tv Countdown With Keith Olbermann MSNBC August 7, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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roads disturbed that the angry mobs at the town halls have been called angry mobs. i don't remember hearing these words coming from the bush white house. no, it only called people disloyal, unamerican, treasonous, morally or intellectually confused, and unable to tell right from wrong. all that and more now on "countdown." >> no hard feelings now. we're talking television. good evening from new york. not nearly spreading lies but convincing a dissatisfied portion of the population to believe their propaganda and to act out in anger. our fifth story on the "countdown." when hamas or hezbollah does it, it is called terrorism. why should republican lawmakers and the astroturf groups organizing on behalf of the health care industry be viewed differently especially now that far too many tea party protestors are comparing president obama and health care reform to hitler and the holocaust?
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and when a former republican vice presidential candidate actually says out loud that the reform bill will create a death panel with the authority to kill her children? [ chanting ] >> the grass root groups may be fake but the anger of the americans lashing out at health care event across the country dangerously real. the tampa town hall more closely resembling a wwe night than a policy discussion. the protestors not interested in hearing any voices other than their own. outside that town hall echoes of mccain/palin rallies of the last year including a cry of heil hitler. in detroit the president mocked by some as hitler. the signs doing the talking outside the meeting held by congressman john dingell. in denver a young man from wasilla, alaska, coincidentally, wearing a t-shirt that said hitler gave great speeches too. picketing the town hall event held by speaker pelosi. in st. louis, six people arrested last night outside the town hall held by the congressman two for assault, one for resisting arrest, three for disturbing the peace, the protestors yelling about
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political oppression after not having been allowed inside the doors of the venue having been closed once it had reached capacity. because of what we call the fire code. as we know, the anger and ideas of the tea party protestors did not form spontaneously outside congressman chris murphy's town hall meeting in connecticut. nothing up his sleeve. that guy not even bothering to hide his apparent affiliation with anthem blue cross blue shield. actually not bright enough to wear a different shirt to rally. at the town hall held yesterday in wisconsin that reported protestor heather blish introduced herself as just a mom from a few blocks away claiming not to be affiliated with the, say, republican party. >> no, i was not influenced -- i'm not a member of the republican party. i have not paid my dues to the republican party. i left the party. >> except the linked in page for heather blish reveals she was vice chair of the republican party in the county until last year and worked on the campaign
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of the candidate who ran across the congressman last fall. the health care bill would reportedly promote the euthanasia of america's elderly, one of the worst lies now taking hold at a bus tour event held by corporate lobbying group meshs for prosperity, included a speaker among those disseminating the euthanasia lie before comparing democratic health care reform to some of the most depsoptic regimes in world history. >> stalin in the 1920s issued about 20 million end of life orders. pol pot did it during the vietnam war. he issued about 2 million end of life orders. it's being done in africa today. adolph hitler issued 6 million end of life orders. he called his program the final solution.
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i kind of wonder what we're going to call ours. >> and i kind of wonder if you're a meth addict. time to call in our own jonathan alter senior editor at "newsweek" magazine. hi, keith. >> that is one of the lies we didn't get to last night this absurd idea of euthanasia, forced euthanasia of the elderly under this proposed plan. today governor palin went in the opposite direction. her facebook page reads, the america i know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with down's syndrome will have to stand in front of obama's, quote, death panel, unquote, making it sound as if there were such a thing so his bureaucrats can decide based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society whether they are worthy of health care. such a system is downright evil. i would here suggest the governor might be stoned but that would be an insult to stoners. how did this horror, this idea that anybody, and i mean anybody, republicans, democrats, independents, or the insane people, would actually propose legislation that even touched euthanasia, forced euthanasia? how did this get any kind of hold rather than people like
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that man not being chased off the stage by the people who were listening to him? >> let's start with what's actually in these bills. if you go to the page that references this which of course none of these critics including governor palin want to do because it would destroy their despicable lies, it said something very simple which is when you get to an end of life decision, that medicare will pay, will reimburse your doctor to have the conversation that every elderly person or grievously ill person and their families should have to make these very tough decisions. and having the consultation of the medical professional is helpful. that doesn't say that, anything about, you know, advancing the end of life or euthanasia. >> right. that conversation can be, i want you to keep pumping me full of drugs until there is none left. >> absolutely. >> keep pumping my chest until i've been dead six weeks.
