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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  August 8, 2009 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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sides, scuffles breaking out, accusations that union thugs on the part of health care reform advocates are pushing opponents away and accusations that these are organized mobs that don't represent the grassroots but a few people spreading misinformation and lies about the content of what's in this bill as it moves through congress. what is in this bill that's down in black and white on the house side, there's no guarantee that it will move forward. the senate has been working on their own bill. they've been unable thus far to come up with anything they can put down on paper and show to the public. things very much up in the air and what's going happen as a result of this is anybody's guess once congress returns after labor day. >> can you tell us how concerned the white house is about the kinds of images we see with angry folks? how much is it weighing on them? >> reporter: on one hand it is
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disturbing. there's no doubt about that to see people get this exercise over things. some people might find it encouraging. dick gephardt said politics was war without the bullets. now we're having war with shoving. hasn't got to the ultraviolent stage but some people are concerned. on the other hand, when you have some misleading statements about what's in the bill coming out of some of these folks and these videos of people that they can portray as being fringe elements are not unhappy with the way that's playing out. >> i'll talk with john dingell of michigan later this morning. if there was a question you wanted to ask, what would it be? >> he had a town hall in his district. this bill on the house side is named after john dingell. he's been trying to get health care reform passed for many years. a woman pushed his wheelchair bound son to the front of that town hall and alleged the bill
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in the house would deny his son health benefits and health coverage. john dingell did not have an opportunity to ask. the man was ultimately escorted from the premises by the police. ask him if that boy would actually have his health benefits or health coverage denied under the bill as it is currently formulated in the house. that's my suggestion. >> i'll go with it. thank you very much. appreciate that. talk to you next hour. a new poll this week shows that a majority of americans, 52% in fact, disapprove of president obama's handling of health care. 39% of those polled say they approve of the president's handling of the subject. joining me live, john decker, washington correspondent for reuters. good morning to you, john. >> good morning to you. >> let's look at the numbers here in this poll. do you think the president is losing ground with the american public on health care? >> well, i think the white house has recognized over the past few weeks there's been ground loss and the opponents have been
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certainly helped by what they're seeing right now in this latest poll. that's one reason why the white house wanted to get this bill before the president on his desk before congress left for their august recess. that did not happen. and now the white house is feeling with these types of polls which indicate a growing number of americans now more than 50% are opposed to the way the white house is going about health care reform trying to overhaul the $2.5 trillion health care industry. >> i'll take you to tampa, florida. take a look at the town hall meeting there. the protesters voicing their opposition to obama's health care plan. let's play a little bit of this. just listen. >> hear our voice! >> they're saying you work for us. they talk to their congressman there.
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jon, has the administration not done a good enough job explaining the plan or are there things people are truly angry about? >> there's been misinformation. that's a major reason why the white house has taken to the radio address today and the youtube address and addressed some of the misleading information that's come out from opponents to health care reform. and there's no clear bill on either the house or senate side indicating what will be in the eventual bill that gets before the president when that happens, the white house hopes that happens sometime in the fall. clearly the opponents have mobilized their efforts during this august recess. this is what the white house feared and what house and senate members have to do right now who are for health care reform is to stick it out. tough it out. try to stick to their guns and deal with a lot of these protests that are happening at these town hall meetings. >> okay. jon decker, we'll talk to you more next hour. thank you so much. >> thanks a lot.
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coming up, reaction to angry voices raised at town hall meetation cromeet ati meetings across the country. the sister of president john f. kennedy suffered a series of strokes in recent years. a spokesman for governor arnold schwarzenegger, the husband of mar maria shriver, is with the family. the widow of billy mays is upset over the autopsy report found that cocaine use contributed to the disease that killed mays. the family is considering getting an independent analysis of that autopsy. an emotional scene outside
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that fitness club in pennsylvania where three women were shot to death earlier this week. hundreds of mourners gathered to pay their respects and to offer support to one another as the community just outside of pittsburgh tries to come to grips with the tragedy. >> just to be here to be with other people and to give some strength and energy to the victims of this tragedy. >> nine other victims were injured in the shootings. the gunman, george sodini, shot himself to death following his killing spree. let's go to the latest on the tragic crash on a new york highway that took eight lives. the time line is emerging about the mother that drove two miles in the wrong direction was doing in the hours before she slapped into an suv. they say that diane shuler seemed fine and sober. that contradicts toxicology reports that say she was drunk
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and shigh. a new report by federal aviation officials reveal the problem that could have caused air france to crash in june and it may be more widespread than previously believed. the report shows that speed sensors failed on at least a dozen recent northwest flights making it impossible for pilots to know exactly how fast they were flying. all of the malfunctions occurred on airbus jets. today the u.s. economy heading in a new direction. the july jobless rate dropped from 9.5% down .1 to 9.4% while this is the smallest drop in a year the news helped the dow continue its rally now that unemployment is down and stocks are up, are we moving from recession to recover? matthew miller, senior editor for "forbes." it's good news. okay. you're putting it in perspective. give us the perspective.
