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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  March 22, 2010 12:07pm-1:00pm EDT

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this morning on msnbc, even the former republican senate majority leader, bill frist, admitted this is not a takeover of health care, but there are changes that will take years to take effect. immediate changes include -- and then by 2014, all americans must have health insurance or pay a fine. also by 2014, insurance companies will no longer be able to deny adults coverage for preexisting conditions. the medicare payroll tax for individuals making more than $250,000 a year goes up a percentage point. a 30% increase. for more, we're joined by andrew reuben, vice president of clinical affairs here in new york city. when you look at this bill, who are the big winners?
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>> i think there's a lot of winners in this bill. the health care system in its entirety, obviously, americans win. for me, and i have the benefit of working health care. i'm an individual and i have a radio show where i talk to people who don't have health care insurance. i think everybody's going to win in this. it's a big bill and there's a lot to make work in it. >> what about the insurance companies? they have more people who will join their roles, but there are strict guidelines about what they can and can't do. lifetime caps, not excluding people based on preexisting conditions. >> the reason this is so big, it would have been easier to have it in small pieces, but to fix the insurance markets, you have to have everyone in it paying premiums. >> does this do anything fundamentally to restrain the
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skyrocketing costs of health care itself? >> great question. i'm thinking pro-2014 and post-2014. in the short-term, no. the reforms don't kick in until 2014. sure, there's money to get preexisting conditions covered. sure, dependent children can stay on the plan. that's also when the cost component of the bill start taking effect. >> when we talk about skyrocketing health care costs, you think about things like how much an mri costs or the famous cases of the $200 box of tissues or a $6 tablet of aspirin in the hospitals. is there anything government could do to control costs like that? >> first, you've got to separate the tissues and aspirin. that is a different show. not really important for health care reform. mris are not going to get
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cheaper. you've got to look at when you give one and what's the best pathway to take care of a patient and we have to find ways to do it in a more cost effective manner. there's a mechanism to get that done, but we have to do it otherwise this doesn't work. >> it's great of you to join me today. the ad wars are already beginning as both parties are looking to capitalize on this bill. in our next half hour, we'll take a look at those. tiger woods has given an interview and nothing appeared to be off limits. two interviews aired last night, one on espn and one on golf channel. there was a limit on time. five minutes. >> you strip away the denial, the rationalization and come to the truth and it's painful at times. to look in the mirror and stare at the person you've become,
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it's disgusting. it was disgusting behavior. hard to believe that was me. >> dave joins us now. what's your reaction to those interviews? >> first of all, breaking news, you may have heard this, but ari fleischer, who's been handling tiger woods' relations, he quit this morning. he quit tiger's team. i don't know if he's just distraught over the health care bill passing or what, but either way, i do think it's a response, no matter where ari fleischer was on this announcement, the whole roll-out of tiger woods' return to golf has been pretty terrible, quite frankly. >> why is that? >> let's take yesterday, for example. the five minute rule. i've never seen it like this before in my life where before it even started, everybody in the audience is told he has five minutes. secondly, the fact he was
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standing for both interviews, it's as if he wants to run away every ten seconds because things are getting so uncomfortable. third of all, i haven't seen a public figure look that uncomfortable since sarah palin was sitting down with katie couric. >> interesting because there are a lot of rules surrounding that brief news conference he held a month ago. his mom looked upset, but did hug him. yesterday, he was asked about his dad. >> if your father were here today and looked back on these last four months, what would he say to you? >> he'd be very disappointed to me. >> what do you think he would say? >> cant say it on air, but he would have been very direc.
