tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC September 25, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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transparent in its nuclear program and to demonstrate that it is committed to establishing its peaceful intentions through meaningful dialogue and concrete actions. >> now, alex, i know a lost people watching this say we caught iran red-handed and they are trying to build a secret facility where they are weaponizing uranium and according to some officials enough uranium, it is not yet operational they could create a bomb or two a year. the question a lot of people say why not a sanctions now? in order to have effective sanctions you have to have the russians and chinese to agree to this. you saw today the president, you saw the french president, and great britain's prime minister standing together. you heard the president also say that german chancellor angela merkel also signs on to this. that leaves two others out. the russian and the chinese presidents. all of this week, the americans have been briefing the russians
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and the chinese and that is why they believe the russians have shown some openness to sanctions and we're now waiting to see from the chinese. all of this comes to a head on october 1st when this group of five permanent nations, the p-5, five permanent members of the security council plus germany meet with iran face-to-face to see if iran will come clean and to see where we go from here. >> something the united states has not done for a very long time. chuck todd in pittsburgh, thanks so much for that. a few days ago when nbc's ann curry was in iran and interviewed the president of iran ahmadinejad live there. thank you for joining us, ann. >> you bet. >> you met with ahmadinejad. let's listen to what he had to say. >> is there a condition under which iran would weaponize? >> translator: we don't need such -- we don't have such a need of nuclear weapons. >> the answer is no, sir?
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>> translator: i don't know what you mean by no. >> i'm asking if there are any scenarios in which you would change what you say is your course and move into creating a nuclear weapon. am i correct that the answer is no? >> translator: we do not see any need for such weapons. >> people will remark that you did not say no, as i've asked you three times the same question and you did not say no. are you sure you want that to be your final answer, sir? >> translator: well, you can take from this whatever you want, madam. >> as a journalist, ann, i'm sure you were looking for that no but from his perspective it seems as if he is playing a game. >> you know, i think from what he would say about that, i don't want to put words in his mouth but based on what i know a lot of fire points here. united states and the west as we
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saw this morning sarkozy and brown standing together at that podium what they are doing now is putting a lot of pressure on iran, putting tremendous pressure on iran on the eve of these important talks next week. the talks that could be the most significant talks, lead it to the most significant talks between the united states and iran in 30 years. this is a very important time, this moment. with this pressure now, the difficulty for iran to explain what the president said, that the size and scope of this facility, the second facility, the jeed underground facility, is inconsistent with iran's purposes that it is trying to only enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. this is the way this goes. if you get something like 6,000 send electrofujs which you need in rich uranium to have. you can have nuclear power. iran is very close to that point and nothing to stop its uranium enrichment facility and the iaea
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actually has been in iran taking a look very closely. what iran will say, i believe, in looking at the argument that we've heard from the president and also from brown and also from sarkozy is, look, our facility, the second facility, has not been enriching yet, we haven't really sort of started it yet and now we're letting you know and i think they will make the argument this is in the wee before they are enriching or doing something with that facility but the dilemma, this is the real problem for iran, how do you explain the size and scope? if it's just for peaceful purposes which the president of the united states and some others around the world say iran has a right to, how do you explain the size and scope? once you have these number of centrofuges it is not long to weaponizing. the bottom line is does the world trust iran not to weaponize? >> with that threshold this is believed to already have 3,000