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>> and there are families for whom that's the choice and that's fine. >> exactly. and that will be covered now. >> right. it's now covered to just have this conversation that, you know, everybody needs to have with medical professionals. i had it when my mother was sick before she died last fall. >> i had that conversation this year. i know exactly what you're talking about. >> the whole audience understands. usually doctors do it without being reimbursed. this is a way of providing some reimbursement for them and allowing people to make more sensible choices that work best for their families. so the republicans took that, not all of the republicans, just the despicable ones. they took that and they decided to demagogue it in the most horrifying way, playing on the fears of elderly people, reaching back to these ludicrous, historical comparisons, and really creating what can only be described as an uncivilized debate. >> what was the whole thing for
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the last two or three cycles from the republicans was if you vote democratic you'll die because of terrorism. that one seems to have waned and now it seems to be if you vote democratic you'll die because of health care reform. which begs this larger question. the op-ed in "the washington post" today, if the republican party and others were actively shilling for the health care industry, knowingly inciting a dissatisfied portion of the american public towards violence with propaganda, knowing it's never going to be vetted or checked by people who want to believe this, who need an excuse to get riled up and perhaps actually violently angry, how is that different than what hamas or hezbollah does? how are these people not political terrorists? >> well, i don't like comparing people to terrorists or nazis. that's what the other side's doing right now, comparing obama to being a nazi. but i would say that this is incitement. and that the history of incitement is very dangerous. where it starts in societies that are decaying or headed toward political violence is it
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starts with hate speech. then it moves to destroying property. then it moves to killing people. that's the progression in these societies that are going down the wrong path. not killing people through, you know, some imagined bill in congress but inciting people to violence, which is where this does lead. so i think it's a scary situation right now. it's one that doesn't help the republicans because what it does is just discredit those honest citizens who are honestly concerned about the health care bill and turning up at these town meetings and asking perfectly legitimate questions of their elected representatives. it throws all of them in with these kooks which does not lend itself to a civilized debate or any kind of real fair exchange of views. so democratic members of congress need to be clear that this bill should fix what's wrong with our system and that we should have a civilized argument about it, not this kind
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of name calling that we've been seeing. jonathan alter of msnbc and "newsweek" thank you for coming in. have a good weekend. >> you, too, keith. >> for more on the anger being stoked let's turn to melissa harris-lacewell associate professor at princeton university. good evening. >> how are you? >> the spontaneous nature of these protests might not be at all spontaneous. that may be faked and the money and organizing power behind them are corporate and republican and, yes, they even come from glenn beck. but that does not mean that the people are not real and that their anger is any less palatable. what are you seeing going on here societally? >> okay. i need you to indulge my professorial nerd side. >> go ahead. >> just a little bit here. actually i think there is a bit of an answer in the research. there is some terrific research around the authoritarian dynamic. what it tells us through a study of political psychology is that there are these notions of racial, moral, and political intolerance and they're actually all linked by an authoritarian dynamic.
