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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  August 2, 2009 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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sglfrnlths. next on "msnbc sunday" the
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battle to save michael jackson's life. a new published report and photo provides insider details. the health care sales pitch. president obama's new strategy to get americans on board for the health care overhaul. no more. an overcrowded animal shelter refusing to take in more pets amid the hard economic times. okay. that is lung power big time, loud and clear. it is an ear-splitting decibel-driving competition that speaks volumes. good morning everyone, i'm alex witt. we'll bring you all of that plus a youtube sensation spawning a spoof also consumer becoming a hit. we have this breaking new toss get to. the u.s. military has just found the remains of a u.s. navy pilot shot down during the first few days of the first iraq war more than 18 years ago. lieutenant commander scott speicher was originally declared
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dead. then his status was later changed to missing because his remains were never found. we will be talking with nbc's jim miklaszewski with more details from washington. >> reporter: good morning, alex. it was an early july that a couple of iraqis approached the u.s. military in iraq and said, you know that pilot who went missing 18 years ago and was believed to be dead originally and then declared only missing, we think we know where he is. and one iraqi led the u.s. military to a site in on bar province in western iraq. he said he had personally witnessed the plane going down and that the body had been buried the body of lieutenant commander scott speicher. as you said fshlgs he was declared dead on the first day of the iraq war in 1991. then when there were reports and some speculation because the body was never found, it was unclear as to whether or not he may have survived that crash,
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and then some iraqis told the u.s. military that it's believed they spotted an american matching speicher's description in an iraqi prison. therefore, in january of 2001, the status was changed from killed in action to missing, and the u.s. military since then has been on an intensive search to find scott speicher. in this case they found his remains last week, positively identified now by military forensics experts back here in united states. the family, we're told, was informed of this development late last night, and there may be a statement from them later today in jacksonville, florida, alex. >> mick, the body, as i understand it from your reporting internally, the body was believed to have been buried next to the plane crash. is there irrefutable evidence that he died on impact or died in that plane crash? >> well, that's one of the
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things the military is going to have to try to determine. it may be difficult given that time lapse unless they have additional information from one or more iraqi civilians who have come forward. at this point the u.s. military is saying nothing about the exact cause of death, whether he was killed initially in the plane crash, whether he died of his injuries and then was buried or whether he may have been taken alive and killed. all of that is right now up to speculation until the u.s. military has a chance to look even deeper into this. apparently the family has been given no indication as to the exact cause of death, only that his remains have been found and identify by the forensics experts. >> at least some sense of closure on that level for the family. thank you so much, mick. good to see you. thank you. three americans have been detained in iran. now the u.s. is working to secure their release. officials say the two men and one woman mistakenly crossed
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into iranian territory while hiking in a mountainous area near the iraq border. nbc's richard engel has the latest. >> reporter: the americans who were arrested in iran originally began their journey here in turkey. it was from turkey that they crossed into curd stan in northern iraq. it's a region relatively safe in northern iraq, occasionally tourists do go there. increasingly popular with backpackers, people looking for adventure travel. the americans were staying in hotels for a few days and then decided to go camping right on the border with iran. and this was on friday, and it was during this hiking/camping trick that iranian officials say three americans crossed the border into iran. it's not clear if they knew they were crossing into iran. that border is not clearly marked. there were originally four backpackers, one of them decided
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not to go on this camping expedition. he stayed back at the hotel. he was the last person to speak to his friends and heard them on a cell phone say something has gone wrong, we have been surrounded by iranian security. the u.s. state department is trying to help. it has contacted switzerland which represents u.s. interests in iran. there are no direct u.s. iranian diplomatic relations. so the united states state department has asked switzerland to investigate and help secure their release. richard engel, nbc news, istanbul. the u.s. army withdrew troops from basra on saturday and handed over responsible for security to the iraqi forces. this is the last military camp in northern basra to be handed over. some u.s. soldiers will remain at the iraqi request. in tel aviv, two people are dead and at least 12 injured after a gunman opened fire at a gay youth club. police say the masked gunman was dressed in all black, pull out a
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gun and fired in all directions. witnesses described that scene as a blood bath. the manhunt continues for the suspect mo fled the scene on foot. one person is dead, 15 injured after a stage collapsed in canada. thousands of fans in alberta were joan ig the big band jamboree. the four-day festival in western canada started on thursday and was scheduled to wrap up today. no word on whether the concert scheduled to take place today will be canceled. after the energy and commerce committee narrowly passed a health care reform bill, the august recess starts with this directive, sell, sell, sell. the bill passed 31-28. those opposed included all republicans on the committee and five democrats. the full house votes after the august recess. nbc's mike viqueira is live at the white house for us. good sunday morning, mike. >> good morning, alex. >> what's going to happen next in all this? >> members of the house will go
