tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC April 13, 2010 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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good day to you. it is noon on the east coast. 9:00 out west. i'm peter alexander in for contessa brewer. we are going to begin with the breaking news out of florida. this is good news. only 20 minutes ago, we got the first video of that 11-year-old girl, nadia bloom, being brought out of the woods on the stretcher. she was found in the woods there with no shoes, covered in mobug
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bites, but is in good shape. mark potter has been following the story live from winter springs, florida, for us. mark, what is happening right now and what more do we know about her present condition? >> reporter: well, she is actually in the ambulance right now. it's still at the location. we're told that she is being treated in that ambulance right now. some photographers who could get a good look at her say she appeared to have scratches on her body and face. she is suffering not only from dehydration, but mosquito bites. her parents are standing by, not in the ambulance. it is described to me that soon, the hope is that they will be able to spend a little time with her before he goes off to the hospital.
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it took a while to bring her out of the wooded area because it is so dense. she was said to be found about a mile from her house in a swampy area, standing in one high spot, a dry spot. no shoes and everybody needs to remember that she was there overnight four nights alone in that rough, wooded area. the officers bringing her out had a hard time. some became exhausted. it took a long time to do that and -- but they did bring her out saying she's in relatively good condition except for those conditions that i talked about earlier. the bug bites and dehydration and all. but more than anything, everybody is just thankful that she was found alive. a lot of high-fives and hugging going on among the rescuers. the man who found her, a member of a church group here on a private search mission was put in a car and taken away to be questioned. police say they continue their
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investigation in this case. they do not have any evidence that she was abducted. they think she just wandered away and got lost, but are continues this investigation. sounds like the man who found her is who they're talking to first. >> this is something to celebrate. we're hearing from investigators or authorities, i guess, that they were in six feet of water at times, five feet of mud. she's now being given an iv. mark, there was some concerns, of her sister, who said she feared her sister may be wandering into the wood to tape a nature video. is there any better understanding about how she got there? >> reporter: the presumption is that she road her bicycle to a cul-de-sac in her neighborhood and just walked into the woods. that's the story her sister gave, maybe she was doing a little nature film or something
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like that. no confirmation of that. it seems she just kept walking into the woods. one of the concerns of the investigators is that the lake at the end of that walkway is infested with alligators. some were starting to lose hope that after this much time searching and finding nothing at all, no knapsack, no shoes, nothing, that maybe this was going to have a bad ending. >> terrific. i'm interrupting briefly because we have other breaking news. we have now just learn that had the first lady of the united states, michelle obama, and the wife of joe biden, dr. jill biden, have just arrived in haiti. we knew that michelle obama was
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scheduled to make her first visit to mexico city. instead, michelle obama making a surprise stop in haiti. she has arrived in port-au-prince. the two landed about 10:40 eastern time this morning. they're taking a tour of the haitian haitian capital. this visit comes a day after haiti commemorated the three-month anniversary of the quake that ripped through the capital and several nearby cities. again, michelle obama and dr. jill biden are stopping in port-au-prince today. other new to share with you right now, the second and final day of the nuclear security summit, discussing how to keep nuclear material out of
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terrorists hands. got understoway this morning by looking to the future. >> i am so pleased to announce that president lee has agreed to host the next summit in korea in two years. >> president obama spoke to the delegation this morning and warned if al-qaeda acquired a nuclear weapon, it would be a quote, catastrophe for the world. yesterday, china agreed to pursue economic sanctions and ukraine said they would get rid of all nuclear material by 2012. joining me now is richard wolffe. the white house just announced an agreement with mexico and canada. can you tell us about that? >> mexico has a research reactor and has small supplies. they are talking about the safe disposal of that in the same way as canada. it's going to be sending its
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spent fuel to the united states and mexico will have a new reactor which will use low-enriched uranium. it's renewable, not so damaging to the environment. in one sense, of carbon emissions at least. this is an important agreement. not quite as big as ukraine and iran what we think about what china announced, too, but still, an important step. >> the summit isn't driven by some cent incident or the polls. he's using his bully pulpit pursuing an issue he's concerned about. i imagine this has been on his plate for a long time now. >> yes, one of his pet projects. this has been a wonkish concern of senators, lugar and senator obama. one of few substantial achievements obama had in the senate. a successor to the first round to dispose of these kinds of
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issues and now it's gone from this wonkish senatorial kind of thing to be one that he's doing with world leaders, so yes, he cares about it and has elevated it to a big thing with world leaders. >> richard wolffe with the latest on the nuclear security summit. we want to take our viewer to los angeles right now, where there is a funeral procession underway for marine sergeant major robert coddle. he was on patrol in afghanistan when he was recently killed by an ied. you can see the formation of the officers there in los angeles. this procession taking place live as they honor the life of the man they knew as r.j. his casket will head from police headquarters to the cathedral of our lady of the angels for a
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nondenominational service. his body is set to be flown to washington, d.c. tomorrow where he will be buried at arlington national cemetery. moving on right now, fumes in the khabibulcabin of an amer airlines jet forced it to make an emergency landing in iceland. everyone is safe. it's still not clear what caused five crew members to become sick. the jumbo jet was on its way from paris to dallas ft. worth. the bodies of all 29 miners have been removed from the upper big branch mine. the last bodies were recovered this morning. now, federal investigators are taking a look inside that mine. they really want to determine exactly what caused the explosion. the tea party could play a role in the battle over the next supreme court nomination.
