tv Countdown With Keith Olbermann MSNBC September 3, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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upcoming health care reform legislation." the caucus writes obama saying we get no public option. you get none of our 83 votes. gene robinson putting politics ahead of people. john thin and the logic that the public option can be delayed until it gets worse when they already are worse. lawrence o'donnell on the shame that democrats would pander to get support from the neanderthals like the one shouting down the wheelchair-bound woman at a town hall in jersey. >> we hear this voice of the disabled. >> ask a question. >> now a handicap woman in a chair has more rights than i do. >> not called rights. that's called courtesy. respect to her condition, compassion, humanity, why did republicans kill americans' humanity towards each other? worst tuesday, fredo backs the holder torture investigation. today, he opposes the torture investigation. can somebody water board him? and glenn beck stars as nicolas cage in "national treasure 3" the search for curly's gold.
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he has discovered the ge building is, in fact, one giant symbol of communism. or is it fascism? it's where the concerts are. this man and this man. he's holding a hammer. that's weed over there. this is the sickle. gee, the hammer and the sickle. where has anybody seen that before? oh, you know what? this is it. this is from moscow. >> what glenn has not told you but we will are the horrible truths of the symbols of his building. the building he did not know sits under -- an nbc earth station! all that and more now on "countdown." >> the headquarters of nbc. what? good evening from york. there seems little doubt at this hour the white house is preparing to sell out all or most of the following. a public option, a national health care exchange no scrim
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discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions, and credits for small businesses to help make health care affordable. all of those things part of the health care plan outlined by max baucus. and as chairman of the senate finance committee on november 12, 2008. the same max baucus, gang leader of the gang of six who said today, "i'm not sure if the public option is going to survive, frankly." during the countdown, 83 progressives making it clear this afternoon health care reform will not survive the house without the public option, and speaker nancy pelosi then joined them. axelrod saying the president hopes to have a health care reform bill passed with the next month. one inside the white house, arguing for what could be call university light finding a way to preserve a universal plan of some kind. another campaign inside the white house, needs to be scaled back significantly to ensure its passage. covering 20 million new americans might not be as good as covering 40 million but better than none at all.
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as "chicago tribune's" clarence paige reported last night, the white house now viewing only one member of the senate finance gang of six, republican olympian snowe as having any chance of reaching a health care compromise. such compromise to come at an incredibly high cost. rahm emanuel a public option trigger which would keep government-run health care only as a fallback option to be triggered only if private insurance costs do not drop far enough or if two few americans are added to the rolls of the insured. the white house would gain in one moderate republican, it would lose in an entire liberal caucus. as we mentioned, the house progressive caucus sending a letter to the president in which its 83 members will not vote for any bill that does not include a robust public option. "we cannot vote for anything less." make it 84 votes. speaker pelosi backing up the progressive caucus adding in a statement, "a will without a strong public option will not pass the house." and gang of six, senator enzi barricading as much as ever at a
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rally in wyoming tuesday saying of the health care reform bill "i'm pretty sure it's going to fail." take that back in written statement but tim phillips the president of american for prosperity, a lobbyist funded astroturf group that organized that rally told greg sergeant of the plum line that the senator left him with little doubt he declared his blanket opposition to the six proposal. wants to talk about that with our own eugene robinson, pulitzer prize winning author and with the "washington post." >> good to be here. >> sacrificing 83 members of the house including the speaker to win the support of one main republican. i don't understand that math. can you explain it? >> no. i did pretty well in math in school. i don't get it either. it's like they give you two equations and you're supposed to solve bore phoning x and y.