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i'm all about saying, yeah, let's hear trumpets. >> you're colleagues on cnbc are doing the same thing. it's a sign of hope. the jobless rate actually slowed. there's less jobs being lost in america than there were in the previous six months according to averages. that's great. we should use that as sort of a barometer as things might be slowing down or stopping the free fall and it's getting worse. i think what you need to look at is not what the stock market has done because it's up 45% since the bottom in march but really look at some other underlying indicators. unemployment will get to 10% this year. i think the obama administration is probably rightly conservative in hyping this news. >> things won't absolutely turn around until you get unemployment starting to drop. >> you need to get unemployment under control. >> what needs to happen to get jobs creation going? >> the vicious cycle of recession has to kind of stop.
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what you need to do is get people into jobs and get businesses growing and that is spurred by consumer demand. consumer demand for goods. as demand for goods increases, you have businesses needing to produce those goods and people to go back to work. >> you get the stocks rallying on this latest news. you say you can't rely on the stock market to get us out of this recession, it has to be a mental thing. if you see the stock market going up, how much does that weigh in? >> as the stock market gets higher, people feel wealthier and may spend. if you get over the fear of i might not lose my job, you'll go out and spend. the problem is this recession has a nasty effect on people's mental ability to go out and spend because they are ov over leveraged to begin with. i think people will slobe slow get in the water going forward. >> tell me when you think the recession will be over?
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>> i think it's late next year. still next year. you have to see actual growth for two quarters to get this thing turned and out of it. it's late next year. maybe i'm more of a bear. >> okay. well, i'll still sound the trumpet. you're probably right. thank you so much. let's go to the weather. we're getting a live look at new york city across the big apple. a recent heat wave and hazy humid conditions. we'll get the latest national forecast now from bill karins. >> two big weather stories. flash flooding from overnight in minnesota into wisconsin and what's going on with hurricane felicia. it will get closer to the hawaiian islands on tuesday. it doesn't look quite as impressive as it has the last couple days. a little tiny eye but overall a weakening trend expecting. at worst maybe tropical storm force winds and just gusts
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through the hawaiian islands. heavy thunderstorms overnight from minneapolis to lacrosse back over through central wisconsin. a lot of heavy rain is exiting minneapolis. you're improving. now it's shifting to the south in between lacrosse and madison. we'll watch a wet saturday morning in milwaukee and even there in chicago. forecast in the eastern half of the country looks warm but dry. chicago, detroit, storms later today. but the real story is the heat in the middle of the nation. 100s and upper 90s spreading to st. louis and kansas city. >> all right. thanks so much. still ahead, the battle over insurance money in the death of michael jackson. also, hear from jermaine jackson about the investigation into the singer's death. the plan for schools this fall and winter should another outbreak of swine flu hit the students hard. first, happy birthday ab everyone ey road. what do yosay to a spin around the color wheel?
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perhaps the most famous photo of the beatles turns 40 years old today. this was taken august 8th, 1969. scores of fans have been visiting the famous crossing and recreating the pose. tom is among them in london with more on this. a good saturday morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. i'm here on abbey road. studios are behind me. on that at a 40 years ago john, paul, george and ringo came out of the recording studio and walked across abbey road. they walked on a crosswalk right about where that red london bus
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is standing. they made the trip across the street three times in one direction. three times in the other. the photographer on a step ladder about where i'm standing took six frames and later in the afternoon that day they looked at the sheets and picked one and that became the cover of the album. that happened 40 years ago today. you can see scores of fans here to mark the moment the young, old, in between, all of them great fans of the great music 40 years ago. >> what is it you think that keeps fans still coming to this kind of thing? what is it about the beatles? is it just because they're the beatles? the music? when people tell you why they love the beatles, what are they saying? >> reporter: the younger ones appreciate the mausic as fresh as it was in those days still fresh today. if you talk to the older ones, they'll remember that the beatles were the soundtrack for the swinging '60s and beatles music was a wave around the world that it sparked what they
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called beatle mania. the fans are trying to keep the memory alive. >> i see the recreation. okay. we'll talk to you again. thanks so much. the new baby panda at the san diego zoo is such a big hit on the internet that the panda cam feed crashed this week. the zoo's blog went down about the same time. the camera didn't get back up again until last night and in case you missed it, video posted on the zoo's blog shows the moment of birth on wednesday. the baby is the fifth cub and only the 14th panda here in the u.s. mr. evans? this is janice from onstar. i have received an automatic signal you've been in a front-end crash. do you need help?