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that is actually the name of a terrific book by karen stener. and what it tells us is that ordinary people who normally feel sort of okay walking through their days, through the political world, can get riled up by change and by disagreement in public opinion. the more they think the world is changing and the more they think there's a lot of disagreement and anxiety, the more stressed out they become, and the more likely they are to be authoritarian and intolerant in their political behavior. i think that what we've seen here is a very careful and very destructive stoking of that authoritarian dynamic. you know, by the gop, by the corporate interests. but the folks on the ground are feeling very real anxiety about where our country's going. >> yeah, john dean touched on a lot of that research you referred to in his book i guess
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about four years ago, "conservatives without conscience" which is just a stunner and separates a whole group of people from the idea of the republican party or even the conservative movement. it is that exact term you use, authoritarianism. what i'm fascinated by is the protestors in tampa were happy enough to say, yeah, well we were told by the republican party to come out here and the rest of us are members of this glenn beck club. the guy in connecticut did not even bother to wear a different shirt other than the one that said which health care firm, which industry part he was associated with. the woman in wisconsin who had been the republican county vice chair blatantly lying about her connections. is this a symptom of this, that people are not even trying to hide the puppet strings? >> maybe. it could also be true that instead of my professorial hat what i need is my mommy hat. i have a 7-year-old and she tells me sometimes it's just opposite day. so whatever you say is actually the opposite thing is true. so if you're saying there are death panels what you actually mean is we currently have a health care system where people are dying because of lack of care. if you say i'm an ordinary
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american what you really mean is i'm actually here at the behest of corporate interests. you know, so it could be that it's simply opposite day for the conservative movement and if you are saying the other guy is the bad guy, in fact, it may be just a projection of your own anxieties. >> so the idea the protestors might be unaware that they're schilling for the coldest kind of corporate entity there could be, it's not that they don't know this or they might feel they're being used? you tie all this together and suddenly the corporation is the authoritarian leader in this equation? >> no. it could be that it's both, right? you always want to expect in a crowd full of people shouting that some folks there are just going to be against anything democrats want. there are some folks there working out a kind of psychological anxiety of authoritarianism. there are some folks there who have very real corporate and job interests in this stuff. there are some folks who are so confused by all of this policy and by all of this disagreement
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that they're grasping for something to understand and sometimes it's just the status quo. so what we really need is somebody's got to call will i am and he has to do a remix of yes we can, so we can get the positive emotions going again. >> you can often tell the people at the protests because they are the ones wearing the shirts and they read anthem health care blue cross/blue shield. melissa harris-lacewell of princeton thank you. have a good weekend. the irony is the blind, mindless rage at the town halls is cresting just as the last big obama plan is showing indisputable evidence of starting to work. analysts were stunned today when the unemployment rate not only did not continue to swell but actually shrank for the first time in 16 months. stocks went through the roof. the highest numbers since last october. the stimulus, the obama stimulus is obviously just starting to do something. what a blow to real americans like the town hall whiners. at 155 miles per hour, andy roddick
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has the fastest serve in the history of professional tennis. so i've come to this court to challenge his speed. ...on the internet. i'll be using the 3g at&t laptopconnect card. he won't. so i can book travel plans faster, check my account balances faster. all on the go. i'm bill kurtis and i'm faster than andy roddick. (announcer) "switch to the nations fastest 3g network" "and get the at&t laptopconnect card for free".
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i haven't done a stock report since 1980 but the dow vaulted 113 points up today. unemployment shrank for the first time in 16 months and the dollar gained value against the yen and the euro as world markets agree with the president who said i am convinced we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. republicans say, no, it's a miracle healing. like, you know, the kind they haved a lourdes. more and worst yet from the blackwater affidavits. now the website that helped promulgate the phony obama kenyan birth certificate says it's a phony and worse it's billo versus me and rivera? you're watching "countdown" on msnbc. 's the pizza guy. sure. me again. okay, now this is the last te alright? thanks, you know we don't deliver anything like this. this crispy flatbread. mmmm. mmmmm! so delicious! are you like havin' a party or somethin'? ( slam ) hello? introducing the taste that's never been delivered. digiorno crispy flatbread pizza. for deliciously italian-inspired toppings on crispy flatbread crust, it's not delivery, it's digiorno. hello, i don't think we have met.
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unemployed at 645,000 and rising. today the brakes started to take hold. the stock market crossed 9300 and unemployment not only finally stopped growing in july but actually shrank a little bit. our fourth story on the "countdown" republicans say this has nothing to do with the obama stimulus plan nor even the efforts late in the bush administration to dewobble the banking industry. it just sort of happened. you know, like spontaneous combustion or when a cloud of flies suddenly moves five feet to the left all at the same time. the new jobs figures out today showed the decrease unexpected in the july unemployment rate and the big drop in the number of jobs lost. that plus last week's good gross domestic product numbers prompted the president to cautious optimism. >> today we're pointed in the right direction. we're losing jobs at less than half the rate we were when i took office. we've pulled the financial system back from the brink and the rising market is restoring value to those 401(k) accounts that are a foundation of a secure retirement.
