tv Countdown With Keith Olbermann MSNBC October 1, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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it will be a triumph for al qaeda, for the taliban. >> pat, you ran for the presidency, so you must have a president mind set. should we hold what we have now or reduce? what would you do if you had to be president right now? >> as of right now, i would not commit the 45,000 troops general mcchrystal wants. i don't think he's made them a case. i have not seen it, that this will do the job, i think this is a first bet and we're starting up the road to more and more troops and i don't think ultimately it can be successful and i'm not even sure it would be worth it. >> inside the war room, all the men there to make the decisions. they're all there including the political guys. you've got secretary clinton there, you've got rahm emanuel there, you got joe biden, you got the president, this is a policy judgment. what do you think is going to happen? >> if my eyesight is correct, i think david axelrod is there too as i look at the photo.
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he is the political guy. so, yes, this is a political thing, they're not just looking at the boots on the ground and the situation in afghanistan itself, they're looking at how to define the mission both strategically and politically. and joe biden is the key, he says hold. >> this is the hottest issue in our country. join us tomorrow at 5:00 and 7:00 eastern. keith olbermann starts right now. >> which of these stories will you talk about tomorrow? 122 more americans died today because they don't have health insurance. on the way to 44,000 more americans dying this year because they don't have health insurance. and democratic congressman alan
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grayson gets criticized for saying this -- >> remember, the republican plan -- don't get sick. if you do get sick, die quickly. >> grayson this afternoon said -- stick it. >> i apologize the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in america. >> should have reeled in the language. otherwise, he's 100% correct. the republican plan is -- don't get sick. and republicans and democrats in the pockets of the insurance agencies may as well be killing people right now. arianna huffington on the latest politics. and senator jay rockefeller reveals exclusively on "countdown" an amendment he will introduce to make it law that insurance companies have to spend a minimum percentage on actual health care not profits or advertising or salaries. incitement to violence. ten-year veteran news max columnist john perry.
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there's a remote although gaining possibility america's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the obama problem. is this still free speech? or is it now an illegal call for the violent overthrow of a lawfully elected government. worse, their prayer began deliver us oh god. but lonesome roads claimed they said, deliver us, obama. it continued, "hear our cry, oh god." but lou dobbs heard, hear our cry, obama. what was that? and phony outrage. the president tries to talk the international olympic committee to picking chicago and boosting chicago's economy so boehner says -- >> the president is going to go out to copenhagen when we have serious issues here at home that need to be debated. >> 24 hours or less, as opposed to say the four days that bush went to the olympics last year so he could sit there and watch. all that and more now on "countdown."
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good evening from new york. courting republican congressman roy blount, the alternative health care plan from june 17. i guarantee you we will provide you with a bill. the fifth story in the countdown. 105 days later still waiting on republican's own proposal on health care reform. all they've managed to produce is manufactured outrage over alan grayson that doing nothing other than defeat reform amounts little more than a plan to kill people. the congressman had torn republicans a new one saying on the floor of the house last night that the republicans do have a plan and it's the height of let them eat cake-ism. >> it's a simple plan. here it is. the republicans' health care plan for america -- don't get sick.
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that's right, don't get sick. if you have insurance, don't get sick. if you don't have insurance, don't get sick. if you're sick, don't get sick. just don't get sick. that's what republicans have in mind for you, america. that's the republicans' health care plan. but i think that the republicans understand that that plan isn't always going to work. it's not a foolproof plan. so the republicans have a backup plan in case you do get sick. if you get sick in america, this is what the republicans want you to do -- if you get sick, america, the republican health care plan is this -- die quickly. >> republicans calling for an apology from congressman grayson, tom price, republican from georgia preparing a privileged resolution which was a breach of decor rum and integrity and proceedings of the house and the house proceeds in the behavior of mr. grayson for joe wilson having shouted "you lie" to the president during his address to congress this month.