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which is the major step toward 6,000 but when you talk about trust, ann, when it comes to diplomacy, how do we deal with iran? it is a fractured country with its leadership. we had you trying to get straight answers out of the president himself and they were not forthcoming. >> the supreme leader is in charge of iran's nuclear program. it is his job and it is what he has to say about it that will determine the future of these negotiations. ahmadinejad is a very important player. he should not be diminished as a player because he is from all reports that we have, is hand in glove working with the supreme leader and he is certainly is very knowledgeable, obviously, on all of the nuances on what the program is about. the interesting thing to note is the original supreme leader had stated that it is against islam to weaponize, to have nuclear weapons. he has stated in the past, not a path that iran will go down. and it certainly, i think, for
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the iranian people, it is not the path i think they believe iran is going down. the question is what is the truth and i think the president, obviously, with this major news conference this morning is trying to get at the truth. the iaea which has been looking at iran facility and has been -- first facility is one -- not the one revealed today but the first facility, has already raised a lot of questions. i asked iran about the iaea enit says it has been coming clean. so, you know, it is really what is the truth and this meeting next week i think is going to be very important to setting the -- setting things straight. you know, we want to have dialogue. we want the truth and we want to have an opportunity, i think, both sides, we being the world, to not have iran go down this road because, obviously, it's very dangerous not only to the middle east but the entire world. >> indeed. ann curry, many thanks. >> my pleasure. new details. alleged plot authorities are calling one of the most
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significant terror threats to the u.s. since 9/11 at this hour the afghan-born man charged with conspiracy to use wmeds wmed wmed is in denver. they say he set up shop in a denver suburb and visiting beauty supply stores all in a hunt for chemicals needed to build bombs for al qaeda. pete williams is in washington for us. pete, good morning to you. what is happening now in court? >> there's a procedural thing that has to be worked out here. there was an earlier charge against zazi lying to fbi. that is still there. what they have to do is dismiss that charge and clears the way for him to go to brooklyn which is where authorities want to consolidate all of these terrorism cases. already a man charged there with lying to the fbi and he was released on bail yesterday. that's where initial charges will come in this case. when there are additional arrests. there seems to be little doubt that there will be. for example, yesterday, authorities disclosed that
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najibullah zazi had at least three other people helping him acquire these chemicals that can be used to build a powerful explosive. it seems odd you would go to a beauty supply store to buy them but one of the greats is hydrogen peroxide and most hair care products have that in them and they will be going to court today. >> that is going on in denver and related to new york, a couple of other men in unrelated bombing/terrorism charges right now? can you explain those two situations? >> yeah. unrelated in every sense of the world. not only do they have nothing to do with this case, they are also of a very different order of magnitude far less serious. in illinois, a man accused of plan of driving a car bomb to a federal building in springfield but he had been talking very publicly about his desire to do something like this. he was instantly caught up in an undercover operation and he never had any actual bombs.
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a similar sort of scenario in dallas with a man who wanted to put a bomb in a big office complex there. neither one of them was ever considered to be much of a threat. >> pete williams, many thanks. other top stories this hour. officials reportedly admit they are hard-pressed to meet the president's goal to close guantanamo bay's prison camp in just four months by the end of the year. senior advisers tell "the washington post" missteps in congress failing to design a plan for detainees is what set them back. a virginia court rehears mu sawy's case. he is now serving life in prison. moammar gadhafi says he xre hends america's anger aimed at him after the lockerbie's bomber release but thinks the u.s. and libya can get past those feelings since his country paid billions to the victims'
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families. fate today on the public option. can senator baucus hold his plan together long enough to get to the senate floor? more rain for flood-ravaged georgia. vice president joe biden is there surveying the damage. keep it here on msnbc. premiums 4 times faster than wages. pay your ceo twenty four million dollars a year. deny payment for 1 out of every 5 treatments doctors prescribe. if the insurance companies win, you lose. tell congress to rewrite the story. we want good health care we can afford with the choice of a public health insurance option. two of nature's sweetest wonders growing together under the same sun. and now for the first time, in new sun crystals ® . the only 100% natural sweetener made with pure cane sugar and stevia.
