tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC September 14, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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good morning. i'm tamron hall. what has whanged after the economic meltdown a year ago? president obama heads to the heart of wall street. dramatic disturbing details at yale university. police discover a body inside a research lab where graduate student annie le was last seen. now the search is for a killer. what is up with kanye west? >> hey, taylor. i'm really happy for you. i'm going to let you finish. but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! >> the rapper and self-admitted ego maniac had bizarre behavior on display at the mtv music video awards and interrupting taylor swift's acceptance
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speech. top headlines we're watching right now. osama bin laden is out with a new audiotape. he says president bush is powerless to stop the war in afghanistan and he also promised to stop up guerrilla war fare to mark the recent anniversary of 9/11. three have been sentenced for that role to bring down planes with liquid explosives and the ring leader sentenced to 40 years behind bars and two others serve more than 30 years behind bars. and representative joe wilson says he will offer no more apologies for his outburst during the president's speech last week. >> i will not apologize again. i apologized to the president
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last night. i have apologized one time. the apology was accepted by the president. >> the democrats will take further action against wilson if he does not apologize on the floor. >> investigators found what is believed to be the body of grad student annie le yesterday, the day she was supposed to be married. she was last seen on security video outside a campus lab building, the same building where police found a body, they say, inside a wall. nbc michelle franzen is live in new haven. michelle, at this point, what leads are police even able to say they are looking at? >> certainly at this hour, police are being very quiet one day following the announcement they discovered a body in the basement of that lab, a body they believe is annie le but
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they have a lot to work on and they have more 70 surveillance cameras around and they have evidence they may have potential evidence from some of the dumpsters they have checked in the last few days and probably shall eyewitness accounts of other people who may have been in the building at the time. but if they do have any definite leads at this hour, they certainly are not going public with them. this is a case that has challenged law enforcement and it also shaken this yale student community, as well as baffled and saddened many of le's friends, as well as her fiance and family and many who say the annie they knew made safety a priority. >> she was street smart. therefore, i think that if somebody were try to kidnap her, had to have been very thought out, very planned. they had to have been watching her and even just studying her day-to-d
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day-to-day. >> reporter: and, again, law enforcement will be looking into that, as well as at some surveillance tape. family and friends will be a part of a vigil tonight at 8:00 paying tribute to annie le. >> thank you very much, michelle. president obama is set to touch down any minute at jfk airport and travel to wall street where after noon today he will mark the first anniversary of the collapse of lehman brothers with a speech on our economy. since the meltdown last year, the dow jones is down 14% and unemployment you up 57% and more than 90 banks have failed. peter alexander is live on wall street. we realize the president will present the silver lining there but not likely he is running down a laundry list that is bad with this economy. >> it's a good point. all summer long he has been focused on health care reform. today he focuses on the health of our economy and happen here at federal hall.
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he will be trying to talk dollars and cents in the same place the country used to store its millions and gold and silver back in the days. here are the primary topics the president will hit on. ly discuss the need to wind down government involvement in the financial sector and how he'll go about doing that and argue for regulations and massive regulation needed to prevent future economic crises and recount the actions the administration took to stabilize the economy and urge wall street to take responsibility for its actions. people have grave concerns around here that wall street has not seen sufficient change in the year that has passed just a short time ago, i spoke to the chairman of the house financial services committee, representative barney frank, as he was walking in and he discussed the need for what would be a consumer financial product agency that would essentially oversee mortgages and credit cards and barney frank will be inside today, swlts the treasury secretary, timothy geithner and christina
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romer, the chair of the economic advisers. the president will be speaking shortly after noon today and we will be here for that. >> thank you very much, peter alexander. president obama's big speech on the economy will take place at 12:10 eastern time and you can watch it here on msnbc. in the meantime for perspective on this past year of financial turmoil and what is next for wall street i'm joined by jim who is a money and politics columnist for reuters. as peter lined out, he the president will talk about the things they have done right and what needs to be faced ahead but the conversation really is about regulation, how this happened and how do you change the game that is being played on wall street. >> the president and the white house came up with broad outlines of a financial reform plan but really hasn't moved very far through congress and there's some feeling now that the priority with this administration is let's do health care and energy and do financial reform.
