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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  August 15, 2009 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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they began a fence by the tennis court where is people would leave notes and flowers and gifts in some cases. and that happened pretty quickly. the cars of the students who were killed were decorated in the parking lot. that was an obviously very powerful scene. >> the weather even agreed with the mood, as it started to snow and it was very somber. but a lot of just tears and processing, i remember a lot of hugs. >> i tried to stop by every house of the parents who had lost their children to just offer my condolences and just walk in and hug. and it was so difficult because, what do you say? and to attend all of the memorial services. and for so many of our students, it was the first time that they had seen anyone dead. my heart would break each time i would see a kid walk by the casket. this shouldn't be happening to
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these kids. >> there's definitely, before columbine and after columbine. because it's like, you know, you don't get over the death of a child. you just learn to live with it, because you have no choice. >> i know that columbine will always be a part of who i am. but at the same time, i can't stay stuck in a moment. and if i would do that, it would keep me from experiencing the life that i almost lost. after the tragedy, the library above the cafeteria was torn down and a new one was built behind the school. that's our report. thanks for watching. i'm john seigenthaler.
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fight against the fear. this is not about politics. this is about helping the american people and if we can get it done this year, the american people are going to be better off. >> another pitch from the president on health care. did his latest message at a town hall meeting help his cause? were the questions tough enough? a live report ahead. a dead cat, one new report suggestion that it might figure somehow into that deadly collision over the hudson river last week. we'll slain that. a tasering incident leads to a lawsuit. one woman claims she was unfairly shocked in submission in front of her kids. plus -- >> it was so mouth watering.
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>> run. >> a sneak peak at what's expecting to be one of the hottest films coming to a theater near you. a very good morning, everyone. i'm alex witt. we have all that plus developing stories out of afghanistan this morning. we will have more in just moments. first, let's turn our attention to the west and the president's personal campaign for health care. president obama will address a crowd in colorado at 6:15 eastern. in his address this morning, the president says he welcomes debate over his health care plan. >> i know that there are some folks who believe that government should have no role at all in solving our problems. these are legitimate differences worthy of the real discussion that america deserves, one where we lower our voices, listen to one another and talk about differences that really exist.
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in a new radio interview, john murtha is casting down on the president ace timeline saying it is not clear there will be a bill before january. i am joined live from d.c. by john decker, washington correspondent for reuters. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> listen to what representative murtha also says, lawmakers are telling nancy pelosi not to rush this legislation. are these new comments a bad sign for oat ba the obama administration. >> it is not a good sign. john murtha is a close ally of the house speaker. he has represented western pennsylvania since 1974. he is one of the longest serving members of the house of representatives. it is not a good sign. you hear the same message from the newest members of the house, the house democrats who are freshmen saying they are concerned's well. they are concerned because they are hearing a lot from their constituents now that they are back on their august recess. they are hearing a lot of anxiety from the constituents
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and simply passing along to the house speaker and the president, slow down. >> we have the president holding a town hall at 6:00 p.m. eastern. his town halls have been pretty mild. do you find that to be helpful? does it hurt the president to have less sparks flying in his events so far? >> it gets less attention. that's for sure. i think the president and his team would like to see a little more pushback than what we've seen so far. wasn't a lot of fireworks at the town hall the president had up in new hampshire or the one yesterday in montana. i think they would like to see a little more pushback from critics and people who are concerned that we are seeing at town hall meetings. it allows the president to explain better to someone who is skeptical about what health care reform would mean for them. >> let's check out one of the more heated moments in yesterday's town hall and the
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president's reaction. take a look. >> we keep getting the bum. that's all we get, is bull. you can't tell us how you are going to pay for this. the only way you are going to get that money is to raise our taxes. that's the only way you can do that. >> i'm happy to answer the question. >> thank you. >> you are absolutely right, that i can't cover another 46 million people for free. >> how to grade the president on his town hall so far, the way he has handled the tougher questions? >> i think he has done exceptionally well. he has talked about health care for the past, i think you could say, probably six weeks or so, almost nonstop every day. here was a tough question from squun w someone who is skeptical that their taxes may be raised. the president said i made a promise not to raise taxes on anybody making $250,000 and
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less. i am going to keep that promise. you can't be more definitive than that. there is concern. there is concern that the health care plan may blow up the deficit. the president will need to answer those sceptics and critics as well. >> we will have more from you next hour, thanks so much. the first family made time in montana for some white water rafting on the river and today, they are touring parks in yellow stone and grand junction in addition to the president's hall at 6:00 p.m. chuck todd is traveling with the president. he will be joining us. seven people are dead. 91 injured after a suicide car bombing at nato's military headquarters in afghanistan. this happened in the capital city of kabul in a heavily guarded neighborhood. the blast comes five days before afghanistan's presidential election. the taliban has claimed responsibility for that attack.
