tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC September 23, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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>> he said the excuse of anti-mannerism can no longer be used. you look at the substance of the speech, what he is worried about or intends to do a lot of the similar themes to the second term of the bush administration. what you are seeing from obama is a centrist foreign policy in that centrist area, not a whole lot of change from what president bush was trying to do the last couple years of the administration. >> we know for the president, major international crisis he is facing, afghanistan. president obama mentioned al qaeda and afghanistan in his address. let play what he said. >> we will permit no safe haven for al qaeda to launch attacks from afghanistan or any other nation. we will stand bay our friends on the front lines as we, and many nations will do in pledging support for the pakistani people tomorrow. and we will pursue positive
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engagement that builds bridges among faiths and new partnerships for opportunity. >> is there anything really new there or stronger in verbiage from this president? >> one thing that's very symbolic, he is not using the term war on terrorism or jihadists, it is all about violent extremism. he is trying to change the terms of the debate. the second point on both afghanistan and pakistan is one of collective responsibility. the united states can't do this alone. we have seen nick the past eight years since we went into afghanistan is when we try to do things unilaterally, ultimately, we will lose ground so he is calling on nato, the arab world and other interested parties who have an interest in solving the afghan/pakistan problem to be part of it in a more engaged way. >> nbc's roger cressey, nbc news terrorism analyst. thank you, roger, pleasure. >> thank you, tam ron gentleman. now the bigger picture, the outrage over moammar gadhafi's visit to the united nations and the u.s. the libyan leader addressed the u.n. general assembly this
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morning for nearly an hour and 45 minutes, taking the podium after president obama. many diplomats across the globe left the claimer before gadhafi started speaking including secretary of state hillary clinton and susan rice, the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. there were demonstrations outside the united nations today relatives to the americans killed on pan am flight 103 protesting gadhafi's visit. they are furious the convicted bomber was released from a scottish prison and greeted in libya by cheering crowds. 40 miles north of the united nations, the suburban town of bedford, new york is threatening legal action over a tent put over by the libyan government on donald trump's estate. gadhafi was going to stay in that tent. the trump organization said otherwise but released this statement saying "we have business partners and associates all over the world with. the property was leased on a short-term basis to middle eastern partners who may or may not have a relationship to mr. gadhafi. we are looking into the matter
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now." nbc's jeff rossen is live in bedford, new york. jeff what have you learned? >> reporter: we cover a lot of controversies here and this is one of the more bizarre. the bottom shrine libyan officials set up a tent in donald trump's backyard, basically if could you call it backyard, on the property of his giant estate here in bedford. by the way this is home of martha stewart, ralph lauren this is a pretty ritzy town. you can see that basically gadhafi takes the tents wherever he goes. he doesn't like riding in elevators so many of the high rise hotels in new york city are just out of the question for him. he tried to pitch a tent in central park. new york city said no he tried to pitch a tent in englewood, new jersey, the governor of new jersey came out and had a news conference and rally and said we don't want mr. gadhafi here it appears he rented this space from the trump organization and donald trump and started erecting this tent for gadhafi perhaps to stay. late yesterday, the town of bedford officials went in there
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and said, hold on a minute, we are issuing a stop-work order because you don't have the proper permits to set up a temporary residence. so you mentioned that bedford is threatening legal action, criminal sanctions. that's if they go back and see that work on the tent continued, but if they stop work it appears this will all just go away, but just again, neighbors walking by here saying we don't want mr. gadhafi in this town. one man told us's terrorist who doesn't belong in this country, let alone in bedford, new york, we are about an hour from the city. so it appears whether gadhafi was going to sleep there or whether he was going to have party there is, as some reports say turks is not happening. >> so do we have any idea where gadhafi is going to be spending the night? >> reporter: yeah he spent last night, we believe, at the u.n. mission -- the u.n. libyan mission on 48th street, midtown manhattan, right down the street from the u.n. by the way, we should tell you not only were hotels ruled out, tried to set up these tents, he was apparently -- some officials from libya ahead of his arrival
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were trying to basically represent some loft space, rent some space in some townhouses in new york city but, again, because he is afraid of elevators and hates them, they are only requesting the first floor. and when a lot of these real estate brothers, found out it was for moammar gadhafi, they said. no he couldn't buy a place in this town. >> jeff rossen, thanks, jeff. tam ron, wow, this has got to be a little bit of a pr disaster for the trump organization, looks like the town moved in and said no way. >> you know, norah, not talking about something so serious and hurtful to people, especially family members, killed in that bombing, lockerbie bombing, would be one of the strangest things you ever heard. this world leader afraid to take an elevator so he pitches tents around the country. we have got video i think in paris and around the world of these tents, which is also strange, norah if he is staying in that home in bedford, why pitch a tent if you're afraid of elevators? wouldn't you just go in the
