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tv   Morning Meeting  MSNBC  September 25, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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it. all of this comes as next week, iran sits down for very important talks with what is called the p 5 plus one. the united states, and uk and china, plus one is germany. and they will say you have to do all of these things. have you to allow this facility to be inspected. it's never been inspected. have you to come clean with everything that you are doing. obviously if you have one secret facility, the assumption will be what else are you hiding. and the president did not layout the specific threat when it comes to the issue of sanctions. nicholas sarcozy did, and he said december is the deadline for iran to comply, and if they don't sanctions will begin. >> thank you. andrea mitchell also with us.
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with current reporting yourself, andrea, what is going on? >> what is important is the president said that they know in his public statement, he said we know the configuration, the size of the plant is not consistent with the peaceful program. the right to peaceful energy, a peaceful nuclear energy program is something strongly held by iran, not just the system but the iranian people. it's considered a very important fact of their nationalistic desires. they resisted a lot of the western criticism and the american criticism in the past that they don't have the right to nuclear development. what he is saying is we know from our intelligence this is not a peaceful program. he is laying this out much more exspl exsplitidally than before.
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we are told that medvedev met in a q & a session with students at the university of pittsburgh yesterday. they said he talked about how much he likes obama, how obama doesn't lecture him. there is a real dynamic going on here in the meeting next week in geneva is going to be different from past meetings, i think. >> you say there are -- >> germany has always been on the fence, and merkel, she was not standing side by side with them. germany has real strong economic ties to iran and has not been as supportive as france and the uk. now it's most likely that not only germany strongly supports
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this, but russia will move in that direction, and they have to get china onboard. china will follow russia's lead. this is the first time the security council will be united against iran. >> andrea, walk us through the impact sanctions might have. what sanctions exist and what could be added and what would the fallout be? >> a lot is finance. they are freezing access to credit by iran. they can do a lot to stop european engagement from iran. the u.s. does not trade with iran but europe does. they can expand the boycotts and tighten the noose. and there are steps they can take. their hope is that iran will start backing down, and that this will be the beginning of diplomacy. that's a stretch, though. the strongest hope is to avoid military action because of the on going threat of israel to do
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something against the nuclear facilities if there is not a response from iran. and the other interesting point, the suspected facility claimed by the u.s. and the allies today, is 30 kilometers from the holiest site in iran. it built it near a holy site which makes it a lot more difficult to take it out military without a disas strus response from the muslim world. contessa, what else is going on? >> the leaders of the 20 nations will get together and come up with ways to protect the economy from another meltdown. it took some 15 millions jobs in
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the process. and police broke out spray and rubber bullets to control a crowd in a demonstration. what are they trying to accomplish here? >> they are trying to accomplish -- i hate to say anything and everything, but trying to accomplish the simple task to get anybody to protest. and they are protesting the usual thing, the wars in afghanistan and iraq. and now so far maybe 1,000 protest organizers predicted 10,000 would be here, and the sources are saying the unofficial estimate is saying there are about 1,000. we are standing on fifth avenue and the oakland section of pittsburgh, and in a couple hours all of those demonstrators will gather here for a march
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with a permit downtown. >> thank you for keeping us in the loop. terror arrests around the country this morning. there was a arrest in texas, and north carolina there is a plot to attack military personnel, and then the plan with zazi, and the plan he is trying to carry out. >> he will be back in court today. the thoefrts want to move him and his case to brooklyn and consolidate everything. what they say is that zazi after coming back from pakistan was trying to make the explosive that he apparently got instruction in you on to prepare.
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he had a formula, he and at least three other people were going around the denver area buying gallons of the chemicals that would be used to make the bomb. and some of these ingredients are available at beauty supply stores. and then he got a hotel with a stove in it, to heat the chemicals to try and concentrate them. and he was desperately trying to get further instructions on how to make it work. he apparently never succeeded in making explosives. but he intended to go to brooklyn and keep trying. >> why do they think he was urgently looking for the information? was there a deadline of sorts for him? >> not a deadline. apparently he wanted to master the formula before he went on to new york. but he was already looking for chemicals that he could find in the new york area, they say. and there is no indication either that he mastered the formula or that he intended to try and stop.
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that was the concern, he was going to go to new york and keep trying. >> appreciate that. dylan? >> chairman of the house and armed services committee. thank you for joining us, chairman. where do the western allies go from here? >> the news we got, of course, is very troubling. france and great britain are alongside us to try to do something. i think they should move ahead with the sanctions they have been talking about. as a matter of fact, chairman of the foreign affairs committee has a bill in congress that will urge sanctions against that country. it's rather troublesome that they being a signature. we need to push the sanctions.
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>> the sanctions could be a cut off to iran. not to escalate on a military sense but to cut off the flow of oil? >> i don't know what they would do, but i think that we need, regardless of what they try to do, we need to push the sanctions. they have to know it's a painful choice they have made in hiding facilities that enrich uranium. if they were on the level, and if they were really trying to do this for peaceful purposes, they would not go around hiding the facilities where they are enriching this uranium. >> when you see news like this, what does it make you think about the u.s. energy policy and their dependance on the part of the world and the over head we carry with the navy and everything to get the energy out? >> we need to continue to waen
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ourselves from an oil base in our energy. and i think people across the country understand that. >> representative, thank you for running out to talk with us about this. we appreciate it. representative skeleton, thank you, sir. we are getting started in the "morning meeting." the public option and our options. all of our options of for choice. before the senate finance committee, we are talking to former governor and dnc chairman, howard dean. >> we are near a tipping point and it can tip any which way. you want it to tip in the direction of people deciding to use the democratic process. >> he is taking on terrorism and the health care industry. now filmmaker setting his sights on capitalism. it's out and we are talking to him coming up. - third and ten from the forty... - woman: rule number one?
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you gotta have tostitos for the game. rule number two? - don't put 'em right in front of the tv. - he's got one man to beat... with unbeatable prices on tostitos chips and dips-- game time costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart.
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two big amendments before the senate today. wyden's amendment goes up today, and then howard dean joins us for the option. welcome back to the program. educate us, if you could, what is the amendment they are voting on today, and would everybody in the country be able to use the option? >> i don't know. i have not seen the description of what is in the public option vote. i don't expect it to pass. you will have every single republican voting against it. it's more of a conservative committee than the rest of the democratic party. i appreciate senator rock
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rockefeller's position on this. >> i think people get confused on what the public option is and whether everybody gets to use it. what is your -- >> you should think of the public option is medicare if you wish to join it. that's what you should think of the public option as. and if you are already employed and insured by your employer, you don't get to sign up for the public option. and what the public option is, you get to choose, if you have no insurance or work for somebody that doesn't give insurance, or individually insured in the individual private market, you get to choose whether you want a public option like medicare or whether you want to stay with your private insurance. that's essential. that's the real choice. you don't have that choice. you are condemned to continuing with the private sector.