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militants have warned afghanistans not to vote. the first major attack in kabul since february. flooding in the southern provinces literally washing homes away. the heavy rains caused land scli slides and destroyed river banks. up to 11 people are dead, two injured. police in georgia have confirmed that a missing woman's cell phone has been found along the side of a road. a man mowing his yard spotted the phone. it was about three miles away from where kristi cornwell disappeared. she was talking to her boyfriend while walking along the road. her boyfriend says, he heard a scream and then what sounded like a struggle. now, police say finding the phone will help in the investigation. >> the sheriff came to the scene out here and verified that the cell phone belongs to the victim. >> if you have any information on kristi cornwell, call the
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georgia bureau of investigation, 1-800-597-8477. let's go to some big weather developments. we have a live look at the first named storm, tropical storm ana. it is slowly gathering strength. it could pose a real threat to florida's coast in the coming days. let's get the latest. >> all eyes are going to be on tropical storm ana over the next couple of days. it flared up last night, quickly went to a tropical depression, number two, once again. then, thunderstorms formed right over the core. now, this morning, it's not looking so impressive anymore. this is not a big storm. it is a little, small storm. these storms can either flare up quickly or they can wind down to nothing quickly. so we will have to wait and see. here is a perspective on where the storm is. it is way out there in the middle of the atlantic still? two or three days away from
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puerto rico or any threat to cuba or the bahamas or the florida area? here is the expected path of the storm. they say by day five, it could be anywhere off the southeast coast or as far south as cuba or the northern caribbean. as of now, it looks like it will remain relatively weak. we will continue to watch our computer models and where they are taking this storm. we will keep a close eye on ana. back to you. let's go now to the economy. new questions today about it's recovery. new numbers this week show consumer prices fell over the past year by the largest amount since 1950. now, also, this week, more jobs were lost. the retail industry reported another bad month. the number of foreclosed homes went up again. so, are we really moving away from the recession? peter mor peter mauricy is a noted
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economist. what signs do we have that the economy is recovering? >> on friday, industrial production for july was announced. that was up for the first time in many months. manufacturers of all kinds are making more goods and services. ford is calling back workers. chrysler is calling back workers. there are a lot of positive science. consumer confidence went down after the economy turned down. it is likely to go the other way after they start to see more economic activity. >> the consumer price is falling dramatically. what does that say about the economy? >> not as much as you think. consumer prices fell because oil prices this year are much lower than they were last year. last year, we had the problems with the speculators and we had the problem the economy was just consuming too much oil. we want to see lower oil prices. i saw good news in the consumer data because prices elsewhere were stable. that's fine with me. >> what about retail sales, those falling this week.