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home? this is the most bizarre story but it adds to, i guess, the mystery and unfortunate lore that is moammar gadhafi, but a very strange story, some of the video where this happened around the world. >> he is not want here in america. >> he is not wanted in a lot of places, including here. and new allegations that nypd detectives may have inadvertently compromised the investigation into an al qaeda bomb plot in the states. an unsealed criminal complaint says the officers questioned an imam from queens without the fbi's knowledge. the complaint also suggests investigators may have tipped off najibullah zazi, the man, police say, may have been plotting to detonate a backpack bombs in new york city trains. zazi and two others were arrested over the weekend, charged with lying to the fbi but more charges are expected. police are still looking for several other suspects and homeland security secretary janet napolitano says the government is doing everything it can to keep americans safe. >> we cannot afford the luxury
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of complacency. we don't want to live in a state of fear or alarm but we want everyone to be remaining vigilant about their surroundings. report suspicious activities to local authorities. >> meanwhile, attorney general eric holder spoke to cbs news about the urgency of the terror threat. >> i think we disrupted, that was the plan and not totally clear to us at this point what it is they had in mind, although i think it is clear that something very serious and something very organized was under way. >> reporter jonathan dientz from wnbc joins us. you have been covering this story from top to bottom. explain why it is believed the new york police detective inadvertently compromised what happened here. >> what happened was the finn and the nypd get word that this terror suspect from denver is en route to new york in a rented car and they want to make sure he is not coming with any
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explosive devices. the nypd has this imam in queens, who they have used before as a source. so they sent detectives out to speak with that imam and it turns out that that imam allegedly knew zazi and turned around and allegedly crossed the police and the fbi and tipped him off. >> some conversation where the individual said they were looking for you guys or something like that? >> that is right, the phones listened in on and the transcripts of those recordings, so the allegation or the concern among some fbi agents was that, hey, the nypd went too far, sending out its own intelligence officers, speak become the imam, try to learn more without coordinating better with us. >> what does this say we learned since 9/11, coordinated efforts, local authorities in contact with federal authorities? >> that's some of the kri criticism that's going on. the top brass of both the new york city police department and the fbi said there is no issue here, the police department is doing what it should have been doing, going out, shaking the
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trees, trying to find out more about this alleged plot. the nypd set up its own terrorism division after 9/11 to try to do more to protect this city, which has been attacked twice. and the nypd says, look, we have three people in custody, no plot has taken place, we believe we have thwarted what happened and expect more arrests to happen soon. certainly, an issue of concern, 12 days out. both the fbi and nypd say they are moving forward. >> and norah? >> potentially more arrests coming. i wonder if investigators believe that this imam may have tipped off other potential targets? >> i think they are certainly looking into and exploring that possibility in this case. i think the sense is that they had a really good take on zazi and his goings on. and so the fbi and the nypd now have been looking at anyone and everyone in this queens neighborhood who came into contact with zazi. they are literally all over
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them. there is not enough at this point to move in and make arrests. they are still building the cases, they are still doing the research, but the point was preventive. let's stop whatever was going on here they are out now looking in warehouses and the -- going to chemical supply companies to see if any materials were purchased much as of now, we know they had backpacks, they had cell phones, there is this bomb making formula on a computer, is certainly enough to have authorities concerned and now they are following up with anyone who might have been in contact with zazi. >> from wnbc, jonathan deintz. thank you again. they could be looking for as many as 24, 25 individuals in this, but it is stunning information that we are learning. >> absolutely. and it is interesting to hear that there could be that many other additional arrests and certainly makes me a little uneasy knowing that those people are still out there and be curious to see where they wrap these guys up from, whether it is areas or different places that we have not yet heard about. >> absolutely. well, coming up, our nbc
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news poll, a new poll, and it shows that americans rine ceasingly pessimistic about the war in afghanistan. will this force president obama to think twice about his strategy and will he send more troops? and sarah page, big debut behind closed doors. what we know about her big speech in hong kong. plus, today's crossing the line, does a new ad campaign -- actually a series of ad campaigns designed to raise awareness for breast cancer, but is it going too far or just grabbing your attention? you are watching the big picture on msnbc. announcer: what if you could rewrite your hair's past and give it a whole new life? introducing a transformation in hair care. new aveeno nourish plus. only aveeno has harnessed the power of active naturals' wheat complex in formulas that target and fortify the weakest parts of hair, proven to help visibly repair damage in just three washes.
