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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  September 16, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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over health care reform, aarp has chosen a side-- yours. we're fighting to guarantee that you'll never be denied coverage because of your health or age. to prevent anyone from coming between you and your doctor. and to make sure patients don't take a backseat to insurance companies. because at aarp, we believe your health is worth fighting for. learn more at
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this hour on "the big picture" a national conversation on race erupts. >> an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president barack obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. >> but republicans said today carter is over the top and that the anger directed at president obama is fueled not by race but by financial concerns. >> among whites, blacks, browns, it doesn't matter.
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we are afraid of the future and angry with washington and wall street. after months of bipartisan negotiations democratic senator max baucus unveils his health care reform proposal. >> this is a good bill. this is a balanced bill. it can pass the senate. >> baucus does not have the support of a single republican and some democrats are now abandoning him for dropping the public option. at yale university, new developments in the murder case of annie le. officials say she was asphyxiated and the lab technician raymond clark questioned as a person of interest. >> we have a lot of evidence from the crime scene. >> a live report is coming up. plus officials at yankee stadium would like to host a championship boxing match. last night we got a preview.
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good afternoon, i'm tamyrn hall live in new york. >> i'm david schuster live in washington. we want to update our viewers on the plane crash in hayward, california. >> david, 16 minutes outside of oakland. we see the video where authorities or investigators are surrounding this cessna small plane. according to reports it burst into flames for some unknown reason. this plane went down after takeoff. we are trying to confirm the status of the pilot and if anyone else was onboard. the helicopter footage is coming in. you see, in the shot before, a small building. this is a live picture. a closer view of the aircraft itself. a large warehouse type building is next to it. it is not clear if anyone was hurt, if the pilot was able to get out after the plane burst into flames. this is hayward municipal
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airport in hayward, california. in the big picture, there is a lot of reaction throughout the day to former president jimmy carter's comments about race. a number of conservatives have been criticizing jimmy carter. he made comments in an interview with nbc's brian williams. >> i think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president barack obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. that he's african-american. it is abomitable circumstance. >> coming on the heels of joe wilson's outburst. wilson shouted "you lie" at the president. there are a number of signs praising wilson at a big march in washington over the weekend.
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republican national chairman michael steele said criticism of president obama has nothing to do with race. >> i think we've come a great distance getting to the election of a barack obama and now having his administration some seven, eight months underway and step back and go, all of a sudden america doesn't want this man to be successful and concerned about his race to me is a very spurious argument to make. >> there has been a lot of reaction to this at the white house which is trying to take an approach that they are not involved but on capitol hill where members are unleashing a fury. coming up, we will talk to congresswoman barbara lee, the chair of the congressional black caucus. the white house is not eager to say anything about carter's comments and the idea that race may be behind wilson's comments. >> the president does not
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believe that the criticism comes based on the color of his skin. >> we are joined by mark whitaker. mark, thanks for joining us. >> good to be here. >> i don't want to doubt what the white house is saying, but it seems there is no benefit in the white house engaging in this race conversation. it is a topic that can backfire and they have, as people keep pointing out so many other obstacles ahead with health care. >> i was talking to a democratic source who said why some of the most feared words in democratic politician are i'm jimmy carter and i'm here to help. >> absolutely. the. >> the white house feels there is no percentage weighing in in this debate. raising the specter of race and whether it plays a factor in any kind of opposition to the president and his policies i
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think gives ammunition as we saw with michael steele today for his opponents to say that they're trying to delegitimize any serious policy differences and that's not what the white house wants to do. obviously, when steele says that, that's playing politics as well. >> mark, to the point when you see people with these rallies and they have signs that say go back to africa and a lot of other things that are directly race. not the alluding obama care but when it is directly offensive to most reasonable people, it is the responsibility of republicans to say it is a small group and they do not stand with these people. >> this is a masmall and
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objectionable portion. the problem with talking about race is it is hard too make fine distinctions. race is a factor, but not the most important factor with the anger. >> is it fair to say jimmy carter truly believes this. he was not calculating politically. if he was he has to know it wouldn't help the white house to have this conversation now. >> jimmy carter, like reverend wright, is of a certain generation. he grew up in the racist south. he remembers when it truly was that region and most of the country truly was racist in policy as well as attitude. but, you know, look, he was not really talking about widespread opposition to the president's policies. he was talking about some of these extremists and for steele and others to conflate that and play sort of slight of hand say
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this was organized on part of the democrats when it was carter speaking for himself or that carter was talking about anybody who raised any objection to the president's policy, clearly he was talking about the very shrill voices on the far right. >> david, it is hard to say what is in someone's heart. i don't like it when it is diminished when it is a few fringe people because a few fringe people can be hurtful to the process. >> somebody in the republican party at some prominence, you wish somebody would say the republican party doesn't stand for this. the republican party doesn't accept some of those signs at that rally. you can disagree with the president and policies, but to attack him personally this way there is an ethical and political benefit to which republican leader is willing to challenge some of the voices to
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say shame on him for making that point. tamyrn, we continue to follow the breaking news in the murder of yale university grad student annie le. the medical examiner said she was strangled, died of traumatic asphyxiation. we hope to learn more about a lab technician who is a person of interest. 24-year-old raymond clark was picked up late yesterday. he works in the yale lab building where annie le's body was found on sunday. police questioned him. released him at 3:00 a.m. in the custody of his attorney. police shoiched clark's apartment. officers wearing gloves were seen entering and leaving the building. they searched a red ford mustang neighbors said was used by clark and they towed the car. raheema ellis joins us.