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been surveying the massive flood damage by helicopter and meeting with state and local leaders there. president obama issued a disaster declaration for the state and the vice president is there to assure georgia re dents they can count on the federal government in the recovery efforts. he is expected to speak shortly and we will bring that to you live when it gets under way. in the meantime there is now an army of firefighters battling that southern california
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wildfire as one fire department officially put it. nearly 2,800 personnel working to contain the 27-square mile blaze in ventura county. it is now about 65% contained. a potentially pivotal moment in the debate over health care reform about pending showdown over the fate of a public option. the senate finance committee is expected to take up a key amendment for a key option early next week and jay rockefeller and chuck schumer say they will press for a roll call vote. >> my prediction we have a public option and good form of public option in the final bill at the end of the day. >> joining me live from washington, d.c. is ken vogel senior editor of politico and julie mason of the washington examiner. good morning to both of you. ladies first, here. julie, expect ago roll call vote today but msnbc has learned it's not happening until the
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earliest, next week. does a roll call vote force the senators to pick sides on a public option and do it in public? >> it really does but i don't think they've been too ambiguous where they stand. a lot of moderate democrats don't like it and democratic leadership really wants it. we know where people line up forcing them to take a stand in public that these democrats want to force the issue on and having it on monday gives the obama time to work the senators before the vote comes up. >> a lot of phone calls over this weekend potentially. ken, the finance committee is seen as a key test because it is dominated by the moderates and conservatives. how do you see things playing out in terms of a vote for a public option? >> i don't think it's likely it's going to pass all in the senate finance committee but rockefeller and schumer believe that that is not an indication whether it has the votes to pass on the isn't that true floor. per kind of putting down a marker here in this vote we are expecting on tuesday because the jewish holiday is mon on monday
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that will set this as an agenda item going forward. the white house has not been working the public option in the senate finance committee. they have however wade in in support of this agreement that baucus reached with the white house and the pharmaceutical industry which would limit the cost that the pharmaceutical industry would end unfortunate bearing over the course of this. cure listiously not wade in on the public option. >> max baucus admitted this altogether from his plan in the public option because he does not think it can pass the senate. do you think democrats will be able to get some public option in a final bill like senator schumer is predicting and like house speaker nancy pelosi says is a mus? >> i'm with ken. you know, it's hard to predict and hard to right now, i would say no. but if this goes on for a few more weeks you don't know what the final plan is they will come up with and it could gain more
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momentum. that is the big sticking issue and this public option thing out there without resolution and different proposals for it. we'll see what they come up with in the final bill and final analysis and see how many will support it. right now, i think the public is confused about what it is. they've heard about government takeover and republicans have been very strong opposing the issue. so, you know, it's hard to say right now. >> ken, while i'm out of time, quickly, how long is this going to take to get something in the senate to finally vote upon? >> the house is optimistically saying they want something on the floor by mid october. i don't think the senate is looking all that optimistically all. once we reach thanksgiving i think all bets are off and you move into election year next year and this is something politically charged and i think that would make the prognosis even poorer. >> i read somewhere it might be till christmas. thank you both. >> thanks. up next, the top commander in afghanistan gives an update on the situation there and it's not good.
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all signs point to the white house missing own deadline to close guantanamo bay? what happens now? those details next on msnbc. but the millions of bacteria that cause plaque and bad breath are all over your mouth. that's why you want the crossaction pro-health from oral-b. unlike an ordinary toothbrush, the oral-b crossaction pro-health combines crisscross bristles, gum stimulators, and even a tongue cleaner. so brush away plaque and odor causing bacteria
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more than any other brand of pain reliever. been a deadly 24 hours in afghanistan. five american troops killed in three separate attacks. u.s. and nato forces faced a barrage of attacks from taliban militants and the strength of militant groups has even take the command of u.s. forces by surprise. general stanley mchrystal telling "60 minutes" quote. the white house is now admitting it's self-imposed deadline to close guantanamo bay may not have been realistic. four months left to reach its goal the administration is trying to regroup and cover from earlier missteps that have put the process behind skaul
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schedule. nbc correspondents jim miklaszewski is at the pentagon. sort of a shake-up here. the man who had been in charge of the process, gregory craig has been removed from the moth. now what is he doing? >> the white house is going to come up with all sorts of reasons why they are going to miss that one-year deadline to close guantanamo bay but there is really only one factor at play here. and that is the fact that after many months of searching, the u.s. military, the pentagon, the administration, could not find a single state in all 50 to be willing to accept these detainees. now, ultimately, right now, they are holding 225 day teen yeas at guantanamo bay and they ultimately hope to put many on trial, ship many more off to other countries. but there might be a core of 90 to a hundred that they are going to have to house and pentagon official told us yesterday that everything is back to square one
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and now they are going back to look at a military option. but there hasn't been a single spade of dirt turned, there hasn't been a single dollar allocated to improving facilities to accept these 100 detainees so this process has been pushed way back. and, ultimately, when you look at what happened, i mean, on inauguration day, essentially the white house declared they were going to close gitmo. that was more of a political statement and ab arbitrary deadline not an actual deadline for closing gitmo. they had to get that out very early. >> even with the strategy shift it's four months to do something that has taken eight to get to this point. we'll see. >> i think we're looking at nine months to a year. >> thanks for that. appreciate that. >> all right. it may not be long before women are allowed to serve aboard u.s. submarines. mike mullen told a congressional committee he would like to see it amended. navy officials are working out issues involved with integrating women into the submarine force
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and female sailors have been allowed to serve on surface ships since 1993. the former crown prince of iran weighs in on today's breaking news that iran has been hide ago second nuclear site from the world and it is called the biggest most nag magnificent discovery. gold in history. it was uncovered by a guy with a metal detector. you know the ones you see on the beaches all the time? a lot different here. tell you what this is worth next. protecting your heart includes watching your cholesterol. now there's new heart health advantage from bayer. its non-aspirin formula contains phytosterols, which may reduce the risk of heart disease... by lowering bad cholesterol. new heart health advantage from bayer. according to a study presented by better homes and gardens, definity color recapture. it corrects the look of wrinkles and discoloration. 50,000 voters. one brilliant winner.