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welcome back to "the big picture" a new chapter to add to the segment we call the palin chronicles. >> oh, yeah, the former vice presidential candidate criticized for her lack of foreign policy experience, she has gone global. today, she addressed a conference of investors in hong kong, her first visit to asia, while the event was closed to the media, the associated press obtained a portion of her speech recorded by someone who attended. >> i call it like i see it. and i will share with you candidly a view right from main street, main street usa and how perhaps my view of main street, representing perhaps a lot of other people, how that affects you, your business. >> well, that was sarah palin, vintage sarah page first, and first major speech since resigning as governor of alaska in july. she spoke for about 90 minutes. and while palin didn't refer to president obama by name, the wall journal said she called his
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campaign promises nebulous, utopian-sounding and now ten months later a, a lot of americans are asking more government is that the change we want? well, accompanying her to hong kong was a former foreign policy adviser to john mccain. joining us now is "washington post" editorial writer and msnbc contributor, jonathan kapart. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> let's clear this up. looks like she may be broadening her foreign policy experience, first trip to asia, this was a paid speech, right, she got a lot of money? >> right, i haven't seen what the figure is but last i heard, it was probably in the low six figures, but, hey, that's a lot of money, especially former governor who is, you know, out of work technically. >> absolutely. she got paid a a lot of money. here she is criticizing president barack obama overseas. i guess we could expect that do you think, however, this is an attempt by her and sort of crafting this message that she could run in 2012? >> well, look, anything is possible, especially when
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talking about sarah page, but let's look at something here, which is interesting. this was, as you said at the top, closed to the press, closed completely, the only way we know what's happened is by people saying -- either telling folks that other publications or with their camera phones getting some things out, but this is maybe an audition of sorts it is her first trip to asia. it is the first trip overseas. her first speech since resigning the governorship. and if you're going to try out new messages and get your -- get your feet wet on the international same what better way to do it than at a forum that's closed to the press and at a also your predecessors, in giving that speech, former vice president al gore and former president clinton, it could be, for her, a good way to start burnishing her international foreign affairs credentials for a possible run in 2012. >> jonathan, interesting point, if i remember correctly, that was some of your advice for then-governor palin on how to get her feet wet on the international stage, start
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giving major speeches and start taking a stand on issues. so either she reads your column or she watches you on msnbc, because that is what she needs to do. >> i'm very, very powerful that way. i do think, you know, she spoke for an amazing 90 minutes and nowhere have i seen anyone say that there was a question and answer period. that's where we get into this maybe deeper problem t is one thing to speak to give a speech, words written either by her or someone else, it is another to base questio face questions from experts in the room, very detailed questions whether she can answer with as much specificity as that kind of audience would want. but still, again, getting her feet sweat great. i'm hoping she is continuing to study. >> and then, jonathan, a lot of people pointed out that randy shenenman, former policy aide for the mccain campaign was advising her, kind of significant given his relationship with most of the mccain campaign, right? >> yes. you know, this is someone who if
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i remember correctly had a bit of a falling out. but let's remember, you know there was huge fighting and it abated a bit, huge fighting between the palin camp and the mccain camps a lot of people inside the mccain campaign criticizing former governor palin and, you know, her activities and what she did during the campaign. so the fact be that she does have this former mccain adviser with her also is maybe another clue about her possible intentions for 2012. >> no doubt. jonathan kapart, great to see you. thanks so much. >> you, too. >> tam ron, it is interesting to watch sarah palin, apparently has more than 1,000 "for events and speeches. so, i think this is the beginning of a lot of these types of appearances. >> is sure is, norah, i don't know what you see, seems to be getting off the ground slower thain would expected. there was this immediate reaction she might have a television show and she was really going to come out swinging so it is interesting she is there behind closed doors
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giving this speech, so i'm curious to see how this shakes out in the next couple of months. >> i agree, i agree, probably still writing her book, which is due, and sort of weighing some of these ". and as we have seen, she sometimes doesn't show up at events she has been -- >> very interesting. up next, we have got some dramatic video of a little girl who is just barely missed by this out-of-control car. well, miraculously, thank goodness, she is totally fine. >> this is incredible video. you have to see it over and over. we are going to explain how she survived. later in the show, everyone's favorite polar bear, knute, guess what he may like it cold but his girlfriend is probably heating it up, norah. details on knute's got a woman. during times like these it seems like the world will never be the same. but there is a light beginning to shine again.