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to their locals, some will go to their districts, march in parades, have town hall meetings. others might be going on congressional delegations overse overseas. some of them call them junkets. they're going to have to go back and sell this thing. it fell far short, what happened in the house of representatives of the expectations earlier last month. the president, of course, wanted the full house of representatives to have voted by now on its proposal to reform the health care system or the health insurance system as they like to say around the white house in democratic circles around congress. he wanted the senate to do the same thing. that's clearly not going to happen, though the senate will remain in session for one more week this coming week with a notable achievement will likely be the vote on the sotomayor nomination. she's of course expected to pass. as far as health care, a very rocky road. democrats in the house were given little cards by their leadership, talking points to talk up the reforms to the insurance part of this. the emphasis now on the part of democrats is to talk about what people who have insurance who
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may even be happy with the insurance they get, whether private insurance through their employer or medicare or whatever the case may be, who aren't sure they want to see changes to the system. to talk about the cost savings that might be realized, either through those employer-based plans or the better care they would get through medicare that democrats and the administration claim will result from this legislation. republicans, of course, very few republicans are even considered possibilities of voting for this thing. negotiations have dragged on and on behind closed doors in the senate. a very long road ahead for health care reform. no question about it, alex. likely to last through the fall and perhaps even close to the holidays. >> wow. the how gop leader john boehner said you have to adopt a philosophy to get the message out. is the gop offering viable alternatives to what just pass snd. >> they put out some parameters and bullet points of what they would like to see in terms of reform. one of the first things they
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often mention is tort reform because doctors have to pay such high premiums for malpractice insurance for what many regard to be frivolous lawsuits. doctors are very, very interested in seeing that put into the legislation. the president has been asked about that most recently at a town hall in bristol, virginia. he says he thinks that's a little overblown, he's not in favor of significant tort reform that doctors and republicans want to see. whatever the case may be, republicans are in the opposition. this is typical of the way congress works, especially the house of representatives, whether democrats are in charge or republicans are in charge. minority, their job is to throw rocks as many people see it. they understand their legislative proposals are not going to be considered by the majority. that's the cold hard facts of the way congress works. meanwhile democrats are struggling within their own ranks within the democratic caucus to come up with a plan everybody can agree to is
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proving to be a very heftly lift. >> mike viqueira from the white house, thank you very much. as the democrats head home to sell health care reform to their constituents, there's evidence seniors in particular are skeptical of the proposal. just 20% of americans age 65 and over think the health care reform bill would improve the quality of their medical care. when asked what the bill would do to their coverage, more than a third of seniors say it would reduce the amount of health coverage they have. just 12% think their coverage would expand. in just a few minutes we'll be talking to a congressman to see how he will promote the health care reform plan in his district. today we could have our first ever look at michael jackson's death bed. a british tabloid is publishing a photo that it claims is a picture of jackson's bedroom taken just after he died. all this as the lawyers are gearing up for tomorrow's courtroom showdown over the estate. correspondent courtney hazlett joins us. with another good morning to
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you, court, this photo, do we know this photo is legit? what do you know about it? >> we do not know this photo is legit. sources very close to the family i spoke to that reached out said, hey, we can't confirm that is michael's bedroom. they said we can't confirm that anybody even set foot in there after law enforcement did their surveying of the scene. truth be told, alex, i can't for the life of me figure out what this adds to the story, why the british press would want to publish something like this. for the fophoto, for anyone who can't see the detail, it doesn't really reveal all that much. what it would reveal is not anything meaningful to jackson's greater story or whether there was medical negligence that took place. it's just confounding to me and really mack kaub. i don't understand the editorial decision there. >> two issues set to be discussed tomorrow, custody of michael's three children. secondly, whether or not katherine jackson is going to
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get to be part of running the michael jackson estate. anything do you expect, any fireworks regarding the katherine jackson and debbie rowe deal? >> i think we're pretty much good to go on the custody agreement. i think at this point they want things as settled as possible for the children. where we might see some sort of fireworks if it gets that dramatic is when it comes to the probate hearing. that's a sentence i don't ever say, fireworks and probate hearing. the issue here is making sure katherine jackson has cash on hand. she stands to get 40% of michael's fortune. that's 40% after the estate is settled, after debts are taken care of, after all these liability liabilities have been addressed. katherine jackson, he needs cash in her checking account. it's as simple as that. until she has some sort of allowance or until she becomes an executor or administrator of the will which would allow her to collect a fee for having that title, she's got no cash to pay for things.
