tv Countdown With Keith Olbermann MSNBC September 25, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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keith olbermann who has the night off. next monday is yam kip pure. supporters of public option see a new hope including today which puts public support behind a public option bill. last night senator jay rockefeller said he plans to bring the public option for debate with the finance committee today, but with the committee strictly object serving the half-day friday, it got shovelled until tuesday. stephanie samlin told the huffington post blocking a public option is not a top priority for the blue dogs. "the group is some what split,"
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she said. this as they believe it public option will save $85 billion more than the vrgs preferred by the blue dogs, whose organizing principle is fiscal prudence. not to mention 65%, almost 2/3 of the country support a public option, according to a new poll out today. more republicans favor a public option than oppose it. by a margin of 47% to 42%, with 11% still on the fence, and 51%, a majority of all republicans say they would oppose a health care bill if it did not have a public option in it. only 30% saying they prefer a bill with no public option. and there is worse news for congressional republicans in this poll. coming in behind president obama and congressional democrats across the board. while 64% think congressional republicans are just playing
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politics with health care. less than half of their own party thinks republicans are actually motivated by concern for the country. a whopping 43% of republicans say their own party is just playing politics. we are joined tonight by senator ron wyden, democrat of oregon. >> thanks for having me, larry. >> i want to put up a couple of poll numbers. 80% of democrats think republicans are motivated just by politics. for some reason, more than half of democrats, 54% still think you democrats should compromise enough to get republican support. how do you read those two polls that seem to be in conflict? overwhelming majority of democrats believe the republicans are just stumping here, but they want you to negotiate with them? >> larry, polls are fleeting. tuesday is really when the test is going to be given. the question is going to be, is
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the committee going to hold insurance companies accountable? is the committee going to take on what i call the status quo caucus? it's led by the insurance industry. there are other powerful lobbies behind it. they are slicing a fat hog. what we need is cost and competition. >> you are going to get two amendments to the bill on public option, one by senator rockefeller which will be a public option similar to what they've done in the house. another by senator schumer in new york with a somewhat modified version of a public option. what is your sense what will happen with those votes? >> we'll get another one, as well, it's my free choice amendment. i think it is critically important, whatever options, people ought to have kois. the congressional budget office indicated under the earlier versions you only have about 12 million people able to get it.
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those unemployed or uninsured. i think everybody ought to have a chance to have choice. i think my free choice amendment is compatible with the public option. by the time we are done next week, we are going to see new policies that finally end the days when insurance companies can gauge people and rip them off when they run this cherry-picking system where they take just the healthy people and send the sick people to government programs. i want to make sure all americans have access to public option so we can stop this ab e abusive behavior. >> when president obama says if you like the health insurance you can have you, can keep it. what you are saying is he doesn't go on to say, if you don't like what you have, you can leave it and join the public option. that's what you are trying to provide for in this bill, isn't it? >> larry, i think the president is spot-on when he says you ought to be able to keep what
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you have. as far as i'm concerned, if you are getting abused by your current insurer, you shouldn't be forced to stay with them. you ought to get access to another good alternative, the kind members of congress have where the members of congress can't discriminate against you. you are part of a big group and you get a fair shake. >> do you think you'll get republicans to work with you? >> that is the bedrock symbols of their economy. that's what the economy functions on, real competition, real choice. that's how you create a market and hold insurance companies accountable and consumers get a good deal. >> when the baucus bill was introduced, there were a lot of boos. in reality, the more i stare at this bill, it's the the only one that seems to fit the principles laid out by president obama in his speech to congress on what
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he requires to be in the bill. is there any reason not to think of this bill, as it stands right now, as the baucus/obama bill? >> the bill has a lot of positive features. i'm pleased what it does for low-income people. at this point, it still comes up short in terms of holding insurance companies accountable. it comes up short in terms of cost and competition. if you want to hold prices down for consumers, i've got to hold insurance companies accountable and give the consumer more choice. if what we end up with at the end of the day is some requirement where you force the consumer to go out and buy coverage and the coverage is crummy and very expensive, people are going to come after everybody with pitch forks. we've got a lot of good features and have got to add key principles of cost containment. >> will you vote against a bill that requires people to purchase