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it appears that the consumer still has it to spend. what will it take to get people out there spending money? >> are they hesitant to spend? that's the question. i've always maintained, if you have a lot of car sales, no one goes to the mall. it takes a whole weekend to buy a car. you can't go shopping in the mall if you are buying cars. a lot of the car sales from the clunker program didn't get booked in july because the government didn't issue the checks. the revenues from those checks when they finally get to the dealership, that's when they get in the price. there was a tendency toward the end of the week for people to focus on the negative, not the positive. ford announced it was going to call back workers. the housing numbers. the president pushed down foreclosures the first quarter. so we are getting them now. housing prices have been rising. >> we keep hearing economists say this is going to be a jobless recovery. that means unemployment may hit
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peak at 10%. yet, they say the economy will be growing. how is that? people keep losing their jobs. how are they going to get out there and spend. >> well, we are going to have a problem with that. we are probably not going to get a lot of jobs over the next year. hopefully, we will stop losing jobs and those that are employed, their incomes will grow a bit. the reality is we have productivity growth of 2, 2.5% a year. we need aaddress the trade deaf si sit with china. i haven't heard the president talk a lot about how he is going to deal with that. that's why we are facing a jobless recovery. >> peter morici, from university of maryland, great to have you on. thanks so much, peter. >> take care. let's go back to health care and the countdown to the
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president'ston ha president's town hall in colorado. the scheduled start time is 6:15 eastern. chuck i almost introduced you as our big chuck todd. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's talk about the ticketed for today's event. is the white house concerned that this colorado crowd could be a little bit less than friendly? >> reporter: we'll see. look, i have been to the first two town halls he held this week. the way they are going to do the ticketing here was, you had to sign up on the website. it was given out randomly. in you were chosen. they don't ask for anything about you other than your name and where do you live and stuff like that. so we'll see. some early word that i've gotten as far as the advance is concerned, i'm sure we are going to see a healthy size demonstration outside of where
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this town hall is going to be. look, people are just a little more respectful to the president. yesterday, you know, before he even started taking questions. president obama almost made a call to keep things calm. if you are going to ask a tough questions, let's not yell at each other. let's talk to each other, not at each other. i think the likelihood that we'll see a confrontation is very low. he could get a couple of tough questions. he got a couple yet. >> this whole weekend. from the president's look and demeanor and schedule resembles a campaign trip. what's your take on that? >> yesterday felt as if president obama was trying to channel a little bit of candidate obama. he was trying to work the crowd, not just trying to win them over. he was saying, i need you out there, making phone calls, knocking on doors. any time you hear the phrase, knocking on doors, you realize, this is a campaign he is up against.
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look, in many ways, you always have be to in many ka pain moca. remember what he was doing more so yesterday than any other. he was also trying to stiffen the backbone of max baucus, senior senator here in montana, chairman of the senate finance committee, to get him saying, look, i will be out there publicly, i'll do whatever it takes to sell this thing. i've got your back. now, just go write me a bill, will you? >> what is it about 5:15 in the morning, time for you to go get a cup of coffey? >> it is very early. thanks for rubbing it in. we haven't seen the glow of the sun come up. you don't know that there is a possibility. >> we invite all of you to watch meet the press tomorrow. david gregory will focus on health care reform with tom
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coburn, rachel mad do you, and check your local listings for that. local wildfires along california. a mother tasered in front of her children gets ready to sue. she explains what happens before she got zapd. a blockbuster debuts on the big screen. is it worth your time? ( siren blaring )
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special interest groups are trying to block progress on health care reform, derailing the debate with myths and scare tactics. desperately trying to stop you from discovering that reform won't hurt medicare. it will actually strengthen it by eliminating billions of dollars in waste and lowering drug prices. tell congress not to let myths get in the way of fixing what's broken withealth care. learn the facts at of fixing what's broken withealth care. on the inside. my inner-workings a work of art. a digestive tract that should be bronzed. and an immune system so stunning... [ low growl ] my vet thinks i'm the eighth wonder of the world. [ female announcer ] introducing iams with prebiotics. prebiotics work inside, clinically proven to promote strong defenses. healthy inside... healthy outside. [ dog ] oh hi girls, nice day, huh? i am an iams dog. [ female announcer ] learn more about prebiotics at
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wildfires in california. michael okwu is live for us. very early. the fire there is one of the state's most scenic areas. the santa cruz mountains. what's the latest with the firefighters? how are they fairing? >> they will tell you they are doing fairly well. they are a little bit more confident than 48 hours ago. the fact is, they have put out good news overnight. they say the fire is now about 15% contained, which is a long way from where they were 24 hours ago, where this was raging completely and totally out of control. they are literally and figuratively not out of the woods yet. they are very concerned about these high winds, unpredictable, gusty winds, reaching about 20 miles an hour, particularly onshore today, that may whip up the flames and fan them toward the communities like bonnie
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dune. they say this is a stubborn fire and located in a place that makes it difficult for them to wrap themselves around it. this is what one of the firefighters had to say about this yesterday. >> the terrain, the difficulty of access, all make it difficult. the heavy tim per, not very easy to combat with engines, requires aircraft, hand crews, bulldozers, it is very difficult to put out with a fire engine taking a hose and trying to squirt down a 100-foot flaming redwood tree. it is a difficult task. >> reporter: some of the timber and brush that the firefighter hasn't burned in more than 60 years. it is making conditions very explosive. >> that firefighter did a good job of wrapping up the challenges. in the meantime, michael vick is headed to philadelphia to play football. not every eagles fan is showing
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the disgraced quarterback brotherly love. animal rights activists stood outside of the stadium holding signs showing images of dog fights. he served time in federal prison for running a dogfighting. >> i made a horrible mistake. now, i want to be part of the solution and not the problem. i'm making conscious efforts in the community to work with the humane society. >> that was a good press commentary yesterday. he seemed pretty remorseful for his actions. in the meantime, the former atlanta falcon's quarterback has signed a two-year deal with the philadelphia eagles. a record in london smashed by u2.
