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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  April 20, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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$5.59 per share. far exceeding the profits analysts expected. goldman stepped up defenses against fraud charges filed by the sec. it hired president obama's former white house council, greg craig, as an adviser. already smirking, dylan ratigan, host of dylan ratigan show on msnbc, is this another example of how the white house or the people in the beltway are in some ways tied to wall street, the people they're tight ifight >> i mean, yes. i think the only people that don't understand that at this point are the people in washington who take the money from the bankers and then make it legal for the bankers to gamble wildly with other people's money and then use the tax money to pay them off. i think everybody else in this country understands that. i think that the biggest issue right now that needs to be addressed is the investigation that we have not yet been given. we have control over those aig e-mails. we own 80% of that company. the treasury department controls that group.
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there are five trustees that work for our treasury secretary. we don't need a subpoena. you don't need a court order. you just need a decision from the president and from the treasury secretary to reveal to the american people all of the e-mail traffic between aig and goldman sachs so that we can actually see how much of what happened to our country is a result of explicit fraud and misrepresentation on the part of our bankers using our pensioners, teachers and retirees as the target for their fraud. >> people at home depend on you greatly to kind of explain a lot of this. it's difficult for even insiders. now you've got goldman sachs. they've made an incredible first quarter profit. 90% surge. how does that affect the investigation and does that somehow help divert or distract from the conversation? >> remember, in the bailouts which were designed to benefit goldman sax and jp morgan the most because they were at the front of our financial train, think of it like a train. jp morgan, goldman sachs, general electric number three, morgan stanley, merrill lynch,
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down the line. lehman brothers and bear stearns were let fail. now goldman sachs' largest competitors in fixed income was lehman brothers. lehman brothers is gone. so goldman sachs now has total control over that marketplace. and so, of course, if the government is picking winners, which they did, they picked jp morgan, they picked goldman sachs, they picked ge, for that matter, and those winners are now able particularly in the banking sector as goldman is, able to suck up all of the business. it's as if all the other cable stations were taken out by the government and suddenly msnbc had all the cable viewers because the government decided to put all the other cable stations out of business. >> what do you make of the fact that now they're pushing back, taking on financial regulatory reform. many people thought this would be a slam dump and that who is going to go and say, i'm supporting and defending wall street? sure enough, some people are doing that. >> they both are.
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the democrat's plan preserves too big to fail. the republican's plan also preserves too big to fail. the democrats say, let's preserve too big to fail and protect it inside of the executive branch we'll create for eternity where people will pay dues. >> they say that money comes from the banks. not from the american people. >> fair enough. but a too big to fail bank before it blows up is in the process of extracting money for ten years before it blows up. whether the bailout comes from the executive branch of the government or from the fraternity dues they pay in so that they can then bail them -- do you think $50 billion is going to do it? imagine if i have a special advantage relative to every other anchor at msnbc because i'm too big to fail. i don't have to come to work. i don't have to show up in new york city. i collect your salary, contessa's salary, keith olbermann's salary. i don't have to show up because i have a special relationship
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with the government at msnbc being phil griffin. these banks are looking to create a special relationship that only they have with the u.s. government by preserving their too big to fail status and then exploiting that status so they get cheaper money than anybody else in the world, and then they exploit that cheap money which then draws more money to them and deprives every other business in this country of lending and investment so we can subsidize gamblinging with whether it's paid for by the frat boys who pay their dues on the democrats' plan or the no dues plan from the republicans. >> what should we be looking for next? are you at all optimistic about what the president will say on thursday? >> we should be looking for calls for more investigations from our leaders. we know there is fraud at the heart of wall street. we know there have not been investigations. they only put up $8 million for phil to conduct his investigation. we gave these people $23 trillion of our money. and the system is not yet reformed. the president should call for a massive set of investigations.