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>> there are those who love golf and good golfers and it doesn't matter what they do in their personal life, they're going to follow that person on golf. there are a lot of others for whom this was a dirty -- just dirty business. does that and seeing him feeling ashamed in front of his parents, does it help them rehabilitate tiger in terms of their perspective? >> without tiger woods, there are no casual golf fans. when tiger woods is in a tournament, ratings are up over 100%. when he's at augusta national in april, it will be like nfl ratings. i think most people will tune in just to see what happens. how will he respond to the pressure. in that regard, he's become like a reality show. he has moved on from becoming a
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beloved athlete. i think there are two kinds of people on earth. you really can't win if those are your two choices. >> good to talk to you. sure i'm going to hear a lot from those people who would rather gurgle with razor blades. the golf channel will air masters week from april 6th to 12th. a desperate search for a mom who vanished with her son. one has been found. we'll have details, next. and german police now think they have the robber who's the alleged heist master mind. but where's the money? and a 16-year-old girl who has a habit of sending more than a hundred text messages a day has landed in the operating room
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because of that. it's no joke. stay tuned. got the ammunition she needs: omnaris. (troops) omnaris! to the nose. (general) omnaris works differently than many other allergy medications. omnaris fights nasal allergy symptoms that occur from allergic inflammation... relieve those symptoms with omnaris. side effects may include headache, nosebleed and sore throat. her nose is at ease. we have lift off. (general) remember omnaris! ask your doctor. in the battle against nasal allergy symptoms, omnaris combats the cause. but it can't have... can't have about half a day's worth of fiber? i assure you it does. i can only taste... only taste the crunchy clusters, honey, and brown sugar. no madam, i don't have esp. (announcer) fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm.
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stocks fell sharply at the start of trading because investors were worried about the ability to repay debt and consequences for the global economic recovery. they're also looking at new financial regulations that will govern banking. as you can see, we've seen a turnaround today across the board. both on the dow, the s&p and nasdaq. almost 12 points. in our search for stories far and wide today, authorities in washington have resumed their search for a mom. she and her son disappeared march 13th. her son's body was found
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thursday about 12 miles north of the beach where police found her partially submerged mini van. in florida, a woman was found with cocaine, gave police an unusual explanation. they pulled her over for a traffic violation. officers say they discovered cocaine in her pants pocket. she claimed it wasn't hers and it must have been in the pants she just bought at walmart. like someone accidentally left their cocaine in the pants in the store. right now, in mississippi, a federal judge is hearing the case of a lesbian high school student fighting the take her girlfriend to the prom. the school district announced it would cancel the prom on the same day the aclu asked the
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district to act on the prom requests. and police in berlin say they've caught the master mind of a brazen heist of a poker tournament. the suspect was arrested last night. police believe he organized the attack and drove the getaway car. this is the fifth person police have arrested, but they still can't find more than $328,000 in missing jackpot money. coming up, how in the world did a tanker truck driver miss the fact that another driver is trapped under his front bumper? and have police determined whether this video is real? but first, among the most viewed stories on, the story on jesse james hoping his wife will forgive him following public accusations that he cheated on her. readers want to know more about the abortion deal to get enough
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votes for health care reform. president obama issued an executive order affirming the law proikts taxpayer money going for abortion. we'll have much more on that after a quick break. [ advisor 1 ] what do you see yourself doing one week,
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doctors will have to operate on an illinois teen. result of her addiction to texting. the 16-year-old has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. she sends out about 4,000 texts per month and it's more than her hands can handle. >> my hands started to go numb a lot. now i realize they were so pointless, but at the time, they seemed necessary. >> keep in mind, the average teen sends more than 3,000 per month, so it's not as extreme as you think. this is dr. benson.
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joins me via skype. is there more of a consequence here for younger people who are texting? >> i think this is an example of just extreme texting. so that i think like any activity that you would do with your hands, if you do too much, your body's going the start to send you signals you should slow down. >> is that the line, i mean, if the average teen is sending 3,000 and annie was sending out 4,000, is that the dividing line? >> it was for this young lady. it's much the same principle though, if you're doing an activity and doing too much oift, and you start to have symptom, maybe you should change your activity. >> when looking at the physiology of the hand, is there an age that's too young to be texting like this? >> i don't think that's true. it's a matter of listening to
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your body and keeping close tabs on activity. there's an analogy for any activity, if you do too much of it and have symptoms, it's time to slow down. >> thank you. still ahead, the world in motion. first, earthquakes, now another marvel of mother nature. and a ad wars begin. both parties looking to swin health reform to their advantage. >> when it comes to health insurance, if it's good enough for her, shouldn't it be good enough for the rest of us? call michele bachmann. you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthris pain all day.
