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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  September 26, 2009 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> nbc here live at the white house for us. good morning, mike. >> good morning, alex. >> let's get to what the iranian president is saying about all of this. >> they are saying we are within the international conventions and treaties we've signed constructing this facility. nothing to see here. please move along. international community has another view. let's look back. they have known about this plant. by the holy city of qom. earlier this week, they were in charge of inspecting nuclear facilities called iaea. then americans, british, french, they knew they should go forward. the president huddled allies over the course of the week when he was at the united nations,
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let the russians know about it, chinese knew about it yesterday suddenly they and before cameras, gordon brown, prime minister of great britain as well as sarkozy the president of france and revealed to the world the presence of this facility and said that it's time for iran to step up. now they have got to let inspections in this immediately or they are going to have to face the consequences, alex. >> a new report this morning on u.s. military prison at guantanamo bay, when it may or may not close. what do you know about the details. >> the first act in fulfilling a campaign promise, announce he wanted to close guantanamo bay by the end of this year. the problem was they got a little ahead of themselves, put the cart before the horse, announced it before they decided what they were going to do with the prisoners, where they would put them, how they would be tried if they are to be tried, what to do with prisoners whose evidence against them has been so compromised they can't put them on trial and yet they
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cannot release them to the general public. where to build a prison to house prisoners. all these questions in the air, questions from a reluctant congress as you might imagine. many members of congress do not want any such facility in their district or don't want the potential to have people released into their district, into their population. so on both the political and policy front, the administration has problems. now the report saying they may not meet that deadline to close the prison at guantanamo bay by the end of the year. moderator david gregory talks exclusive to former president bill clinton about the controversy surrounding iran. check local listings for the time. moammar gadhafi met with family members of pan am flight 703. he was in new york to speak to the general assembly. he met with family men's of the two bombing members. lisa gibson who lost her brother
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in the 1988 bombing said gadhafi said he was sorry for the loss but didn't go into details. 270 people were killed when the plane blew up over lockerbie, scotland. last month a scottish magistrate released the convicted bomber after he was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. his release sparked international outrage. we're learning more about the man accused of planning a terror attack in new york city. he arrived in new york to face charges conspiring for weapons of mass destruction. they say he was on the verge of releasing the attack on the anniversary of 9/11. we're getting video in of him buying hydrogen peroxide and acetone from a beauty supply store. police say he was intent on making a bomb and being in new york city on 9/11. they say three, maybe four of his accomplices remain at large. they are actively searching for them. national security reporter
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for "the washington post," good morning, terry. >> good morning, alex. >> how close was zazi's plan being implemented. >> it was quite close. authorities believe they do not yet know or not yet saying what the intended target of the attack was. they believe he had unleashed or come very close to unleashing a deadly bomb attack using hydrogen bombs in the new york city area. he traveled to new york from his home in denver, colorado september 9th, drove overnight and intended to stay in new york through september 14th. of course during that period, he began to grow suspicious that law enforcement was on him. he left two days early september 12th, which sort of disrupted the plot in a way that has made it difficult for investigators yet to figure out who all was involved and what the targets were but they are still very urgently looking for information and leads. >> zazi's defense attorneys say there has been no discovery of
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chemicals anywhere. does that weaken the prosecution, weaken it for investigators? >> one of the many things fbi a little and new york city detectives are continuing to search for at this stage is those explosives. either stray chemicals or explosive devices themselves. they have been hitting u-haul facilities, storage facilities in the greater new york and denver area for sometime and they told me two days ago that they thought zazi had perhaps detonated some kind of test bomb in denver before taking off for new york. so there is an open question about where those materials were. >> zazi admitted to pakistani terror camp and learning about weapons training there. what kind of information do officials hope to get from him? >> they hope to get from him not only who in the united states and possibly in canada he may be working in concert with but who on the other end of calls in
