tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC August 1, 2009 7:00am-8:00am EDT
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>> the one image that i will never get over is go -- it will go to my grave with me, and that's the image of reginald denny being pulled out of his truck and being beaten mercilessly. >> denny would undergo multiple surgeries to repair the extensive damage to his face. he currently lives in arizona where he works as a mechanic. >> there is no doubt in my mind that had we, as a department, and had our leadership directed us to take action as soon as the riots started, there would have been damage, but we would have taken control, and the riots as we know it wouldn't have happened. we would have been able to save the city. absolutely. absolutely. >> following the riots, an independent investigation concludes that the police were outnumbered and unable to respond properly.
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the webster report also finds there had been a lack of planning and poor leadership, much of which was to blame on bad relationships between the mayor, the police chief, and several of the lapd's most senior leaders. >> a horrible, horrible, horrible fear of the los angeles police department. i was the chief. i take credit for it. so it's deeply embedded in my heard, my head. never forget it. never forget it. >> in the years since the riots, the los angeles police department has worked diligently to improve its image. among the changes, new leadership. intensified diversity training for recruits, and an emphasis on community policing, which requires that officers respond to all calls from the community, not just the serious crime. that's our report. thanks for watching. i'm john seigenthaler. crime.
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that's our report. thanks for watching. i'm john seigenthaler. right now on "msnbc saturday," running on empty, will cash for clunkers survive after the weekend? we're going to tell you about the strings being pulled to keep it in place. the president's health care plan, clearing a key hurdle on capitol hill, we're live with the details. also a record this week on wall street, but will the job hunt turn any time soon. plus -- >> you're a very funny man. i enjoy all your movies. >> i e enjoy all your movies. >> which movie? >> the one where you try to kill bruce willis. >> is this a funny move? we'll chet it out at the box
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office. a student gets told to pay up big time for illegally downloading music. but first the cash for clunkers program. the house approves $2 billion for a program that ran out of money a week after it started. also this morning the reform bill cleared it after the house committee voted to approve the ledge rags. good saturday morning to you, mike. >> good morning, alex. is thehouse pleased with these developmentmes? >> first, they had problems, but every hurdle gets successfully larger from here on out. of course, the senate wanted the house and senate full floor action to prevent the health care system. eames the health insurance system in this country. a little tweak of the semantics here. they want to emphasize the changes to the insurance industry they're advocating, not the entire health care system. we can talk more about that later. but theyn't royed both the house and the senate to vote on
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separate versions by the time they leave. the house is gone. they're not coming back until labor day, alex. the senate has one more week to do it. on the cash for clunkersing one of the last things they did yesterday before leaving town is to give the program $2 billion more. it was a good program. it had only been in progress for about a week. they sold upwards of 200,000 cars. they thought they were going to run out of the billion dollar that was allocated for the program. it's supposed to last until november 1st when the program was over. they found out they might run out of money this weekend. the dealership association put out a notice last night, dealers who accept additional clunkers deals may face a risk that they will not be reimbursed, so the house sprung into action last night, allocated another $2 billion. the senate is here for one more week. they're expected to act. in the meantime, if there's a run on dealerships because of
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the cash for clunkers thing, the white house assures there will be enough money in the pipeline but who knows what's going to happen if this continues to be so wildly successful. >> talk about something with incentive and making a difference and helping the auto industry. real quick i want to get to the president's bonding source with the cabinet. what are they talking about in these meetings. >> the white house emphasizes it's a normal thing. it dates back to theizen hour administration. every six months they get together, take stock. last night it was sort of a dinner/meeting across the street, across pennsylvania avenue from the white house. about 6:00 in the morning joe biden and the president made the walk across the street, much to the delight of many tourists, basically lasted a couple of hours. they're kicking around the economy, as you might imagine. first apartment foremost on the agenda, they're emphasizing that the policies are starting to kick in. taking a bit of the credit for cushioning the blow to the
