tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC October 2, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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and people were sitting there expecting a funny show, sitting in the freezing cold by the way. and people are probably not sure how to react. and they went with it. and so he doesn't have a wall up in front of him. this is not jerry falwell, also i think that some people in america know that the showbiz is about power and money. and lots of sex and i don't think it comes as a great surprise to him. but i think there are late-night hosts just chasing women in the office. it probably has happened in the past and i'll bet it will happen in the future. >> should he be worried about any of the sponsors of his show? it's a late-night show. >> that's a very good question. i think the sponsors are used to the type of notoriety that --
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the controversy that can happen on late-night television, so they have a pretty high threshold for that. >> we're going to be hearing more from you on this, good night. >> thanks for having me. that will do it for this edition of "countdown." i'm lawrence o'donnell in for keith ownerman. thank you at home for staying with us for the next hour, we begin tonight with a celebration among conservatives, a celebration befitting new year's eve in rio. >> the city of chicago having obtained the least number of votes will not participate. >> in a normal country, losing a bid to host the olympics is seen as a bad thing. they're shocked and upset. they have just received what
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they consider to bad news and they're having a normal reaction to bad news. but on the american right they saw it as their own victory. >> oh, man, oh, man, the worst day of obama's presidency, the ego has landed. >> please, please, let me break this news to you. >> the ego has land. the world rejects obama. writing, quote, world rejects barack obama, no chicago olympics. ha, ha, ha, ha. and the conservative group americans for prosperity, literally applauded america's defeat. >> they were out on the first vote.
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>> all right, yes. america loses, yes! america lost! something happened to american conservativism between last year and this year. last year when he was still president, george w. bush met with members of the u.s. olympic committee and the chicago 2016 bid committee. president bush told them this. >> they say that this olympics will come to chicago if we're fortunate enough to be selected. but it's really coming to america and i can't think of a better city to represent the united states than chicago. >> president bush went on to tell the big committee something you would think would be totally uncontroversial. president bush said, quote, this country supports your bid, strongly. you would think that would be a given, right? that it would almost go without saying, not today, not this year, not with america's
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conservatives now. the conservative website news max today reacted to the news by tweeting, chicago poned. par lar devastate -- michelle malkin saying game over on obamalympics, next up obamacare. and upon hearing the news that the usa lost its olympic bid, the magazine's office erupted in cheers. their office erupted in cheers because our country didn't get the olympics. does it work? boy, that was a big one. very exciting, this america losing. all four countries that were finalists today to host the olympics sent their heads of state or heads of government to make the pitch for their own countries.
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king carlos, brazil's president, chicago's prime minister, they all made appearances for the olympic committee as did president obama. and after returning from copenhagen congratulated the city that won. he congratulated brazil on their victory. >> one of the things that i think is most valuable about sports is that you can play a great game and still not win. i believe it's always a worthwhile endeavor to promote and boost the united states of america. >> who would think that would become a controversial assertion in this country? joining us now is democratic congressman danny davis of chicago. congressman, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> well, it's my pleasure. i'm sorry that your city and our country didn't win the olympic bid, you must be disappointed. >> i'm disappointed, but i also know that chicago is a city of big shoulders, people here have
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a tremendous amount of resiliency, we'll bounce back. i was thinking to myself back when i was a kid, there was a year that the yankees did not win the world series. we didn't win the championship every year that we had michael jordan, but we'll make it. we put forth a good, solid, honest effort and the results just didn't come out the way we wanted them to. >> i know that a recent poll showed that a huge majority, 84% of americans supported chicago's bid, chicago hosting the 2016 games. i have to ask you what you -- what do you make of so many prominent conservatives, quite literally cheering today when they heard that chicago lost. >> it's the strangest kind of patriotism that i have ever encountered. i am stunned and absolutely amazed that individuals who will wrap themselves in the constitution, the history of the
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country, but would express joy and glee because the country did not win the bid for the olympics. plus i have never encountered anywhere in my life where you have a referendum on political leadership, based upon whether or not you were able to bring the olympics to your country or to your city. so i think it's grasping and going way out beyond the pale. >> i know that not everyone in chicago, not -- it wasn't unanimous that everybody in chicago wanted to have the olympics there, i mean it is a huge undertaking for any city and so it comes with any measure of controversy. but i actually wonder today, if you felt like that reaction on the right, people cheering against chicago, conservatives rooting against chicago, might end up unifying chicagoans if only in defense of their own city, and their own reputation?