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welcome back. here are things you need to know today. california governor arnold schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in ventura county. >> that is right. these raging wildfires have burned more than 8,000 acres there. the fire is now threatening the campus of morepark college, forcing it to close today. the county fire spokesman says the 13-square-mile fire is growing and is only 10% contained. three firefighters in that area have been injured. and norah, flood waters are now beginning to recede in georgia. hundreds have to be evacuated from their homes. at least ten deaths now blamed on the flash flooding set off by the dore rehns rain. and check out this incredible video from washington state. a 6-year-old girl on the sidewalk outside of a minimart nearly hit by a car. the car was out of control, it slammed into a parking pole and flipped up into the air. police say the pole may have saved the child, but the 34-year-old woman behind the
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wheel, she has been charged with reckless driving and driving with a suspended license. >> norah, there was video, apparently surveillance video right before the car slammed into the pole. the little girl was on the opposite side of that pole and minutes earlier, she could have been seriously injured or killed. thankfully that was not the case there the video, again, of that little girl standing there, just -- it's unreal. >> absolutely unreal. >> absolutely. tam ron, just ahead, the military's request for more troops in afghanistan to be delivered to the pentagon, perhaps by the end of the week, but there is new information coming out from the pog. talk about it with the chairman of the house armed services committee. plus, norah, they are calling it a real-life "ocean's 11" heist, thieves not using a getaway car this time, they are using a getaway helicopter. this is "the big picture" on msnbc. and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden.
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but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. i can breathe freer with zyrtec-d®. so, i'll race you to our favorite chair. i might even let you win. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe easier, so i can love the air™. zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed.
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i'm bertha comes with your cnbc market wrap a little bit more since dash little bit more than an hour since the federal veer of came out with the latest decision on interest rates and markets right now are slightly negative. the dow off about 22. the standard & poor's 500 off 3. the nasdaq off a little over 6 points. oil prices dropped nearly three hours today after u.s. data showed a surprising increase in crude inventories. oil settled just below $69 a barrel on that news. bank of america and jpmorgan chase are changing their overdraft fees, which have been criticized as being too high, particularly for hokes who use their debit card. among other policy changes, banks of america say starting october 19th it will no longer charge a fee when the customer is overdrawn by less than $10 a day. for its part, jpmorgan chase says it will cap the number of overdraft fees it charges in a single day to just three. chase will also stop charging fees when accounts are overdrawn by less than $5. that's it from cnbc first in
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business worldwide. now back to msnbc. welcome back i'm tamron hall live in new york. >> i'm norah o'donnell live in washington. >> president obama is reportedly considering an entirely new strategy in the war in afghanistan while the pog today said he could expect the top u.s. commander's request for more troops by the end of this week. but a story in today's "new york times" says vice president joe biden's call for scaling back u.s. troops is also under review by the president. this, as a new nbc news/"wall street journal" report shows support the war is slipping. look at the numbers, 59% of americans less confident the war will end well. 51% oppose sending more u.s. forces and 38% want an immediate and orderly withdrawal from that country. in morning, senator john mccain said president obama should not wait to send more u.s. troops. >> it's clear we need additional troops and the longer we wait
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and delay, the more americans will be put at risk unnecessarily while we are -- because we haven't implemented a new strategy that will succeed. >> and adding even more gravity to the situation is new video from al qaeda called the "west and the dark tunnel." it features osama bin laden's number two man, amman alza wa herery and adam gooden, the young man known as azan the american. it urges muslims to participate in jihad against arab leaders for what it says is the u.s. policy of forcing them to support israel. in the bigger picture, the president weighs his options in afghanistan, key democrats in congress are calling on general stanley mccristal to testify about his strategy. one of those is congressman ike skeleton from missouri, chairman of the house armed services committee and he supports sending more troops and is sent a letter to the president urging
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him to do so he joins us live from capitol hill. congressman, good see you, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> let me just read for everybody the letter you wrote to president obama in which you said "strategy matched desired ends, the plan to achieve them and the resources necessary to carry out that plan. we note ends. general mcchrystal has a plan and we should supply him the resources he needs to see if it will work." congressman, you say we know the end, but how do we define victory in afghanistan? >> to make sure we have quelled the al qaeda terrorists, make sure they can't come back and do what they did it is not just 9/11. they -- various attacks on us starting back in 1993, '93, '96, '98, 2000 and then 2001. you see, afghanistan is the epicenter of terrorism in this world and the al qaeda terrorists are at the --