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beyond the childish equivalency, they're demanding from mr. grayson an apology to congress. something mr. wilson has not yet done. he complied and ripped them another new one. >> immediately after that speech, several republicans asked me to apologize. well, i would like to apologize. i would like to apologize for the dead. and here's why. according to this study -- health insurance and mortality in u.s. adults published two weeks ago, 44,789 americans die every year because they have no health insurance. let's remember that we should care about people even after they're born. so i call upon the democratic members of the house. i call on the republican members of the house. i call upon all of us to do our jobs for the sake of america, for the sake of those dying people and their families. i apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this
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holocaust in america. >> about mr. grayson's reference caring about people even after they were born, the members of the senate finance committee rejected by a vote of 13-10 an amendment by republican hatch of utah restricting the abortion coverage to co-ops or exchange. the amendment is called offensive. the only female member voting with the democrats to defeat the amendment. yesterday the committee twice having reject amendments. rockefeller and schumer who proposed those amendments have vowed to keep trying as health care reform makes its way through congress. senator rockefeller can join us presently. let's turn to the co-founder and the editor and chief of the hufston post. arianna huffington. good evening. >> good evening. >> i think congressman grayson should not have used the word holocaust because it has a distinct and unique meaning. he should correct that as soon as possible. otherwise, i'm applauding him.
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what do you think? >> i agree with you on both counts. the word holocaust should not have been used. he doesn't need any hyperbole. he has the facts on his side. he has truth on his side. he's an incredibly effective leader. he has to speak the truth. he should speak the truth. i agree with you -- the word holocaust is simply a distraction and should not have been used. but, apart from that, you know, grayson has been a real leader on so many fronts, both the health care front and the financial scandal. he's been demanding accountability to the fed. he's been demanding that corporate crooks are held accountable and we should not allow it to distract us from the true leadership in the congress. >> is this the proverbial emperor's new clothes moment. is this the crack in the rhetorical dam that the democrats have not been able to put through on this point? >> something very powerful when
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he stands there and says the truth on two counts. first of all, that the republicans have no health care plan. and second, that they have no empathy. that's really what he was saying. they don't really care. in fact, they made it very clear. they're making it clear every day that they would oppose anything. it's not about the specifics, it's about wanting to oppose reform. wanting the political victory. wanting to undermine the president and the democratic majority. >> the alleged parallels to joe wilson. mr. grayson did not interrupt anybody let alone a president. mr. wilson wants an apology to congress. mr. wilson was wrong in claiming that the president had been wrong about lying about coverage for illegal immigrants. how many ways in total is that analogy with grayson and wilson with the false equivalency. >> it's a completely false equivalency.
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it's unprecedented. but he also -- he also lied to himself in calling the president a liar. and there's no comparison. and there's the red herring. what is sad is it's distracting us from this very real debate. >> and you wondered, does the debate not about what grayson said in the terms he used, but that issue. that sort of starkly defining what the republicans have to offer in this or don't have to offer. is that not essential to the rest of this debate? >> well, what is essential is to stress the tremendous need and that the american people have for some real fundamental health care reform. established what congressman grayson referred to. he just came out and that makes it clear that there is a connection between the lack of health insurance and people dying.
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the study says that over 44,000 people die every year because of the lack of health care insurance. there's a very significant point that he was making. >> 122 more every day. and this was a day. so 122 more today. arianna huffington of huffing ton post. thank you, arianna. >> thank you, keith. >> the work to borrow a phrase goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, the dream shall never die. two democratic senators came up with new tax to pay for the health care reform. let's turn to senator jay rockefeller. the democrat of west virginia and the member of the finance committee. good evening, senator, thank you for your time. >> thank you, thank you. >> let's start with your news. senator franken introduced something he called the fairness in health insurance act in 2009. you adapted it in the form of an amendment. tell me what it is, what you're trying to do. >> it's simple. i don't believe all of this is about politics and process. i think it's about how people are treated.
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do they get health care through their insurance or do they not? do the insurance companies make so much money that it means they're not giving health care to the people? the answer to that is yes. so my amendment will be simple, along with franken -- al franken. that is that over half of the health care bill in the senate is spent on subsidies for the insurance companies. over half -- $485 billion so they can take in more customers and presumably do more business and make more profits. i think it would be about people and not about profits. and therefore, my amendment, which i may offer tonight because we're still in session, is going to say that 90% of all of the money that the insurance companies get from the subsidies, $485 billion in the senate the finance mark, they have to spend it on health care and the secretary of health and human services will monitor that.
