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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  March 22, 2010 3:00pm-3:24pm EDT

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states of america, have to have people deciding between keeping their house and keeping their health care or we shouldn't live in a country where people don't have access to affordable health care. so, look. i think always in this the -- it always goes through the legislative process, but i think what the president promised and what the president will sign tomorrow, very much the promise of affordable, accessible health care that puts people back in charge of their health care rather than insurance companies. i think something that will have lasting benefit for tens of millions of americans for many years to come. >> is there going to be a followup legislation to -- since the president had the goal of universal coverage in 2007 and
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cbo says the current legislation will leave uninsured 23 million americans? is there going to be a followup attempt? >> look, i don't know if there's been any discussion about that this morning. the coverage that -- i think cbo said somewhere between 94 and 95% of americans will have coverage and obviously we will, after the president signs this into law, get about the important process of ensuring its efficient and speedy implementation. >> does the president feel any -- this was obviously a very long, hard fight, very bitter and divisive in a lot of ways. does the president feel any obligation as a man who campaigned on bridging the partisan divide to reach out to republicans for future legislation, for improving the spirit in washington that is now
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so poisoned by this very vicious debate at times? >> i don't know that -- we'll be able to look back and see whether the debate itself poisoned the atmosphere. i think that the president will do on financial reform, on campaign finance, on getting our economy moving again, all of the host of issues that immigration reform and energy that we've talked about still being on the docket, i think the president will continue to reach out to democrats and republicans that want to make a positive effort on these issues. you know, the president, you know, i'm -- i'm a little struck by the fact that, you know, everybody seems on one side to be talking about repeal today. so i'll let them answer why as
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mitch mcconnell put it in his profile in the "new york times" the anecdote of him having a plan even before the president came to congress with an economic recovery plan last january, that he had a plan to simply say no to each and everything that the president proposed. i think that's a little bit about what elections are ultimately going to be about and i think if people want to campaign on taking tax cuts from small businesses, taking assistance away from seniors getting prescription drugs, and want to take away the mother knowing that their child can't be discriminated against by an insurance company, if that's the platform that others want to run on, taking that away from families and small businesses, then we'll have a robust campaign on that. >> what's your reaction to some of the words thrown around just this past weekend?
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one republican member of congress shouting "baby killer" and congressman john lewis, the civil rights icon having the "n" word shouted at him. what's your reaction to that first but then how do you pick up the pieces from this debate for immigration and closing gitmo and some of those other things? >> well, we have talked about on any number of different debates what happens when people say things that have no place in a legislative debate, let alone i think any real place in our public or quite frankly even private discourse. i don't know that i would want to explain to my 6-year-old why i had done or said some of the things that were done or said this past weekend. i think the president believes regardless of the passion of your views, which people rightly hold in a country as great as this that we ought to be able to have the debate without the type
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of language and actions that we've seen in some places over the weekend. >> to follow up, jake was asking about the speech and the campaign -- >> press secretary robert gibbs talking about the very ugly incidents that happened this weekend when racist language was hurled at several members of the congressional black caucus when they walked over to the capitol and there was also rough language used with barney frank. at the bottom of your screen we're showing you a picture of house speaker nancy ploes eight what is known as a signing ceremony in the raburn house office building where she is essentially going through the process of actually signing the insurance reform bill passed by the house last night. this will then formally send it over to president obama for his signature where it will be signed into law. what you've heard from robert gibbs, meanwhile, in the briefing, is that the white house is now planning for a late morning signing ceremony tomorrow at the white house, probably outside if the weather
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permits. there had been some discussion at the white house about how exactly to do this because keep in mind the democrats still want to keep the focus on the fixes that the house also passed last night and that the senate is expected to take up tomorrow after the underlying bill is signed and the white house doesn't want to declare a complete victory just because of the passage of the senate bill and signing that into law. they still very much want these fixes, these patches which will be tried, which the senate democrats will try to approve through what's known as reconciliation or majority rules but there you see of course house speaker pelosi with the official signature. robert gibbs talking now again about health care reform and moving on to other issues. a short time ago senator john mccain in the u.s. senate talked about the anger that he was hearing from conservatives in his home state over the health care reform bill that passed and was headed toward passage this weekend. mccain talked about the deep anger and frustration that a lot of people have. let's go back, though, and listen very briefly to robert gibbs before we move on and talk
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about the incendiary remarks today by rush limbaugh. here's robert gibbs some more. >> -- out of this debate and about the different parties and what is, i think it's very legitimate to ask what is the next big mountain? >> it's legitimate to ask. i didn't want to climb a separate mountain on this. look, i think what he learned about, you know, i think what all of washington learned about him is that he is willing to make very tough decisions. >> why didn't he go for the government plan then? >> well, let me -- i didn't even get five words out. i think somebody who's willing to make very tough decisions and see that through, i -- i think there were many opportunities
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where he could have turned back and i think he -- i think very much that what passed last night meant more to him than any election night could have. because i think he understands, and the reason that he continued to push for on something as important as health care reform is he understands just what it will mean, as i said earlier, for millions of americans for many, many years to come. they will just in the next, within this year, small businesses will begin to get tax credits to help pay for the coverage they provide their employees. seniors will get help in their prescription drug coverage and we'll begin to close that doughnut hole i talked about. maybe most importantly in all of these immediate benefits like i've said before, a mother
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doesn't -- >> an interesting aside from robert gibbs saying president obama, that last night the action in the congress, the passage of health care reform, meant more to president obama than any election night and gibbs says that what the -- what all of this has shown is that president obama is willing to make the tough decisions and, again, the democrats certainly trying to underscore he had to make several tough decisions over the last couple weeks about how to get this through. we've been talking a lot today about the reaction to what happened last night. many conservatives today reacted harshly to the action in congress, but nobody on the right produced as much controversial venom this afternoon as rush limbaugh. >> every single democrat who voted for this needs to know, safe district or not, they are going to be exposed and hassled and chased from office. >> limbaugh then turned to the politics of race. >> here's what he's going to say.
