tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC September 28, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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right now, on msnbc, iran defiantly thumbs its nose at the international community by test-firing long-range missiles and putting israel and u.s. military bases in the middle east within striking distance and this all comes just days before crucial talks about tehran flaf ambitions. the international tug of war escalates for film director roman polanski.
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his lawyer says he'll fight extradition to the united states and secretary of state hillary clinton is facing pressure to step in. swamped by swine flu. number of cases exploding from coast-to-coast hospitals and doctors taking new measures to contain this new wave of swine flu outbreak. >> i'm monica novotny. >> i'm tamron hall. president obama pushing to bring the olympics to his hometown in chicago. this thursday the president will travel to copenhagen to lobby the international olympic committee to choose chicago for the 2016 game. angel merkel today pledged to have a new center right german government in place within a matter of weeks. she is a key ally to the united states. long-running "the new york times" columnist bob safire has passed away. the presidential medal of freedom winner lost his battle to pancreatic cancer. he was 79.
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talks between u.s. and iran and iran fired off missiles last night capable of reaching israel and u.s. bases in the persian gulf. >> leading up to talks set to take place for the first time involving the united states in 30 years. chief white house correspondent chuck todd joins us. what message, chuck, is iran sending with the actions it took over the weekend firing those missiles, particularly the long-range one? >> this is a message of defiance. they know they go into these talks later this week with the permanent members of the u.n. security council, china, russia, united states, great britain and france and germany, basically without a good hand to deal with because they were caught trying to build this secret facility. and so at this point it looks like they are trying to send a message of defiance a little bit, but, if anything, it may only push -- make the u.s.' goal
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of trying to get iran to -- to capitulate a lit bit more at the table or have that threat of sanctions be real it may make the u.s.' case to china little bit easier if they keep seeing iran do thed like this. >> over the weekend, we heard so much about the incredible leverage this gives the united states and others. i want to ask but israel. the second missiles that were launched were capable of reaching iran and u.s. military interests there. what has been the response from israel as we move close to october 1st and these talks? >> well, look. behind the scenes, you know, israelis a little bit of it i told you so. you know, they have been publicly very -- very worried about this threat from iran for years. this is not months. this is for years and have always wanted to get the united states to be more focused on it in general, let alone this administration, but even the
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previous administration. and i remember dealing with some israelis on this during the iraq war four years ago saying, you know, president bush just got the last letter wrong when he made his initial decision to go into iraq. this is not new for the israelis and, if anything, i think they hope these tests will focus the obama administration even more on what they believe is a serious threat in the middle east. >> fascinating development. chuck todd, thank you. as prepares for talks in geneva, obama administration is looking to build internet coalition who support new sanctions against iran. judd gregg joins us now. the top ranking republican on the senate banking committee. appreciate your time, sir. let's talk about your republican colleagues now coming out and saying that the president should cancel talks with iran. i have a quote from one i want to read from our viewers. a ranking republican on the intelligence committee has this to say. quote. the obama administration should immediately cancel its offer to
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hold talks with the brutal iranian regime and pursue a series of tough sanctions to slow iran's mad rush to master the nuclear weapons cycle. once again reality has refused to yield in the face of more talk from this administration. do you agree with the congressman, sir? >> no. i think we do need to engage iranians in these discussions initially, though we have to go into it with open eyes and we can't be knee if about this and we're dealing with a government over there which really rejects western values and sees the west basically as the enemy and, as a result, we can't presume that they are going to do anything other than give us lip service, but we do have an obligation to at least try. then if we are not successful we need to take it to the next step which is severe sanctions and deal primarily with their supplies of petroleum. >> can you accomplish it without china? >> you can but you prefer to have china involved. we do obviously, have to have
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rush shall and western europe. >> let's talk about health care. can you clarify where you stand on reconciliation? you've supported it in the past in bush administration regarding tax cuts but now you say it's not roopt appropriate for health care. explain why. >> you're talking about health care and talking about 16% of our national economy. you're talking about a proposal that affects everyone. and it's brand-new policy. it's totally new. we're going to write a whole new health care plan here and it's going to be a massive policy initiative and not a requisition event. that adjusts numbers and changing tax laws is adjusting numbers and it is a very narrow issue which generated revenue for the federal government. they are really very different issues and to use reconciliation on something as big as health care is like taking a chain saw into a heart operation, heart transplant operation and it's not going to work and it's going to be messy and end up with a lot of mistakes being made. >> finally you were a supportert
