tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC September 25, 2009 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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the united states, france and britain has been collecting this for several years waiting to see. early on, they were not sure it was a nuclear facility. it could have been used for something else. in the last few months, white house officials said they have been seeing companies come in so we know it is a nuclear facility. at this point, obama administration officials said they started to wait and see. they are thinking they could use it for some kind of leverage in the upcoming nuclear talks. they are taking it very seriously. you have to remember, this is all a violation of iaea, the watchdog agency. >> what is the significance of it being announced this week, between the u.n. general assembly and the remarks on
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nuclear proliferation and the g-20 summit meet iing? >> what the white house officials believe is iran got wind their security had been compromised and the west was on to what they thought they were doing, so sent a letter on monday, the iea -- >> that was the trigger? >> yeah. we have a pilot program going on wa. at that point, france, germany . and the united states said we have to go with this. >> we know the bush administration struggled with this getting them to halt and it didn't work. with vice president cheney hand and a military strike against iran, how much of a test is this moment of that commitment to diplomacy on his part. >> it's cuban missile --
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>> is this the 3:00 a.m. phone call? >> definitely. 3:00 a.m. phone call times ten. i want to engage barack obama or we get a much firmer barack obama. from that news conference, not a news conference, but you saw him standing there with the french president, nicolas sarkozy and gordon brown. they are standing very, very firm. how much further do they go? how deep is the line in the sand they are drawing. >> you talked about sarkozy and brown. how much hinges on china. we saw a willingness to consider saxs. we haven't heard that from the chinese. do they have a veto? >> they have a veto in the security council. the obama administration wants a
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unanimous vote on this. if russia comes on, china will follow. you have seen that in the past. the chinese reaction was we want to look and hear what the iea has to say. we want to do our own investigation. >> quickly, before i let you go, is there any indication this disclosure will lead to military action by israel or the united states? >> no. definitely not by the united states. israel is hard to say but i don't -- nobody i talked to at this point thinks military reaction, even now, is going to do the trick. it will put us in more trouble than we are in now. >> thank you for decoding that for us. monica, back to you in new york. >> we have breaking news. we are getting word in regard ing the g-20 summit in pittsburgh. a small engine plane entered the
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restricted air space. they restricted the air space due to the g-20. it was met by two f-15 fighter jets and escorted to another airport. apparently the occupants are being questioned now. we have no more details than that. a small engine plane entered thñ restricted air space and was es cored away by two f-15 fight ore jets. the occupants are being questioned. we'll have more on that as it comes in. for the past four days, they have been hashing out dozens of amendments to the baucus bill. the committee won't take up the public option until next tuesday. a new poll from "the new york times" shows 59% of people think the reforms in congress are confusing. 55% say president obama has not been clear in what he wants out
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of the plan. let's bring in adam, a political reporter from the no"the new yo times" and john harwood is in pittsburgh as well. in spite of the numbers, in spite of the confusion, there's clarity forming about what people want. the poll reveals as far as the public option is concerned, 65% favor it, 26% oppose it. >> it was an interesting finding considering the fact the public option appears dead in the form we were asking about it. the poll had a lot of interesting, and in some ways conflicting messages. president obama is somewhat frustrated after all the effort he made to address congress and going on every television show, people say they are still confused about his plan and don't know if they have an opinion on it or not. that said, it's important. his job approval rating remains
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very high considering everything going on. he has a big advantage over republicans on who would deal with health care. >> go ahead john. >> no, you go ahead. >> you have numbers in here, one in four respondents in spite of the town halls, you have one in four people saying they believe health care legislation would create the organizations deciding when to stop health care for the elderly, the death panels. 26% believe the death panels will happen. also, illegals covered, 30% believe it will happen, still. in spite of the white house's efforts to get the message out there. >> more than that, 50% say they are not sure whether it's true or not. i think a lot of people on the quote unquote death panels, that is completely false. so, it has something to do with
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the way the world is working today. how many sources of information there is. you don't have an old sense where one news organization will step in and play referee. it's making it say this is true and this is not. it's difficult for the white house. i was struck by the numbers. >> i'm interested in the last point you were discussing about how difficult it is for a news organization to explain it and for the president. when you look at the level of confusion, does it tell you the white house strategy has been a failure or that health care is really hard and complicated? >> yeah, i have to tell you, i think it's more -- i think it's more the latter. i think it's a really, really tough issue and gets tougher the more you head into it. if you do it in broad generalities, i don't think the white house did a good thing. everyone shares the cost of insurance. no one gets kicked off
