tv Morning Meeting MSNBC August 28, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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let me say this, i said it before, but we made memories that will last, how long? >> a lunchtime. >> you need to spread your wings. >> savannah, if you are just hanging around, we will have a special remembering ted kennedy tomorrow morning. he is having his service in the morning, and we will be here from 8:00 to 10:00. willie, you were going to be reporting live from las vegas, correct? >> yeah, and the mandalay bureau. >> and mika will be back, and she will be sober. that's important. and we have the heart breaks, and we had to go to a heart break at the time, because all the cable operators go to
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commercial. but i could listen for three hours. >> all right. they are now showing a shot of new york city. i am not sure why. i guess that means it's time to move on. let's move on now to our good friend and -- well, a tortured soul. dylan ratigan. willie geist, if it's way too early, and if it's time for awkward good-byes, what time is it? >> it's time for "morning joe." >> good luck in your future endeavors. >> thank you. >> dylan ratigan takes over now. >> with the "morning meeting." >> she was found alive in antioch -- excuse me. >> the father of elizabeth
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smart, my guest, as live pictures from the john f. kennedy presidential library, where an hour ago the public is allowed to pay tribute to senator ted kennedy, and thousands standing in line for hours. this morning, we are hearing from his family as well. will you be grounded by swine flu this fall. homeland security may change its tune about sick airline passengers. first it was cash for clunkers. now cash for used cars. and cash for kribz. maybe an air-conditioner. what do you have? it's 9:00 a.m. join the "morning meeting." good morning, to you. we begin with the masses joining this morning to pay their final respect to the late senator, ted kennedy. the doors opened about an hour ago. 25,000 already passed by. his body lying in repose.
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mike taibbi in boston before an incredible scene. >> reporter: yes, this is an incredible scene. there was a 70 mile trip that began with 82 members of the kennedy family, and then others who came out to mourn including jesse jackson. and several family members made it a point to personally greet the mourners. >> we are so honored so many people came tout to pay tribute to my husband, and i wanted to thank them. that's the only message here tonight. >> thank you so much for coming. >> you look great. >> you do, too. >> thank you for coming.
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as you said, dylan, the lines began to form well before 5:00 this morning. i was listening to my first live reports at 4:00 a.m. when people started to gather here at the site of the library. they are being brought in of groups from 30 to 35. as far as i can see, 25,000 came through yesterday, as you said, and there will be a bigger number than that today by all estimates. and tonight there will be a service at which four colleagues will speak, and dodd, mccain, and john kerry, and then they will continue with a memorial service tonight and then a funeral mass tomorrow morning in boston. >> our panel, including jonathan capehart at the "washington pos post", and then a presidential historian, michael -- jonathan, put this event in the context.
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how is washington, d.c. culturally, politically, emotionally absorbing not only ted kennedy's death, but ted kennedy's death of representation of a huge transition in the culture of politics in america? >> well, the senator's death has occurred in the middle of a congressional recess. you don't have the, you know, the gathering of all of his now former colleagues under biggest
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biggest accomplishment that he wanted to get done in his life. you know, some democrats might try to use this senator's memory and his legacy to try and push that through. i would caution them in terms of using that and pushing that so far. but when they all come back after labor day, and they all have a chance to, you know, let's see what the finance committee has come up with, and let's see what, say, the house might come up with in response. and we can use the time to come up with a real viable health care plan. if there is anything -- if congress wants to pay tribute to senator kennedy, what they need to do is pass something that will get them past the ranker and the hysterical debate we have gone through in the last couple months, with death panels that were not in existence, and
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shouting at town hall meetings, and let's get to the hard work with something real and true. and michael will make this point better than i will, but a lot has been made about the fact that senator kennedy was -- was the last of the deal makers. a person that had a clear core, who knew what he believed in and stood for. but who was not unwilling compromise in order to make the deal. in order to get something done. that's what congress needs to think about when they come back. >> moo michael, how do we get away from let's make a deal here, and to what extent did kennedy represent that? >> one way is to make money less important in politics. nowadays, if you are a democrat and you want to raise money, you go let's go after the conservatives, and vice versa on the other side.
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the sides are so in opposition in congress. but if you are a new senator, for instance, as kennedy was in 1963, and you want to be popular with your colleagues, it's best to go for red meat and be a strong partisan. when kennedy came into the senate in 1963, they used to say in those days, there were show horses and work horses, and show horses gave big speeches and were strong on issues, but they were not able to really cut a deal and build relationships with other senators . kennedy wanted to be known as a work horse. and he was known for building relationships across the aisle. that's what you did if you wanted to be a leader in the senate in those days. if we get to that culture, we will have more kennedys in the future. >> if you were to look at your analysis, instead of the current structure, are there any pockets of constructive politicens, work
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horse politicians, do you see that? >> yeah, they are there. they tend to be of an earlier generation. it's almost generational. politicians are ambitious. when they come to the center of the house, they want to rise within their party caucuses, and nowadays, more often, the way to do that is to be pretty confrontational. >> michael, thank you. this sunday, make sure and tune in to "meet the press" for an hour-long tribute to the late senator ted kennedy. they will look at the kennedy legacy. and they will look back at highlights from kennedy's 45 appearances on meet the pre"me." contessa has the balance of the day's news. good morning, contessa. here this is an amazing
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story. police finding jaycee dugard. now police arrested a convicted sex offender, and arrested his wife. they held her captive in this compound for the past 18 years. he also has reportedly raped and fathered two children with her, ages 15 and 11. police broke open the case when garrido was spotted with those children. and carl probyn is jaycee's stepfather. >> it's like winning the lotto. it was unbelievable after 18 years. i never expected this.
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it's unbelievable. >> i know the news has to come as a great relief and shock. now that we are hearing details about her captivity, and the fact that she -- she had two children of her own, all kept captive in this backyard. what now? >> just therapy, i guess, for the girls. get them in school. get them physically tested. they have never been to a dentist or doctor, like you say. it's all about the girls now. it's all about getting them up to speed and taking care of them. >> who sit that called you to tell you she had been found? >> my wife did. >> and what did she tell you? >> she told me, she goes, are you sitting down? i said, yes. and she goes, basically they found jaycee, and they paused, and she said she is alive. we both cried for five minutes, and we started to talk. and she told me that fbi agents
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put jaycee on the phone, and she said i have something to tell you, i have two babies. she said i have babies, and her mother said how many babies, and she said two. and i had no idea the babies were 11 and 15. jaycee has not been to school. she is the same. >> her youngest child was the same age she was when she was snatched away from your home. >> 11 years old. correct. >> when -- >> the girls have never been to a school or to a doctor. >> when will you be able to see her? >> nobody has really talked to me about it. i am assuming they will bring them down next week. and right now, all of them are together. they will spend the next three or four days together and bond. i am assuming they will bring them down here, because there is nothing up in northern
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california. we all live down here. >> the man accused of snatching her, philip garrido is the father of these two children with jaycee. >> this is unbelievable. he ruined our lives. >> i know right now your wife is with jaycee, and with the other girls. what is your hope for your family, carl? >> just to get back to normalcy, and everybody have a happy life. we need to get through this.