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for things, we're talking about not just her live iing expensest the well-being of the kids, too. >> we very much see why this is going to court. courtney hayslett, thank you so much. we'll see you next hour. you can stay tuned to msnbc all day tomorrow for the latest on the jackson hearing? we'll have live reports throughout the day. courtney hazlett will be leading the charge. michael vick now an ex-con trying to move beyond his dog fighting past. this morning there's more infamy for the normal nfl star. also ahead, the big fall, not what anyone expected to see. it's an implosion that went terribly wrong. plus, do you remember that? the wedding video, a youtube hit that has triggered a copycat with a dramatic difference. we'll show you what it is here on "msnbc sunday." can your body wash nourish thiseeply?
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it's "msnbc sunday" with a video from turkey. that's what you call a failed building explosion. instead of folding down, you see the building tipped over and rolled onto it side. it came within feet of hitting another building. fortunately no one was hurt. the crews are trying to figure out why 15 days of prep work, all that dynamite absolutely failed them. let's go to politics. don't be fooled by the fact that the house is on recess for the month of august, there's no break at all from the health care debate. things are heating up as congress heads home to tell constituents why health reform will make their lives better or worse. i'm joined live from louisville, kentucky by john yar ma, a member of the house budget committee and the house budget committee and ways an means
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committee on the house as well. good morning to you, congressman. thanks for being here. >> good morning, alex. >> "the washington post" says you admit that republicans seem to have the upper hand on the health care message. i know you worked in the media as well. why haven't the democrats been able to distill their plans in a way that could rally wider support? >> first of all, we didn't have one plan we could focus on. we had three committees working on one in the house, two still working in the senate. now we have the outline of what we're going to be bringing in the house floor. we can actually go to our constituents and explain to them the benefits to them which we haven't really done yet. we find both through anecdotal information and also polling that when americans find out what we're actually doing here and the benefits to them, they're overwhelmingly supportive. that's our job during august. >> i'm looking at an la times article that took a look at the health care that you as a member of congress and everybody else gets. here are highlights they listed. you get your chance of 10
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national health care plans plus hmos from your home state, special treatment at federal medical facilities and no such thing as a pre-existing condition. some are arguing you guys get some great health care and it makes members of congress a bit out of touch with their constituents on their relative health care problems. what's your take? >> believe me, i've been on the ground for three years now since i got into politics. that's all i've heard. i know of the stories and the horror stories that people have experienced in insurance. we talked with a woman last week, 20 years she had been insured by one company. she got breast cancer and automatically her insurance was not renewed. we have 20,000 incidences of rescission of policies from three companies alone. we know that the american people want basically what members of congress have, and i think they should have that. they want choice. they want options and they want a competitive environment so insurance companies won't be
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able to cancel their coverage, deny them coverage for a pre-existing condition, won't be able to bankrupt them. all these things are in the package. that's the story we haven't told yet. >> why not offer the congressional health care plan to all americans? >> well, that's a good question. and i'm not sure that isn't something we should consider. we tried to work with the white house, we're trying to work with the senate to get one package we can all agree on. that hasn't been on the table. and there are a lot of people who also want single payer plans. this is a compromise already at this point. i support the notion that we ought to be, as members of congress, willing to be in the public option that we're creating. i think that's a great idea. some people disagree with me. but the concept that we're trying to do is to create these insurances exchanges where consumers will have choice similar to what members of congress have. >> would you switch to a government-run plan if one got passed? what would have to be in it for
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you for you to say this is very attractive for me? >> the benefits are going to be similar across the spectrum of private and the public option. basically, a limit on what my out-of-pocket expenses would be in any year. our bill provides for $10,000. that's the maximum you can be out of pocket. again, no lifetime cap so that if i or somebody in my family gets a very serious illness which is very costly to treat, that i wouldn't be bankrupted by that. and again, the security of knowing that, if i were to lose my job and in politics you can always do that, that i've got always access, no matter what my health care history is, no matter what my age is, i have access to affordable insurance. that's what we're trying to create for every american. >> congressman yar muth, there are a couple of people saying this cash for clunkers program ate up the entire budget in less than a week. we have concerns that if the government can't run that program at $1 billion, now plugging in $2 billion more potentially, how is it going to