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>> congressman there are -- many people believe that al qaeda is not primarily now in afghanistan, that it is in pakistan. the concern about leaving afghanistan isn't so the taliban doesn't take control and create a haven for al qaeda once again but where we should be focussed is where al qaeda is living and thriving and that's in pakistan. why not focus our efforts there. >> we are. it thanks to the pakistanis, they are cooperating quite well, particularly in the border area, but not just pakistan it is in the afghanistan area. what we want to make sure is that the taliban, which had the government before we went in there doesn't come back and be -- form its own government and create a safe haven in afghanistan from which they can large attacks as they did in '93 all the way through 2001. that is the genesis of the terrorism attacks on american and on our allies. >> congressman, let me ask you,
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since you are in support of sending more troops, how long would you support benchmarks we saw in iraq or a timetable as some democrats have called for. how long do you keep the troops, the same number now or 20 or 40,000 more that could go there? >> up to general mcchrystal to make his recommendation. let me go back just a second. in march, the president gave a speech that outlined, properly so, a very good strategy in afghanistan. he asked general mcchrystal to give us an assessment over a period of 60 days, which he has done. soon, i'm sure general mcchrystal will ask for resources for the assessment and strategy that the president outlined back in march. so these a where we are, the question you just raised is how long. i think it is necessary for our forces to show measurable progress in the next 12 months
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and 18 months and i it would happen if you follow general mcchrystal's recommendations. he understands, this is a tough fight. it's not one -- second place doesn't count in this one. >> congressman ike skeleton of missouri, good to see you, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. norah, we have some breaking news to follow up on, the story we were talking about out of new york involving libyan leader moammar gadhafi there were reports he was planning to stay at an estate that belonged to donald trump. showed you video of tents set up on trump's bedford estate and now getting word a county executive in that town saying we have been told this is a quote, we have been told by the secret service that at some point, gadhafi will be in bedford. the secret service has asked the county police acres long with the state police and the town police, to help protect him. "we have no choice but to help with law enforcement, but i remain outraged that our taxpayers have to respect
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someone that we don't want in this county." many people have been outraged saying that a terrorist has no place in this country and believe he has no place in their community. gadhafi is said to be afraid of elevators and as a result, won't stay in any of the high rise hotels. he has this type of setup, norah, other parts of the world where he has visited paris, for example, he sets these tents up. this is where reported he would say for their part, donald trump enterprise, trump enterprise released a same saying they were investigating basically the situation, we have not heard anything back from them but at this point, bedford authorities are saying that cad calf city headed to bedford, new york, and they are requested the police, county, state protection. interesting development in this story, we will see what happens next. >> no doubt, very interesting development. other news, and some in today's "close up" a spectacular
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robbery straight from a hollywood movie script. yeah it happened in sweden. amateur video captured the scene, masked gun men stole a helicopter, not easy to pull off, raided a cash depoe in stock home shortly a after 5 a.m. t swooped down, hovering over the building and robbers hoisted themselves to the roof in what police say was a carefully planned operation. we could have told you that the predawn heist stunned police, unable to deploy their own helicopter because suspected explosive also plan placed in their hangar, an abandoned helicopter was found later in the forest north of stock home. jim maceda joins us now from london what is the latest on this investigation? the details are incredible. >> reporter: they are incredible,liening to your lead if i'm swedish saying, take my money, you deserve it this is as clever as it gets this was a
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british-based cash depot called g 4 s, the largest in sweden, for those that didn't know what a cash depot is, as i didn't, it is the places that hold large amounts of cash for banks, atm machines and shops. this is what amazes me, norah, apparently there were 20 employees inside the gunmen, two men rappelled down, blew through the building and into the depot, what happened to employees? were they asleep? what happened their reaction? we haven't heard details. police saying there were no injuries, the gunmen flew away with bags of cash, so much so now get this swedish officials today are warning that a large number of shops, atm machines and banks in the greater stockholm area may be shut down due to a look of cash as a result of this -- "ocean's 13" like robbery. broke the bank. literally broke the bank there