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conservative lawmakers are trying to recruit tea party activist to help them beat back any nominee they believe to be too liberal. president obama hopes to have his pick to replace retiring justice john paul stevens confirmed by august. senator amy klobuchar, the democrat from minnesota, is a member of the judiciary committee. first of all, can i get your reaction to the tea party's invvlment. >> you'll always have groups involved on the left and right in supreme court nominations hearings in recent history. but really, peter, when you look at what happened with the sotomayor hearing, the questions were testy, but it was civil. i think the hearing was conducted from both sides in a civil way and in the end, no nuclear option was used and she was confirmed.
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when you listen to the leadership in the republican party over this past weekend, they have made sounds that the same thing could happen here in that they may not support a nominee, but i think they understand if they spend the summer, even at the urging of the tea party, objecting and making this a radio circus, it is at their own peril. you listen to your news report of the last ten minutes. they want to get the mines safe in west virginia and they want to get the nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists. there's a lot of major issues on people's minds that don't involve the supreme court nomination. >> let me ask you specifically about the supreme court nominee right now. the common theme about president obama's picks to date, diversity and experience. compared to george w. bush, obama's picks have included
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fewer white men, more hispanics, more asian and african-americans. what do you think we should see in the next supreme court justice? >> well, i think the president said hit well when he well when he talked about record of excellence. you look at the citizens united case where justice stevens wrote that decent and talked about thousan what, corporations aren't people, people are people. you want someone with a sense of people's every day lives. i think sonia sotomayor certainly fit that bill. but also, i'd like to see someone with some oomph, who will walk into stevens' shoes. someone who's going to be a counter weight to roberts and others on the court. >> among the replacements, janet
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napolitano and jennifer granholm. thank you for your time. >> it was great to be on, peter. astronauts finished their third and final space walk on "discovery." early this morning, two astronauts floated out to finish a new cooling tank. it has to get done in order to allow the shuttle to land, which is scheduled for monday. new video at msnbc of a police beating. it happened where a college student was beaten with batons in maryland. so, what caused officers to use what even their own boss described as excessive force? it's something we found in searching for stories far and wide. to a well-equipped buick lacrosse. get inside each. and see what you find. if perfection is what you pursue,
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you're watching msnbc. i'm peter alexander. students writing mean things on facebook could be in big trouble at one high school. a school superintendent in evanston, illinois, is telling students they'll be suspended if caught and he's asking one to take the site down altogether. >> we found students past and present who say the facebook page evanston rats has soiled their names. >> it's pretty explicit. >> i'm really upset by the situation. not really that they came at me, but that this stuff still exists today. >> reporter: the site allegedly created by other students, has pages of slanderous and filthy comments about other teenage students.