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health insurance and not give them what you think are the adequate resources to do so? >> i've got to tell you, i think you've got to fit the pieces together. i think people understand that there is a requirement, a sense of personal responsibility that's appropriate. we do have to appreciate that, a central part of american life, personal responsibility. we ought to make steps to make coverage affordable. best way is promoting cost and competition. my amendment will give every senator in the finance committee a chance to vote on that tuesday. >> hang in there during the mark-up. >> thanks, larry. let's bring in pulitzer prize-winning columnist clarence page. >> good evening. thank you very much for having me. >> you can speak objectively about what you are seeing there in the senate finance committee this week. my point about referring to this possibly as what we are seeing
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as the baucus-obama bill, when you go back to the president's address and look at the section where he talks about paying for the bill, the only bill, the only committee bill that does what president obama is willing to do in paying for this is the finance committee bill. the house bill did things the president never endorsed at any point along the way. isn't this really the bill to watch? isn't this really where the president is going toned up is on this bill? >> well, the president also cleverly kept his parameters wide enough to allow for a public option, which is really the key issue of debate between both of these sets of bills really. there's a real obvious advantage in cost savings now that you just mentioned the current congressional budget office bought up $85 billion of public options, and the polls now are
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showing, "the new york times"/cbs poll showing a public option favored. this will determine what the final bill goes down as a real serious change or as something that the large gift of the insurance industry. >> do you see what's going on in senate finance committee having any real effect on the way the public views this? it doesn't seem to be getting exactly gavel to gavel coverage. yet there are some very harsh arguments being made by republicans i think they would want to have heard publically. they don't seem to be getting the microphone for it, all these anti-tax arguments they are making, for example. >> they don't. i was surprised by this poll. maybe being immersed in the media coverage as i am i was seeing all of the town hall meetings, all the opposition we've heard and of course, out of joe wilson's dramatic "you
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lie" demonstration there in congress, he's a member of the house, but i think he projected an image that a lot of people are seeing for republicans in general in the house and the senate. when you look at the poll that shows even republicans saying that the representatives seem to be motivated more by partisan concerns than concerns for the country. as ronald widen says, polls are acceptable, but that's the trending that indicates the public option side is winning. >> one of the things that seems to hold fast in the polls is confusion. the majority do not understand what's being talked about. doesn't matter how many times the president goes out there and tries to explain it. he still has not succeeded. delivering an explanation that voters, a majority of voters feel comfortable with. is there anything he can do or anything you expect this process
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to do as the congress moves on this that will help clarify for the public what it is that these guys are voting on? >> the polls in the focus groups indicate a lot of people, while they support the public option or oppose it, seem to be divided over exactly what it is. they don't have a clear understanding of it. that appears to be gelling now. it's important the president or anybody else who advocates it talk about that choice. you are being offered a choice between the regular private insurance companies and a government-sponsored option, government-sponsored choice. and that's the thing americans tend to favor. we are talking about competition here and only through competition, as president obama said, can you keep the insurance companies honest and be able to have the competition that keeps prices down or keeps costs savings down. the blue dog democrats are crucial here.
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they are divided, as we heard. they don't -- she did say they don't have the public option as their pop trirt. their top priority is cost savings. it appears there is wiggle room here that will enable the public options folks in the senate and the house to perhaps be able to gain advantage next week. >> is it your sense the president getting out of town and getting to the united nations and going to the g-20, does that help on this health care cross fire and to be shown as a world leader and to restore a little bit of confidence in his ability as a world leader that may spill over to confidence as a health care leader? >> it doesn't hurt, especially when he's being beat up by a lot of conservative pundits who want to cast him as an alien outsider. it's important people --
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americans tend to unify when we talk about national security and foreign policy. president obama hopes they'll unify behind him. >> clarence page from "chicago tribune," thank you. >> thank you. u.s. catches iran building a new iranian plan. now the hard part. what does he plan to do about it? the gop seems to have a new rising star in congressman wilson. looks like joe "the heckler" is well on his way to becoming the for women over 50. well on his way to becoming the new joe the plumber. is well on his way to becoming the new joe the plumber. men's. i'm pretty much the same as i am in a plastic bottle? except that you'll save, like, $600 bucks a year. but other than that, we're pretty much the same. pur. good, clean water.