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not just a goldman sachs, but at merrill lynch, deutsche bank, ubs, down the line, all the firms that were concocting the sorts of schemes that goldman sachs is accused of concocting, all those firms need to be investigated before we proceed too much further down this line. the american people are being stolen from and lending and investment is not happening in this country as a result of the corruption in our government that is allowing the banks to steal our money. >> thank you, dylan. hear from from dylan on his show coming up at 4:00 eastern time here on msnbc. greatly appreciate it. departure planes are still up in the air for thousands of passengers in europe. some flights are taking off. this one left glasgow this morning. british officials say even though restrictions are still in place in air space below 20,000 feet flights can take off and fly above the ash cloud. we're just getting word that british airways confirms 26 long haul flights are headed to
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london. it is not clear where they'll land. meanwhile, the british royal navy as we know came to the rescue of many soldiers and civilians transporting them to spain and back to england. >> we're all excited. you kind of felt trapped. no way out until this opportunity. >> nbc joins us now live from heathrow. what is the latest you're hearing about perhaps more people finally being able to leave? >> reporter: well, right now, tamron, there's an emergency meeting going on between the government, the aviation industry and the airlines. the latest we hear is that british air space, certainly from london, could possibly, possibly be open from 1:00 in the morning local time. we don't know for how long. and we don't know which airports exactly will come under that. today, for example, british air space in the north of the country from scottland down to
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the midlands was very briefly opened. they're hoping to extend that as well. there's been tremendous pressure from british airlines to reopen the air lanes when it's deemed safe, of course. also criticism of the government for closing it too quickly last week when that vol cannish eruption first started. there's tremendous pressure. there are 150,000 brits stranded abroad, both in the united states and south america. across the world, basically. but a lot of them in europe now making their way to the french coast and down to spain in the hope of being picked up by british ships on standby also at the orders of the government. it's a tremendous problem here. tremendous pressure on the government to do something. tremendous pressure on the airlines to start flying again. it's all up to -- the final word, they say, will come from the aviation authorities themselves. tamron? coming up in a half hour, live report from nbc's bob bazell. he's actually at the scene of the volcano in iceland. another big story. apple's secret iphone revealed.
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and returned. a new 4g prototype of the phone was found at a bar near san francisco. it then ended up in the hands of a people at a gadget website, my colleague, monica novotny, spoke to the owner of that website about accusations the site will process from this really cool sneak peek. >> if you mean we profited from people looking at our website, sure, we did profit. but i don't believe that fs any kind of wrong doing. because it wasn't stolen. it was just a lost phone. we did already give back the phone to apple. >> we've got dan ackerman, senior editor at gadget website some people say it's a gimmick. >> it's definitely not a gimmick. it's completely unprecedented. >> how does an employee leave a prototype for a phone that people were salivating on in a
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bar. >> it's that one in a million shot. somebody who found the phone knew what it was, and get it in the hands of this gadget blog who was tef able to capitalize on it. hey, we've got a phone here. apple, if it's yours, please come claim it. >> just the things you said would raise someone's eyebrows. a guy happened to leave it at the bar. another guy happens to be there and figures out it's a 4g prototype iphone no one's seen. >> he tried to return it to apple. they wouldn't return his calls. people get really obsessed about this. it's definitely conspiracy theory. it definite seems like something out of that. apple is super secretive. they would never do something so uncontrolled. >> is this a big blow for them with this phone? >> it's definitely a blow to their preplanned kind of unveiling of this iphone. although we're talking about it two months before it comes out.
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>> what did we learn about the prototype or 4g phone? >> it has two t(cameras. one in the front, one in the back, great for holding up the phone and doing face to face video calls. seems to have a sceramic back. >> how many prototypes do they make? is that typical they would give an employee the phone to walk around and test it out. >> i think they give an employee like this maybe not the final look and feel phone. he might be testing out some of the hardware inside it. that's why he would have an ugly shell around the new inside. >> what's been the official response from apple other than they wanted the phone back? >> they were radio silenced for a while. they finally sent a letter to the gadget blog, we hear you have one of our devices. please return it. >> and they did return it. did the person get fired? >> we do not know if the person
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got fired. he's probably in an iiidungeon somewhere. a missing mom seen on camera now with an unknown man. new video of this mom. she went out on a trip over the weekend to do some shopping at garage sales, and she vanished. more on this new surveillance video. plus, white house chief of staff rahm emanuel may have his sights set on a new job in his hometown of the windy city. details from chicago sun times report rer line sweet. a group of military leaders, they're calling school lunches a threat to our national security. what's behind that? coming up. ne iron, it's almost . time for new zyrtec® liquid gels. they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine.