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with these two, you can't get both x and y. they're not part of the same system. you've got to do one or the other, it seems to me, but i don't see how it makes sense if you can get a bill through the senate, but all of a sudden you can't get it through the house. >> a different factions inside the white house said to be fighting over this future of health care reform. those who support the universal plan of some kind and those who think they have to scale this back to secure passage. does it mean in fact that the president has until the start of the speech next wednesday to decide which side he is actually on? >> i suspect he knows which side he's on. he has until the start of the speech to tell us, and you know, look. he is politically, can argue, you know, between a rock and a hard place, and another rock and maybe a gorilla in terms of trying to thread all of these varying constituencies and get this bill passed, and maybe
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months from now we will think this was a brilliant strategy of letting congress fight it out and then coming in at the end to save the day, and wrap it all up. at the moment, you'd have to say it's questionable at best, and you'd have to wonder what would have happened if he had been more definitive about what he wanted to see in a bill from the beginning. >> if the president turns this in its final stages into a purely political calculation i can't get a good bill passed so i'll pass a bad bill, is he not going to inherent the wind going in both directions at once and won't the republicans realize they can get away with the town hall-style blackmail against this president forever knowing it works against him while progressives write him off as just another politician? >> sure. senate is a dangerous place to be these days. look, i do think that that calculation is fairly easy for the white house to make, though. i think they have to believe that getting a bill is always better than getting no bill, and
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the challenge for them is to get a bill that is acceptable, that is not an, actually a bad bill. so if you give up the public option you've got to get universality and you got to get more than is on the table right now. so you have to make the equation work out some kind of way that looks like health care reform. >> what about the risk of passing some sort of intern measure here? we hear congressman, the co-chair of the progressive caucus release a statement about grave concerns about these contacts supposedly from the administration to health care advocacy organization, they're going to cease supporting the public option. what good does it profit a man 20 win a bill and lose the base of his party? >> in the medium term and long run it doesn't strike me as a great idea. i mean, look, you could say,
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okay. this is the best bill we can get. is the liberal progressive caucus going to thwart what is possible in search of the perfect? and so you could put them in that position. you could maybe wrestle them into going along with what they consider a bad bill, but there's a lot else on the table. he's -- our involvement in afghanistan is deepening. we're talking about iraq. we're talking about guantanamo. we're talking about a lot of issues on which the progressive caucus is going have a lot to say, and i don't think you want them to be in a foul mood. >> no, no, no. because if he's compromise and everything so far and as self-defeating as it might be the progressive caucus and progressives would abandon him, if necessary, if this would be the policy of this administration into 2012. if it's knows find somebody else to run against him i think they'd do it no matter how destructive at face value. >> i think that is possible. we are a more polarized nation
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right now, and i think -- i think searching for a mythical center, a mythical compromise between doing something and doing nothing, there's nothing in the middle there. you know? you're either going to do something or you're not, and i think you've got to choose. >> the middle has been nothing all this time. this is just different variants of it. gene robinson, as always, thank you, gene. >> good to be here. for more on the trigger option from senator snowe let's turn to jonathan cohn, author of "sick -- the untold american health care crisis and the people who pay the price." in london looking at british national health and whether it living down to the standards republicans have been talking about. thank you for your time tonight, sir. >> happy to be here. >> under this snowe trigger, only with a defined period, possibly years from now it would only happen if private health care does not meet certain affordability and accessibility standards by a certain date. does that sound viable to you? >> on paper in theory is it viable? sure. you could draw very high standards, and, in fact, here in europe there are countries in
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europe where they run private insurance like a public utility, and you could set really high standards and you could set a trigger so that in effect private insurance did perform that level. but will it? that's another question. face it, the reason we're doing this is to satisfy people who don't like the public option. i'm a little skeptical in fact they're going to write the rules in such a way we really get these privates plans doing what we want to do. >> for instance, if you said we'll have the triggers take place in 2011, wouldn't the insurance industry and the entire health sector simply spend all the money it had to get the republicans in charge of congress in 2010 and bail out of the whole project altogether? >> i think chances are good that the campaign to repeal the public plan would begin, repeal the trigger, would begin on the very next day after the trigger came into existence opinion.