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of the wall street bailout. >> i think we have to do banking regulation reform. no question the banking system needs to be adjusted. make sure we end up in this attitude that you can shop for the weakest regulator but we have to be careful. we don't want to go down the road to the last problem we had in accounting at enron and overregulate and push companies offshore and end up limiting our business to be an entrepreneurial state. our key to financial success and competitiveness and economic activity in this country is have a robust credit system one where credit is easily and readily available and you don't want to put a big chill on that by throwing a massive blanket over it. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you. latest on the surprising arrest over the week jeked of director roman polanski. his attorney says the 76-year-old will fight extradition to the u.s. to face sentencing for the 1977 sex
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crime involving a 13-year-old girl. nbc's donna friesen is in zurich, switzerland, where polanski was arrested and is behind bars. why this move now? he has a home there and taken many vacations, skiing in switzerland. why the arrest at this time? >> yeah. that's not an easy question to answer. the fact is roman polanski hasn't been in hiding the last 30 years. he has been public and making films and received an oscar for his film "the pianist" in 2002. he has come to switzerland. he has a house here and traveled from italy and to germany. it's a little unclear why now. it seems to be coming out of the l.a. district attorney's office and they say he was a fugitive from justice and they had warning he was going to come to switzerland because he was coming here to the zurich film festival to receive a lifetime
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achievement award so they gave them time to get him apprehended and they say even though the crime took place 32 years ago, it's time that he, you know, was brought back to meet justice, to face the music. so that's what thes is trying to do. now, his lawyers are saying they will fight it all the way, not just his arrest but also any attempts to extradite him. >> thank you very much. donna friesen is live for us in switzerland. thank you very much, donna. italy defense expected to rest in the trial of american college student amanda knox who faces murder charges for the death of her roommate in italy. the prosecution and the defense wrapped up over the weekend. but the contradictions in the forensic evidence so great that more crime scene investigators may be called to the stand in this case. troops or strategy first? that is the big question when it comes to the war in afghanistan. the top u.s. commander in afghanistan is said to want an additional 40,000 troops. last night, on "60 minutes"
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stanley mchrystal was asked if he is confident he will get what he is asking for. >> i will have an absolutely chance to make my assessment and make my recommendations. >> but you're already under pressure not to ask for more. i mean, how does that affect what you do? >> it doesn't affect me at all. david, take this extraordinarily seriously. >> our pentagon correspondent with "the new york times" joins us now. elizabeth, it would be easy, obviously, to think all of the military stand on the same page here. obviously, that is not the case. you're writing in the paper about former secretary of state colin powell being skeptical here, having met with the president? >> that's right. he is retired military, of course. right now, the president is getting a lot of different views from a lot of different people. there's meetings coming up this week at the white house about the strategy in afghanistan, what to do going forward. there's the -- the plan is, as we're told, is that the president will decide on the
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strategy and then will either send or not send the troops to go with that strategy. so right now, there is a piece of paper sitting in the seat of the joint chief of staff which has general mchrystal's request on it and the president has a copy of this request. it's not being forward to do the white house they say. >> on that note, we've got a sound bite of defense secretary robert gates weighing in on exactly what you're talking about here so let's play that here and talk on the other side. >> as you said, you hope to have this done in a few weeks and you want to avoid failure as well but the president has not made any -- any decision at all on resources? has he ruled it out? >> no. i haven't even given him the request for resources from the general. i'm receiving the report. i'm going to sit on it until i think or the president thinks it's appropriate to bring that into the discussion of the national security principles.
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>> elizabeth, do we know where secretary gates stands exactly? >> we don't. we know that in the past, he has been' posed to what he called a large american footprint in afghanistan saying that's what got the russians in trouble in afghanistan in the 1980s, they had too many troops there. since then in the last couple of weeks he has signaled he would be open to more troops by saying that after his conversations with general mchrystal, he believes that it's not as important as how many troops there are as as to what they do there and how they behave if they don't terrorize the population, et cetera. we don't know where he is but he will be very influential. >> yeah. in addition to the defense secretary and we mentioned former secretary of state colin powell weighing in, you talk about in your reporting two other senators who are extremely influential with the president on this issue? >> that's right. senator ke kerry and senator jack reed as well. the military is not mono in their view here.