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i'm contessa brewer and there is developing news this noon. in a few hours, robert gibbs is expected to begin his daily, on-camera briefing with reporters. he's expected to talk about health care reform and the bill. but the entire issue isn't yet
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settled. the senate still has to vote on a bill filled with amendments. you guessed it. the senate ruling are complicated once again. kelly o'donnell joins us from capitol hill. okay, so explain to me in detail what happens next. >> there's plenty for us to learn about this next phase of the process and right now, both parties on the senate side are meeting with the civil servant appointed to interpret the rules and prude yuprocedures of the senate. he gets to make the call about what meets the rules and what does not when examining the bill that we called reconciliation or the package of fixes. so, once the president signs the senate version, which was also passed last night, now, we come back over to the senate and they can begin to evaluate the house package of fixes. republicans will try to make challenges to different provisions within that bill to
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say they don't meet the rules and they will offer amendment, trying to add or subtract things to the bill. if anything were to change as simple as a crossed t or dotted i, that would make it go back to the house where the house would have to vote and then it would finally be law with all of the changes the democrats wanted. some say they hope it is wrapped up by the end of the week. here is an opportunity for republicans to challenge democrats to vote on some amendments. they might be things they would want to vote for in a perfect world, but in this instance, the leadership would be asking them to vote no to avoid making changes. i'm also told that senate democrats wanted the president to stay in town for this reason. we heard how he worked the
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phones and had meetings with house democrats. >> so given the fact that the house vote was so con tings, the house will be as well. why didn't the senators do anything possible to not change the wording of the legislation as it stands? >> that's what democratics in the leadership want. what that presents politically is a problem if they are asked to take a vote on something they would normally vote for and what that does for them is it creates a moment, look into the future for election time when an opponent could say, john smith, mary smith, voted against such and such. things that could be used as a weapon at some time. those are tough calls and that's what they could be asked to do. >> kind of hard to explain why you were for it before you were
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against it. a group pushing for the bill is already launching a million dollar ad campaign thanking potentially vulnerable house democrats for voting yes. >> to influence members of congress, the insurance companies hired 2,049 lobbyists to get their way, but the insurance companies didn't win because congressman allen boyd said no to big insurance and yes to standing up for us. >> and republicans are promising to repeal this bill, but one says this vote was a disaster for the gop. david frum writes today --
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keith boykin is a democratic strategist and joe watkins, msnbc contributor, it's awfully hard to go back and try to undo things that even republicans said they wanted done like this rule about preexisting conditions. >> well, of course. talking to me? >> yeah. >> good. well, at the end of the day, i think david frum makes a very good point. i think this week, republican members of the senate will offer up amendments and it will be a yes or no vote against them. i think the voters will have their say and in the fall, they're going to reevaluate their member of congress who voted for this legislation, who left it open for them to have taxpayer-funding abortion, who's providing for them to have $5 billion in new taxes and $5 billion worth of cuts in
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medicare. voters are going to remember that. >> keith, maybe you'd like to tack m some of that. >> the genie is out of the bottle here. the american people will start to get the benefits of reform this year. people will see that the sky won't fall, the earth won't come to an end and people will be happier. businesses will benefit because of this. the cost will be contained and 32 million americans will have health care coverage. all this nonsense about the scare tactics won't come true and that's what the republicans are really afraid of, that people will see that it really works. >> and you know, joe, it's interesting because they were gop provisions that made their way into this bill. personal responsibility, incentives -- >> what about tort reform? >> but joe, that's the one thing
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that every republican who came on with me, every one talked about tort reform and i guess if the house and senate go back to republicans after this fall, there's an opportunity for tort reform. as it stands now, jim demint says he's going to introduce legislation to repeal the bills. state's attorney general michigan, florida, south carolina, say the bill enfringes on individual states and they're going to sue because of it. is that what you see, republicans getting the opportunity to introduce tort reform rather than repeal health reform? >> at the end of the day, think of all the doctors who cannot practice because of the ownerist medical malpractice insurance which could have been addressed in this, but is not, because the democrats did not wish to address the issue of tort reform. >> let me ask you this. we have, for months and months
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and months, been debating what's in the bill, how will it affect the american people. keith, do you think that come november, people are going to look back on the details of this and say, my congressman did vote for it, therefore i'm voting against it, or my congressman did and i'm voting against it. this is going to be the litmus test in november? >> there may be some tea party tea bagger people who will go to that extreme and may vote against people because of this issue, but most americans actually do support the elements of health care reform included in this bill. this is a big deception the republicans have practiced, including john boehner last night. the element of the bill, like eliminating the rule -- >> come november, we're not going to be talking about the elements of the bill, we're going to be talking at the bill in general and the most cent nbc news, "wall street journal" poll