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they can't spend it on health care. they can't spend it on administrative expenses. don't worry about them. if that's -- you know, 10%. they've got left over, that's $49 billion. that's not so bad. but they have been ripping off the american consumers and they have been putting profits before people and west virginia. you just don't do that. >> you can't get a public option at this point. how are you going to get max baucus to treat them as if they merit the oversight of the today seen overs in vegas? >> it's very hard to vote no. you know, i don't know how he's going to vote. that's his decision. you say, they're going to make $49 billion on this. to take that much money off of almost a half a trillion dollars and give it to them and let them
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have it as 25 million, 30 million, 35 million more people towards the health care market as we insure them, it's unfair and unreasonable without their committing to spend 90% of that, house has it at 85%. 90 of that on delivering health care and proving that to the secretary of health and human services. a fair amendment. simple, fair, it's tough. they're not going to like it a lot. >> back to the public option. senator harken said the votes are still there in the senate to pass it. do you agree with that assessment? >> i do. we had the meeting with all of the people we voted for it last night and the press conference and people kind of laughed at it. we didn't. we do feel a sense of momentum. it's the only time in the history of the senate that anybody talked about this. we debated one public option, my amendment, for 4 1/2 hours. that's never happened. a lot of people now are looking at all of the democrats who did
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vote for it. and we're not going to get a lot of republican votes. we're accustomed to that. i think we can get this. the president needs to help. everyone needs to pitch in and work harder than they have been. i look forward to it. it's the only way that people could be really sure of being able to afford to get health care in the future. the only way. but otherwise they're the mercy of the insurance companies. >> not getting too deeply to the weeds of the terminology, congressman grayson said the only republican plan is don't get sick. is that an important point for him to make? >> i'm not going to get in that, okay? i want to pass my amendment. >> okay. good luck with that. thank you. senator jay rockefeller. thanks for revealing the details of that amendment. where were the swing democrats yesterday on the vote? they were in the pockets of the swing companies. first briefly note about the attendance record here which has been lately spotty. a couple of times my father is ill.
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the last few days have been critical to his recovery. i've been fortunate enough to be with them at the expense of not being able to be here. i speck this will happen again. i hope you'll bear with me. laurence o'donnell, schuster. and my team of aces behind the scenes who did such great work when i'm not here. so secretly there's a lot about my not being here that they really, really like. i don't want to go through too much detail, people working from the specialists, to the nurses, to the x-ray techs are phenomenal. later i intend to give them a fuller thanks. to protect my father's private circumstance i am with your permission not going to say which hospital he's at. since the folks at that hospital have not seen me dressed as i am now, i took a picture so they would recognize me. show that, please? there it is. dr., kill patient, dr. kill patient. is there such a thing with the argument that they need health care reform in this country, you're looking at it right there.
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the logic is circular, transparent. he won't vote for the public option. because not enough senators will vote for it and they won't vote for it because he won't vote for it. marcus malitza joins me to talk mad max and the baucus caucus. and they're not praying deliver us, obama, they're praying deliver us, oh god. lou says that gave him chills down his spine. that might be the lumbego, lou!