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now, they think they should have done financial reform right away. it's a hard issue for people to understand and there is an intense lobbying effort and if average people aren't engaged, the people who have the most sway are going to be wall street banks and their lobbyists and it looks like that is what is happening right now. >> even though it's complicated to understand the nuts and bolts, nothing is easy in this political comment we have but it would seem you could get the attention the things you thought were criminal happening you tried to change. you heard so many folks say this has to be criminal what is happening to our economy. >> right. and, you know, no one is going to jail. a lot of people lose a lot of money and had people lose their jobs. but, remember, when the conversation was really intense it was back in january, february, and march and since then, remember, it's been health care, health care, health care. now they are trying to refocus a bit on the financial end to make sure that gets done. >> let's listen to what the president said last night on "60
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minutes." >> what i think is a legitimate concern, because this did happen under my watch, is that we initiated a big recovery act, $800 billion, and the reason we do so was that every credible democratic and republican economist at the time when we came in said if we don't have a stimulus of some sort, then this is potentially going to get a lot worse. >> we all certainly remember it was that sky is falling when we wake up in the morning it would be a different world if they did not act soon. how much of this conversation is still about jobs? you've got 15 states with double digit unemployment and some when you factor in the people working part-time now and other factors. for example, i think michigan is at nearly 28% if you factor those numbers in. >> listen. unemployment is terrible and that is important and driving down the president's approval ratings and his approval ratings go lower, that much harder for him to get through financial or
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energy or health care reform. you want to -- the administration were overly optimistic about the economy at the beginning of the year and it turned out to be much worse. if the economy is much worse than what they thought, why isn't the stimulus much bigger than what they originally thought and they haven't really given a good answer to that. >> jim, thank you. >> thank you. you mean the iraqi man jailed at throwing his shoes at president bush? he is set to get out of jail tomorrow. he was an iraqi reporter who took aim at the president. paper work processing kept him behind bars one more night. his family celebrated despite the delay, celebrating his release. his old boss has promised him a job and he has been promised a few brides. a huge tribute to michael
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jackson last night at the vmas including a musical performance from his little sister janet and la toya jackson talking about the mental scars jackson kids have suffered since their father's death. it is the most talked about moment in entertainment so far today. kanye west delivering yet another outburst during a live performance or a live show. we're going to look at this bizarre behavior and tell you what celebrities are now taking on kanye. >> thank you very much for giving me a chance to win a vma award. >> hey, taylor, i'm really happy for you. i'm going to let you finish but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! age perfect serum, our first for menopausal skin.
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welcome back. take a look at what roger federer is calling the best shot at his life. it happened at the u.s. open between the legs and back to the next and cross-court winner from the baseline. oh, my. he is going for his sixth straight u.s. open title. very interesting job there. kanye west has a song called "my ego." and boy, was he full of it last night, his ego meaning. while taylor swift was getting her acceptance swech last night for winning best female video, kanye took to the stage and grabbed the mike and then upstaged her. >> hey, taylor. i'm really happy for you. i'm going to let you finish. but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! >> so a much classier move,
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beyonce won best video of the year for single lady and later in the show, she gave taylor swift her moment to shine. >> i'd like for taylor to come out and have her moment. >> so while kanye has since apologized for the incident on his blog, several twitterers are bashing him for his bad behavior. we are joined now by tony potts who recently sat down with la toya jackson. we'll talk about but i want to get your comments or thoughts what happened with kanye west and what was he thinking i guess is what everyone is asking. >> well, he wasn't thinking. >> no. >> he probably wasn't thinking too much. i think a lot of times money and success do not buy you class and i think that was evident last night in droves. i think beyonce, you see what class is and i felt so bad for taylor swift. i'm on the west coast so i started getting texted around 6:20 p.m. last night people
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saying no, no, kanye, no. i was like what is going on? then people told me what happened. you know, dude just stop, just stop being a you know what and if you have issues like that, just don't take those on stage and take away from somebody who is a teenager! >> someone's moment whether she was a teenage or senior, it's not fair. tony, you said he wasn't thinking. this is not the physician time that kanye west has kind of exploded at any award show. i think another one overseas he said he was being robbed and the best ever to walk the planet in music or something. >> well, in his world, in his ego-driven world maybe. i met him a couple times and very nice and thoughtful guy when he is calmed down but he is emotional and goes crazy on occasion. you ever heard of the term knuckle head? i have other teams he terms but i can't use those. he's a knuckle head and a ding dong and goes crazy and too much e megs.