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we had said that 46% wanted to pass obama's plan. 45% wanted to keep the current system. >> the reason why -- because they don't really understand everything in the bill. >> are they going to understand it any more come november? >> ended by that point. the american people will see the real results. there won't be death panels, there won't be abortion paid for. let me finish then go ahead. >> americans, she asked me the question, americans -- some americans who are applauding right now are going to find out that their part of the over 5$50 billion in new taxes, they're not going to be very happy when the smoke clears and the cheering ends. they're going to find out that they're on the wrong side of this bill and it affects them in a negative way. a lot of small business people who want to grow their businesses are going to find they're going to be hit with
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punitive tax damages. >> guys -- >> it has a small business tax credit and reduces the deficit. all those are not going to come true and people will see that. >> i think that we're in for months and months of this ahead until november. thank you. and we've been talking online about whether this vote on health care reform will influence your vote in november. j.t. kirkland tweets -- steve d. brant says -- and rick writes -- if you'd like to share your thoughts with me on this story or any of the topics we're
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covering, you can do so on twitter or facebook or shoot me an e-mail. coming up at 1:00 p.m., james clyburn and e elijah cummings join andrea mitchell. president obama will meet with benjamin netanyahu at the white house tomorrow as the tension moupt mounts over the construction of the settlements. today, the european union con determined the attempt to keep building in the area. some interesting stories to report. with lawmakers focusing on health care, demonstrators rallied in washington, hoping to draw attention to immigration overhaul. tens of thousands packed the national mall yesterday and president obama appeared in a video message. a 16-year-old boy has been released to the custody of his
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parents after being arrested and charged for making racist comments over a speaker in a walmart in new jersey. he got on the pa system and announced quote, all black peop people, leave the store now, unquote. the manager apologized immediately. the red river reached a crest of 19 feet over the flood stage. the level was not as high as anticipated. thousands of volunteers set up more than a million sandbags to help hold back the water. the mayor of fargo now says it won't take long to bounce back. a terrifying video of a car in britain tops today's hot shots. the driver just entered the highway. the tanker clipped the vehicle, capturing it under his front bumper, continuing along. a passenger in another car caught it on camera. well, the truck eventually saw the car, pulled over and some
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think this video is just a hoax. but police are investigating. and here's a dance craze that probably won't catch on. the naked billboard boogy. here you have a guy dancing in the nude on top of a billboard in dallas, texas. police first tried to talk to him, and the guy never missed a beat even as he was getting loaded into the squad car. police say he seemed to be under the influence. of what, we don't exactly know. nd from grand junction, y know. colorado, a skunk got his head stuck in a peanut butter jar. he's in the middle of the street, scattering away. didn't even stray anybody. nice little skunk. a powerful cyclone rips through australia and we get
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real. a woman who took on the man tra of becoming a good neighbor. she bought her neighbors' house. we'll tell you why. it's open kimono time. looking good, dan. oh, we want to make sure all our ducks in a row. yeah. volume control syndrome. but we focus on the talent and skill that each person... brings to the team. i mean, no one's really concerned about labels. not even mine. labels get in the way. disabilities rarely do. visit to evolve your work force. vegetables are naturally low in calories.s rarely do. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings. it's a tasty, nutritious way to make this number go up... and help this one go down. v8. what's your number?
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i'm just a skeptic so i don't necessarily believe that anything is going to work but i was like, hey, this actually works. (announcer) only rogaine foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'll check it out and i'm like, nice. (announcer) rogain foam. stop losing. start gaining. somewhere in america... there's a home by the sea powered by the wind on the plains. there's a hospital where technology has a healing touch. there's a factory giving old industries new life. and there's a train that got a whole city moving again. somewhere in america, the toughest questions are answered every day. because somewhere in america, more than sixty thousand people spend every day answering them. siemens. answers.
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but it can't have... can't have about half a day's worth of fiber? i assure you it does. i can only taste... only taste the crunchy clusters, honey, and brown sugar. no madam, i don't have esp. (announcer) fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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want to improve your child's social skills? try more exercise. researchers from the university of michigan studies more than 700 sixth graders and those more physically active were more likely to show empathy toward others. it has also been linked to improve self-esteem better nutrition and an decreased risk of smoking. thousands of people in australia have no power today. there was a powerful cyclone that blasted through. no reports of deaths though.