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our health care system from the front lines. i can confirm there's madness in the health care debate. the madness is that there's any debate at all. i have met no one, no one from patients to administrators to families who thinks the current system works. let alone works well. no one even believes that the incredible financial burdens and fears are not interrupting the actual ability of patients to get better. yet, in our fourth story, a democratic-controlled senate committee could not get the damn public option passed. to recap, eight democrats supported the rockefeller amendment that would have supported a medicare-type public option. but all of them against it. joined by five democrats. the more moderate version of the public option by chuck schumer also failed. mr. chairman baucus' apparent obsession of getting something out of the committee that should be noted when the gop was the majority party, it was more than willing to pass crucial legislation with the simple
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majority when necessary. since 1989 republicans they passed 13% of legislation with fewer than 60 votes. the democrats passed 7% of its bills. without that 60-vote superma majority. taking on the system. marcus malisis. >> glad you're back. best wish to your father. >> do you think blank wilson as an example, it could be any one of them. they sat in the hospital room next to people splitting their prayers, half for the recovery of the loved ones, half getting the money to pay the bill. >> i've been looking at polling out of arkansas in the last couple of weeks and two data items pop out. one is that lincoln is truly an endangered incumbent. probably the most endangered senate democrat in 2010. she's in a lot of trouble. two, the public option is very popular in arkansas by a 3-2 margin. you think if you're sitting on the outside, you think if you have trouble getting elected, do
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the popular thing and it will help you, right? lincoln votes against the public option and again, over 60% of his constituents. it makes no sense. i don't know how you explain it. democrats have a hard time of not just doing the right thing, just doing the popular thing. it's the right popular thing. >> is arkansas the state where three-quarters of the insurers are handled by one of the main insurers and they dictate who gets money in politics and what in terms of campaign contributions? is she waiting to get elected by one of them as opposed to the citizens of arkansas? >> it's probably the only explanation that makes any sense. but at the end of the day, you're running at the republicans. real republican voters for arkansas, they're not going to vote for you, they're going to vote for the real ones, right. independents and democrats think you're not with them, why do they vote? >> what turning to the other part of the equation. what is the president's strategy right now?
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do you know? >> i don't think anybody knows. enough mixed signals coming from the white house where you can support any theory. there's the optimist who will say he'd work behind the scenes. work with the senate and the house conference committee to insert a robust public option and fight for it when it comes to both of those chambers again. the pessimists will say that obama wants to fight anything out of congress so he can declare victory and move on to the next issue. so, i don't know which side is right. i don't know if anybody knows. it depends on how i feel that day. >> what do you make of the premise coming out of the sources sympathetic to the white house' position. victory is health care reform, whether it's 10% of what should be done or 100% of what should be done, that the feat is leaving the status quo unchanged rather than doing some now, some next year, some the year after that as often as you can. >> i might have some sympathy
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for that line. if the sort of the bad case scenario was not so absolutely or i had. right now we're talking about the compromised position -- it's the mandates so people are forced to buy insurance. but they have to buy it from the crappy insurance companies that have created the problem to begin with. and, so, to me, there can be nothing worse than telling the young people who really were so hopeful and supportive of obama that, you know what, we're not going to get the change that we wanted, we're going to send some of the hard-earned dollars to the terrible, terrible insurance companies. >> make is the phrase, make you do it. >> a step backwards. absolutely. >> if the president is not the one applying pressure on the democrats to do the right thing, where is the necessary leverage supposed to come from. you and me and the people who watch and the people who participate on daily, there are only so many. >> there's a lot of grassroots opposition to eliminating the public option. don't kid yourself, they would have gotten rid of the public
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option a long time ago if they had been given the opportunity to do so. so there is a lot of support for the public option, not just in grassroots people and progressive media, but unless labor unions. the biggest hero for the whole debate are the 50 to 60 house democrat progressives who said they will not vote for any bill without a robust public option. because if obama wants any bill to sign, just to say he's reformed the system, he cannot do that if the house progresses the vote against the bad bill. so as long as they stay strong, so far, so good, we're in good shape. >> there's the subplot in the house, obviously. as always, great, thanks. >> thank you very much. to my knowledge, no rational left wing website advocated the overthrow of the bush administration by the military. no irrational left wing website did so. here's news max with glenn beck dressed up as uncle sam and the print site claiming it's the news partner of the washington times.
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here's news max writing in a mundane, daydreamy way -- quote, imagine a bloodless coup to restore the constitution to do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. newsmax, you imagine that. i imagine a timothy mcveigh reading that crap. next on "countdown." my commercials didn't convince you? i am definitely a skeptic. actually, my mom convinced me. and i have activia every morning for breakfast. activia definitely helped with my occasional irregularity. activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. chances are someone you trust can recommend activia. take the activia challenge. it works or your money back! ♪ activia!