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only a few days before direct negotiations with iran over its nuclear program. that country has been called out for building another secret nuclear-fueled facility. president obama and other leaders today announced they knew what iran was doing and demanded they open up their nuclear-fueled plants to inspection. alongside gordon brown and preference president nicolas sarkozy said the size and configuration was inconsistent with a peaceful facility.
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according to intelligence developed by u.s., british and french agencies, the site is not yet operational. the u.s. has known about the developments of the uranium-enrichment facility for several years. since 2002, the u.s. has known that iraq had a separate nuclear fuel facility, which iran claimed was only for nuclear power. thus today marks the second plant that iran has tried to conceal. in an interview with "time" magazine this morning, mahmoud ahmadinejad said obama's announcement today was "definitely a mistake." monday iran disclosed the site to the international atomic energy agency, but it is widely believed iran's actions came only after it realized western intelligence discovered the site. president obama said this afternoon china and russia are united in calling for an investigation by the iaea.
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all this just a few days ahead of the g-5 plus one meeting on october 1st, which involves direct talks between iran and the united states, britain, france, russia and china. >> iran is on notice that when we meet with them on october 1st, they are going to have to come clean and they are going to have to make a choice. are they willing to go down the path, which i think ultimately will lead to greater prosperity and security for iran, giving up the acquisition of nuclear weapons and deciding that they are willing to abide by international rules and standards in their pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy, or will they continue down a path that is going to lead to confrontation? >> let's bring in the senior editor for "time" magazine bobby
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gosh. thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> if they knew about this for several years, why disclose it now? >> this is a big feather in the cap are the cia. they have known three years there is some kind of nuclear facility, but they were not certain. something happened this summer. it confirmed what the cia already believed late last year to be true, which is that this was a uranium-enrichment factory plant in the making inside of a mountain about 100 miles southwest of tehran. >> now, at the same time you were interviewing ahmadinejad today, president obama was reviewing this. you had the pleasure of revealing it to your interview subject that this was about to happen. what was his reaction when you kind of laid this on him?
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>> he was nonplussed. he was a man in command of his environment. he seemed very confident, very self-assured. when we pointed out to him as he was speaking to us president obama was making this announcement in pittsburgh, he was nonplussed. he and his officials, who were off the camera were working very hard looking, writing notes to each other and trying to come up with an answer. it was the one unscripted moment of the interview. he didn't have an answer prepared for it. he was aggressive. he said i don't have to give an explanation to the obama administration for every nuclear facility we had. he has defensive and said we always worked with the iaea. he was caught very much off guard. >> president obama had a meeting with russian president medvedev the other day, which there seemed to be russian movement toward consideration of sanctions against iran. do you suspect this information
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was something that president obama shared in that meeting? >> our understanding, actually, we don't know the exact timeline. which understanding is that decision by the russians or that statement from president medvedev came before he was told about the new plant. if that is true, then it indicates the russian position had begun to change before they knew about the plant, and then we should expect further change now they do know. the crucial question is what the chinese are going to do about it. >> to that question, what do we know about it and what is the obama administration's approach? >> if you have four people on one side of the table and five including germany, it would be hard for china to stay away from it. they don't want to seem like the one country that would tolerate an iranian nuclear weapon. i think a statement from the chinese foreign ministry today said china does not really believe in sanctions. i have a feeling a lot more
