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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  September 30, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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this hour on "the big picture" as the battle for afghanistan gets bloodier, today president obama meets with his top military and foreign policy advisers. will he sign off on more troops? the latest on the confrontation with iran? the democratic defectors who
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voted twice this week against the public option. how much money did baucus, conrad and lincoln get from the industry opposed to reform? we'll show you, but did it affect their vote. a new study shows if chicago gets the 2016 olympics it will create more than 300,000 jobs. republican leader boehner blasted president obama's one-day lobbying trip. >> he is the president of the united states, not the mayor of chicago. >> is condemning the president on this one smart politics or stupid? and last night's u2 concert in washington, d.c. was celebrity central. even d.c.'s top catholic cardinal was there. you're safe. it looks like the hammer's dance fever is still hot. good afternoon. i'm tamron hall. >> i'm david schuster. we continue to following a
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story at logan airport. american airline has delayed the flight and they have lined up the luggage on the tarmac. apparently someone found a note on n the lavatory, bomb on board, boston to miami. investigators have been going through the aircraft. the canine units are sniffing through the luggage. interviews are taking place with the passengers and crew members that found the note. we will keep you posted. an unusual bomb situation. they're hopeful this is just a hoax. they are taking every precaution at boston's logan airport. president obama's war in afghanistan and iran's nuclear strategy. obama convened a meeting in the white house situation room. vice president biden, secretary of defense and top war commanders are attending the
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strategy session after a surge in afghan violence, august the deadliest month since the u.s. invaded. it comes days after general mcchrystal asked for 40,000 more troops in afghanistan. what will come of this meet something and iran's newly revealed nuclear site. tomorrow the u.s. and other countries hold talks with iran in switzerland. andrea mitchell is here. >> reporter: officials say it will be the first real test of president obama's policy of diplomatic engagement. they want iran to talk about its nuclear ep richment program. iran says it has every right to develop enriched uranium for peaceful processes. >> iran launched missile tests. for the bigger picture, we are joined by madeleine
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albright, former secretary of state under president clinton. madam secretary, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> let's get to the heart of behalf gan stan and the meeting. the second of five big names in the room. what is going to come out of this? >> well, i think what is so important tamron is this president is actually taking the time to gather all the opinions and to gather the facts. you can't just increase numbers of troops without having all the aspects. general mcchrystal is coming in through video and the others to state their views to figure out what is going on. i think this is the right way. >> what are the unknown facts? i know general mcchrystal said he has spoken to president obama once. i don't know if he is supposed to speak to him more. but what more does this president need to know more than the facts reported daily? >> not all the facts are the same. that is what i find interesting in listening to the news and reading what i read.
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it is trying to figure out from various perspectives. general mcchrystal is part of a chain of command. the president is clearly knowledgeable about what goes on and takes a great deal of interest in this. i think it is very important to establish the facts and have ambassador holbrook, secretary clinton and everybody put their views down. we cannot add troops with the facts we have. i think the president is doing exactly the right thing. >> the other major foreign policy challenge is iran. what, in your estimation, is iran up to and they fire these test missiles and how difficult will it be to hold this coalition together and get sanctions? >> iran is a truly difficult irgs. what president obama and secretary clinton were able to do in new york in terms of getting international support for pursuing what is happening in iran and these particular talks. nothing is going be solved in
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this first set of talks. it shows a different approach of trying to learn what is going on there. i understand the missile thing they are saying was preplanned. the timing is perfectly dreadful. i think the international aspect, if we are going to go with sanctions we can't have the u.s. sanctioning, it has to be multilateral. >> it becomes more difficult as long as there are talks, the chinese and the russians will point to the talks saying you are making progress and don't need to impose sanctions. >> this is a very important part. we don't want the iranians to drag them out so they get an advantage. there would be a freeze on what they were doing while talks went on. >> the other important part is what will israel do? you have a lot of people wondering if eventually we will see an attack of some sort to knock out this secret site which is no longer secret and has not
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been for some time. what about israel in this conversation? >> that is part of the unknowns. the israelis have been making a number of statemepletementstate. what has to happen is diplomacy the united states has to say these are our options. we are not taking options off the table. we have international support for what we are doing. that has to be kept under control. >> the statements last week strong from uk, france, the russians and the chinese were iffy. how difficult is it to get the chinese onboard and what do you think the chinese need to see in order to say, okay, iran has violated something here. we should go along with sanctions? >> the chinese don't gain from having another nuclear power. what has been interesting is a series of stories that have come
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out about the relationship between iran and china. it is it all began when i was ambassador to the united nations and saddam hussein called meer is spent and i happened to have a snake pin. i wore it when he called me a snake. there i was, the only woman on the security council.