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>> i think that's going to happen, chicago is a great city, we are proud of the effort that our mayor and the committee put forth, we are pleased that our native son went on the line himself and he and the first lady of our country went and made a pitch, but it just didn't work, the odds were kind of against us. you know, the fact that there has never been the olympic games in south america, i suspect that that weighed very level in some of the decisions that some members of the group who had the opportunity to vote took and so we just couldn't overcome that. >> do you think that president obama would have been criticized today if he hadn't personally pushed for the olympics? >> well, i think it's six in one hand, half a dozen in the other. had he not gone, then people would have said, well, you know, if obama had been there, it might have made a difference.
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>> you can't win for losing. >> it would have been just the opposite. >> congressman danny davis, congressman of chicago, thank you for joining us, a tough day for chicago, but your optimism in the resilience of your city is part of the reason why chicago had such a good shot. >> senator ensign had some competition on who looks worse. it's a solo republican senator, and a solo c streeter. and later on the show, we have a moment of geek to end all moments of geek. it stars a very randy bird, literally. it's the best moment of geek we have ever done by a mile, trust me. stay with us. access to favorite courses
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chef's meal with pommes frites perhaps a night at the theater with extra special seats additional hotel night, our treat your world in perfect harmony: priceless look for world on your mastercard to get rewards and offers that matter to you. the front rage of the "new york times" today hosts a 4,000 word expo say, somewhere there exists a photo of john ensign
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and his mistress and george and laura bush. turns out that ensign brought his wife to the white house christmas party in 2006. also senator ensign tried to disguise his call to his miss tritt by listing her in his contacts list as aunt judy. when he came back from a trip to iraq last year, the bill for his calls from iraq to aunt judy was almost $1,000. he ended up paying the bill in cash. the main charge of the times expose is that ensign may be facing not only ethics enquiries but also criminal inquiries because it seems his efforts to pay off the mistress's family included a job for her husband. we'll look at the other senator who he may be driving down with him.
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i really don't have any observations to make about the ensign matter. senator ensign continues to serve, he's a member of the finance committee, been active in the discussions. i don't think today is a day to make any observations about the matter. it just appeared in the newspaper today. i don't have any observations to make about the party. at the risk of being redun da don't, i don't have anything to say about the newspaper article today. >> senator mitch mcconnell pointedly and refusing to say anything supportive whatsoever about nevada congressman john
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ensign. >> it may ultimately land the senator in prison. but the dramatic new revelations in the 4,000 word expose publiced in the "new york times" today have also ensnared another republican senator whose self-proclaimed piety has also been dragged into the gutter with john ensign. he has been caught on tape lying to reporters about something he now admits, lying about the fact that he tried to be the broker to get a cheaper payoff rate for his mistrisz. he's an evangelical, he's an ordained deacon and he lived to maintain as lives quarters of conservative members of congress. by a secret religious group called the family. the family actually lives on the
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c street property, and it was at that church, c-street where senator tom coburn was having an extramarital affair. it was there that he made the extraordinary decision to help john ensign contain the damage from that affair with cash. senator co-burn himself gave the "new york times," while ensign was still sleeping with his mistress, ensign became his negotiator, his financial negotiator. a lawyer by the mystery's husband -- harm caused by the affair. senator co-burn personally negotiated the financial deal, trying to get ensign the best possible price for his sins. what you're looking at here is the first proposed cash settlement. this is what the family of john ensign's mistress wanted ensign to pay as compensation for messing up their family and for costing both the mistress and
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her husband their jobs since they both worked for senator ensign. the cash was $8.5 million. that was presented by tom -- coburn's reaction to that proposed settlement was no way. we don't know if he has experience negotiating payoff rates for their extramarital affairs or if he thought he could get his friend a better deal. mr. coburn dismissed the figure $8 million as ridiculous. co-burn came down with a lower number, about $2 million which coburn passed on to senator ensign. it's really a news flash for the people of oklahoma. people of oklahoma, the anti-gay holier than thou senator who went so far as to insist that
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"schindler's list" not be shown on television. he's brokering cheaper payoff rates. after the husband of the mistress did a local tv interview in vegas in which he said that the senator tried to negotiate a payoff to the mistress and her family. coburn denied that he had done any such thing. he, quote, never made any assessment of paying anybody anything. those are untruths. those are absolute untruths. that was senator tom coburn in july, a direct quote there, that was senator tom coburn lying about something to which he now admits. i mean take your pick, either senator coburn is lying now when he telling the "new york times" that he did try to broker a pay aufate for senator ensign to his mistrisz or in july when he
