tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC August 19, 2009 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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about what the health care bill means for those decisions. obviously, we have -- >> only at 45% a moral victory. >> 45% is not half the country. if you get 45% in an election, you don't generally get sworn in, but i think we're hardened at a majority of the country and i think the same number of seniors believe that that's, that is exactly a myth. does that mean the president's going to have to deal with other misconceptions and myths? sure. i don't think there's any doubt. that's why he's talking to faith leaders today. he will do a radio call-in show tomorrow and continue to try to make progress on this issue. i don't know if it did on one of the earlier calls.
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i -- i don't know if it will or not. we'll see. >> robert, when you talk about not to belabor the point too much further -- anything that will do a number of things including bring down costs. has he seen anything outside of the public option that will do that? >> we sort of had this question yesterday and i think most people have said that it's hard -- they have not yet seen full details of what a co-op would look like in terms of evaluating ipts effectiveness. >> is the radio call-in the ofa? >> no, the -- >> second, senate democrats have been meeting for months now trying to figure out what can be done to reconciliation, what can't be done.
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they feel they've made a lot of progress on -- are you saying the white house is not participate ng this? >> i'm not aware of that. i'll check. >> could you check that? they still call it plan b. >> again, our focus is not on -- our focus is not on what happens if. our focus is on the here and now. >> and do you believe that you can do a significant health care bill with 51 votes? >> that's not our focus. >> questions on afghanistan, robert. what's your sense of the security situation there just hours leading up to the vote and what are the stakes for the president's strategy in this election? >> well, i think as the president has long said, that
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this is the presidential and provincial elections are the most important events that will happen in afghanistan this year. we wish the afghans well in their election tomorrow. as i said, i think this is an important event. in choosing their own leaders. in terms of the security situation, obviously, the president increased our troop commitment to afghanistan based on a belief that this security situation for these elections was tremendously important. we certainly continue to monitor that. look, i think this is -- this is an important event and the president's policy is one that
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he is focused on getting right through a new and comprehensive strategy that he announced. to defeat, dismantle, i'm sorry -- al-qaeda and its extremist allies. this is important for our security and the security of the rest of the world. >> how would you like to see security change in the afghan world? >> i don't want to do that before tomorrow. we'll have comment about elections when they're completed. >> a lot of questions there for robert gibbs, the white house press secretary. those specifically about afghanistan and elections tomorrow, and of course we've seen violence there today, but the majority of the questions have to do with the public option and where the president stands. is it something he would be willing to give up if it meant republicans would get behind health care reform?
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the big story this hour. something has got to give because we have been talking about health care reform day in and day out for weeks and yet, half of the people believe that what non-partisan fact checkers say is false. for instance, the poll shows that 55% think that the government's proposals would give immigrants health insurance -- i mean, again, it's not true. but are the scare tactics working? less than half approving of the way the president is handling health care reform. let's go to savannah guthrie. there is a lot of passion and yelling about the rumors and misinformation. is there any talk at the white house that maybe their message needs to be more passionate and more personal? >> that's one idea that has been
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floating out there. we did see the president talk in more personal terms than before about his own mother's struggle and frankly this weekend, talking about where are we getting this idea that i want to kill old people. i have my grandmother who raised me just pass away. that's not what i'm about. in some ways, the president has gotten more personal. i remember early on democrats and health care horror stories -- but no story that has emerged as emblematic. the message from the white house, the messaging has not been perfect and i think they can be anything but discouraged that some of these myths, things that happen independently fact-checked and debunked, close to a majority of americans. it's clear the white house has its work cut out for it.