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>> what about this idea that it's state-by-state triggers? that this would provide something, but would it be providing the kind of buying power that medicare has right now? would it be sufficient even as a theory? >> well, it certainly wouldn't be as powerful at medicare. a pig plus of the public plan is that it has national scope. if you do it state by state it won't have national scope. obviously, if do you it that way you are talking about a weaker option. i think there's no two way about it and, again, that's what the people who don't like the public plan what they want to the do. they want a weaker option. >> one faction in the white house. this is said to be led by mr. emanuel arguing that any health care reform is better than no reform at all. bottom line, is reform without a public option, is it still reform? i do think it is. i mean, you said earlier, there's good reform and there's bad reform. i would say there's a lot of
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middle ground in there. there are reforms that are somewhat good. there are reforms that are not so good. and it really depends on the details. public option to me is a very important part of it. i'd like to see a public option in there. if not, i think it's all the more important to make sure the other elements of reform, is this a plan to get health to a lot of people quickly and does build the structure, the regulations, the market, et cetera, so that later on you can build on it and really get to the place you want with a true universal health system where everybody has affordable health care? >> jonathan cohn, author of "sick" in london. thanks for your time tonight. sick is the right word suggested at the town halls. a woman in a wheelchair in new jersey with two incurable autoimmune diseases heckled as she pleads for help. how did the humanity get sucked out of the equation? when did some people get so twisted they seek protection in the loving arms of the series of gigantic corporations that are dedicated to squeezing every last penny out of them? mass hysteria fuelled by the
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commentators of his terices. tonight a man on national television explaining with utter conviction that this place, rockefeller center in new york is a bit of communism because of its wall decorations. he is apparently blissfully unaware of the connection between his own studio and own office and rockefeller center. fnc. fox news communists? (announcer) there are engines... and then there's the twin-turbocharging, 365-horsepower-generating, ecoboost™ engine in the all-new ford taurus sho that has the thirst of a v6
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if somebody were to parody the town hall, it might look like this -- today, people heckled a woman in a wheelchair that has not one, but two incurable autoimmune diseases. in new jersey, congressman frank pellone presiding. and the woman prefaced her question by describing her current predicament. >> i was diagnosed with two incurable autoimmune diseases. i live in fear every day that i will lose my home, not because i
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took on some irresponsible mortgage. no, i worked hard my whole life to help pay for one of my medications. it's $389 every two weeks. and i'm afraid i might not be able to afford my property taxes and i'll lose my home. please hear the voice of the disabled. don't let the insurance lobby win this fight. >> now a handicap woman in a chair has more rights than i do. >> that's right, side with the insurance company, idiot. they always look out for you, don't they? that example now added to the list of other atrocities like michael steele, who after a woman said her mother died of cancer told that woman she made great tv and to enjoy it as we showed you last night. like congresswoman lyn jenkins of kansas, after a woman said
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she had no health care was told to grow up and go buy insurance. and a crowd that booed the memory of ted kennedy six days after he died. at least a few of them think it prevents honest policy debate, apart from the lack of humanity. the president of a conservative research group saying part of the problem on the republican side is an unwillingness to say let's find a right way to do this and let's go ahead even if all the special interests don't like what we're doing. i think the critics have approached this in the wrong way. saying there's going to be a death panel is not the right way. let's turn to lawrence o'donnell. good evening. >> good to be here. >> thinking of that woman in the wheelchair and in red bank, new jersey, to paraphrase a line from a different time and place, at long last have they no sense of decency? >> i have seen nothing like it, keith. in all of my experience in these kinds of situations, i've been out on the road with senators and in town hall meetings starting 20 years ago. i have never seen anything like
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the behavior that that woman had to suffer. i have an explanation for a lot of things going on here. i have an explanation for a lot of policy elements going on here and a lot of the politics. i have no explanation for what you just saw. >> all right. broaden it out a little bit. just assume we had some drunks or i don't know, people who don't like women and women who don't like women or whatever their problems might be. or they're escapees from some sort of half-way house. no offense to half-way houses. but what force has turned people at events like this into not heckling people in wheelchair, but the lesser charge of depending insurance companies, which almost makes as little sense when you think about it. >> this is just blind political hatred, just i hate the politics of the people on the other side. i hate the politics of the democrats. i hate the politics of the liberals.