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at tonight's girl's soccer game, parents and students were shocked. some students even being threatened. >> the problem is that the texting or cyber bullying, they don't actually get to see the person's face. >> from what i understand, it's basically just kind of people roasting on certain students and their personal life. >> that report from our nbc chicago station, wmaq. the superintendent says he's being careful about the case of the student who hung herself after being bullied. a search -- the video shows three police officers using their batons to beat the university of maryland student after a basketball game. the student had been charged with suspicion of assaulting
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officers on horseback. joining me now by phone is andrew ellis. commander ellis, i appreciate your time. if you can, articulate to us what the investigation has shown or what led to this incident. >> we first became aware of this yesterday afternoon after reffing a copy of the tape. we launched an internal investigation to identify the officers. looking at the tape, it's clear to us that the officers used excessive force in arresting the student. >> so this was released just within the last 24 hours or so. why is it being released now and not something we knew about earlier? >> whoever took the video never brought it to our attention. we have not received any internal affairs complaints as a result of police actions after the civil disturbance after the game. this tape, we didn't know it existed and the attorney from
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the student released it yesterday. >> i guess the question is that you didn't know it existed, so now officers communicated to anyone that anything happened. they just said hey, pretend like it didn't happen. >> there's no question it needs to be investigated whether on videotape or not. we were in the midst of a use of force review for this incident. there was a use of force review that was underway when this came to light. >> we know you've identified one of the officers and that he has been suspended. what is the status of the other two officers involved? >> we are still attempting to positively identify them. when you look at the tape, they're not readily identifiable, but we have information on where they were working that night.
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>> andrew ellis with the maryland police. thank you. a state department team is in russia trying to smooth things over after an international adoption went terribly wrong. torrey ann hanson who sent her adopted 7-year-old son back to russia alone could face charges of child neglect or abandonment, but officials admit this is complicated. >> we're going to have to continue the investigation, try to dig into and get enough evidence to bring charges. >> nbc's ron allen is in the mother's hometown, shelbyville, tennessee with more. what are we hearing from the mother and her family today? >> reporter: nothing directly. what they told the sheriff yesterday, charge us with a crime or leave us alone. the family's been in hiding for four or five days.
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there's been no sign of them. people around town don't know them. even before the incident happened, people were saying this family is a mystery. they keep to themselves. people hadn't seen the little boy. the sheriff says that as part of the investigation, he hasn't even found people who know this family very well. >> ron allen from tennessee today. thanks very much. we want to update our audience on a breaking story we continue to follow out of florida. 11-year-old nadia bloom has found alive. that's the good news. she was brought out of the woods within the last hour or so on a stretcher after being missing for five days. an ambulance, we are told, has now left the scene. she was found with no shoes. she was apparently covered in mosquito bites, but other than that, she is in good shape. she has been given an iv, a concern over dehydration. again, the good news is that
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11-year-old nadia bloom is safe. and the startup-capital- for-barbers business. and the this-won't- hurt-a-bit business. because we don't just work here. we live here. these are our families. and our neighbors. and by changing lives we're in more than the energy business we're in the human energy business. chevron. right now, walmart has rolled back prices on top lawn care brands like poulan pro, brute by briggs & stratton, pennington, scotts and spectracide. along with thousands of others all over the store. it's rollback time! save money. live better. walmart. that's what's gonna happen here. ♪ because you're tasty with toasty whole grain. [ crunch ] wheat thins. toasted. whole grain. crunch. the crunch is calling.