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would be discussed in pittsburgh. the obama administration is counting on the chinese to come aboard. >> how is it if the united states knew about it for years, we have intelligence assessments coming out saying iran did not pose a nuclear threat down the line? that the nuclear threat seemed to be dissipating there? while the intelligence community knew this was happening? >> i think the intelligence community knew something was amiss in that mountain. they were not entirely certain what it was. it could be any number of possibilities. iran also has a missile program on the side separate from its nuclear program. this could have been a missile facility. i think until this summer they could the not say for certain that this was a nuclear facility. >> "time" magazine's bobby ghosh, thanks. >> thanks, lawrence. bill sparkman was hanging in
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the woods. new details from one of the people who found him. is the republican's party big enough for joe the plumber and joe the heckler? stay with us. delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! hey thanks for the window seat. oh please. you got the presentation? oh yeah right here. let me stow that for you, sir. thank you. you know, just to be safe i used fedex office print online. oh you did? yeah -- they printed and bound 20 copies of the presentation, shipped it to portland, they're gonna be there waiting for us. that's a good idea. yeah. you have a nice flight. thank you. (announcer) print upload your document -- we'll take care of the rest. prepare your mouth for a battle against germs. protect your mouth right
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the woods of rural kentucky two weeks ago tied to the tree with the word "fed" scrawled across his chest in pen. one witness said sparkman's body was found naked, his hands and feet bound by duct tape. jerry weaverman said sparkman had something that resembled an i.d. tag taped to the side of his neck with duct tape covering his death and eyes. investigators maintain it could be an accident, suicide or murder. more tonight on bill sparkman's night and the mystery surrounding his death. ron mott. >> reporter: "fed" was scrawled on the chest of bill sparkman as he was found dead tied to a tree.
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friends became worried with fear when sparkman missed an appointment at school. >> when he didn't show up, we knew something was wrong. he didn't call, he didn't show up. we said there is something wrong. >> reporter: the fbi joined kentucky state police which is leading the investigation for now to determine if sparkman was targeted because of anti-government hatred. >> if somebody is killed because of their appointment with the federal government, that is a federal crime and fbi would take the lead. >> reporter: the government suspended canvassing in the area. this is one of those investigation which is very difficult because we are able to rule out or discredit any of the rumors that are going around about this. >> reporter: a resident near the scene told an investigator about ominous sounds coming from the woods days before sparkman's body was found september 12th. >> i heard holler iing.
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>> reporter: sparkman so enjoyed teaching, he enrolled in college at age 47, hoping to land a full-time position. speaking to fellow graduates at commencement last year. >> for those who will become teachers, become a superteacher. it's too important than the life of a child. >> reporter: ron mott, nbc news, london, kentucky. joe wilson is being rewarded for his behavior and how his outburst is paying dividends for the republican party. it is a sign you arrived in american pop culture. glenn beck gets the "saturday night live" treatment. psyllium fiber supports your health in 4 ways it helps your natural cleansing process helps lower cholesterol. promotes overall well being and provides a good source of natural fiber try metamucil, in powders, capsules and fiber singles. a sanctuary. a command center.
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and a fresh breath feeling that lasts up to five times longer. [ inhales deeply ] ok she's right. my breath still feels fresh. [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. the republican party has found its new star, someone who can help raise money with his recently-raised profile. in our third story of the "countdown" it is congressman joe wilson.