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suggesting there's a military coup and not be guilty of trying to incite a military coup. why the republican decrying a one-day trip to bring the olympics to the state of chicago and bring that nation and that state some jobs when the president took a four-day trip to china to sit on his ass and watch the olympics. the best persons in the world. the best embarrassing mistake caused by not bothering to check john cooke the website gawker writing that eight editions of "countdown" written this month. we know where he was on saturday. saturday's red sox game in yankee stadium as broadcast by fox. the logo position is just on top of olbermann's head. we have it on good authority that we are not keith olbermanns. the same tip and the same images this week. he didn't use it. we knew that. what we didn't know is that it's been checked with olbermann to confirm it's him and found it was not. we should have checked two.
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doesn't that look like keith olbermann down to the glasses. should we look at the screen grab. that's supposed to be me as opposed to the woman on the far right. that's sarah palin. is that the blond kid? maybe the camera. none of those people is me. confirmed that to corporate parents. they didn't bother to confirm it again. i was not at the yankee game on saturday. fox would not show me at a game or anywhere else on a planet. even if i were to light myself on fire while announcing, rupert was right -- dateline, new york, number two, best revelation. the national review arguing on a radio show against women voting. women lean hard to the left. they want someone to nurture. they want someone to help raise the kids. if the men aren't going to do it, they'd like the state to do it for them. among the hopes i do not nurse is the hope that female suffrage will be repealed. i'll say this, if they were to
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be, i wouldn't lose it in my sleep. the premise that women leaning hard to the left politically because of that that the country would be better off if women did not have the right to vote. they did not bother to mention since they were extended the vote, they elected seven democratic presidents but eight republicans. how about we repeal moron suffrage. the billow the not paying attention clown. david zurowick ripped o'riley for making the acorn video as heroes of the first amendment. bill responded a little too quickly. tv critic david zurowick is angry that the people who exposed a.c.o.r.n. in the undercover wing are not being published. i'm exhausted by the idealogues. this guy should get a political column because that's what he wants to do, push a left wing ideology. bill, if you ever read anything more than what pops up when you
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google your own name, you know he tries to cut me and rachael in ribbons over here at least as often as he criticizes you. if you want to hit him with clinging to a defunct tv world, with themselves six hours earlier, i'm with you. but this ain't a left-wing idealogue. but i agree with you on one thing -- you sure sound exhausted. exhausted. ♪ i'm tired ♪ sick and tired of love
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don't dismiss it as unrealistic. increasingly violent rhetoric from the right. in a column titled, obama risks intervention, john l. perry writes as well, military intervention is what obama is exponentially accelerating agenda for fundamental change toward a marxist state is innovating upon america bullet points reasons why the military would stage such a coup and proposes this twisted fantasy. imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the constitution. blue
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mr. perry has no relationship with newsmax other than an unpaid blogger. curious because the byline at the bottom, john l. perry is a regular columnist for if that's not clear, tpm reports he's been a regular columnist for newsmax since 1999. this as the fallout continues over the poll in facebook. the secret service is now investigating the threat and the developer of the on-line application that was used to create the survey has come forward telling politico there's definitely in the culture of paranoia and fear and both sides are reacting in extreme ways. people carrying guns to town hall meetings. posting such a poll cools and calms the situation? another idiot. joining me now, chris hayes. good evening, keith. >> good evening. >> please tell me the news max crowd with the ann coulter
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e-mail alerts, its ads free handguns, military arms and trains you, even these people have to repudiate the interest of an overthrow of the government. >> if there is a silver lining in this story, they did tate down from the website. it was a bloodless coup. one should note it was a bloodless coup, very gentlemenly what he proposed. i think it isn't a taboo. rightfully so, it's not the sort of thing that should be in the normal course of our political discussions of a path forward, even amongst genuine ideologues. it's good that he took it down. >> what really matters is the public committee provides support to newsmax by using the e-mail listserves. when we hear michael steele announce this column or anyone
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else in the proposed authority driving the car. >> this is not going to happen. this is a game that the right plays really well. remember that move on -- move-on has an open contest and someone sends in a video -- 2,000 videos and there was some momentary hitler image. that became a national news story for a week when we had calls for democrats to denounce move-on. despite that they had no control of the content. news max is out there. but it's part of the right wing noise machine. i mean, in good standing. there's all sorts of bigtime right wingers who write for and are associated with it. as you said, it's in the business sense of the rnc. and, you know, fair is fair. if that's the way that -- that's the standard that's going to be applied in which you constantly have to denounce the ideologues saying crazy things to your right or left, then michael steele should step up to the plate. >> sounds like they're coming for you right now. you break in there? burt lancaster there dressed up
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in the seven days -- >> the door is barred. >> is it a secondary trick here? is there a real hope that some general might be a reincarnation of burt lancaster. no offense to burt lancaster. the more dangerous the fantasy gets. the more the possibility has to look in to it as the facebook thing. they can use the response as something to campaign against the democrats in the midterms. >> i don't know. who knows. it strikes me that it's probably not that fun. there is taylor branch talking about this book that he did talking to the clintons. it was a reminder that there was a period of genuine mass -- not mass but an actual movement of violent insurrection of the country in the clinton years. it was provoked as a time that's far lest, intense, and sort of under stress at the moments that we find ourselves in right now. i tend to be a free speech absolutist about all of this.