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a lot of officers served in rirk and afghanistan are sprefg express i expressing reservation. they have great admiration for the general mchrystal. the army is concerned about the stress on the force with just now troops are just beginning to draw down in iraq and what will happen now after eight years of work. he has done more to afghanistan. so there's a lot of discussion even within the military about this. i should say that the chairman of the joint chiefs is jech behind general mchrystal on this question. >> the two of them just met in germany when he received that request. thank you so much for sharing your reporting today. >> a second wave of the swine flu slams the united states much so that some hospitals are actually forced to set up tents to handle the patients. it hasn't been the headline but the story has not gone away. a lot of people are asking, though, where is that vaccine? a mother finds out she's pregnant with two babies, but they may not be twins so what is the deal and how will they be
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delivered? plus a new show joins the nbc lineup and no lack of drama in this one. one of those new stars of "trauma" will join us in the studio next on msnbc. >> i want to go! >> well, there's something you should know about me. >> what is that? >> i can't die. i'm serious. >> okay. you can't die. >> hey, i have survived. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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a woman in arkansas is pregnant with two babies. nothing strange there, right? well, julia found out in an ultrasound she is carrying two babies and they may not be twins. doctors say her baby boy may have been conceived two weeks after she was already pregnant with a baby girl. >> it was very, very shocking,
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very shocking for there to be two, but then for there to be appear to be, at that point in time two different ages the very first you will extra sound, it was surreal. >> it would be rare but not unprecedented. the babies are due at the end of this year and early next year. delivery by c-section. after months of warning second wave of swine flu is here. doctors and schools and hospitals reported rapid increase of patients in with swine flu symptoms. one hospital had to erect tents outside to accommodate the hundreds of patients flooding the e.r. every day. 26 states with widespread flu cases and number expected to arrive and the vaccine is months away. dr. nancy snyderman is with us. her show is after this one. this hasn't been the headline. people have kind of forgotten
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about it unless you have a kid in school or college or you have gotten sick from the swine flu. >> i think in some cases it's what we've been expecting. this has been pesting us all summer long and now we have kids back in school in poorly ventilated high schools and colleges and we're expecting this sort of second uptick. the real question i think is going to be will it be severe or will we see a very infectious, but mild, influenza. >> vaccine a couple of weeks away and people in a priority or category would be more susceptible to the swine flu would be first to get it? >> the vaccine in the next week or two primarily indicated to kids 2 to 12 -- 21 or 22 because this is the population that has no natural immunity and pregnant women and health care workers and anyone else who has immune system issues. >> what about the old regular flu? >> regular flu shots out right
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now. i would urge everybody to get them. you want to get it right now it's available and keeps you from getting sick later. if, in fact, we had seen h1n1 perhaps a month or two earlier, we might have been able to combine everything into one shot. just didn't work out that way this year. probably will be a component for next year's regular old seasonal flu. >> not forgotten. maybe not in the headline. >> i will talk about this now, especially right now. as things uptick through october and november. >> thank you very much. >> you bet. >> you can see her after this hour at the top of noon eastern hour. thank you. >> you bet. >> monica. cleanup effort in full swing after those devastating storms and flooding destroyed many parts of georgia. the damage is now estimated at after a wleds billion dollars and more than expected. ron mott joins us from atlanta. how is it going out there? >> the insurance commissioner says the $5 hundred million figure may go higher as the
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losses continue to mount. i was out with a dozen families yesterday in a cul-de-sac and reminds me of hurricane katrina when people were able to get back in their homes. there is a sense of shell-shock on the faces of these folks and can't believe this has happened to them and compounding their frustrations the fact a lot sought floot insurance protection three or four years ago after minor flooding in that same neighborhood but were not able to get insurance. now, federal government obviously, requires homeowners to get flood insurance when they live in a designated flood zone and these folks did not and they are calling this beyond a 100-year flood event and this is termed 500-year flood event here in the atlanta metro area and we can't forget the people who lost their lives last week. nine confirmed fatalities in georgia and one in tennessee. folks are scratching their heads how are they going to make it? a lot are close to being upside down on mortgages and have to have government assistance to be able to rebuild and some people aren't sure they are able to
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afford to rebuild. >> ron mott, thanks for the update. tonight, conan o'brien is expected back to work after a pretty scary friday. he banged his head during the a stunt forcing production to stop and nbc to air a rerun of "the tonight show" on friday night. his guest is knockout drew barrymore. up next, who is key in keeping your teenager safe while they are behind the wheel? and why you should consider not giving them their own car. that is not good news for teens out there. plus, nbc takes the drama of e.r. outside. we will talk with one of the stars of "trauma" next. child: my school couldn't afford to buy a piano, so my mom decided to give them ours. it's the piano her dad gave her when she was a little girl.