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>> we just heard robert gibbs there after that reconciliation, this process that could mean forget about getting that filibuster proof 60 votes in the senate. can you explain how reconciliation works? >> i can. these are parliamentary rules in congress and democrats have already set this up so they have this option. this option to use what are called reconciliation rules. the bottom line, that means that they wouldn't need that 60 votes to get past that procedural hurdle. they could do it with 51. t that would mean they could go it alone. they wouldn't need to get republicans on board and could forgo a few moderates. that's out there. there's a deadline i think by october 15th. they've said on the senate side if we don't have a bipartisan
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deal, we'll go with reconciliation and do it with 51 and that's really the kind of threat that's hanging out there. maybe the thing that gets somes and some democrats to the table because they know the democrats, the white house, they have this in their back pocket. >> all right. thank you. my big questions today. so many rumors, so many people believe them. are the messengers the problem here? and why would anyone oppose a system where apparently, families can spend more on insurance than their mortgage. and should lawyers spend more time on finding out why costs are skyrocketing? hurricane bill now a dangerous category 4 storm. winds up to 135 miles an hour. the storm could pass the leeward islands tomorrow and pose a threat to bermuda by the end of the week. for now, it's not clear if bill will become a big problem for people along the u.s. coast.
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in california, investigators want to talk to a former reality tv show star about a woman's body they found stuffed in a suitcase. police identified the woman as a 28-year-old swim suit model. police say this man is a person of interest. ryan jenkins was on the show, megan wants a millionaire. what are you learning, michael? >> well, some of the details are pretty sketchy on this. according to police, jenkins was either her friend, boyfriend or husband. we know that the two apparently met in las vegas and according to website, they were married back on march 18. on the other hand, we know that according to one publication,
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her mother says they were dating. whatever their relationship, it's clear that authorities believe jenkins saw fiore on the last night that she was seen and that in fact, he called in to authorities in los angeles, basically filed a missing persons report on saturday. the same day her body was found. since that time, authorities have not been able to contact him. investigators believe he may be trying to get back to his native canada trying fiore's car or a black bmw. again, she worked for two years as a commercial model and we understand that she was trying to make a change in her life. she had apparently gotten her real estate license and also opened up a training business, so making a change and now it's been ended. >> and is it clear to you from what investigators say that
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whether they know whether these two were married, have they cleared that up? >> not as far as we know. they're trying to find out what the relationship is. obviously so they can start doing their investigation and figures out whether something went sour in the relationship. there were all kinds of reports on the web. it's probably best to stay away from them. people chiming in about what they know about the two, how they met and what she did before they got married. where the relationship was going. but all that is unclear at this point and the police trying to make a solid determination. >> definitely one of the stories people are interested in searching online. let me bring in bill gavin. he joins me via skype. if he reported her missing and just disappears, doesn't that
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automatically lead you to suspicion? >> when you look at the fact that she was last seen on friday night. she's discovered at 7:00 a.m. on saturday by somebody going through a dumpster. she's in a piece of luggage in the dumpster, strangled to death. and he doesn't file a missing person's report until after she's discovered. then after that, he goes missing. there is a lot of work being done now. first of all, the primary thing is to find him and hear what he has to say. i'm sure that authorities in california have put all their resources to work. even in cop ration with canada to find out -- >> and bill, if her body's found in a suitcase, in a dumpster, the preliminary coroner's report
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indicate she was strangled, but they're still waiting on an official cause of death here. how important will forensics be in terms of providing evidence in terms of who killed her? >> forensics will be all-important. to be able to do things with that piece of luggage. they'll be able to do things at her apartment or home to determine where the murder might have taken place. they'll be able to do things with those cars once they find both the cars. they'll be able to do a lot of things with forensics. it is vitally important that all the evidence is presevered as best can be. >> thank you so much for lending your perspective to all of this. michelle obama's being criticized by some once again for her fashion choices. this time, she wore shorts in public. god forbid. i mean, come on. is that really a fashion no-no?