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i went out and and bought costume jewelry to describe the mood and what we were going to do that day. if things were going to be nice there were flowers, balloons, butterflies, bad, bees and spiders. people would say what are we going to do? i would say read my pin. >> we showed the blue bird. what is that pin? >> the cubans shot down an unarmed plane. i usually wear it with the head up. i wore it down in honor of the pilots. you showed me with kim jong il. i wore the largest american pin you have ever seen. it was our first press conference. we were standing there together and i had high heels and i looked over and so did he. his hair was poofyer than mine. >> you won with the bigger pin.
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people flood you with pins or give you pins. >> they want to talk about it. it is so much fun'. it is an ice breaker. people say why are you wearing that pin. my pins are an exhibit at the museum of arts and design. so people have given me what they call pity pins. i have gotten a whole new armory. >> the pin today? >> this is an eagle that was made for me by a woman in new mexico. i love eagles and americana so i wear them when i can. i have been thinking about the troops in afghanistan. >> how many pins total? >> there are 200 in the exhibit and i have several more at home. >> it must make for a difficult choice sometimes. >> it is a difficult choice. the bottom line, i don't want to sound like a crazy person, but it is kind of fun to think about, you get up in the morning and you read the newspapers and you think, what am i going to do for a little fun today.
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>> it seems like an extra burden to carry when you are secretary of state. if it works for you, more power to you. >> you have to have humor. >> it works. >> i want to make foreign policy less foreign. there are great stories in the book. not a lot of diplo-speak but trying to explain to the american people there are a lot of good and interesting things happening. >> former secretary of state madeleine albright. we eeve got to book. a great gift to give people. we are going to talk about terror and national security with janet napolitano. fascinating insight. more details in the coming hours on perhaps what is happening in the big meeting at the white house. >> big strategy session in afghanistan and how the sessions go and how the leaks come out will be fascinating. and talking with the secretary about iran and how that session goes. there is a lot of foreign policy
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stuff to digest with grave consequences. the latest on the disaster in the south pacific after powerful tsunami waves hit samoa and american samoa. the death toll is 119. that is expected to rise. villages were flattened and people swept out to sea. four tsunami waves crashed ashore on american samoa reaching a mile inland. the earthquake that triggered the tsunami had a magnitude of 8 to 8.3. we are going to talk to our very own ed schultz about health care money influencing members of congress. and michelle obama and new gop attacks on her husband's decision to join her. a new survey about men around the world revealing who
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is the worst and who's the best in the bedroom. every 20 seconds, a woman over 50 breaks a bone due to osteoporosis. half of women who break a hip will permanently need assistance to walk. so how can we make postmenopausal osteoporosis a bigger priority for women? should there be more petitions to sign? more walks? more telethons?