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nbc new drama series "trauma" describing their new show. >> it spot lights the work of san francisco's paramedics. here's a clip. >> will you do me a big favor? >> what? >> send the elevator down so when the others get here the others will get here in time. >> are you going to be okay? >> we're going to be working on that. >> we were talking to you about how we see the huge billboard and see you on it and it looks intense and everything that i'm reading from the reviews talks about these intense scenes, especially the opening scene. what is it like filming that? >> you know what? it's crazy but crazier seeing your billboard. >> family members told but it? >> yeah. my brother drove by last night and we were trying to take pictures and in the car. i said i don't have my uniform on today! you know? but it's amazing. we're in the process, we're still filming and i love it because we're on location.
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dealing with the personality of san francisco. that's a big city, a big heart, and, you know, it's about people and their most vulnerable state and that is what makes us, you know, kind of justice league of television. >> i like that. tell us about your character. tamron boone like me, that's why i like it. he is the only male in that unit and he is a conflicted character. how did you get into his background and who he is in this show? >> you know, part of the background you can say is kind of based on my life kind of hollywood, because when i first got there, it was kind of rare to get married and be in a film where it demands all of your focus as a man, but then you must return home and be a husband. and i felt like it would be a challenge, you know, to see a stressesful, high explosive job and come home and try to be normal. i'm learning a lot, because part
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of my research was that they said it was more fatal for a child to lose a parent from a diverse than a fatality. i have kids and there's so much going on. you know, there's so much heart in the show and nbc just did a real good job just launching this type of show, so i'm excited. >> wow. we're very excited for you. >> thank you. >> we will be watching, of course. thank you for coming in. >> we will take a picture of you in front of your billboard. we would hold off the cops and the fans. >> if they don't recognize it you, it will be all right. the new premiere airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. president clinton says he is alive and well. inside the mind of alleged terror suspect. najibullah zazi steps away from his home to build beauty supplies and backpacks.
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welcome back to msnbc. some top headlines. philippines is asking for international help after devastating flooding there. a tropical storm killed 140 people in the country's north and now they are warning a new storm could hit this week. director roman polanski's lawyer says he will fight extradition to the united states. the 76-year-old was arrested in zurich over the weekend. he faces sentencing for a 1977 sex crime involving a 13-year-old girl. iran test-fired long-range missiles ahead of talks on its nuclear program and days after tehran disclosed existence of a second nuclear facility and all of this triggering a tough international response. we are joined by alee is a and great to have you both.