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fa f fans surround the stage and can see the band from all angles. pretty cool. but there is a light beginning to shine again. the spark began where it always begins. at a restaurant downtown. in a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force inhe economy. they drive change and they'll relentless push their businesses to innovate and connect. as we look to the future, they'll be there ahead of us, lights on, showing us the way forward. this is just the beginning of the reinvention of business. and while we're sure we don't know all the answers, we do know one thing for certain, we want to help.
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ok. well, is time travel possible? yes, i am from the future. announcer: phones, plans, and advice from thousands of people eager to help. announcer: phones, plans, and advice has progss taken us to a better place? i'd say it's taken us for a ride. honestly, what thanks do we owe progress? we're up to our necks in landfill, and down to the wire in resources and climate change is out to get us. that's why progress plays no role inside post shredded wheat. here, we put the "no" in innovation. post original shredded wheat is still just the one simple, honest ingredient which naturally comes with vitamins, minerals and fiber. all we did was make it spoon size. did we go too far?
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let's go to the hollywood box office. the aliens are taking over this weekend. >> the course of human history has changed today. >> they are trying to move the aliens for humanitarian reasons. the real focus is weapons. >> fox office analysts predict the sci-fi thriller to be america's new number one movie. district 9 was made for just $30 million. now, it is expected to make way more than that this weekend.
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let's get the latest from dawn yenic. good morning to you. they are building for this for weeks. can we hear more about the movie? >> absolutely. it is a thinking man's sci-fi movie, no the your transformer, that big popcorn box office sort of a film. it is grittier, deeper. it has social commentary. it is a buddy movie with a bureaucrat and an alien. we have these aliens who are relegated to this militaryized ghetto. we have this bureaucrat that starts turning into one of them. it was made for very little money by a first-time director, peter jackson of lord of the rings. it has gotten fantastic reviews. it is going to do great this weekend. >> the social commentary is going to get me in to see it.
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>> it is going to be interesting to see how the larger public reacts. do they want to think or do they want more of a transformer? sci-fi when it originated was all about the social commentary in the fan tasty realm. >> you know what else i want to see is "the time traveler's wife "? it's not getting such great reviews. what do you think? >> as they say, the movie is nev never as good as the book. we have eric and rachel mcadams stars in the fill. the translation is a little bland. women will flock to this movie this weekend. we have a couple of kid movies. >> we have panyo, about a little fish who wants to be a little
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girl. it has some amazing voices, tina fey, miley cyrus' little sister is the main little girl and fran fran frankie jonas and then we have band slam. >> it is not band slam. it's what efveryone wants to se at band slam. >> you are so mouth-watering. >> nick, run. >> gee, what's that, you think? >> i wonder what that is? of course, with going to be driving everyone to the box office for "band slam" not necessarily vanessa hudgeons but
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the trailer for band slam. a penguin at a zoo in england is strutting his stuff. it is in a new suit apparently. ralph lost all his feathers, so his keepers took a donated pet suit wet suit and used a leg to keep him warm. >> it keeps him warm at night. >> alf lost all his feathers in one day. he was named for ralph lauren. now, the clothes, go figure? mr. evans? this is janice from onstar. i have received an automatic signal you've been in a front-end crash. do you need help?