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recession as a spoebsman put it yesterday after the somewhat positive gross domestic product figures came out early yesterday morning and they're talking about the health care plan and how they can continue to sell it. when congress goes home, there's going to be war over the air waves trying to sell or destroy or bring down the health insurance reform program, alex. >> thank you for that clarification. okay, mike. appreciate that. for a closer look now for the weekend's mad lush for the clunkers for cash, i'm joined by john. good morning, john. >> good morning to you, alex. the cash for clunkers has seepingly burned through a billion dollars or so. should. they be worried? shouldn't they be thinking if the government can't run this, how can they run health care? >> that's the amount. they're saying why should one particular industry be saved, get a bailout. in this case, it's the auto industry. but, you know, it's hard to
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argue with success. that's the reason there was such overwhelming approval for extending this program to september 30th in the house last night. two billion dollars in the program. it's going to have a more difficult time passing in the senate, because there are two sponsors of the original bill, feinstein and collins, who want to increase the my laj standards of the cars people purchase, so in the senate there's going to be more deliberation but it's gotten a lot of momentum and i would not be surprised to see it pass next week in the senate and $2 billion would go toward extending the program. >> so this is being deemed as a success. any chance it could be perceived as a failure if the government doesn't put the money ultimately into it that everybody wants them to? >> we'll have to wait and see. keep in mind this is going to affect future sales for the auto industry. for those who are considering
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purchasing a car, let's say, six months, a year from now, what's the point in doing that if they can get $4500 right now toward the purchase of that vehicle. so it may impact sales in the future for the u.s. auto industry. >> okay, john. let's go to health care. now that this health energy and congress has passed the bill, the stamg is set for the full how bill after the recess. et politico is pointing out that health reform never cleared the energy and commerce committee back in '93. did it this time? did it bode well this time around? >> this is a big hurdle for the president. the vote was 31-28. it was a tough vote for a number of dechl carats. in fact, five democrats side with republicans in voting against this health care reform plan. but there are now five different version of health care reform in the house of representative. they need to reconcile all those bill. of course, there's tough
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sledding in this as well. the president has a number of hurdles he has to clear before he has a bill on his desk, and he'd like to see a bill on his desk before the end of the year. >> okay. ing their you so much. here's a programming note. you can all watch "meet the press" tomorrow. larry summers will be on. check your local listings for the time. we want to let all of you know we have breaking news, this here locally out of new york's laguardia airport. specifically terminal c has been evacuated. it happened over a little hour ago. it is home to united, united express, and american eagle airlines there at terminal c. we do not know why the terminal has been evacuated at this point. the situation is unclear. what we do know is there are a lot of people outside. and apparently it's causing some sort of traffic problems on the grand central parkway. all of the exits around the airport have been blocked off as well. we're trying to get information
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here. as soup as we do, we'll let you know. terminal c at laguardia airport has been evacuated at this time. we'll get the info. we'll let you know. filipinos are mourning the death of their former president. aquino rose to power after the 1993 assassination of her husband. stheped down as president in 1992. aquino died earlier saturday after a year-long battle with cancer. she was 76 years old. on monday the judge is set to finalize katherine jackson e's custody of the three children. monday's hearing will address both issues. correspondent courtney hayes joins me live from los angeles with the latest. boy, you're a trooper.