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there were reports i don't know if they were founding that he was drinking on the red carpet prior to that. it kind of fuels the fire and doesn't help the situation. >> let's talk about your interview with la toya jackson. we saw janet jackson perform for the first time, and a very moving speech from madonna. i want to play what la toya told you recently. >> i'm curious about what happened on the day that he was trying to resuscitate michael and there were reports that he came down and brought prince up, didn't bring him up and for me personally, i thought why would you bring a child in to that if it happened? >> absolutely. why would you do that? >> did he bring prince into the room? >> yes, he did as he was trying to resuscitate him knowing michael was norng there. you don't scar a child that way. you don't do that. that was totally uncalled for. my concern is just there are so many little things that took place that shouldn't have. it makes you wonder. >> tony, what did she mean by makes you wonder? i know she and others in the
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family have speculated it was murder and things. >> well, she said to me that, you know, you don't do those kind of things to try to bring somebody in the room to show that you're trying to revive and if you didn't do something wrong, you're trying to cover up something. i think the family feels from what la toya told me, they are very upset he would bring prince in and why would you do that? think about it. you have a young son who loves his father beyond belief and you bring him in to see a man try to revive your father? and the man from what la toya told me knew at that time that dr. conrad murray we're talking about, that michael was no longer of this world and i think it scars children for life. i talked to her extensively about the kids and the kids are doing as well as as expect because kids are resilient but it remains in the future what is to happen with those kids. >> you can watch tony's interview tonight on "access hollywood." ted kennedy's thoughts about
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his private life that even shocked his own two sons. what u.s. intelligence official are saying about the latest tape rumored to be from osama bin laden. you're watching msnbc. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors.
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so all you'll need is 45 minutes a week to take control, turn hungry off... ...and turn weight loss on. the free month offer's only available for a limited time so join today. hurry registration's free too. weight watchers. stop dieting. start living. welcome back. a new video believed to be from osama bin laden has surfaced online. in the 11-minute tape, he calls obama powerless to stop the war in afghanistan and pledges to step up guerrilla violence there and the tape is audio over a picture of osama bin laden and comes two days after the eighth anniversary of 9/11. joining me is bob. it's interesting, obviously, the timing being 9/11 but the conversation on what to do about afghanistan is certainly heating up and he is, obviously, aware of it? >> certainly. i think the key thing here, according to u.s. intelligence officials, is why did it take so long for this message to arrive?