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i sort of continue in all that. they can publish whatever they want. at the same time, it' easy how -- disconcerting how easily we've forgotten that militia moment in american history and the sort of edging towards that kind of rhetoric that we're seeing now. >> if there is another timothy mcveigh, he'll get his idea from something like this if not from this. chris hayes of "the nation." keep fighting that fight as they come through your door. >> thank you, sir. obama can't go to copenhagen to lobby the international committee to warrant the 16 games and the jobs that it will produce for chicago. mitt romney can run for president based on how well he ran the 2002 olympics in salt lake city. they're not praying hear our god, obama, they're crying hear our cry, oh god. lou dobbs is too stupid or too
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ethically bankrupt to know the difference. the first republican health care plan was don't get sick. and who correctly noted he would like to apologize to the 44,000 americans who will die this year because the government hasn't gotten them health care. congressman allan grayson is our special guest. illiantly cle. and it's a turn for the better. ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ [ female announcer ] tide coldwater. it's specially formulated to clean in cold better than the other brand does in warm. ♪ cool like that and by washing in cold, you can save up to $10 on your energy bill with every 100 oz bottle. and that's cool. tide coldwater. get out of the old and into the cold. ♪ i'm cool like that
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tiny details making umbrage for the chicago olympics dumber than the usual umbrage. first, the left is trying to ignore squelching the free speech as washington state is victimized by, quote, a bombing. there was no bombing. you will not in a million years what was on the raid yes station to make it instantly clear this was no free speech issue. "worst person" next.
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"what do you mean homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods?" "a few inches of water caused all this?" "but i don't even live near the water." what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you. including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $119 a year. for an agent, call the number on your screen.
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obama tries to pitch the international olympic committee on chicago for the 2016 games and the republicans say he has no right to waste a day doing so. bush wasted four days going to the olympics in china as a guy just sitting there. seriously? that's next. worst person story. arizona congressman trent franks as he takes back america conference over the weekend where a delusional woman named worthman compared obama to hitler and congressman walked out. he demanded to see the birth certificate. called his position on abortion, quote, insane and he has no place in any station of government and we need to realize he is an enemy of humanity. a spokesman for congressman franks with three ks said he's
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referring to the stance on abortion and unborn humanity. if you're as far from main stream america as to feed that raw meat to insane lions knowing it's not true, it's you, congressman, you don't have a place in government. apologize or resign, the less embarrassment you will be for your party and your family. our runner up, lonesome rows beck. krko in everett, washington were blown up in a bombing and when freedom of speech is being squelched, the left says that's fascist. but in this case, the left doesn't call them anything. there were no bombs. the towers were pulled down using heavy vehicle equipment called an excavator. it was ecoterrorism. the reason it was done, the residents said the towers were a public nuisance. the station just increased power. people in everett, washington said they can hear the radio station over the phones.
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ecoterrorism. i don't speak for the left but i condemn it completely. one last detail becker had left out. krko is an all sports station. it airs the dan patrick show, the tony bruno show -- oh, jim roan, chris myers, and vancouver canucks hockey. nice work, beck. this is not someone protesting content. well, maybe about dan -- i don't know. winner of lou dobbs, part of the right wing echo chamber. after fading one of the most hilarious effects ever made. the usual suspects. they got a tape of the usual suspects called the ganilli foundation open the meeting with a prayer. "hear our prayer, oh god, delivering us, oh god." other prayer type stuff. starting with these whack jobs at not so bright bart, they decided to lie and say the foundation people are going to say "hear our cry obama -- and deliver us, obama."
