tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC September 10, 2009 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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>> ed, read the cbo report. it's not me, the cbo says illegal alien also be under the bill, will be able to participate. that's not me. are they all lying to you? >> able to participate? able to participate to get coverage? they won't be turned away but federal dollars will not pay their bills. >> there is nothing in that bill to prevent that. >> president obama may or may not have been lying about illegal immigrants. you know, the language is there. but i tell you one thing he was dishonest about is his proposal is revenue neutral. they are going to have to raise taxes -- >> karen, come on. >> $900 billion worth of saiings, but cutting waste, fraud and abuse from medicare. if it's there on the table, you better get it right now. >> the three of you got to come
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back for an hour-show. great to have you with us. earlier in the show, i asked you what you thought. will the president's plan to plan preexisting conditions lead to a public option? 81% said yes. and that's where i am. and 19% said no. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. for more information, go to our website or check out and "hardball" with chris matthews starts right now here on the police for politics, msnbc. the insult heard around the world. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm mike barnicle in for chris matthews. leading off tonight, the gift. when congressman joe wilson shouted out "you lie" at president obama last night, he gave the democrats a gift they
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hope just keeps on giving. wilson was forced, and that does seem to be the word, forced to apologize today and his washington office has been mobbed, mostly by right wing supporters. democrats hope to turn wilson into the cindy sheehan of the anti-health care reform movement, a clownish figure of ridicule who hurts his own side more than he helps. partly lost in all of the fuss over wilson was the president's speech itself -- did he regain control of the debate? we will deconstruct the speech and see where the debate is headed next. plus, it seems like a south carolina kind of day. governor mark sanford today defended his decision to stay in office. but can he survive the ground swell of calls for his resignation this week by the statehouse republicans? back to health care for a moment. could bill clinton become president obama's secret weapon to keep democrats in line when reform comes to a vote? that's in the "politics fix." and we all know it's a bad idea to text while driving. well, it's not much smarter to
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text while you're on national television. virginia's eric cantor learned that lesson last night and we'll have it on the "hardball side show." but we begin with president obama and where the health care debate goes from here. senator jay rockefeller is a democrat from west virginia and a member of the finance committee. senator, congressman joe wilson from south carolina, it's like a mandatory question being asked by every politician in washington today, what was your take on it? >> my take was that it was a very small, i thought rather rude, interruption in a very important speech about health care to the american people, and i don't even think about it anymore. >> we're going to play it, senator, for those few americans left out there who haven't heard it. here is president obama being called a liar by south carolina republican joe wilson. >> there are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. this, too, is false.
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the reform -- the reforms i am proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie! >> not true. >> senator, before we get into the specifics of last night's speech and what you thought about it, let me ask you, off of what congressman wilson said, off of a summer where the birthers have been running around the country saying president obama wasn't born here, off of the last week where we had such a furor over the president of the united states speaking to schoolchildren, what's going on? what do you think is going on? >> it's incidents build other incidents, rudeness creates more rudeness, inappropriate behavior re-creates itself in many forms. i just think for those of us who are worried about policy and getting a health care bill, the focus on that fellow from south carolina is not productive.
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mike, i think you're great. i think you love baseball, so that's all i need to know. then i'm just not going to think about mr. wilson. you're not going to get me to talk about it. >> all right. i'm with you. i'm with you, the red sox and the american league east. but let me ask you about policy, could you clear up -- there are constant back and forths on what is in this bill with regard to the idea of illegal immigrants being covered by a health care reform bill, can you clear that up? will they be covered? >> i'll do my best. it's very, very simple. first of all, there is no bill on the senate side. there is on the house side, and it specifically says illegal immigrants are not covered, will not be covered, cannot be covered under any circumstances. that language or language very close to it, with the same force will appear in whatever senate bill emerges. and i can guarantee you that.