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run my health care which is exponentially greater than that? >> here in louisville we have this weekend the convention of the vietnam veterans of america. they say, you know, the government does a pretty good job of running our health care program. i think everyone who is in medicare, most everyone who is in medicare, even though a lot of people don't think that's run by the government, say, you know, we love our medicare, we love our medicare. that's government-run, too. there are about 80 million people now in programs run by the government. most people are pretty satisfied with that. the government can run health care where it can't maybe run some other things because the government doesn't have to make a profit, government doesn't have to advertise, government doesn't have huge administrative costs. that's why creating the public option is really important because it can bring those competitive advantages to help bring prices down from the private sector as well. >> okay. democrat from kentucky, congressman john yarmuth, great
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to talk to you. >> thank you. all alone, a family living in a high-rise with no neighbors, nada. do you think they're happy about it? you're watching "msnbc sunday." talk about a wake up call. i had a heart attack at 57. my doctor told me i should've been... doing more for my high cholesterol. what was i thinking? but now i trus my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... if you have several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications,
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more pop culture for you. remember this painting, this scream, a fine piece of work, more subtle than the audible works of some folks in thailand. [ screams ] >> these people did not try to convey some hidden meeting, they had nothing more in mind than to win a contest and its $882 grand prize. this one guy in particular who really gave it his all.
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[ screaming ] >> the guy that was screaming was nick our producer who is off this weekend. that's pretty funny. despite the his on nicks, this guy did not win, the one we're talking about. he wasn't loud enough. nick is though. you're watching "msnbc sunday." we'll be right back. (announcer) sleep is your body's strongest ally. it can lift yur mood, help rebuild muscle... and improve your concentration. tylenol pm works with your body to ease the aches and pains that keep you awake, and helps you fall asleep in a non-habit forming way.
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because the better you sleep, the better you feel.
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has the fastest serve
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in the history of professional tennis. so i've come to this court to challenge his speed. ...on the internet. i'll be using the 3g at&t laptopconnect card. he won't. so i can book travel plans faster, check my account balances faster. all on the go. i'm bill kurtis and i'm faster than andy roddick. (announcer) "switch to the nations fastest 3g network" "and get the at&t laptopconnect card for free". breaking news to share this morning. the u.s. military says the mystery of missing pilot captain michael scott speicher has been solved. the military has positively identified the remains of the pilot shot down during the first few days of the first iraq gulf war more than 18 years ago. speicher was the first american lost in the 1991 war. the pilot was originally
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declared dead, but his status was later changed to missing because his remains were never found. those remains were found based on new information from iraqi citizens. we'll have a live report at the top of the hour. the stage is now set for a courtroom showdown over michael jackson's estate. katherine jackson asking a judge to give her some control over her son's millions. the judge will also rule on the custody agreement for jackson's three children. new today, a brit tash tabloid reporting it shows the bed that michael jackson died in. joining us is kim serafin, senior editor with "in touch" magazine. kim, with a good morning, what can you tell us about this photo? do we know at this point if it is real as it claims to be? it's a real fophoto, but is it michael jackson's death bed? >> nobody at this point really knows. obviously the photo was out there. it fuels the speculation about
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what happened the night before, what happened that morning. this coincides with all the other reports. tmz had a report that apparently michael spent that night in dr. murray's bedroom. now there's all this information coming forward that perhaps dr. murray was giving michael propofol according to various reports. michael's private chef has done a few interviews say she would see dr. murray coming down the stairs every morning but didn't see him early that morning. all this coincides with what exactly happened that morning, where was michael, where was dr. murray. i think that's why this is getting so much more attention as well. >> the attention focused on michael jackson's estate right now. a lot of it will come to a head tomorrow. what do we expect to see happen? >> well, some good news tomorrow at the court hearing. of course, we know that katherine jackson's lawyers and debbie rowe have come to an agreement for the custody of the kids. katherine jackson will get full custody. but debbie rowe will get
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visitation rights. this is going to be determined by a child psychologist that they're going to get involved. the judge tomorrow has to sign off on this. nobody expects that this will not happen because obviously it seems like they've worked really hard. they delayed this custody hearing several times. it seems like all parties concerned are happy with this. debbie rowe is not getting any additional money other than the spousal support she was already getting with michael. that's part one of the hearing. tomorrow, also, the issue of michael's estate. katherine jackson would like more control over michael's estate. she is now saying apparently that she is being kept in the dark by the temporary executors of the estate, john mcclain and john branca, saying she hasn't been included in decisions, hasn't been able to look at documents and see various information. that's what we'll see tomorrow. what's interesting is that her lawyer is saying his estate is worth something like $2 billion. now the lawyers claim that he's worth about $500 million.