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any authorityies saying there i going be a news conversation? >> reporter: no. david, but i can tell you just moment ago we got word from an nbc producer out in front of raymond clark's apartment that investigators have just returned to his apartment. what they might be looking for in addition to what they gathered overnight is not clear. perhaps we will get information when authorities hold their news conference scheduled at 5:30. it has been pushed back from 3:00. does that say anything whether or not authorities are moving faster or getting closer to a suspect? we don't know. important to point out, raymond clark has not been named as a suspect in connection with the killing of the yale grad student. he has been named as a person of interest. david. >> nbc's ra hhema ellis. will the max baucus bill
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become the blueprint for health care reform even if republicans and many democrats are unhappy with it? can president obama bring the olympics to sweet home chicago? you're watching "the big picture" on msnbc. and freedom of the outdoors for your indoor cat. specially formulated to promote hairball control... and healthy weight. friskies indoor wet cat food. feed the senses. i'm just a skeptic so i don't necessarily believe that anything is going to work but i was like, hey, this actually works. (announcer) only rogaine foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'll check it out and i'm like, nice. (announcer) rogain foam. stop losing. start gaining. (announcer) rogain foam. when we spend a billion dollars a day buying foreign oil... we don't just waste our money... we put our economy in the hands of hostile nations. we let big oil make record profits... while we struggle. and we lose new energy jobs, that go overseas. but we can take charge of our economy...
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we have new video in from the small plane crash in hayward, california. we have information the pilot was taken to a hospital. his condition is unknown. nobody else was onboard this aircraft, just the pilot. his condition has not been
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released. we will keep everybody posted. president obama loves to play basketball and is a die hard fan of the white sox. >> could he be the ringer the olympics need to bring in 2016 games to chicago? the president and the first lady hosted an event for the olympics. they were joined by committee members, the mayor of chicago and former olympians. after the president made an impassioned case for his hometown. >> americans like chicagoans don't like to make small plans, we like to dream big and reach high. we hope deeply. we want these games and if you choose chicago i promise you this. chicago will make america proud and america will make the world proud. as i said when we were first announcing this bid in chicago, let the games begin right here in the united states of america. >> first lady michelle obama will lead the delegation when the decision is made on october
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2nd. despite ioc hints if the president showed up it might clinch the deal. lynn sweet the columnist for the president using humor, sending a bigger star, the first lady, to represent. does it give chicago an advantage to have such a popular president throughout the world bidding for his hometown? >> reporter: in the best of all cases it would have been best to have president obama go. you will have the heads of state of brazil, japan and spain going. that has become the norm with olympic bids. he did have a point. he said mrs. obama is a bigger superstar than him. this is an electorate of 100 plus members of the international olympic committee. when you are lobbying someone who knows what will turn them on in the end. i talked to mayor daley about
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this. they are happy mrs. obama is leading the delegation. >> just when you thought you would have an advantage with oprah because she is a big advocate, you have the obamas. an incredible combination of people out of chicago rallying for their hometown. what do we know about where the process stands right now? is chicago the front-runner? i know they have elaborate plans, close to the president's home. >> reporter: he likes to say it is a few blocks from where he lives. a lot of these venues will be in chicago all over the place which they think is a selling point so you don't have to go miles away. right now i think there is no absolute clear cut front-runner heads and shoulders above. one of the things the president is doing even if he isn't going is making phone calls to people from various countries. bobby rush is having a lunch
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from ambassadors from african nations some who have olympic ioc members. a lot of the precincts, if i can use that word, of olympic politics. it is a campaign. it is interesting. this is one of the biggest assignments mrs. obama has had since becoming first lady. >> thank you, lynn. >> thank you. >> i remember when i was living in chicago the mayor of chicago was trying to go after the olympics and many people scoffed thinking there is no way chicago would get this. now they have gotten this far. it is incredible. to add the obamas in the mix, it's almost destiny. >> tamyrn, i wonder if he might jump on air force one and join his wife to put the exclamation point. >> with oprah. they need to take oprah. turning back to what has become a national discussion of race and politics.