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they are calling this a military exercise but clearly it is a show of force. they know that president obama is working for tough sanctions and, yet, even that threat doesn't seem to bother them. >> yeah, i mean, we've got a real situation on our hands and i think it's good to know that president obama is going to do whatever it takes to keep america safe and secure and they are taking a two-prong approach right now, which i think is start given how high the stakes are and they are going to continue with their diplomatic efforts and at the same time i think taking every step necessary to make sure we can move ahead with sanctions if that is what this is going to require. >> secretary of state hillary clinton was on "face the nation," and talked about putting iran to the test. let me play a clip here. >> the russians have come out with strong statement saying that the burden has now shifted, it has shifted to iran. they have to come to this meeting on october 1st and present convincing evidence as
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to the purpose of their nuclear program. we don't believe that they can present convincing evidence that it's only for peaceful purposes, but we are going to put them to the test on october 1st. >> matt, a lot riding on these october 1st talks. yet, you do have some republicans out there, one congressman asking to cancel these talks. >> well, there's no doubt that the stakes are high and that it all comes to a head in geneva with the talks on october 1st. let's remember recent history here. in february, iran launched a satellite into outer space. on june 12th, they held a sham election which was followed by weeks of bloody suppression of democratic protesters. in july, president obama set a september deadline for negotiations with iran that they did not -- that did not come to fruition. last week, this secret site was released. >> we shouldn't -- should the united states be engaging or pull out as some of the
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republicans are suggesting, matt? >> well, it's a good question. i don't know that -- i don't know -- it depends on if iran and russian -- russian has an opportunity to engage here finally and take a strong stance against iran. they have not shown the ability to do so so far. the question is will they? i think, look. if iran doesn't show that their behavior is going to change, beginning with the talks on october 1st, the u.s. has to take action. i think sanctions, if they can change behavior, makes sense. if not, iran has enough -- enough low-grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. >> will sanctions work without china? if we don't have china, will we be able to perform tough enough sanctions? >> i think if we have russia, they can work and credit the obama administration about bringing us closer to russia than we have been in a long time. i think they are moving in the right direction and may be willing to join us in this important effort. >> thanks to you both.
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>> thank you. former president clinton says the, quote, vast right wing conspiracy that attacked him during his presidency continues to pose problems for president obama. here is what he told "meet the press." >> your wife famously talked about the vast right wing conspiracy targeting you. as you look at this opposition on the right to president obama, is it still there? >> oh, you bet. sure, it is. it's not as strong as it was because america has changed demographically but as virulent as it was. >> president clinton says no way the 2010 mid-term election could resemble those in 1994 when the republicans took the house and senate two years into his first term. >> zazi's father is set to appear at a denver courtroom today accused of lying to federal agents during an investigation into a plan to detonate bombs on u.s. soil. this as new details are surfacing about 24-year-old
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najibullah sglasy's transformation into an alleged terror mastermind of his kind. michael wilson is a metro reporter with "the new york times" joins us now. thanks for joining us. this is interesting information coming out about najibullah including here he is a guy with a cart. people remember him and remembering their coffee that they wanted, if they wanted sweetener or milk. just a normal guy. >> exactly. as you know, i mean, there is no more normal there everyday guy than a coffee cart guy in new york city. >> this is a person you see every day. the question is how does this guy go from the norm to the extreme, allegations that are against him some. >> that's exactly what we're trying to figure out. about two years ago he showed signs of determined religious, a new religious identity where he begins dressing and growing his beard out and begins even handing out pamphlets from the coffee cart and trying to sell koran to a coffee customer,
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things like that. at the same time, what is curious is he becomes an aggressive consumer. he takes out 14 credit cards and racks up $51,000 in debt before he declares bankruptcy. about a year ago that he goes to pakistan for five months and that is when he comes back and he has told investigators that he was being trained in explosives and weapons. >> do we know where the hate comes from? i have toll to tell you i'm thinking did he meet one person who is nice and represents the "nice" america if you will and maybe gets a jerk who yells at him and that fuels a side of him that says a this is what is wrong about america. what do we know about the balance? because here he was every day smiling at some people. >> exactly. it's impossible to say if there is such a day he made a switch like this. what he doesn't do is fit into any of the patterns we've seen in previous arrests. here's a guy with strong roots in new york city. lived in the same apartment ten years and father drove a yellow cab for 15 years. you know, has stable jobs and
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also unusual about him, when he was identified as a suspect for questioning by the fbi, he began like aggressively being his own spokesman to reporters and declared his innocence to any reporter who would talk to him. >> in your article you mark something rare he presents a challenge for those who basically believe we should close off the borders but here is a guy who passed a background check at the airport and home-grown and, again, i hate to keep using the word normal but that's how we see things in our world as normal and what is not but he presents an interesting challenge for our security. >> he certainly does. >> so what then -- what are we learning from someone like this? there always has been to be a learned moment, doesn't there? >> what are we learning from this? well, he -- >> as far as our security. >> ah. i don't know what -- he had no arrest record to specify. speak of. it's difficult to say how could