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that's a big difference. of course you want some involvement in an estate worth $2 billion for sure. >> yeah, understandably so. kim serafin, thank you very much from burbank. stay tuned to msnbc all day tomorrow. we'll have the latest on the jackson hearing with live reports airing throughout the day. let's go to politics now. this weekend, next your congress is heading home to tell you how to feel about health care reform. between lawmakers and the interest groups, the pitches run the gamut, everything from it's time to topple the evil health insurance empire to look out, the government is trying to tell your grandma how she should die. i i'm joined live from washington by eleanor clift, contributing editor for news week and jonathan allen with good morning. >> good morning. >> how important is this august message war on health care and why are some of the messages so
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extreme? >> well, the extremeness catches people's attention. it seems to me that the opponents of health care reform are willing to distort, if not out right lie. you mentioned the part about telling granny when she has to die. this is really a benign provision that would allow medicare to pay for consultations that senior citizens have with their doctors about what kind of medical procedures they might want. will they fill out an advanced directive? you don't go into a hospital today without being asked what all of these questions about what kind of medical procedures you want. they have turned this into a government-ordered directive that you must die after a certain age and every five years the government will knock on your door. that is basically what this woman asked the president in the forum that was sponsored by aarp. she said she had heard that the government would be knocking on her door every five years to ask her how she wants to die. so you have people operating
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with low information and getting frightened. it's perfectly understandable. because there is no bill yet, there are competing proposals on capitol hill, very easy to pick out various aspects of the bill, of the potential bill and really terrify people. that's what's going to happen over the next month while the forces of sunshine and light will try to tell the american people that this is good for them. so i think that's actually a tougher sell. >> jonathan, how do you see it in terms of which side has a leg up so far on the debate and why do you feel the way you do? >> i think it's easier to mock these various proposals, the opponents have a leg up. as eleanor said, there are a million provisions out there between the couple versions in the senate and the three slightly different versions in the house. so it's very easy to hold these things up for ridicule. the forces of sunshine, as eleanor put them, haven't had an opportunity really to make clear
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exactly what it is they're doing. they haven't done it. the president hasn't made any decisions about what it is exactly he supports other than health reform or now he's calling it health insurance reform. at some point the people who want to see this get done are going to have to make choices between these competing proposals. at that point they'll be able to present a better case. >> this whole concept about the government coming and knocking on doors an telling people how they're supposed to die, this news, really -- it partly comes from certain anti-reform ads that tell the people this kind of information. let's look at one example. >> they won't pay for my surgery. what are we going to do? >> honey, you can't live this way. >> and to think that planned parenthood is included in the government-run health care plan and spending tax dollars on abortions. they won't pay for my surgery but we're forced to pay for abortions. >> why is it, eleanor, that you think seniors are the ones being sng ld and targeted in this way? >> well, because seniors for the
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most part are satisfied with medicare. so they're threatened if there's this other government program coming along that might take away some of their benefits. seniors vote, and seniors are very good at -- their lobbies are good at lobbying on capitol hill. i think, as jonathan pointed out, there are so many provisions here that you can latch on to and scare people about. and the president really has not used his rhetorical skills yet. in fact, when he was presented with the question from the woman worried about the provision about end-of-life care, he pointed out that he and his wife have end-of-life directives, that you don't have to be over 65 to have that make sense. these are issues that touch cultural differences about end of life and the beginning of life and the abortion issue i think is ready to explode on the health care scene, too, as part
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of the debate. >> guys, that's a wrap for this hour. jonathan, i'll lead off with you next. make it a little more fair. we love hearing from you both in equal measure. >> by the way, the advanced directive is that joe biden gets the country for the president. >> oh, my god. you had to throw it in, didn't you? jonathan allen and eleanor clift. we'll see you next hour. more to tell about the wedding video that is a click to hit play on the web. now there's a parody of when marriage hits the skids? you're watching msnbc sunday. we'll be showing it to you. ( shouting ) this is crazy. you. let's run a free upgrade check. see if you're due for a new smartphone. don't i need to go to my carrier's store for that? no, you don't have to. we sell phones and plans on all the major networks. ok. well, is time travel possible? yes, i am from the future. announcer: phones, plans, and advice from thousands of people eager to help.