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former president jimmy carter said last night race is a factor in the fierce opposition of president obama. the white house is clearly not eager to address this question at all. it has been a hot topic. joining us is democratic congresswoman from california barbara lee. do you think it was appropriate for jimmy carter to provoke this conversation or was it a conversation that was overdue? >> let me say members of the congressional black caucus applaud president jimmy carter. he has a long history of fighting against discrimination and racism. he is a great statesman. i don't believe this was provoking a conversation. i think what he has done has opened up the space to have a dialogue about race and racism in many respects have been swept under the rug. so we have to have discourse in our country about the unfinished business of america and jimmy carter, president jimmy carter
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stepped up to the plate. i hope we can move forward and have rational dialogue and discussions about much of what has not been discussed for many, many years. >> one of the big issues today, of course, on the hill. max baucus finally unveiled his plan that was supposed to be bipartisan. it didn't have republican supporters what is the reaction to democrats on the house side what you are hearing what the senate finance committee chairman rolled out today? >> i'm pleased the chairman rolled out a bill. we have a long way to go. i don't believe it is a strong enough bill. it does not contain a robust public option. if we are going to have any real health care reform to reduce the cost of insurance and hold insurance companies accountable and ensure competitiveness in the health care arena you must have a robust public option. this bill doesn't have that. we have a lot of work to do. one of the things we are pushing
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in the house is to make sure the shouse has the strongest bill possible. >> congresswoman barbara lee, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. up next, a brawl in the bronx. some other stories that make us say, no way. >> you're watching "the big picture." so many arthritis pain relievers -- i just want fewer pills and relief that lasts all day. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day. i live in northport, alabama.
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carlson and posada were tossed from the game. the jays further humiliated the yankees 10-4. do you want to read this one? >> you go ahead. >> fashion week underway, vera wang and snuggie. designs for the blanket with sleeves staged a runway show with high fashion models and animal prints. they showed off their new snuggies for kids and for dodds. dog snug ji. >> what do you think of that, david? >> i love the dog snuggie. what will happen for the dog name smuggles? snuggie for the snuggle. we will talk to the ceo of
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a.c.o.r.n. about the controversy swirling around her organization. >> was this latest attack, if you will, warranted? was a.c.o.r.n. in the wrong? this is "the big picture" on msnbc. f bacteria that cause plaque and bad breath are all over your mouth. that's why you want the crossaction pro-health from oral-b. unlike an ordinary toothbrush, the oral-b crossaction pro-health combines crisscross bristles, gum stimulators, and even a tongue cleaner. so brush away plaque and odor causing bacteria to get a clean, healthy mouth with the crossaction pro-health from oral-b. get what dermatologists now recommend to fight aging... in new aveeno positively ageless multidefense. a combination of a high spf and powerful antioxidants... designed to reduce lines and wrinkles in just 4 weeks. new from aveeno.
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i'm scott cohen with your cnbc market wrap. stocks ending high, the dow jones gained 108 points, the s&p 50017 points and the nasdaq up 30 points. wells fargo said troubled mortgages it modified are performing well. the bank acquired wachovia. wells fargo completed more than 300,000 modifications and trying to qualify more mortgages for the loan modification program. facebook is showing it can be financially viable. the popular social networking site that has 300 million users became cash flow positive.