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so it's something that people should not worry about for a moment. >> well, the republicans seem to be putting out -- house minority leader john boehner continues to refer to the fact that we can't ask them whether they're here illegally unless they would be able to be covered. what do you say to that contention? >> i would really love to hear what mr. boehner has to say in terms of health care policies that he thinks would be useful for the american people. i mean, this is the whole question of where have the republicans been on sort of actively engaging in public policy. they're actively engaging in nitpicking where they're wrong and where they end up saying untruths to the american people and, unfortunately, because of the way it's always picked up and people always dive right into those controversies, a lot of the american people believe it. and that's very frustrating for those of us who really care
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about the policy and have been working on this for a long, long time. >> what is your sense of the situation in your state, west virginia? you have just come back from august recess. west virginia is the state hard hit by the crippled economy over the past few years, actually historically. is there in west virginia more of a concern about jobs, or more of a concern about the need for health care reform? how does that work in your state? >> well, you know i hate saying this right at this point in the middle of the health care debate, but there will never come a time when there's anything in west virginia -- there will never be an issue that's more important than people having jobs, because west virginia's always had to struggle that way. only 4% of our land is flat. it's hard to get industries to move in, build highways and all the rest of it. but health care is tremendously important but jobs trump everything. >> you know, as you seek a middle ground in the senate, and as you would seek a middle ground in the conference
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committee through the senate version and the house version, do you think you're going to get the 60 votes in the senate? where do you think that stands? the president had, i believe, 17 democratic senators down at the white house today. there seems to be a growing feeling among some republicans that the democrats, the democratic party, the democratic president are just going to go it their own way and railroad whatever they can right through the senate and right through the house. what is your sense of it? >> mike, i have this feeling about i was in the state legislature, and i have been around here about 25 years, and i was governor for eight years so i -- i know how these rhythms work. i think that in legislation, particularly controversial legislation, there's a kind of a rhythm. and people take -- they really dig their heels in on something, let's say public option or something about insurance or how, you know, providers are reimbursed under medicare. they big their heels in.
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and then the closer you come to the fact that you are actually going to vote on or mark up a bill, people become more fluent. so the word i use for the place where we are now and why i think the president was wise to wait as long as he did to make that good speech is that it's a very fluid situation. it can go a lot of different ways, and i think that bodes well for health care's being passed as a bill, getting enough votes. >> senator jay rockefeller, thanks very much. >> thanks, mike. senator bob corker is a tennessee republican who sits on the banking and aging committee. senator, mandatory question of the day, congressman joe wilson, south carolina, last night, "you lie." what do you think? >> look, that was very not good. it was the wrong thing to do. the office of president should be respected. against protocol. my understanding is he
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apologized formally afterwards and realized himself that he certainly stepped across a line. >> senator, let's take the word lie out of the equation, because you've had some reservations and several comments about the senator's speech last night and about the health care proposal that the president is advocating. do you think is he fudging the facts? is he tripping around the truth? what is he doing in your mind? >> look, first of all, i think there are things that we need to do to reform health care and i think the white house knows that i believe that. i've said that in every town hall meeting i've had and i hope that we can reach a middle ground and do some things that are pragmatic that really move the ball down the field and don't do any harm. i thought last night's speech was a little bit more like, say, a primary speech in iowa or something like that, that was rhetorical and for that reason, i today e-mailed over to the white house chief of staff to nancy, who's handling the health
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care issue, request for some text so we can put some meat on the bones and understand more specifically what the president was saying. i left there last night really with more questions than i did answers, and so, anyway, i'd like -- i think for this debate to be advanced, we really need to understand what was said in a text form, what he means by these types of solutions, and i think that would advance the debate if they would actually come forth with that. >> so you used the phrase, it sounded more like a primary speech in iowa. and today the president of the united states had 18 or 19 democratic senators down the white house to discuss this. do you get the impression that they're just going to go right forward with a democratic bill and are they going to really leave you on the sidelines if that's what they have to do? >> i felt like, look, in fairness, i know that i'm viewed as somebody who wants to solve this problem. i felt like last night the train left the station, and that in essence it was about