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yes, joe wilson, the man who embarrassed the nation and his own party heckling the united states. he has read an e-mail, "there has been a lot of debate on what is true in the debate over government-run health care, but democrats continue to spin anlead the public. will you follow this link immediately to support the nrcc we work to retire nancy pelosi and the people's house" wilson apologized to the president, but he refused to apologize to the house. mr. wilson has been seen signing pictures of his outburst for constituents and will be stumping for former congressman
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wahl berg. for $150, supporters get two tickets to the event and their own photo with congressman wilson. the opposition has pounced. a spokeswoman saying in a statement, by embracing his former colleague, tim walberg made it clear he embraces what is wrong with washington and is not serious about fixing our broken health care system. if you are the company you keep, tim walberg stands with joe wilson and the obstructionists" let's bring in the editor of "the washington nation" chris hayes. >> good to be with you. >> is the fair to say the national washington committee revealed itself by this choice and is making a statement who they believe their supporters are? they are the people who think that heckling the president is a
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great idea. >> yeah, that's exactly right. i don't think they are making a miscalculation. it is clear he's become something of a hero among the right wing base. those are the people you are raising money from. the sort of polarizing figures are useful for both sides in fund-raising appeals. you see that with fund-raising appeals that go out to villa villainous characters. there is no question he ascended to become an icon. he is very representative of the house republican caucus particularly, but the current incarnation of the republican party. >> how did it come to it one party is represented by a learned former president of the
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harvard law review who is a scholar and poised and graceful and elegant and well-spoken, and the other party is represented by someone you wonder if he needs a breathalyzer where the president is speaking? republicans used to be an image of country club republicans who didn't like taxation. what happened here? >> i guess i should say, i wasn't crazy about that brand of republicans either. there are a lot of brutal union busters, who i'm sure had perfectly good manners. at this point the thing the republican party is doing, they are being led, they are channelling the rage and ali alienation of a small percentage of their base.
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they are making a political gamble that that will lead to success and some resurgence of the republican party. i don't think it's a crazy political tactical notion. it's interesting to look at the polling which is suggesting that it is backfiring. if you look at health care. the point at which the slide and support for the president's health care plan stopped and began to reversed was right around the moment of the town halls. joe wilson is so linked to people's mind with this general acting out that the republicans have been engaging in, i think they are misplaying their hand. they are embracing what is going to be a poor strategy. >> you cannot win national elections with republicanes a lone. you might do it in joe wilson's district. you've got to appeal to independents. it seems joe wilson has to kill
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them with independents. >> exactly. independents are generally, almost by definition suspicious of people that are polarizing over overly zealous of any persuasion. the press release indicates that is the calculation being made by the democrat in that district. it's important to note here that wilson is, as you said, coming from a safe district. there is this misalignment from people that have the largest platform in the republican party who are emanating from a safe conservative areas and interest of the national party which has to win in places that aren't as
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friendly to that world view. >> chris hayes, thank you for being with us tonight. sarah palin posting. when rachel joins you at the top of the hour, the republicans fight against acorn backfires. the acorn act would defund most defense et rich, by america's health insurance companies. raise health insurance premiums 4 times faster than wages. pay your ceo twenty four million dollars a year. deny payment for 1 out of every 5 treatments doctors prescribe. if the insurance companies win, you lose. tell congress to rewrite the story. we want good health care we can afford with the choice of a public health insurance option.
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that's why secret created clinical strength... with odor-absorbing capsules... and prescription strength wetness protection. so effective it stops wetness better than the leading invisible solid. even at 100 degrees. stay dry while others melt. ♪ secret. because you're hot. ♪ the virtual reality world according to sarah palin. no feedback, only facebook. is social networking any way to build your credibility on anything?
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the ex-governor of alaska has more stuff to say about other countries. first, on this day in 2008, an exercise in foreign policy turned televised disaster. frost-nixon had nothing on palin. >> alaska has a maritime border between the country and russia. the other side the land boundary we have in canada. and, you know, i don't know. >> what has sarah palin learned
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from a year? ms. palin perhaps getting the foreign policy thing. in her facebook note on the jewish holiday. writers took the opportunity to weigh in on ahmadinejad's address to the u.n. a speech was gyp at the general assembly full of hateful anti-semitic rhetoric. the world community must speak with one voice declaring ant anti-semiti anti-semitism.
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words we can all for once agree with from sarah palin. joining me is huffington post contributor shannon moore. this may be sarah palin delivering a straight, poiler plate anunciation of all things iran iran. >> it does. i wish she would maybe speak to some of her supporters who felt free to put the hitler mustache on obama's picture. she is out there trying to make a big comeback. >> how do you figure the hong kong speech fits into that? let's make money or did you think there would be some political benefit from that?