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denied doing exactly that. when he said he had not tried to broke ear deal, senator coburn's paper wrote an editorial about their senator's role in the affair. it started with this line. quote, we take senator tom coburn at his word. when he says he did not advice senator john ensign to pay off his married mistress. it would have been completely out of character for him to do so. maybe it's time to revise that assessment of his character. joining us now is jeff charlotte, author of the family, he's also a contributing editor to harper's magazine. thank you for joining us. >> rachel, great to be back. >> is there anything about the family, about c street where both of these senators lived, that would give us some insight about a cash payout to the mistress' family. >> sure, you start with the core principle of the family, which is this idea of core capitalism,
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everything in the world can be understood through the invisible hand of the market, but more to the point, there's a form of family member, a guy named ben daniel and he interviewed members of the family. and he heard the same thing, these wives said in my husband's life is his loyalty to the family and then comes our family and we see ensign and coburn acting like that. that's the idea that your first loyalty is to protect your brother at any cost. >> when we look at the distance between what senator coburn said this summer and what he's just told the "new york times," there's two great chasms across the left. one is that he now admits that he played a role in trying to broker a financial settlement between ensign and his mistress. and he said he would never discuss his conversations with senator ensign, that they were privileged in part because he was an ordained deacon. now senator coburn is telling a
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very different tale. do you think that reflects that he knows he was doing something wrong? what might reflect the change in story? >> whether you agree with him or not, this is a guy who speaks his mind, he's got a lot of candor and he's a guy who's sort of known for his sense of character and as you say, it's time to think, what does he mean by character? members of the family say, what we're really doing is we are being like jesus, and when you look at their core beliefs, again, they say that jesus had one set of truths for the general public and another set of truths for those whom he anointed as a special chosen, men like coburn and ensign. i don't think coburn thinks he's doing anything wrong, i think he thinks that by telling what is convenient at the right time, he's being like jesus. >> in terms of senator ensign here and his potential criminal at least ethical liability, there is this issue of him arranging what appears to be
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illegal lobbying by his former staffer, who was his mistress's husband. one of the meetings that senator ensign arranged for him was of the transportation secretary, ray la hood, it took place earlier this year. i wondered when i read that, if this might be a c street connection. do you think? >> yes, ray la hood has been involved with the family for some time you can find his name in the documents and it goes back to when he was in peoria politics. he doesn't live at the c street house. but you must remember that the family is much bigger than c street house. once again you see him putting into practice what they preach, which is that politics should take place through the -- behind the scenes relationships, one's brother in the so-called family helping out another, and if you have to bend rules to do that, that's fine, because you're serving as senator coburn says a higher authority. >> jeff, do you know for sure, does anybody know for sure if senator coburn or senator ensign
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are still living at c street? it seems to me there's no easy way to tell. >> we don't, but actually a little while ago, a friend of mine went by to check on things at c-street. and notice that the newspapers are piling up on the front step and there was a dead plant that hadn't been watered and you have to wonder if the family hasn't decided to pull-up stakes there and move down the road, open up shop somewhere else. c street is now a location on the political tours of washington. >> well, i guess connected to that in the big picture, jeff, we have had all these scandals that became something bigger. and it's all unfolded just over the past few months and the way that this has all happened. do you think that this is all weakened the family's influence in washington? has this changed who they are and what they affect? >> i think it's actually in a sense actually pushing them further rightward. senator coburn actually denying
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everything and in muskogee phoenix, a little column in which he said the family is very bipartisan, my friend senator mark pryor is a part of it. we have talked about prior on the show before. prior now denies his involvement. so you see some of these conservative democrats they're running away from the family. that's weakening them at the same time. this is a group that's been around for 70 years that knows how to weather scandal, sit tight and hope for the press to move on and that's why it's great that the times is doing this and you've been on top of this story. >> one last question for you, senator coburn, i used some very harsh lang in the introduction in the interview. i think that he deserves it. it's quite clear from the record that he's lying to the times now or he was lying when he categorically denieded it in june. it doesn't seem that he's got any wiggle room.