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pakistan was leading him in this direction. one of the reasons why authorities have been so concerned about zazi, he's one of the few people since 911 who have had contact allegedly with these terrorism camps and with senior al qaeda officials and then come back to the united states as a hale permanent resident been able to act freely under the law enforcement radar for some period of time. >> how much do we know about co-conspirators, we know his father was involved, he was spoken to, another man in denver. a man who was an informant in queens, new york. >> we know two other men have been charged, his father, and another imam who had long been an informant for a new york city police detective. both men are not charged with involved in terrorism as is zazi
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but they are charged with what they knew and their contacts with zazi. these are not the men mentioned in unnamed way who helped zazi purchase chemicals, these hydrogen peroxides, acetone, chemicals they would use for a bomb of the key players involved in purchasing those chemicals and perhaps carry out a possible attack remain sources of interest, intense interest for investigators at this point. >> carrie johnson with the "washington post." thanks so much. >> thank you. >> for the latest information on the terror plot, logon to you can see pictures of the suspect shopping before arrested. we're learning more about a census worker in kentucky. his body was discovered by a family visiting a the cemetery. he was gagged and his hands and feet were bound with duct tape. authorities say the word "fed"
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was written across sparkman's chest. officials say the preliminary cause of death was asphyxiation. the director says the agency is now taking necessary precautions. we've suspended activity in those in that county and notified our client agencies we've done so until we figure out what's happening. this is a very complicated matter. it isn't clear what happened, but prudence tells us we should stop for a bit for the protection of our staff. >> officials say it's clear sparkman's death was not natural but all other possibilities are now being considered. >> that is a video that's got a georgia high school office fired. he's wearing a camera that shows how he comfonfronted a student.
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they say he pushed him down and threatened him. it's now under appeal. let's get weather in the southeast and across the country, here is meteorologist bill karins. bill. >> good saturday morning to you, alex. we have a lot of interesting weather. we have heat out west, cool weather in the northeast. but the big story, the rain once again. this isn't as bad as earlier in the week where we had flash flooding around atlanta but we still have heavy rain and isolated flash flooding occurring through kentucky, tennessee, and a little there in mississippi. eventually this will sweep to the east. we will get wet through alabama, georgia and right through the mountainous areas of the oppose lat -- appalachians. that's the worst. temperatures will be cool and humid, enough for heavy rain in the deep south. showers and storms through areas of detroit today. we will be dry in the northeast but it will be cool. alex the other story today, heat out west. summer will not give up. it's going to be 101 today in
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sacramento. we've got a little bit of everything out there today on this saturday, axe. >> okay. thanks very much for delivering, bill karins. still ahead motoring madness, two cars wind up stuck in a sinkhole smack-dab in the middle of the road. that's only half of this bizarre story. and taking on capitalism. michael moore's latest movie has been trying to meet the head of general motors. did he make it in for that meeting. we'll show you on "msnbc saturday." protect your mouth right with crest pro-health rinse at night. it kills 99% of germs that cause gingivitis, plaque, and bad breath, without the burn of alcohol. for a healthier mouth that's cleaner in the morning.
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a new development, the story of two couples united by mistake. a fertility clinic transferred the wrong embryos into a woman. she carried the baby and gave birth to the boy. they plan to give the baby to the biological parents.
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they are said to be in good health. another message this morning for president obama warning iran in his weekly radio address insisting president obama or ahmadinejad come clean about his country's nuclear effort. >> iran must now cooperate fully with the international atomic energy agency and take action to demonstrate its peaceful intentions. the international community is more united than ever before. >> i should say radio address. joining me, reporter from the "washington post." good morning. >> good morning. >> did all this catch the white house by surprise? >> i don't know if it was by surprise. they certainly knew about it before the rest of the world did. certainly administration and iran watchers have expected for sometime, alleged for some time there has been a nuclear facility. the revelation did but not the substance of the matter. >> the fact that iran admits to have second nuclear enrichment facility, does that help the u.s. make its case in the long run? >> absolutely.