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white house chief of staff rahm emanuel is no longer trying to quash persistent rumors he wants to run for mayor of chicago some day. instead he's instead here's what rahm emanuel said on the charlie rose show. >> first of all, let me put it this way. i hope mayor daley seeks re-election. i'll work and support him if he seeks re-election. but if mayor daley doesn't one day i would like to run for mayor of the city of chicago. >> lynn sweet is the "chicago sun times" writer. lynn, we know you've been snooping around and following this story for a while because there have been a lot of rumors as i pointed out rahm emanuel would like to run. what else is he saying? >> well, he is waiting as everyone is for what mayor daley is going to do. mayor daley probably will be running. some of this right now is just a matter of his getting a place in line. one other thing people might not be aware of, when he came to the white house b tamron, he kept his political war chest. he has $1 million in it.
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if and when he chooses to run for political office again, he has a big running start over any other person in chicago. believe me, he might want to be the first in line. but that line's going to be pretty long. >> there are a lot of people in line for that job. what do we make of the fact rahm emanuel even answered the question. he didn't have to be so definitive there. >> and he was not. this came up first in january. and he went out of his way, as did his press secretary, to try and tamp down, squash any discussion of him running for mayor. he is a message disciplined person. i think if he said it at this time, he said it because he knew what he was doing. and i think it is because he wants to put down his marker at this point. >> does this put any -- is he perhaps trying to put some pressure on mayor daley to -- >> no. >> this has nothing to do with that? >> it has nothing to do with that. rahm emanuel wouldn't be where he is today if it were not for mayor daley. mayor daley gave him his start in politics when he came back to chicago after serving in the
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clinton white house. one of the reasons he was able to help do what he did, make the fortune he did, were because of the connections that come out of his association with mayor daley. so, no. rule number one is, do not, do not, put pressure on mayor daley. >> i don't think anyone can. let me ask you finally, some are speculating that rahm is floating this out about wanting to be the mayor of chicago because he's taken so many hits on the chin in his job as chief of staff. what do you think about those speculations? >> well, this whole mayor of chicago thing only puts more -- is a distraction for rahm and will only, for some people, keep looking at their watches to see how soon will he be leaving the white house. he had talked about leaving, which now is just a few months, at the end of the wreer. actually, i think he might stay a little longer. i think this is a distraction that is not helpful to him. it certainly isn't helpful to him politically in chicago. because he has a big flank exposed there while he's not there to defend hymn. >> interesting. lynn sweet with the "chicago sun
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times," always a pleasure. twitter me at if you're in chicago, let us know. what you like to say hello mayor rahm emanuel? a billboard promoting breast-feeding. well, it's offending a number of people. take a look at that. it's like milk dripling from that kid's mouth. anyway, is the advertisement clo crossing the line? >> caught on tape. a deer breaks into a pharmacy then makes a fast getaway. what did he want inside? next. dad, here, look at this. your p.a.d. isn't just poor circulation in your legs causing you pain. ok. what is it? dad, it more than doubles your risk of a heart attack or stroke. you'd better read about plavix. if you have p.a.d., plavix can help protect you from a heart attack or stroke. plavix helps keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots- the cause of most heart attacks and strokes. talk with your doctor about plavix? i'll do it. promise.
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(announcer) people with stomach ulcers or other conditions that cause bleeding should not use plavix. taking plavix alone or with some other medicines, including aspirin, may increase bleeding risk, so tell your doctor when planning surgery. certain genetic factors and some medicines, such as prilosec, may affect how plavix works. tell your doctor all the medicines you take, including aspirin, especially if you've had a stroke. if fever, unexplained weakness or confusion develops, tell your doctor promptly. these may be signs of ttp, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than two weeks after starting plavix. other rare but serious side effects may occur.