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bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™. caught red-handed. iran accused today of building a secret underground nuclear fuel plant and keeping it hidden for years. joining us live in the studio is reza pahlavi, the former crown prince of iran. thank you for joining us. i was speaking to you in a commercial we're getting word via "time" magazine with aenter viewed ahmadinejad has just said
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he is warning president obama about the language he used today when speaking publicly about pressuring tehran to come clean with what they are doing and he said it would be unwise for the president to continue down this line of discourse. what do you have to say to that? what is your reaction? >> first of all, i must tell you that i'm not surprised at the fact that yet another layer of this onion has been unveiled as to what the regime has been up to for so many years and tried to conceal from the rest of the world. i guess based on the fact the world was right to second-guess the disingenuous attitude this regime has done time and again trying to stall for time with ambitions that clearly point to something much more than peaceful use of nuclear technology. >> we're going to have a full screen right now. put this up for our viewers to read. it goes as such specifically from mahmoud ahmadinejad.
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so the fact that he speaks like this and plays almost a cat and mouse game, sir, when he is being interviewed by journalists. you heard part of ann curry's interview earlier and pressed him no less than three times what is your intent, is your intent when building all of these centrifuges is it for nuclear weapons pups and he tap dances around this. is it because he is not allowed to talk about this? there's a discord within iran politics. who is controlling things? >> i mean, let's go back to the principles. if you are a government that is a significant take tory to signatory to that mpt and you have to be transparent and allow inspections of any site that you have. all dancing around the subject at the at least creates
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suspicion and, at worse, could, in fact, indicate that there's a degree of compare ability not admitted and we understand what is behind this cat and mouse came. the fact of the matter is iran is running out of time. how long are we going to put up with this game and how long are we going to put up with this delayed tactics? i think the cat is out of the bag and i think people in the world realize it and world bodies and the united nations, security council, the world community understands even clearer today that this campaign of deception has been all along part of the strategy of this regime regardless of who is the representative of the regime at the time, whether it's mr. ahmadinejad, his predecessors or people who come after him. >> what do the iran people think is truly happening and how do they feel about it? we saw so much this summer of people dying and killed in the streets for trying to talk about transparency, what they believe
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they want the direction of their country go. can you tell me how they feel? >> well, for those who have enough of a memory from the times before the revolution where the very same countries who, today, are trying to impose sanctions on iran over the nuclear issue were competing with each other to selling that technology before the revolution indicate the fact never a question of the technology but rather than the finger on the trigger. iranians are the first to realize this and they realize how dangerously close we are getting to conflict because of the adventurism of this regime and its refusal to come out clear because of its contentions. if i maid add to this -- i think the most central issue for most iranians is the lack of political freedom issue because we believe if we were to have a full fledged democracy in our country the nuclear issue would be resolved automatically and not within iranian borders but this proliferation that now the whole world was to concentrate because result of this policies of this regime in place.