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thank you for getting up so anything. >> anything for you. >> thank you. what can you tell us about the battle over the control of the estate. >> right now there's a temporary order. the judge says that goes to the two former business managers of michael jackson who katherine jackson said he didn't have a fantastic relationship with. this order put them in control of the estate meant that up until monday they were allowed to control deals that would take place. michael jackson's image and make sure that during the memorial there weren't tons of knock-off t-shirts and things like that being sold. it was key to them being put in place. katherine jackson monday is going to argue that, you know what? i should be named one of the administrators too. >> speak of katharine jackson, she and debbie rowe came to an agreement. >> one of the important details here as people are confounded,
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why debbie rowe would want to insinuate herself into the lives of the two older children is that there's going to be a psychologist present for the visits. they're going to do everything they can to make sure the visitation frequencies are set very specifically. questions are being asked that should be asked. this is not going to be sort of, okay, here's your buy long call mom situation. they're really going to navigate this carefully so at the end of the day, the best thing that is happening for paris and prince is taking place. that's what this is about. this isn't about debbie rowe. this is about the kids. >> okay. as well it should be. what are you learning about the investigation into michael jackson's death? i hear there's word from a former jackson doctor that he actually warned him about the use of propofol. >> that's right. as we've been getting trickling information out -- and that might be a strong word -- we were hearing he was shopping around for propofol. another doctor came out.
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the doctor turned him down, advised him u how dangerous it wu. apparently jackson was shop around for the drug and hooking for someone to add minutester it to him. so it's becoming painfully obvious that definitely michael jac was not just taking propofol at the end as law enforcement officials have confirmed but shopping often for it as well. >> oak. courtney hayes, thank you very much. just get some coffee. we'll talk to you real soon. >> will do. let's go down to the weather. strong storms knocked down trees and limbs in beverly, massachusetts. the rough weather also knocked out power for nearly 0,000 residents. heb rain flooded upstate new york, trapping some residents there. hope it cleans out shortly for them. coming up, a disconnect with the president and the rest of the country when it comes to the economy. we're checking in with "hard ball's" chris matthews live from washington. later some funny people making their way to the theater
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this weekend. is it work your while? we'll check it out and be right back. (marco andretti) i race to win. i know when it's the perfect time to change my tires. when it comes to shaving i know when to change my blade. (announcer) gillette fusion's indicator strip fades to white when it may be time to change. fresh blade. better shave. it can lift your mood, help rebuild muscle...
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and improve your concentration. tylenol pm works with your body to ease the aches and pains that keep you awake, and helps you fall asleep in a non-habit forming way. because the better you sleep, he better you feel. some pharmacies make you work for it with memberships and fees. but not walmart. they have hundreds of generic prescriptions for just $4 for up to a 30-day supply or $10 for 90 days. save money. live better. walmart.
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msnbc is the place for politics, and new this morning president obama says a report released this week shows the stimulus is working. >> for the last few months the economy has done meshably better than expected and many suggest that part of this is directly attributable to the recovery act. this and the other difficult but important steps we've taken over in the last six months have helped put the brakes on this recessi recession. >> but a poll is showing
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americans are becoming less s satisfied with the results of the economy. chris matthews needs no introduction, buff just in case, he hosts msnbc's "hardball." chris joins us from washington. good morning. >> good morning, alex. he's got a job. it's called selling the economy. that's his did connect achlt tnd american people have sales resis staps and they're looking at the unemployment number. they're saying, wait a minute, i want to keep some money in the piggy bank because i'm worried about being unemployed next. that means the gdp -- the economy has stopped contracting. he's right. it has to grow to croat jobs. if it doesn't crow, people are going to not have confidence. it's a vicious cycle. if he doesn't get people spending money, they're not going to create more jobs. and if they don't create more
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jobs, they're going to not spend money. he's come up with this clunkers gimmick and they're pouring this chemical, an engine grenade into these old cars. they're saying the cars can't be resold and people are getting up to 4500 bucks on a new car. i'm tellinging you, no matter what, every car dealership is going to be packed today. there's a 25% on a new car. you buy a car for $18,000 and you get $4500 off, what a deal. so i think it's going to work. so i think it's go ing to work. >> so that thing works but that's one of these stimulus programs that is working. that's going to re-energize people. it's going to get them buying, get the auto industry back. is this the kind of thing only allot 1d billion and now subsequently another $2 billion. is this another thing that cheap by comparison but the ticket to get things working? >> let me tell you, congress is going to be on vacation for three weeks. i predict this right now. the way they spent, they speblt
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a billion dollar in five dayses. you do the math. a busy weekend, they could use up this $2 billion this weekend. congress is going to be on vacation and people are going to be coming to the car dealer showrooms looking for cars and the owner is going to tell them -- the salesman is going to say, sorry, the money's run out but congress is on vacation. you watch. congress is going to get a lot of pressure to come back and approve more money because people like this deal. look, people are in the hoofbt buying a new car every if you're. apparently we buy in this country 17 million cars a yeechlt it seems like a year. this year because of the recession it's about a $10 million expectation. they're going to try to get it back up. people want to buy new car. they think the car gets a few dent, the inside doesn't look good and smell good anymore, doesn't smell like a new car, they're in the market for a new car. somebody says you can save 25%. so i think this part's going to work. this part's going to work.