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right now, walmart has rolled back prices on top lawn care brands like poulan pro, brute by briggs & stratton, pennington, scotts and spectracide. along with thousands of others all over the store. it's rollback time! save money. live better. walmart. welcome back. we're following some developing nud news out of michigan where a judge has ruled kwame kill ppatk violated his probation.
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he was supposed to make a $240,000 payment by tuesday. he has not done so. lawyers say he can only afford $3,000 of the monthly obligations. he now lives near dallas. he resigned as mayor in 2008 and spent 90 days in jail after pleading guilty to obstruction of justice all related to a sex scandal swirling around him and his chief of staff. now in violation of his probation. we'll see if that means any type of jail time or what follows with the former mayor of detroit there. lawmakers are calling for national immigration reform today in response to a new law in arizona that allows authorities to pull over hispanics and ask them to produce residency documents. at least one lawmaker, democratic congressman lewis gutierrez of illinois says he may urge latinos to stay home during mid-term elections if reform is not passed. nbc's luke russert is on capitol hill. what else did congressman gutierrez have to say? >> an absolutely extraordinary
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press conference that happened an hour and a half ago. congressman gutierrez was very out front and blunt in his criticism of barack obama for not pushing comprehensive immigration reform yikly. he said the window to really get reform done will be between memorial and and the fourth of july. after that the senate will be preoccupied with the supreme court confirmation. he pushed the president to say this must get done. that is very striking. as we know, tamron, democrats rely on the latino vote. a lot of these newly swing states, states like colorado, states like new mexico, and of course florida. another few things that were interesting in this press conference that really came out was that the latino caucus would be pressing for an economic sanction of the state of arizona if this bill is passed. urging groups not to have their conventions in places like phoenix, like scottsdale. very interesting to see the show
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of power right now from the latino caucus really wanting to get comprehensive immigration reform through. senators schumer and graham have been working on a bill. there's a blueprint in place. there's no set timeline as to when that bill will see the light of day. congressman gutierrez says the president should not be in new york today talking to wall street bankers. he should be working on comprehensive immigration reform. quite remarkable. new concerns about an ash cloud from the iceland volcano now making its way toward europe. we'll head live to the area. new plans to remember the king of pop in a, you might say, big circus way. the scoop on the new michael jackson show. next. ... there's a home by the sea powered by the wind on the plains. there's a hospital where technology has a healing touch. there's a factory giving old industries new life. and there's a train that got a whole city moving again.
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somewhere in america, the toughest questions are answered every day. because somewhere in america, more than sixty thousand people spend every day answering them. siemens. answers. take things as they come? ♪ i've got an idea. or improvise? ♪ maxwell house custom-roasts each bean... for a full-flavored cup of coffee. so you can be good to the last drop.
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welcome back. let's head back to iceland now where that volcano is still causing a lot of problems. it is spewing an ash plume 8,000
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feet into the air. and winds are continuing to whip around. also, british officials have reportedly issued an ash watch for parts of canada. u.s. officials say there's no danger of ash coming to the u.s., but let's find out what more is happening on the ground. nbc news chief science correspondent bob bazell joins us with the latest from iceland. there are reports saying there's a new cloud headed to europe because of the whipping winds. other reports say that that's not the case. what can you tell us is fact? >> reporter: well, what i can tell you is it's snowing on the ground. >> there's one answer. >> reporter: and it's very cold. i can say that for absolute certainty. as you can see, it's snowing on my head. that, i know. in terms of everything else the scientists know about volcanic ash, we're learning that they know less and less. the plume -- the eruption here in iceland has been at a steady rate for the last couple days. not very high compared to what it was over the weekend when it was explosive.