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so whatever they say, i am opposed to, and i don't pause and check my own interests while i do that. but you know, in defense of insurance companies i'm afraid to say is perversely widespread because the bill's being considered in the congress now, preserving the insurance companies position in this industry and the insurance companies position in the health care field is the problem. they are the ones who take out this massive amount of money for administration costs, for advertising costs. that is not used in any useful way in health care and so the bills that are being considered now preserve their position, force people to become their customers. you can see why the members of the house are outraged on the liberal side of the house of the possibilities of dropping the public option because they've compromised enormously giving up their position in terms of medicare for all, and now they're being asked to compromise even further on a pro-insurance company bill. >> it's a democratic president
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>> it's a democratic president who is now backing if he does drop the public option, at this point backing almost an entirely republican bill. the "new york times" piece to which i refer and quoted mr. goodman in, many conservatives concerned, real policy totally obscured by nonsense, death panels and paranoia. does that, perhaps, leave some sort of crack in the door here open for actual reformers to reshape the debate along actual policy lines, like health care reform would actually help as many people as possible >> we are going to get to a policy debate. i'm not sure how many people will watch it, but when the finance committee in the senate eventually gets to what they call a markup, where amendments will be offered by republicans, at least on c-span a real debate. not frivolous amendments, real things and have real differences, and we'll see those differences play out. and i think some will like the republican amendments and some will like some of the democratic amendments if they watch this, and also when we get to the senate floor.
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on the senate floor, it will be a real debate, it will be a relevant debate. it will happen through the process oaf amendment, and that's where we will see the real debate. but all these fireworks prior to that is setting the boundaries of the debate in a certain sense. and if the public option is gone, as it looks like it's going to be, by the time we get to the senate floor, then what you're going to see is an attack on the employer mandate. and i believe the republicans will successfully strip out the employer mandate. they will successfully strip out many other elements of the bill so that the question you raise tonight keith, which has now become the most important question is, is it worth it to pass a bad bill? is the product you're looking at in the end a bad bill? that's a crucial decision to make and the white house seems to be saying there's no such thing as a bad bill. there's a quote in the "new york times" where a white house official unnamed says, he will do, means the president, do almost anything to get a deal. what is almost?
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>> lose the renomination for president in 2012? lawrence o'donnell with msnbc, thank you kindly, lawrence. >> thanks, keith. all right. i don't care if that is my favorite brew, i keep telling you, lady, i no longer want one of the beers you just got, and hid there. no. no, thank you. and part professor, part russell crowe and a beautiful line, mostly completely unaware, a more horrible truth about the building in which he works. glenn beck and the communist symbols inside the ge building deconstructed ahead -- on the "countdown." ask the experts. [ male announcer ] best smoothing shampoo, pantene smooth vitality. experts at good housekeeping agree. they gave it their seal. [ male announcer ] pantene delivers damage protection results leading salon brands can't beat. [ stacy ] it's just a tiny little transformation from dry, damaged hair, to shiny fabulous hair. women like you agree. [ male announcer ] readers' pick, pantene ice shine. [ stacy ] no wonder pantene's won more awards than even the leading salon brands. you be the expert. experience pantene. healthy makes it happen.