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incredible. thank you very much. norah that is stunning. >> my pleasure. >> interesting. cash depot, i learned something new. thank you. >> every day. cash depot. home depot. a lot of cash. now that cash is gone. up next, who is to blame if health care reform fails? what would our new nbc poll tell us about the stakes for both parties in washington? >> yeah, so excited about those numbers yesterday, now we have all the details. and hello, dolly, a southern mayor greets the dalai lama with a fist bump. so many arthritis pain relievers -- i just want fewer pills and relief that lasts all day. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times...
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to set up a committee to determine whatever doctor in america will make but set that, every it doctor will make the same. >> in today's "making their case" should the senate delay a vote on health care legislation? >> the senate finance committee today actually voted against the amendment today, 12-11. that delayed a vote by two weeks. one democrat voted with on the panel, blanche lincoln from arkansas and moderate senator olympia snowe asked why a vote has to happen right now. >> i don't understand what is happening in two weeks that we need to drive this on a legislative fast track, i don't understand i don't know what's happening in two weeks we can't wait to get the final numbers if these what's going to take the congressional budget office to get it done. >> so, who is to blame if health care reform fails? check this out.
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new nbc/wall street journal poll, 37% are going to blame republicans, 16% blame democrats, 10% president obama's vault and 23%, blame everyone, all to blame. a political reporter for the root and nicole is a senior political analyst at the independent women's forum and blogger for the ink well. great to have both of you. let's start with this issue. who is going to be blamed, dio, republicans going to get the blame? >> i think they very well may. seen americans speaking in this poll you have just taken but supposed to be an all hands on deck effort. think about what happened a year ago, when -- surrounding the banking crisis, it was something that was bipartisan, understood to be imperative for a nature well being. you have seen -- >> you heard senator olympia snowe, why the rush, two more weeks? >> right. >> get the cbo to score this?
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>> no one disagrees this is a huge problem that has to be taken on, but a lot to do with what is going on next week. october 16th is a date for reconciliation because the white house is trying to move forward on the issue of climate change which has an important deadline december them want to move this forward. the hard and fast deadline has been in place since early spring. the senate and the congress have both had a lot of time to think about this in this committee and senator snowe has plenty of time and more meetings with the white house about this. >> one thing we did learn in the nbc news/"wall street journal" poll, americans are fed one washington, fed up because it takes so long to reach an agreement crucial for many americans? >> one-sixth of the american economy, president took six months to pick a dog, important to take their time and do it right. to be fair, some of the
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delays -- pick a dog? how long do you know that? >> it was in the news the whole time. >> okay. >> but in terms of -- in terms of the health care debate, some of the delay tactics this morning that were used about trying to use legislative language as opposed to the actual conceptual language, the senate finance committee has always done it, to be fair, that was a little bit -- that was nonsense. to get the numbers right, i think senator snowe has a point, something so important. at this point, i think we also -- >> nicole, why don't we -- need more time to do. >> i think the senate needs time to, a, run the numbers, there have been so many amendments offered from the 20th through now what are they going to accept? what are they going to change? a lot has been changed a lot proposed. to be fair, a lot of the senators have not read the bill. they are acknowledging it and this is something that really does need to be seriously examined. >> let me ask you in all fairness, since you use the six months
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months of choosing a dog for the president, it has been happening as long as we have been walking this planet. that said there are people losing their lives every day because they don't have health care, people losing every dollar that they had because they need to treat a of loved one in the hospital. we note numbers work he know the stats on people go in bankruptcy because of this. what about their clock that's ticking? >> i think to be fail, only point in this debate there has been bipartisan consensus happen been when senator baucus dropped his bill and everybody agreed they hated it. so, if there is such dissent, a few point there is agreement across the board on changing the tax treatment of health care there is agreement on cutting waste, fraud and abuse from medicare and medicaid. why isn't we break it into smaller bills? why is it all or nothing? i think we can do it without doing a whole takeover of the american economy. >> great to see both of you. thanks so much.