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>> all right. i'm sure it's probably up for discussion today. almost 2 dozen cabinet members huddling. what do you see as the good news they'll be talking about and the bad news. >> the smart thing wu probably keeping robert gates. that's kept continuity with the military. i mean barack obama is not a military guy, not in the reserve, never had a uniform on. i think it helps to have the guy at the top. i think he's had a good history with the military. afghanistan is still a horrific chachlkt i think the hillary clinton thing has turned out to be perfect. she's played ball. bill clinton's played ball. there's been no problems. it's been seamle, no political games. it looks like she's been a very successful supporter of the president all these months now. i think that's been the big merger. if think politically down the road when they face
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congressional elections the clintons are going to play a big part in helping barack obama hold on to power and congress. so i think at home and abroad this merger has been powerful stuff. >> so you've given a couple of assessments to the cabinet members. are there any you think the president should be saying, you know, shape up or ship out? >> i haven't heard it yet. and i'm not going to say it first because i'm not going to be the guy that says this. honestly, i'm a student of this. i have not heard any real complaints yet. there's nothing glairing out there at all. obvious vusly the big four cabinet members are geithner, he's gonen from a c student to b student to a c. he's up to a b level at least now. he's really learned how to perform on television. think geithner has really come on. gates has always done well. eric holder always going to be in a controversial position because of the calls he has to make. and the other cabinet members
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are in a grey area. we haven't had a lot of publicity about it. >> let's get to sarah palin. since she resigned as alaska governor, no word from her on facebook and twitter, all the thing she used to do. she's gone pretty silent. what's behind that. do you think she's -- >> she's got the big chops so to speak. she knows how to go on to the stage. he ha all the stage ability to create a tremendous audience for herself. she has something that 99% of the politicians don't have, that's star quality. what she needs is substance. i'm not being pa tronizing. she needs to put together a team for substance. bobby kennedy knew the team. jack kennedy knew the team. all the superstars. reagan, all had teams of people around them who were substantive, who really helped put together the ideas, made
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them think, argue. come out with a real product to american people. you can't just bring show business out to the stage. you have to bring substance. if she wants to be president, and it is within the realm of possibility. she needs substance. that means doing the work. that isn't just the windshield wave and all that stuff. she's very attractive, knows how to do all that. she needs to get home and put together a team that she trusts. apparently she doesn't have it. it's harder at home and alaska. her unappointeds are now ahead of her abouts. she's had a 40% decline from alaska. she ee got a real challenge ahead of her. i'm telling you. hook out. in a car is ma challenge between her and mitt romney, she can beat him. and that's for sure, i think. >> okay. chris matthew, it's going to be
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interesting. awe uls great to watch you on "hardball." for those of you who don't know, 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. weekdays, but you already knew that. a record month for dow jones. is the recession number finally winding down? jo your favorite britain's got talent runner-up, susan boyle. we'll talk about it on "msnbc saturday." that ♪ [ female announcer ] there's a smarter, cooler way to get your clothes brilliantly clean. and it's a turn for the better. ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ [ female announcer ] tide coldwater. it's specially formulated to clean in cold better than the other brand does in warm. ♪ cool like that and by washing in cold, you can save up to $10 on your energy bill with every 100 oz bottle. and that's cool. tide coldwater. get out of the old and into the cold. ♪ i'm cool like that has the fastest hands boxing has ever seen. so i've come to this ring to see who's faster... on the internet.