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there are some people who don't like your skin color. who don't think you should be american. he has come to divide. he has come to conquer. is there anybody who now doubts what i meant when i said i hope he fails? we're joined by georgetown university professor michael eric dieson and the president and ceo of the independent women's forum. professor, what goes through your mind when you hear that stuff? >> if anybody is fomenting dissent, it is rush limbaugh. the politics of division, the cruel denial of the utter humanity of mr. obama. those who disagree with him have the right to do so but to disparage his character and to assert these unfounded ideas and propositions about mr. obama is just dumbfounding to me. i think beyond that it doesn't do any good to help the conversation in this country
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between conservatives and liberals and progressives by people trying to make out of whole cloth assertions that cannot be emperrically verified. there is nothing in mr. obama's demeanor or reaching out to the right to say he is in any way inclined to make this an empire of color or trying to derail what he sees as the benefit for all americans of the social policies he puts into legislation. >> is it possible, michelle, to draw a link between rush limbaugh and when he talks in a clip we didn't play but how supporters should be wiped out, that sort of venomous language and you create this picture, rush limbaugh creates this picture of facism and nazism on the march and you then start to have people going out of control acting crazily on capitol hill, yelling all kinds of racist things at members of the congressional black caucus, yelling hateful things at barney frank, spitting on one member of congress, can you draw that link? >> there are people that will draw that link but i would, you know, venture to guess that rush
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limbaugh, the number of people that listen to rush limb withdrawing on the ralimbbaugh every day not all of them are members of the groups that did the horrible things we saw happen over the weekend. i think that what he is saying, unfortunately, is what he is hearing from his listeners and there are people who believe that barack obama is here to divide and conquer, at least on racial terms. i don't believe that even you said this morning earlier when we were here barack obama, when it comes to race is almost allergic to talking about it. we've seen him do that once or twice during his presidency. several fims during the campaign but i think i have to disagree with rush limbaugh when he says he is here to divide and conquer. the country is very much divided right now on political terms. the republican party is divided. the democratic party is divided. at one point in time i remember then senator obama saying we are not a nation of red states and blue states. we are a nation of purple states. well, for better or for worse,
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since his election we have definitely become a nation of red states and blue states and we're going to see it in november. i believe that there are a lot of people, democrats who are going to lose their seats in november. it doesn't have anything to do with race. it has a lot to do with the fact that this congress has done nothing until health care yesterday. >> it has to do with people being whipped up into such a frenzy and it's one thing to say divide and conquer and maybe that's, you know, okay. maybe that's fine. but here's what else rush limbaugh said today in terms of describing the obama crowd. watch. >> they look at this country as one big criminal act. one big civil rights, human rights violation. don't doubt me. that is how obama has been raised to look at this country and he believes it. >> that's about as loaded -- >> that's ignorant beyond belief. first of all you can't even read his books to draw that kind of conclusion. he says in his books about the
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wide consideration for american values that was deeply implanted in him by his mother, by his grandparents. he was not raised in any traditional sense to have any kind of aspersions against white americans, being half white himself. and beyond that rush limbaugh speaking about this is one -- americans thinking this is one criminal act especially african-americans, black people have been the most patriotic americans in this nation. going off to war to defend rights that they could not enjoy back home. the confederates of this country tried to secede from the nation. many conservatives embrace a flag that is not america ultimately. we have died for this flag. we've raised it high. we have touted the virtues of america. james baldwin said this. i love america more than any nation on this earth. that's why i reserve the right to criticize her perpetually. we believe love is investment in the critical opposition to platforms and parties and principles that we think are destructive but we don't have to demonize each other. michelle bernard is obviously a brilliant woman. she has a position.