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yeah. i'll contact emergency services and stay with you. you okay? yeah. onstar. standard for one year on 14 chevy models. when i really liked to be outside, i did not like suffering from nasal allergy symptoms like congestion. but nasonex relief may i say... bee-utiful! prescription nasonex is proven to help relieve indoor and outdoor nasal allergy symptoms like congestion, runny and itchy nose and sneezing. (announcer) side effects were generally mild and included headache. viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. ask your doctor about symptom relief with nasonex. and save up to $15 off your refills.
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this morning, we have new
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tensions across afghanistan. a suicide bomb in kabul has killed and injured more than 90. what's the latest on that front, richard? >> reporter: good morning. investigations are still underway. nato spokesman says they are still treating the injured who were wounded in this blast. most of those people killed or injured were standing or in their cars in front of the nato headquarters here in downtown kabul. we could hear the explosion when it happen. it shook the windows in this building and in many buildings. the area where the blast took place is very close to the u.s. embassy, just about 100 yards away. the embassy building itself was not damaged. according to a u.s. embassy spokesman, all american personnel has been accounted for. the taliban has claimed
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responsibility for this. in a conversation with nbc news, a taliban spokesman said there would be more attacks like this leading up to elections next thursday. he said, today's attack was carried out by a suicide bomber in a car packed with about 1,000 pounds of explosives, alex? >> if they want to frighten people from going to the polls, this could accomplish that. what are they doing to ensure security in five days? >> it is a serious challenge. the overall shaping of security in this country is up to the nato forces. there are about 100,000 international troops in afghanistan. 62,000 of them americans. across the country. focused mainly in the taliban heartland in the south. u.s. marines have been on the offensive for the last several days to try and clear the taliban out of some of their strong holds to allow people to vote. there will be about 7,000
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different voting stations across the country. that security will be up to afghan police and the afghan military. it will be a significant challenge for them. >> richard engel, thank you for that live report. from there to the fight over health care. president obama trying to lower the temperature of the increasingly heated debate. hundreds came out to hear the president speak at a town hall. he talked about the difficulty of people being dropped by health care insurance companies due to pre-existing health conditions and when they become seriously ill. >> you could be dropped at any given moment by health insurance companies that denied coverage or dropped coverage or charged fees that people can't afford at a time when they desperately need care. it is wrong. >> msnbc's own joe scarborough, host of "morning joe."
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we are going to talk about the greetings that the president has been getting, as compared to those that you have seen across the country, pretty warm greetings. how does he handle it when he gets the tough questions? >> i think he did a good job yesterday, finding the guy with the nra jacket, trying to find a tough question. that's where this president excels. this president is better on his feet in this sort of setting than any politician on the national stage. we always hear about barack obama with the tell prompter. he does. he uses a tell prompter more than any president in the past. these big town hall meetings that we saw during the campaign were situations, events, where this guy does extremely well. he did it yesterday. he found the guy in the nra jacket and he asks the tough question about how can we afford
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to ensure americans. he was able to deflect the question and answer it in the way he thought worked. i think it did work politically. the new hampshire town hall meeting, it just -- the white house says it wasn't staged. at the same time, he is calling on 8-year-old girls asking, why are the signs so mean, mr. president? this was good. he needs to do this more. he needs to go to missouri where claire mccaskill is. she is a democrat, an important swing vote. he needs to go to nebraska where ben nelson is, an important swing vote. let them see firsthand that the president can hold these town hall meetings without the screaming and the yelling. people defer to the president more than they do to a congressman and a senator. i know that firsthand. i think yesterday was a good day for him. he needs to continue it. >> the sound bite we just played, the president said no one should be dropped from their
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insurance when they get sick. no one can argue with that. is that the kind, though, of low-hanging fruit that he should be emphasizing? >> that's what he has got to do, politically. i am just talking politically. i'm a conservative so a lot of this causes me great concern. if i were advising the president, i would tell him, you are not going to get the strong public option. you are just not. that's a political reality. it is not going to happen. so what you need to do is, you need to go after a series of strong consumer reforms, consumer protections, pre-existing injure rpre-exist injuries, you can't be denied because of a pre-existing injury or you can't be dropped because you developed a condition your kids can'ten dropped because they get out of college at 22 years of age. there are a lot of consumer protections that conservatives, independents and liberals would all support.