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this is a one-of-a-kind situation. i never heard of three people being locked up for 18 years. this is going to be a lot of work for a lot of people to straighten this out. >> carl, thank you so much for your time. later this hour, we will speak with ed smart, whose daughter was taken from her bedroom, and she was found with a couple that kidnapped her. wildfires forced 2,000 people from their southern california homes. the fire has damaged homes and threatening dozens more. nbc's michael okwu is there. how much damage has the fire already done? >> reporter: well, if you talk to officials contessa, they say it's only been about three residential homes. the damage that has been done in the three residential homes is minor. we may see a different assessment as we get a little more daylight right now, but those are the numbers they are
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going with. at this hour, 700 homes continue to be threatened. as you mentioned, they evacuated close to 2,000 people here. officially they are saying about 1,500. all of this happened at 8:00 last night. the fire ignited in the canyons, close to the trump national golf club. and also we understand, close to a beautiful nature preserve. 400 firefighters on the ground battling the blaze overnight. they are giving a lot of credit to water dropping helicopters that have been using a night vision to fight the flames, and apparently doing a good job at it. contessa? >> michael, owe c okwu, thank y. and we are looking at a tropical storm. and watches are up in the north carolina tied. and they are going to experience
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dangerous rip currents. back to you for now. will swine flu ground you. the airlines and homeland security may block people from flights. what is next? grocery scores? where do you draw the line. and we continue to watch thousands saying a final farewell to ted kennedy at the presidential library. this is the "morning meeting" here on msnbc. ♪ the $9 first hello. walmart announces starter and danskin now shoes r just nine dollars. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. it's what doctors recommend most for headaches. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back.
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security are deciding to block sick passengers from swine flu in the next outbreak. seniors have the authority to ask sick passengers to leave public areas and see a doctor. passengers that refused were still allowed to proceed to the gate and board their flight. now, the number is expected to grow with school back in session with the number of people infected with swine flu. 61% of the americans say they will accept the government rules. and 55% they will get vaccinated for the first time. dylan? >> thank you, contessa. joining us, the chief medical editor and host of "dr. nancy," dr. nancy snyderman. and john costello, an old colleague in his own right, if you go back a few years.
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tom, is there any precedent for the government mandating who can and can't get on a plane based on some evaluation being mandatory? >> in the most recent history, no. keep in mind, homeland security has only been around since 9/11. the issue is, who should have the authority to screen passengers and determine whether they would seem to be displaying the symptoms of swine flu. the truth of the matter is, are any of us lay people qualified to do that, whether you work for the tsa or homeland security, none of us are them would have a medical background to do that. and on the other hand, if you don't do some sort of screening, might you be setting up a population for a very quick spread of the swine flu. i would point out, on an aircraft, most major new aircraft recycle the air about
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every 90 seconds. so the threat necessarily isn't that a particular, as i understand it, and nancy can clear it up, but the particular -- how would you say it, nancy, it would linger in the air for minutes and minutes and minutes, and the air should be recycled quickly, but you don't want to have people -- >> i think tom is right. the air is not the sort of closed aluminum tube that everybody is fearful of. you worry about the virus being on your hands, and then you touched somebody and put your hands on your face. i understand pilots are able to keep sick people from getting on airplanes, because they are the captain of the ship. and the captain, can they say, i'm sorry, you can't get on my plane? >> yeah, the pilot does not have the time to stand at the jet bridge and watch everybody coming in. >> and tom's question is is there any way a nonmedical professional, myself, tom, or
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anybody else that works around an airline can be qualified for this? >> you can screen for fever. immigration, singapore, they have a zapper, like the cop sitting on the new jersey turnpike looking for speeders. you can tell if somebody has a fever from a distance. those people are pulled aside and segregated. the bigger question is is the horse out of the barn? and we are at a juncture with the government with a message. we hear from the white house, and homeland security and labor. we need a surgeon general to come and say i am your doctor, and here is the message, and we are teetering where we could get mixed messages. >> and this is a vaccinations.
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>> well, is the regular seasonal flu vaccine dangerous? no. millions of people were vaccinated, and some got ill. we have a different scenario here. the track record of the flu vaccination is good, and the trials are going well. >> and very interesting note. if they -- if we are looking at the possibility of 20%, 30%, absenteeism in the schools or workplace if we have an epidemic hit, and the issue is wouldn't that transfer to homeland security, border patrol, and maybe you have the number of passengers down that much, and these are the issues they are talking about here. >> or you don't have enough
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people to do an adequate screening. >> does it count as a doctor's visit every time you come on the show? >> you can't afford me. >> that's true. straight ahead here on the "morning meeting," we are plugging into what else is happening, including the governor that won't go quietly. a poll that shows whether they want him to stay as their governor. that's right after this. i was in the grocery store when i had a heart attack. my daughter was with me. i took a bayer aspirin out of my purse and chewed it. my doctor said the bayer aspirin saved my life. please talk to your doctor about aspirin and your heart. i'm going to be grandma for a ng time.
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>> many before. party lines have been broken. they said, whether you are republican or democrat whether he should stay or go, so he got a lot of support. 36% say he should remain, and half say he should get out. he is getting conflicting advice from insider advisers as well. and he is holding another news conference today at noon. just get to work. if he is there for that, he needs to just work instead of talking to all of us. that's my opinion. once in a while, i offer it. >> we are going to take a break. we will be back here at the "morning meeting" right after this. ♪ need a lift? hey buddy, i appreciate the ride, you know. no problem. ♪ mind if i take a shortcut? yeah, sure. ♪
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welcome back. let's reset our agenda. a tribute to teddy. thousands file pass the coffin of senator ted kennedy, as president obama prepares to talk about the man that put him in office. and libyan leader, gadhafi plans to visit this town. can you imagine the rabbi that lives next door is not thrilled.
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and appliances, baby cribs, and coffee table. people cashing in on the popular program. we have seen so many rowdy town halls the last few weeks, we decided to hold one of our own on the street here. what people told us about the health care debate. our own "morning meeting" town hall later. corporate profits and stability come back in to play. compliments of the $23 billion support from the taxpayer to the financial system. contessa, what is going on this morning? >> thousands of mourners are paying their final respect to the late ted kennedy.