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quick update on the situation at logan airport. the american airlines delayed because of a bomb threat. it is over. police say the all clear has been given. the bags will be loaded back in the plane and the flight headed to miami. the all clear, the situation is fine. that story is over. >> we have an update on the
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facebook survey that asks if president obama should be killed. people responded. the creator of the online application says a fear over that is not helpful in resolving the situation. jesse farmer told politico there is a culture of paranoia and fear and both sides are acting in an extreme way. they took it down after there were complaints. nevertheless this guy says he has been talked to by the secret service in a friendly way. >> we have been talking about what a big week in terms of health care. supporters of the public option are not giving up hope a government-run insurance plan will be in the final version of the legislation. >> two amendments failed in the senate finance committee. how much did health care lobbying sway the votes we watched. look at the amount of industry
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the industry gave to the five democrats who voted against the amendment. senator chairman max baucus has received $7.7 million over 20 years, blanch lincoln, $4 million, conrad $3 million, nelson, 2 million and senator carper, $1.5 million. ed schultz. you have given town halls. it is the perception of middle america from coast-to-coast that money buys influence in washington, d.c. do we learn anything from this list and the dollars and the vote we saw? >> it is a quick conclusion. it is, i think in some cases, very accurate. it is a sad day in the office. those senators come from rural states. $1 million buys a lot of primetime ads in montana and north dakota and these senators don't want to be targeted. when the industry wants to take
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you down, they will line the pockets of your opponent. on this end, it is easier to make sure they are an ally than defeat them. this has been coming on for a long time. they've known the industry, who the players are and they worked them over. senator conrad gave an interesting comment during the senate finance committee conversation when he said, look, the medicare reimbursement rates, the disparity there is killing our hospitals in our state. i buy that. i do. i have talked to those administrators. then go fix it. then go fix it. but max baucus is something i have a hard time explaining. >> on baucus a year ago he sort of laid out this blueprint of what he would do for health care reform and said there was a public option. he has been backing away at the same time the industry has been flooding him with money and meetings. can you draw that connection? >> why did he take single payer
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off the table? there are lefties across the country that will never forgive him for that. why negotiate and get to your bottom line early on. the votes yesterday in the senate finance committee mean one thing, it is going to draw out the process. the actual legislation is going to be put together when they go to conference committee. that is where you have to count on tom harkin and chris dodd and nancy pelosi and steny hoyer, when they all come together. harry reid wants to get a bill off the floor. he is going to water it down to get 60 votes. that is their focus. if they have to go reconciliation, they will. they are going to be playing with live bullets in that conversation committee. that is the telling tale if the public option is going to survive. that is when the president is going to weigh in on this. that is when he will do the one-on-ones and say this is what i want. you have to get this deal done. but there's a chance that the
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public option will not be in either one of the senate bills. it is in the senate health bill and senate finance bill, when they merge them it may not come out of the senate. this will put extra pressure on the house to make sure they come up with a public option. at conference committee they have to have it somewhere and where the president will have to use his political capital. >> thanks for coming on. >> good to be on. we will have more on this on the ed show. >> and psycho talk. >> there is so much out there. boehner, there is nothing more american to getting the olympics to the united states of america. are they against snefrg. >> i think ed just answered the question. >> you can catch ed and "psycho talk" -- >> you hit the trigger button. >> 6:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc.
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just ahead, the cutest video we have seen. the san diego zoo baby panda gets a checkup. but first, tomorrow marks six years since the founding of the people's republic of china. to honor the country the mobile phone company changed the ring tone for 500 million. they changed the ring tones to a patriotic song from this web video. ♪ >> the man singing, that is jackie chan, the action hero. the name of the song a mandarin word for nation or country. but people can opt out if they don't want to hear jackie sing. that is what i read. just in case you wanted to know that.
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there are a lot of things that could be considered news in this world. >> but there are only a few stories that make us say no way! >> the san diego zoo panda is getting bigger by the day. the baby panda's eyes are finally fully open. the panda cubs won't be named until it turns 100 days old. super cute. >> adorable. tamron, last week we told everyone about knut, the berlin zoo's polar bear. we have our first video. giovanna was born in italy. watch out for those italian polar bears. the berlin zoo is looking at her while her enclosure is being
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renovated. they are too young to mate but they hope a relationship will develop. the next story, men who think they are don juan in the bedroom are getting a dose of reality. according to a poll, i'm trying to find out if it is a legitimate poll, american men top five of the world's worst lovers. topping the list as the worst lovers, germans followed by the british, the swedes and the dutch. spain came in number one, brazil, italy france and ireland, which seems like a cliche list. >> spain is number one. hmm. who knew. >> are you impressed? >> the spanish men got it going. >> contradicts, because anything we say is against the law or get us fired. the politics of olympics.
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new criticism of president obama's decision to join his wife overseas lobbying for chicago to secure the 2016 games. >> new defines from alan grayson. what he said moments ago about his controversial remarks last night that republicans want patients to die quickly. here is the hint, he is doubling down. [ crying ] [ female announcer ] a touch can now be more calming thanks to pampers sensitive. the only sensitive diaper and wipe clinically proven mild
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i'm scott cohen with your cnbc market wrap. stocks ending on a negative note. the dow dropped 29, the s&p dropped three and nasdaq lost a point. toyota is recalling 3 million cars the problem centers around floor matds. the prius camry and lexus. oil prices rose after supply dropped and demand increased.