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potentially. next week the attention shifts away from the spending. we've got spending data and autos. friday, the all important jobs numbers. >> what is the one that says to you, okay, we reit and it may indicate the recession -- >> you nailed it when you talked about the economy shrinking at lower pace. the economy shrank at a pace of just 1% in the second quarter nchl the first three months of the year it sh rachg at a pace of 6.4%. if there's ever a signal, it's that growth number. >> unemployment, 9.5%. many analysts indicate that it's going to hit 10%. what's the thinking? >> that's the thing, alex. it is a lagging indicator. the unemployment rate is expected to rise at least into the double digits in the foreseeable future each as the economy recovers. there's not going to be big hiring until the business knows it has staying power.
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>> how about housing market with new and existing home sales being up? this is a sector. you get the numbers. it's up but they appear to be drag down the economy. >> that's it. you mentioned the signs that the housing market is stabilizing. the big cloud hanging over the market, alec, foreclosure, $1.5 million in the if first six months of the year were on track for $3 million for the total year, so we have all these wave of forecloses threatening to put a damper on the housing market. and then you have the consumer spending. that's going to put a damper on the growth as well. >> so i was listening to you talking. looming with the housing market is. that what it is? >> there's something looming. now we have all these people, tens of thousands of americans, potentially going to lose their home because they cannot pay their property taxes. prop o earth taxes have been rising. they can't pay them. they could lose their homes.
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and the government suffers as well. they need it for the schools. they could be up against millions of dollars in shortfalls. >> it's the first time i thought about property taxes. >> you'll hear more about it. >> thank you. it may sound like a lot to pay for illegally downloading music but it's not. we're going to get to that story in a little bit. however, you're not looking at a freakishly early winter snowfall. someone threw in dish soap in this water fall. it's kind of funny. [ sighs ] [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] tired of waiting for great hair? [ woman ] hey! [ female announcer ] no worries! [ woman ] yes! [ woman #2 ] all right! [ female announcer ] aussie makes naturally beautiful hair simply happen. add some roo to your do!
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it can lift your mood, help rebuild muscle... and improve your concentration. tylenol pm works with your body to ease the aches and pains that keep you awake, and helps you fall asleep in a non-habit forming way. because the better you sleep, the better you feel. there's a scramble on in washington to save the cash for clunkers program. it has just run out of money
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less than a week from when it started. to keep it going the house approved a $2 billion infusion into the program. they'll take it up next week. they'll honor all deals written this week but they're advising the members to play it safe and not close on any deals until the state of the program is cheer. and since no one has a clear answer until the program will last the rush to cash in is on. >> reporter: sharon was back here friday after a long night. >> it with us a madhouse. it was crazy. >> thank you for helping. >> reporter: phone lines have been jammed with customers. nervous customers, anxious to buy cars before the money runs out. it's business based on promises from the president. that if you sell it, the money will come. but reimbursements to dealers have been slow.