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more than half of americans believe the rumors, the misinformation, the outright lies. who is the public enemy on the truth of health care reform? why aren't more crowds standing up and shouting, don't believe the hype. you must be looking for motorcycle insurance. you're good. thanks. so is our bike insurance. all the coverage you need at a great price. hold on, cowboy. cool. i'm not done -- for less than a dollar a month, you also get 24/7 roadside assistance. ght on. yeah, vroom-vroom! sounds like you ran a 500. more like a 900 v-twin. excuse me. well, you're excused. the right insurance for your ride. w, that's progressive. call or click today. announcer: say hello to the can-doers. - the budget masters. - ♪ yeah yeah the knock-out artists who are finding more ways
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to spread their dollar further. - to bolder color in less time. - ♪ are you feeling it? say hello to newer ideas and lowered prices, enabling more people to turn more saving into more doing. - that's the power of the home depot. - ♪ are you feeling it? try out different colors with new 8-ounce paint samples at a new low price of only $2.94. what's in it for me? i'm not looking for a bailout, just a good paying job. that's why i like this clean energy idea. now that works for our whole family. for the kids, a better environment. for my wife, who commutes, no more gettin' jerked around on gas prices... and for me, well, it wouldn't be so bad if this breadwinner brought home a little more bread. repower america. i hope our senators are listening. as we get older, our bodies become... less able to absorb calcium. he recommended citracal. it's a different kind of calcium.
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role in the pan am flight 103 bombing in 1988 was sentenced to 27 years in prison, however, he has prostate cancer and has appealed to be sent home to libya. 243 passengers, 16 crew members were killed including 35 students from syracuse university, four from kol gait and four from brown. we'll stay on top of the decision. the president's having a tough time on health care reform. a new poll shows 42% initially said they thought the plan was a bad idea, then the plan was actually explained to them and 53% said, oh, they were in favor of it. let's bring in bill press, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, and ron thomas. ron, what do you make of that,
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that so many people would say, i'm against the plan and then it's explained and now, i'm forit. >> i think the property is that the president is losing the pr battle with the public. people are concerned. health care is one of the most personal, sensitive issues that we face and people are just antsy about the government intruding on those areas. that's exacerbated by the fact that most people haven't read the bill. there's no one explaining no, that's not what that says. rather than having legitimate concerns. >> that's true and no piece of legislation to go out and defend or explain. there's a lot of different ideas. so bill, you heard that described as a pr disaster. you've got these journalists, radio talk show hosts like yourself talking about health
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care and according to this nbc news poll, who do you get your news from, they say fox. 3/4 of them actually believe the rumors. oh, because it's fox, right? 40% when it comes to cnn and msnbc also believe the misinformation. who's at fault here? the president, the journalists, the radio talk show hosts who are not getting it right and making it clear? >> i think it's democracy, which is pretty sloppy and messy. if you just had barack obama on television explaining this to the american people and having them vote up or down, i bet you'd have 80%. what you see on television is the republicans fighting the democrats on capitol hill. the democrats fighting the
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he's got to get up to i think not -- >> wait a minute. but he is above it. he's trying to explain how health care reform works, then gets these headlines when he talks about his own experiences. his grandmother dying. they know she didn't have long to live and yet she still wanted hip replacement. maybe it's not supposed to be cerebral to sell a bill, complicated plan. >> i'm saying you've got to get above the noise loeevel of the american people. i thought he ought to give the of this party of ruining whatever chance they have to win over people in the next election because they won't admit the system needs fixed and find a way to take some action? >> yeah, i don't think so in this case. the republicans really just need to be quiet and allow the process to work itself out from a political standpoint. if you see the fighting going on, they can't agree. there are mixed messages coming from the hhs secretary, the president himself. the president does not really have a health care bill. he has eight principles, but he
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hasn't actually gotten down to the details. from a republican standpoint, the president's eight principles are good principles, that we need some type of health care reform. people are concerned about the details of this plan and that's what the president has stayed away from. >> i'm going to let that go, but we have to wait and see. >> i've got to say quickly, you cannot be for the status quo. that's all the republicans are for today. >> not all of them are, but some. >> they put nothing else on the table. no republican plan on the table. >> gentlemen, thank you. >> that's not true. >> the first lady facing the heat here because of what she choosed to wear in the hot summer. critics say, i'd like to name the critics, that she showed too
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much leg during their recent trip to the grand canyon. really? i mean, it's august in arizona. come on. what's up with people? - hi. - crowd: hi! i hate my phone. what do i do? ( shouting ) this is crazy. you. let's run a free upgrade check. see if you're due for a new smartphone. don't i need to go to my carrier's store for that? no, you don't have to. we sell phones and plans on all the major networks. ok. well, is time travel possible? yes, i am from the future. announcer: phones, plans, and advice from thousands of people eager to help.