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oil settled just above $70 a barrel. tivo has an app for the blackberry. that is it from cnbc first in business worldwide. now back to msnbc. >>. >> welcome back, everybody. i'm david schuster. >> i'm tamron hall. a remarkable moment from the house floor. patrick kennedy democrat from rhode island just talked about his father, late senator ted kennedy. he took to the floor to talk about his dad and thank the members of congress for his support. it was emotional. watch. >> it is a great thing being a part of this house to have colleagues treat you as one of their own, as a part of the collegial family of sorts in a professional way but in a
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personal way. the thing he loved so much about serving in the senate was the great friendships he developed there and i can tell you having been through what i've been through the last couple of weeks i can appreciate personally what a difference it has made to have the friends that i've had in this chamber be so supportive of me through this time and i want to thank all of my colleagues is for their outpouring of support and affection from both sides of the aisle. it's times like these -- >> very nice of him and emotional and a very gracious statement. >> our heart goes out to him. it shows the human side to anyone when you lose a parent. first lady michelle obama landed in denmark this morning and spent the entire day in copenhagen in a final push to get the 2016 olympic games for
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chicago. the international olympic committee final vote is set for friday. today miller obama and mayor richard dailey is laying the groundwork for the president. the first lady spoke about what chicago has to offer. >> everything about this bid speaks to what the city has to offer, having the games right along that beautiful, glorious lake front. using the existing park structure to ensure that we're making the kinds of investments and will have the kind of wonderful week behind that will benefit the city over the long run. >> the chicago bid committee said the olympic games would create something like 300,000 jobs and inject $20 billion into the u.s. economy. despite that house minority leader john boehner made it clear he thinks the president should stay focused on other priorities. >> i think it is a great idea to
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promote chicago. but he's the president of the united states not the mayor of chicago. and the problems we have here at home affect all americans and that is where his attention ought to be. >> in the bigger picture, in addition to some lawmakers who don't want the president to go to copenhagen, chicagoans for rio say they want money spent on city projects not the olympics. protesters were arrested over a scuffle hanging a poster in chicago. jim, thanks for joining us. so you have a small group of protesters there but very vocal lawmakers there. are people forgetting how many jobs or impact this could have on chicago? why isn't that being talked about more in this debate? >> i think it is talked about.
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some of those figures is pure hyperbole. making money out of an olympics is -- this is perhaps the most segregated northern city and i would say mopg a lot of folks particularly white folks on the north side there is a fair degree of skepticism. you travel to some of the latino and african-american communities that skepticism is of a very, very different and much smaller order. they see this as a positive thing if it creates some of the jobs that are being talked about. >> what are the republicans up to? is it smart politics for them to criticize president obama or is it stupid? >> to quote you two guys, no way. i don't think it is particularly smart. boehner's point of view is fodder. heading to copenhagen you can't get on the phone and talk to john boehner or senator baucus
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of the finance committee about what is going on with health care. chicago is part of the united states. helping out chicago should be part of the president's job along with helping out john boehner in his district. >> jim, those who say the president owed it to chicago a lot of those big names, mayor dailey and others helped his career and it was time to pay back chicago. what is that argument? >> well, i think it is a complicated argument. i don't think barack obama owes mayor daley a whole lot. he got elected united states senator almost in spite of the mayor's support. the mayor didn't get on the obama bandwagon until after the upset victory. he is doing it because he loves chicago and thinks in the whole it is a benefit. this is not a matter of payback. i think one has to realize the complicated daley/obama
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relationship before you come to that conclusion. >> jim warren, thanks for giving no way a shout out. appreciate that, jim. >> tamron, something on friday at 12:30 is going to eat crow. if chicago gets the olympics, the republicans are going to eat crow. if chicago doesn't maybe the white house will eat crow. >> to jim's point of the southside of chicago, there are many beautiful parts, it is a side of town that has struggled economically. if that can bring jobs and influence, it can be a transformational time. >> in addition to the heated rhetoric over the olympics, there is heated rhetoric and debate over health care which seems to get angrier by the day. >> the latest outburst came on the house floor from florida democratic congressman alan
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grayson. >> the republican health care plan is this. die quickly. that's right. the republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick. do you want the democratic plan or the republican plan? the republican plan, don't get sick and if you do get sick, die quickly. >> republicans are and inning an apologize in the wake of those remarks. >> we respectfully request he apologize to our leader. i call on all democrat members of the house and all democrat leaders to demand that he apologize just as one of our members did earlier. >> of course, tom price was referring to joe wilson who's "you lie" outburst during president obama's address to congress almost drew universal criticism but not from republicans. he was officially scolded by the house when he wouldn't apologize on the house floor. a dozen republicans went along with that resolution. democratic caucus chairman said