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>> i think see was trying to get political benefit. whoever is handling her right now was particularly concerned about making the political hits she made in her 1 1/2 hour-long speech. i sat through some of her speeches before and i can't imagine 1 1/2 hours of it. i can't. >> the beauty of facebook and these posting's she's done, there are no tricky questions from katie couric or anybody like that. isn't that the environment for her to be operating in right now? >> there is not a lot of gotcha in facebook. she had people postings in opposition to her on facebook before. she defriends them. i think that is probably easier than defriending katie couric. is a safe place for her to be.
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people row post and comment and write articles and post on her facebook. >> where does she go from here? is there going to be any point to see in 2009, 2010 if she takes a question from a reporter? >> she's been able to be successful in avoiding reporters to date. she was able to do that during the election, which would be a crucial time for people to ask her pointed questions. it seems from what she is talking about, for instance, she is weighing in on afghanistan right now. all people have to do is look at her rhetoric and see she is palling around with chicken hawk
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conservatives like dick cheney. >> are you aware of any subjects where she gets help? >> i don't know where she was happy to take advice from anyone. right before she resigned, the one phone call she made was dick cheney and the other is rudy giuliani. if those are where she is taking help from now, we know where she is going. no crying. they seemed to tackle everything else. "saturday night live" that is the psychosis of glenn beck. ah, fresh. minty.
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> a lot of stuff has happened in the weeks since barack obama's five sunday morning interviews. a tent came up and went down at donald trump's house and a former exterminator danced his way into americans' heart. as though obama interviews disappear, last night's "saturday night live" finally got its first crack at the interview merry-go-round. the writers imagined what would have happened if the white house considered reaching far beyond
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the list of regular sunday morning interviews to mr. conspiracy theory, glenn beck. >> we are ready for the interviews. >> ready to go. >> on sunday which did nbc, cbs, abc, and univision. >> i want to get health care out to as wide an audience as possible. >> how about fox news? >> nope. >> today we have cable channels. >> let's do it. >> next up is espn. >> boo-yah, stuart scott here. you're on the hot seat. is your health plan strong like shaq or smooth like kobe?
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>> i would say like lebron. >> we have the bravo network. >> kathy griffin here. okay. here we go. will there be a health care for my dates? >> i certainly hope so. >> okay. can you not give us three specific dates i hate? perez helton, julio. >> my bill could cover all americans, even spencer pratt. >> get a room. >> who's next? >> fox news? they can be fair and balanced. >> let's see. >> if i write down "obama" the letters can be rearranged to say
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aroma. i don't like. those letters don't arrange to spell that. in russia they do. >> next? >> the food network. it's guy fiueri. >> here is my health plan. call caught up with tortilla chips. >> that doesn't seem leak a viable plan. >> we top it off with liquid caso. >> i'll show myself out. >> next? >> there is someone from cw.
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it it's a teenage vampire. >> oh, obama. give us blood, dude, or don't, you're not the boss of me. >> finally nbc. >> i thought we did nbc. >> it's someone else. >> please, god, don't tell me it's brian williams. i give that guy one day of access and he acts like we went to camp together. >> it's keith morrison from "dateline." >> tell me more about the death panel. yeah. >> umm --
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>> that will do it for this friday edition of "countdown." i'm lawrence o'donnell in for keith olbermann. we continue with rachel maddow. we begin with breaking news in the case of bill sparkman. the 51-year-old found dead in kentucky's daniel boone national forest. his death made news after the national law enforcement said he had been found and the word " d "fed" was scrawled on his chest. we have the word of what would be violence against an employee. the clay county coroner
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confirmed to us what had been the assertion of an unnamed soared that the word "fed sn" w written on his chest with foliate tip pen. kentucky police have not determined if his death was a homicide, suicide or accident. they did say yesterday the cause of death was efficientation. the associated press reporting one of the witnesses who discovered the crime came upon the crime scene unexpectedly, a man identified as jerry weaver, visiting the area. this witness says mr. sparkman's body was naked, his hands and feet bound with bucket tape, in addition to people briefed on the investigation but who spoke on the condition
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