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that's it from cnbc first in business worldwide. now back to msnbc. welcome back, everyone. i'm tamyrn hall in new york. >> i'm david schuster live in washington. senate finance committee chair max baucus released his version of health care reform today but without any republican support. some democrats are not happy with aspects of the the bill. a fact he acknowledged today. >> there are some on both sides of the aisle think i've gone too far. this is basically in the framework that president obama outlined in his state of the union address and similar to what he suggested. >> here are some of the highlights. everyone would be required to buy health care or face a fine of $950, employers would not be
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forced to provide health insurance but to defray costs. it does not have the public option but has a system of co-optatives. and it would prohibit insurance companies to discriminate or deny coverage based on preexisting conditions. jay rockefeller made with president obama to talk health care. he is a public option supporter who will not vote for baucus' bill because it does not have the public option. >> now to the bigger picture tapd prospect of of moving forward. today republican senator mike enzi explained why he would not vote for baucus' bill. >> unfortunately, there are fundamental issues that we were not able to resolve by the deadline that was set for us. the proposal released today still spends too much and does too little to cut health care cost for those with health
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insurance. >> republican senator olympia snowe says she does not support the bill as it is but will still work with democrats to come up with a solution. the executive editor david avilla joins us life this creates another thousand-page trillion-dollar government program combined with what mr. enzi said. is it realistic to think the removal of the public option could would have gotten republicans onboard? >> there were options that could have been taken to get republicans onboard. more tort reform, allowing people to buy health care across state lines. there were many things that could have been done to the legislation to get republican
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support. the problem is the legislation is essentially obama care like which counts on tax increases and more government spending to bring health care to people which it still wouldn't cover everybody. >> we are hearing this is the beginning and a work in progress. do you believe beyond senator olympia snowe we will see any republican support of this bill? >> well, if the president and the congress start looking at things that aren't tax increases and aren't the government and the irs coming in to take over more of health care. the irs is going to tell you whether you have a health care plan that is acceptable or not? americans don't want an irs bureaucrat telling them if their health care is okay or not. >> what about the republican plan dealing with the skyrocketi skyrocketing costs of health insurance. which proposal would the republicans put forward as an
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alternative? >> paul ryan, congressman from wisconsin has great legislation. you look at stuff that republican governors have done, mitch daniels talking about healthy lifestyles. the oklahoma and texas where they have done tort reform. what a way to bring down health care costs. >> there are steps towards tort reform in what max baucus said and preventive medicine and healthy lifestyles. >> those are good steps. it is not going to pass the democrat house and senate and the president is not going to sign those measures. they made it clear. >> you don't think he is going to sign preventative measures? >> they are $800 billion or $1 trillion adding to the deficit which means less financial security for americans. >> david, we have been waiting
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to hear the details of this. is there anything you have heard from max baucus' proposal you think republicans embrace? >> the idea that preexisting conditions have to be covered. many republicans -- many parts of the republican proposal include that. so that is a good place to start. let's start building legislation around that. >> do you praise the omission of the public option? >> you know, it's a good start. i don't think it's ultimately going to pass the house without a public option but it is a step in the right direction. >> interesting. thank you, david. what do you think, david? it seems that we are exactly where we were before this proposal details were released. >> politically you want to be where republicans are. it is a democrats' bill. they have the votes. if they can, they can ignore the republicans and make the bill
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more of a democratic bill. the republicans are able to pick off things they don't like while the democrats go after each other. politically it is intriguing. >> pick off the things you don't like and one or two things are okay but not giving a strong praise. coming up in our "faceoff" race and politics. what is motivating the super heated rhetoric we are hearing from some directed at president obama? a program note, this sunday msnbc will telecast "about our children" a live event featuring bill cosby focusing on parenting, education and health issues facing the poor in this country. sunday at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant.
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welcome back. it is time for "faceoff" and the comments made by former president jimmy carter center stage. >> carter blames racism for much of the angry opposition to obama. something he witnessed in his life to n the south. but he says it is happening in all parts of the country. >> i think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president barack obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's african-american.