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in fact, it makes the united states look a lot less like the intransigent partner here, especially during the bush administration, it was seen as the united states was belligerent. it helps with europeans that it's iran not being totally forthcoming. let's go to the question about guantanamo bay. a new report this morning suggesting its closing is going to be pushed back until after january. this is, of course, one of president obama's early promises. what are the concerns about pushing it back. >> it's simply a logistical matter seeing from officials they did not think they would meet the deadline, put all of the remaining terror suspects on the base. they have been able to clear a certain number of them, transfer a certain other number to other countries but there's a core, about 50 or 60 they have nowhere to put. the deadline will slip. we're seeing the administration
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saying firmly, i will say they are trying to manage expectations here. they have hopeful it will be a few months after the deadline but by setting the deadline they will make it happen. >> do you think there's an unreal expectation, though, of the whole process of closing gitmo? >> there's no debate. even a debate in the administration whether they should have set that deadline. there are those who say by setting the deadline, even if they don't make it, they force swift action. if they hadn't set a deadline, it would be not six months late but six years late. there are others who say it was naive, there was nowhere to put these people but it stirred the political pot unnecessarily when they could have maybe moved a little more behind the scenes rather than set a date certain. i think there are two sides so too that department. >> the core, how many are we talking about here, a lot, just a few? do we know? >> it looks right now like the number is 50 or 60. the problem is they are all
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different. in some cases the files have actually been left in disarray, so it's taken them sometime to figure out what to do with these people or who they are. the problem with many of them is either they cannot be released, cannot be transferred to a third country because they are so dangerous or that they have been interrogated in such a way that they can't be brought into court and tried that the interrogation -- it would be a harsh interrogation method would make it impossible to try them in court. so there is a whole sort of different set of reasons they can't be released and can't be moved. >> okay. quite the dramatic leap for the president. if the president looks back at this week, do you think the white house is happy about how it all played out? >> i guess the subject changed from health care which hadn't been going so well. >> right. >> i don't know if they are happy. they have certainly had a lot come their way this week. i think they are pleased with the way they handled all of it. they are going to have to turn back to health care. that has been the sort of overriding issue. they were able to let the senate
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do its business this week as they dealt with not only iran, not only the g-20 where the president was the last couple of days but they were also at the u.n. before that and talking about the economy, too. he's really quite a lot on. >> i was going to say the g-20 meeting, wasn't that supposed to be about the economy, global economy? >> that's right. but this is often the case at global summits, events that take place overtake them. certainly there were discussions about the economy but iran dominated the headlines. >> good to see you as always. more later. >> thank you. >> it is the sinkhole that swallowed up two cars, one on top of the other. the more strange twist is coming up on "msnbc saturday." access to favorite courses chef's meal with pommes frites perhaps a night at the theater with extra special seats additional hotel night, our treat
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michael moore's latest effort, entertainment reporter joins us on the oscar winner's latest movie. i know you sat down with him. what was that conversation like? >> i did. we've been talking about this film for so long before we knew what the crux of it was going to be. i saw this film in a theater on the upper west side of manhattan with the 1% he talks about. ostensibly it's a wealthy zip code. it's aimed at the top of the pyramid with 1% of the wealth. i said to michael, who are you preaching to, the choir here? who is this film really for? and he took a moment to answer this question. >> i poured more of myself into this film than any previous film. this was a tough one. the more challenging it was, the better it actually became. it's funny when you take those
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kind of risks creatively, going to turn out one way or the other. >> who are you really trying to get to in the film? >> some of the people i covered in the film. you see a family who is being evicted. on their back door are four of those large metallic yellow ribbons that they support the troops, yet their home is being ripped from them. people believed in the system, lots of people across america have really stopped concerning themselves with partisan prospects. high unemployment, high foreclosure rate. there is a foreclosure once every seven and a half seconds, a foreclosure filing. that's insane. if there's that much going on, it knows no party line, no class line, no race line. it's really hitting everyone at
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this point. and i decided to make this film to go to bat for them and go after the people who made their lives miserable. >> it was an interesting discussion with michael because he's so much different in real life. you hear this all the time. they are so much different. that's because they are actors. he isn't an actor. he's a documentary filmmaker. you expect what you see is him in real life. he's really concerned, not the rabble rouser you might see ferin height 9/11. he gets fired up. one of the concerns as an audience member, especially in the context of town halls where people's fingers are being bitten off and g-20 and protests there, are you making people ranger. when you learn his demeanor is opposite of that. his personal demeanor is one
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that wants something peaceful and a conversation about it it definitely puts you more at ease. i think you and i were talking about this, before it comes out, is this going to do if people get fired up and sit down and don't think about the what the cons questionses are. that was enlightening. >> he wants to get that out there about himself he's not the rabble rouser. that has to be shocking to producers out in hollywood. >> i think it definitely is. he in this film goes to the priest that married him and his wife to say, do you think capitalism is evil. whether you think he should be asking priests whether capitalism is evil or not is a different discussion. i said earlier, that's personal, you don't go in a film to the person that marries you and your wife to get an opinion, you reveal a lot of yourself there. >> he said i revealed myself earlier. >> thanks. incredible video from central mississippi.