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grayson's remark is not the same magnitude and didn't deal with decor rum in the case of joe wilson but i would encourage him to apologize. >> he apologized to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end the holocaust in america. he is doubling down. is there too much anger in the health care debate. joining us is allysha menendez and matt makaliak. i want to read you what grayson just said on the house floor. he talks about the holocaust. i apologize to the dead and their families we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in america. is that appropriate? >> i think the original comment is pretty clear. i think it is nice to see democrats getting angry over
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things that stakes are so high. i only wish the democrats would act half as strong and grayson just spoke. >> isn't it hypocrisy because the republicans said it is a waste of time to get censure of joe wilson. >> joe wilson apologized to the agrieved party. alan grayson is the issue here today. he is a walking embarrassment. he is a freshman member of congress from central florida. he has had a number of controversies. he has five republican challengers. i agree with "the "orlando sentinel"" his hometown paper which editorialized he made an outrageous comment and should apologize. >> is it outrageous what ginny brown-waite said america released a health care bill that said to america's seniors, drop
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dead? >> i think there is too much hyperbole. i think it is wrong for grayson to have made this comment on the floor. he has a history of doing this. he has a number of controversies. >> matt -- >> freshman members of congress should be seen and not heard. >> he was elected by the people in florida to come here and vote for middle class interests and a that is what he was doing on the house floor. if i were his constituent i would be so proud that he were my representative. >> beyond that, let's talk about the overall tone. you have people attending take back america rallies. congressman frank saying the president is enemy of humanity. the tone, isn't it getting exhausting from both sides, allysha? >> it has been exhausting. the bottom line is we are talking about lives and people's quality of care. it is a very simple issue when
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you look at it. everyone who works in america should be able to take their kid to a doctor. that is not the type you want to get angry about and want hyperbole around. this debate has gotten out of control. we have lost focus on the real issue. i think we have an opportunity to bring it back. >> the opportunity is taken i'll be impressed. i'm not sure anyone is taking that opportunity as long as they can say he said it, she said. thank you very much both of you. up next janet napolitano. >> we talk to her about the terror and security threats facing our nation. big interview on "the big picture" coming up on msnbc. i. shop the gmc yukon that offers 20 highway mpg, and over 108 cubic feet of maximum cargo space. step up to the best. it's gmc truck month.
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welcome back. we are following breaking news involving a saturn. gm will shut down saturn unit after talks fell through. it had been reported penske automotive group planned to buy saturn. apparently those talks fell through. the saturn brand will be no more. gm will shut down saturn unit after talks fell through. the deal called for penske to acquire vehicles from gm and branch out and sell products from renault. that is not the case. at least one report that says 350 dealers, about 13,000 american jobs. >> disappointing news, of
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course. it had been expected that gm would try to get rid of saturn in some fashion and thought they had a deal with penske. with that deal falling through they have to wind it down. >> to the other news we are watching. the fbi today says there was no imminent threat related to the afghan man arrested and charged with plotting an al qaeda terrorist attack. >> najibullah zazi pleaded not guilty. prosecutors say he was planning a backpack style bomb attack. they say two men were planning to blow up buildings in dallas, texas, and springfield, illinois. confronting terrorism was the topic of a hearing today. joining us live is homeland security secretary janet
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napolitano. mrs. napolitano, a question a lot of lawmakers have are you getting the resources you need to foil the plots like the one we just talked about? >> yes, we are. we are making better use of those resources. the focus of the hearing was how our department in coordination with the fbi and count terrorism center are beginning to leverage our resources together in this, you know, ongoing fight against terrorism. >> let me ask you, madam, secretary, about these plots, dallas, illinois, and the implication of homegrown terrorism now a ratcheted up here. what is your response to the list we named while introducing you? >> well, what we say is, look, all americans have a stake in this fight against terrorism. it's a shared responsibility. we say that state and local law enforcement are key partners. one of the key things we have
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been doing is improving the information flow to them so they can watch out for things and to acknowledge that terrorism is something that we need to deal with as part of our, unfortunately, part of our environment. it is something that we have to continue to protect against. >> secretary napolitano, you have been on the job almost nine months. you have had an opportunity to see the resources that are there, figure out what the threats may be. is it better or worse than you thought it would be nine months ago? >> it's different than i thought it would be. of course, in our department our number one focus is terrorism. we have other issues that come in. for example, right now, we are working with american samoa on the recovery effort from the tsunami. our plate is very, very full. but on the terrorism fight let me just say this and say it again, we have the resources that we need.