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consolidating the base, if you will, behind the president and i really did feel like that we reached a fork in the road last night with that speech. i don't think that is best for the american people. i think that is going to be very problematic for all involved. i hope that that's not the case but that was my sense as i listened to what was said last night. >> so what's your biggest reservation or reservations about the proposal that's coming out of max baucus' committee? >> well, there are a number of things. let's move policy aside i really -- as it relates to what happens at the end, i personally believe we need things like exchanges. we need to deal with the issue of pre-existing conditions. we need to have cross state line competition. i think all of those things need to be addressed. i think we need to have some tax code changes so people can -- in a more affordable way -- purchase health insurance. what worries me is how this is being paid for. among other things on the policy side, but, for instance, taking
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$410 billion out of medicare, and i'm not saying that's cutting services, but what it is doing is making sure that medicare is not kol vent, that we're not dealing with the issue, that medicare will be insolvent in 2017 and we're not even dealing with the issue of making sure that next year we don't have a 23% cut in physicians and nurses. secondly, pushing off the cost to states. i can't imagine us considering pushing off the cost of raising medicaid levels off to states. that to me makes no sense. there are a number of things. what's happening here in washington right now is we are playing with the ten-year budget window game. in order to finance this, a finance committee is looking at ten years worth of revenues but seven years worth of cost. what that means is we're going to have deficits into the future. so there are numbers of pieces to this that i don't think will pass the common sense test for the american people. i don't think republicans and
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democrats or independents are going to like the outcome if we go through this reconciliation process, which i fear is the direction that we're headed. >> now, see, as i listen to you and your nice, soft tennessee accent, i'm thinking to myself, here's a moderate, congenial guy. he's making sense here. so let me ask you, how many times have you been invited down the white house to talk to the president in these tones? >> i went down and met with the president right -- maybe a week, week and a half before recess, which i appreciated. and in that meeting, mike, i said exactly what i just said to you, concerned about taking money from medicare savings and not using it to extend the medicare program, concerned about pushing medicaid off to states, concerned about the budget window and the fourth thing i would say is, the fact is, there's a lot of tough sledding that needs to take place to really solve this problem. and it's going to take
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leadership at hhs and cms. but i've been down there once. i've had conversations with nancy. i've talked to rahm emanuel. i've talked to max baucus numerous, numerous times. i've probably been to 50 or 60 meetings. but my sense is that there's a -- that we're stuck. that we're in this mire that instead of reaching a middle ground, i feel like we're heading towards the path i just mentioned. and, again, i don't even think that's going to be good for the democratic party should that occur. my concern certainly is not for the democratic party but to make sure that we have a policy that will stand the test of time. and i'm just afraid that, that's not where we're heading, especially as i listened to this speech last night. >> senator bob corker, thanks very much. >> thank you, sir. coming up -- president obama has accepted an apology from south carolina congressman joe wilson, who called him a liar during last night's speech. wilson's opponent has already raked in hundreds of thousands
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of dollars as a result of the outburst. but did congressman wilson's outburst do something even more damaging? did it expose the republicans' true colors in this health care debate? that's ahead. you're watching "hardball" only on msnbc. [ engine revving ] [ engine powers down ] gentlemen, you booked your hotels on orbitz. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check.
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it's time the economy pro. call or click today. welcome back to "hardball." this is the segment where we tell you, you can't make this stuff up. we're going to recap this joe wilson episode. here's what happened last night in the united states house of representatives. >> there are also those who claim that our reform efforts who insure illegal immigrants. this, too, is false. the reforms -- the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.