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we appreciate it. >> tamron, goes to show you, the senate is slowly working on this. the house speaker nancy pelosi wants her bill done by the end of this week. they are going to have to vote on this thing on the full senate floor and full house floor. >> the republican party sees their resistance benefitting in some way. in 2010 the democrats could greatly suffer with the american public when we go out to vote. there is some traction and benefit with the base and a lot of the angry voices out there that continues to fuel if fire and gives the republican party the ability to push back on this. there are people who agree with that side and i think they are picking up traction with that. we will see how it plays out and who is to blame. >> you make the point, it is in the republicans' political interest to delay this. all right. just ahead, today's crossing the line. whoa, tamron, this is quite a
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crossing the line. >> yeah. new ads. >> that's a guy. >> that's a guy. >> i think that ad is called man boobs. it is supposed to raise awareness of breast cancer. is the shock value really the best way to get the message out? g at ethan allen! with "special savings" on select hand-made upholstery. you choose the fabrii... we custom make it. it's more affordable than you think. now with smart finance options for the way you live. get wrapped up in the luscious taste of butternut squash, blended with delicate herbs. v8 golden butternut squash. from campbell's. a soup so velvety and delicious you won't be able to contain yourself. campbell's v8 soups.
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♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast,
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welcome back. in today's "crossing the line." there's grabbing your attention and grabbing your attention. a new series of public service announcements promoting breast cancer awareness are shocking, certainly attention grabbing. some are wondering if the message is getting lost. so that ad is from rethink breast cancer. the group founder is quoted saying her organization had to
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find a way to reach young people who believe they are invincible to the disease. it is the leading cause of death in young women. they wanted people to get the message. the "l.a. times" featured a store, lechry for good. take a look at this from the susan g. komen breast cancer foundation. >> i pleej allegiance to my girls, to my chi chis, to my hooters, to my tatas in their normal state of being. >> this ad features men with breasts. there you have it. man boobs. are these ads really working? the leading cause of kearps death is among young women. do we lose a point because of delivery or should you do
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whatever it takes to save lives? october is breast cancer awareness month. crossing the line? let us know. norah, what do you think? >> tamron, i have something i want to get off my chest. >> as long as it gets the message out and saves lives. >> i'm glad you are staying abreast of the issues. this is important -- >> norah o'donnell. >> tamron hall. >> you are supposed to be on a higher plane than that. it is pretty funny. you should white for leno. >> it is good stuff. if it brings awareness to breast cancer. it is shocking. but it is an important issue and we should be aware of the risks and how to prevent it. >> good stuff. it is almost 4:00 on the east coast there is a lot more information straight ahead. sarah palin finally emerges on
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foreign soil. half a world away. is this really the best way for her to start the next stage of her political career? and new problems for john edwards. could he soon be in legal problems for cash payments to his former mistress? plus more on moammar ka daffy's 96-minute speech. castro went on for like four hours once. qaddafi sucked up a lot of time. this is "the big picture" on msnbc. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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i just want fewer pills and relief that lasts all day. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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botched the investigation into an alleged terror cell that may have been plotting new attacks in the united states. trouble and trump. moammar qaddafi is stopped from pitching a tent on land owned by donald trump. could there be possible criminal charges in the international flap. >> i know absolutely nothing about this. >> who knew what and when? a grand jury investigating john edwards and money paid to his mistres, some hush money to keep her quiet about their affair. plus, playing matchmaker with polar bears. hello dalai, the man who fist bumped the dalai lama. and your own joe wilson action figure. a mixed bag of things. tamron hall live in new york. >> i'm
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