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we're back right here on the place for politics, msnbc. it is the boston tea party part two. sarah palin will be the headline speaker at tomorrow's tea party express rally. newly elected senator scott brown declined an invitation to attend. tea party activists will demonstrate this thursday, tax day. they put up this memo of dos and don'ts -- the tea party now has a branch in the u.s. military. the group called the armed forces tea party patriots launched just last month and has more than 400 members. their mission, to stand up on the very soil, they say, we defended to defend common sense
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and conservatism and our constitution. that is a quote. a tea party-backed governor from new york is apologize for sending racist, sexist and profane e-mails. wny obtained dozens of e-mails from -- many are far too graphic for us to share. one e-mail shows a video of an african tribesman performing a dance with a caption, obama rehearsal. another uses the n-word. another showed a doctored picture of the president and first lady as a pimp and prostitute. he issued this statement --
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zachary roth is a reporter blogger. if you can, i guess the question is, how did the media company get ahold of these e-mails? >> it's not clear, but he sent them to such a long list of friends, associates, business associates, political people, people in government that i suppose it's not really surprising that somebody was offended. >> the campaign responds and blame the democrats. they say -- what's the tea party as a whole saying about that? there is no tea party chairman, so what is the tea party as an activist group saying about this? >> i think they've tried to not say anything about it. it's not clear they'll have to. he's not an official tea party
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candidate although he has said he'd like to run on a tea party ballot. his group has said that andrew cuomo, that his campaign must have leaked this e-mails. which is a way of bringing up his stature. we are breaking new. nadia bloom is now arriving at south seminole hospital. she should be getting there any moment. she is the 11-year-old missing for the last five days, found within the last several hours in the woods not far from her home. she is being taken to the hospital to be treated for dehydration and significant bug bites. she was in an area where the water was six feet deep, mud, five feet deep in places. these are the newest pictures we're getting in. and we did just hear from her father a short time ago. let's take a listen. >> at first, you know, i ran and
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told my wife and gosh, i just -- just thank god when you get home and just give him the praise for this. thank him for that -- it's just amazing. things don't always turn out this way. you're so blessed. so blessed. >> again, that is the father of nadia bloom. this is been a devastating series of days until now, where there is something to celebrate. her sister thought she may be trying to shoot a nature video in the woods. you heard the father, thank god for what has now occurred. it was in the a member of a nearby church who helped find nadia. he was just trying to help the private sernl when he discovered the young girl and even as you look at this video right now, here now, these are live pictures i'm being told. this is the ambulance arriving at the hospital. but as you look at the pictures, you get a better understanding
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of exactly the circumstances she faced. alone in the woods about a mile away from her home, having just wandered away with little or no access of food or water. there were signs that said, if you see the water, drink it, if she was still in the position to read, if she had wandered to a location with wr the signs were, that she would drink the bottles of water and that would extend the period of time to which investigators would be able to find her. again, you are looking at live pictures from not far away from where she was discovered. this is winter springs, florida. south seminole hospital. nadia bloom had been missing for five days. as remark as anything else is the fact that when she was
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found, she had not shoes on. clearly, her wandering was with no intention of being away for a long period of time. and now, we see the stretcher being rolled out. we do not know for certain if she's had a chance to visit with her family. we just heard from her father a short time ago. we've been reporting this story over the past several days. there was never -- there was concern, i should say, at a time that there may be foul play involved. the police chief, the investigators say that this circumstance was so unique because they had to investigate as a missing girl, and then perhaps as a circumstance of foul play, where someone may be responsible. as we heard from mark potter who is in winter springs, florida, they actually spoke to some of the sex offenders in that area, just to see if there was any
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suspicion that any of them had been responsible for an abduction. the great fortune today is that there was no abduction. 11-year-old nadia bloom has been found and is safe and is being taken to a place to care for her. she's going to have one heck of a story to tell. we will keep you up to date on that. new developments on a murder in mexico. the family has asked the district attorney as well as fbi to assist. police say monica beresford-redman's husband is the prime suspect. they are putting together the evidence to prove it. meantime, monica's family is concerned for the family's two children in the custody of their father's parents. >> i am worried about my grandchildren because they're very close to their mother.
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mommy, mommy, her little voice. mommy, mommy, i love you, mommy. >> nbc's -- the tears of that family. miguel almaguer is following this case from cancun. bruce is not being allowed to leave mexico. one of the questions right now is how long can they hold him without filing formal charges and what sort of evidence are they waiting for before they do that? >> reporter: forensic evidence and toxicology reports that we're told could come back any day. with that evidence, detectives here will decide whether or not to charge bruce with his wife's murder. now, investigators said his story has been inconsistent. he said that on a monday, he last saw his wife in the afternoon, although hotel guests
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say they saw him with his wife later that afternoon and heard laud arguing coming from their room. he was released from police and told not to leave the country. meantime, back in los angeles, monica's parents and sister have asked that the fbi get involved, that the district attorney in los angeles get involved as well as have their own private autopsy back in the united states. >> this is a story a will the of people are paying attention to. thanks very much. other news we're following today, in quest proceedings are underway at a court in boston to determine whether an accused killer may have murdered her brother when he was a teenager. bishop is accused of shooting and killing three fellow professors during a faculty meeting last february. the bodies of the president
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of poland and his wife lie in state today. thousands of grief-stricken visitors are paying their final respects. jim maceda is live in warsaw right now. so many top level, the best and brightest, as you've described it in that country. how are the polish people dealing with loss right now. >> reporter: as well as can be expected when you're a nation of 38 million and you've lost your president, first lady, your joint chiefs of staff. head of their equivalent of our cia. it was a massive loss. 88 in that delegation that flew or tried to fly and land for that 70th anniversary memorial. there is shock still. there is trauma and long after the events of this week, you mentioned the arrival today of the first lady. she's lying in state now with her deceased husband.