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have you a big problem. we are not going to have health care reform. >> where is the greatest resistance to creating more choices for americans, period, with health care? >> the resistance is the insurance companies. it's a huge windfall for the insurance company. it takes tens of billions of dollars for the health care industry. it puts that taxpayer money into the private insurance companies. i think that's a terrible, terrible mistake. you have to have an option to purchase something like medicare from the government in order to make it work. >> i would like for to you repeat that. there are parts of the legislation, specifically the mandate, where they will make it by law, an adult in the country, everybody has to buy insurance. it's like auto insurance. >> yeah, right now they are not giving us all the choices. what drives people crazy about this is why can't americans
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choose for themselves. why do you have to let the congress or the senate or the brur krats or insurance companies choose the insurance for us. why can't we choose our own insurance? and one of the choices should be single payer. >> do you after the break, plug into the other stories making waves. contessa, throwing another dance party. the latest youtube sensation.
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a baby shaking his booty to beyonce. and michael moore still to come. ( folk music playing ) kids who don't eat breakfast aren't getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. ( bell rings ) a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast.
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and earn rewards like cash back with every purchase. cash you can put into savings. or even use to help pay down your credit card balance. it's one of the many ways we make saving money in tough times a whole lot easier. libyan leader, moammar gadhafi sitting down with the wall street journal. >> he said he strongly denied to the wall street journal that he intentionally -- this is a quote. he says that out of the billions of dollars paid out by his government to the lockerbie families, it's over. he would say it has come to an
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end. legally and politically and financially it's all over. he would say i thank allow that this is over. >> he actually denied that oil had anything to do with it. he said great britain definitely benefited from the embargo the united states put on oil companies, especiallioff operating out of lof libya. he says there is money to be made for everybody. and now a story out of wisconsin. the major is in a bit of hot water, and probably within his own family as well. he was caught on family with rather -- well, let's play the tape.
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>> he didn't know he was being tape. it was caught on a camera phone, making a remark with his wife's sister, and her particular talents. there are questions about the allegations because there was a human resources manager that was fired and there was pay back forgetting fired. and still, you are the mayor. you are held to a different standard. >> yeah, with the internet, i could have done something when i was 12 that they will bring up today. >> i will look for that one. >> yeah, a fireworks incident when i was 12, and it would cost me my job if somebody started to look. >> you look very nautical today. >> i will sailing on friday. i am sailing away -- let's role
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this. >> and beonyea is big with the under 1 crowd. i have seen a lot of babies holding on to a coffee cable and dancing to her, and their parents have to get a screaming laugh at it. i have to say, they have rhythm. >> thank you, contessa. joining the morning meeting nexts, michael moore on his new film "capitalism, a love story," coming up. - won: who's the mvp at our football parties? - hut! usually he's the guy who brings out the pepsi. with unbeatable prices on refreshing pepsi-- game time costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. proclaims "gq" magazine. did you see that? the interior "positively oozes class,"
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raves "car magazine." "slick and sensuous," boasts "the washington times." "the most striking vw in recent memory," declares-- okay, i get it already. i think we were in a car commercial. ♪ yeah ♪ yeah. according to a study presented by better homes and gardens, definity color recapture. it corrects the look of wrinkles and discoloration. 50,000 voters. one brilliant winner. it's what doctors recommend most for headaches. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers.. and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol...
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more than any other brand of pain reliever.
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welcome back. 9:30 in the east, and 6:30 out west. and iran must prove its nuclear plan is peaceful. and this comes that there is a secret iranian nuclear plant. >> it's time for iran to act immediately to restore the confidence of the international community by fulfilling its international obligations. meanwhile, michael moore exploring the roots of the economic meltdown, found the capital system at its root.
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meanwhile, end of the week on wall street. stock numbers indicating a down day. we also had disappointing home sales data, and really the headlines continue to be stability, thanks to the bailout and anxiety, as to how we get out of the pickle. and finally, just how close did a suspected terrorists come to detonating bombs in new york city. and then two new home grown plots to innocent people. now, let's get back to the "morning meeting." there is protest at the g-20 summit in pittsburgh. >> and yeah, police arrested nearly 70 people so far. and yesterday they broke windows and threw rocks, and that's what you are seeing here. police responded with rubber
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bullets and pepper spray and tear-gas. nevertheless, the protest were smaller than expected. some protesters are trying to avoid the kinds of conflict and keep the focus on the message. they argue the g-20 are power brokers that don't represent the people in their countries and don't have to live with the consequences of their actions. dylan? >> there is sure to be outrage inside the g-20 meetings. when the u.s. markets collapsed the damage was not limited to the country, and people around the country took a hit. is it capitalism around the world or just human nature? joining us now, film making michael moore. moore is now taking on wall street and washington in his latest controversial documentary
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"capitalism a love story." take a look. ? >> we are here to get the money back for the american people. >> i understand, people, but you can't come in here. >> i have more bags, and $10 million won't fit in here. we want our money back. >> we are here to make a citizens' arrest, actually. everywhere i went -- i am going to take it back to the u.s. treasury, right in this car. it's safe. you can trust me. >> first question to you, why do you think american politicians were willing to change the rules of banking to allow this to happen? >> because those politicians received tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars from all of these banking institutions.
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when they forget, they leave congress they get a job, and often go to work for these guys is what they also get. if they are already working for them they run for congress. and either the way door swings both ways. >> and a lot of people don't understand how it happened, but they understand we have a major problem with the way the banking system is constructed right now. and you, in my opinion, are the best film making in the country at connecting broken systems and out-dated systems and bad decision making with real life consequence in our society and around the world. i am curious as to what struck you as the most resonating impact, because of this particular broken system. >> what i noticed is different this time with this film than any other film i have done in the last 20 years, is that
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before when you would go to cover people who were hurting, these are people who had been poor for a long time, or who have known poverty or low income levels. maybe they had the job but never made much money. this time i was talking to people from the middle class and the upper middle class who worked their whole lives believing in the system, and believing in the promise if they worked hard and the company prospered, they would prosper. it's one thing if you always been poor, you never really lived -- >> sure. >> so you wished you lived better. but if you already lived better and then the thing that you love, the system that you were so loyal to snatches away from you like that and makes you poor, the level of anger that is boiling out there just beneath the surface, i am telling you, get out of the bubble here of new york or los angeles and come
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out there across the country, i have seen it. you have seen it spill over a bit with all the town hall stuff, but believe me, it goes much wider. >> let's stop there. we are at a point in the country where if we don't find a healthy place to direct the frustration and anger -- you are talking about somebody that left a job in cnbc in order to pursue politicians because of his frustration and anger at the revelation of a system that is perpetuating theft and then covering it up. what i am trying to figure out and be curious to know from you, what is the healthiest place for all of us? i will see if i can go to msnbc and ask questions of politicians. most people are not in a situation where i was where they have the realization of the bou betrayal and come and ask questions. but they can do certain things, particularly relative to the
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politicians and the truckture in general. what do you think is the most effective way to communicate and the most constructive way to communicate the valid anger and rage that exists in the country so we don't destroy ourselves in the process? >> we are near the tipping point. it could tip any which way. and you want it to tip in the direction of people deciding to use the democratic process in order to have their voices heard and to effect change. if the process is so broken that it doesn't hear them or allow them in or respond to them or doesn't allow them to run for office because they don't have the requisite $3 million to run for the congressional street in their district in rural michigan. then they will go another way. history, unfortunately, has shown the other way is not a pleasant way. you want to prevent that. >> you need someplace else to
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go. i would argue when you get a ball of energy would that level of intensity,ette p ettither pe understand it and have the power and the privilege to communicate, whether it's you or somebody like myself or others of dozens of people in the country, they point to we can do this better and highlight the lobbying and eliminate money in government. i don't know what it is, but i would be interested to hear from you what you think the people of america need to demand from the government, structurally, because the way the government does business now it's holding americans hostage and stealing their money, we need to fix that. >> money out of politics. finance the politics like they have in ever other democracy.