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tell your eye surgeon you've taken flomax. common side effects are runny nose, dizziness and decrease in semen. ask your doctor if flomax is right for you. and call 877-4-flomax for more information and to see if you qualify for up to $40 off new or refill prescriptions. for many men, flomax can make a difference in one week. a rad di son hotel and resort says its computers have been hacked. guests were notified their credit card numbers may have been accessed. passengers trapped on a continental plane over night, sitting in an airport gate, say the airline needs to cough up more to compensate them.
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the airline will refund them on their tickets, give them a voucher for a future flight. the passengers sat there for hours, no food, limited toilet capacity, screaming babies. the next time you find yourself stuck on a grounded airplane, don't get mad, get even. get on twitter. more and more passengers are apparently unleashing the rage in realtime, sometimes from their cramped airline seats and the airlines are monitoring those, working to respond their complaints. we'll be right back. the world is full of priceless things and amazing deals. find them, share them with mastercard's priceless picks app. download it now.
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not to vote and has sended that message by killing election workers. richard engle is in kabul right now. how safe are these elections? >> reporter: there are doubts growing tonight about the safety of the elections. today, the afghan government says that at least six campaign workers were killed outside of kabul today. also, the u.s. military now says over the last 48 hours, six american troops have been killed. three today and three yesterday. then those statement frs the taliban, most being distributed in the taliban stronghold city of kandahar. that statement said it was a final warning. it told people to stay inside because they plan to have a series of mass attacks tomorrow. >> okay, so if the warnings are out there, i understand the afghan government thinks that journalists should not report
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the violence. how is that going over for people who's job it is to tell the truth? >> reporter: this only applies to local media. they have been protesting against this decree, which has been issued by the electoral commission sponsored by the afghan government which calls on all of a local media not to focus on attacks, not to report on them extensively. they said they were allowed to mention if an attack happened at a particular polling station or against a candidate, but to only mention it then to quickly move on. they were slightly more bizarre clauses saying there could be no talk of the candidates, no sarcastic remarks, no cartoons describing the candidates, no exposes on their personal lives. so the electoral commission is trying hard to encourage people to vote and not do anything to
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frighten them away from the polls. >> thank you very much. new problems for cash for clunkers. a new york dealership groups says hundreds of its members will no longer participate because of delays from the government. how long are dealerships having to wait? >> it depends on when they filed the paper work for the clunker deal that went through. they have to file extensive paper work proving it was indeed a clunker, going through steps to make sure it's taken off the road. some dealers i've talked with have said, listen, we submitted paper work two or three weeks ago, haven't heard anything yet from the government. the department of transportation is well aware. it's adding staff and believes that by the end of the week, can
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start to break the log jam. we're talk about roughly $1.7 billion that the federal government owes dealers and for the most part, that money has not been sent to the dealerships. >> thank you. health reform critics have put the president on the defense, battling back against those nasty rumors. but he'd rather stay on the offense, making sure people with preexisting conditions, for instance, get access to insurance they need. alicia knight is a washington, d.c. area mother of two, works for non-profit and struggles to pay her family's insurance. tell me your story because i know that at one time, you were on your husband's health insurance and everything was fine. >> he worked for a small contracting firm in washington,
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d.c. he was also a -- he was also getting you know, changed around with health care all the time, year to year. he would have, would have to change doctors, but then he died in 2004 and we had no health insurance. >> so you were offered up cobra after your husband suddenly passed away. could you afford that? >> it was very expensive. in order to economize, i went looking for other health care in the individual insurance market and was able to find coverage with an hmo and was able to insure my family sort of affordab affordably for a little less. >> you wrote to me that there have been times now, because of some issue issues, that in orde