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racism intonation still exists. i think it has bubbled up to the surface because of a belief among many white people not just in the south but around the country that african-americans are not qualified to lead this great country. it's an abominable circumstance and grieves me and concerns me very deeply. >> today white house press secretary robert gibbs was asked about the president's reaction to carter's remarks. >> the president does not believe that the criticism comes based on the color of his skin. >> is the inninger direct td at the president the result of his policies or racism disguised as dissent. david good friend and ben poored. there are a certain percentage of conservatives believe
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president obama was not bosch in the united states that he is not a christian, he is a muslim. where do those beliefs stem from? >> i don't agree with your premise. i don't think it is a majority of conservatives. i think this whole debate on racism reminds me of the last eight years questioning people's patriotism. this is smr dangerous. psych oanalyzing certain comments and actions at town halls as racist is disappointing but at a higher end dangerous. it is not fair for jimmy carter to make statements like this. i think it is ridiculous. >> you would agree some of the signs showing up at 9/12 rallies and town halls that president obama is not one of us, those are racest and have no place in the republican party. >> i would say when you look at the outer ends, the extremists,
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you are going to see things you are not proud of. i'm going to condemn that. i believe president obama was born in the united states and i would say the majority of the mainstream does, too. a lot of these signs or statements we see are just as ridiculous as jimmy carter's comment. >> david goodfriend, was jimmy carter overstating this. >> >> well, president carter grew up in the south, in georgia. his biography reveals he grew up at a time when there were jim crow laws. if anybody is sensitive to racism in america it would be president carter. i think we have to listen carefully to what he is saying. i went on the air many times when president george w. bush was president and i made very clear my disagreements with him but there is something different when we see members of congress not only disagreeing with the president but almost trying to
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create him, paint him as somebody, other, somebody different, somebody not legitimate in office despite this is a landslide election. what i see happening in those who disagree with president obama there is an element trying to discredit him that can't get over it. i feel like saying to these folks, get over it. this man is president. >> david, for the people out there, that element, is this a conversation can cannot be won. you are trying to rationalize people who have this attitude engrained in him, obama and the african american guy who lives down the street, if they have that mentality it is not going to change. why allow them to be part of our political conversation? >> tamyrn, that is a legitimate tact but i disagree. i'll tell you why. if you allow ridiculous statements to stand unanswered they gain more legitimacy than
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they should have. i am going to stand up and say are you disagreeing with the views of president obama or making a personal attack on him. those are two different things. >> i think we are raising accusations against people based on a small majority of the population. when we psych oanalyze people's attitudes or statements that don't have anything to do with race and accuse them of being racial we put ourselves in dangerous territory. >> that is a good point. ben, i salute you for condemning some of this stuff. there are very loud voices that represent this fringe if that is what they are. ben porritt and david goodfriend, we appreciate it. tamyrn, it is a sensitive subject and frustrating one because you don't know what is in somebody's heart, but the signs we saw at the rallies it is not about the president's policies. >> i don't know how it becomes -- how can you can
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constructively change those people. i think ben was right about the danger of it. if that is engrained in them, i don't care if they live in the south or new york, manhattan, if it is in you, it is in you. i don't think you can make them a valid part of the kchx. because they are going to deny it. >> tamyrn, the controversy continues following the release of embarrassing videos involving a few workers for the national community organizing group a.c.o.r.n. long been under fire from conservatives. allegedly showing a.c.o.r.n. employees encouraging tax evasion and prostitution. a.c.o.r.n. will not take in any new staffers until a completion of the system and processes. the senate voted to cut off federal housing money for the group. house republicans are urging president obama to end federal
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support. we are joining by a.c.o.r.n. bertha lewis. tell us about the actions you are taking and why? >> first of all, we are taking these actionss because a.c.o.r.n. is around 40 years, doing foreclosure prevention, trying to make sure people get affordable health care and have good neighborhoods. i will not tolerate any sort of inappropriate conversations or behaviors and so for us in order for us to really get a handle on this from top to bottom no one would have ever contemplated this kind of thing. but those employees did not live up to our professional standards and we need to continue our work helping low and moderate income people in this country. >> you said you are going to sue fox news for showing this video. a woman claims she killed her husband and a number of figures
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in fox news ran with that and pointed out there is somebody who admitted she killed her husband. did anybody from fox news call a.c.o.r.n. to find out if this was true? >> of course not. that is not how that organization operates. and as we know, part of the thing was these people were so outrageous, this woman was in the office alone by herself. she stays standing. she figures they are telling me outrageous things. i will tell them outrageous things. that never was true. she was putting them on. fox, because they run with things without checking and using any jurmistic standards they got caught up and got duped themselves. >> you are conducting an investigation in the people of that video, at least some of them were let go. >> yes. >> is that an admission that something did go wrong there? >> well, first of all, it is
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indefensible. they do not live up to our professional standards. i will not tolerate those kind of mistakes under my watch. we have been revamping, overhauling this organization for almost a year now and in a way this is a continuation of our internal reviews and making structures stronger. so it is unfortunate that i had to terminate them, but under my administration i act swiftly and surely and our board, our advisory council and members expect there to be real action taken in this instance. and so those folks were terminated. we are retraining folks. we are suspending intake for now because we want to make sure we've reviewed the situation, put some safeguards in place so this type of things can never happen again. but you never know what fox will come up with next. >> just to be clear, what is it you are specifically going to sue them for?