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>> we appreciate your perspectives. thank you so much. >> thank you. is president obama overexposed? a new poll says 58% say the president is making right number of public appearances and speeches recently. 35% say too many and 4% say he is making too few public appearances. joining us live from washington, d.c. is pete, a white house corporate for "the new york times." good morning. >> thanks for having me. that is 4% are tv bookers by the way. >> what do you make of the poll numbers overall aside from that statement and what do you think they think of the president's perception right now? >> it's a mixed bag for the president. his overall approval rating is still relatively strong at 56% approval in this particular poll. but the numbers of people who support him on what he is doing on the economy or on afghanistan have continued to drop. most americans are confused and say he hasn't explained his health care plan very well. at the same time, they still
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prefer obama's views on things to the republicans and that is a strength that the president brings into this fall debate on where to go from here. >> how much is this partisan divide? >> oh, it's very partisan, obviously, still. he is in danger of losing independent which is the key constituencisy, obviously, put him in the white house a year ago. >> pretty evenly divided at this point. >>ier, thu. >> yeah, they are but confused what he is trying to do. he himself said with his message 59% of americans right now say that the whole health care plan is confusing and 46% say they don't know enough about even it to offer an opinion. you know, his blitz on television and his speeches and so forth have yet to pen rate penetrate in the way that americans grasp what he is trying to do. >> peter baker, thanks so much. g-20 summit in pittsburgh today, on the agenda fixing the global financial crisis. they are expected to discuss tighter regulations on the world's financial institutions
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to reduce excessive risk taking. what can really be accomplished at a one-day world leader meet and greet? let's bring in dylan ratigan, host of the "morning meeting" on msnbc. >> more than you would think, actually. because unless there is a similar set of values and standards with the financial markets and the way we deal with money in tokyo and hong kong and the way we deal with it in new york and san francisco and also in london and across europe, this will happen again. so it's not just that the u.s. has to fix its system. understand that the banking system right now, functions by virtue of the earth out of all of these different cities and so if you set a certain standard in london and different standard in new york and different standard in tokyo, the risk-takers will go to the place where the standards are the least so you need that agreement. >> policing everybody else? >> instead of policing everybody else but the most important thing is this. the way we got into this problem was primarily through too big to
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fail. too big to fail is assuming risk that you don't have the money to pay for and never will. and as soon as you do that, you are now stealing money effectively. once i'm risking your money and paying myself which is what the banks were doing and what the banks did to the taxpayer and that was not just here but banks in ireland and across the overseas were doing this. the reason iceland is upside down as a country the banks will risk all the money even though we don't have the money and reach the upside. to the extent you have an agreement that no bank in the world is allowed to go back into the business of risking money they don't have and never will and setting a standard for capital, money, how much money must be kept in reserve for what you're going to put out. it's that simple. it's called leverage, right? 2, 3, 4 times. if you set consistent standards around the world for leverage caps so that you can no longer risk money that is not yours and you don't have as a way to make money for yourself ais cross --
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across the world you will accomplish a tremendous thing for the world and the financial stability system. that could be discussed. >> around 4:30. how about the thing that got so many people hot under the collar was executive compensation? >> they are totally tied. right? i'm ceo of a bank and risking your money and paying myself the more of your money i risk the more money i make and risk the taxpayers money it's infinite. the way i get compensation under control i get rid of the leverage because that means i can pay myself more money so now compensation will naturally come down if you have appropriate restrictions on leverage. then institute rules that say if what you build blows up, like building a rocket or a race car and maybe the most beautiful rocket or the most beautiful race car, if it blows up, you don't get to keep the money we paid you to build it and what we
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have -- what happened here was we had a bunch of bankers build what they believed was the world's most efficient and most beautiful financial system and they paid themselves billions of dollars to build it and then it blew up and they kept the money! and that is why people are so outraged. if you deal with leverage and you institute compensation rules where i can claw back the money that you paid yourself risking taxpayer money, you now have penalties for those who would behave in a way that is basically theft, and i have rules from the government that forces banks not to encourage the human nature which is there which says if i can make more by risking more, i'll do it and that is what we're up against. again, institute real compensation rules which are if you make a bunch of money building something that blows up in everybody's face, you don't get to keep the money. the reason i say we were robbed is because the people that built the financial system in the u.s. and around the world paid themselves and they still have the compensation. hundreds of millions of dollars