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that's what this president needs to get through. he will not get the broad-sweeping type of reform that he wants or that the more liberal elements in the house want. it is the most important thing to remember, it's the democrats that rung washington, d.c. they have got 60 votes in the senate, a big majority in the house. his problem passing this is not with republicans. he doesn't need a single republican vote. >> who is winning the message war? what are the things that stick in people's mind, rationing health care, death panel, socialized medicine. we are not hearing health care for all or whatever it would be. >> well, we have evolved into the politics of fear. you have got it -- mainly, you hear it more from the right, because democrats run washington, d.c. right now. george w. bush ran washington, you heard the anger mainly from the left. there is no doubt there are
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extremists on both sides. there are unfortunate things that have been said on the far right and left. i think that's a great opportunity for the president. this is a chance for him to actually try to look post partisan, to try to rise above the screams and the lies from the far right and left. he can do that by continuing holding these town hall
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meetings. so you've got a cap and trade bill also that was high up on
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their list. that's not going to pass in the senate in its current form as well. i would be surprised if that passes in the senate at all. they need to pass something before congress adjourning in the fall. again, they are going to, like you said, have to find a low-hanging fruit. and decide. this comes down to a very simple calculation. the six or so moderate democrats in the u.s. senate. how far left can you drag them before they stop, stop supporting the president. that's what the white house has to calculate. they have to add up 60 votes wherever they can get them. that's the bill that will pass this year. >> okay. you and mika will be back on this side in about 48 hours. >> yes. >> joe scarborough on "morning joe" 6:00 a.m. every weekday. cash for clunkers, all the rage these days. the man who is an excavator
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turned his pitch into a launching pad. old cars, trucks, and school buses sent flying off there. the vehicles are driven by remote droll. this would yous the crowd. it might be a new tradition for the folks in turtle lake, wisconsin. i think willie geist is going to like this. that's my guest. introducing new tide stain release. it helps get the toughest stains out the first time. whoa, that's a first. (announcer) that's because new tide stain release is a revolutionary in-wash booster... ... that works with your detergent... to help remove the toughest stains the first time. mom, let me grab that. another first. (announcer) new tide stain release. stains out. no doubt.
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we've new details in the mid--air crash between a small plane and a helicopter on the hudson river in new york. two air traffic controllers have now been suspended for their behavior last saturday, the day of the disaster that killed nine people. one of the controllers was on a personal phone call at the time. the "associated press" says he was talking about a dead cat found on the grounds of
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teterboro airport. the supervisor wasn't present. he had left to run an errand. they say it is too early to say if air traffic control is responsible. >> it is too early to speculate whether or not atc was causal in this accident. it is inappropriate for others to do so. >> the faa? >> yes. >> joining me live from denver is former national transportation safety board investigator. good morning to you. >> good morning, alex. >> so, greg, the atc controllers have been suspended. from what you know, do you think these suspensionins are justifi? >> i think under the circumstances right now, they are still developing the facts. so putting them on administrative leave is an appropriate action until they can ferret out what involvement both the controller and his supervisor would have had in this accident. so i think under the circumstances, letting them have time off until they get the facts squared away, yeah, i believe it is justified.