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>> well, the filmmaker who admitted he is a right wing conservative filmmaker that has done this to other folks, he may have broken the law in a couple of states because it is unlawful to record or tape someone without their permission. >> i see. the accusation being fox provided a platform. >> absolutely. >> ceo bertha lewis from a.c.o.r.n. thanks for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> david, we have breaking news. the small plane crash out of california. despite that pretty grim looking video, being told the pilot was uninjured. he got out himself. got out of the aircraft himself. reports are it burst into flames. not sure what kind of malfunction he encountered. that is the early suggestion. the plane veered off the runway and possibly into the side of a commercial building. the building you see there.
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the pilot was uninjured and got out of the aircraft on his own. up next, more things we thought you should know today. >> a supreme court justice does the mambo and we get our list of officially approved insults on capitol hill. on "hardball with chris matthews," senator ron widen talks about the health care plan from max baucus. "hardball" starts in about eight minutes. for menopausal skin. it rebuilds skin substance to treat sagging and boost luminosity. age perfect serum by l'oreal. proclaims "gq" magazine. did you see that? the interior "positively oozes class," raves "car magazine." "slick and sensuous," boasts "the washington times." "the most striking vw in recent memory," declares-- okay, i get it already. i think we were in a car commercial.
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♪ yeah ♪ yeah. it's what doctors recommend most for headaches. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers.. and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever.
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a rare look at a u.s. supreme court justice doing the mambo. that's right.
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sonia sotomayor is dangsing here with actor asai morales. the occasion, the national hispanic arts gala held at the corcoran in washington. here are a few more things we thought our viewers should know. >> the house rules committee approved a summary of rules to follow on the floor and in committee. we know this is because of congressman joe wilson. members are allowed to challenge the president on matters of policy. there is a right way to do it. there are lists of insults. for instance members could refer to the government as something hated or oppressive, refer to the president using legislative or judicial pork, a message as a disgrace to the country refer to
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unnamed officials as our half baked it in witts handling foreign affairs. i don't know why i thought half baked was a drug reference. members are not allowed to call the president a liar. nor can you call him a hypocrite. >> so if someone wants to call us a half baked it in witt go for it, just not liars. >> just don't call it to our face. >> otherwise tamyrn will do something bad. the chief executive of world wrestling entertainment is stepping out of the wrestling ring and into the political one. she wants to become a u.s. senator. mcmahon says her vast experience as a business woman not the entertainment factor behind the wwe makes her a good candidate. >> wwe is pg rated program.
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the issues facing us is about our debt, getting our folks back to work. that is what i'm going to focus on in connecticut. >> mcmahon's husband vince mcmahon will assume her duties as ceo while she is on the campaign trail. that could be an interesting race up there in connecticut. >> it could be, david. we had her on in the 11:00 eastern hour. strong presence. opposites attract. he is such a showman. she is trying to keep her composure as a strong businesswoman. michelle obama is on the people magazine's best dressed list. she has been seen as you well know from things from gap, j. crew to michael kors. those are the things you should know. i don't think that is surprised. >> tamyrn, you pronounce that so
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well. >> i admire from afar. president obama includes an unprecedented round of saturday show appearances and david letterman this monday. >> first a rally to health care reform. mark's deputy political director. what do you have? >> hey, david and tamyrn. after holding a town hall, a rally on health care in minnesota last saturday president obama holds yet another rally. this time a few miles away from me in college park, maryland. former president bill clinton will be on jon stewart's "daily show." nbc's david gregory motd rates a debate in the virginia governor's race between creigh deeds and bob m


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