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two cars on top of each other in a sinkhole created by a storm. bottom car driven by a woman on the way to work. second car, her daughter. she was retracing her mother's route after the boss called to say her mother didn't show up. they called 911. neither suffered serious injuries. we'll be right back. with spf 25 doesn't just correct. it helps protect your dna without a $200 department store price tag. olay regenerist. now your card comes with a way to plan for what matters to you. introducing blueprint. blueprint is free and only for chase customers. it lets you choose what purchases you want to pay in full to avoid interest...with full pay. and those you split... you decide how to pay over time. if having a plan matters. chase what matters. create your own blueprint at
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you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew. yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. made fresh from your desk, cook it fresh, strain it fresh, mix it fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers, look for it in the soup or pasta aisle. former president bill clinton is weighing in on the controversy surrounding iran. he spoke to "meet the press" moderator david gregory. >> i always think it's a good idea, if possible, to look somebody in the eye and have a chance to have a conversation before there's a total breach. but i think this is actually healthy that this has broken. the iranians must have known that the americans knew. somehow they must have found out that or they wouldn't have voluntarily notified the iaea
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about this. >> you can watch the interview on "meet the press" tomorrow on nbc. check your local listings for the time. with me, david hoffman, "washington post" director, and author of a book and military analyst retired colonel jack jacobs. good morning. john donnalley joining us, defense policy reporter with good morning and another good morning to you, john. i'll begin with you, john. the president says the secrecy, the size, configuration is inconsist went a peaceful program. why does iran want this facility? >> i think it's pretty much an open secret iran is interested in at least having the capability to deploy atomic weapons. i think president clinton got it
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about right in that i think this could be a blessing in disguise, it will generate more pressure in the international community, will make sanctions more likely. whether sanctions will be sufficient to drive the iranian regime to back off is yet to be determined. >> colonel, president ahmadinejad said he's no nuclear expert and will owe iran an apology. let's listen to what he had to say. [ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: now, of course, i'm not the person who should be giving this advice to mr. obama. documents of such nature are issued and it simply asks that the list of issues which the u.s. government owes the iranian nation an apology over, rest assured this will be the case. >> jack, is this some kind of threat? could iran threaten the u.s.
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with perhaps terrorists already in place? we've heard about that in the past? >> we have to remember ahmadinejad is a politician. like all politicians, even a place like iran, he's got a constituency. most of this is empty rhetoric and he's just playing for the hometown crowd. >> okay. david, what about this book you've written on the cold war. from your research, how is this situation similar to that period of time? >> well, there are some really important lessons from the cold war we can learn that apply to us today. do you remember president reagan and gorbachev and reagan always used this slogan with gorbachev, trust but verify. that applies to iran. if what ahmadinejad said was true, all we have to do is ask him to open the door and show us. >> okay, john. let's talk about israel. what about israel? how worried is the u.s. that israel might take action on its own. >> quite worried.