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>> you lie! >> not true. >> now, here's congressman wilson this morning outside his office on capitol hill. >> i last night heard from the leadership that they wanted me to contact the white house and state that my statements were inappropriate. i did. i'm very grateful that the white house in talking with them, they indicated that they appreciated the call and that we needed to have a civil discussion about the health care issues, and i certainly agree with that. >> the poor guy is almost crying there. and here's president obama today reacting to that apology. >> i'm a big believer that we all make mistakes. he apologized quickly and without equivocation, and i'm appreciative of that. i do think that, as i said last
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night, we have to get to the point where we can have a conversation about big, important issues that matter to the american people, without vitriol, without name calling, without the assumption of the worst in other people's motives. >> cynthia hardy is a radio host in columbia, south carolina. that's joe wilson's district. and ron reagan, the host of the ron reagan show on air america. cynthia, first-time caller here, what have you been hearing today from his constituents, your listeners? >> it was very interesting. i heard you say as you were looking at his rebuttal or his comments this morning, and you said poor guy. seems like he's almost crying. well, he's in a lot of trouble. joe wilson embarrassed himself and embarrassed his entire constituent base. everyone who voted for him. and many people feel as if he didn't just lose himself, he
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actually was himself. let me tell you what i mean. in south carolina, congressman wilson has enjoyed the invitation of a number of african-american leaders, particularly in the faith-based community. and many of them today are wondering who is joe wilson, as if he's somehow now been unmasked. so for his future politically, it will seem to be problematic here on out. and i fear that we're headed towards a very racially polarizing climate in this country and joe wilson's comments serve to further define that divide. >> before we get to ron reagan, what do you mean unmasked? >> well, you know, we -- as i mentioned to you, a number of african-american leaders have felt very comfortable inviting congressman wilson to their church congregations to speak to groups. he was very palatable to them. when i mentioned racial polarization in this country and the fact we appear to be moving in that direction, keep in mind
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the climate we have just come out of, the climate of, i want my country back from these health care forums. and these were not people of color, people who said, i don't want the president indoctrinating my children when heretofore ronald reagan and jimmy carter and george herbert walker bush, george w., bill clinton and now barack obama. well, they all have something in common, but then there's something very different, too. and what is the difference? so it doesn't appear to be about policy. it appears to be about race. so where there was a comfort level with congressman wilson in the past among the african-american community, there appears to be a tear in that comfort level. >> ron reagan, out there in seattle, washington. you sat through and heard more than your fair share of state of the union speeches. and your dad, the president of the united states, addressing joint sessions of congress. were you stunned last night when you heard that? >> yeah, i was a little surprised.
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you know, mike, you, too, have sat through a number of these sorts of speeches before. in my life, i have never, never seen anybody vault over the bounds of decorum the way joe wilson did. now, cynthia's right, joe wilson may have unmasked himself but i think he also unmasked the republican party to a large extent. a great number of republicans i think are really in the joe wilson camp, if you will. they may be urging him to apologize now but they're not really -- they're not really refuting what he said. and what he said, of course, was a lie in and of itself. barack obama is not proposing illegal immigrants be covered. there's no legislation that proposes that. hr-3200 coming out of the house specifically mentions that illegal immigrants can't be covered here. and joe wilson ought to know that, and maybe he does. so he's either ignorant or he himself is a liar. but it's emblematic of a large chunk of the republican party and it's not doing them any good. >> let me stick with ron.