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it's believed the taliban's top commander in pakistan is dead. both u.s. and pakistan believe a u.s. drone missile attack on wednesday killed baitullah mehsud and his wife. he's responsible for assassinations including the 2007 assassination of former pakistani prime minister benazir bhutto. joining us now, jack jacobs. good morning to you. he was considered pakistan's most wanted man, was he not? >> he definitely was. about 30 years old. >> just 30? with all that to his credit? >> unusual in an area like that being elderly and having a great deal of experience is revered. a young guy got a bunch of tribes together to support him and the most feared man in pakistan. a top commander. perhaps the top commander in the taliban and pakistan and a big
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get. what's really important is not so much that he was killed but the fact that we were able to generate the intelligence to pinpoint where he was. that's something new that we're getting information not just from satellites and drones and also information from the ground that shows what you can do when you have good human contacts on the ground to get the required information. >> presumably just because he is dead although we should say that has to be confirmed by the united states at this point, they've not found his body quite yet, they expect him to be dead, it doesn't mean that things will tamper down. aren't they trying to figure out who will take his place? >> oddly the tribal leaders who have allegiance to the taliban will get together and vote on who they want to lead them. nobody in the wings has had as much -- has as much leadership
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ability, the ability to get the troops in the area as mehsud did it will be tough to fill his shoes. we'll see. >> does this mean given the human intelligence angle that you talked about, are we closer to getting osama bin laden? >> the short answer is no. the principle reason we got the intelligence on the ground to get this guy in the first place is because we had cooperation of pakistanis. pakistanis hated this guy. they cooperated. they're not cooperating as much with the other leaders, the other taliban operations that are in pakistan and therefore they're not cooperating as much with our war against the taliban inside afghanistan. this worked and it worked because we had the assistance of the pakistanis. with this guy gone, we may not get support as much anymore. >> okay. thank you very much, colonel jack jacobs. new details in the investigation of michael jackson's death. the ap reports an insurance policy on jackson's london home
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shows excluded elicit taking of drugs. it is hinging on the results of jackson's autopsy which we know is complete and today those results are starting to leak out revealing jackson's personal doctor, conrad murray, administered multiple sedatives hours before the singer died. >> this is not a drug to be administered at home. there are certain drugs that are given at home. this is not one of them. this is only administered intervenously. >> jermaine jackson says the family has not seen an official autopsy. >> i'm very surprised and uneducated about all of these pills and all of these things like i told you before. i like it that way. i don't have much knowledge about these types of things. at the same time i hear all of this stuff. i'm saying where is it going?
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if there was anything administered in my brother's body that was not in the proper setting meaning a hospital, that will be dealt with. >> in a written statement dr. murray's lawyer dismisses the ap report as ridiculous. a growing concern for parents as they get ready to send their kids back to school. the government is giving new guidance about the swine flu. the centers for disease and control prevention are urging schools to stay open even if they have the swine flu. >> it is now clear that closure of schools is rarely indicated even if h1n1 is in the school. you also increase the number of kids who may be unsupervised. you may have social stresses in the community. there's a definite balancing in the decision on whether or not
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to close a school. >> as far as vaccine goes, the first trials are just beginning and researchers should know more about effectiveness six weeks from now and if all goes well, it should be available by mid october. up, up and away. more than 70 hot air balloons took to the sky friday during a festival in southwest england. the festival featured balloons with special shapes such as a scottish piper, a supermarket trolley and a cell phone. the fiesta kicked off with balloons set to music you see there.
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it's the chevy open house. and now, with the cash for clunkers program, a great deal gets even better. let us recycle your older vehicle and you could qualify for an additional $3500 or $4500 cash back on a new, more fuel-efficient chevy. your chevy dealer has more eligible models to choose from. more than ford, toyota, or honda. now get an '09 cobalt for under fifteen-five after all offers. and get it for even less if you qualify for cash for clunkers program. go to for details.