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get the insurance, you were paying more than your mortgage payment. >> well, it was the asthma that was a preexisting condition and also, when i got older, when i turned 50, i was looking at a premium for health insurance that was going to exceed my mortgage payment. i did some more changing and took my children off of my insurance and put them on a separate policy and that brought my coverage down to a more affordable rate although i was spending quite a bit more. >> okay, so, alicia, have you ev doctors had advised you to get for yourself in terms of treatment because of cost? >> yes, absolutely. i will tell you that when you
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have insurance in the private market, it is something that you sort of hate to use because every time you go to the doctor, you have to justify that doctor visit when you go to underwriting again. and you know, also, you're afraid that if you do go to the doctor and they find something wrong with you, then you're going to end up losing your insurance altogether or they'll increase it to the point where it's unaffordable. so, yes, there have been. my son whose 16. he had a sore throat. he wanted to go to the doctor and i said, we really need to make sure that when we go to the doctor, it's for a good reason and don't go to the doctor just because your throat is sore. maybe wait until you have a fever. i crack all the time. there's all this testing you're supposed to get when you turn 50
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and i said you know, why have the mammogram if you can't afford the cancer, you know. >> i think there are a lot of parents in the same boat you are, working hard to pay for this. i want to mention that you worked for senator wyden back in 1992, but now, there's a lot of focus being paid to his ideas for health care reform, having to do with employers, if they offer insurance, actually paying a voucher or whatever to get insurance, that the voucher would work in a way that allows people with employment. and if you don't have employment insurance, the government would offer some sort of voucher for people making less than a certain amount of money. do you think there is anything you've heard in any of the plans, from your former employer or others, that would help you buy insurance? to make sure that when your son asks to go to the doctor, you
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feel like that's do able? >> you know, ron wyden is probably one of the smartest guys in congress and he's been working on health insurance and health care for as long as as i've known him. i really think that he's come up with a plan. i'm really not sure that without a public option, that would be helpful. what i do like about some of the plans i've been looking into are the consumer protections that absolutely have to be done. anybody who has a preexisting condition right now, they are you know, they are loose ends. i have a friend who's got asthma, he can't insurance at any price. my boss, she and her husband both have chronic illnesses and their insurance -- i mean, my -- i really can't feel sorry for
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myself. i pay a lot of money, but they pay about three times what i pay. so you know, there does need to be more consumer protection. there does need to be some form of public plan that will help. >> yeah. >> the competitive market because the insurance market right now is not that come p competiti competitive. >> i want to thank you. you and i actually touched base on facebook. i'm very serious about getting real on this and talking to -- i want to talk to the experts, the lawmakers, but alicia is among those of you out there who have really stories to share. find me on twitter, get me on facebook and let me know what you're going through and i appreciate you so much for sharing your current situation. >> well, thank you so much, contessa. it's been delightful being here with you today. >> all right. we'll be right back.
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what's in it for me? i'm not looking for a bailout, just a good paying job. that's why i like this clean energy idea. now that works for our whole family. for the kids, a better environment. for my wife, who commutes, no more gettin' jerked around on gas prices... and for me, well, it wouldn't be so bad if this breadwinner brought home a little more bread. repower america. i hope our senators are listening. (announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst mptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life.
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getting in breaking news in from alaska. there's been an earthquake in anchorage. it was a 5.0, which is significant enough to be widely felt. no injuries have been reported. the federal government is telling businesses not to give its employees any grief when it comes to swine flu. the main message is here is tell sick employees to go home and stay home. with me now, nbc's brian moore. brian, in any flu season, it seems like that's tough advice to follow. >> absolutely. but this flu season in particular, the obama administration is asking businesses to sort of change the way they do business as usual. let's pick up four of the suggestions. a no-brainer.