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they say that allowing the money, wealth, to control the democracy process. it's there for the very small percentage who have a vested interest in maintaining the status co. if i were anybody out there watching, we have an election year coming up this year for congress, every congress person is up for re-election. i would demand each of them to know what are they doing to support bills already before the legislature, and to remove money from our political system. now, having publicly financed elections, you are going to enjoy this, because first of aushlgs you shorten the campaign season, instead of it being a year long, it's more like six weeks long. that's how they do it in the countries. only a minimal amount of money could be spent. the air waves are given over to
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the candidates, a minute or two here and there so they don't have to buy ads, and they use that time to say here is what i am going to do if you elect me to congress. and then you have to have laws that prohibit these members of congress from being lobbyists for the next, say, five to ten years. >> i would say forever. >> you are such a radical. >> same thing with the fcc. why can you work at the securities and exchange commission and go work at goldman sachs? >> yeah. seriously, they cannot -- nor can they come from that either in the congress. there has to be a serious division between the people who are lobbying congress to get legislation passed. they should not be able to promise these people anything. >> where are the mr. smiths?
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why haven't they gone to washington? people would never think of running for office, but you need to think about this. don't leave it up to the professional political hacks. start by running for commissioner or the school board. i sought at a very early age that you could -- it was as simple as getting a certain number of petitions -- signatures on a petition and knocking on every door in the school district and coming in first out of seven candidates. >> it can be done. >> if i can do it, if they would vote for me -- >> there is hope for america. >> i just think not a lot of people actually consider doing this. i want people to really think seriously, don't leave it up to these other people. we need you to do this. we need you to do this. and i and others would be very
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supportive of that. >> michael, it's a pleasure to make your 88 nuns. we are back after this. most of the institutions that destroyed the economy were under his direct regulatory authority. >> how did he get the job as treasury secretary? >> by screwing up his job as president of the federal bank in new york. the nor my doctor told me something i never knew.
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9:42 am
we're shopping for car insurance, and our friends said we should start here. good friends -- we compare our progressive direct rates, apples to apples, against other top companies, to help you get the best price. how do you do that? with a touch of this button. can i try that? [ chuckles ] wow! good luck getting your remote back. it's all right -- i love this channel. shopping less and saving more. now, that's progressive. call or click today. now that we established that i own you, you have six hours to get 1,000 signatures, and make sure they are legible. have fun. >> the drama, and the clicks. we are not just talking about another episode of a gossip
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girl. if you don't know what that is, ask a teenager. if you don't have a teenager like me, invite a guy on his show and he will tell you. trend or talk, is it me or is health care reform starting to look like high school instead of government trying to get rid of the hidden tax and the false security and make our country competitive again? anyway, our panel is jonathan capehart and karen finney. nice to see you. i feel bad, i have not seen you all show. you look lovely, both of you, in the double boxes. and check out this fight between baucus and jon kyl yesterday. >> let me complete my thought? >> i will complete my thought and make -- >> you are delaying -- >> i am not delaying.
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i am making a extremely important point. >> it's an extremely important point, but you are also delaying. >> reminds you of this? >> it's a few ratings, and they will use girls like you to do it! >> shut up! >> you shut up! >> modern politics, jonathan. >> yeah, that's the trend. that's definitely a trend. all we are miss something somebody saying, hold on goals. and if you don't pipe down, and he will say i will cut you! next up, spotted, big man on campus. chairman committee max baucus chatting up a potential swing vote, olympia snow >> hey. >> rnlt you not supposed to talk to me?
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won't you be shunned or something? >> is mr. baucus forfeiting his status by being a fool? >> everybody knows if you are going to be that on campus, you have to let the chicks come to you. you cannot go chasing them down the halls of congress. >> finally, are you listening, max? and then the incrowd on the issue is members of the finance committee, and now the gang of six have gone their separate ways. and grassley has a new gang of outsiders that will offer amendments that come from the cool-kid committee. hopefully grassley's plan doesn't end up like this. >> is that my invitation being used as a coaster?
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>> thank you so much. we -- >> please, nobody wants greasy pizza. and did i mention, facials? >> okay, then. >> to know what is going on there, you need a teenager or a toure? >> yeah, that's the same. that's the talker. that was really pathetic. >> yeah, it was. honestly, if you are sitting at home watching the news or watching "gossip girl," can you tell the different these days? >> no, i can't. that's why we have toure. and he is in the break room. thank you karen and jonathan. we will do more than trend or talk with you shortly. meanwhile, fans lining up to get the tickets to the michael jackson "this is it" film.
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and why does this happen? what are people thinking? it's clearly out of context. and toure puts it in context we hope, after this. people stop us when we're walking, and they'll say, "did you shine up her spots?" [ woman announcing ] just another way purina one... unlocks the brilliance of nature... to transform the life of your dog. for us to see the difference in mollie-- we were really excited about it. it just makes you feel wonderful. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. i can breathe freer with zyrtec-d®. so, i'll race you to our favorite chair. i might even let you win.
9:48 am
zyrtec-d® lets me breathe easier, so i can love the air™. zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed.
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all right. i don't have a teenager, but we all have on a toure, thank goodness. he is in the building. it's true, i don't know what is going on in this world. but pop culture and what not, i'm trying to free the hostages for goodness sake. >> you know about gossip girl. you watch that. i love that. so unexpected. >> anyway. our producer, yes, is watching and i'm good at running gossip girl sound bites. >> don't hide it. >> michael jackson, what do you got? >> he would be in hot water if he were alive. he calls hitler a genius on a tape that a london tabloid had. now, look. he's not a nazi sympathizer
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saying hitler was evil and he wanted to talk to him and bring him down from the evil edge. but he was also saying he was a genius showman to be able to get that many people on his side hating. >> sure. anybody who exploied a economic downturn to a totalian regime is impressive but certainly not desirable, shall we say. >> you can't say anything positive about hitler at all. >> an economic struck that led to that event. >> give michael jackson an hour? no, give dylan ratigan an hour alone with hostages. let's free the hostages. >> one more thing about michael. people lining up already for tickets to buy "this is it" the movie. it's going on sale sunday. people in l.a. lined up already today. big deal. >> i think it would be news if they weren't, for all due respect.