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the family estimated 25,000 people were on hand yesterday, and his nephew were among those that greeted mourners last night and spoke to nbc's andrea mitchell. >> for my generation, he was a surrogate father for 29 grandchildren. i don't know, probably 60 or 80 great grandchildren. it was a great thing for all of us to do this. >> a celebration of his life being held tonight. we will carry it live on msnbc at 7:00 p.m. and tomorrow obama will give the yulg. a service member have been killed by a roadside bomb in afghanistan. 25 american deaths there in afghanistan this month. and reuters are telling us the
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man was killed when the vehicle he was riding in was hit by a roadside bomb. a rocket town hall in new york. more than 900 people shared up at the health care reform. at times the crowd drowned out the congressman bishop, would boos and cheers. one person was escorted out by police. the pennsylvania mom that faked her own kidnapping and ran away to disney world with her daughter, she was in court yesterday. the real action happened after yesterday's hearing. her dad charged several tv news photographers as he came out of the courtroom. and police arrested him shortly after. on may 26th, she called 911 claiming two men car jacked her car and kidnapped her. two days later they were found at disney.
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and we are learning new detail bz a girl that was found after 18 years ago. and george is outside the home in antioch, california. >> reporter: contessa, people here are shocked as to what was going on in the house, specifically a. compound of sheds and tents behind the house, where jaycee dugard was held. she was kidnapped by -- according to police, a former registered sex offender, phillip garrido. he fathered two children by her. the woman and two children are reportedly okay. and the police talked about it after the case was broken yesterday.
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>> reporter: that was the suspect in this case in a long, rather rumbling interview. he spoke to them by telephone. he said he loved his two children, and never touched them. he spoke of mysterious documents that would vin dau indicate him. a lot of it made no sense at all. he and his wife will be arraigned on the charges of kidnap, sexual molestation and conspiracy in placerville, california, in the county where
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the young girl was abducted all those years ago. she has been reunited with her mother. they are getting reacquainted with each other today. >> thank you for the update. dylan, there are people coming forward and saying that he had done other really out-of-the ordinary things, trying to record voices that he said in heard in his head, things along that line. >> joining us now, ed smart, his daughter was kidnapped from her bedroom in 2003, and found alive nine months later. and also hear for the conversation, jonathan capehart. tell us the emotions and thoughts that go through your mind as you hear the atrocity of this story? >> well, first of all, i am thrilled it's over with. i mean, that jaycee can find
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some peace, some end of the nightmare that she lived through for 18 years. i have heard that she feels guilty. you know, i think that there is not any way a victim would not feel guilty under those circumstances. but i think the most important thing is that she is able to get to a point where she knows that it was not her fault. she did not choose to be kidnapped. she has support and love from the whole nation. she can move forward. i look at this monster, and i think very much of brian mitchell, two religious fanatics, two that tried to justify what they could do in the name of god, which is totally outrageous. unacceptable. and they should stand and be responsible for their consequences that they cannot stand behind the i am insane
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type of -- or incompetent scenario, and they are responsible for their actions. >> jonathan? >> i can't hear anything. >> mr. smart, if you were look at the efforts to rehabilitate anybody that has been through trauma on this level, where do you begin the process? where do you begin to make it okay to even talk about what you have been through? >> you know, i really think the first point is going back to what i said before. helping her and reassuring her that, you know, this was not her choice. she does not -- she should not have any guilt regarding it, that she has got to understand how she was manipulated, and how she was controlled. you know, she does have a life of her own to move forward with. i think that that is the starting point. >> have you spoken with her or
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her family? >> no, i haven't. we are just thrilled that the nightmare is over with for her and for her parents. we just hope that, you know, they will be blessed and have the opportunity of just having time by themselves and be able to rebond together. >> give us a sense of the emotional transition -- that's even the wrong word. the shock her parents must be going through. and based on your own experience, having had a child abducted, and then having found that child sometime later. >> during the time period that your child is gone, you know, you just wonder what could you have done? why did this happen to her? what is she going through? you are just beating yourself up that whole timeframe. particularly, you know, it has
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been mentioned that law enforcement considered him a suspect. they always have to look at the family and consider them. but that moment when you hear she is alive, you know, you just -- it's just a miracle. there is just such jubilation, and there is an answer and there is an end to the nightmare. and i think it's just one of the most beautiful things in life. >> mr. smart. thank you. before we let you go, how is elizabeth? >> she is doing very, very well. she commented to me yesterday, she said, you know, how can their be any question in the mind of america or justice systems that people such as this man, such as brian david
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mitchell, are not guilty? that there is any question that they are guilty? it's just -- this is ridiculous that things can go on the way that they do. >> mr. smart, thank you for talking with us this morning. we appreciate it. still ahead here on the "morning meeting," michael vick getting back in the football business, if you will. stepping on the nfl field for the first time since getting bursted for running a dogfighting ring. you might be surprised as fans reacted to his return. ...and new questions about which pain reliever is right for your body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... layer that lasts all day ...and no layers that irritate your stomach the way that ibuprofen can. it's tough on your body pain. not on your body.