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behind us, the president plans unemployment to hit 10% sometime this year. the latest job figures released friday shows the july unemployment rate at 9.4% and the number of jobs lost last month is about half the number from the previous month. joining me live to talk about it now, john harwood. good morning, john. >> good morning. >> so unemployment -- i got excited hearing it was down a tenth of a percent. how big a boost are these numbers from the obama administration's perspective? >> well, it certainly is a short-term boost. they're aware of the fact that the rate went down because you had several hundred thousand people leaving the workforce and therefore not being counted as among those seeking work. but they see a lot of signs that the economy is turning around even though it is likely to be several months in the future before unemployment begins coming down in a serious way. we saw the contraction in the economy reduced by a lot in the second quarter.
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the administration hopes we have a growing economy in the third and fourth quarters. employers always are slower to hire people as the recovery is ending. the administration does believe a recovery is in sight. the question is how can they keep the american people with them, sustain their credibility, make the argument that policies are working long enough to not have their party take a pacing in the 2010 election and try to keep support for their health care plan. >> give me a sense of how the obama administration is doing so far with trying to -- they don't want to declare a victory for themselves. they want to be realistic about things. i think the town hall meetings sort of is a temperature gauge right there. >> yes. now the town hall meetings you have organizers on both sides stoking that anger. i don't think that's necessary helpful to the administration and why you have seen white house aides trying to sort of turn down the temperature on both sides, both encourage people on the right not to make too much noise and people on the left not to attack fellow democrats. it does have the potential
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during august of polarizing the situation on health care making it more likely that democrats are going to have to pass something if they can on their own without republican help. >> i want to pick up quick on a tweet that i got. you said they're trying to stoke the fires. i got a tweet from a guy that says most of the shouting at town halls are not even constituents of the representatives they're trying to shoot down. do you think you have people coming into the town hall meetings not from that geographical area and just stoking the fires. >> it's hard to say. you have a lot of town hall meetings across a lot of the country and nobody can really touch base and have a great sense of all of them. we do know that people on the right in particular are organizing and urging people to go out and urging people to confront members of congress and you have a response from democrats and labor unions trying to match that intensity and make sure their message doesn't get shouted down and sum
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total of that is you have a lot of loud people showing up whatever member of congress is having a public meeting and that's not necessarily encouraging the kind of discussion the white house would like to see happen. >> the president out there making his case via the weekly address this morning. let's listen to part of what he had to say. >> let me explain what reform will mean for you. let me start by dispelling the outlandish rumors that reform will promote euthanasia or cut medicaid or bring a government takeover of health care. that's simply not true. >> john, will the president be heard over the cries from these town halls? >> that's a big question. the president has the biggest megaphone in the country but there are a lot of smaller megaphones out there you have rush limbaugh saying these crazy things like the obama health care symbol looks like a nazi symbol and encouraging further
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elements of the fringe from believing and stoking crazy rumors. that's a hard thing for any white house to counteract. they've been aggressive about. they are putting out web videos and they have an interactive process in which they ask supporters to let them know about crazy talk that's out there so that they can rebut it. that's not easy. we have a culture as you know 24/7 news through social networks, through cable, through the internet and it's hard for political leaders to try to counter and stay ahead of that. >> there's no control. john harwood, always good to see you, my friend. thank you so much. sarah palin is calling the health care plan evil. she posted her thoughts on her facebook page on friday. she says the america i know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with down syndrome will stand in front of the death panel so bureaucrats
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can decide based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society whether they are worthy of health care. such a system is down right evil. the wife of south carolina governor mark sanford moved out of the governor's manage. she was spotted moving boxes of clothes out of the residence. the gochbor's wife separated in june weeks before he disclosed having an extra marital affair with a woman in argentina. mark, now that she's moved out, what is the first lady going to do now? >> reporter: good morning to you, alex. she says now that she's moved out of the governor's mansion with her son, she will continue on with her activities as the first lady but she says right now her first responsibility is to her family. moving day at the south carolina governor's mansion where the first lady is packing up and heading out while her husband, the governor, stays behind.