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>> maybe. blago? >> he continued his you got to believe me, i'm not lying media tour last night, stopping into jon stewart's house. >> would a guilty man say listen to all of the tapes or an innocent man say here are the tapes? because you'll hear the truth in those tapes. >> people can convince themselves of a lot of things. >> the guy is just a horrible advocate for his own case. anything he says, i'm like that's not true. >> he is making for a good celebrity, really. >> really? he's a joke. he is a punch line. who would take him seriously? >> "saturday night live" doing a fine job of it? >> yes. when embattled black politicians line obama and governor paterson are beefing you know "saturday night live" will stick their nose into it. >> why do you think he is getting involved? >> he probably has a bunch of time to kill. oh, wait! he is the busiest man in the world, yet he took time to bully me, a fellow black democrat. that's like the pope calling a
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local priest and telling him to go to hell. do you know how they go to hell? you take the holland tunnel straight to new jersey! >> every time they slack new jersey, i crack up. never gets old. new yorkers, bam! a punching bag for us. i got to say fred armason is doing paterson and obama. he does paterson pretty well, i think. obama, not so well. >> i like his obama. stay cool, that whole thing was fantastic. >> he is kind of icy. not that funny -- >> i disagree! >> okay. >> but you're the expert, you're toure. i'm just dylan. >> but you're the one watching "gossip girl". >> nice to see you. >> owner only personal toure, thank you, sir. ahead, iran's nuclear facility disclosed this morning in a press conference by the president along with other world leaders and now demanding answers. is this the leverage the united states needs to bring russia and
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western europe online to cut off financing to iran? rr for all the moments that make every day special. fancy feast introduces an entirely new way to celebrate any moment. fancy feast appetizzrs. simple high qualiiy ingredients like wild alaskan salmon, white meat chicken, or seabass and shrimp in a delicate broth, prepared without by-products or fillers. new fancy feast appetizers celebrate the moment. now you can get the latest name-brand hdtvs... where you already save. well, actually, just a few rows over... in walmart's expanded electronics department. get unbeatable prices on today's latest hdtvs from sony, vizio, philips, sharp and samsung... they're a lot closer than you think.
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good morning to you. welcome back. i'm dylan ratigan. this is the "morning meeting." 10:00 a.m. in the east and breaking news on iran. secret nuclear plant exposed this morning. the rogue nation admitting having a second u rain u rainian plant. >> we report to the iaea board of governs. >> how this is just coming out now and what can the u.s. and the world do about it we're not doing already with iran snp live to the g-20. leaders talking economy, protesters clashing with police. hopefully, that won't overshadow critical talks here. not only on the economy, but on
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security. authorities say he raided beauty supply stores to gather scary ingredients. we will find out what those might have been. public option do or die critical vote on the government health care plan delayed until monday and now the vote on the wyden free choice amendment postponed until today. senator kay bailey hutchinson joins us talking freedom. can we get real option and in this country for health care. pull up a meeting and join the "morning meeting." it's 10:00 a.m. dramatic developments in the nuclear showdown with iran this morning. a short time ago at the g-20 summit in pittsburgh, president obama demanded immediate international inspections after iran is indeed building a secret underground nuclear plant. >> the size and configuration of
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this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful program. iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow. endangering the global nonproliferation regime, denying its own people access to the opportunity they deserve, and threatening the stability and security of the region and the world. >> nbc's chief white house correspondent chuck todd is traveling with the president. good morning, chuck. >> good morning, dylan. well, we're learning a lot more about this facility. number one, it was not yet operational but they believed it could be within a few months. you heard the president there describing that it was inconsistent with some sort of non -- with a nuclear program that would be somehow be for simply power or electricity. and what they mean by that is a description that a senior administration official made to me is that it was simply this appears to be a facility they wanted to use to figure out how to weaponize uranium and they
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could have enough of this to make a bomb or two a year. apparently all intelligence sources believe this facility could be operational within the next few months. and what happened, why did this all break open this week? a couple of reasons. number one, the iranians discovered that their secret was no longer secret. we apparently have known for at least a couple of years and tracking it aband building a case to take to the international community. this week, as you know, dylan, there has been a a lot of -- there has been a lot of private one-on-one talks between the president and some key members of what you keep hearing this phrase, the p-5 plus 1. what that is is those permanent members of the security council, china, rush a, uk, france, russia and, of course, the united states plus germany. what happened this week as they heard that the iranians might try to release some information about this thing, they decided the u.s. decided to brief the
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russians and the chinese and that may explain why russian president medvedev hinted about the possibility of sanctions against iran for the first time. because your question, dylan, about this idea of, well, why haven't there been sanctions? the russians and the chinese have been the ones standing in the way of world sanctions against iran. >> yeah. i want to bring in nile gardner, and jonathan and karen are also here. thank you very much, chuck. nile, does this give the u.s. and for that matter, the balance of the west that would seek at the leverage they need to get china and russia on board for meaningful sanctions? >> the drive for further u.n. security council sanctions, china has given no indication whatsoever that they will support tougher sanctions and i think they will oppose them. the russians have indicated they might support tougher sanctions but that is coming from medvedev, not from putin himself. i think the russians are continuing to play a double game
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here. they are increasing some of the games to tehran but, at the same time, continues to apply missile arms to the iranians. i wouldn't necessarily trust the russians at all on this issue. >> if you were to look at the financing channels perhaps the most effective immediate way to take action as andrea mitchell suggested an hour ago, where do the bulk of iran's financing come from? >> well, i think it's very important to -- especially cut off the flows of investment going into iran from european union countries, especially countries like germany and italy, huge investing and trading partners with the iranians. i'd like to go barack obama increasing the pressure on european allies actually to isolate the iran regime. after all germany for example supplies about a third of raunel iran's engineering needs and companies operating in iran today. it's important that supply trading route is cut down completely to isolate the iranians. >> jonathan, go ahead.