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keep sick workers at home. number two, tell sick workers to go home. three, keep your common areas at work clean and number four of course, encourage all of your workers to go out and get those vaccinations. the big problem here is that they won't be ready until the flu season the kicking off big time, soc contessa, the government wants businesses to be about a business of keeping their workers as safe as possible to keep this pandemic from spreading. in aspen, colorado, a woman stumbled upon, no, he forced open, this bear, two locked doors to get into her kitchen. she screamed and ran, but the bear malled her from behind. scratched both her back and chest.
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the bear was actually in this kitchen feeding and the department of wildlife in colorado is going around telling people beware of those break-ins from a bear. they say if they find this bear, they say he's going to have to be put down because it's just too dangerous. a new plant discovered in the philippines can eat rats. at meal time, the plant swallows up a rat and di solves it with acid-like enzymes. they need that plant in the subway tunnels of manhattan. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist is on a roll.
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new anti-aging eye roller. reduces puffiness immediately -- and also helps with lines and wrinkles. not surgery. this is our way to do your eyes. new regenerist anti-aging eye roller. the first complete women's multivitamin in a drink mix. with more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping you hydrate. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly healthy.
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an australian couple has shattered their own record for the most miles driven on a single tank of gasoline. helen and jonhn taylor with me n the studio. how many miles? >> we just finished the u.s. 48 contiguous u.s. states record, 9,505 miles at 67.9 miles per gallon. >> you covered 9,000 miles -- >> 9,505 miles. >> you covered -- >> no, we didn't. we drove on 9.6 tanks of gas through the 48 contiguous states. >> don't make me do the math.
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what does your fuel efficiency come out to be? >> one one tank? 67.9 miles per gallon. >> i just missed it with all of those numbers. so what kind of car were you driving that usual able to get that kind of gas mileage? >> last year, we got 58.2 miles per gallon. good year contacted us and said if you would have used our tires, you could have smacked the record even more. so this year, we came back and got 67.9 miles per gallon. you asked the question, how many miles on one tank. that's 986 miles on one tank. >> and what car were you driving? >> a volkswagen jetta, the same car we used last year. it's a diesel vehicle. the test was using the same
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vehicle, the same fuel, which we choose shell ultra low diesel fuel, and using the same route, same driver and techniques, try our fuel max tires and see if you can break the record. >> so changing your tires to the ones good year recommended gave you, do you draw that correlation that it was because of the tires? >> we drove the same car, used the same shell fuel, same driving techniques, same route. the only difference was the -- >> i got to ask you, other than the tires, which now good year's going to be happy that you plugged those, what other things can people do like you did, to get better gas mileage? >> it's not rocket science. by driving more efficiently. getting into the highest gear as
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soon as you can. >> cruise control? >> it depends. >> and less than the speed limit? >> it's a myth that to get good fuel efficiency, you have to drive slow. we drove through 48 states just under the speed limit and we also did other, it's important to know where you're going. >> that sort of ruins that whole -- thanks so much for sharing your experience with us. david schuster, monica novotny pick things up next. they'll have more on the investigation of a swim suit model stuffed in a suitcase, tossed in the trash. police now want to talk to a former reality tv show star on those murders. we'll have more on that coming up after a break. at legalzoom, we'll help you incorporate your business, file a patent, make a will and more.
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go the route of getting all those that involve, that are at the table to agree to something that can be supported by both parties. >> this hour on "the big picture" time to go it alone on health care? democrats may try to push through change on their own. plus, when lies trump the truth. why do so many people believe so much nonsense about the health care reform plan? congressman barney frank dishes it right back in a smackdown you have to see. >> having a conversation with you is like arguing with the dining room table. category 4. hurricane bill is the most powerful hurricane of the season. murder mystery. a model's body found stuffed in
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a suitcase and left in a dumpster. police now searching for her boyfriend, former reality tv star. and re-enacting vietnam. the folks who recreate civil war battles are now recreating america's most controversial war. good afternoon. i'm david schuster, live in washington. >> i'm monica novotny, live in new york. tamron hall has the day off. is president obama giving up on
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