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a handful of protesters outside. vick serving 18 months in prison for his involvement in a dogfighting ring. after the game he said he was grateful for a second chance. >> to suit up and get ready to go out and play a game, regardless if it's the pre-season or the regular season, you know, it has been a long journey for me. i just want to do it right this time around. i want to make the most of my situation. >> the president of peta, people for the ethical treatment of animals, and torer also along. and what do you think people could do from this point forward, accepting the fact he is back in the league? >> i don't want people to
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forget, having read the reports carefully, there are two things that stick out, and i think it should stick in peoples' minds. one is the swimming pool had claw marks on it, where he would throw the dogs and they would try to get out and they would drown. the other thing is, they took family pets and through them in the ring with the pits. if you couple that with the aggressive violent things, with the fact that he lied to the commissioner, and he lied to the judge and was found lying on his lie detector test and had to be called on it, i think you have to wonder, is the guy a psychopath, and only time will tell. i would be wary. he may be able to throw a ball nicely, he is not a role model and never should be held up as one. >> is there anything that he could do beyond the punishment, and he has been punished in a literal sense for his crime. what could a man in his
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situation do to indicate to you, in a desire to rehabilitate some of the violent tendencies? >> i think that he needs to keep his head down, which is not going to happen. he wants to be a star again. he is very slick. i met with him. he is smooth. a charmer. a football hero to some people that will only see that and will not look at the moral issue. i do believe the nfl needs to make cruelty to animals a punishable offense, that should be up there with anything else that people do that is a felony. i also think that michael vick, of course, is going to go out there and talk about the evils of dogfighting, and that can only be good. but i don't think that if anybody is -- >> my question to you, and i understand all of this, but is there anything that michael vick could do, either in the formation of -- in other words, what more would you want to see from him, if anything, to
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indicate to you at the very least he understands the sickness of the violence, and has expressed a willingness to try and rehabilitate himself from it, if you will? >> yes. i mean, who knows. but the proof will be in the pudding. he needs to get out there and he will and do public service announcements and talk to kids about how they should not dogfight, they should resist all temptation, if it's put before them in their neighborhood. i think they should give every time he makes back to the dogs. i do. and into child humane education. he was in that business for many, many years. his high priced lawyers got him a relatively easy sentence when you read about all of the things that he did to dogs over that period of time. aside from funding the entire thing, and starting the idea of putting together a multimillion-dollar dogfighting enterprise. there was a lot of pain and
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suffering. >> ingrid, i don't think anybody will forget what vick did. people will always think of dogfighting with vick. i don't think that there was a small penalty. 18 months of federal prison. more than $100 million lost. just for your mind, isn't the shame that he has had to endure nationally, clearly a very humbled person at this point, doesn't that go a long way to your end to trying to end dogfighting? >> it's all very good that he served time and lost his career and lost respect, and will forever be called felon and fog fighter when he comes on the screen. all that is fine. i don't know that we can -- any of us know is in his head and that is where i think a man who comes out of prison who has three children and celebrates by going to a strip club and drinking, i'm not sure that the nfl has made such a smart move. >> i mean, you know, i don't
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think where he goes is really the important point but when he was on "60 minutes," i was waiting for him to say a life is a life and he didn't so that is a little disappointing. >> he has gone so far and said what he needs to say. again, only michael vick knows what is between his ears and whether or not his heart can express remorse. my big worry is that that whether or not he can experience experience empathy, put himself in the place of another, because if he can't, that bodes ill not only for animals who probably won't go near another dog in his life, which is a good thing, but also for other human beings that he comes into contact with. i don't know. time will tell. >> ingrid, thank you for making some time for us this friday morning. ingrid newkirk, president of peta. toure nice to see you early in the program. thank you, sir. ahead, much more. we talked about the prescription drugs found inside michael jackson's home, but today we're learning other kinds of drugs
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found there. toure with details after this in the break room. 90s slacker hip. ♪ singer: buckle up, everybody 'cause we're taking a ride ♪ ♪ that can strain your relationships and hurt your pride ♪ ♪ it's the credit roller coaster ♪ ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪ ♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage. what's in it for me? i'm not looking for a bailout, just a good paying job. that's why i like this clean energy idea. now that works for our whole family. for the kids, a better environment. for my wife, who commutes, no more gettin' jerked around on gas prices... and for me, well, it wouldn't be so bad if this breadwinner
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brought home a little more bread. repower america. i hope our senators are listeni. but i've still got room for the internet. with my new netbook from at&t. with its built-in 3g network, it's fast and small, so it goes places other laptops can't. i'm bill kurtis, and i've got plenty of room for the internet. and the nation's fastest 3g network. gun it, mick. (announcer) sign up today and get a netbook for $199.99 after mail-in rebate.
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jay-z's new song takes on rush limbaugh and has the radio host, surprise, surprise, fighting back. what is up? >> what is up? nothing like a good hip-hop battle, is there? jay-z is in a new one now with bill o'reilly and rush limbaugh. the new song comes out next friday. he says it want black versus white, my man, please tell bill owl reilly to fall back and 2010 and that is mild dish but he knows who not to attack or not to retort because the man said had a perpendicular response that requires ear must haves for the kitty, i quote. i remind jay-z it is president obama who once mandated
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superstition. what? what? no magic negro stuff? what is going on? you're never going to get who might have been a weed smoker among the small pharmacies worth of drugs found, the police -- by the police in neverland mansion, multiple bags of marijuana plus rolling papers. it can't be certain michael jackson himself was toking but if he was, why was wasn't he getting stoned to go to sleep instead of taking the cocktail of prescriptions to get to sleep? lesson for the kids. >> if you're looking for a pharmaceutical combination for sleep and your choices are propofol or a little weed, don't do either of those things and just go to bed! >> weir still on. >> we're still on ear muffs, people.
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>> still ahead. rowdy town hall showing no signs of letting up across the country. toure, i decided to hold my own town hall in times square. >> were people mad? >> interesting solutions. plus, paying tribute to ted kennedy lying in repose at the jfk presidential library. we are in boston talking with presidential historian coming up. (mom) for just $9, you can get them shoes from names like danskin now and starter. select eyeglass frames are just $9 at walmart - and they have a 12-month guarantee. juniors' tops from op are $9, too. $9. considering what you get, that's a really great price. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart.
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10:00 am
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other cases could be out there if at all. live pictures from jfk presidential library where thousands are paying tribute to the last of the kennedy brothers. we're hours away from a celebration ceremony honoring him. we live from a rabbi living next door to the place where libya's leader is trying to camp out during his upcoming visit to the u.s. and causing outrage of the family of the victims of the lockerbie fatality. cash for anything? nothing like borrowing money from china. folks still getting rowdy at town halls across the country. i decide to hold my own town hall at times square. what people told us. it's 10:00 a.m. and pull up a chair and join the "morning meeting."
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we begin in boston where people from every corner of the globe have been lining up for a chance to pay their final respects to the late senator ted kennedy. mike taibbi is live with us from boston. >> i'm looking down as far as my eye can see. several hundred yards. more than a thousand people lined up at any given time to get into the library to pay their last respects. yesterday, about 25,000 people did so ending about 1:30 in the morning and a steady stream today as well. there will be a memorial service tonight starting at 7:00. a private service will be covered by full television coverage. at that memorial service, a number of speakers target with vice president joe biden and four of ted kennedy's senate colleagues in order they will be senator chris dodd, john mccain, orrin hatch and john kerry, massachusetts governor deval patrick will speak then as well.