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>> i had a question for nile. nile, should we take any significance in the fact that we had the president of the united states, along with the president of frns and the prime minister of great britain, making this announcement together? >> good morning, jonathan. yeah. i think this is a highly significant development and indicates the u.s. and uk and france are united in pressing for a tougher sanctions, but i really don't see any clear evidence that either china or russian will shift their position and even if we have all of the key allies in europe supporting tougher sanctions, that won't necessarily make a difference with the chis and the russians. so i'm not overly confident that this message being sent by paris, london and washington today is necessarily going to change things. >> how much leverage or how much ability does iran have to retaliate, not in the material sense, nile, but using their
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energy resources? >> i think that certainly iran can try to retaliate with regard to oil supplies but let's not forget, of course, the iranians depend upon the refinement of oil outside of iran for their own fuel needs. so there are two sides to this equation and certainly the west can play a very powerful role in terms of strangling the iranian economy if it chose to do so. >> finally, nile, how are americans to interpret the ongoing resistance from russia or china to get on board, if you will, a more cohesive set of sanctions as a group? >> well, the chinese and the russians are simply pursuing their own national interests. they have a heavy military economic ties with iran. also, let's not forget, of course, the point of view from moscow, for example, it's a good thing to make life difficult for the americans and the british. this is about a strategic balance of power here. and the russians see iranian
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opposition to american global power as a good thing. >> nile gardner, director of the margaret thatcher center of freedom, thank you. contessa? police in pittsburgh breaking for another day of demonstrations that have erupted in violence. so far police arrested 66 protest aers fired off rubber bullets and canisters of pepper spray after a clash with self-described anarchoists. mike, what are police expecting today, mike? >> well, in short terms, what they expect is more of the same. the mayor, pittsburgh's mayor in a radio interyu said that is. the vast majority of those protesters in town were and they expect continue to be peaceful but anarchists have been provoking confrontations with police and throwing rocks their
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way and throwing dumpsters in their directions and refusing directions and when they do that, those crowd control measures including pepper spray and sound blasts have been used along with batons and the other usually devise to keep the crowd at way and so far the massive police presence has overwhelmed the relatively small number of protesters in town. that march takes off at noon and we'll see what happens. >> mike, thanks. five american troops have been killed in southern afghanistan, nearly three dozen this month alone. it comes as the president waits for general mchrystal's official request for thousands more troops. nbc's jim miklaszewski joins us from the pentagon. was this really surprising how quickly the violence spread? >> well, you know, the u.s. military strategy is aimed at actually trying to tamp down that increase in violence and as 21,000 additional troops were put into iraq or are being put
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into afghanistan, i'm sorry, we're in the process of doing that, it was expected that the violence would rise because u.s. military forces are venturing out into areas, enemy territory where they really had no presence before, so that's not unexpected. however, what was unexpected is they are confronting a much more sophisticated taliban enemy than they had before and some of that violence has spread to areas in the west and northwest where the taliban had no presence before and it's estimated, as a matter of fact, that taliban, they have some control over 80% of afghanistan right now. >> jim, thank you. u.s. strategy in afghanistan will be a key topic on "meet the press" this sunday. moderator david gregory brings jon kyl and jim webb on "meet the press" this sunday. check your local listings for times. the congress department reported sales of new homes inched up .7 of a% last month.
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you might think that is good news except it was less than expected. sales are down more than 4% from a year ago and sale prices are down nearly 12% from last year. yesterday, we got the existing home sales report which saw a nearly 3% drop. so, really, some disappointing news on housing. >> i think the sooner -- if you look at history, particularly with housing markets, they tend to take five or six years to work out. we're about year three. >> patience is a virtue. >> anything less than six years for us because of the things the federal reserve has done and is doing, et cetera, whether we like it or not, may actually accelerate that program. six years is the historical average for a housing recovery. thank you very much, contessa. lots more to come here at the "morning meeting." live pictures from inside the senate finance committee. wyden choice said to be on the docket today. it was supposed to be yesterday. meanwhile, the public option which was scheduled for today, now postponed until monday.
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what do americans have to do to get real choices from their government on their health care and liberation from the employer-based system if they so choose it? dr. nancy snyderman is here next. imodium multi-symptom relief combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 when my broker said, "i make money when you make money," tdd# 1-800-345-2550 he neglected to mention tdd# 1-800-345-2550 he also makes money when i lose money, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 withdraw money or do nothing with my money. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 tdd# 1-800-345-2550
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the key debate over the public option getting new life. a pair of lawmakers pushing in an effort to get it into the reform bill and may have to wait a while and a couple of days now, in fact, before they get to that. live to nbc news capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell who continues our coverage of the sausage making. how is it going? >> i probably should wear gloves to whork with you give that analo analogy. one thing that might help our viewers and, frankly, all of us is the schedule for the finance
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committee is somewhat looser than what we normally see when bills go to the floor for a full senate vote and why we're seeing a change when things are coming for consideration and so forth. the public option is getting some new life. we do not expect it to be dealt with today because the finance committee which is back to work will only go to noon today and resume its work on tuesday. that is the housekeeping part of this. but the renewed interest in public option is really all about the left part of the democratic party kind of having its voice heard again and saying toob too quick to say the senate would not pass the public option. it's getting some support from both houses with some big voices. to give you an idea about that, we'll hear from senator chuck schumer and the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. >> by having this discussion with the nation's eyes focused on the finance committee and on the debate, we're going to win this fight. if we were to do one vote at the end of the day, the insurance
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industry would probably be able to snuff it out. but you keep doing it, building up support, we have a good chance of winning. >> the evidence seems to point at this caucus that i was just to that a trigger isn't an excuse for not doing anything. i believe that the bill is the trigger. if anybody wants to -- i don't even want to talk about it. when we are ready, i'll tell you where we're going to be. >> so the strong advocates for a public option want to be heard again and they recognize there is an uphill battle in the senate because there are more moderate democrats, not everyone in agreement about a public option, but they're not willing to give that up yet, hoping that over time, the momentum will build so we're following it all for you. >> thank you very much, kelly. we'll send some gloves down to you and keep you clean. >> thank you. joining the panel dr. nancy snyderman and my physician also, although i never go to the
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doctor. i don't go to the doctor but makes me feel better if i needed one. i could not visit you. but it's okay. jonathan is here as well and you just heard karen. i'm going to begin with you, karen. there are some great debates being had here, both with the public option, which is, obviously, getting momentum here and, obviously, on choice in general whether it's wyden's choice amendment, the olympia snowe choice amendment for people to participate in exchanges. what is the difference? it's stunning to me there is so much resistance in our government to create more freedom and more choices for people to get health care. why is that? >> so much of it, i think, was the battle was lost when we lost sort of the message on what the public option really is. i mean, you ask governor dean about it earlier this morning. i think if we had been able to explain to people that simply. >> why don't you repeat it? >> essentially, it gives everybody a much broader choice in the same way that you got medicare or the veteran system or, frankly be the system that
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members of congress enjoy. it means you can have an option to buy into -- or a choice to buy into a different system. you know, the other problem in this, though, i think democrats have not taken full advantage of the fact if you look at the polls, a majority of americans still support the public option and they are sort of -- they are playing defense when they really ought to be on offense. i think where we may end up is a public option with a trigger, despite what the speaker said. >> drs dr. nancy, why do you think the political community is so resistant to create more choices for americans, whether to em empower the amendments or create a public option? wyden choice -- >> but -- but the economics have been very poorly explained. let me sort of shift this conversation. we've been talking about how much things cost which scares irv. what if we talked about an investment instead and one of the things that come with a
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public option is how are you going to treat that many more people? what if medicare dollars which right now go to hospitals to train young physicians which we know, that's their commitment, what if part of you're going to medical school and residency is you are then required for a year or two to stay on at a somewhat elevated level, for an elevated pay, to give back in a public health corps? so that the public option patients have a new pool of young physicians who will address those people. you have an economic model then that we've never had in this country that says we are going to take taxpayer money and we're going to invest in the health and future of our citizenry, we are going to require medical students and residents to say give us back and because we're going to do the system you will now graduate from medical school with no debt. so you make medical students and residents go into medical school for a reason. >> that's a great idea, in my opinion.