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you answer this and then cynthia, you pick up on it. the question is, we've had the birthers for the past four or five months. people who don't believe barack obama was born in the united states. we had what i regarded as a truly depressing several day period where people were protesting a president of the united states speaking to schoolchildren. in my mind, it had less to do with ideology and it was just depressing to see this occurring in this country. and now we have this intemperate behavior last night in the house of representatives. we have the increased polarization in politics. ron reagan, what do you figure's going on here? >> well, have you to wonder, is this disrespect for the office, or is this disrespect specifically for this man? i tend to think -- and maybe cynthia's better positioned to comment on this than i am, but i do think there's an element of race here. i do think joe wilson may -- may have held his tongue if a white president was up there behind that podium. i think it's almost creepy, if i
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can use the word, the lack of respect the republicans show to this man who is, after all, all of our president. he is our president. and he deserves a certain amount of respect just based on that. and the fact that he's not getting it and so obviously not getting it from republicans, i think is very disturbing. >> cynthia, go ahead. >> in addition to that, i think that is very disturbing too that he's not getting it from many members of the republican party. but when you take into account as well that a number of people in certain segments of the population pick up on that behavior and then they take it to the next level. so what you get is this blatant disregard for the office of the presidency, which is extremely un-american. so where is the outcry for that? now, i've seen and heard a number of people decry it today. but i think that depressing period that ron mentioned when people were fearful about indoctrination and what the president of the united states would say to schoolchildren, i mean, we need to stop at this point and regardless of anybody's political ideology,
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recognize the dangerous position that we are in, in terms of racial polarization, and what that can mean for further -- to accomplish anything else in this country. and so do you throw the baby out with the bath water? or do you realize where you are and what your responsibility levels are? people elect individuals not just to protect a certain -- a certain political slant but to do the right thing for the american people. and i think somehow that's getting lost. the audacity of any member of that body to disrupt it in that way, for christ sakes, it made us appear a third world country. this is the united states of america. >> great britain they do it every week. but ron reagan, let me ask you, did you ever hear your dad express any resentment or any feeling at all about the reception, the hissing that would sometimes occur when he spoke before joint sessions of congress? >> no. i mean, we're used to a certain
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amount of shenanigans that gone on in these sorts of addresses, the competing standing ovations, you know, the sort of sarcastic applause and things like that, the shuffling of feet and that sort of thing. you put up with a little bit of that stuff. that's to be expected. but this went way beyond that. and it's just one element in a lot of -- a lot of disturbing behavior and you cited some of it at the town hall meetings and this business about president obama speaking to schoolchildren and that suddenly being indoctrination. this is getting -- this is going off the rails. and i think that we who work in the media, it's incumbent upon us to point that out to people. this isn't just a political disagreement. this isn't just business as usual in washington and usual back and forth. something very wrong and disturbing has been happening out there in the country, and we need to try to put our finger on it. >> ron reagan, thanks very much. cynthia hardy, thank you very much. up next, never mind the
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shout of "you lie" last night, why was it so important for republican whip eric cantor to be on his blackberry during the president's speech? that's next on the "sideshow." you're watching "hardball" only on msnbc. i've been growing algae for 35 years. most people try to get rid of algae, and we're trying to grow it. the algae are very beautiful. they come in blue or red, golden, green. algae could be converted into biofuels... that we could someday run our cars on. in using algae to form biofuels, we're not competing with the food supply. and they absorb co2, so they help solve the greenhouse problem, as well. we're making a big commitment to finding out... just how much algae can help to meet... the fuel demands of the world. - oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber!
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back to "hardball." time for the "sideshow." first up, a lesson in manners. guess who was messaging on his blackberry last night during the president's speech? house minority whip eric cantor. note, it wasn't a quick sort of text either. >> now, part of the reason i faced a trillion dollar deficit when i walked in the door of the white house is because too many initiatives over the last decade were not paid for, from the iraq war to tax breaks for the wealthy. >> 30 seconds later, he's still going at it.