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normally, when we have a message like this around the anniversary of 9/11, it arrives before or just on the date of september 11th. the analysis is that he and his number two iman zawahiri are taking additional security precautions and that has delayed this case. it was supposed to be out prior to september 11th but for some reason it got delayed and shows up two days later which, obviously, doesn't have the same effect. >> from the intelligence there in pakistan, what would be their immediate security concerns? is it there may be more troops on the ground in afghanistan? >> it's a case of more troops on the ground in afghanistan and renewed effort by the pakistanis to move troops into that area. plus the effect of the predator. i mean, the predator has been very effective and there is more of them, there are more missiles now under the wings of the predator. so it gives them a lot more
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options and that, i think, has to do with their concern that it could come from anywhere. >> what about this jab at the president powerless? >> well, i mean, one of the things you hear from the u.s. intelligence community and people on the ground including richard engel is there is an obama effect, that people out there are in the muslim world believe, in some cases, that he is a muslim which is beneficial to him. the reverse of what it is here. and that key, that belief that he may be or that belief he is not george bush has helped in thwarting and helping give him time so it's up to osama bin laden to come out and essentially counter that. >> thank you for that insight into the latest audiotape of osama bin laden. what kind of battle is the
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president facing on that front? timothy geithner knits right now, u.s. economy is not safe from another major financial collapse. with me now live democratic strategist and republican strategist. thank you for joining us. we know the president is going to speak and talk about the good and the bad of the economy right now, but has his effort to put in rules of the road for wall street been affected by the health care debate as many speculated? >> taken a back seat to that but thirst first things first. i they the president has done that with a t.a.r.p. program and george bush deserves credit from that. it's clearly working and three dozen banks getting ready to repay as much as $120 billion worth of t.a.r.p. funds. clearly the financial sector is now reporting profitability. the housing sector is coming back and the economy is bouncing back.
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i think president obama deserves enormous amount of credit for the recovery. the second thing is regulations. all kinds of things like conflict of interests with agencies and side bets that helped create this just very unhealthy speculation that i think the white house does need to get to but health care is going to come first. >> joe, a year ago this time, obviously, lehman brothers and that, for many, was the big change in the presidential race how it was handled by john mccain and the republicans. a year later, you have this democratic president. how do the republicans make this an effective bargaining chip, if you will, for them when talking about 2010 and the american people? >> well, of course, you don't want to play politics with the financial sector. >> you don't want to play politics with anything but we see happening. >> but no. republicans have some disagreements with democrats on the economy and how to deal with the economy and what republicans are really afraid of and caution americans about is one government takeover after the
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other, whether it's the financial sector or the automobile sector or the health care sector. health care being 70% of our gross domestic product so something to be concerned about. certainly when it comes to the financial sector -- i'm sorry, 18%. sorry, julian. at the same time, what we're concerned about is government regulation and more government bureaucracy. when bernie madoff was perpetrating his fraud on investors people were asleep at the wheel inside the s.e.c. that allowed him to get away with it. we don't need more bureaucracy over the s.e.c. to get that done. >> julian, hang on a second. that's a part what have we saw this weekend with that rally in washington. no one is quite sure the exact number of people but there was a crowd there and they were oak owing with what joe is saying
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about too much government involvement even though it avoided catastrophe for this economy last year. >> i think that's right. i think the polls are showing that there is sticker shock as the president said last night. joe is a clever guy. >> thank you, julian. >> look. clearly the recovery plan for the financial sector has worked. nobody disagrees with that. all of the mainstream economists said we needed to do that and a lot of republicans sat on the sidelines and called obama all kinds of names when he tried to prosecute that strategy and it's working. the stimulus plan is clearly working. every mainstream economists and the wall street analysts are saying the economic recovery plan is clearly working. we went from a negative 6% economic downturn to now probably positive growth. so what joe does, he doesn't give president obama credit for the recovery of the financial sector, for the recovery of the economy. he says, oh, well, don't be active in the area of health
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care. so they fail to give the president credit, whether he deserves credit and a way in which they argue against the health care. the s.e.c., joe, had you a resolving door going on because you didn't have adequate regulations about the revolving door and that happened under the bush administration and one of the things going to tamron's question that we need to stop. even -- >> i wish i had the time to respond! i wish so badly i wish i had the time to respond! >> joe, i wish you did but, julian has dominated. i can't let you talk any longer, julian, okay? you're taking up joe's side and point well taken and maybe we'll have joe on so he can have his official response to julian's comments but great one-sided conversation there, julian. thank you both. is a killer on the loose at yale university? investigators are searching for clues after a body turned up with annie le was last seen.