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as you say senator coburn has staked his political career in part on his professed character, and his professed integrity and a lot of that ties to his professed faith. if he's going to be in trouble here, he's going to have to answer these -- do you think the family's going to back him up? >> i think they most definitely will just like they backed up governor sanford and down in mississippi they backed up the third republican involved in a controversy on c street chip pickering. the family has kind of an ugly history of dropping people who are no longer useful. so senator coburn better hang on the their support while he has it. >> jeff charlotte, author of family. good to see you. so we did this story not long ago on this show about a young woman who was shot in the
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pittsburgh area fitness club shooting back in august. she didn't have health insurance. and her friends held a car wash in her hometown to try to help with her medical bills for dealing with her injury from that shooting. well tonight we have a dramatic follow-up to that story which includes not only the young woman about whom we told that story but also a governor getting involved in her case. money when you make money," tdd# 1-800-345-2550 he neglected to mention tdd# 1-800-345-2550 he also makes money when i lose money, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 withdraw money or do nothing with my money. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 tdd# 1-800-345-2550 100 years of engineering excellence is right on time.
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on august 4, she went to work on at the l.a. fitness club in collier township and a man nameded george sardiny walked into the jim that day. he killed three people and injured nine others before he killed himself. one bullet ricocheted off her front tooth. another went through her leg. she spent five days in the hospital. she still goes to physical therapy three times a week. at the time of the shooting, heather did not have health insurance. she was a recent college graduate. she was still looking for her first job as a nurse. we did a story on how heather's friends held a car wash to pay her medical stories because of the attention that heather's story got, and because of media coverage of the car bush fund-raiser.
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>> i'm just absolutely grateful of everybody's who been supportive of me and willing to have a helping hand in raising money for me. >> because of news stories like that one that aired locally and on this show. pennsylvania governor ed rendel took notice and decided to step in and help. to the one the governor just added in, which would allow children to stay on their parents health insurance for until they're 30. because her father passed away and her mother is uninsured. because of the specifics of her mother's case, this expected short-term disability, governor rendel was able to get her temporary coverage. so thankfully, heather is now getting government sponsored health care. and her medical bills are being paid.
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getting health insurance is a happy outcome. but consider for a second how it happened. it happened because she was hurt during a very tragic, very news wor worthy event. it got the attention of her state's governor and there does exist a fragile, incomplete web of government sponsors fall back health insurance and it exists because we the government health care program work, that they can solve problems that really need solving for people who fall through the cracks of the private insurance system. and right now, in this country, we are facing a very clear, very important choice. we could just hope that all these individual hard to find harder to navigate niche programs with their really specific qualification requirements will fill in every single crack you can fall through between the hodgepodge of expensive and dissatisfying options offered by the private insurance industry. we could hope for that. and if you're ever in a situation, god forbid like
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heather's, you can hope your story makes it on to tv while your governor is watching. or we could decide to have a broad public health insurance option. so if other health insurance doesn't work for any reason, you have another choice that everyone can sign up for. it's a really tough choice, right? joining us now is heather sherba. first i have to ask you, how is your recovery coming on? >> so far, so good, i'm taking it one day at a time. i can't complain too much. >> a lot of people klain. -- complain and that says a lot about you. i know you spent five days in the hospital, you're still going through physical therapy. what kind of medical bills were you talking about around the time that your friends decided to have that car wash for you. >> i haven't seen any as of yet. the only one i received was an ambulance bill and a consult that i received from the
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hospital. the hospital is waiting to issue me an itemized bill and to see if i was going to be approved by a medical assistance. you had been on medical assistance before, but you had age aged out of that program. >> after a social worker got me to the hospital, they had explained that there is an organization known as the center for victims of violent crime and also they wanted me to reapply for medical assistance and then i believe certain hospitals have like a charity care or something that can help pick up a bill for whatever isn't paid for if you do qualify for it. >> so you were going to try to use those various systems to try to sort of cobble something together. >> right, right, there's a lot of documentation and a lot of