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enrique gomez turned in his gas guzzler and picked up his new car. >> very excited, very happy about the deal i just made. >> reporter: he's buyer number 50 and the car company is wor worried because they're on the hook. a lot of dealers are holding on, saying they're not going to get rid of the cars until uncle sam cops up with the cash. it has been overwhelming. >> nothing could have prepared us for the extraordinary demand on the part of the american people. >> reporter: or prepare dealers to wade through the 136 pages of regulations. >> for the average car salesman that's a big chunk of time to read legalese and understand it. >> it's been great. we've done over 250 units so far. >> i've got a flood of traffic, and people doing car deals has been outstanding. >> reporter: and for sharon
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bellio, patience paid off. >> i love it. it's pretty cool. >> now dealers are hoping theirs will to. chris jansing, nbc news, los angeles. >> coming up in a while, we're going to see what the white house is doing to try to keep the cash for clunkers program going. we want to report on the breaking news. it's affecting those folks trying to travel at laguardia airport in new york. there's been a terminal c evacuation. a lot of people are outside. there are no flights taking off out of the terminal at this point. we do know port authority officials have one person in custody and it's reported that officials from the port authority, also the nypd bomb squad are investigating one individual's bag. but it's the kind of thing that has wreaked havoc on the traffic there, on the ground and in the air. there are delays of planes being able to land and take off, and as well, the grand central parkway nearby, two of the exits that are right around la a guard
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ya airport have been shut down. they're taking no chances but it's come down to apparently one person's bag being inspected. as soon as we get more, we'll let you know what the story is. there are growing concerns about home grown terrorists. those concerns are coming from the nation's top cop, eric holder. in an interview he expressed concerns. this comes from the heels of the arrest in north carolina of a so-called home grown terror cell. several people are accused of plotting terror attacks overseas. the prosecutor says they were trained with an intent of the waging a violent jihad. the event follows other cases of home grown terror in florida, michigan, washington state and south carolina as well. joining us right now, evan coleman. i want to ask you about this but what do you think is going on at laguardia airport. you've got one guy with a bag wreaking this much havoc.
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what do you think they spotted to say, uh-oh, let's shut everything down and get everyone out. >> it could be that something this their bag has set off an alarm. maybe it's a piece of electronics. whatever it is, we want to make sure it's not a bomb. it's very frustrating to passengers especially on a weekend travel day but at the same time it's better to be safe than sorry. >> absolutely. but i think what it says is we have yet to have an incident. once the faa and homeland security and everything start clamping down on this, so the program is working. it's a nuisance, it's a bother, but things are being caught. >> hopefully. it's important to remember that al qaeda has tried setting off suit case bombs in u.s. airport, so the idea that someone might try to do this, bringing a device inside the airport, we saw it at l.a.x. a few years ago, a random individual
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attacked a ticket counter. it happens and there has to be some level of vigilance. it's frustrating. better to be safe than sorry. >> let's get to what's happening with the arrest in north carolina, the so-called home grown terror cell. give me your interpretations of. this one of the great kconcerns is this type of mentality will spread throughout the united states. >> i think when you look at these guy, the first thing that comes into a lot of people's heads and we receive it here. these guys look like a bit of a motley crue. they don't look like the "a" teemt or "b" team. in some cases they look like the "c" team. the problem here is there is a group of people. it's not a large group of people but there is a group of people out there who are looking at al qaeda's message and they're adopting it as their own. and whether north they're in direct contact with al qaeda or not, it's irrelevant. they're grabbing weapon,
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teaching themselves how to form bombs and entering conflict zone, gaza strip, avgs somalia. the problem is if these guys get the proper training and they have the intent to kill people and they come back to the united states, what are they going to do here? are they going to go back to living quiet lives? probably not. our concern is they're going to put that intent into action. >> how many guys are out there that have had some training oversea, pakistan and else where and are back this the states? >> let's put it this way. it's not an your o welling number but it's larger than people think and it's a bit surprising. and it's not a phenomena that started recently. we have a case where an individual trained in pakistan in '91, '92. we know in that time period there were a whole group of people from ohio, new york, new
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jersey, all over the place, pennsylvania, who went to foreign conflict zones, marley jihadee conflict zones to get the training, to get expertise, to make the contacts. this is not the only case. have krif fehr paul out in ohio who really look like a homeless guy who pled guilty who tried to set off a weapon of mass destruction inside the u.s. and has contacts and training in training camp as that go all the way back to the early '90s. and this guy looks like a homesle guy. i went through his luggage an it doesn't look like the luggage of a sophisticated terrorist. but when you have people who have this training and intent and skper tee and, again, the willingness to kill other people, you wonder. i think law enforcement at this point doesn't have much choice but to act. >> evan coleman, thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> thank you very much.