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ahead, glenn beck discovered the secret communist truth about the ge building over there and all of rockefeller center. and we'll tell him an awful truth he doesn't know about the fox news building at rockefeller cent center. first, let's play "hardball." those are kind of the same thing, though. we begin in zachery, louisiana. time to check out the police
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blotter and boy, do we have a doozy. catching the perp in the act taking a 20-pound case of beer out of the cooler, shoving it under her muumuu and wedged between her legs. swipe as flew sodas and waddles out of the store. wait until you tell the kids at school you've seen this happen. police identified the beer bandit as lisa newsome, not denying it. the police capital says newsom wanted to demonstrate how she pulled off such a stunt and i told her, no thanks i wasn't into that. that's a relief. as an encore, she'll be performing the shoplifting feat on the fex e nextnext "america' talent." to prattville, alabama. behold the magic broom. kristy says she was cleaning up her shop when she discovered the broom standing upright on its bristles with no visible means satisfy port. she brushed it off at first and realized she needed to get a "handle" on the situation, scrubbed her eye, ha, ha, ha,
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and looked again to be floored by the -- that's enough of this. the sight attracted hundreds of curious onlookers, although broom industry insiders have no comment, and there's nothing from prattville's mayor, mr. h. potter. and the late senator kennedy revealed early including the story of the day. a meeting with president reagan about exporting shoes and textiles, turned into a half hour of reagan's days as a shoe salesman. ing and selling something else entirely, glenn beck is bat crap crazy. both cost the same, but only the pringles superstack can makes everything pop! ♪ hey [ male announcer ] same cost but a lot more fun. ♪ everything pops with the pringles superstack can!
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ted kennedy had more than a front row seat for history. also back stage of ten u.s. presidencies. our third story, his memoirs to be published postmortem. pull back the curtain on much of it, rewriting it and our understanding of it. his father urged his sons to compete with one another. revealing how devastated bobby was, to the point the family worried about bobby's mental
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state, and revealing after that first assassination teddy accepted and always accepted the warren commission conclusion that lee harvey oswald alone killed jfk. kennedy also wrote of later presidents, ronald reagan spent the entire time in a meeting devoted to imported shoes and textiles talking about his own time as a shoe salesman and also about the shoes on senator kennedy's feet. and bill clinton whose failure with first lady hillary clinton to enact comprehensive health care reform came as a disappointment, although he did not blame them. offering his sport, after he admitted his affair with monica lewinsky. saying, i have enjoyed the company of women, a still drink or two and relished good wine and at times enjoyed these pleasures too much and heard details exploits as a hell raiser and some accurate and some so outrages, how can anybody believe them? confessing his held raising, his bachelor lifestyle made him the
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wrong person to question clarence thomas about his own sexual harassment. some learn from them and try to do better he wrote. our sins don't define the whole picture of who we are. with us tonight, one of the reporters who contributed to the "new york times" piece. thanks for your time tonight, sir. >> thank you. >> one sin moving all everybody all when it comes to senator kennedy. what does he say about chappaquiddick? >> he talked about it in term s of atonement as if off the works he did subsequent to that night, you know, 40 years ago or so, have been almost an atonement for the ultimate sin, being responsible for the life of someone else. he goes over a lot of the details, he doesn't by his own admission remember much, and i don't think they'll be any startling revelations for those who have pored through the 20 or so books written about chappaquiddick.
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i was more struck by the tone. this has been a verboten topic in the kennedy world for many, many years. the fact that he would be so reflective about it. but also remorseful, as you would expect, but also talking in terms of living the rest of his life, you know, almost as if to atone for it. he says atonement is a life long process. i think it's striking he chose to say that in that part of the book. >> another subject obviously not necessarily beyond the pale, but the most difficult to bring up at any point was touched on in your story about what senator kennedy wrote to the judge who was hearing the case of sirhan sirhan who assassinated bobby kennedy. what did senator kennedy say in that letter? >> he -- i hadn't known this. ted kennedy had written, handwritten, a letter to the los angeles district attorney who was prosecuting sirhan sirhan saying that bobby kennedy would not approve of the taking of someone else's life, even for someone who took his own. he circulated copies to his own family, they all agreed.