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as the president called out republicans in congress. congressman cantor later gave an interview saying he was aghast at some of the claims in the president's address. was he listening? i don't know. next up -- another sugar plum from the speech. now, i got to admit, if you're a republican, sometimes it's hard to figure out when to applaud during an address like this and when to fold your hands. that's a dilemma evidently faced last night by senator lindsey graham. watch what happens after this line from the president on reform. >> it would also keep pressure on private insurers to keep their policies affordable and treat their customers better, the same way public colleges and universities provide additional choice and competition to students without in any way inhibiting a vibrant system of private colleges and universities. now -- [ applause ] it is --
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>> did you miss that? check it out again. here it is again. talk about a tricky maneuver from graham. but nobody saw that. it was too easy, right? time for tonight's big number. last night president obama soundly dismissed claims that health care reform would lead to so-called death panels for the elderly. that line got a standing ovation from democrats and some republicans, too. in fact, how many republican senators cheered on that debunking from the president? well, according to "the hill" number, just four. but they're a telling crowd of moderates, olympia snowe, susan collins, judd gregg and bob bennett. could they be the key to bipartisan reform? we're going to see. four republican senators stand with the president in striking down death panels. that's tonight's "big number." up next -- can south carolina governor mark sanford survive now that most republicans in his state want him to resign? you're watching "hardball" only
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here's what's happening. president obama will deliver that what the white house is calling a major speech on the economy in new york on monday. monday marks the one-year anniversary of the collapse of lehman brothers which many see as the start of the wider economic meltdown. police in milwaukee are charging a suspected serial killer with five additional counts of murder. police believe he's responsible for the slayings of at least nine women between 1986 and 2007. stormy weather over florida's kennedy space center
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forced the landing of the shuttle to be postponed. another day of steady gains on wall street. investors liked the look of an earnings forecast for proctor and gamble. now back to "hardball." welcome back to "hardball." pressure is mounting for south carolina governor mark sanford to resign. the state speaker of the house and 61 house republicans called on the embattled governor to step down in separate letters sent to his office this week. and here's how governor sanford responded today -- >> i would say there's amazing disconnect between where working people are in south carolina and the degree to which they would like to move on and are attempting to move on and where at times the political world is,
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for different reasons, and we saw those two actions this week, people believe it to be in their best interest to raise this and to elevate it, and with all due respect to some in your field of work, even some of the media thinking it's an interesting story that will keep alive and keep nudging along. >> can he survive the growing calls for his resignation? joe connor has been covering the story for his state newspaper and chris cillizza with john, south carolina, we're sorry for your trouble. what's going on with the governor? what's the deal? is he going to be able to lash this thing out? what's going to happen here? >> opinions differ on that but i think the short answer is yes, it depends on this ethics commission panel investigation that's going on right now. they are looking into his use of the state plane and to the use of business class airfare. if they release a report that says there's nothing there, potentially he could survive. but you still have the other issue that a lot of lawmakers have latched onto, which is he
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disappeared for five days. he didn't tell his staff or cabinet where he was, where he was going, and a lot of folks feel that's a dereliction of duty. >> let me ask you, you hear -- not in south carolina, obviously. i haven't been in south carolina in about 20 years, but you hear on the edge of this story the hints that part of governor sanford's strength in terms of staying in office is the perceived inability of his lieutenant governor, who would succeed him. is there anything to that? >> i think that's absolutely true. you know, we hear it when we talk to people on the streets, that, you know, i'd like to see him go but i don't like the alternative. i don't like to see lieutenant governor andre baaer step in. he was on the radio earlier this week with a local talk show host here and a number of people said that when they called in. that's an issue. the other issue is the lieutenant governor is considering a run for governor next year.