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there are many others like it. very few of them seem to make it into the lenks legislation or when they do whether it's creating a choice amendment of some kind from senator wyden or snowe. >> let's keep something nked in mind. that clip you ran from senator schumer was struckive. you go at it once and they can snuff it back but if you keep coming back over and over again you can make possibly some headway. i found it significant yesterday afternoon when i got e-mail about the press call that senator schumer and rockefeller were going to have about this public option. the fact this is coming up? the senate which it was said it was dead on arrival is quite something. you know, speaker pelosi saying she doesn't want to talk about a trigger, it's not -- it's not going to be there, everyone is taking their extreme positions because, you know, speaker pelosi realizes that the senate has to pass its bill and then the real hard work and the real
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deal-making will come when she and reid and their respective staffs and fellow members of conference are in the conference committee trying to hammer out the final details of the joint bill. >> jonathan and care and dr. nan nancy, thank you very much. >> as i talk to doctors around the country there is great individual support of this idea for a public option. i think the fringes have had the louder bull horn. >> i agree with you. >> i love it when you agree with me. >> we have bull horns of our own. we're plugging into politics next. vice president joe biden overseas. the government and their 787 billion dollar spending program, what the vice president says will happen if the stimulus fails and how we ought to be assessing whether the stimulus is working. karl, don't you have friends coming over? yeah, so? have you smelled this chair? or these curtains? you've gotta wash this whole room! are you kidding? wash it?!
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contessa on the beat. >> biden gets on this phone call with all of these governors. he oversees the spending program. he is on this conference call with the governors and he is supposed to be reporting on how the stimulus works and he says what you guys are doing is having an impact on the economy but he also says if it doesn't work, he is dead. >> does he say how they are measuring it? >> no. >> rhetoric -- >> well, you know, in saying, look. it's important for you to go out and administer the program effectively so that the money that the federal government hands over to you gets put into projects that actually -- >> they don't know how they're going to measure it? >> right. >> kind of silly. the president and first lady last night spend two hours greeting these dignitaries at an event outside the g-20. politico put its staff on the report and they are blogging about the arrival of these world leaders so let's show you some of that video from the -- there is the website. here is the line where the first
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lady and the president greet everybody. what is really funny about this is that politico goes through almost all of them. here you see the first couple greeting these folks, but let me read from politico. next to ethiopian president who did something to anger his wife because she glares at him. the obama both looked taken aback by her wondering what happened in the car. the ethiopian couple are quickly dispatched inside. kevin rudd brought his wife and brings with her the first cleavage of the evening in a black suit with a low cut top and five-inch stilettos. i'm not kidding, five-inch. this reads like a gossip column, politico. >> they need to hire some of the folks from e! the folks from the red carpet. >> joe wilson will headline an event. apparently he is going to a
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fund-raiser for a member who is seek ago comeback. joe wilson said to the president in the house of representatives "you lie" made him a pib money-making candidate for others. how about carly fee orena? >> a website launched on monday and oh, is this getting made fun of. the website so bare bones that even republicans now are saying could you have hired someone who, i don't know, knew something about web sites to come up with your -- >> the whole running hewlett-packard and all? >> you think you would coming up with simply other than a simple animation. carly california dreaming? i sound like toureasement. much more ahead at the "morning meeting." home-grown terror inside the
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u.s. three different plots uncovered. was one of them indeed the most serious since 9/11? some say so. we'll talk about it after this. [ woman ] dear cat. gentle cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. i can breathe freer with zyrtec-d®.
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swiffer dust & shine. morning providing new details on what could only be described as a chilling terror plot. afghan immigrant are training from al qaeda accused to try to build bombs and carry out attack
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on u.s. soil and more bizarre where investigators say he bought his supplies. details coming on other two arrests in two other cities. pete williams is on the beat with the latest. hi, pete. >> hi, dylan. tworge the other two cases are minor. the important one is that of najibullah zazi who will be back in denver court today. to get him transferred to brooklyn where authorities tend to get these cases consolidated in this plot. it is important he would buy the chemicals for his bombs at beauty supply scores because they sell concentrated versions of some of the chemicals needed to make this particular formula he was trying to put together. authorities say he and at least three other people bought gallons of these chemicals in denver area stores and that on three separate dates he got a hotel in suburban denver that had a stove in it so he could heat these chemicals up to try to concentrate them.