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ultimately sent a copy to the judge. he said that the judge disregarded it and in the end, the california supreme court found the death penalty unconstitutional and he was spared in 1972. again, i think the death penalty was much more palpable issue during that time, and he talked about it in terms of the concept of the catholic ethic of life and just believing that this isn't what bobby would have wanted. >> another story that involves robert kennedy suggests one of these tantalizing alternate routes for history in which president johnson might have sent bobby kennedy to negotiate a peace in vietnam? can you flesh that one out for us? >> yes. the book is chockablock, and interesting, meeting with the president, particularly the democratic presidents, lyndon johnson. he told of a story in which bobby kennedy, who had become increasingly vocal anti-war voice within the democratic party, came back from vietnam and essentially made an offer to
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the president. said, look, president johnson, if you were to give me the portfolio to be a special envoy to the north vietnamese, i will engage in shuttle diplomacy, try to forge a secret peace treaty. i will not run for president. now, he didn't say that explicitly, but according to ted kennedy, it was obvious he would not be a rival to lyndon johnson in the 1968 presidential race, which is something that presidential johnson was increasingly worried about. ultimately, president johnson did not take the offer at face value. there's obviously a long history of distrust between the kennedys and president johnson, particularly bobby. so that never got off the ground, but, again, history could have been completely different. >> indeed. lastly, a source close to the kennedy family that told nbc news today that your paper's coverage was based on a hasty read, has missed the core of the book and much of the news in it. what news might you have missed and what do you suggest that core is that you missed?
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>> i wouldn't presume to know. i would say that i certainly plead guilty and think my colleagues do in giving this a hasty read. we got a copy of the book late yesterday. we all took portions of it. we did the best we could and we wrote what we thought was as full a distillation as we could of the book in the time we had. i wouldn't presume to say reading a 2,000-word newspaper story would suffice for a 500-plus page memoir. but you know, we're in the information business. we got a copy of the book and we did the best we could. >> it's now 57 consecutive important books that get leaked somehow early. amazing. from the "new york times," many thanks. >> thank you. well, he caught us. the ge building, rockefeller complex, communist. the buildings themselves are communists. in worsts, no, this time he's the victim. victim of the fox out of business network, and when rachel joins you at the top of
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the hour, the helicopter to far flung churches throughout louisiana on the taxpayers' dime. prominent cleric says the governor needs to reimburse the taxpayers. he'll join her at the top of the hour. you like your health coverage, but worry what happens... if you get sick, or change jobs. eight ways reform matters to you. a cap on deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. no annual or lifetime limits on coverage. preventive care. covered. pre-existing conditions. covered. no higher rates due to gender. extended coverage for young adults. no more coverage denied if you get sick. and guaranteed renewal, even if you do.
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talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of adding abilify. >> fox decides to stick broadcasting great greg imus after two years on the air. and 180 degree about-face award disavowing his own torturing investigation and the worst, let me defend glenn beck. then we'll take glenn beck apart for this paranoid beautiful mind connection, that aren't there to support the conclusion that the ge building is a giant communist totem pole. you're watching "countdown" on msnbc as they're watching you. all us fusion blades have an indicator strip. and when it fades to white, change your blade for a better shave. whoa! fresh blade. better shave. still haven't tried activia? listen to this story. my problem was occasional irregularity. my commercials didn't convince you?
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formulated to work in as little as 7 days. learn more at nature made. fuel your greatness. glenn beck proves the ge billing is one giant communist symbol. or fascist -- i don't know. we'll deconstruct and reveal the horrible truth who built the building in which he broadcasts. that's next. but first, murdoch, who ended the career of the venable broadcaster don imus. the new show, after the old one went down in a hand basket, will become a new tv show on the fox business network. mr. imus will be subjected to the worst start-up in the history of american cable. join the channel ten days before its second anniversary. fox business is averaging 21,000 viewers. less than 1/10 the average of cnbc.