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i think that is really the key wild card in this whole conversation, because israel is with each passing day going to be more likely to want to strike iran's facilities. and so you've got that clock running on israel. you've got the clock running on negotiations on diplomacy, and also within iran. i tend to think it's unlikely that iran will back down if we have the current regime in place. but there are a lot of political forces in play inside iran which could result in a change in government there. but how soon will that happen and would it happen before israel feels the urge to act preemptively. >> colonel, israel. will israel make a move? >> well, they have wanted to for a loan time. at least 20 years or so ago they wanted to do something and we kept them from doing it. they were irate about that. what you see is a direct result
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of not letting israel strike when they had the intelligence to do so. in the end, it's israel who feels most directly threatened by iran and it is israel who will respond to any perceived threat from iran with or without american compliance at the end of the day, they are looking at survival or not and they are not going to wait for anybody to approve or disapprove their actions to take care of iran. so i agree, that's a real danger. the result of that is liable to be a very, very nasty and brutal regional war? >> i'm curious how you see all this resolving david, based on the research for your book and as you followed all this. how is this playing out? >> well, a lot of times we find that deception is a tool of proliferators. when you do throw open the doors, oftentimes it can change the course of things. so i think what's really happened this week, we've reached a real turning point with iran. remember, their first enrichment facility was also hidden and it was exposed. so people feel already once
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burned. so now they are going to look really skeptically. you can't go backwards once you've exposed a deception like this. it may change the course of things. >> okay. gentlemen, thank you for being here. david hoffman, jack jacobs, colonel here in the studio with me as well as john donnelly. thank you for weighing in. for a developing situation at any time and interactive look at key political players in iran, head to and click on world news. a deadly day in iran, two suicide car bombs killing 16 people, wounding more than 150. the car bomb you see here destroyed a police station and nearby homes. the taliban is claiming responsibility for that attack. back in this country, it is the story of the three alleged burglars and a baby. police nabbed two women and a man when the trio was stopped police saw they were driving around with a baby in the back seat. a postal carrier spotted them driving around and backing into the driveway. he got help from a retired police officer who chased him in
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the car for 20 minutes before police caught them. now to the mysterious disappearance of a california woman. last week police arrested 24-year-old patrice richardson after she was unable to pay her $89 bill at a malibu restaurant. they found a small amount of marijuana in her car. she was booked at the lot of hill sheriff's station located in a remote industrial area. police released her at about 1:00 a.m. and that is the last time she was seen. her parents say they are angry police allowed her to walk out of the station in the middle of the night. >> although my patrice had money, she did not have money in her possession. and so her being out there alone, it's very frightening for me because she is not street savvy. >> joining me now on the phone, spokesman for the l.a. county sheriff's department. good morning, steve. >> good morning. >> let's get the latest on the search efforts. what do you know on that? >> well, this morning at the
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malibu creek state park, there's going to be another search launched, spearheaded by the l.a. county sheriff's department search and rescue. more than 135 people involved. there will be people on horseback. there will be dogs. there will be patrols. there will be door to door what we call door knocks. this is going to basically be the area that from the malibu lost hills station southwest into malibu to the coast, that's the general area. >> okay. >> it is a massive search. it is the second such search that we've launched on this kind of scale since the young lady went missing. we obviously have been searching for her every day through the process of patrols and what have you in malibu. the l.a. police department is also searching for her. >> steve, i've heard that there was a sighting of mitrice. i'm trying to figure out how this plays into all this, that she and on someone's back patio
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and said she was just there resting. they apparently go in to make a call to police to say something, what's up about this, and then she's gone. where does that fit into this? >> as far as we can tell, this is how that occurred. at about 6:36 in the morning on a thursday, which would be the morning after she had left, when she left about 1:00, 1:30 give or take. >> so five hours later. >> there was a report there was a person sleeping on the rear steps of the residents inn, 500 block of colt canyon road. deputies were dispatched and we arrived at 6:55. so what is that? that's under 20 minutes. there was nobody there. it's important to know even though that call came in and we responded expeditiously, it may not have been her or anything at all. we did respond to that. and because of that missing person report of somebody being
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on the rear steps, we have been certainlying in that area since that report. >> steve, is there anything the lost hills sheriff's department substation there should have done differently there? there are reports her mother had said she was on her way to pick her up. that was not communicated to mitrice. >> first of all, the most important thing is the sheriff's department understands their anxiety and concern. we share that i happen to be a father of two. i can only imagine the worry that the family and loved ones are going through. >> right. >> we obviously did everything we believe not only procedurally correct but what we believed to be right. you know, if you will, what was the right thing to do. our civilian jailer, for example, they are known as custody assistants said to miss richardson, if you want to stay the night, can you stay the night. i encourage you to do so. she didn't want to do that. we have no legal right to keep somebody past their time.
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in fact, we have been sued for what is known as overdetention. but we did everything in our power to say, listen, you can stay here. you can stay in an individual cell. can you sleep. you can leave any time you want. if you don't want to stay in the cell environment, you can stay in the lobby. she did mention to the jailer she was going to hook up with some friends. so when everything was done and all the ts were crossed and is were dotted, she was coherent and she was not intoxicated, was not exhibiting any mental issues. a 24-year-old woman said i would like to leave, then she left. >> okay. steve whitmore, thank you very much for joining us on behalf of the l.a. county sheriff's department. >> you're welcome. >> it is the best of times and worst of times in flood ravaged georgia. in a moment live report on helping hands for those in need.