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now, it appears, from what we've been able to learn that he never actually succeeded in putting together a working explosive. it appears before he drove to new york city two weeks ago he was urgently communicating with someone trying to get the formula right. each communication more urgent than the one before, the federal authorities say, but when he drove to new york, as far as we know, he did not have any explosives in his car and apparently he didn't have any of these chemicals he bought in denver earlier either. but authorities say he was on the internet before he went to new york looking for places in queens where he could continue to buy these chemicals. >> pete, thank you. evan and jack is with us. jack, should we be encouraged by the fact that pete was able to offering the reporting he just did before anything happened? >> absolutely. the problem is we just never know how far this goes. we don't know how many other people were involved in this
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point and we don't know if there was a time this was set, if there was any specific place this was set or whether or not he actually had a workable explosive. we don't know so much. all we know we have this guy, zazi but we don't know if there were other people involved so that's why we find the federal authorities have to work so hard right now. >> what are the methods by which they find somebody like this? >> if we look around the country right now, one of the things they can do is they will follow like with drugs when you're dealing with precursors you're dealing with chemicals is one of the things they can watch for. they can go on internet web sites like they did when they picked up that kid in springfield, illinois, just like they did when they picked up that kid in dallas, texas. all of these are issues that can be used by federal authorities and even local authorities, too, to address it. sometimes you're also looking for other connections. that's one of the reasons they picked up this ahmad in new york city. if you can find somebody delve into certain communities is beneficial. you go down anyplace you have
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to. >> evan, if you look at the overall mandate from the united states in terms of defending itself from attacks like this, it fundamentally starts with protecting american soil and american interests from nuclear, chemical biological deployment on a small or large scale and this is more small scale deployment we're concerned with. look at that in addition in the context of the current homeland security policy. >> it's overwhelming. i think the only way you can address this kind of a mission is to go to targeted intelligence. look for people that fit a certain kind of profile that looks like they might have come from a terrorist training camp and might be coming back from a conflict zone and that my be what we're seeing here. mr. zazi came back from pakistan in 2008 and it looks like they focused on him then. if you have someone moving around in the northwest frontier province of pakistan in this period of time without a good explanation is a pretty good clue you have somebody you have to keep an eye on. >> where is the line, jack,
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between some version of profiling that we would want, some version of what evan just described, and an abuse of that very factor by law enforcement in this country? >> yeah, there's a real slippery slope when it comes to this but i think we should expand what he just say. if we think about the springfield case there is no connection in that sense. if we look at the dallas case with this jordanian 19-year-old kid he has no direct connection to any known terrorist groups and it's hard to make a distinction two the good and bad guys are. that makes this so implicated. we have to abide by certain laws and if we target people because they look like terrorists, there are bad people out there, some of them might look like we assume a terrorist look like and some don't and we have to decide what they are doing and not what they look like. >> evans, what are the actions of a person? >> let's be clear here. we're not talking about a
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religious profile or racial profile. we're talking about a background profile where someone travels to, the kind people they associate with, the kind of activities they are involved in. this is what puts together the profile of an extremist. look. it tells you a lot if somebody is going to somalia or pakistan. this is not an area that is well known for active tourism at the moment. if you're going in this area and you don't have a very good reason for going in there, i'm sorry, you know, that's a big red flashing light. i don't think that that is racial profile or ethnic profile. i think that's just being pragmatic. >> are we overallocated to pakistan right now? >> i think pakistan and somalia are two big areas of concern but we can't let our guard down because lots of areas where these groups coalesce and home-grown terrorism where you have extremists in this country who do not leave the united states and never leave u.s. borders and could be as
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dangerous. there was a cell here in the u.s. trying to get its hands on a great to make an explosive we have in the zazi case. look. it doesn't just have to be from afghanistan or pakistan, it could be here in the u.s. >> that is the fear. that really is the one. because there is no trigger that triggers that there is nothing that tips you off, that they could be someplace. if they are not crossing into northwest pakistan or if you're not seeing those connections then how do you know? that is the problem and they are very good poise. >> pete williams you said the other two cases were meaningful different than this one. tell us the distinction. >> they might be characterized as low hanging fruit. these are both people publicly talking about their desire to create some kind of jihad or violent attack. they instantly came into the collections of law enforcement and undercover police carried them every step of the way. they were both dealing with what they thought were bombs.
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one to place it in an office building in dallas and the other to place at a federal building in springfield. no actual bombs were involved. certainly, a legitimate thing for law enforcement to pursue these cases, but it's always an open question about what kind of actual threat they would have presented. the zazi case is so different. he was not public expressing this. he actually went, according to the government, went to pakistan, got training from al qaeda professionals, came back and tried to put that training into practice. that's why they're so distinct. >> pete, thank you. evan, jack, thank you both. contessa? right now, look at the united states an allies raising the stakes when it comes to iran's nuclear program. this morning in pittsburgh president obama accused iran of building a secret nuclear facility he says iran is defying the international community. >> iran has a right to peaceful nuclear power that meets the energy needs of its people, but the size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent
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with a peaceful program. iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow. >> the president is calling for immediate international inspections of iran's nuclear facility. the iaea saying they want to get in and look at that facility as soon as possible and they want more information. french president sarkozy is warning that the sanctions will go into effect if iran doesn't address the matter by december. iran for its matter reuters is reporting they say the reports that this nuclear plant was clandestine, untrue and said otherwise they wouldn't have told the iaea about it. they will not comment on the reuters report whether this was a secret plant or not. we're looking at developing situations coming to us from the g-20 summit where president obama is currently and we received some first-person pictures of the protest there. yesterday, some of those erupted in violence. the police having to take action with tear gas and rubber
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bullets. the protesters rolling cans and starting fires. again, we would like to see your pictures and supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg is out of the hospital and expected back at work today. she spent the night in a washington hospital as a precaution after feeling light-headed and dizzy in her office yesterday. she had been treated for an iron deficiency earlier in the day. the 76-year-old justice also had surgery for pancreatic cancer in february. vice president biden is surveying the damage in georgia caused by this week's massive flooding. he will discuss the federal government's help with state and local leaders and meet with affected families. a flash flood warning is posted for the atlanta region. more heavy rain is moving into that area this afternoon. boy, u.s. airlines are raking in the dough this year even though fewer people are flying apparently the fees on soda on board or checking your luggage is paying off. in the first six months of the year the airlines collected
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almost 4 billion bucks for things like checking your bags and canceling or rebooking flights. checked bags in fact, the most lucrative. american and delta raked in $18 million compared to 37 million and 42 million respectively last year and u.s. airways in third compared with 18 million last year. big, big boost in profitability! we know the cause of death officially for the census bureau worker found dead and tied to a tree. a report says he decide of asphyxiation. he was discovered in denver forest september 12th. ron mott is in kentucky. they want to know what was the met vags behind this death. was it suicide or murder? have they determined any of that? >> they have not. they are baffled at this point. as you mentioned the body discovered on september 12th. that is two weeks from tomorrow
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and officials have only really been able to publicly confirm the cause of death. they have not been able to classify this death just yet. i spoke with one of the state troopers earlier today. he said they know very little and they talked to people who live near the daniel boone national forest down there and haven't been able to put the pieces together after some sort of moat stiff. a lot of speculation whether this was a census worker or anti-government hatred gone awry here and cost this man his life. the fbi is assisting the kentucky state patrol right now, that is leading the investigation but we talked to an fbi spokesperson. here is what he had to say whether the fbi will take a greater role in this probe going toward. >> that's a federal crime and the fbi would take the lead in this investigation. >> reporter: now, one of the perplexing baffling things in all of this is the date that officials believe that this man died. they say it was more than likely the day before his body was discovered making it, contessa, september 11th. back up to you.
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>> what comes next in the investigation here, ron? >> well, at this point they are at a loss as to where to go from here. they've talked to some witnesses and they are still waiting on toxicology reports to see if there are any clues there. there have been media reports that the gentleman's truck was at the scene of his body with his census computer in the vehicle. we don't know any more about whether there was any sort of robbery, any of his personal items missing. this investigation is still a long way before they concluded it. >> ron, thanks. the treasury department agreed to review how the irs audits a.c.o.r.n and other community groups. they asked the treasury to look at how the irs handles nonprofit fraud investigations. a treasury spokesman declined to say whether the agency was actually investigating a.c.o.r.n itself. a restaurant in southern california a guy sitting at the table gets up to fire seven shots at a car passing by and what does he do afterwards? sits down to finish his meal!