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>> it is a question for more help in afghanistan that president obama may not want to hear. also ahead this morning, octomom's second thoughts. is she now regretting having so many kids? hmm. you're watching "msnbc saturday." cappuccinos, you're ready for the mid-morning rush thanks to a good breakfast. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos. make one a double. she's fiber focused! i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light t chocolate, hold the whip, and two espressos, one with a double shot. gonna take more than coffee to stay this focused. stay full and focused through the morning... with a breakfast of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal; an excellent source of fiber that helps you avoid... the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good. sandra..."that's just gonna be four dollars." ger. sandrai went to pick up my prescription and i was told... i said, "you're joking." amandai know sandra personally. and she was only able to afford a week's worth of medication at a time. sandrasome of my medication was $100 for one prescription. amandabut now, she's able to get a whole month's generic prescription for $4.
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this film is a comedic look at death and it's a who's who of comedians. let's get the latest from "intouch weekley" seen your editor. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i with u going to ask you if that is funny. et that clip wasn't. >> no. "not so funny" should be the title of this. he's giving us what roger ebert calls a real movie. >> okay. so he's given us a couple other derek torial efforts. "40-year-old virgin." that was huge. "knocked up." this one started at 22. is that on par for him or under par? >> it's better than virgin what which was $20 million back in 2005. it's not quite up to the "knocked up" level. this is what's interesting. this is his real story. this is him. adam sand ler were room meats
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when judd came to hollywood. now the central character here is somebody, an alias star, comedian adam sandler who goes back to the stand-up roots where these guys starting off. in this case he's trying to rediscover life because he has leukemia and he's trying to sort out personal issue, the meaning of life and stuff. it's an interesting movie. >> okay. what are you -- >> i like it. 2 hours and 15 minutes long, but it's a good movie. >> how is it going to play off? yo u have so much family out there. harry potter, g-force. what -- >> i think it's going to fall short of expectations. g-force, harry potter, even "the hangover" are all doing zreelly well. >> how about the box office? how is the season so far. >> it started going up it started going down, down, down,
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down, down. we don't have "the dark knight". >> we have more news for you now here on "msnbc saturday." in iraq, a series of deadly attacks. this car bombing at a market in kirkuk killed eight people. in panama authorities seized six ton of marijuana and cocaine and burned it off. $1 billion. and here in the states the fdic closed five more banks. the fdic says the bank closures will cost about $70 billion. the top u.s. commander in afghanistan is looking to change the strategy there. general stanley mcchrystal is likely to ask for more combat trues in afghanistan. that'sny addition to the 68,000 troops already approved by president obama.
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joining us here retired army colonel and military analyst jack jacobs. and a good morning to you. >> good morning, alex. >> what's the likelihood that the prot is going to approve more troops? >> the word is the white house has no interest in approving more combat troops at least publicly. the fact is mcchris as tystal hd for more troops. he's going to need more troops if he wants to accomplish the mission. there's going to be tension between them. the white house making political decisions and the defense department having to make practical decisions. the defense department is going to ultimately win. they're going to have to send more troops if they're going to accomplish their mission. >> where is he going to get the troops from? >> there's lots of troops in iraq. the president made a big deal in the campaign about reducing our footprint in iraq, indeed with drawing. so some of the troops are going to have to come from there.
