunities for us. >> i want to talk a little bit about your story. i'm joined here by carrie, and we were talking about your rise
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to become chief technology officer, born in india, originally educated overseas, but then coming here to the states. are you beginning to see a lot more women in key technology roles in the silicon valley, or are you still one of the few, the proud? >> oh, i think we are beginning to see more women in science and technology than when i started my career almost 25 years ago. i can't say the numbers are where i would like to see them. i am always very passionate about seeing more women get into science, technology, and engineering and pursue careers in the tech industry. >> padmasree, i'm cohosting today. the obama industry is putting a lot of money in green technologies. do you see a lot of opportunities for companies like cisco and other technology companies to clab writ with the government, as green technology moves forward? >> absolutely. we see this as -- if you look at the internet and the role of the internet going forward in the
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future, we feel that the internet actually plays a strong role in improving sustainability. we're pursuing a growth opportunity we call smart connected communities. if you look at our urbanization and the number of people that will be moving into the cities over the next five years, we expect 500 million people to be urbanizing further. there's a lot of opportunity to think of these cities and opportunities to make them smart connected cities. in other words, how can we improve the buildings to be much more energy efficient by using i.t. networking capabilities. how can we improve learning processes, how can we improve health care. all of these are opportunities for us, and cisco and other internet companies, i think, will play a strong role in the future. >>thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you, carlos. >> good to have you. up next, turmoil on the streets of iran. a memorial for those killed during post-election violence boils over, sparking new clashes with police. and do you have an opinion about what we're talking about on today's show?
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let your voice be heard. just send your tweets to, find my picture there on the screen, click it, and let me know what you think. i'm robert shapiro. over a million people have discovered how easy it is to use legalzoom for important legal documents. at legalzoom, we'll help you incorporate your business, file a patent, make a will and more. you can complete our online questions in minutes. then we'll prepare your legal documents and deliver them directly to you. so start your business, protect your family, launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side.
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welcome back to "msnbc live." i'm carlos watson. now to iran where witnesses say police used tear gas to break up a memorial rally for victims of a rally. they also barred mir hossein mousavi from joining about 1,000 mourners at a cemetery in iran. richard engel is live in beirut. richard, talk to me about the next steps in the continuing protests there in iran. >> reporter: well, many people in the united states have seemed to have moved on, this
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six-week-old crisis in iran is still very much around. around 6,000 protesters showed up at this cemetery. not only were they supporters of the opposition, opposition leader mir hossein mousavi, they were there to honor the woman who was killed 40 days ago, neda agha sultan. it was a horrific video of her being -- of bleeding to death on the streets of tehran. so the demonstrators converged on this cemetery. they were told that they were going to have -- they planned to have a silent protest, however, the riot police arrived. according to witnesses, they were swinging batons, they fired tear gas and several people were detained, according to reports that we're receiving from the area. obviously, reporting directly from iran is very difficult these days, so we are relying on internet reports, mobile phone
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communication, talking to witnesses. it is an extremely difficult situation to monitor. >> i can imagine. richard engel, i'm joined this morning by carrie elvelt, who is my guest cohost, who wanted to jump in on another part of that region. >> just wondering about these reports now that the prime minister of spain has said that he's willing to offer more troops up to afghanistan and the efforts being made there. i'm wondering if we're starting to see a little bit of the goodwill that president obama is engendering by reaching out worldwide. is that your sense of things? >> reporter: i wouldn't say that there is an incredible shift under way in afghanistan. what we're seeing is now for the first time in a long time, there is, at least, some international focus on getting the situation in afghanistan right or improving it. nato has long been one of the main problems in afghanistan. if you take the war in iraq, for example, that was always an american fight, primarily. there were british troops there, there were some other coalition forces, but it was commanded by
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americans, it was an american funded and led fight. in afghanistan, it has always been a difficult international conflict and now with spain, at least talking about more commitment, that is a step in the right direction. >> richard engel in beirut, be safe. thank you for joining us. that's it for today. i'm carlos watson. i want to thank today's cohost, carrie elvelt for being with us, great show. thanks for being here. right now, dr. nancy snyderman picks up our coverage from here. what do you have? >> coming up, we're going to talk about swine flu, obviously, and we have president obama's former doctor, who's taking on the president with regard to health care reform. we're going to talk to him about his objections. and as i said, swine flu on the minds of so many as we get ready to offer, as the government gets ready to offer millions of doses of swine flu vaccine. some people are saying, not so fast, questioning safety. we're going to talk about that vaccine and whether everyone should get it.
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and that custody hearing for michael jackson's children, what's in it for them, what's in it for their biological mother? we'll have all of that coming up, because it is noon on the east coast and that means the doctor is in, right after this. everyone's talking about them. and now we can actually do something about them. at wal-mart, their prices are unbeatable. over 300 prescriptions are just four dollars. four dollars. imagine that.
11:59 am
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