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they have found something about him sooner? i don't know. beyond looking at irresponsible credit card use, i don't know how you would have tagged him any sooner. >> maybe that is what makes this curious. in the way you put it, the average, the norm here. thank you very much, michael. >> thank you in chicago a high school honor student beaten to death and happened on the way home from school and captured on tape. 16-year-old darian albert caught in the middle of a fight between two rival gangs and happened outside a community center. the video shows several people stomping and beating albert with a board. it is horrific to watch. police are using the individual, though, to identify the attackers there. encouraging news for parents of teenage drivers. new research shows parents are key in how their teenagers act behind the wheel. lisa myers joins us with more. this is fascinating stuff, lisa. >> yes, monica. basically, the message to
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parents is the best thing you can do with a teenager who is just starting to drive is be supportive while setting strong, clear rules. a new study done by children's hospital of philadelphia found that teenagers with supportive parents who set clear rules about driving were half as likely to be in a crash. compared to those whose parents were less involved. they also were twice as likely to wear seat belts. 70% less likely to drink and drive. and 30% less likely to use cell phones while driving. monica? it's good news to parents, they can make a difference. >> yeah, absolutely. what is the study reveal? what about the teens who do have their own cars? >> well, teenagers are not going to want to hear this, monica, but this study indicates that giving a kid his own car may encourage risky behavior. in the study that was done by, again, by children's hospital, when teens were given their own cars, their risk of a crash doubled compared to teens who had to share a car with other members of the family.
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>> wow. i was surprised by this but it all makes sense as you go through reading it. lisa myers, thank you so much for bringing it to us. there will be unhappy teens out there this week. >> you bet but some happy parents! >> exactly. coming up, should secretary of state hillary clinton get involved in the international tug of war over film director roman polanski. and what is bugging the pope? here is a hint. take a close look. look very closely. you see the red highlight there. that is something creepy crawling and running down the pope's shoulder. as washington continues the debate over health care reform, aarp has chosen a side-- yours. we're fighting to guarantee that you'll never be denied coverage because of your health or age. to prevent anyone from coming between you and your doctor. and to make sure patients don't take a backseat to insurance companies. because at aarp,
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flushed it down a toilet. "people" magazine reportering the former senator destroyed a waver of medical treatment after travolta's son jett suffered a fatal seizure. >> will justice be served? they are asking roman polanski's lawyer that. will he fight extradition from switzerland to the united states in he was arrested saturday in zurich and pleaded guilty in the united states having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl but ran off to france a year later. joining us now is dan abrams, nbc chief legal analyst. i have been blown away by the reactions from people regarding this case. some people are saying he has been free for this long, justice in a sense has been served and others are saying this is rich man's justice and needs to be brought back to the united states to face the crime that he committed. >> i was one of the most outspoken people saying we got to get this guy, he's a fugitive from justice because he is. and he was. he fled before he was sentenced. that's the fact. but there was a new movie that came out that is wanted and
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desired which interviewed the prosecutor and the defense attorney and they both said things that had never been said before which i think leads to a lot of questions. if you're looking for justice, quote/unquote, it makes it a lot harder to figure out what the right answer is. why? because it's clear that there was some misconduct on the part of the judge here and that's what led polanski to flee. doesn't mean he is justified in fleeing but it does provide context to what happened. >> i interviewed a man once who was on death row for 25 years because of misconduct by the attorneys and alleged misconduct by the judge. had he to stick it out in the united states behind bars until he was free because he was poor. >> yeah, let's be clear. polanski served time. the understanding was this was going to be a 42-day sentence. >> right. >> that is what the lawyers had agreed to, they agreed to it with the judge. the day before he was going to get sentenced, the lawyer and polanski hear that this judge is
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bragging to people how he is going to surprise polanski and stick him in prison for a long time. again, that doesn't justify fleeing. >> it sure sounds like that is what people are justify him -- >> keep in mind, a judge recently evaluated this case in determining whether to throw it out. the judge said i'm not throwing it out because polanski didn't show up for this hearing but he also said that there was substantial misconduct in this case and i think that they might throw it out still if polanski shows up. my guess as to what happens, i think polanski is not going to fight extradition. why? because it will take him months. >> his attorney saying he is fighting that. >> i know. what every attorney says i'm pleading not guilty. if he fights extradition he could be in switzerland for months. >> what about the conspiracy ther ris out there? saying somebody is behind th this -- >> look.