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michael vick back in the news, but this time it has nothing to do with his push to get back into football after serving time for dogfighting. this week he got a conditional reinstatement from the nfl. now the disgraced quarterback is topping a new poll on the most disliked athletes. so you've got to wonder who else might top that list. number two and three going to two baseball players, manny
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ramirez and alex rodriguez. joining us in the studio ised to van reicher, staff writer. why do people dislike michael vick so much? so many think he's a phenomenal football player. but it's the whole outside. >> dynamic player. when you're coming off an 18-month prison term for dogfighting, that's going to do a lot to hurt you. the good news for him is he was quite a popular guy before all these legal problems happened. and which means he's got a good chance to turn it around. when your dislikability numbers are based on a single incident like he s being a good citizen and doing the right thing will do a lot to put it behind him. >> do you think he has to sign up with a team so people are reminded of his football prowess on the field? >> reinstated by the commissioner, week six is when he's eligible. teams are hear leery, do we want
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him. eventually the talent usually wins out. once he's on the field, if he plays well and is a good citizen, he's apologized and done the right thing so far, if that continues for a period of time, eventually he's going to put the problems behind him. >> let's go to baseball, a-rod and manny. you've got a new york yankee there and an l.a. dodger there. a-rod has admitted to taking some steroids, albeit not intentionally so. ramirez on the list that was supposed to be kept secret. that's not the actual reasons why they made the list, right? >> those things don't help of course. steroid allegations amongst everything else undermining their images. a-rod has been covered pretty negatively for a long time. known to be a bit of a diva. people describe him as being a bit phony. been in the tabloids for a very public divorce, dating madonna. the list goes on. >> kate hudson now. you've got to catch up there. >> now with kate hudson.
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he was dating madonna supposedly when he was still married which caused some image problems. a-rod is a guy fans have seen as very talented, admire his skill on the field. never quite connected with him. now that he's been linked to the steroid scandal from 2003, it hurts him a little more. >> i look at a situation, kobe bryant, l.a. lakers star, this is a guy who beat the rape allegatio allegations, acquitted everything, nothing to it as far as the judge was concerned five years ago, yet he's not a popular guy. is it because the rape allegations? has that haunted him or is there more to it? >> i think that's dragged him down a little bit. you're right, he mostly has gotten past that. the charges were dropped. it seems like he's mostly put that behind him. a lot of his endorsements back. the polls show, in terms of measuring consumer attitudes towards celebrities, show that most of the public, at least
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outside of l.a. sees him as a little phony, a guy who has a smile plastered to his face, trying to say the right things. he doesn't come across as genuine. >> he is loved in l.a. >> when you help bring four rings to the lakers, you'll be be loved. >> tom van reicher with forbes, thank you so much. more evidence of the housing crisis for you. it's a 32-story condominium complex in ft. myers, florida. it has only one tenant. a new jersey family bought their condo four years ago. most of the other buyers didn't close on their contracts. the family has gotten lots of national media attention. they say it's kind of spooky being all alone in the building. in dixon, tennessee, no more room at the human society. so many people have dumped their pets on the shelter because they can't afford to care for them. the end result, the shelter is no longer accepting new animals. >> we just cannot house, feed and care for the number of
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animals that have been coming in the door. our euthanasia rate has jumped from 20% to 40%. for us that was totally unacceptable. >> the shelter is hoping expanded adoption hours will help them find new homes for the precious pets. one of the biggest youtube sensations is the minnesota couple who danced down the aisle at their wedding. you might remember this. i wish we had this tape. we'll get it for you. anyway, the video which has over 14 million hits on youtube, also having quite the ripple effect. there is part of it right there for you. ♪ ♪ >> all right. well, since we are cynical society, a divorce course parity
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of that dancing wedding has become the latest craze on youtube. let's take a look at that. ♪ sglfrnlths wind you up and let you go. what do you think about this whole thing? >> i'm not going to act them out for you but i think it is great, especially the divorce one, because who's happier than when they're being divorced. that's really an ebullient moment. this is chris brown's song from a year ago which ended up
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becoming an oldie. it is now so hot again i'm sure he's pounding the wall in excitement. hopefully, just a wall. >> oh, yeah. the video is supposedly helping chris brown's career but the fact he is an admitted batterer, that's not lost on the couple who made this video apparently. >> i wish they'd used a rihanna song. let's promote the victim and have people dance down the aisle to umbrellas. wouldn't that be cute? the couple feels weird about having promoted a known abuser, so on their website they're promoting a charity that helps fight domestic violence. that's very good. >> music labels have in the past objected when people use this copyrighted song kind of deal in their homemade youtube videos. it's changed and why is that? >> the music industry is in even more worst shape than my industry, journalism. they'll take any chance and improve any chance to get exposure. this ended up helping sales of chris brown's music enormously.