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a memorial film will be presented by the filmmaker ken burns and two speakers from the kennedy family ending with caroline kennedy who will give the final remarks tonight. a funeral mass tomorrow in boston. >> thank you. jonathan capehart is with us. your thoughts, jonathan, as we go into the weekend and this memorial and sort of the political football, for better or worse, it's leakly to become. >> yeah. i think, you know, tomorrow people will be focused on the life and legacy as we are right now on senator kennedy. because the capital is so consumed with trying to figure out what to do with health care reform which the senator, the late senator really wanted to get done. the single most important biggest important cause of his life as he said many times. and when they come back from res, they are going to have to grapple with what to do about
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this. as i said at the top of the program, in the last hour, that the thing i think will become most notable is the fact that there is one less dealmaker in the senate and one less dealmaker in the house whereas senator kennedy was someone who -- yet called the lion of the senate, he was a liberal, unapologetic about it and firm in his court about his beliefs but he didn't allow his beliefs to stand in the way of making a deal and stand in the way of getting something done and that is something that the folks on capitol hill have to get back to. if they want health care reform to get passed in some form, both the left and the right, democrats and republicans, blue dog democrats and progressive democrats are going to have to come together and compromise. this is an issue that is too important to get bogged down in partisan and interparty politics. >> michael beschloss, nbc news presidential hissian also with
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us. the president's eulogy, michael, what are people expecting from him and what role did ted kennedy play in the development of president barack obama? >> well, you know, barack obama has a pretty high bar here because he is known for being able to speak so well on an indication like this and also if you think of the tragic history of the kennedys, a lot of these things have been powerful eulogies like ted kennedy at the funeral of robert kennedy in 1968 and it goes even beyond that. as you're pointing to, i think barack obama can fairly say if it were not for teddy, i would not be here. remember the moment that teddy endorsed him. it was january of 2008, barack obama had lost the new hampshire primaries and circles said wonderful guy and may too early and maybe he is not ready to be president. to have kennedy with history
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behind him say in that speech this is guy on day one ready to be president it really transformed that campaign and, to some extent, that race. >> michael, thank you for your time this morning. contessa, what else is going on? >> investigators have freed a woman kidnapped 18 years ago. she was held captive in the back yard of a sex offender. she was 11 when her dad saw a stranger snatching her and putting her into a car while she walked to the bus. the police frantically searched the south lake tahoe valley but to no available. they say phillip garrido forced jaycee to live in an outside shed. he is accused of raping the little girl and fathering her two children the first when she was only about 14. garrido confessed when he was seen with the younger girls and
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parole officer interrogated him. jaycee's stepdad spoke with me earlier today. >> it was like winning the lotto. it was unbelievable after 18 years. >> clint van zanzandt is with un nbc profiler. the neighbors and parole officers saw the house and suspected nothing out of the ordinary in this back yard compound. it was so well hidden. >> in this 21st century, it's like this little toy i had when i was a kid. see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. our lives are so busy that we look across the fence, we look across the street and say that's not my business, even though it looks a little strange. >> here is the thing. a convicted sex offender back in the '70s. he was in prison. in fact, the reno gazette journal reported back in '87 that he had been convicted of kidnapping a 25-year-old woman and handcuffing her, tying her down in this miniwarehouse.
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this was in reno in the '70s. when he is perot rolled in '88 and suspected in '91, the year that jaycee disappeared and suspected of patrolling the lake tahoe area for victims how is it the investigators aren't on him like a bloodhound? >> number one this guy is one more poster boy is why we should have a one strike law. anybody who sexually offenders a woman, a child, a man, anything like that, any type of offense like that, it ought to be one strike, buddy, you're gone and you're history. yet in our prison systems across the country, we're kicking free early instead of keeping predators like this locked up. >> in '91, the year she disappeared, they suspected that he was out there trolling for victim. when a little girl disappears and seen and seen snatched into a car by her stepdad how come they zero in on her and stay on
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his trail? >> this is a guy still wearing that martha stewart ankle bracelet to keep track of him as an offender. whenever there is a child missing, we know and we find every sex offender and interview them and what are they up to and go through their house. somehow, this terrible situation slipped through the cracks and law enforcement is going to say we tried and the parole officer is going to say it's not our job to go in the back yard and, you know, look in the buildings back there. >> hey, clint, the senator for missing and exploited children are pointing out when strangers kidnap children, sometimes they don't kill them. do you think there are more cases like this out here? people who are just being hidden, held captive? >> you know, that's just why it's as an fbi when i did kidnappings, the parents would say what do you think? i said we haven't got your child back. you keep that emotional porch light turned on because there is always that chance. everybody looks at the case of
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elizabeth smart or patty hearst or in missouri, it was ben owensby and shaun hornbeck. about every year and a half, every one of these cases comes up where somebody is held a year, five years. we remember that case in austria last year where the guy kept his daughter locked newspaper a basement and fathered multiple children with her. in this case, one last thing, contessa. this guy's wife is just as guilty as he is. you know, she knew what was going on. she knew that young girl was kidnapped. she was in on it. she was in on the abuse. so, you know, even though she may say my husband made me do it and the husband is going to say the devil made me do it, these people are monsters for what they did. >> he is already calling it a heartwarming story. there is definitely a psychological evaluation there. clint, thank you very much and we will keep our eye on the developments on msnbc. this morning, watching the wildfires threatening homes near
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rancho in california. it has forced 1,500 to evacuate and 7,500 warks on fire there. tropical storm danny weakened overnight and maximum winds less than 50 miles an hour now but watches up for the carolina coast and storm is expected to produce dangerous rip currents up and down the coast. we'll get a live report coming up in the next half-hour. breaking economic news right now with the help from the popular cash for clunkers program, consumer spending edged up in july. personal income, though, unchanged means we don't have any more money but spending more here, dylan. >> thank you very much. the american way is at a certain point, i suppose. still to come here this hour of the "morning meeting," not in my back yard. one of my favorite stories out there. we'll join a weekend protest against moammar gadhafi's plan
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to stay in the town of engle wood, new jersey when he is visiting the u.n. next month. the neighbor of the man who will host mom a march gadhafi, our guest, after this. once you've mastered the complexities of a headache... the rest of the body is a no brainer. doesn't your whole body deserve excedrin strength relief? excedrin back & body. excedrin. what ache?