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there's going to be a special service. hopefully, if the 96 victims are all identified, they will be in rows of coffins after coffins on saturday. that will be followed by a state funeral of the presidential couple in krakow, which is interesting, because it's only been the kings of poland who have been buried there, never a contemporary president. but despite all of that, peter, i think it's going to take a listening time to find closure. it has been just a phenomenal loss, so violent and so much at once that these people are just trying to cope. >> devastating losses. all of those people were going somewhere in russia to honor others who had lost their lives. thank you so much. mother nature is helping one ski region stretch out its season. an april storm has left about five inches of snow. folks, it's april. snow in the mountains above lake
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tah tahoe. with temperatures in the mid-40s, some sledders took advantage of the fresh snow. another foot expected to fall tomorrow. a 3-year-old wisconsin girl is okay after she somehow ended up behind the wheel of her dad's truck and then crashed. he saw the whole thing from inside the house. that included the truck slamming into a pole. it is still unclear if the girl was trying to drive the truck. unlike 7-year-old preston scarborough, who led police on a chase to get out of going to church. this video is creating a big uproar today. it shows a 3-year-old girl walking on a wire above a siberian tiger exhibit at a chinese zoo. she is so small, she is near ll blown off a wire. she does fall, but is saved by a
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safety rope. these folks are nuts. the girl's father, a local performer, is under fire for the stunt. critics say it amounts to child abuse. first lady michelle obama and dr. jill biden arrived in haiti before 11:00 eastern time this morning. their visit comes just after the three-month anniversary of the quake. she will arrive in mexico city today and anne kornblut is the reporter for the "washington post." we're told the visit is going to include a lot of time with mexico's first lady, but can you tell us more about the significance of her visit in haiti itself? >> well, this was a trip that they can't under wraps. we only got word of it after she had landed. she's there with dr. biden. it's a great, good will gesture for the administration. she has not done any solo travel
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as first lady, and so to mark her big debut on the world stage, it seemed appropriate to them that she would talk to the victims and do a quick tour. >> her next stop, mexico. this has been described by some as comparable to john f. kennedy's wife and how she was welcomed like a hero. the streets were lined with literally more than a million people to greet her. she's president obama's wife will be meet wg the first lady of mexico. what do they have on tap for this visit? >> it's actually a quick trip. like 40 hours on the ground altogether. she's going to do some cultural visits. she's going to meet with children, young women leaders to talk about women and leadership, so not a long visit, but significant because it's her first and symbolic that she's chosen to go to mexico. i would suspect she will get the
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hero's welcome she gets with the president. she's extremely popular overseas as well as here. >> all right. thank you. nice to visit with you. savannah guthrie will sit down with first lady michelle obama on "the daily rundown" this thursday. that is right here on msnbc. you have until friday to mail back your census forms or a census taker will be knocking on your door. right now, the national completion rate is up to 66%. it means a third of folks still haven't turned theirs in. the census estimates almost 48 million households will fail to mail back their homes. that could cost the government $56 per household. hey!