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so other folks who are in some form of authority here who are running for governor are concerned about what that might do to their chances. >> chris cillizza, you watch every state's politics. south carolina is more interesting than most lately, given congressman wilson last night, governor sanford today. what does this do, if anything, to the republican party nationally? >> you know, this sanford thing i think has done some level of damage over time, simply because it's distracted people from other things that the republican party would like to be talking about, most notably health care. joe wilson's comments, again, i think feed into that same theme, mike. the last 24 hours, and my guess would be the next 24 or maybe the next 48, at least, are going to be dominated by talk about joe wilson. why did he do it? did he get pressure to apologize? did he mean it? all of these things. and, again, the republican party wants to talk about the fact that the white house had a very hard time in august selling health care to the american people. what are we talking about instead? a congressman who clearly breached protocol in the house and did something that
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crystallized for a lot -- certainly a lot of liberal democrats, why they ultimately should be behind president obama because they agree with him a heck of a lot more than the alternative. >> john, can you tell us about congressman wilson's district, and can you give us a sense -- i don't know whether you can because it's been less than 24 hours since he shouted out in the house of representatives, can you give us a sense of what kind of damage may have been done to him in his district? >> yeah, the district stretches from lexington county, which is suburban columbia, kind of south and east to the coast. the heart of the district is lexington county. that's where most of the district population lives. but the reason why it's an issue is that the coastal population is growing, so a lot of the folks that are moving in there are coming in from other parts of the country, are maybe a little bit more moderate voters. as to whether he did some damage, the answer is probably yes. enough to kill his chances? who knows yet. but his opponent hadn't really -- rob miller, who's a former marine, ran against him two years ago, hadn't got his
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campaign going, his fund-raiser going. all of that go super-charged today. he will probably be up over half a million dollars by the time we're through speaking now. he's a candidate who's got some money now. >> mike, just to put a point on that, remember two weeks before the last election, michele bachmann came on this show and insinuated that the president and democrats were un-american. huge uproar. her democratic opponent, ellen tinkleburg, love that name, raised vast amounts of money, similar to what we're seeing. that happened two weeks before the election and she still won. bachmann's district is probably a little more republican. but we have to be careful. but john's right. you have to be careful. we're still talking about a long time before an election. is rob miller going to benefit from this? yes, he already raised $500,000 that he probably wouldn't have raised if joe wilson kept his mouth shut. does that mean joe wilson is going to lose? don't assume it does. >> give me that name again. >> ellen tinklenburg.
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>> that's a fabulous minnesota name. >> i love it. state senator. >> chris cillizza, john o'connor. thanks very much. we appreciate it. up next -- back to health care. could bill clinton be president obama's secret weapon to keep the democrats in line when it comes time for a vote? "politics fix" is next. this is "hardball" only on msnbc. goodwrench... we roll out the blue carpet for drivers of these great gm brands. we can do the small things, the big things, just about everything... right inside your gm dealership. find out more at but i've still got room for the internet. with my new netbook from at&t. with its built-in 3g network, it's fast and small, so it goes places other laptops can't. i'm bill kurtis, and i've got plenty of room for the internet. and the nation's fastest 3g network. gun it, mick. (announcer) sign up today
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the first question president obama was asked following his cabinet meeting today was whether he accepted the apology of congressman joe wilson. let's listen. >> i'm a big believer that we all make mistakes. he apologized quickly and without equivocation, and i'm appreciative of that. i do think that as i said last night we have to get to the point where we can have a conversation about big, important issues that matter to the american people, without vitriol, without name calling, without the assumption of the worst in other people's motives. >> okay, folks, we're going to play pretend tv now. we're going to pretend that joe wilson had strep throat last night and never said what he said, and we're going to ask the politicos roger simon and c.c. connelly from "the washington post" what they think the story would have been -- what would we be talking about tonight?
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what would we be reading in print and electronic about the speech last night, c.c.f. joe wilson had strep throat? >> well, i think we would be spending much more time trying to figure out if the speech actually moved the public or moved those members of congress. because as you certainly recall, mike, it was a pretty rough august season for obama and health care reform, and the whole idea behind that joint address to congress last night was to try to change the dynamic and shift the agenda. the other thing that, frankly, i've been doing all day today is trying to ask more about what exactly is this $900 billion obama plan that he now is calling his plan? >> roger, what do you think we'd be doing? >> i think ceci's exactly right. i think the first question he would have gotten after that cabinet meeting -- in fact it's the only question he got -- is how are you really going to pay for this thing? now that we're in the after-glow period of a very emotional and elegant speech, there are some
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hard questions left unanswered. he has promised to have a $900 billion plan that doesn't add a dime to the deficit and apparently will not raise anybody's taxes. does that strain crudility. is this the time to ask about that? about that? well, apparently not because we've got to ask him about joe wilson for the next 24, 48 hours, as well. >> ceci, you said you've been working all day on the $900 billion question. what have you found out? >> well, not a lot. this is the interesting thing. you go to and there's about three pages of bullet points. most of them are things that we've been discussing in health care reform for quite some time -- the insurance market reforms, having an individual mandate where everybody's required to have insurance. but there's very little detail on his new idea about medical malpractice. there's very little about a mccain idea that he's embracing on high-risk pools.