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gulf coast residents pause to make the anniversary of one year since the beating of hurricane ike. prime time with jay leno. live in los angeles an hour ahead of jay leno's big debut. so i don't necessarily believe that anything is going to work but i was like, hey, this actually works. (announcer) only rogaine foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'll check it out and i'm like, nice. (announcer) rogain foam. stop losing. start gaining. (announcer) transform your water. women who drink crystal light drink 20% more water. crystal light. make a delicious change. we're shopping for car insurance, and our friends said we should start here. good friends -- we compare our progressive direct rates, apples to apples, against other top companies,
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♪ welcome back to msnbc. developing right now in california bail has just been set at $30 million for phillip garrido, the man accused of kidnapping jaycee lee dugard and holding her captive for 18 years and fathering her two children. swine flu shots could be available earlier this expected. kathleen sebelius says some vaccine could be ready by the first week of october.
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early doses would be for a health care workers and other high priority groups. investigation under way into the death of a top aide to former illinois governor rod garret anderson blagojevich. christopher kelly found stumped over the steering wheel of his car and drugs found in the car. it is believed it could be a suicide. galves ston, galveston, texas, residents marked the first anniversary after hurricane ike. congress begins second week on the job talks of bipartisanship are what ruled a health care debate. nbc's capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell joins us live. a lot of interesting things said over the weekend from the president and also from senator snow that make you wonder how many republicans count as bipartisan if this passes. >> well, one of the formulations they are using is that republican ideas are being put to the table and included in some form or another.
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so bipartisanship is taking on perhaps a broader definition. as you point out, work happening right now. the gang of six we've been talking about that has been added for months is the last opportunity to really try and have republicans at the table negotiating. they are working right now and they expect to have their version of health care reform put to the full committee this week. you mentioned olympia snowe, the republican from maine. she is a republican close to the president in terms of having an ongoing conversation and she had some advice for the president and talked about it this weekend on one of the sunday shows. >> i urge the president to take the public option off the table because it's universally opposed by all republicans in the senate and, therefore, there's no way to pass a plan that includes a public option. so i think it's recognizing them because it is a roadblock to building the kind of consensus that we need to move forward. >> reporter: also the president is having some issues with some moderate democrats who are also
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uneasy about some of what is included in the debate. if you look more broadly, polling is going out. "the washington post" had such a poll an they asked a question about do you agree with the kinds of proposals being talked about and it was pretty close, but by a very narrow margin, there are more that oppose it. i thought we were going to show you that but you get the eye. >> we have it up now. >> okay. terrific. it is close and one of those issues there is still so much in the details that is being negotiated and that is where all of the intense work has to go on. >> speaking of negotiating and something being intense, what is going on with congressman wilson? he, too, over the weekend saying he is not budging and not giving another apology. what happens now, kelly? >> well, i've been talking to senior house leadership and they tell me a draft is being right now of what is called a resolution of disapproval that they would be ready to bring to the floor as early as tomorrow to in essence formally reprimand
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joe wilson for his failure to apologize to the house. did he call the white house the other night and offer his apology which the president accepted but the house wants him to do it because it reflects on the entire group of congressmen when he did what he did to get all of that attention. >> police searching for a potential killer could be on the loose in the middle of the yale students. they found the what is believed to be the body of a grad student on the same day she was supposed to be married. she was found in the same police found human remains stuffed inside a wall. six days later. criminal profiler pat brown is the author of "killing for sport inside the minds of serial sirls." thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> this is from the beginning some wondered whether this is the case of a run-away bride. from the human remains in that lab, this is awful turn of
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events for this young girl's family. still, what do we make of her body was found in the wall, there was this fire alarm, a false alarm. it seems like a lot of planning may have gone into this. >> i don't know they call it planning because at that point it was probably desperation. i don't believe this is premeditated and i don't think it's a serial killer. i think someone is obsessed with her and someone who knew her well that she wouldn't be scared of and he knew his way around. once you've committed this crime, you've got a problem. one thing, you might have bloody clothes on which is why you would take them off and stick them in a ceiling tile and you don't want the body found right away because you're still there. fire alarm is interesting. we looked at that originally to see if sme left the building or someone took her out of the building. now who didn't leave the building? in other words, that guy pulled the alarm and used the time to hide the body and he is not leaving the building so i believe the police are poring