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insurance. i think there's a general agreement. when you get into it, like how do you finance it? should people be required to handle the insurance? is there a way of holding the insurance cost? i think, as we are seeing now, as the committee debates, the more you get into the details, the more problematic it gets. on the other hand, this is really, really difficult stuff. >> adam, i'm wondering, too, something pointed out in the analysis, this question of the white house made a strategic decision not to put forward their own bill and they were quiet through a lot of the summer as we saw the town halls coming out and the misinformation. is there discussion that perhaps that wasn't the best strategy or are they knowing it's too late for that? >> if you talk to the people in the administration, the feeling
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continues to be almost defens e defensively we didn't do anything wrong. listen, i think this is the kind of thing we're not going to know until it's over. particularly on the issue of it was smart. few have been critical about that. we don't know until we know what the final bill looks like. >> let me ask you this, what's more important at this point. monica was talking about the really close quarters work in the senate finance committee, going over hundreds of amendments, then we talked about your poll, a view from 30,000 feet. what is more important to the people in congress, is it the public opinion as measured in the polls or smaller an closer to home? >> i think the public opinion is very, very important. it shows people want something done. i don't know how much it could affect them on public option, for example. there's a sense in congress,
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this is a big issue people expect to get something done. their credibility is going to rest on whether they succeed or not. >> a double thank you from both of us. we're in stereo. up next, protest on the streets of the steel city. world leaders convene for the g-20 summit meeting. plus, you have seen tom delay on "dancing with the stars." we have the take on the former house speakers performance. it's sure to entertain. this is "the new york times" special edition on nbc.
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i'm john harwood coming to you from the g-20 summit in pittsburgh. mike taibbi is not far from here with the unrest in the streets of pittsburgh. mike. >> reporter: hi, john. how are you? the police on one hand and law enforcement on the other and protestors on another. the march reached the city council building and said they would not confront the police under any circumstances. the police are putting out the word through contacts, as long as that was the case, the march remains peaceful. if they veer ed off course, the recollected make their way down the the convention center to the sight and sound of the summit, itself. we have been talking to our colleagues on route, they say there's been no incidents. so far, nothing they can report.
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some of the people in the group peeled off to smaller groups. it's a question of where they are all going to end up. it took about two hours to get to where they are now. presumably, they are going to, when they finish with the rallies, they are going to go across the seventh street bridge to the east park, north of the convention center and be allowed to congregate there. no repeat of what happened last night and yesterday, when some of the anarchists who confronted the police and instigated them. they defied police orders and were met with pepper spray and sound blasters and kept from going any further. none of that happened today. there were 70 arrests. so far, today, peaceful. john. >> mike taibbi on the calm
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streets of pittsburgh. thank you very much. monica, there's comments ahmadinejad made about the discle sure? >> that's right. ahmadinejad is still speaking. we are getting notes coming in. i want to read some of it and get your reaction. under iaea rules, you must notify the world within six months. he's notified the iaea ahead of time. he says we have another year left. he's surprised by the president's statement. what they did was completely legal. this is nothing new. we did hear from the russians saying thopt the iaea in there before october 1, before the talks next week. it sounds like ahmadinejad is open to that. he said this is a mistake, they,
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referring to obama, sarkozy and brown will be sorry. he says this is not how you enter negotiations. this is not nice. doesn't sound like this is -- >> not nice. >> not nice. doesn't bode well for the october 1 talks. >> i think it's going to be difficult. i have to tell you, i think president ahmadinejad has the burden of creditability on his shoulders rather than the other way around. when he says obama, brown and sarkozy will be sorry for their remarks, he has a ways to go. >> he continues to maintain the line, this is an ordinary facility, not a secret facility. they are going to continue to play the cat and mouse. let's get a weekly look at the opinions the times sees fit to print. optimism we can reach a diplomatic solution for the request for nuclear weapons.
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as a result of the extreme unpopularity of the ahmadinejad regime, it could make life miserable and more economically miserable and a click more unpoplar. >> we are waiting to hear from the chinese on this. this seems to be the silver lining in what we have gotten this week in terms of russians willing to go forward with the sanctions. what about the chinese? >> well, the chinese haven't yet stepped up. we heard from president obama's aids in a briefing awhile ago, the president didn't notify him at the meeting in new york. i think the question that tom friedman raises, if he's right and sanctions could hurt the regime, it raises the stakes and suggests promise if the united states can get them to go along.