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things that you have to second in to show proof, of course. >> now your mom isn't insured right now at the moment either. what's your mom doing for insurance? >> well, as of right now, i'm not exactly sure. but i know she did apply for something in the past, and the wait list was very long. i don't remember what insurance company that was for. but she is paying out of pocket for right now. >> the coverage that governor rendel's office helped you find, i understand it's contingent on the fact -- essentially it's contingent on your injuries, it's contingent on the fact that you're considered temporarily disabled. do you know how long you'll be able to keep that coverage? >> i'm not so sure, i actually had to sign all this information recently. i still have a couple of phone calls to make to a couple of case workers to see how long this is going to last, and everything. i'm not exactly sure on that. >> how is the job search going? i know that you have been in
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nursing school. >> it's becoming tedious and frustrating, but i'm still trying. >> i understand. >> the way the economy is lately, i guess it's just hard for anyone, especially with not having any experience under my belt, it's not so easy, but i'm working on it. hopefully something will happen sometime soon. >> right now you have had some luck with getting on tv so somebody seeing you right now may be thinking about a starting nurse with some very unusual experience and she does have health insurance. those are quality you're looking for. heather thank you for joining us, good luck for your recovery and good luck with the start of your career, good luck to you. the warfare between sarah palin and the people who worked with sarah palin on her campaign to be vice president, that internet sign warfare continues and it's getting even more awkward. the campaign-palin campaign manager just made a devastating assessment of sarah palin's
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inevitable run for president. and that is coming up. i honestly wouldn't keep mentioning it if i weren't sure about it, but you have had a long week, i'm sure you owe it to yourself to see tonight's moment of geek. whether or not you are a geek, trust me, there is a money back guarantee on this one. o live hee before they filed for bankruptcy. 62% of personal bankruptcies are caused by medical debt. this man is living his dream while this family lives a nightmare. if the insurance companies win, you lose. we need good health care we can afford with the choice of a public health insurance option. that make every day special. fancy feast introduces an entirely new way to celebrate any moment. fancy feast appetizers. simple high quality ingredients like wild alaskan salmon, white meat chicken, or seabass and shrimp in a delicate broth,
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mgts. our dirtiest moments of geek everybody. our moments of geek are usually about maps or models or weather or something. call your neighbors over, that's coming up. but first we have got a few holy mackerel stories in today's news, quote, i don't think it's inconceivable that she could be the republican nominee for president of the united states. i think it's almost inconceivable that she could be elected president of the united states. that's a direct quote from steve schmidt, the campaign manager for the mccain-palin presidential campaign last year, saying exactly what he anies about sarah palin. >> i think that she has talents, but my honest view is that she
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would not be a winning candidate for the republican party in 2012, and in fact, were she to be the nominee, we could have a catastrophic election result. >> catastrophic? it's one thing for a dummy like me to say something like that? but steve schmidt, steve schmidt is supposedly the guy who pushed john mccain into picking sarah palin as mccain's running mate in the first place. now schmidt says it's inconceivable that she would be elected but the republican party might elect her anyway, and that would be a controversy for the republican party. and sarah palin has responded by, surprise, attacking steve schmidt, rush limbaugh saying, quote, i think it's time for the mccain crowd to acknowledge they are losers and pack it in. they have done enough damage to the republican party. move aside and let a brighter, more principled and more competent generation of people
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clean up the mess they helped create. a brighter, more principled, more competent new generation. you know, like rush limbaugh and sarah palin. bright, principled, competent. rush limbaugh and sarah palin, don't let me interrupt you guys, this is the kind of fight that i would sell popcorn for. and then actual, not metaphor kl sports news today. the referees of the nba, you might have heard, they are locked out, they're embroiled in a contract dispute by the league. the league has locked them out, as the nba preseason games get underway, they are not the refs you are used to, they are replacementses. you know you had a subs tight in your class, you would sit backwards in your class or convince your your substitute
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that school lets out earlier than it did. his name is renaldo balkman, he's a forward and although he's a very good player, he's not very good at shooting free throws. he makes them about 54% of the time. mr. balkman gets fouled then the nuggets call a time-out. and after the time-out, they send this guy to the free-throw line as if it was him who got fouled instead of renaldo balkman. this guy's free throw percentage is almost 80%. so the nuggets figured, hey, substitute ref, we'll slip in this other guy and they won't notice. guess what the ref noticed. the nuggets went on to lose the game. he said later, it works in high school, direct quote.