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over the tapes. >> do you think her wedding date scheduled six days after her reported missing that may play a role in the motive here? >> it may be if somebody like this girl and she never noticed he was obsessed with her and this is a psychopath mind is what they deserve that person, they are entitled and that she picked somebody else and i'm angry about that and now she is talking about the wedding and dissing me. this is the thinking that goes on. we don't know that that is what it is yet but that is what it could well be. >> if this were a person in contact with her or obsessed or focused on her would there be some kind of evidence? we've seen text messaging and e-mails from folks and i'm sure they've scoured all of that for annie. >> might not be in text messages but certainly in behavior but somebody would note somebody overinterest in someone who is now engaged and may look back and maybe she said something about this guy who said this or said that or was bothering her
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or was getting a little too close and she told him i'm not available and that may come out now but million that moment happens you realize who it is you probably aren't going to realize it. >> thank you. pat, thank you for your insight. for the first time ever the public can now get an inside look at life as a kennedy from one of the brothers. in book stores today, senator ted kennedy's memoir. explores private emotions of a life lived in the public. this morning on "today" senator kennedy's son patrick and ted jr. said they are learning more about their father from his book. >> really, this book is enormous revelation for us in many respects because these are stories we never heard before. >> quite frankly, i was scared what i might be reading about but what i found was his voice speaking to me in incredibly powerful way and i was really comvered. >> kennedy sons say that their father accomplished everything he really wanted to do in his
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life in the past year. the book is in book stores today "true compass." jay leno is getting ready to take on prime time and we have the big name on tap for tonight's show. one person he has on his show is surrounded by controversy today. elton john suffers an adoption setback overseas. what happened is next. it comes from a restaurant downtown. a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. the reinvention of business begins with them. and while we're sure we don't know all the answers, we do know one thing for certain: we want to help. come see what the beginning looks like at new aches and pains, ...and new questions about which pain reliever
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resolution of disapproval is being drafted against wilson right now. list of the 50 richest members of congress is out and senator john kerry tops the list with $167.5 million much of that, obviously, because of his wife teresa heinz kerry who is very healthy. serena williams fined $10,000 for her tirade against a lines person during the u.s. open semifinal match on saturday. the line judge called a questionable foot fault on serena and that sparked a pretty big meltdown. williams was also docked another $500 for racket abuse during the semifinal loss. the ukraine government says elton john cannot adopt a child there because he is too old and he is not married. the 62-year-old singer says he and his partner david wanted to adopt a baby infected with hiv. they met at orphanage during the a recent visit. john says the 14-month-old boy
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stole both of their hearts but ukrainian family minister said adoptive parents have to be 45 years or younger and they do not recognize same-sex marriages. coming up, president obama just minutes away from that major address to wall street. he is calling for tough changes but has anything really changed in the year since lehman brothers collapsed and since the economy took that awful tailspin? you're watching msnbc. your place for politics. so maybe we can't control menopause. but we can control sagging, dulling skin. (announcer) now l'oreal's age perfect serum, our first for menopausal skin. it rebuilds skin substance to treat sagging and boost luminosity. age perfect serum by l'oreal. ♪l i was shopping for ♪ which one's me - a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪
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welcome back. jay leno about to take prime time by storm again. nbc's jenah kim is live in burbank, california. what is the early word? >> the early word is that jay leno himself just walked in through the doors of his brand-new studio here behind me which is katcakatiitty-corner w used to type "the tonight show." the stakes are high as he enters
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into his very first ever prime time show five nights a week and 46 weeks a year and this is the first time that we are trying to enter into a territory that typically been filled with hour-long dramas like "e.r." and "law&order." and introducing to what is late night audience. clearly a lot of pressure on him but as if that wasn't enough. i don't know if you heard about kanye west but he is one of the guests on jay leno tonight! wow! how he is able to handle that? i'm sure that is first thing he and producers and writers are talking about now. >> i had a conversation with someone comparing when jay leno got that notorious interview with hugh grant and how that drew the attention on jay at that point and now on debut night the most talked about guy in entertainment kanye west on the hot seat to explain or at least apologize again to the poor girl, taylor swift. >> empeck kabul impeccable
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timing and we all will be tuning in. >> thanks very much. we will see what happens tonight. right now, president obama is in new york one year after the collapse of wall street and he is expected to call for financial reform when he speaks in about eight minutes from now in eight minutes from now. mike viqueira joins us more. we're hearing a lot of strong talk from barney frank, for example, on what is needed to reform wall street. >> reporter: the president has his own package, something he sent to congress last june. the president making this trip to new york to take it right to the heart of wall street and speak to the financial community one year after the collapse of lehman brothers. there were bailouts for other firms on wall street. but it was lehman brothers that hank paulson and the bush administration allowed to go under. many felt that that contributed to the financial crisis that ensued. there's a lot of debate back and forth about what happened.