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and it spread this gigantic ash cloud. the british meteorological service said they detected a new cloud coming toward britain. but that was not something new from the volcano. if there was a new cloud coming toward britain, the best guess is it was something created by the winds aloft. that's where you get this combination of winds and possibly a new ash cloud. there's a lot of uncertainty among scientists about how to deal with ash and airplanes. once the ash is widely dispersed like it is now. there were incidents where airplanes got into a lot of trouble, most notably in 1989, a klm flight over mt. redoubt in alaska that flew right into the plume and lost all four engines. when it's widely dispersed all over the world, over part of the world, like this icelandic volcano is, you can see it from a satellite. whether there's enough of it to be a danger to an airplane is a big, big question. that's why all these european
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countries are sending up their own care craft to test it. they say, hey, we've flown through it. our jets are fine. let's get going. >> bob, you mentioned the snow. we can see it there. it seems like it's just such a surreal weather and environment there. you're talking about plumes and further eruptions then snow coming down. amazing. not that the snow is amazing. i'm just saying all of these things -- just a collection of things. >> reporter: there's certainly no connection. there is a connection. this weather front that's coming through, which is snow right now and is predicted to turn to rain, which will make life even more miserable for the guy standing here talking to you, but beyond that, when it becomes rain, it'll dampen down some of the ash to the ground. so it won't even make it into the atmosphere. that is good news during a continuous eruption like we're having here. there's no signs, scientists say, that the eruption is going to get worse.
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but it could continue for days, weeks or months at the low level it's going now. >> bob bazell live in iceland for us. thank you very much. and a new report out today shows that more than 9 million young adults or 27% of all americans ages 17 to 24 are too overweight to join the military. that's the finding from a nonprofit group run by retired military leaders called mission readiness. they say childhood obesity is a threat to national security because it narrows the pool of eligible candidates to serve in the u.s. military. >> too many kids are carrying too many pounds. and school lunches are an obvious place to start. this is not about looking good in a uniform. it is about being healthy and fit to do the work of the nation. >> well, the group is also emphasizing the need to clean up the menus at school cafeterias nationwide to help young people have healthier daily options. in case you were not aware,
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this is national weed day. weed as in marijuana. also known as stoners' day or 4:20. whatever you choose to call it, it is a big day for people who smoke marijuana around the world. and it's taking on a special significance this year with california voters set to decide in november whether to become the first state to legalize pot. there's also a growing push to legalize marijuana in other places. so what is the real significance of april 20th? we are joined now be ryan grim. senior congressional correspondent from huffington post. also the author of "this is your country on drugs, the secret history of getting high in america." ryan, you are so diverse it is incredible. it's amazing. but let me ask you, i myself -- i didn't know it was national weed day. i hate to admit it because i'm going to get beat up on twitter. everyone else seems to know it was national weed day. there's a new poll out there that says still, i believe, it's 55% of americans don't think it's a good idea to legalize
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marijuana. >> yeah. tamron, i can't believe you let that out of the bag. it's been 4/20 -- for the last decade, decade and a half, it's been a day that people have started to really celebrate. i have a story up on huffington post today that we're actually reprinting from a year ago that tries to explain the origins of it. now, it's impossible to know exactly how it started because there could always be some stoner who says, hey, man, i used the term before these guys. but we did track it down to this group of high school students in california in 1971. i interviewed a whole bunch of them. their story matches up. they have evidence that backs up their claim. and it's this. that a buddy of theirs had to abandon a patch of excellent bud somewhere in the point rays forest.
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>> this is like a cheech and chong conversation. >> they were going to tramp through these woods looking for this. they said we'll meet after school at the statue at 4:20. when they'd see each other in the hallway, they'd say 4:20, louie, dude. eventually they dropped the louie. after the counterculture kind of collapsed in san francisco in the late '60s, everybody moved up to marin county. one of their fathers was doing real estate for the grateful dead. they were always hanging out and smoking pot around the dead. i interviewed the dead about this, they said, yeah, i remember those guys. i don't remember exactly when we started using 4/20. shock there.