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we guarantee the results. today more rain expected in the southeast. friday vice president joe biden pledged the government would help georgia recover from the severe weather that swept through the area. biden by helicopter saw portions of the city under water. he spoke with dozens of residents displaced. let's go to georgia where many of the newly displaced are seeking help. jennifer leslie, reporter from nbc affiliate wxia in atlanta. good morning to you. what's the latest from there? >> good morning, alex. we are live at the pantry. atmosphere food distribution center here in douglasville. we are getting a sense for how much need there is. this pantry usually gives out food on saturdays only to about 200 people today, 650 families
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are expected, a total of about 2,000 people will be helped today. these are the volunteers. these are the people who need the help. many of them are flood victims. they are driving up their cars to get as much as 65 pounds of food, 30 pounds of water. that will help because this county is still under a boil water advisory. no one can drink tap water. they need help, need groceries. many people have lost just about everything. volunteers have turned out in force. they are helping distribute food, much of it fresh food. you see eggs there. people camped out last night starting at 9:00 last night when the pastor in charge arrived this morning, 200 people were already here. there are still hundreds of people in shelters in this county. they have lost everything. their homes are -- all of their stuff is damaged. they don't have power in some cases. so it's really a desperate situation. you can see the non-profit churches reaching out in a big
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way here. it is so encouraging to see this and you can really get a sense of a need here, alex. >> wow, up to 650 families all desperate needing that kind of help. let's hope the vice president will get to this quickly. thank you, jennifer. let's go to the economy. mixed messages about the housing industry. fewer people filing for unemployment. if you really want a sign the economy is making a comeback it all starts with the jeans. joining me now, vera gibbons with explaining to do. we're both wearing jeans. >> i have the jeans, she has the jean skirt. you say really the fact we're wearing it, it's going up in terms of purchases, it really says something. >> denim is an indulgence. when the economy rebounds we go out and buy. we're not buying anything else. clothing sales in the toilet. denim sales up over 4%.
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an $8 billion industry today and one of the things we buy when the economy is on the end. >> it's an inexpensive way to mix things up, fuchsia, yellows, we saw a lot of bright stuff on the runway at fashion week. >> what about this fewer first dates means bad economy. >> bad economy good for dating, good economy not so much. we're sitting at our computers, when the economy is bad we're sitting at our computer and posting pictures from ten years ago. isn't that what people do? not myself. if you look 2008, busiest in eight years when the economy was tanking. after 9/11, a big surge in people signing up for a five-year low, second busiest weekend of the year. bad economy good for the bottom
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line. >> nick told me we've to wrap it up. we have the advance holiday book sales. quickly, looking out for having less babies, eating less comfort food, having more cosmetic surgeries. all these things? >> those would be signs the economy's on the mend. i mean, you've got people staying in love in marriages right now, eating comfort food. when we start doing that, when we start having more cosmetic surgeries, we'll know things are looking better. >> well, looking better for many in many different ways. >> there you go. >> vera gibbons, thank you very much. does not need cosmetic surgery. it was a grab-and-go. police say there was a lot of grab-and-go going on. the was keenie wearing baristas. plus, it is war and good for anybody buying video game systems. you'll find out next. ( conversa) garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son.
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dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet? ♪ what's in your wallet? new anti-aging eye roller. reduces puffiness immediately -- and also helps with lines and wrinkles. not surgery. this is our way to do your eyes. new regenerist anti-aging eye roller. of maxwell house's flavor lock lid. hear that? seals it tight. smells like fresh ground. fresh fresh fresh fre-- that's our favorite part. ...fresh! (announcer) taste why maxwell house is good to the last drop. are you all right? a ferocious white whale wrecked my boat. well, i'm sure we can help you, captain... ahab. well, it looks like you haven't had a claim in over four years,
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so you don't have to pay a deductible. that means you saved $500! $500? i could get an electronic fish-finder. that's the spirit. saving you money on boat insurance.