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we've enabled families to reduce the payments on their mortgages making their homes more affordable and reducing the number of foreclosures. we helped revive the credit markets and opened up loans for families and small businesses. >> but with priceless spin rnc chairman michael steele says the markets are up because the president is failing. because the train has slowed on health care, because cap and trade basically imploded under its own weight in the house and couldn't get across the street to the senate, because the obama juggernaut on trying to manage and control our economy has slowed down the market is beginning to do what markets are supposed to do -- heal thy self. welcome the senior editor of "newsweek" magazine, daniel gross. thank you for your time tonight, sir. >> good to be here. >> so this was a miracle. just sort of happened like when the macarena became the hit song? >> you just gave me flashback to a lot of bad weddings in the '90s. yes, 2,000 years ago we had the immaculate conception, 35 years ago the immaculate reception and
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now the immaculate recovery. no one had anything to do with it. >> good economic news, cash for clunkers, none of this factored into what we saw today? >> cash for clunkers helped a little bit because people saw a huge amount of economic activity generated by that. but the mood is changing. we've processed a lot of the losses. a lot of these bailout efforts are starting to work. people continue to pay back the t.a.r.p. money and the stimulus is working its way in. it's a combination of the natural healing effects of an economy processing losses and the extra little gooses the government is giving it through these targeted efforts. >> dan, almost since the stimulus was announced the republicans continued to point to the mounting job losses as a sign it wasn't working and there was a reason to believe there might be something to it. what do they do now that that has stopped and improved in the other direction by comparatively an inch? >> pray for rain? >> yeah. >> you know, it was interesting.
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a couple months ago it was very common to hear people on the right saying that obama should stop talking about how bad things were when he got into office. that he owns this economy. it's his now. he said, okay. i'll take it. now that it's showing signs of improving, they're saying he doesn't own that economy. he's maybe renting or visiting it for a while. >> the dollar stronger against the yen and much stronger during the day against the euro. i don't understand why that is good news or why that is kind of a neutral opinion. can you explain? >> well, it's very complicated which is what people always say when asked to explain currency. but the u.s. versus the euro and the yen, one of the big factors that goes into making that stronger is whether the people think economic growth will be much stronger in one country versus another. people are all of a sudden thinking that economic growth is going to be much stronger in the u.s. than it is going to be in japan and in europe than the dollar will rise against those currencies. >> so you reverse engineer that that that's what they must be thinking because the dollar went up.
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i got it. that was made sim plchlt thank you. dan gross senior editor at "newsweek" magazine. great thanks. >> thank you. >> you know what they say about rugby players. they eat their dead. and their mascots apparently. some scrum. speaking of scrum, there's nothing left of this man but his mustache after secretary of state clinton got done with him. 13 words that ended the career of ex-ambassador john bolton, best persons, next here on "countdown." taking its rightful place in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe. this is mercedes-benz.
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best in a moment and the best 13 word joke by a politician in years. first on this date in 1926 stanley victor freeberg was born in los angeles. for 65 years he has been one of the nation's comedic treasures from working as a voice actor just out of high school to parodying popular music and culture to recording "the united states of america" to revolutionizing american advertising. he has basically done first and best what everybody else has yet to do in pale imitation of him. so happy birthday, stan freeberg there. let's play "oddball." we begin with australian rugby action. igor, the manly sea eagle mascot is brawling with a fan. igor held his own taking the fan down as security arrived. the broadcast coverage missed the top of the scuffle so we can't say what started the fight.