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a drug used to shrink enlarged prostates may help prevent prostate cancer. it reduced the risk for the disease by nearly a quarter. all of the men have elevated psa levels, but no evidence of prostate cancer on bopsies. glaxosmithkline funded the study. back with the latest on breaking news from florida. 11-year-old nadia bloom has been found safe and is now at south seminole hospital, not far from her home where she was discovered in the woods. she is at the hospital. sheez pictures came into us as
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she was brought into the hospital only a matter of minutes ago. mark potter is live in winter springs, florida, with the latest. as we await a news conference i believe at the top of the hour, when she was in the stretcher, she had one of the offers give her his jacket. any better sense of how she's doing and has there been a ree union with the family yet? >> reporter: we understand that the family saw her when she was brought out of the woods and they were closer when she went by, by did not actually meet with her in the ambulance, so one of our photographers was at the scene and said she went into the ambulance and was tended to by paramedics there. our presumption is that the reunion with the parents has occurred at the hospital or will
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occur at the hospital. they were standing by, the parents and her sister also, awaiting her being brought out of the woods by the officers. they had an extra pair of shoes for her because it was reported she was barefooted standing in a spot way out in the woods. it took a while to get her out of the woods, which were so dense that the officers had to take breaks. they were exhausted. had to form almost a human -- like a bucket brigade from man-to-man, moving the stretcher along. it was a tough -- and when they finally did it, there was a great sense of elation that everybody could finally witness what they had been told that she had been found and she was alive. that's really great news here in in community. people were starting to wonder whether she would be found alive. >> you make that point.
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i think what the concern was this story was reported this morning, they were fears that this area is infested with alligators. not just foul play, but the fear she might run into wild animals. can you describe what this place looks like, the story she's going to tell after five days, four nights in the wild is going to be remarkable. >> reporter: i think a lot of people want to hear what she has to say. as to the alligators, that's a real threat. the lake is infamous in florida for its alligator population. people say you can go there and see a hundred of them at the time along the bank. it was a real concern on the part of authorities. they were quite concerned about that. whether she got close enough to that lake is unknown. she was in a different area when she was found. but that was a real concern. snakes, also. just the fear of exposure.
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dehydration. all of that. again, she was there for four nights by herself in the woods. >> mark potter has been reporting this story all day. thanks so much. we'll head back down when we get more from the news conference. the other stories we are following today are some key events we're watching. in a little more than an hour, the house of representatives will return from its spring recess. the top issues include a jobs bill and financial regulatory reform. in about three and a half hours from now, president obama will hold a news conference as he wraps up his nuclear summit. we'll have them both covered right here on msnbc. [ female announcer ] it's rollback time at walmart.
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made by her ex-husband, jon, that she is a quote, an sen tee mom. >> my reaction is that i am a working mom and cameras are on me, so people catch me traveling and working. i've got to work harder more now than ever because i am a single mom. >> "the tonight show" with jay leno will soon be hiring a new band leader. kevin eubanks will be leaving may 28th. he said he wants to be able to start and finish a song. john tesh said the rumors that he and oprah dated are true. a book claim that is the two broke it off because their contrasting skin colors. and pamela anderson, her
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two-step is not distracting tax auditors. we're talking about taxes and i'll digress. the former "baywatch" star owes -- anderson's name popped up on a list of delink went taxpayers. and many moms are paid by the hour with little or no flexibility, but working mother magazine has found several u.s. companies with -- child care providers, marriott international, mcdonald's, the university of wisconsin hospital and the university of new mexico hospitals. carol evans is president and ceo
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of working mother media. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me, peter. >> so, what is it about these companies that makes them the best? >> they're doing really important things for moms. first of all, there's 75 million hourly workers in the country and 61% of them are women. they're providing flexibility in what many people think is an unflexible work situation. but it turns out it's not completely unflexible. you can find ways to flex your day, your year, your whole career in an hourly setting. >> i was going to say, you've been ranking companies of this sort for years, but this is the first time with hourly workers. >> yes, all companies that ap y applied had to have at least 60% hourly employees. >> why is that so important? >> because today, companies really need their best employees at all levels and if you're only providing flexibility at the top
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level, management and above, then it's just not going help your real workforce, so flexibility, child care, training and education so these women can move up. i mean, for example, mcdonald's has 70% of their corporate employees are actually starting as crew members, so they're training employees and helping them to move up. >> what's the number one complaint among working mothers right now? >> big complaint is that they need more flexibility to be able to do their jobs and be the best moms they can be, which is what they all want to do. >> thank you. nice to visit with you today. we appreciate you watching. contessa brewer's going to be back here tomorrow:cpyy at noon eastern. up next, "andrea mitchell reports." among her guests, former senator sam nun. and we're getting this breaking news from israel right now. israel is issuing an urgent
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message to its citizens to leave egypt's sinai peninsula, immediately. we will have more on that at the top of the hour. again, a warning from israel to its citizens in the egyptian peninsula. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm.
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