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we're really stretched thinly. there's less going on, less combat going on for american troops in iraq for a moment. some of the come bad troops are going to have to come from iraq and go to afghanistan. >> you're talking about the numbers there. you had a colonel timothy reese saying, look, it is time for the u.s. to declare victory and go home. what is the likelihood, do you think, that defense secretary gates and the obama administration are going to listen to this and say, okay, hecht's shift some over to afghanistan, maybe send some home? >> we've already made the political decision that we're going to declare victory and go home. it's interesting that that comment was first made by senator george aiken, a republican from vermont, in 1966, the year i got commissioned and came on active duty. and he said that about vietnam in 1966. i didn't leave vietnam until
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1973. so sometimes dwoenl listen to people who say that. what reese saying is that, we've accomplished almost all of what we can there, everything that's left to accomplish won't get done because of corruption and various things endemic to iraq, we might as well pack up and leave. >> colonel jack jacobs, thank you very much as always. still ahead, coming to america. susan boyle prepares to make a big splash in the states. at 155 miles per hour, andy roddick has the fastest serve in the history of professional tennis. so i've come to this court to challenge his speed. ...on the internet. i'll be using the 3g at&t laptopconnect card. he won't. so i can book travel plans faster, check my account balances faster. all on the go. i'm bill kurtis and i'm faster than andy roddick. (announcer) "switch to the nations fastest 3g network" "and get the at&t laptopconnect card for free".
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7:55 am
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she regrets not having a father around and not being able to spend more time with all of her children. while admitting raising so many kid is struggle, suleman maintains she's happy to have all of her kids. well, coming to america, scottish intersnet singing sensation, susan boyle who shot so fame earlier this year may be to the states in november where she will reportedly perform. nbc's keith miller has the latest. ♪ i dreamed a dream as time gone by♪ >> reporter: she's had a makeover. hired a manager. and zis covered that a little confidence can go a long way. and after her collision with fame, susan boyle today the "today" show's meredith vieira she's finally having a wonderful time. >> it's just been unbelievable. it's indescribable, you know? it's a bit like being pulled
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from obscurity, you don't know how it's going to happen, you don't know how it's going to end. i don't want it to end. >> reporter: cool, calm, collected. that's how susan boyle appears as she launches her career. she didn't feel that way in the final week of "britain's got talent" sudden celebrity overwhelmed her. >> i think she has a unique opportunity now to become a genuine superstar, but for her music, not just because of her background or the rocky balboa story or any of those things, actually for her voice. >> reporter: she is spending a lot of her time in london, cutting her debut album and polishing up her live act for her upcoming tour. boyle has support now, lawyers will ensure that she's not taken for a ride, and a doctor travels with her to help ease her into her new life as a celebrity. >> the impact, it was like a demolition bolt. you know, anyone who has that
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kind of inpack, really hard to get ahead ♪ i never left you >> reporter: a successful career can be just what the doctor ordered. >> and nbc's -- >> reporter: boyle has hired a financial wizard who helped u2 group maintain fame and fortune. he will manage her career. considering, alex, the power of her voice she could earn millions in sales and concert tours. >> absolutely could. a gifted voice there. has she come to grips with her fame? do you think she's got it all under control? >> reporter: i'm not sure that she's completely comfortable with it yet. we had a talk with her, of course she was with meredith vieira for a full day. she has a lot of handlers and they are working in her best interest, which was not the case when she was appearing on the television show. as i said in the piece, she has a doctor now who travels with her when she goes around. she's got a good set of lawyers. she's got the backup that she
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needs in order to be famous and be able to be famous. it's not as easy as it looks, as you robbery know, alex. >> oh, please! that was a good one. thank you very much, keith miller, there in london. first, beer, now it's flours. another attempt to smooth things over in the flap of the harvard professor. he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old! - oh, come on. - enough! you get half. and you get half. ( chirp ) am three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah. his and hers. - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion? - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber! ( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( chirp ) joint custody. - dog: phew... announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hardf hearing and peop with speech disabilities access h whoa! second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. honey honey honey honey honey! okay... i mean... you can't... this isn't a stove, alright? i mean... what if i just walked into the kitchen and started making a salad?
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