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over the past five or six years and then we, the taxpayer, watch this entire thing blow up and that is not an accident, that is stealing. and people understand that and that is actually more solvable than you think with just leverage and proper compensation rules and claw-backs. >> dylan ratigan, can't thank you fouf for weighing in. you can watch dylan on "morning meeting" every morning on msnbc. ahead with the gathering in pittsburgh, new signs the recovery in this country could take a very long time. but, first, jackpot for a treasure hunter. a jobless man on welfare made the find of a lifetime when he discovered the largest anglo-saxon atrophy of gold ever found in britain and they believe it belonged to a king during the 8th century probably buried for safe-keeping. that collection goes on display tomorrow in britain. we'll be right back. show you more pictures
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44 past the hour. breaking news as we report fresh defiance from the president of iran. ahmadinejad says his country is not obligated to tell the obama administration about every nuclear facility it has. in an exclusive interview to "time" magazine ahmadinejad warns president obama not to press tehran on the newly revealed nuclear plant saying this, quote. we're going to be following this breaking news story and much more ahead on this program with michael sheehan who is standing there and also this morning, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg released from the hospital a short time ago. she spent the night in a washington, d.c. hospital as a precautionary measure after
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becoming ill following an iron deficiency treatment and expected back to work later today. former prime minister olmert declared his innocence today on a trial on corruption charges. he is accused of illegally accepting funds. a new u.n. report finds climate change is happening faster and broaden than projected two years ago. new estimates suggest sea level could rise as much as six feet by 20100. instead of 1.5 feet. a huge discrepancy there. now to the economy. sales of new homes made a modest move in august increasing .7 of a% while the fifth straight increase in home sales but it doesn't add to a recovery for the housing market any time soon. let's crunch numbers with cnbc diane olick. two days of housing numbers.
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what is the overall outlook for the housing market? >> the overall outlook we need to look at the inventory numbers, the number of homes for sale on the market. they are coming down for existing and new homes. still a lot of homes on the market, still far too many for the demand but good to see the numbers coming down. the big question is going to be how much will foreclosures impact the market coming in the next couple of months? the home modification program which is the government bank modification program isn't pulling in the numbers a lot of people had hoped so we may be seeing increased foreclosures the next six months and only add back to the supply which is now coming down. overall new home sales are basically flat but remember that new homes only compromise 6.5% of the total homes for sale. it's the existing home sale market to look at. >> okay. diana olick, thank you for that. you can follow the housing market and get the latest at reality check with diana olick
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on nns to georgia where vice president biden is speaking to the folks there about the federal government's commitment to helping the region there. he is speaking in cobb county and red cross shelter for those displaced by flooding. let's take a listen what he is saying. >> i was going take the time but i don't think it's necessary to go into how people qualify now that the director has instructed his folks here to make sure start with all of you right now. and being able to get your registered and being able to get you looked at. we're going to get this done. >> we will keep monday monitoring it. stay with us. these, these, there is a light beginning to shine again. stay with us. it comes from a restaurant downtown. a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. the reinvention of business begins with them.
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this with the commander in afghanistan, general stanley mcchrystal and he wanted to get face-to-face with the general and talk to him what was the expected troop request, the number now about 40,000 troops. that is the number that general stanley mcchrystal believes it will take an additional influx of u.s. troops there to get the situation under control. you may have heard earlier on this broadcast the general has said that he has been met with a bit more violence than what was to be expected. the situation not being as good as he thought it would be. again, something significant enough that the joint chief's chairman flew to meet with him personally before getting that information. he will then bring this information back and send it to secretary gates who will sit on that information until the white house makes the official request from the general in afghanistan. right now more on the gathering of the g-20 taking place in pittsburgh.