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i have a position. we don't have to demonize each other to disagree. mr. limbaugh is fomenting these things and i think the conservatives of good conscience should speak out against him. >> this is what is going to happen eventually. one day someone is going to look to the people who believe what rush said earlier today and they're going to ask this question. look, one of the things i say is i firmly believe the united states of america is the greatest country on earth. but the bottom line is, in the founding of our nation, slavery was the original sin. and there is no politician, republican, conservative, democrat, libertarian, whatever you want to call themselves, if you ask them the question, would you do it all over again, would you enslave millions of black africans in order to build the united states? i would dare one person to say yes. if barack obama believes that this country is one huge human rights violation i dare someone to show how the founding of our nation was not one of the
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greatest human rights travesties we have ever seen. it doesn't mean he is not capable of leading the country. it was millions of white people in iowa that got him where he is today. >> well, they helped do that. the point is this. all americans understand that we have an investment in this country and our investment must be protected. it doesn't mean we don't disagree, have dissent, express that articulately. but to resort to this kind of thing where mr. limbaugh is trying to foment racist animous against mr. obama is remarkable. >> we're running out of time but i just want to say one thing. it's interesting. i have sat down. i've eaten meals with rush limbaugh. he supported an event that the independent women's forum did, in support of condoleezza rice. and who i think is an absolutely amazing woman. she happens to be african-american. in the speech she gave at the independent women's forum in connection with women's rights and the founding of our nation she also said that the original
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sin was slavery and who would have thought that given the founding of our nation that she would be secretary of state. >> again, rush limbaugh helping out with a dinner for condoleezza rice does not, i mean, again, that's great for that one incident but to do this sort of thing day after day and say certain people need to be wiped out -- >> no, no. i'm not defending him. what i'm saying is i am perplexed because this is a statement that she made and it is very perplexing to me. >> what's not perplexing is his bigotry. i think rush limbaugh is trying to foment a bigotaucracy. that has no place in american civil discourse and only foemts the dissent that leads to the most attacks on mr. obama, most threats against him as any president and we need to be afraid for the future of our nation not simply the health of mr. obama. >> thank you both so much for coming in twice today. good to have you. >> thank you. there were hugs and smiles
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all around the white house last night when health care reform passed the house. here is a look at president obama in the roosevelt room watching the crucial vote. but will there be smiles on wall street? cnbc's trish regan will join us next and explain what kind of impact the bill is having and will have on investors and the markets. somewhere in america... there's a home by the sea powered by the wind on the plains. there's a hospital where technology has a healing touch. there's a factory giving old industries new life.
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and there's a train that got a whole city moving again. somewhere in america, the toughest questions are answered every day. because somewhere in america, more than sixty thousand people spend every day answering them. siemens. answers. ♪ but i am holding half an acre ♪ ♪ torn from the map of michigan ♪ ♪ i am carrying this scrap of paper ♪ ♪ that can crack the darkest sky wide open ♪ ♪ every burden taken from me ♪ every night my heart unfolding ♪
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♪ my home when it's people who do the right thing, they call it being responsible. when it's an insurance company, they call it liberty mutual. responsibility. what's your policy? liberty mutual.
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with health care reform now a reality, what does it mean for your money and for wall street? let's bring in the host of cnbc's "the call" trish regan. what's been the reaction? >> hey there. it's been somewhat expected to a certain extent, david. i mean, investors had anticipated this would happen so we've actually got a market that's up today for a host of actually other reasons related to greece, in fact, and the u.s.
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dollar. but the reality is investors are very concerned about what this is going to mean over the long term. they're concerned about the u.s. economy and mounting deficits and there is not one person on wall street that believes this is going to have any contribution in terms of reducing the deficit. david, they believe quite the opposite so the expectation is that this is going to cost the u.s. economy a lot of money at a time when it's really questionable as to whether or not this economy can afford it. >> and, trish, in terms of the longer term, given nah certatha things kick in in a couple years like the mandate and certain penalties how does that affect what investors are seeing? >> investors are worried that what you might see is people will start to pull their money out of the stock market because don't forget the tax on investment income for wealthy individuals and families is expected to go up in the next couple years so that could result in people saying i'm going to take some of my profits off the table.
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i'm going to take this and run because why do i want to invest in a market in which i'm going to have to pay more in the way of tax? that's a concern because let's face it. you need capital that's coming into the american business system on a regular basis to really encourage this economy to grow so that's one problem. the other big problem, david, is that people on wall street just don't trust the accounting here. don't forget you have ten years of revenue coming in for six years of spending and as one banker said to me, you know, if you did that in corporate america, my gosh, you'd be in a whole lot of trouble. and so they really just don't trust the government's accounting and the deficit issues and all the taxes that are going to result from this. >> cnbc's trish regan, thanks so much, as always. we appreciate it. for more on the economic impact of this legislation and the up to the minute reaction on wall street be sure to catch trish regan on her show "the call" every week day at 11:00 a.m. on cnbc. it has been a year of fiery debates on the issue of health
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