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police say the man was brought into custody. he faces several charges and will be arraigned later today but what in the world was he thinking? just casually finish your meal. republicans going to court to prevent the interim appointment of a massachusetts senator. paul kirk has been chosen to fill senator kennedy's seat. paul kirk plan is for him to be sworn in later today. back to the g-20. one of the oldest traditions of that summit is present gifts. michelle obama chose this one of a kind tea set. all designed for the pittsburgh summit. the tea set was designed by -- well, a design inspired by china's president and mrs. lincoln used in 1861. the honey came from the first bee hive located on white house property near the first lady's
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garden. >> i like a little home-grown honey. up next, our latest edition of america the great. how the freedom of information act helping all of us in our quest to uncover the secrets our government keeps. 90s slacker h. ♪ singer: buckle up, everybody 'cause we're taking a ride ♪ ♪ that can strain your relationships and hurt your pride ♪ ♪ it's the credit roller coaster ♪ ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪ ♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage. announcer: what if yoand give itrite a whole new life? introducing a transformation in hair care. new aveeno nourish plus. only aveeno has harnessed the power of active naturals' wheat complex
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carnation instant breakfast essentials. yeah, my buddy's got all that. ouch. we've done corn dogs, pizza, and nachos. put it down. [ moans ] dude! pepto guy: sorry to hear that. everything ok? no, we are a little strapped for cash. do we need to buy a bunch of different medicines? pepto guy: oh, no, pepto alone relieves all five symptoms. it's a real value. plus gas too. dude. we're covered. you guys enjoy the game. easy. pepto guy: pepto-bismol. yup, you're covered.
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our money, their secrets. former frerve chairman and top white house economic adviser paul volcker saying yesterday keeping too big to fail will lead to more bailouts not to mention it allows people to take risks with your money. pay themselves the upside and you take the downside. that's concerning enough. but then consider this. we still don't know exactly what happened to the 2 trillion handed out over the past 12
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months. that is 12 zeros of cash from the future of this nation. a rescue package unlike anything we have done before. and when it is capitalism, a love story, michael moore puts the very question as to what happened this money to elizabeth warren, member of the congressional oversight committee. here is warren's response. >> where is our money? >> i don't know. >> that answer not good enough for many, including bloomberg news and a few other news organizations who have filed what is called a foya request. it's a request to force the federal reserve's hand and disclose a full accounting of its actions and the location of the money the fed took the matter to court saying we don't want to disclose it and we'll get back to that in a second. in case you missed it it foia request, freedom of information act which stans of freedom for
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information and yet another example of why we, unlike other nations who have governments that take taxpayer money and keep secrets, are america, the great, because we can actually take action to find out what's going on. we can vote and we can request information and we can control how we spend the money they don't tax. the act into law in 1966 gives up a you will citizens to require government agencies to disclose those records whether they want to or not. so far, no word from the federal government on if they are going to agree to this or if they will vote presidential privilege. we'll keep watching. we'll keep track of it for you. coming up next here, the take-away. every day you're put to the test. that's why secret created clinical strength...
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>> you're very hip. >> welcome back. you bet what? >> i bet you're very hip. >> who? >> well, you. >> no. you were talking not to me. you were talking to the voices in your head. >> the nebulous person in my ear. i got caught! >> the first and whoever is talking in contessa's air is apparently quite hip. in addition to that, a lot of heavy lifting this week. a lot of heavy lifting. >> bringing the hostages. >> the america held hostage and getting choice for everybody for health care. >> but, instead, dancing babies, too. it's the weekend. you've got the best video in town and the cheapest baby-sitter for the weekend. >> i pose the questions why do babies love beyonce so much? we showed this earlier. at one point, this baby knocks itself on the head which is kind of funny. trying to show off. now a second baby here, dylan. while you were doing all of the heavy lifting, i was answering
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tweets from people who wanted to show me the other dancing baby and look at this one. this one can move! i mean, look at those hips going! our producer shannon says this baby can dance better than she can. >> i feel like there is a video trick there. >> no. i think this is -- swinging around and moving the bootie. you know, we could all take a cue from babies. >> yeah. >> go ahead sing it! >> i like what you said. i said it earlier. very patriotic, your nautical. >> i thought it might be a hint for you taking me sailing. the invitation didn't arrive. >> we're trying to liberate the hostages and all. >> seriously. >> do stay with us. >> thank you, guys! >> enjoy the babies. >> that does not count as my dancing! that was me doing a jig. that doesn't count as my dancing skills. >> that is manipulation video i
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think is what that is called. we're back with you on monday. enjoy your day and do stick around. alex is up next. >> can't live that down. ♪ product do women think is best? according to a study presented by better homes and gardens, definity color recapture. it corrects the look of wrinkles and discoloration. 50,000 voters. one brilliant winner. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 when my broker said, "i make money when you make money," tdd# 1-800-345-2550 he neglected to mention tdd# 1-800-345-2550 he also makes money when i lose money, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 withdraw money or do nothing with my money. tdd# 1-800-345-2550
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tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it looked so different to me. but when i got back from my first trip... ...the look was unmistakable. more room for adventure. the all-new subaru outback. combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there.
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hey thanks for the window seat. oh please. you got the presentation? oh yeah right here. let me stow that for you, sir. thank you. you know, just to be safe i used fedex office print online. oh you did? yeah -- they printed and bound 20 copies of the presentation, shipped it to portland, they're gonna be there waiting for us. that's a good idea. yeah. you have a nice flight. thank you. (announcer) print upload your document -- we'll take care of the rest.
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you can serve a nutritious breakfast from walmart for just over $1 a person. one breakfast a week saves a family of four over $800 a year. save money. live better. walmart. right now, on mns, iran caught red-handed building a second nuclear plant for enriching uranium and hiding it from the world. today, president obama called iran out for keeping secrets. >> iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow. endangering the global nonproliferation rah squeam regime and denying its own people to they deserve and threatening the stability of the world. >> former prince of iran will join us in the studio.
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surveillance video just uncovered of alleged terrorist binding greats to make bombs. just how close did he get to detonating them in the united states? good morning. i'm alex witt in new york. a line in the sand. iran is accused today of building a nuclear fuel plant and keeping it hidden for years and now president obama, along with leaders of britain and france demand an inspection. chuck todd is in pittsburgh where the g-20 is under way. a good morning to you, chuck. >> good morning, alex. >> let's talk about what the president did. he had a huge world stage upon which to speak wednesday when he did so to the united states general assembly. why did this information not come out in a speech when it is believed to have been reported on september 21st? >> well, look. this whole thing began because of a couple of things. number one, they believe the secrecy of the intelligence that the u.s., the uk and france had
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been compromised. then the sequence of events had to go as as follows. as soon as iranians made this vague attempt to somehow come clean with the international atomic agency which they really didn't come clean according to u.s. officials but they made that attempt, the u.s. had been preparing, they had known for weeks that the iranians knew that their secret had been no longer safe. so the united states had been preparing a very long sort of prosecutorial type report to present both to the iaea and to other allies. including russia and china. let's go to president obama and take a listen to what he said and sort of the line in the sand he started to draw with the iranians. >> iran must be prepared to cooperate fully and comprehensively with the iaea to take concrete steps


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