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. any time a district attorney's office makes a decision like this and goes after someone as vigorously they are going after polanski they have the discretion to say let's put this behind us. they didn't decide to do that. is that a conspiracy theory? i don't know. i think the answer is it's a political decision. it's a decision the d.a. is making because the d.a. is reporting to the people and is it the wrong decision? i don't know. the bottom line is polanski fled justice. there is no question about it. but i think that if and when he comes back to this country that he is not going to get the sort of stiff sentence some people are hoping for. >> thank you, dan. the victim in this crime is saying she, too, is ready to move on. >> shea -- she has been ready to move on for a long time. the attorney for texas financier allan stanford is reporting his client is in lock-up but in the hospital. he suffered a concussion and two black eyes and broken nose in a fight with another inmate and happened last thursday at the detention facility where he currently held near houston.
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stanford is currently held on charges of runs a a $7 billion ponzi scheme and he denies any wrongdoing. economic haenels we're following this morning. take a look. the boards we'll put up for you to start. dow up 136 points right now. activist a.c.o.r.n is lose being support from bank of america. it will enter any more with a.c.o.r.n. social security will have to pay out more in benefits than it collects in txs over the next two years. social networking tool used by everyone from president obama members of congress and oprah and even us, but is twitter here to stay? a new 60 minutes vanity fair poll finds at least a third of americans think twitter is just a fad and the excitement will likely fade but they said that about the internet in general. you can contact us on twitter by heading to our website
11:51 am google rolled out its newest google doodle this weekend to mark the company's 11th anniversary. the only problem people thought they misspelled google. but upon closer look, it's actually an 11. see? there you go. google pulled the special anniversary doodle within hours of it going live because of all the confusion over the company's actual anniversary date. upconfusion. up next, senate democrats renew efforts to secure public option in the fight to overhaul health care. but with members of their own party still divided on the issue, will president obama be forced to play referee, or is he already playing ref behinded scenes? premiums 4 times faster than wages. pay your ceo twenty four million dollars a year. deny payment for 1 out of every 5 treatments doctors prescribe.
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speech in the czech republic, a large spiedor appeared on his robe. i'm trying to figure out why this makes it one of the most feared. the pope didn't seem to notice as the spider climbed up the robes, hundreds in the audience began to flinch. what was it? it was a brown recluse or something? why was it the most feared? last night the president took out from his busy schedule to do some sightseeing in the nation's capitol. president obama took his relatives on a personal tour of the jefferson memorial and the washington monument. the last stop on the tour should have been the first place they started, the white house. >> maybe they're guests there, so they're sleeping or something. >> the perks of a big family. on to capitol hill, they're quiet today for the jewish holiday. but senator max baucus will push to finish the health care bill this week. meantime, according to a recent
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new york city "times"/cbs poll -- give us the preview about health care. >> reporter: i notice the president and his family didn't come to see the rotunda here. i wonder if that's a subconscious signal to congress. but what we have today is an opportunity to pause on the public side. because they aren't in session, but it allows for staff work to continue. and those members who are not observing the jewish holiday can keep trying to grind did out on the amendments. we know that tomorrow, the finance committee gets back to work and there will be a lot of attention on renewed interest in the public option. two prominent senators, schumer of new york and rockefeller of west virginia, they're saying that the public option still needs to be talked about in the finance committee. but expectations are, that amendments they would propose are going to fail there. because we know all along, the finance committee has been opposed to a government-run insurance plan. that will kick that discussion down the road a bit. so it's back to took tomorrow, today is a good day for staff to
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get a lot of things done. monica? >> kelly o'donnell. thank you. that does it for today. >> we'll see you back tomorrow at :00 p.m. eastern time with kelly o'donnell. our resident health specialist, dr. nancy snyderman, what do you have come up? >> we're going to talk to my friend who really over the weekend addressed the fact that there are so many uninsured in the country. and, yes, the woman who says that she is pregnant not once, but twice. could it be real? it's coming up on noon on the east coast, the doctor is in. 24/7... including the eight hours you spend with your eyes closed. prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. prilosec otc. car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat...
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