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it spread over the next 30, 40 years. here we are today. all across the country people are going to meet at around 4:20. they're going to spark up. then they're going to go home. >> is it appropriate to say to someone if i saw someone on the street today, happy 4/20 day? is that appropriate? does that say something about me if i greet someone that day? >> it would. it would be a code. happy 4/20, tamron. >> let me ask you, what are the chances that we'll see the legalization of marijuana in california? >> it's the toughest time for them to run this. because in the mid-terms, you have mostly older voters coming out. older voters are overwhelmingly opposed to marijuana legalization. at the same time, you're going to have the prison guards union spending millions of dollars to try to beat this back. if you can think of a more cynical political position to take than there should be more people in prison so that we can work overtime to guard them, then i'd like to know what it
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is. in '08 the prison guards were able to beat a treatment over incarceration. california is in such dire fiscal straits, maybe people will say we've spent enough on this folly. time to move forward. >> 55% said legalizing pot would have no -- interesting conversation, ryan. i greatly appreciate it. i'm going to read that book so i can get up to date on what's happening. thank you very much. a former college student went on trial in knoxville, today, on charges of hacking into sarah palin's e-mail account at the time she was alaska governor and vice presidential candidate. prosecutors have not said when palin will take the stand to testify against the 22-year-old. the judge defied a defense motion to have prospective jurors to say whether they have strong political feelings about governor palin.
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the son of academy award winning actor michael douglas appears before a federal judge. it's happening right now. cameron douglas is facing mandatory ten-year prison sentence after he pled guilt to drug charges earlier this year. let's get the scoop from pop cultural columnist, courtney hazlett. >> he also sent a five-page let tore the judge asking for leniency. i think the headline from that letter and from the "vanity fair" piece is that michael douglas really does indict hollywood and the legacy of having to grow up under the hollywood umbrella as part of his son's problem. he does say, make no mistake, my son is an adult. this time that he spent in jail waiting for his sentencing has really made a huge difference. number one, he's sober. number two, he takes responsibility for everything that he's done. but as a parent you can understand where he'd be asking for leniency. a lot of people at this point jump into the conversation and
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say, well, hollywood needs to take better care of its own and children of hollywood. i continue to argue it's the parents' job to do the parenting. that no one should be stepping in because hollywood's a difficult place to grow up saying, okay, how can we protect them more than we protect any other child who grows up in a difficult situation. i will be waiting to hear. it's a ten-year minimum sentence. if he doesn't get that ten years, the first thing you're going to hear is that there was a lot of favoritism shown in this case. also -- >> this next story caught my eye. mgm and james bond -- >> right. the new movie james bond 23, i want to make sure i get that right, suspended indefinitely. first the headline looks like, okay, just another movie being put off. the real headline here is that it speaks to the issues that the studio, mgm, historic studio, really important, is going through difficult times.
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in a statement connected to the delay of this film it says due to continuing uncertainties surrounding the future of mgm we suspended development on bond 23. that comes from two people from the production company. really would be sad to see this go away. and if people only recognize that risk by hearing that a bond film might be stopped, then so be it. >> that would make it relatable to people. >> right, exactly. >> a franchise that's always been around. >> a lot of people say that's -- at the same point in time, entertainment is america's -- one of our largest exports. it's important,ened it needs to survive. >> michael jackson? >> also one of america's largest exports. announcement that there will be a cirque du soleil show featuring his songs in vegas. >> like the beatles show. >> exactly. this is something we heard about when his estate was being settled in the earlier days. that this was a possibility. it's actually going to happen. the shows begin in 2012.
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they haven't said which property it'll be. but it will be an mgm mirage property, most likely. the money earned from the show gets split 50/50 between the production and the estate. and the estate still gets the rights to michael jackson's likeness. things that are sold at the show, and that's how you really make a lot of money, the merchandising, that's going to the estate. >> thank you, courtney. a lot going on there. you can check out helicopters were on the scene today when a daring deer dashed into a drugstore near philadelphia. then came darting back out. it nearly fell, then scampered across the parking lot, sprinted across the street. it happened in ardmore, pennsylvania. it even dodged traffic, left some people stunned. drivering looking on in disbelief, perhaps. no word on how much damage was
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caused by the deer inside the drugstore. i guess he went on about his business there. a well known actor gets robbed at gunpoint in the nation's capital. dozens of volunteers have joined the search for an ohio mom who never returned home after going out on a shopping trip. the details on this case, and there is new video that's just been released. , dog: bacon? gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it's everything you want in a night out.