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instead we'll get the scoop straight from igor's beak. cue the plushy. >> watching the end of the game, he was in front and so then he gave him the wings and a bit of what for. >> never blinked. to japan's akita prefecture. in a followup story we brought you a few years ago you may recall the story of the chihuahua born with a coronary shaped brown bloch on his side. the dog was affectionately named heart puppy. well, heart puppy's mother recently had another litter and wouldn't you know it she popped out another dog with a heart shape on its coat. this one is called the love puppy. the puppy's owners say the
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recurrence of a similar shape on another puppy from the same mother must mean it's a genetic trait though they have yet to explain why the love puppy reeks of magic marker. one of these videos clearly fake but so well done we'll show you anyway. the slip and slide, release, rotation, splash. thornton meller's triple indy was special, but this is pretty good. the nightmare that is blackwater. the story has taken four nights to tell. on this night founder eric prince's delusion that in iraq he was conducting modern day religious crusades and even the far right says the fake kenyan birth certificate ain't real. what do she and the birther loonies do now? best persons in the world. number three. the best stock market analyst, ddalgi the parrot. means strawberry. he competed against ten human investors each investing $48,000. ddalgi's investments net'd profit of 13.7% and the humans averaged a loss of 6.4%. the bird selected her stocks by
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pecking on any of 30 balls bearing the names of various stocks. the humans used a far less sophisticated method. they analyzed. dateline north carolina. number two, discredited poll numbers, bernie goldberg said the idea that 28% of republicans believed the president was not born here. several poles ago in comparison. to, quote, just a few years ago when several polls came out that showed that 35% of democrats believed george bush and the neo cons were behind the attacks on 9/11. i don't remember liberal journalists writing stories about how the whole democratic party needs to explain this or is a magnet for lunatics. now, some conservative journalists wrote that. but others even including jonah goldberg noted that the rasmussen poll in question was terribly flawed. it is surely partly wrong, he said because the question was not do you think bush and the neo cons were behind the attacks on 9/11. it asked did bush know about the 9/11 attacks in advance? as in did intel warn his government what was coming? which we now know it pretty much
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did. and dateline, nairobi, kenya. number one, best one liner. secretary of state clinton interviewed there asked about never confirmed ex-u.n. ambassador john bolton's criticism of president clinton's diplomatic success in north korea. secretary clinton replied, quote, if president obama, you know, walked on water, he'd say he couldn't swim. how to destroy john bolton in 13 words. how many washes did it take cheer brightclean to get this from dingy to bright? one might be surprised. twelve. no. uh, excuse me! four? one... would think it would take that many washes. ten? man & woman: okay, we got it this time. yes? it's six. seven. why? why is... one-derfully bright, hmm? oh, one... yes, yes! hundred. cheer brightclean.
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child prostitution, murder, all of which z denies even in cases where the employees have already pled guilty. one motive for all this the four-year executive claims was greed. tonight in our third story the other motive was god. jeremy scahill wrote the book on blackwater in which he details some of the theocratic connections of eric prince. now he claims prince did more than subscribe to a mund fundamentalist christian crusade, quote, mr. prince is motivated to engage in misconduct by two factors. first he views himself as a christian crusader tasked with eliminating muslims and the islamic faith from the global. as a young man eric prince was an intern for the first president bush and for the family research council. the right wing religious organization his father helped to start. he later complained about his white house internship, quote, i saw a lot of things i did not agree with. homosexual groups being invited in, the budget agreement, the
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clean air act. a catholic convert prince has donated more than $250,000 to conservative republican politicians primarily the religious ones. he has used the wealth of his family and profits from z to create and to fund numerous right wing and or proselytizing christian organizations. the family research council, christian freedom international, and the council on national policy whose meetings prince said he has attended. that last group, the cnp, was founded by this man the reverend tim lahay, whose "left behind" series dramatizes his biblical beliefs that in the near future solomon's temple in israel will be rebuilt. jesus returns making true believers vanish away with him. those left behind who accept jesus battle unbelievers. mr. prince's devout family values christianity doesn't always manifest itself in his behavior. a blackwater plane went down in afghanistan and prince argued legal immunity pertained because companies cannot be sued for the