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and finally, were he alive and immortal, mahatma gandy would be 140 years old today. we all like to think he would still be engaged in the work to which he dedicated his life, helping the poor, promoting peace, bringing attention to the world's injustices through self-denial and civil disown bees yens, when you think of ghandi, you think of 23,000 fountain pens. for the occasion of ghandi's birthday, they would start selling a $25,000, 18 caret gold pen. it's only manufacturing 241 of these pens to -- the company
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made a donation to the mahatma ghandi foundation. they also gave one of these solid gold pens to ghandi's great grandson, who told reporters, i can't bring myself to use it. the pen is solid gold, it has a saf ron colored -- the associated the press also reports today that the pen comes packaged with a 26-foot long golden thread that can be wound around the pen to evoke the spindle and the plain cotton that ghandi used to weave plain cotton clothes. ghandi would have loved that. down by the lake or... fishing at the shore. i'm breathing better... with spiriva. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd,
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going to run for president attention. he's gone on fox news to make a poor people joke. >> the main value of the cash for clunkers that we'll get a lot of cars with obama stickers off the road. >> because only poor people would vote for a guy like obama. anybody who voted for obama probably had a really lame car. if you've got a really nice car, keep in mind, tim pawlenty doesn't want you embarrassing him with your vote.
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okay, as promised, tonight's moment of geek. the kakapo is the largest and rarest parrot in the world. it was thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in the 1970s. it's a ground dwelling bird, which might have something to do that there's only 124 kokopos known to be left in the entire world. and thanks to the recovery plan, the remaining kakapos live on the island of new zealand wris where they're originally from. during mating season, the kakapo inflates his whole body like a plan, then he emits a loud, sub sonic boom that can travel up to
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five kilometers and that sub sonic boom is his announcement that he is ready to mate. and when the male kakapo goes boom, it is best to keep your distance? how do we know these things about the lustiness of a nearly extinct breed of parrot? it's because of this tape, here's and a wild life photographer as seen on the bbc documentary series that's called "last chance to see." please watch this. >> it ought to be impossible to describe a creature as looking old fashioned, but that's exactly how this bird looks with big side burns and victorian gentleman's face. >> nicest thing wandering around in the forest. >> he's got very good
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camouflage. hello. a typical male, ciraco is clearly only interested in one thing. oh, look at that. gosh, he's got sharp claws. >> he's getting a bit frisky. he think he's actually attempting a sort of mating ritual? he is. look, he's so happy. >> that's one of the funniest things i've ever seen. you are being shagged by a rare parrot. he thinks you are -- he's really
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going for it. actually, you're in pain, aren't you? >> i can take it. that hurts. >> yeah, you have blood there and blood there and blood there. we should patch you up, to be honest. that's not good. but when you have the chick, i want dwrou call it steven for me. you'll have eggs coming out of your mouth. ladies and gentlemen, you've seen a television first. you've seen mark, devoted his life conserving animals taking an active part in the breeding of a whole new species.
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>> you are being shagged by a rare parrot. okay. you can check out more "last chance to see" episodes on the bbc website. i am an 8-year-old. i'm so sorry i can't handle it more professionally. and no, we don't have any indication if newt gingrich is going to offer that parrot an entrepreneur ship reward but
9:56 pm
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9:59 pm
kakapo, these are weak. do you remember andy williams, mr. moon river? 81-year-old branson dynamo had some less than soothing words for our current president, fell teleing a british newspaper, quote, don't like him at all. i think he wants to create a socialist country. the people he associates with are left wing. he's taken over the banks and the car industry. he wants the country to fail. there's one word for you, my huckleberry friend. weak. next, love nest of the week. officials at tufts university have changed their guest policy to say, you may not engage in sexual activity while your roommate is present in the room. two is company, three is performance art. get a room. weak. finally, a coffee house
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