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in other words, more people have seen the lochness monster. tonight, a false internet rumor about glenn beck from fox asking in question form whether or not he once committed a crime. the spreading of the rumor couched as, did glenn beck "blank "? something of a morality claim made beck prove mees innocent the way beck has tried to make so many other prove they didn't do something and just because you're imitating what beck believes is acceptable does not make it acceptable. our winner, form attorney general alberto gonzalez. tuesday, he stunned the nation by saying he concurred with eric holder by investigating torture by the cia and others during the bush administration. we worked very hard to establish ground rules and parameters about how to deal with terrorists and if people go beyond that, i think it is
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legitimate to question and examine that conduct. to ensure people are held accountable for their actions even if on prosecuting the war on terror. that was tuesday. this is thursday. apparently wednesday somebody got to him and straightened him out right quick. in the second interview with the "washington times," he disagreed with himself. this is a matter already reviewed thoroughly because i believe another investigation is going to harm our intelligence -- stop that -- gathering capabilities -- ow, look at me -- a concern shared by -- ow intelligence officials -- i respectfully -- ow -- disagree with the decision. notorious for repeating himself virtually word for word during testimony to different congressional committees. the one time he would have been applauded for lip-synching what he already said, he instead broke like a plastic knife. maybe one of his old bush colleagues threatened to send him to gitmo. add hypocrite to his resume, today's "worst person in the world."
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finally, as promised our number one story and the jig is up. i work in msnbc coming to you from nbc and ger headquartered at the communist fascist building. an even symbol-ridden, evil building. i know this is true because glenn beck has telled me so. >> america, i want to talk to you about propaganda you see maybe every day, at least people in new york and they have no idea what they're even looking at. reck feller had standard oil. that's how he made all his money. well, standard oil had this big gothic building in downtown new york. and they wanted to change it and update it and there was no real american architecture in the whole city. they destieded to decided to do different. streamline. different. >> except, sparky, rockefeller was not billed as an update. never ban standard oil office in rockefeller center.
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they didn't want to call it rockefeller center, but do go on. the psychiatrists in the audience are saying this is fascinating. let me grab a prescription pad. >> rockefeller plaza. this is the door frame of this building. that's where the concerts are. there's this man and this man. well, let's see. he's holding a hammer and there's weed over there. >> there's weed over there? i've been coming here for 30 years and never knew there was weed over here. >> he's holding a hammer and there's weed over there, so this must be the worker. can you show me this guy? this must be the worker, yes, because he has the hammer here, the worker. >> maybe he's mc hammer, or maybe it's an old ad for arm & hammer baking soda. >> show you the front of the building 636 fifth avenue. this, i walked by this the other day with my wife and i stopped there and showed her this stuff. it drives me nuts nobody knows what this is. >> do you know what that is? 636 fifth avenue? that's a clothing store, that's what that is. so these are french communists! we rejoin glenn beck already in
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progress. >> let's show you his hand. this man's strong hand is holding on to the reins tightly here. holding back the engines of industry. being led into the bright future of tomorrow by a young boy. who is this? who is this? >> is it mickey mantle? >> this is the strong leader taking that, using that industry and those machines to lead us into the bright -- into the bright future led by our children. gee, who's having indoctrination next week? okay, that's right. the president. completely unrelated. this represents at the time this was made, mussolini. this was mussolini. >> well, so it's mussolini and it's obama and it was carved into the side of this communist building that i work in 30 years before obama was even born. >> this is actually sitting on my desk.
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i keep this on my desk to remind myself that the very beautiful things can come from really ugly places. there it is. made in ussr. what is this? an image made of this. this man beating the plow, beating the sword into a plowshare. that sits here in new york city. it was a -- it was a gift from the former soviet union. it sits behind this building. the united nations, which happens to sit on land donated to the united states and the world by rockefeller. oh, my gosh! >> oh, my gosh. you guys, glenn's about to tell us the map to the secret trez shoour is -- treasure is on the back of the declaration of independence. wait, wait. what was that about the prototype on your desk somewhere?
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>> i keep this on my desk to remind myself that very beautiful things can come from really ugly places. show the other side. there it is. made in the ussr. >> a prototype made in the soviet union is sitting on glenn beck's desk? glenn beck has a communist paperweight? it's probably still broadcasting instructions directly from joe stallen into his head? glenn beck is a soviet agent >> all of the images i have shown you here, thousands of people walk by every single day. jack, our sound engineer, how long do you work in that building, jack? >> 29 years. >> 29 years he's been walking by that stuff and says, i never even have seen it. i never noticed it. of course not, until somebody points it out. >> just like now that it's all been pointed out to jack, every time he walks by glenn beck he'll think, dude's crazy. >> i'm trying to show you the things that seem to be hidden but they're not. they are out in plain sight. those with eyes will not see and those with ears will not hear.