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actions of their employees under prevailing afghanistan law, specifically the islamic law of sharia. prince was interviewed by suzanne simons for a new a book about him, the book reports he cheated on his dying first wife with their nanny. simons writes that the nanny attended the funeral while pregnant with prince's child. prince did in his words the right thing. he married the nanny. at xe, prince surrounded himself with like-minded believers like the lobbyist paul berrins, board member of christian freedom international and joseph smits. he incorporated the phrase always under the protection of the almighty into the official seal and said, quote, we pride ourselves on our strict adherence to the rule of law under god. he spoke to the order of malta a secret and catholic group at the church of paul bremer another conservative catholic in the bush administration. and schmitz exonerated u.s. general william boykin for
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turning his mission missionary. >> after even republicans slammed schmitz for shielding the white house from correctional scrutiny of pentagon purchasing schmitz resigned and went to blackwater. schmitz not only spoke to the order of malta. he is a member. scahill reports the order is, quote, a christian militia formed in the 11th century before the first crusades with the mission of defending territory that the crusaders had conquered from the muslims. >> this crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while. >> the pentagon put bible verses
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on its reports for mr. bush. some of the soldiers spoke openly about distributing bibles in afghanistan and iraq. quote, everybody carries guns just like jeremiah rebuilding the temple in israel. a sword in one hand, a trowel in the other. the temple that must be rebuilt for jesus to return. bush officials helped prince advance his vision. state department inspector general alvin krongard killed the probe into xe's weapons smuggling, and denied his brother was on xe's advisory board. >> i specifically asked him. i do not believe it is true he is a member of the advisory board. during the break i contacted my brother. i reached him at home. he is not at the hotel but i learned that he had been at the advisory board meeting yesterday. i had not been aware of that an want to state on the record right now that i hereby recuse myself from any matters having to do with blackwater. >> coalition chief paul bremer once said i cannot succeed in this mission without the help of god but he also needed blackwater.
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he gave prince his first big contract in iraq. bremer later wrote the bremer order granting contractors in iraq total legal immunity and xe would need it. quoting john doe number two, sworn declaration, mr. prince operated his companies in a manner that encouraged and rewarded the destruction of iraqi life. for example mr. prince's executives would openly speak about going over to lay hajiis out on cardboard. going to iraq to shoot and kill iraqis was viewed as a sport or game. a man who xe called a disgruntled former employee put it this way. >> it was troubling when a group of americans who were supposedly there to help in the rebuilding of a country consider those people to be less than they are, less human than they are. >> is there any evidence that these attitudes reached the battle field? we told thaw prince sent his men illegal ammo engineered to detonate on contact with human flesh. out of three state department security contractors, xe fired first in its shootouts more than any other firing first or being the only side to fire. in 84% of shooting incidents.
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july 1, 2007, xe shooters allegedly opened up on a mini bus taking three families to the airport. dead, one 9-year-old boy, his father, his uncle, his mother. trying to shield her 3-month-old daughter. the baby is also dead, shot in the face. february 7th, 2007. xe snipers kill three iraqi government security guards. iraqi officials confront the shooters who then joke about it. the state department defends the xe without according to "the washington post" reporting, interviewing witnesses nor examining the scene. christmas eve, 2006, a drunken blackwater employee kills an iraqi vice president's body guard. cnn reports state department kept this out of the killer's personnel records. february 16, 2005, xe sprays an iraqi car with more than 70 bullets presumably killing the driver. the xe security detail's code
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name is templar 20. the state department determined that xe lied about being fired on but punishes nobody. quote, any disciplinary actions would be deemed as lowering the morale of contractors. out of 195 shootings from 2005 to 2007, xe was fired upon first just 32 times. xe has denied wrongdoing and will reply in court to the allegations, the legal allegations against it later this month. today a judge ruled on z's request for a gag order. the gag order denied. so where was he born today? when whack job right wing website rejects the phony kenyan birth certificate as phony where do the birthers go from here? "the washington post" said this man called the commentators in his employ, quote, nut cases, and volunteered to muzzle them. when rachel joins you at the top of the hour how should democrats respond to the sabotage at the health care town halls? her guest is representative anthony weiner of new york. 3... 2... 1. ever wonder how cheez-it bakes... so much real cheese in such small bites? ♪ baking complete!
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he said the weave yus previous white house never said anything that bad. no they called anybody who disagreed with them nazi appeasers. worst persons is next. the conspiracy website that first endorsed the fake birth certificate now says it's a fake. you're watching "countdown." has the fasteshands boxing has ever seen. so i've come to this ring to see who's faster... on the internet. i'll be using the 3g at&t laptopconnect card. he won't. so i can browse the web faster, email business plans faster. all on the go. i'm bill kurtis and i'm faster than floyd mayweather. (announcer) switch to the nation's fastest 3g network and get the at&t laptopconnect card for free.