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>> we have been talking very serious stuff here. we have something a little lighter thanks to maureen. she writes, sheryl, if you're not watching, she's the dance partner, he's macho, arrogant and he said that's me. john, you want to weigh in? >> i have to tell you, i think the best part about the show was the promo abc was running. shattering glass, it was the effects tom delay had on the capital. >> maybe it's better he didn't shake his thing in the brown spandex years ago. it's hard to look at the hammer the same way after you have seen that image. >> right. >> coming up, new developments in the alleged terror plot.
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or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet. i'm monica in new york, john harwood is in pittsburgh. let's look at the other stories we are keeping an eye on at msnbc. osama bin laden demanded europeans pull troops from afghanistan. in the tape, he says the war prompted recent attacks in madrid and london. "the washington post" reporting the white house is regrouping on guantanamo bay. they are four months to go for closing the detention center. there's no firm plan on what to do with the detainees. all this means that january
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closing deadline may not be met. the cdc trying out texting to provide up to the minute information on swine flu. you have to text health to 87000. once you do, you'll be asked a few questions. a few times a week, you will get health tips. they are holding a briefing on swine flu. they are saying there will be plenty of doses available by the middle of next month. >> the laboratory studies show there's been no significant change in the genetic make up of the circulating h1n1. that's really good news. it means that the vaccine we have coming off the production lines shortly, is a very good match. in fact, an excellent match with the virus that continues to circulate. >> he says it's spreading widely in southern states. coming up, world leaders stand firm. now, the iranian president is
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responding. you are watching t"the new york times" special edition. ( bell rings ) a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast,
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iran has a right to peaceful nuclear power that meets the energy needs of its people. but, the size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful program. iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow. endangering the global nonproliferation regime, denying its people what they deserve and threatening the stability of the world. welcome back to msnbc. we're live at msnbc world headquarters in new york. john harwood is in pittsburgh for the g-20 summit. mahmoud ahmadinejad is speaking
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to ann curry. he says he's surprised by president obama's statements. he says what he did is completely legal. the iaea will come take a look. it's nothing new. he needed to identify them six months ahead of the time of using the facilities. he says they have another year left before they are planning to use the facility. he says this was a mistake, they, referring to obama, sarkozy and brown, will be sorry. he says this is not how you enter negotiations. he says, quote, this is not nice. now, it's time for the caucus. the round up of the week's big stories with "the new york times" leading journal itselves. john, who is joining us? >> we have, today, andrews a correspondent with "the new york times." he's with me in pittsburgh.
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he's on capitol hill and elizabeth, a washington correspondent who covers defense and foreign policy. first up is iran. elizabeth, tell me how significant you think this is and what is the prospect of the united states? >> very big questions there. what this does now, for the united states, is make its case for sanctions against iran stronger. there's hope the russians and chinese will come along and support a new round of sanctions. now, it gives the united states a good, perhaps last chance, to try this before being confronted with a more difficult choice about military action way down the road or letting israel do it. >> well, elizabeth, speaking of that, what is the prospect that
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sanctions could change their behavior? so many people are skeptical that slaps on the wrist aren't gouk to going to do much. >> there have been three rounds that haven't done much at all. the united states is hoping a new round of sanctions, a tougher round would wake up iran. no one knows if that will work. the united states is leveraging this development as best it can to try to get much more international support this time. >> carl, if i could bring you in at this moment, what is the appetite in the u.s. congress for dealing in a firm way on this issue. we have seen members of recoiling from a long engagement in afghanistan. what is the appetite for taking on iran? >> the immediate reaction, both parties, leading lawmakers came
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out and said they are ready. we need to enforce sanctions, cut off talks with iran. i think people were taking a hard line here, today. >> i wanted to bring you in and ask you about the question of israel. where does israel fit into the picture? is there chance or concern they could strike on their own as netanyahu eluded to? >> this is out of my league. i'm an economics reporter and can't give much of an answer on that. i have been following the economic talks at the group of 20. >> my apologies. how much of this overshadowed what they wanted to get done in pittsburgh? >> i don't think it's overshadowed. the iran story is huge. what's happening here is actually a big series of
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agreements. they set the stage for a big agenda of change and power shift in the world economy, a little away from the united states and europe and toward the fast growing, emerging countries, especially china. there's a lot they have agreed on here in terms of tightening regulations on financial institutions, giving the asian countries more clout at the international monetary fund and abroad, rethinking of economic strategies so the u.s. is not the consumer of last resort and the debtor of last resort. >> elizabeth, before we leave the topic of iran behind, we know the negotiations are supposed to start october 1. how long will they go on and when will we know when they are bearing fruit? >> the negotiations have been going on for years, actually.