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you're awake, you need to see the things that are hidden in plain sight. progressives, fascists, communists. >> they're not! but, you know, perhaps glenn is right about all of this. let's look for these symbols he talks about hidden in plain sight representing those progressive fascist commune iis but not just at 636 fifth avenue. we're inside where it looks like a store, even now french communists are selling high-end cocktail dresses to mussolini, mc hammer and nelson rockefeller. let's go to the left, to the left, left, if you will, to 1211, sixth avenue and strange hidden symbols on the walls of the buildings in which thousands pass by every day. yes, there it is. the home of such companies as newscorp and iij america, internet initiative japan. and look at this symbol.
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this is the ancient symbol for being left back a year in school. and this symbol over here, why on the right it's a hieroglyph dating back to the fourth century b.c., meaning man functioning despite absence of brain. what's that on the left? the that's -- that's alan combs. there's no more allen combs. why is there still a symbol for allen combs, comrade? and this -- this -- this is a picture from ancient crete. an ancient pictograph. we'll do it live! nowhere outside the symbols of the actual studios of fox, nowhere is there a symbol representing glenn beck. are they not proud of the glenn beck? will they not acknowledge the truth of the glenn beck or is the symbol for the glenn beck just not yet back from fotomat? you know what else is at 1211 sixth avenue on the roof?
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nbc earth station. nbc earth stations. i work at nbc and that term nbc earth stations that even scares the crap out of me! nbc and glenn beck in the same building, two mariomarionettes, set of strings, one puppeteer, and, and, and symbolism of the address, sixth avenue is actually called the avenue of the americas. yes, plural. americas, not just the america but all of those little irrelevant americas where all the illegals come from. the second world war, the nationalists and an address used today at this very hour on the stationery of this man, rupert murdo murdoch! rupert murdoch of the avenue of the americans. rupert murdoch, hasta la vista, baby. and finally, the secret about 1211 avenue of the americas, a
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truth so shocking and horrifying, you must send your children out of the room immediately. i said immediately! look at the website of 1211 avenue of the americas and behold the horror. it's the premier spot located at center of midtown manhattan this prestigious class this prestigious office tower is part of rockefeller center. >> that's right. fox news is in rockefeller center. glenn beck works in rockefeller center. glenn beck's office building was designed by wallace k. harrison. and who's wallace k. harrison? the personal architect to the rockefellers. oh, my gosh. the architect who designed the united nations. >> don't let any of these people ever tell you anything other than the truth. and that is, early 20th century progressives and the progressives of today -- it makes sense. >> say it ain't right.
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no bush whacking, cracker croaker is going to roll right to the gutter. >> now, who can argue with that? >> it all fits together. the map to the treasure chest is on the back of obama's birth certificate which is in the detention camp hidden inside glenn beck's brain kept in a mayonnaise jar on the porch next to the nbc earth station at 1211 avenue in the americas. don't get on that ship, mr. beck! "to serve man," it's a cookbook! and now to expand on all this, ladies and gentlemen, here is rachel maddow. good evening, rachel. >> wow. keith you know, those with ears will not hear. >> no, no, no. those that have ears will not see. >> you know, that makes it all make sense. >> yes, yes.
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>> spectacular. thank you very much, keith. both from the country and from me. all right. and thank you at home for staying with us for the next hour even though we're broadcasting from rockefeller center. we begin tonight with the no longer figuratively gruesome side of the health reform debate. a fight broke out at a california health reform rally last night during which a pro-reform activist bit off the tip of another man's finger. police are still looking for the biter. as for the bitee, he is recovering, and is talking publicly about the fight. >> i threw a second punch and my fi
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