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the obama kenyan birth certificate that turned out to be a doctored australian birth certificate has been declared a fraud by the wackiest right wing website out there. first, worst persons in the world brought to you by fixed news now celebrating ten days without having fired glenn beck for calling the president of the united states racist, four days since he was warned or tried to warn his fans against committing acts of violence but one day after he joked about poisoning the speaker of the house even after procter and gamble pulled out as advertisers on beck's program. the ongoing fun with lou dobbs. along with his wife and children, bernie, on nbc news airwaves. he was attacked. >> some are saying lou dobbs was crusading against immigration. not true. he's married to a hispanic woman. bill, i'm totally confused. can you be against legal immigration and be married to a hispanic woman at the same time? what was left out, mr. dobbs mostly attacks illegal immigration and not exclusively
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and his wife having been a national television sportscaster on a network and his wife having been caught trying to take a gun on to a commercial flight is fair game. and given that mr. dobbs attacks illegal immigration it pays the bills for his kids to participate in the horse show circuit which is the second leading employer of the illegal immigrants in this country. he is a hypocrite. as geraldo rivera said on o'reilly, quote, lou dobbs has done more to slander latin people in this country than any other single human being. he has made the image of a young latino man climbing the border wall into this profoundly negative icon that has totally perverted the discussion over immigration reform. the runner-up, roger ayles. "the washington post" reporting today that roger ales attended a lunch in this building in hopes of brokering a deal in which he would muzzle his own commentators from talking about particular subjects. quote, he could control his nut cases, he said, wrote howard kirtz and later announced the war was over. negotiating the people his nut cases might cover about whether or not the nut cases might cover them might seem like journalism
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to mr. ales but clearly no active journalist would agree. our winner the aforementioned mr. beck or "a face in the crowd, "lonesome roads," angry that the phony health care protestors were actually called out. the way the phony tax protestors were called out, right wing extremists, desperate republicans, angry mobs, the mob, manufactured anger, brooks brothers brigade. i don't recall those words coming from the bush white house. i don't remember anybody saying that out of george bush's realm. there are political hacks that say awful things but really did we call democrats mobs? no. you and the bush administration called us morally and intellectually confused, disloyal, treasonous, unamerican. you and the government tried to black list those who criticized mr. bush and the administration sent us instructions on what questions to ask in interviews of bush critics and mr. mccain said i should be in a padded room and mr. rumsfeld called anybody who disagreed with his policies the equivalent of nazi sympathizers. mob would have been a
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five days after president obama's so-called kenyan birth certificate was unmasked as an obvious fake, four days after it was shown to be the rip-off of a certificate for some surprised man in australia named bombford and one day after an anonymous blogger took credit for the fake telling the birthers they had been punked world net daily conducted its own exclusive investigation and concluded in our number one story that the kenyan birth certificate, quote, is probably not authentic. the expose actually includes the posting of the anonymous blogger beginning with the kenyan birth
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certificate heralded by orley tats as the smoking gun. next the typewriter and special paper then the crumbled certificate, then the payoff. you've been punked. the blogger provides a list of materials used in the forgery but the kenyan document was error written on its face which world net daily grudgingly concedes after interviewing kenyan government officials. back at the funny farm ms. tate who was quite breathless about the kenyan birth certificate. >> how much time do i have? >> now you know where ava gabor wound up. no surprise the most respondents think there has been too much coverage of the birther jazz yet a plurality of republicans think there's been too little birther news. fox birther channel. turning now to comedian christian finnegan to address their birther news needs. >> hi, keith. >> cbs runs dubious documents about bush's military service
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five years ago. the anchor gets fired. there's a big panel that includes the former attorney general, the right goes crazy. don't we have to have a world net daily investigation or at least take ora lee tate's wig license away or something? >> what you fail to realize is cbs is a news organization. listen. you're going to take world net daily to task for factual inaccuracies? what a buzz kill, man. next you'll want to shut down world weekly news because somebody disproved the existence of bat boy. >> don't forget world news weekly the other one. oddly, world net daily verified the actual hawaiian birth certificate a year ago. while they were having this sort of duplicity here that there was a hawaiian document and a kenyan document, what do you think the argument was, that he was born in two places at once or there are multiple obamas or hawaii is in kenya or what? >> keith, again, the sensational need for consistency. i don't put anything past that guy. he is one part jeremiah wright,