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what's not under debate as far as the administration is concerned is the need for more financial regulation. and the president's package is on capitol hill. i have to tell you, it's sort of being picked apart at this point. initially, it drew criticism from republicans and democrats. it was giving the federal reserve in their view too much power. alterations have been made. there's still a lot of other things going on on capitol hill. you may have heard of the health care debate. >> a little something called health care reform. >> this financial services regulation package to become more strict on wall street is languishing in committee at this point. >> thank you very much, mike. to talk about what this means, dylan ratigan, host of "morning meeting" is here with me now. we're waiting on the president. we're told he's going to speak at noon. but mike makes the point of all points. he's bogged down with health care reform. how do you get anything done? nothing's happened in a year.
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>> the only way anything happens -- i had discussions with elizabeth warren with all the tax payer money. she makes the most important point, that the financial lobbyists in congress have control. unless the american people e-mail and voice directly to their representatives the utter intolerablity of being held hostage of a system too big to fail is unamerican and systemic theft by virtue of the bribery and possession of our congress, that is what we are talking about. it's only the understanding of that fact, and the violence of that hostage-taking against the american people. it's only through the intensity and understanding of that aggression against this country that anything will happen. because the financial lobby is incredibly well organized and doing everything in its power to
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make sure nothing happens. >> we saw all those people in washington this weekend. they even are mesmerized or intoxicated by the health care debate. these very constituents you need to call and bring the hammer down on lawmakers. >> e-mail them. while you're talking health care, outlaw too big to fail. i had a conversation this morning with a conservative and a conversation with the head of acorn this morning. completely different organization. voter organization for poor communities. both of them acknowledged that there is honest frustration with the administration's failure to deal with the $23 trillion put up to support those banks and no systemic reform. the key right now is for the center right and for the center left, for those who truly believe in the american way and american culture of investment and innovation to step forward
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and scream in the face of congress, not the president, but congress, who is the ultimate decider of how this goes. >> we've got the one-minute warning for the president. let me ask you quickly. he's going to run things down they need to do in the future. can he take credit for the blitz progress that some have read into the economy? >> sure. again, unless he addresses too big to fail and the systemic flaws, this is more politicaling. >> thank you, dylan. that does it for this hour. i'm tamron hall. i'm see you at 3:00 p.m. eastern. in the meantime, dr. nancy snyderman picks up our coverage. we saw treasury secretary tim geithner being greeted. the president on wall street facing down the people he wants to regulate. announcer: "it looks like nothing else on the road right now,"
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hello, everyone. i'm dr. nancy snyderman. you're looking at live pictures of federal hall in lower manhattan, where the president is expected to appear any moment. this being the one-year anniversary of what became a cascade of international financial calamity with a big step into the financial markets from the federal government. the president expected today to address where we've been, where we are, and where we are going. joining me in new york, while i'm in chicago today is my buddy dylan ratigan, with his insight as to what we might expect today. you have been very passionate on what has happened. >> hi, there. thanks for having me. let's talk about this. this is the showdown at the o.k. corral. what we did last year was an air bag, a patient with a heart attack. you're a doctor, we'll use medical met
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