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>> it's a tug of war that seems to be going on. ntsb suggesting the personal phone call complicated the attempts to warn the plane's pilot of the tourist helicopter in the area. no evidence that the controller's actions contributed to this whole collision. is it a behind-the-scenes tug of war? >> it always is, alex. any time you have an accident investigation, there are always peripheral issues. because the faa is a party, they understand it is the ntsb's responsibility to make the determination as to what involvement the controller would have had. they were a little upset that the faa had already come out with a conclusion that the controller's action had no role in this accident. i think that premature conclusion upset the ntsb. that wasn't appropriate at this point in time. >> what about the transportation
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department saying it is studying whether the faa needs more oversight. what do you think? >> i believe they do. i think this is a call to action. this is really drawn the focus, not only on the hudson river but other areas where there is a lot of high density traffic. they have to take some action. at the it is not going to be that they are going to restrict the air space totally but they are going to have to put a lot of stringent guidelines in to prevent this kind of accident from happening again, not only here at the hudson but other places where there is a potential for this type of accident. >> we have had conversations like this before. there have been more accidents. suggesting for it to be put in plays. will it happen? >> i think it has to happen. talk is cheap in this regard. there are too many people watching right now. they are going to have to take some sort of afirp tiff actifir. you will see something come out. it may not be something that a
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lot of people are going to like, especially in the aviation community. something is going to happen. thanks for telling it like it is. like it is. it was takedown by taser, a mother of two down for the count. and now she's fighting back an wants to teach the cop a lesson. that is next on msnbc saturday. t hotel price assurance? it's a one-two punch of savings -- pow! pow! lower hotel booking fees mean you get a lower total price. plus, if another orbitz customer then books the same hotel for less, we send you a check for the difference, automatically. diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating. that's me! can i tell you what a difference phillips' colon health has made? it's the probiotics. the good bacteria. that gets your colon back in balance. i'm good to go! phillips' colon health. if saving money happened as automatically as everything else? at bank of america, it practically does. use the bankamericard power rewards visa credit card
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today we have a new development in the case of a new york mother tasered right in front of her children during a traffic stop back this january. she's filed notice in a she is suing the sheriff's department because she claims she had not been speeding nor talking on her cell phone. those two reasons the officer gave for pulling her over. >> i knew that he was lying. i knew that i wasn't speeding. i knew that i wasn't on the cell 230e7b. and i wanted him to show me the tape. >> joining me live, spokesperson for the law enforcement.
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what do you make of this? >> it really is an overreaction on the part of the police officer. sometimes when you lose control, then you have to overcompensate and in this case, he apparently overreacted. it was a simple car stop. there ought to be a way to have verbal command. but once you lose control of the situation, that's when this will happen. >> that said, she may have contributed to the problem because it's my understanding from experience you are not supposed to get out of the car if you're pulled over for a traffic stop. >> right. >> let's listen to what she had to say about that. >> he wanted to arrest me and so after i got in, he wanted me back out again. instead of just leaving it -- i got back in my car. it should have been over right there. and i wouldn't have reacted like i did if i was on my cell phone or i was speeding. >> so did she take it to another
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level by getting out of the car? >> i think it's a that is to put the onus on the civilian who is not trained about car stops ideally you don't want the person coming out of the car. we have to be mindful this are times that people are instructed to leave the vehicle itself, but the onus is not on the civilian to understand all the rules and regulations. it's not an egregious error that she made, it's common one. police often times will do things that will make the police officer less comfortable, about but it's not the civilian's responsibility. >> would you go so far as to say that it's police brutality? >> yes, it appears to be brutal because he lost control, there's a lack of clear and concise verbal instruction. even some confusing mixed messages. get in the car, get out of the car, turn around. and he didn't take into consideration that there were two children there, as well.
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>> the sheriff's department says she can't comment because the lawsuit is pending, but they did make a brief statement. they said an internal investigation of the incident involving deputy andrews is and and been under review. is review enough in. >> not far enough. and it's really disturbing. that's what shakes really the confidence that people have in police and law enforcement in general when that's not swift, concise and clear action based on what is overwhelming videotape that needs to be more concise decision by the department. >> do you think police should carry tasers? carrying guns is one thing they they don't use those as freely because of the ramifications. >> tasers can be very important. there have been uses yaos when it's resulted in death, but takes tool that police officers should have. but the individual that utilizes that tool, not everyone can be a carpenter and without a doubt not everyone should be a police
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officer. >> okay, thank you. still ahead, she went for a hike and never returned. it is the mysterious disappearance of a georgia woman and her cell phone call cry if help. also coming up, i'm so excited, jon and kate fallout. jon speaks out. you're watching msnbc saturday. it can be tough living with copd... but i try not to let it slow me down. i go down to the pool for a swim... get out and dance... even play a little hide-n-seek.


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