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one part zelig and one part angel mind freak. >> 50% barack angel mind freak and 50% something else. you don't think he can be in two places at once? >> 50% barack angel mind freak, 50% something else. if you're ora lee tate, correspondents school lawyer who called the media brown shirts and seems to be doing an ava gabor impression after your holy grail is revealed to be holy fraudulent, you do what? >> ora lee tate dentist sounds like the new will farrell movie. just because -- >> with john c. riley. yes. >> just because this woman looks like she should be selling brooches on the ukranian home shopping network does not mean there are a plethora of opportunities for her. there is a ground swell to have her replace paula abdul on "american idol" as you may know. if that doesn't work out she can always be lou dobbs' side kick
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like his topo gigio. >> lou dobbs' side kick is the one she's complaining about, kitty pilgrim. anyway. i thought she looked in fact like remember the fake documentary john candy did? >> oh, yes. >> i was thinking that or beaker from the muppets. >> with all this we still count on the segment of the gop to say, we want more. yes, we've got it now. is this, do we think there is an overlap between this and the crowd that thought the best episode of happy days was when the fonz literally jumped the shark on the motorcycle? >> it was the best episode. of course. by the way i don't know if you heard the latest rolling stones album but that band is starting to come into its own. whatever happened to newt coke by the way? i actually am one of the people that hopes the birth certificate story keeps going because i'm trying to plan a vacation and learning a lot about kenya and hawaii and i happen to be a forgery buff. >> one part of this i've never heard explained. if this is a conspiracy, if there is some other birth certificate out there why are there birth notices for obama in two hawaiian newspapers in
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august of 1961? i mean, did the conspirators think that far ahead and if they did can we hire them to do something like cure cancer or something? they must be geniuses. >> yeah. i don't think there was that much prenatal planning leading up to the birth of rosemary's baby. next we'll find out obama's mother carried around a talisman filled with tannis root or something. it is flawless logic when you think about it. we know this kid is going to be president some day so we have to make sure people think he was born in the united states. where should we say he was born where he'll seem like the most american of americans? i know. honolulu. anywheresville, usa. a bedfort falls, that honolulu. >> that name barack obama is just too joseph smith like or john jones or whatever. christian finnegan who always has the distinctive name to fall back on if everything else fails and it has not. thanks for your time. have a great weekend. >> in honor of the late john hughes, i am and will always remain a duck man. >> there you go. that's "countdown" for this the 2,290th day since the previous president declared mission accomplished in iraq. i'm keith olbermann. good night and good luck.
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> ladies and gentlemen, here is rachel maddow. >> good evening. thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> you too. >> thank you for staying with us this hour at home to cap off an incredible week in the news. the health care debate has been hostage to straight up thuggery for more than a week now. maybe that's changing. new york congressman anthony weiner will join us live in studio to talk about that. also our friend richard engel reports from afghanistan about what may have just been one of the most important events in the war there in over eight years. that is all ahead tonight. but we begin with the convergence of two of the great sources of jaw-dropping, i can't believe that just happenedness in modern american politics. we have the mob rule, shut it
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down, screaming, don't talk about health care mobs and we have sarah palin, the now unemployed former vice presidential candidate and former alaska governor, who turned to her facebook page today to add this to our national conversation about reforming our health care system. she said, quote, the america i know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with downes syndrome will have to stand in front of obama's death panel so his bureaucrats can decide based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society whether they are worthy of health care. such a system is downright evil. i actually agree. of course, such a system isn't actually being considered by anyone. but don't let that hold you back. last night on this show we hosted tim phillips the president of americans for prosperity. it's a beltway organization with significant corporate funding. they're staffed by experienced republican campaign strategists like mr. phillips himsel
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