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there's a price war going on in the world of video games after. after months of speculation, nintendo has officially
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confirmed that the price of the wii will be dropping from $250 to $200 tomorrow. that's the first price drop since the console's release in 2006. joining me to discuss this drop in price is dan ackerman, senior editor with hi to you. >> hi to you. >> so prices of the xbox playstation have dropped, what, three times in the last month? >> there's been a bunch of incremental price cuts and everybody's done something within the last couple of weeks. so, obviously, you know, the wii is following suit, dropping their price down to $199. >> but now why is that? just wanting to follow suit? was there evidence wii was falling in sales? >> it's no secret that the playstation and wii have all had price cuts going into the holiday season. they may not necessarily be playing copycat with each other. we've been wondering since the beginning of the year, not if, but when they're going to cut the prices, because we're kind of at the point of the life cycle of these products where they cut prices to get more casual users in. >> do you expect then a boost for holiday sales?
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>> yeah, because what they've done over the last couple years, everyone who was going to run out and get one has done that. what they're targeting now is maybe people who have one console and want the other two or just casual gamers who haven't poenied up for one of these yet. >> give me an expectation for how much this is going to turn into profit for nintendo. because a $50 drop is pretty hefty. >> that is pretty hefty, and it brings it back in line, making it kind of the cheapest living room console along with the xbox 360, which also starts at $199. when the playstation dropped to $299, because of the blueray player, sony reported the next week they had a 300% jump in sales. >> really? 300%. >> everybody was waiting for that price cut and then they said now i'm going to get a playstation 3. >> do you think these are the prices we're going to see now through october, november and december or are we going to have another cut prior to a real holiday sale? this may be the season, but let's face it the sales really don't start until december. >> there's definitely a lot of
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holiday discounting going on around the industry. for the hardware, the console itself, but you might see bundles where you get the console and a couple games at a discounted price, from retailers like best buy. >> how is wii perceived overall compared to xbox and -- >> it's the most popular overall. it appeals to people who don't really play video games. you get the control in your hand, playing tennis games. it's definitely not blowing up aliens. >> you just exactly described me. i do not do that, but my son has a wii and i play the tennis. that's all i play. >> well, if he has a wii, then you have a wii, don't you? >> i guess i do have a wii. i wish i could play it more. i don't have time. dan ackerman with, thank you. >> thank you. coming up, dealing with iran and its nuclear ambitions. president obama says he's not ruling out the military option. we'll have the white house live in just a moment. pepto-bismol. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. yeah, my buddy's got all that. do we need to buy a bunch of different medicines? pepto guy: oh, no, pepto alone relieves all five symptoms.
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right now on "msnbc saturday," another 9/11. is that what this alleged terrorist planned? is that what officials say? new information on how he was stopped. iran responds and denies breaking any international rules as latest details emerge about the secret nuclear facility. is the u.s. headed for a showdown? also, the earth's opening up and swallowing several cars. more on the damage from this supersized sinkhole. plus -- ♪ >> she's been adored for decades, but now barbie's about to break new ground with a new career. we're going to explain all that for you. good morning, everyone. i'm alex witt and this is "msnbc saturday." we'll have all that, plus the bittersweet development in the mistake that brought two couples together. but we begin with the very latest into an alleged al qaeda-linked bomb plot here in the u.s., and here's what we know right now. federal marshals transferred najibullah zazi from denver to new york, where he will face
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terrorism charges. prosecutors say zazi was planning an attack to coincide with the 9/11 anniversary. officials say evidence shows he had intent of making a bomb and being in new york city on 9/11. police stopped him on september 10th. meanwhile, surveillance tape from a beauty warehouse shows zazi shopping. the afghan immigrant allegedly bought unusually high quantities of hydrogen peroxide and acetone. and police say three or possibly several more of zazi's possible accomplices remain at large. investigators have fanned out across new york to search for them. joining me is nbc news terrorism analyst michael sheridan with the police department and former state department ambassador at large for counterterrorism. and a good morning. >> good morning, alex. >> look, in the past, we've had luck play a role in stopping a terror attack. to what extent does luck play into this? >> good question. obviously, there's a little luck in finding this guy, but as we know in sports, those who hustle to get a rebound or kick in a goal, if you work hard,


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