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they'll say, okay, do whatever you want with it, use it at your wedding, post it on youtube. it helps the music in the long run. >> chris brown's music shows overall, have they dropped dramatically in wake of the rihanna incident? >> he does have a hard core fan base that will stick by him, but a lot of people, like the kobe bryant fan base, wait a minute, do we really want to support this guy. >> why do some videos go viral instantly and some don't? >> certain things captivate the public's imagination. i posted many birthday parties of my own, nobody cares. okay? nobody wants to see a bunch of drunken people eating pizza. >> well, i don't know. i'd probably laugh just for knowing you. go ahead and post it. that said, let's look at the divorce court video. that is a lot of fun but it's so typical that you're going to get these parodies. is this a clever one, you think? >> it is very funny.
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look, people divorce almost as often as they marry. it's people's -- almost -- favorite thing to do. people are so clever nowadays, they're taking our jobs away from us, just ordinary people. with the wedding video, where do these people find friends that are so coordinated. my friends are all klutzes. this is like a reality show. >> the court attorneys are talented, those girls. they were great dancers. they clearly had a method. >> i wonder if the couple were dancers or if they have some connection to some entertainment. this is way better than your typical solemn profession. >> absolutely so. you're way better than the average guest, too. thank you very much. stormy daniels is a porn star with an itch to run for the senate. but if her carnal occupation won't hurt her, something else may.
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i'm meteorologist bill karins. here's your forecast for this sunday. the cold front that brought the heavy rain to the southeast yesterday is sliding into the mid-atlantic, into new england. this afternoon possibilities of strong storms. beautiful weather in the middle of the country. still warm in the northwest. still hot in the deep south. she says there can't be any fiber in it. (mr. mehta) it's got a third of a day's worth of fiber. it tastes way too goodo have fiber! ten crunchy little layers frosted to perfection. i eat what i want. she's here, isn't she? she is. hey. (announcer) fiber one frosted shredded wheat. cardboard no. delicious yes. according to a study presented by better homes and gardens, definity color recapture.
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it corrects the look of wrinkles and discoloration. 50,000 voters. one brilliant winner. my daughter was with me. i took a bayer aspirin out of my purse and chewed it. my doctor said the bayer aspirin saved my life. please talk to your doctor about aspirin and your heart. i'm going to be grandma for a long time.
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one car on top of another. that's what happened when a 13-year-old philadelphia area boy actually drove his father's car off the top level of a four-story parking garage. can you imagine that? the car parked on the street, actually helped cushion the fall of the plunging car and just might have helped save that boy's life. police say the boy got his father's keys and started the car before losing control of the vehicle. the boy was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. we're approaching the top of the hour. when we come back, the end to an 18-year long ordeal for a an american military family. new insight into the desperate moments to save michael jackson. a live report on msnbc sunday.ur , yet a lot of natural gas has impurities like co2 in it. controlled freeze zone is a new technology... being developed by exxonmobil... to remove the co2 from the natural gas... so we can safely store it... where it won't get into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is spending more than 100 million dollars... to build a plant that will demonstrate this process.
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i'm very optimistic about it... because this technology could be used... to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. ♪ a tornado hits, air life denver takes off... their night-vision goggles keeping the rescue mission safe... and powering those goggles-- the only battery air life trusts: duracell. trusted everywhere.
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hatching right now on msnbc sunday, military mystery solved. after nearly 20 years the remain of the first american lost in the gulf war have been found.
10:00 am
health care on hold. house begins its august recess after a close vote on insurance reform. can they keep the momentum going during the


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