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they began with the u.s. at the table with the other powers, the european powers. they began with the bush administration. i don't know how long they are expected to go on. i expect a couple months. i don't know there's any deadline or end in sight. i would say on israel, what this means for israel is israel can say, see, we were right all along. israel has been -- the u.s. has been keeping the israelis at bay about their talks about possibly military strike against iran. this, i think give, israel a more powerful argument. >> i think that's exactly right. i wonder whether it puts pru pressure on the administration not to drag out the talks. otherwise, people will think they are dawdling. >> the u.s. has been say iing t
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israel, give us time, give us time, let the talks have a chance to work. the secretary of defense was in israel saying as much to the defense minister and got a fairly impatient response in public, i would say. >> next up on the caucus, the battle over health care heats up with some new poll numbers. sorry about that. john, "the new york times" cbs poll shows the american president and where they stand on a public option now. >> exactly. we see the public is confused about the issue. you have polls, "the new york times" poll talked about ro bust support. we at nbc/wall street journal poll, how do you think members on the hill, particularly with the democratic caucus, how do they determine it now? >> i think they might be confused as well, actually. the numbers are all over the place on this.
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the finance committee broke up today. they will pick it up next tuesday, again. i think there's going to be a big debate on whether there's going to be a public option on the bill. >> carl on capitol hill, elizabeth in washington, thanks so much for joining us on the caucus. >> thank you. >> thanks. john, coming up, the man at the center of the fbi's terror investigation is headed to new york. the latest on the investigation ahead. the latest on what police found out and what is a mystery. this, regarding the death of a census worker in kentucky. you're watching "the new york times." (announcer) transform your water. women who drink crystal light drink 20% more water. crystal light. make a delicious change. a sanctuary. a command center.
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just sign up and use your bank of america debit or credit card when you shop online. it's one of the many ways we make saving money in tough times a whole lot easier. we'll be rejoining john harwood in pittsburgh in a few minutes. let's look at the stories we're keeping on eye on for you. a judge orders najibullah zazi.
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zazi is being accused in what's called the most significant terrorist attack in the u.s. since september 11. that's not the only plan getting federal attention. in dallas, police arrested a 19-year-old jordanian as he tried to set off a bomb on a skyscraper. then, a man tried to plant bombs outside a courthouse. authorities say bill sparkman died by asphyxiation. they won't say much else. his body was found hanging from a tree with the word fed scrawled across his chest. ron mott joins us with more on
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this. ron, what did he say and what do authorities believe this man was targeted of? was it because he was work iing for the government and antigovernment hatred? >> reporter: that's the key question people are asking here. he was a door-to-door person. his census computer was found in his vehicle almost two weeks ago. two weeks ago tomorrow. police are not confirming things in the media. the newspaper says they have unconfirmed sources inside the state police giving this information. one of the things is whether in that part of kentucky, southeastern, rural kentucky. here is what they said about temporarily suspending door-to-door canvassing in that area. >> this is a very complicated matter. it isn't clear what happened,
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but prudence tells us we should stop for a bit, for the protection of our staff. >> reporter: a lot of mystery and intrigue here in this case. one thing adding to that is the time and date of death. police believe he was actually dead the day before, that's september 11. >> what a sad story. ron mott, thank you. we have breaking news. we have been reporting iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad. we are getting a tape back with his comments. let's play it for you here. apparently, we don't have the tape yet? do we have it? okay, let's go. >> compassion for others and to send the message of peace and friendship to the rest of the world. i hope that you will be amongst
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those that is able to go on this important journey. i am very interested in giving you the most amount of time for your questions. thank you. two important issues given in the short time frame we have, 45 minutes for this press conference. please, only ask one question. and make them short and also slowly so the interpretation comes through. now, as usual in the press conference held for u.n. members of the press, we request [ inaudible ] to come down and raise the first question, please.
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>> my first question to you is today there was a report that iran has built another nuclear reactor to enrich more uranium. president obama, president sarkozy and gordon brown, the prime minister of britain have asked iran to present its nuclear sight for inspection. would you be willing to do that now, sir? [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> all right, as you can see, we have multiple translations going on. this is the press availability that the president held moments ago, here in new york city. we have been reading to you some of the comments he had, the highlights, if you will. he did say a couple things you and i have been discussing a bit. one of the things, this is a mistake, referring to obama, sarkozy and brown. they will be sorry. he's talking the facility thing. it's only a facility.