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loved you don't need to roam because no place like home ♪ i mean no place like home. >> clearly, fun for late night. but not so much for folks living in new jersey. they want no part of mom a march gadhafi's upcoming trip to the united states. this weekend top state leaders are join community leaders to protest gadhafi's plan to stay inside engle wood. he reportedly pitching a tent on the ground of a mansion owned by a libyan diplomat and comes a week after gadhafi personally welcomed convicted rock lockerbie bomber megrahi home on his conviction of passionate grounds. nearly two dozen were new jersey residents that died in that accident. gadhafi's son is responding to
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the outrage saying lockerbie is history and questioned why protesters are so angry. he also told a british paper that the original deal between the uk and libya to release the lockerbie bomber was linked to a deal on oil and trade. remember, libya has the largest oil reserves in africa and supplies 40% of the oil to the united kingdom and suspected to delivering 80% of the oil to england by 2015. anyway, the release over the past week they say had nothing to do with that. with us right now, however, some folks who have a variety of perspectives on the subject. the man who lives next door to where gadhafi is reportedly planning to stay and back with us a second day, the mayor of englewood. your father represented john lennon in his deportation and you were, before that, a federal prosecutor. rabbi, welcome to the conversation and, mr. mayor, welcome back to the
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conversation. your thoughts on your potential neighbor. >> think about this. in the united states, someone is guilty of a sex crime, they have to register as a sex offender. but can you can be an international financier of terror and responsible for the death of thousands of people and move next door to me. i am raising nine children in the suburb of inglewood. this is my dear friend and mayor. it's astonishing i have to have this little army that is going to protect him. megrahi was a libyan intelligence official. we don't know what activities they are up to it. >> hold on. only if you have oil. >> true. >> if you don't have oil, this doesn't happen. >> right. but i ask myself why my government who has deployed tens of thousands of soldiers who fight and die in afghanistan -- >> billions of dollars. >> in order to fight terrorists, what does it do to the morale of our troops when they see the terrorists are welcome by the united states. i would seriously suggest to my
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secretary of state if you want gadhafi in the united states and he wants to pitch his tent your front lawn would be a great venue or if the nun u.n. wants him, he could float up and down the river but my nine children could be put at risk for gadhafi when i'm a resident of the united states? it's absolutely -- it's terrible! >> momentum building into the weekend. tell us what is going on here, mr. mayor. >> very concerned. we all bargain i'm a democrat and that change matters and as much respect i have for my president, i think there is not just collateral damage being done here. we're preparing for battle. the first one is a sword and the shield. we are hoping it doesn't make it to u.s. soil. the state department we hope are rescind the advice advise a if they issued one. >> you're an immigration lawyer. any recourse as you the mayor of the town or your legal background. >> nobody can stop the government for issuing the authority to make, to allow somebody here.
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however, that said, the old add mow in addition if you build it, they will come and if you don't build it, they can come. i'm proud to say we will be filing significant papers in the next few hours that will have a legal effect in giving our police the authority to shut down the improvements that their making on their property. if they can't build it property because he can't pitch his tent. what bothers me not only are nine children and the distinguished citizen has to sit there while they remove his trees and his fence. what bothers me is we have to pay to remove his rubbish and pay extra a day in overtime and they are tax-exempt. his son said today that the pan am 103 is history. i'm a jew. rabbi, obviously, is. we don't forget. history repeats itself. osama bin laden was a friend we made during the ma gentleman has dean. do we want to dine or have him sleep on your soil even for one evening?
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>> the only thing i'll odd to what you just said because i agree with all of it is the subordination of the values as a country we would aspire so that we seek to represent to the world, to publicly betray those values by effectively allowing oil to supersede the blood of our children. >> barter our souls for a barrel of oil. think of the first responders that went to the lockerbie site and had to remove limbs from the lawn and 38 families in the garden state who do not have their relatives to this day. we should be getting permit not to tents but for loud speakers and we should be reading continuously those 38 names every second he is on your soil. >> i'll read the names if you set up the loud speakers. you're planning a protest this weekend. tell us about it. >> it's happening on my lawn because i am immediately adjacent to the libyan compound and it's taking place this sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. 440 east pal said avenue. we want your support.
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if people can stand up to gadhafi they would probably be found in a shallow unmarked grave. we have the right to stand up to him and say we don't want you in our neighborhood is a privilege we ought to exercise. i take your point about us bartering our sole soul for oil. the massacre of '72, black september terrorists were released. the murderer of the guy in a wheelchair pushed into the sea, he was released after a few years. this is a pattern. but the united states stands for something with the leaders of the free world. and, again, i'm asking our elected officials help me as a private citizen and join with our mayor. president obama, secretary of state hillary clinton, keep gadhafi out of our soil and all of you citizens come out and make your voices heard. >> lawenberg has been a lion on this and steve rothman and we believe others are coming. >> one more time? >> 440 east palastate avenue,
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inglewood, nrge new jersey. >> we are expecting a big contingency of good police officers and firefighters. bagpipes to boot. this lockerbie attack has not been part of history as gadha gadhafi's son would dictate. >> jonathan? >> this is a question for mayor. so you can't stop gadhafi from coming into the country but we were talking yesterday about the possibility of confining him to the u.n. grounds. do you know what the deadline is for the state department to make that determination? >> here it is. you have private airplanes. there are no deadlines. they could issue a visa, a restricted visa and make sure he stays to a confined area or space or a barge. the truth be told, he asked for a permit to pitch a tent and my colleague mayor blook bell in new york denied that request. as far as i'm concerned again he is not welcome in this country, in this state. if the government is going to issue a visa because we are a tolerant state, even for tyrants, we allow them to speak
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and leave. >> you made an incredible point, rabbi. when you said the thing that makes americans different from any other nation when we see outrage of any kind we have the opportunity for free speech and free protest and free expression of self and i commend you for putting your resources and your home honestly at the disposal of those this weekend. >> franklin roosevelt said the freedom from fear that we can live here without fear. join us. we want to have a victory over terror and ensure the libyans get it when you have a stomach-turning speck tack will spectacle, the people of the united states are going to say you're not welcome on our soil. >> until this point, we were okay. that was the point that they embraced a convicted terrorist. they are giving him a gentleman's death instead of rotting in jail where he should have. they say he planted the bomb and they let him out and embraced him. >> this sunday at 11:30.
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>> 11:00 a.m. please come out and help us. we need your support. thank you. >> i'll read the names. you set up the loud speakers, i'll read the names. next, we're talking to presidential historian who is just out of a visual with the kennedy family and she is with us after this. ♪ once you've dealt with the things that come between you... don't let erectile dysfunction get in the way. ♪ viva ♪ viagra! viagra...america's most prescribed ed treatment... can help you enjoy a more satisfying sexual experience. to learn more, spend some quality time with ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. n't take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term jury,
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senator ted kennedy in boston this morning. the senator's body lies in repose in the jfk presidential library. the viewing will continue five more hours. a celebration and memorial service scheduled this evening. a funeral mass for senator kennedy held tomorrow before he is laid to rest at arlington national cemetery. presidential historian and family friend doris came from a vigil with the family.