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china's capital city of beijing is dealing with major sand storms. it's reducing visibility, causing problems for people with breathing issues. meantime, melting snow has triggered heavy flooding. and hundreds of residents in southern iceland have been evacuated because of a volcano that erupted saturday night. the last time it erupted was in the 1820s. a passenger is forced to land a charter plane after the pilot dies in flight. hear the dramatic call for help, next. got the ammunition she needs: omnaris. (troops) omnaris! to the nose. (general) omnaris works differently than many other allergy medications. omnaris fights nasal allergy symptoms that occur from allergic inflammation... relieve those symptoms with omnaris.
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side effects may include headache, nosebleed and sore throat. her nose is at ease. we have lift off. (general) remember omnaris! ask your doctor. in the battle against nasal allergy symptoms, omnaris combats the cause. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. how do we know how big our hospitals need to be?,ess. the census helps us know exactly what we need, so everyone can get their fair share of funding. we can't move forward until you mail it back. 2010 census.
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welcome back. 2.8 million families last year received a foreclosure notice. this year, it's predicted to be 3 million.
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1 in 45. neighbors worry about plumeting values because of vacant, foreclosed homes. one indianapolis woman is helping her neighbor who risked losing his house because the landlord stopped paying property taxes. she joins me now from indianapolis. when you have families nationwide who are being foreclosed on for whatever reason, in many cases, the neighbors sit back and feel sorry for them, but do nothing. what are you doing, debbi? >> by husband lost his job and we kind of dipped into his 401(k) to help the neighbor out because we couldn't watch him go homeless. >> so, instead of seeing your neighbor leave, i mean, this is quite a personal sacrifice if you're talking about dipping into a 401(k). >> well, we couldn't just sit there and see him lose what little bit he's got. >> so, this marion county tax
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sale auction took place on thursday. what was your bid? >> i got the minimum bid, which was i think $4,052, something like that. >> all right. does the landlord have any chance now to reclaim this property? >> yes. they have up to one year to pay the property taxes along with 10% interest. if he does not do that within a year, then we get the deed to the house. >> and i understand that this is getting some big publicity in the area where you live and that other, we'll call them neighbors, but others in your community have stepped forward to help out. can you tell me about that? >> yes, it's kind of snowballed. we've had one woman call and wants to donate $1,000, anonymously. we've had neighbor league call and -- a non-profit organization, to help with the house. there's a lot of disrepair on
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that house. the roof leaks. he has no cabinets. there's no stove or refrigerator in there. he's down to the very basics, but it is his home. >> i got to say, debbie, and you're on disability, your husband's laid off as well, but you're taking the action to help out a friend and neighbor in a tough time. i really think that's what america's about and i appreciate you coming on and sharing your story. i wish your family the best of luck in the future. >> thank you so much, contessa, and i wish everyone would help a neighbor out once in a while. >> thank you. we want to look at some of the events watching today. later this afternoon, hillary clinton will have a video conference with the staff at mexico's embassy. at 4:30, tim geithner will make remarks about the need for financial regulatory reform. the committee is expected to pass financial reform.
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and two air traffic controllers who helped a passenger land a plane safely after the pilot died will be awarded tonight. the pilot of a charter plane suffered a heart attack and died soon off take-off in florida. white is certified to fly single-engine planes and not the one he was on. but with the help of air traffic controllers, he landed the aircraft safely. and those air traffic controllers will be given the archie league medal safety award tonight at 7:00. that does it for me. i'm contessa brewer. i appreciate the time you've spent with me this hour. i'll see you tomorrow. up next, "andrea mitchell reports" and she's talking to
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house majority whip, james clyburn and elijah cummings about racial remarks hurled at house democrats by tea party protesters. [ female announcer ] sometimes you need tomorrow to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm.
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vegetables are naturally low fin calories.sleeplessness. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings. it's a tasty, nutritious way to make this number go up... and help this one go down. v8. what's your number?
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the bill is passed. >> right now, the house makes history with a landmark victory. >> just think. we will be joining those who established social security, medicare and now, tonight, health care for all americans. >> an historic victory, but at what cost? >> this bill is written. can you say it was done openly? with transparency and accountability? without back room deals struck behind closed doors, hidden from the people? hell now, you can't. shame on us, shame on this body.
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>> civil rights veterans faced with epithets from the


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