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in a statement issued friday, mrs. sanford says i decided to move back to our home in charleston with our sons for the upcoming school year. from there we'll continue the process of healing our family. >> bottom line is this. i've been unfaithful to my wife. >> reporter: it's the latest development in the scandal which broke in june when governor mark sanford admitted he had an extra marital affair and traveled to argentina to visit his mistress there. >> i hurt her. i hurt you all. i hurt my wife. i hurt my boys. >> reporter: despite widespread calls for his resignation, the governor refused to leave office and he and his wife promise to try to reconcile. on wednesday he returned from a two-week vacation with his family in europe. and on friday hours after his wife moved out, the governor said it had been in the works for some time. >> it's been brewing for a while. been back and forth and talked about it and kicked around at
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length well before europe. >> reporter: the governor also said he and his wife agreed the move was best for their children. >> we have a job as parents to make sure that the boys grow up in as normal a circumstance as possible particularly given ones that are adolescents that don't really like a lot of media attention or any other attention. >> reporter: the governor says despite the separation, he still has faith in his marriage. now, the governor also issued a written statement at which he said that he believes that his wife's moving out is best for what he calls the process of reconciliation and he says that that move out will not affect his ability to continue on with his job as governor. alex? >> all right. mark potter, thank you for that live report from miami. let's go from there to texas and look at these pictures from just outside of houston. officials there say the brush
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fire broke out and flames and thick black smoke spread over 100 acres. fire marshals are looking into the cause of that blaze. president obama signed into law a measure tripling the budget for cash for clunkers. there's speculation on who the winners and losers will be. joining me live is the detroit correspondent for "bloomberg news." i want to you take a pulse of things in detroit. is there a sense that things are looking up? >> the cash for clunkers has been a real shot in the arm for detroit. ford sales actually rose in july for the first time since 2007. general motors sales down 19% but that's good news compared to sales that have been dropping by 35%. it's really given them a boost. >> okay. i want to talk about the kinds of cars that are selling. you mentioned ford. that according to the data on
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capitol hill is in the second spot. type five cars, toyota, corolla, ford focus, honda civic, toyota prius and the toyota camry. let's look at where these cars are assembled. they're made in the u.s. or canada except for the prius made in japan. is it safe to say the u.s. economy is a bigger winner than some might think? >> yeah. it is misleading to think these are all foreign cars because they are made in north america. and they're part of that sort of automotive economy that accounts for 1 in 10 jobs in the united states. it does give a boost to the overall economy even if it's a toyota and a honda that's selling. the surprising thing is the government released new figures late yesterday showing that general motors is getting the biggest share of the cash for clunkers business. 19% of it just ahead of toyota they have 18%. >> okay.
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let's look at what's been spent on this program thus far. 1.3 billion on the program which accounts for close to a quarter million new vehicles. administration officials are estimating the new money will last into labor day. another four weeks or so and prompt an additional half a million vehicle sales. what's the reaction there? do you think that's legitimate? do you think that's an underestimation or do you think it will do enough to do the job and be a successful program? >> it's doing the job for the moment. it's a boost for sales at 30-year lows. you have seen an immediate uptick. the question is this robbing peter to pay paul. is it pulling sales forward from later in the year and there will be a big hangover once the cash for clunkers program is over. >> are there any losers in this program at all? >> you know, it has driven the prices and scrap metal down so
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that segment of the economy is hurt. but the broader swath is good. consumers have not been spending. that's why we're in this recession. any stimulus package that gets people spending and this one got them spending faster than any other stimulus that's been out there is a good thing. >> as you said, rob peter to pay paul. that's the way it goes. thank you so much. good to see you. >> thanks. a wealthy connecticut town wants to ban a way to go green and it's causing quite the stir. that story straight ahead and new numbers on retail sales and what that could mean for your wallet on back-to-school shopping.
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because people could run into them at night but residents say they hang their clothes up for environmental reasons and feels the town cares more about image. >> i've gotten a comment that they just think it's a low class thing to do. >> the proposal is being reconsidered now. the health care debate heating up with temperatures rising across this country at town halls turning into shouting matches. some opponents of president obama's health care plan claim democrats are trying to socialize or ration health care like at this town hall meeting in mendon, new york. joining me live from washington, d.c., a reporter for good morning, emily. how are congressmen and women acting as they head back to districts for the august recess.