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she joins us this morning. your thoughts. >> sitting there for that hour the kennedy family has worked out a system where every hour four family friends or colleagues sit in those chairs just to make sure that the casket is never alone and then when your hour is up, they tap you on the shoulder and somebody takes your place. but watching the people come through was really the most moving thing more than i even realized that some saluted the casket and others did the sign of the cross and other waved their red sox hat. and what you got a feeling of was these people knew him. unlike jack and bobby for whom most of the people in the country probably never seen them and even though they loved them and had their picture in their home, everybody there had a story that some grandmother had gotten helped and somebody gotten family leave because of him and somebody else was a gay man who felt his rights had been helped by him or a disabled person for whom the rights had been helped and somebody on who had child health insurance as a result. they all seemed to know somebody
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who had been helped by him and his constituent service over all of these many years. it really was an extraordinarily personal bond between those people coming through and the casket laying there. it made you feel like public service is a great thing. >> we just watched william kennedy smith walk in himself. the family and the tone with the family, as you sat there this morning, was it relational? is it more somber and quiet? what is the tone and feeling in the room? >> well, during the hour that i was there, teddy kennedy's daughter carol was there with her children. think there is an enormous feeling that comes from watching the people and the outpouring of feeling that makes the sad occasion one that has also in it an sense of fulfillment. it's been said in the papers up here that kennedy died with a
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peaceful understanding that he believed he had a long and productive life and i think for the children and the family, you know, unlike the shock of the killing too young of jack and bobby, you know, unlike joe jr. killed in war war ii or kathleen at 28 and 29, this man had a long life and they know that and mixed with the sadness is that feeling of an overwhelming sense of gratitude to the people up here who are showing their love for him. >> to what extent does the senator's passing, doris, bring up the loss of his brothers? the loss of the ideology, not only of the senator himself, but the group of politicians and men, his elder brothers that came before him and their sudden departure as we all know? >> i think you're right. it may well be some of the younger members of the kennedy familiar stay in public life.
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they are doing a lot in public life and some may become congressmen, senators, even more but this kennedy story i think is coming to an end that began with jack kennedy's presidency and, of course, his assassination, jackie, bobby and then teddy. it's a story connected to the idealism of the '60s and a story connected to liberalism and to that extraordinary family of nine. we've lived through all of those triumphs and tragedies with them and each time somebody has died, all of the pictures go for the people who lived before, so for a new generation, they begin to see all of these people as young and vibrant again. so, in some sense, it's been a television story as well that has kept all of these images alive even now with teddy's death, all of the images of his brothers come bag for a younger people who may not have known them, they are going to feel they know them through teddy's death at this point. >> doris, thank you for joining us. the way you have this morning, doris kearns goodwin with us
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after having spent a portion of her morning with the kennedy family in vigil. senator kennedy you can see still receiving those who would seek to honor his nerm memory's hess life. msnbc special coverage begins this evening at 6:00 p.m. and the funeral mass tomorrow that begins at 10:00 and followed by the burial at arlington national cemetery and this sunday, tune into nbc's "meet the press" for a special hour-long tribute to the late senator kennedy, his life and political career. a close conversation with close friends and colleagues and family members including john kerry and kathleen kennedy townsend and a look at the kennedy legacy itself with doris kearns goodwin we were talking about and a special look back at kennedy's 45 years of appearances on "meet the press." that is this sunday. check out your local listings for specific times.
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coming up here in the next half-hour on msnbc at the "morning meeting," banking on the success of cash for clunkers. it is now cash for appliances. cash for cribs. maybe cash for your refrigerator or your air-conditioner? what would you put on the list? grill: holy moly!!! what just hap...whoa! grill: i! hey! that looks great. grill: and there's no need to discuss it further. in fact, you can buff most of that out. just give it a once-over with a wet paper towel...hee, hee grill: ok, good talking to you... anncr: accidents are bad. anncr: but geico's good. ding! with 24-hour claims service. when i really liked to be outside, i did not like suffering from nasal allergy symptoms like congestion. but nasonex relief may i say... bee-utiful! prescription nasonex is proven to help reliev
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"r" us giving you cash for cribs. robin farr is a senior writer for "businessweek" and handsome and intelligent young man. it starts in the government. it works tremendously for price. we found out you can sell cars a lot cheaper if you give away money. you're borrowing money from china to give money to the taxpayer and it's a debt and this sort of stuff. but your take on the sort of the adoption of the cash for clunkers concept as marketing campaign at toys "r" us and elsewhere. >> i give you my take, dylan. a to families with dependent journalists. i want it now! >> giving away money works? >> of course, it does. we're putting this on the tab and paying ourselves. this is not money the united states can print with abandon. obviously, the chinese and japanese are lending it to us and add to the tab down the line. one way or another -- >> it does speak to, though, how
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you get people to act. in other words, if you're looking to alter consumer behavior, social bhuver, you behavior. if you give them money, they'll do it. >> in all honestly is there a supposed to be a bang for the buck here. you go out and buy cars and detroit feels hardy again and out of their depression and buy other thengs and a cycle but i don't think we're getting that. i think this is a sugar rush and dumb spending and putting it down. you wish the government would hire people, cash for jobs. that has bang for the buck. >> but listen. car sales went up. we got rid of a bunch of cars. it's good for the dealers. it's good for america. >> let's see where car sales are in january. this is like the old 0% financing scheme after 9/11.
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>> people probably don't understand what you're talking about. >> command probably came down down the line and people think, shoot i can get this 4,000 dollar grant why put off my purchase and why wait for the price to fall? >> your point is july data shows consumer spending up 2% largely in help to cash for clunkers. >> this is isn't nobel prize winning economics. you throw $4,500 to people, they will take it and change their scheduling of demand correspondingly whether this is sustainable. i i seriously doubt it. >> if i borrow $4,500 from your children and give it to you. >> i'd love it. >> but i don't talk about where i got the money from. >> what a great deal. i'm not going to get paid in my social security. >> all of this aside, is there anything you can think of, cash for old air-conditioners? cash for any old appliance, refrigerator, dishwasher. is there any part of this where as they say you're using the stimulus money, taxpayer money to try to either stimulate demand or activity as you describe or, the very least, owe
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obliterate infrastructure? >> i wish they set the tally higher to inspire you to get you to trade in your car for double. i think putting somewhat of a floor under the housing market where we are in a depression. i'll give credit there but, by and large, i am a devout cynic on this as you so correctly observed. >> on the cash for? >> make it happen. make it happen. >> we'll put it on the website. >> put it on the website. >> it will be there by midnight. >> thank you. >> robin, thank you so much. i said this earlier in the week to somebody. i mean it this time. enjoy your weekend. it is now friday. a 29-year-old california woman reuniting with her family 18 years after she was kidnapped and held captive in a back yard.