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it's not a secret facility. john, of course, he also said, this is not how you enter negotiations, talking about the october 1 talks. this was not nice, was the direct quote. >> right. i think one of the questions, i'm not sure, you may have heard more clearly than me with the translators going. ahmadinejad said he was going to play nice before letting the inspectors go. i didn't hear the clear answer on that. i think it's what the united states, russians and chinese are looking at. >> what we did is completely legal. the iaea will come, take a look. it's nothing new. he's saying yes, we will allow them in. all though, we have seen ahmadinejad dance around different questions with answers that sometimes look like they mean something, then it turns in a different direction.
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it's not explicitly clear, but he said they could come take a look. we heard from the russians saying they wanted the inspection to take place before october 1. >> i do think, he's on the defensive because of the secret nature of this program. i understand the assertion he's making, can he sustain the argument on the world stage over the next few weeks. this is going to be a big story. this is a background story for the last couple months, this is moving to center stage. >> john harwood in pittsburgh. we'll be right back after this break. we're going to get more details on what he said this afternoon. we'll be right back. say it again! they taste fresh. wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? cook it fresh, strain it fresh, mix it fresh, healthy choice fresh mixers, look for it in the soup or pasta aisle.
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this week, it's a special back to school issue and the cover story is currently the third most e-mailed story on the website. it looks at the increasingly younger kids coming out to their friends and family. scott, we're not just talking kids in urban areas, right? >> absolutely. most of it takes place outside of new york city. oklahoma, washington state, massachusetts, michigan, if i'm remembering correctly. >> how are the kids, how are they dealing with these issues at these young ages to come out like this. there has to be pressure and emotions and from kids at school. >> the part i was most pleasantly surprised about is the way the parents are dealing with it. the schools, it's a mixed record. some embrace a positive feeling about kids in middle school
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having whatever sexuality they have. other schools are less enthusiastic. kids coming out in middle school as gay or bisexual are reacted to by other children. it goes in many different directions, as you might imagine. it's basically, a positive story. >> scott, i wonder, as a parent also, whether you or the others involved had qualms about putting a national spotlight on the children, even though they came out in schools and neighborhoods, shining a light on them and how it might affect them? >> we thought about it quite a bit, as you might imagine. all the editors have children of their own. we tried to, first of all, the kids we were going to talk about over and over to emphasize to them what it means.
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secondly, not so much guarantees, but to protect them, not to overly identify them if they weren't comfortable with it. there shouldn't be surprises at this point. it was a huge concern. >> scott, thanks so much for being with us. we look for the story sunday. we have more breaking news i want to share with you. we are just getting this. nbc news confirms u.s. intelligence located the secret facility, iran's potential facili facility. they located it in an under ground tunnel complex that's quote, too small to be viable for the production of fuel for a nuclear power reactor, but maybe well suited for a military purpose. john. >> i think this is something that the intelligence agencies are going to continue sorting out and military officials, the united states and israel are
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going to begin contemplating if military action is needed. you always think the end point of the negotiations, that could be a factor. how could that be dealt with. i have to disagree with my college on one point, this is completely taken over the g-20 summit and change d the nature for barack obama. monica, i see we are out of time. that's it for this hour. i'm john harwood. >> tamron hall and alex witt take over next. they will talk to former homeland secretary, tom ridge. this is msnbc. my doctor told me something i never knew.
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gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ . a nuclear showdown, new threats from osama bin laden, a terror plot at home and major developments in afghanistan. breaking security news putting
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the pressure on the obama administration at this hour. >> the size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful program. iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow. a new message from iran after u.s. and the allies expose a secret nuclear sight in the country. iran's president is demanding an apology. from afghanistan, the top u.s. general says he needs more troops. the chairman of the joint chiefs is coming to washington to carry that message to the white house. osama bin laden speaking out, again, today, a new al qaeda warning to europe, stop helping the u.s. or else. the diplomatic heat is on. a man accused of planning a massive attack. good afternoon, i'm tamron hall.
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>> i'm alex witt. david shuster has the day off. >> president obama and other world leaders are accusing iran of building a secret underground facili facility. they say it's not secret and it's perfectly legal. iran has been hiding the facility from weapons inspectors for years. nicolas sarkozy says iran must let inspectors in by december. iran claims they are building an enrichment plant for peaceful use of nuclear energy. president obama is saying otherwise. >> iran has a right to peaceful nuclear power that meets the energy needs of its people. but, the size and configuration of the facility is inconsistent with a peaceful program. iran is breaking rules that all nations must
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