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what do you hear? >> i'm hearing different reactions. there's some members of congress, democrats obviously are the ones being targeted, i don't think republicans are quite as concerned about this. democrats some of them are canceling town halls. i've heard about one congressman in washington who is only doing telephone town halls now. one congressman in north carolina actually got death threats so he's not going to be doing town halls. but then there's other members i talk to who say bring it on. we want to hear from our constituents and this is part of our job. we can handle a little bit of disruption. we are going to make our case and if people want to state their opinion, that's fair. >> do you get a sense for some this behavior and what they're hearing out there will sway them against the health care bill? >> you know, that's a good question. i don't get that impression. i think that depending on which party you're from, you have a
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different view of what those town hall protests mean. the republicans want to say this is part of a groundswell of opposition and that this is representative of the general sense of the population that is opposed to the health care bill and then the democrats a lot of them arguing this isn't representative of public opinion. this is a small group of people stoked by conservative groups and conservative talking points coming out to disrupt discussions. you have seen the polarization in the crowds and the way people are reacting to health care bill and also amongst members of congress as well whether they take it seriously or not. >> do you think congressmen and women are out there listening to those disaffected voters and the conservative talking points but just because they're opposing does that make them seem invalid? >> no. i think definitely when you have a big group of people you're always going get a lot of opposing talking points. people are very aware -- all of the polls are showing that people are really polls
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are showing people are concerned about the health care proposal. there's a lot of confusion. a lot of different information coming out and obviously people don't -- it's a complex issue. i think members of congress on both sides of the aisle want to make sure that people understand what's going on. i think the democrats are saying, we want to be able to do it so nobody's drowned out, so that everybody can express their concern. their concern is that only one side of the debate is getting to express their opinion. but i think that they're definitely aware they need to listen to people. they don't want to look like they're not listening to constituents' concerns, that's for sure. >> how do you see this playing out after labor day, when everybody's back in session? >> well it depends on how the next few weeks go, how much pressure these members are under. this is one of the things the white house was concerned about when they really were pushing for this bill to get done before the august recess. they didn't want members going back and being subject to all of this pressure from constituents.
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so it will be interesting to see when people come back how much they've been affected by what they've been hearing back home. i think you're going to see still the core of democrats who have been backing this all along pushing it. but i think what's going to happen it's going to go back to the six members of the senate who have been negotiating behind closed doors. they seem to be ones with momentum and power right now to get something accomplished. it will be interesting to see how much people take to heart what they've been hearing in last week or so. >> emily cadei with thank you so much. coming in an hour or half i'll be interviews democratic representative john dingell of michigan, he, of course, lead sponsor of the health care bill before the house. also greeted by shouting crowds at his own recent town hall meeting. i've asked you to send me a tweet, what is concerning to you, go to
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vera gibbons our msnbc financial analyst. chain store sales down 1 37b9.5 >> june sales were a total washout, all of that bad weather, soggy on the east coast, 22 day of rain in new york. july sales tell us the consumer's cautious, sticking with basics and not doing much beyond that. >> the national retail federation reporting 4 out of 5 consumers scaling back on back-to-school shopping this year. retailers, can they afford to keep putting out these discounts? >> i know, they don't have a choice because people want inexpensive stuff, only going to buy laptops if severely discounted and they are buying electronics. retail have done a good job managing inventory, they've kept that lean and mean so they have discounts. also offering more fashion trends as well, the most fashion trends we've seen since 2007, know they're up against tough
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consumer, know consumers will spend less about $550 this year versus $600 last year. doing whatever they can to bring in traffic and get any sales. >> these big companies are going social sales? >> social networking. >> father age. >> you know, candy's increases social presence by 50% for the back-to-school sales you have anthroroll, urban outfitters and not ones that appeal to teens and 20-somethings. you get familiar brans, tell consumers where the discounts are. facebook 200 million users everybody but alex witt. >> you just busted me. twitter has increases presence by 270%. retailers know facebook, twitter, that's the way to reach people, particularly young teens and 20-somethings. >> see if it works. you'll give us the pulse of that later. more town halls up in anger over health care reform. talking to congressman gregory
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meeks with new york. we'll talk about new york and other states and what's go on overall. stay with us on msnbc saturday. ( upbeat music playing ) what do you say to a spin around the color wheel? to paint with primer already mixed in? test samples instead of can commitments? what do you say we dip into our wallets less and grab a hold of the latest tools out there so we can quit all that messing around with extra steps and get busy turning our doing dials up a notch? more saving. more doing. has the fastest serve in the history of professional tennis. so i've come to this court to challenge his speed.
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call now for a free trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and help reverse bone loss. right now on "msnbc saturday", a new message from the president on health care reform. this is town hall meetings across the country get more heated. sarah palin speaking out. why she's calling the president's health care evil. new information on a deadly highway crash that killed eight. witnesses are coming forward to tell what they might know. 40 years late, london marking one of the most famous pictures of one of the most famous rock bands ever. we'll take you there live. good morning to all of you. i'm alex witt, welcome to "msnbc saturday". 8:00 a.m. in the east, 5:00 out west. frustration for fans of a new baby panda. first up for you this hour, the push for health care reform. president obama taking on his critics in his weekly ads


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