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there's very little, as roger states about how to come up with that $900 billion to pay for an expansion of coverage. we don't know at what income level people would get these tax credits. we don't know what small businesses would be eligible for tax credits. these are really good, serious, meaty questions that we ought to be diving in, and right now the white house is not really coming up with the answers. >> and roger, in addition to all of those questions without answers, there still is out there this whole question about are illegal immigrants eligible for coverage under this health care reform. the president and many, many respected institutions, print and electronic, politic fact and everything like that, they say no, that's not in the bill, but you keep hearing, well, that's because we can't ask people if they are here illegally. what are you hearing on this? >> well, and i think you're right, all those organizations, neutral organizations that do fact checking now say that the president is right, there's nothing in the bill that would
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give free health care to illegal aliens. but you also have to deal with the reality of the situation. if you're walking across the street and you have a stroke or a heart attack, you don't want the first thing that the emergency medical technicians do is check your pockets for a passport or proof that you're a citizen. you want them to give you care immediately and save your life. so, in that respect, everybody is going to get emergency health care. >> yeah. >> but there's nothing in this bill that sets aside any money to give free medical care to illegal aliens. >> you know, mike, if i could chime in here, as roger points out, it's the law of the land right now in this country that hospitals can't turn away anyone who is in need of emergency care. and that's always going to continue. but there's an interesting kind of health care pickle here when you talk about undocumented immigrants. and that is, they are getting some of that medical care today. we're all helping pay for that cost. in a way, you could make a
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policy argument that you might save money if p you brought them in for more of the primary care and prevention. i know that politically that is a very volatile issue, but if you're talking about how to give smart medical care and when to do it at an affordable price, it's generally on the front end of care. >> yeah. >> so, we've got a very strange kind of dynamic unfolding here. and i also just want to point out that we what we've learned in a good number of studies is that while those immigrants are, indeed, getting some care at the emergency room, overall they access much less medical care than the rest of us do. they just are not inclined to go and seek as much care. >> right, out of fear, out of fear. your other point, absolutely right, any friday night in any big-city hospital emergency room proves your point. ceci connelly, roger simon, we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] give your eyes the attention they deserve
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on other ways to get energy. we should be looking closer to home. there are places off the continental shelf. natural gas can be a part of the solution. i think we need to work on wind resources. they ought to be carefully mapping every conceivable alternative. there is an endless opportunity right here.
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i'm just telling you, we need to pass a bill. it needs to be the best bill we can possibly get in congress, but doing nothing is not only the worst thing we can do for the economy and the worse thing we can do for the health care, it's the worst thing we can do for democrats. and don't you think that the republicans don't know it. >> back with roger simon and ceci connelly. obviously former president bill clinton speaking at a democratic
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fund-raiser. could he help president obama sell health care reform? there's that question and lumped into it is this question in the very few minutes we have left. let's start with you, ceci. i get the sense he may have moved the meter, the president, president obama publicly last night. do you get the sense that he moved the meter at all in terms of to votes in the house and the senate? >> you know, that's very hard to say today, mike. i can tell you that just released senator mccain, who of course obama made a big deal out of embracing a mccain idea around high-risk pools last night, senator mccain has put out a very harsh letter asking people to sign a petition against an obama-type health care plan. so, that was really an unexpected slap from somebody who at times has tried to have sort of cordial relations between those two rivals. you also still have a lot of division on exactly what president obama might don
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