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jaycee dugard was snatched from a school bus stop when she was 11. the couple confessed raping her and accused much raping her and fathering her two daughter who are now 11 and 15. the two girls were kept in the outdoor compound. he is a violent sex offender dating back to '70s. he kept them with her to a parole hearing but called her alyssa. eventually the truth came out. earlier, i spoke with jaycee's dad about after hearing the news. >> i never expected this. it's like winning the lotto. >> but he says garrido has ruined all of their lives. hours after surviving an assassination attempt, saudi prince says he is more than ever to fight terrorists. he is now meeting with the king abdullah after the failed attempt from a suicide bomber.
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. wildfires forced at least 1,500 people from their southern california homes. a fire is bunching and has damaged some homes and threatening dozens more. nbc's michael okwu joins us now. what is the biggest obstacle for the firefighters today? >> i think right now that the biggest obstacle are the weather conditions. even though we understand that the winds are supposed to be mild, in fact, they were mild last night and all throughout the course of the day yesterday, this fire was able to ignite and move rapidly up the canyon. so the issue is the fact that they are very dry conditions. we're talking about very hot temperatures. it's now about the third straight day now where we understand that some of the temperatures could hit the triple digits and we understand that it's a third consecutive day of red flag warnings. so that essentially means here
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in southern california conditions very ripe for fires. there are about four wildfires, major ones, burning throughout southern california, specifically in the greater los angeles area. we understand another fire has broken out in oregon. so lots of fires now burning out in the west. this one, we understand, firefighters are getting a handle on. they've been able to make some precision drops with helicopters all through the night and they say it's now about 35% contained. but they say they are literally and figuratively not out of the woods yet. >> michael okwu, thank you for the update there from california. let's go back to boston, massachusetts. looking live now at ail ym kennedy smith and joan bennett smith greeting mourners. kennedy family and friends greeting everyone who has come through even in the wee hours of the morning coming through to pay their respects not only to the family but to honor the legacy of the late senator ted kennedy there in boston. his body lies in repose until
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later this afternoon. they have about five more hours. the people in line do, to give their respects. we will keep our eye on that throughout the day. video in to us from chandler, arizona. a group of men walking up to an i-phone display and grabbing what they can in an apple store and running out of the store. employee chases after the five suspects but they got away. can't be too bright because all of those have serial numbers on them and in order to download anything on them you have to give the serial number and my impression it makes it rather easy to find stolen items. a florida lottery drawing ended with a glitch and no one winning the $30 million jackpot. >> 32. hello? 48. >> hey, wait a second! isn't something missing? awkward!
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>> there is a problem with tonight's drawing. we will correct the problem. >> can you see this shaky display is what brewed up controversy from the ball hopper the other night. how could 48 be one of the winning numbers? >> where did the lottery lady get 48? it was one of the winning numbers but it never popped up into the slot? lottery officials say the number actually did pop up. just for a split second but it stayed in the tube lower than the view of the camera and they say a frame-by-frame look at the video shows number 48 was there but $30 million still up for grabs. hopefully, things go smoother tonight for the megamillion lottery. the jackpot is $325, the third largest jackpot in the history. apparently, dylan, right downstairs here at rockefeller center. you can't win if you don't play and, therefore, i'm out of here! >> well, you should be.
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buy one for me, contessa brewer. >> i'm right behind you. >> oh, hi. nice to see you. >> you look lovely in your head-to-toe black and white. very elegant. >> thank you. i'll buy bright yellow if i win. if i buy you a ticket, we're going to split it? is that how it works? >> yes. done. i'll give you 90% of it. >> i'll take it! >> you can have it. enjoy yourself. >> thank you, dylan. >> all right. still to come on one of these cameras here at the "morning meeting," town hall continues to heat up over health care, i figure why not hold one of our own? we went to times square, crossroads of the world. i think we solved it and show you the solution after this. the great taste of splenda® no caloe sweetener
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oh, grandpa! and you'll discover how convenient and easy... it is to use your aarp medicare supplement insurance. you just show your card. no hassles. at this time of my life, freedom everything. medicare only pays for part of your healthcare coverage. you have to come up with the rest. it's all about freedom of choice. back in the sixties, i went my own way. why stop now? so call today for a free information kit. when you call, you'll also receive... this free educational guide to help you... understand your medicare coverage options. it's yours free, so call now. and learn how aarp medicare supplement insurance... can help make your sixties a time of freedom. again. well, those are scenes of raucous town hall in long island
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last night. we've been watching a lot of these health care town halls here lately at the "morning meeting." i have one big problem with them. they only feature the people who have the time and inclination to go at a high school auditorium at 10:00 a.m. on a tuesday. instead of making people to attend this weekend i took the streets myself to see if i could hold a more constructive town hall in the normal place on earth, times square. we're trying to solve the health care problem. >> okay. >> you got any ideas? >> that's a very good question because it's a very big problem. >> i know. >> well, health care in america should be for everybody in america. >> a lot of my friends, i just graduated college and a lot of them can't afford health insurance if their job doesn't pay for it. >> i just filed for medicare and i'm worried about it, are they using some of that money to pay for everybody else. >> i don't think that even a lot of politicians understand it completely. >> i do feel confident in our
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president and i don't feel that he is lead us astray. >> people either have good health care insurance or they don't. if they have it, by and large, they are pleased with it. >> clear america has a big health care problem and not a lot of answers but thankfully times square is the crossroads of the world so maybe we can get help from our foreign friends. >> where are you from? >> spain. >> it's been plain it's promoted by the government so the health is for free. but anyway we are always complaining about because everyone goes to the doctor for everything. just for a cough, for flu and you have to wait two hours and few getting regular doctor, you know? >> i'm canadian. >> even better. can you talk to me about two seconds about health care in canada? >> i think it's wonderful. any time i want, i can go to a doctor. any doctor i want. we choose our doctor.
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everybody gets the same care. >> this is a town hall meeting. would you mind having a health care conversation with me? i'm a reporter from nbc. >> we are french! >> oh, that's perfect! do you think french health care is better than american? >> i don't know the american system so it's difficult for me to compare the two systems. >> some good ideas there, but at the end of the day, our growing health care problem is going to land directly in the hands of the young so let's see if they have any thoughts to get us out of this pickle. >> they need regulation. depending on how your situation economically is, depends on how much benefit you should get. >> how do we pay for health care? i was thinking if we have you guys work a lot and pay for everything, that would be pretty cool. are you up for that? >> kind of. >> you're willing to work to pay for even's health care? >> no! >> we'll be right back. show and tell
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