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also taking place massive demonstrations. police arrested 70 people on clashes on thursday and another big rally about to take place just a few minutes from now. mike tieeby is among the crowd there. mike, what is going on? >> hi, alex. maybe 500 or 600 people here that gathered just before the beginning of this march and this march has a permt and the atmosphere here now is very peaceful. folic singers and people representing a couple dozen issues and that may define this series of protest. not one overwhelming, compelling issue and let's walk a little bit through here. as you can see, a crowd mixed by age and race and by interest, as well and we're heading down towards the folk singer right now, if you can still hear me. right now this march does have a permt to get right close to the
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convention center where the finance ministers are meeting and yesterday the march did not get to where it is allowed to go and right now the mayor said he expects more of the same what happened yesterday including all the arrests and confrontations. alex, we'll stay with it. >> appreciate you doing so. breaking news earlier this hour reported via "time" magazine that president ahmadinejad just told the magazine among other things that his country is not obliged to tell the obama administration of every nuclear facility that it has. joining me live here in the studio michael sheehan. how troubling is this? >> a meeting schedule between the six countries and iran and iran being caught with these new facilities and the president lying for the last several years and things are coming quickly to a head and very tense over the next few weeks. >> significant time. october 1st this meeting has happened and has not happened in
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some years. what does this tenure do to the possibility of any sort of successful, moving things down the road diplomacy. >> the good news is that the french and the british and the americans are clearly united on this intelligence that they have analyzed on the iranian program and the russians seem to be leaning a little bit forward and haven't heard much from the chinese and more pressure being put on the iranian and ahmadinejad is feeling that heat and coming out with all these comments. >> what do you think, is the iaea stepping up and reported 100 miles, i believe, southwest of tehran. >> i expect more from the iranians give a little bit here and try to hide a little bit here and what is really going to be the key issue is will they join the other permanent five members and lower the hammer on iran with significant sanctions otherwise iran will continue what they always have done. tinch to develop their program. >> can you put in perspective
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the 3,000 reported centra fiduciaries that are inside the hidden facility? how close does that bring iran making a weapon with nuclear -- >> according to some analysts right now, brings them very, very close. they have been enriching uranium for quite a few years. they were able to take that material and bring it up to the high level enrichment in a very short order. one to two years and then a matter of taking that material and trying to weaponize it with the material and all that could happen in a very short timeline and that's why the international community is becoming so focused on it. they are getting very close. >> you have to wonder what the reaction will be if iran continues to defy rules that are set into place and been said three times before. they just move ahead and do what they want to do in essence. what is the possibility of military action whether it be by the u.s. or, more likely, some say israel. >> difference in the intelligence community about
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that. some are very concerned that israelis will attack in the next six months or a year that they are much farther along in a commitment to do that and others are saying that the israelis aren't going to do anything precipitous, but as the iranians continue to do this program and the chance of an israeli strike increase significantly. >> michael, thank you. that does it for me this hour, i'm alex witt. nancy snyderman picks up our coverage at the top of the hour. (announcer) every woman has many sides
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amendment to make americans have more choice for their health care insurance. that controversial public option. plus, this. >> when your child is having high temperatures, you know, 101 plus temperatures, it's very frustrating because you're wanting her to be seen by someone to let me know, does she have the flu? is it the swine flu? >> swine flu hot spots. we'll show you where the h1n1 virus is spreading in the united states and try to tell you why. hello, everyone. i'm dr. nancy snyderman. a warning to iran regarding its new nuclear plant. during the opening of the g-20 summit today in pittsburgh, president obama joined french president nicolas sarkozy and british prime minister gordon brown and calling on tehran to show some willingness to cooperate fully with u.n. nuclear watchdogs by october 1st. >> the existence of this
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facility underscores iran's continuing unwillingness to meet its obligations under u.n. security counsel resolutions and iaea requirements. >> let's bring in nbc news chief white house correspondent chuck todd. chuck, you had a very full morning, and boy, i suspect the conversation has taken a right-hand turn in pittsburgh. >> it is. it is all about this issue with iran. as you know, the president is going to be doing a press conference later this afternoon. we're now getting reaction to the accusations that the u.s., uk and france laid out from iran and from ahmadinejad. when he is saying, oh, he is trying to, the iranians are trying to say that they were simply, they have been complying, it isn't a secret, but, clearly, the u.s. believes they have a very strong case here to make. they have been making this case in the last 48 hours to two he
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