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if we don't we will ask congress for more. the challenge for us is using those resources together, department by department, agency by agency. >> let me switch topics to the swine flu. just reported that two teenagers died, one in texas in seemingly good health. are we prepared for this second waive of swine flu af proeching us? >> yes. i think we are as have been under way all summer. they've been at several levels. the number one level, of course, on the vaccine. get the vaccine up and running and plans in place to get vaccine delivered and my understanding is vaccine will start delivery within the next week and will go to the identified places in the states for vaccine and from there to actual shots in arms. the number two thing we've been focused on is how do you keep schools opened, businesses
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going, government continuing during periods of high absenteeism in a flu season? we've actually been in that flu season now for a few weeks, and those plans are being activated. >> what's the answer to that very question? how do you keep things going? >> well, you look at who are key personnel. you explore things like telecommuting. you identify some cross training in case one is ill, whether somebody else can fill their place for a while, and the cdc, itself, given knew guidance which will be very helpful. you remember last spring the guidance was if a child is sick you shut down the school for a couple of weeks. when you shut down a school, that causes a ripple effect on an sentyism. parents have to stay home and the like. schools are to remain open as long as they can. >> janet napolitano, madam
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secretary, thanks for coming on today. we appreciate it. things we thought you should know. >> d.c. celebrities turn out for the u 2 concert and tom delay lives to dance another day. on "hardball" with chris matthews, a look at today's critical white house meeting on the war in afghanistan. "hardball" will have the latest reporting. "hardball" starts in nine minutes. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider... an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan...
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♪ you couldn't hear it well. that was u 2 giving a shout-out to house speaker nancy pelosi
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during last night's soldout cancer in fedex field in washington. he gave one performer george w. bush's efforts to fight aids in africa and another one for the late senator ted kennedy. packed with vips. former senators tom daschle and bill frist and josh boldin, even cardinal theodore mccarrick, washington's highest ranking catholic rocking to u 2. other things we thought you should know today. >> despite nearly dropping his partner at the end of the performance on "dancing on the stars" monday night and finishing at the bottom of the scoreboard, tom delay survives to dance another day. he may have gotten a sympathy vote for his injured foot. cathie ireland eliminated last night. >> interesting voting there. >> cathie ireland goes but delay stays. >> kept delay over the beauty. finally, that time of the year. the fifth annual calendar.
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celebrating 2010's great american conservative women. among them, miss november, minnesota republicanwoman michele bachmann. the only member of congress featured. miss october, former miss california carrie prejean, made headlines last spring by stating her position to gay marriage during the miss usa -- miss universe contest? one of those contests. calendar goes on sale friday, costs you $25. those are the things we thought you should know. >> people really spend $25 for those photographs? >> i'm sure -- this is the fifth annual, it's worked over the years apparently. the issue of iran's nuclear program takes center stage in geneva tomorrow. mahmoud ahmadinejad says the meeting between tehran and six countries including the united states is a test for honesty and respect. the stories we'll be watching heading into tomorrow. mike viqueira joins us with more. >> hello, mr. shuster.
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yes, starting tomorrow, much anticipated talks in geneva between the p 5 plus 1, the first of permanent five members of the security council and germany. the plus 1 will be on one side of the table. on the other side of the table, iran. these were previously scheduled talks, obviously taking on more urgency since the test firing in the last several days by iran of the short range and intermediate-range missiles. all coming friday -- after friday's revolution, of course, about the secret nuclear underground facility they had been constructing. ben bernanke makes a trip up to the hill. remember, a couple of weeks ago the chairman of the federal reserve said the recession is likely over. a lot of people want to hear more about that. also a lot of people, especially republicans going to want to hear more on the jobs front and not to get ahead of ourselves on "next read," but friday morning is when the september jobs numbers come out. the administration is trying to set the bar high, still saying


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