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they wanted their sheep to believe community organizers are praying to obama. there are sheep out there. who knew? starting the video. uncovered by the good folks. go to lou to see our full video. we urge you to see it because it exposes again -- very dangerous forces at work in this country supporting our supreme leader. now this video shows members of the community organizing groups with the usual foundation -- materially -- praying to our supreme leader over health care back in december of 19 -- of 2008. you've got to hear this. that is a remarkable -- remarkable -- that's -- you've got to see this.
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go to it will, i guarantee you, put chills down your back. i've got chills down my back. i'm cold. i need a blanket. i need to retire. lou -- "oh god" oh god? now they're praying to the irish? dobbs. today's "worst person." and, where are my teeth? where in the world -- [ moos ] [ man announcing ] if you think about it, this is what makes theladders different from other job search sites. we only want the big jobs. welcome to theladders. a premium job site for only $100k+ jobs and only $100k+ talent.
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in the number one story, the right wing chorus ripping the president for trying to bring the olympics back to america. it's been joined by the house minority leader and no one day the president is dedicated to this effort. it pale to the four days the last president attended as a fan. this afternoon, the first lady joined oprah winfrey on the ground in denmark. the president will leave for
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copenhagen tomorrow night. she'll speak to the ioc the following morning. president bush you'll recall took in the last olympic games in china last year leading the country fighting two wars on the brink of economic collapse. he found time, four days of it, to fund the beijing games and spank the volleyball players. our president spent 24 hours trying to bring the olympics and the economic boone home to the u.s. is equally laughable and predictable. >> president obama is helping to sway the international olympic committee. >> vancouver lost, how much? $want billion when they had the olympics. how is the city of chicago and illinois that is broke going to benefit? >> the opening ceremonies for the vancouver olympics were on february 12, 2010. they can't or lost anything
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because it hasn't happen yet, biff. there are the additional pieces. the conference call to reporters yesterday. >> the goal should be creating not job opportunities seven years from now, but job opportunities today. if the priority is the olympics in seven years, tell the nation the priority and that's what we should be focused on. we will create jobs. we won't create that between now and 2016. >> you have jobs now building stuff for seven years from now, mike. they don't put up the olympic facilities overnight. and boehner picked up on the anti-olympic stupidity. >> he's the president of the united states. not the mayor of chicago. and the problems we have here at home affect all americans, that's where the attention ought to be. >> good.
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and professor of public policy in california from berkeley from which venue he joins us. thank you for your time, sir. >> good evening, keith. >> you want to explain the complex principle that the olympics start in 2016 only means that jobs start in 2016. >> it's not terribly complicated. what we know from previous olympics in 1996 from atlanta and salt lake city, we know immediately after the olympic decision is made, there are jobs and a lot of jobs, construction, infrastructure, and sales and marketing, white collar, blue collar jobs. this is a jobs machine. it starts right away. >> sports and economic analysis are a dangerous thing to mix, especially when it comes to pro sports. do you think the games in chicago would boost the economy or cost the u.s. money? >> boosting the economy is what we've seen in previous olympics. and in the independent study done by the dean of the business school at cal state, california state in sacramento found about 22.5 billion dollars of net new
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economic activity in the chicago area. but also in the entire great lakes area from the olympics. so that's a big amount of money. >> the white house secretary mr. gibbs was asked about mr. steele's comments and he responded, who is he rooting for? is the white house successful in framing this? the republicans criticize the trip, they're, in fact, rooting against america. >> not only rooting against america, but rooting against american workers. talking here about jobs at a time when american workers need jobs. and i'm afraid that some republicans, maybe a little bit insensitive to that fact. >> august of last year, the economy was giving the gurgles. as it approach the drain. we had wars in two-countries and president bush spent four days in china, opening ceremonies and so to speak, back slapping the athletes. double standard? >> there's a bit of a double standard.
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