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suicide. ohio police want to talk to a man who's been pictured. the mother disappeared saturday after she went shopping. there's surveillance video from a convenience store. it shows 31-year-old tiffany with an unidentified man. the pictures were taken on several recent occasions. police released the pictures hoping someone can identify the person she's with. katie wright is with the times gazette. what else are officials saying about this surveillance video? has her family at all been able to help in identifying this man? >> -- police department simply that the family does not know the man, they have not been able to identify him at this point. what we have so far and what we have up on is that police are still looking for this man. they don't at this point -- they just have not been able to identify him. >> what else have you learned regarding her disappearance? what she did the last day that
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tiffany was seen? >> so far we've only heard that, you know, this is just a mystery to the family. they say that this is so out of character for her. that this was not expected. that's what we're hearing so far from the family. simply that, you know, the last phone call to her husband was at 10:30 on saturday morning and that she was just, you know, going on a shopping trip. >> was she alone on this shopping trip? >> yes. yes. from what we are hearing, yes, she was by herself. >> what else are friends and family, katie, saying about her? i understand she recently had a baby. i believe the baby's just 1-year-old now? >> yes. actually, i spoke to her father yesterday. her dad is actually a columnist for the time gazette. he actually told me yesterday that she would not leave her husband. she would not leave her 1-year-old. because that's her family. and that's what's most important to her. that's why this is such a mystery to him and to the
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family. >> i've heard some descriptions of the surveillance video, those who've seen it from beginning to end. they're saying that katie appeared comfortable. that it did not seem as if this man, at least, had her in a threatening situation. what can you tell us about how authorities are categorizing the tape? >> are they are saying at this point to me is that he is a person of interest and they are searching for him. they have some information about him. that he's known to drive a late-model red volkswagen beetle and sometimes has a german shepherd dog inside the vehicle. but you are right. in looking at the video, it does not appear from looking at it that it's any kind of threatening situation. >> adds to the mystery of what happened here. katie wright, we greatly appreciate it. a billboard promoting breast-feeding had some ohio residents up in arms. it's the picture of a baby with breast milk dripping out of his
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mouth. is it crossing the line? or does it make you smile? i don't know. we'll talk about it. [ female announcer ] it's rollback time at walmart. right now, walmart has rolled back prices on top lawn care brands like poulan pro, brute by briggs & stratton, pennington, scotts and spectracide. along with thousands of others all over the store. it's rollback time! save money. live better. walmart. it was tough news to hear. everything changed. mom. ♪ i didn't know what to do. that's when i asked my doctor about exelon patch. he said it releases medicine continuously for 24 hours. he said it could help with her cognition, which includes things like memory, reasoning, communicating and understanding.
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welcome back. crossing the line? you tell me. how does this billboard make you feel? it's part of a statewide campaign from the ohio department of health. while the baby on the billboard looks satisfied, the ad has left a bad taste in the mouths of some people. one driver was quoted in the cleveland leader saying, quote, when i first saw it, i thought, you know, i agree with breast milk. it's fine. but then i saw the milk around his mouth and i thought that was so unappealing. the baby is cute, but i did not like the milk coming out of his mouth. that was from stephanie. she was quoted in a local interview. ads are popping up around the state of ohio and are designed to show that breast milk is the perfect food for infants. about half of the moms in the state breast-feed. they're trying to get more women to do it. so you tell me?
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good message with a clever ad or a distasteful way to get an important message out to moms out there? crossing the line. go to twitter me your response. a couple of you are already giving me your thoughts about this. they're pretty entertaining glnchts there's a lot going on today. here's some things we thought you should know. supreme court justice john paul stevens is celebrating his 90th birthday. he's only the second supreme court justice to reach that milestone. the other, oliver wendall holmes. actor kal penn also known as kumar from that white castle movie was robbed at gunpoint early this morning in washington, d.c. he claims the gunman got away with his wallet and cell phone. he just spent a year working
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with the obama administration. he announced earlier this month he was returning to acting. republican congressman jerry moran of kansas is apparently the latest candidate to copy massachusetts senator scott brown who used that beat-up pickup truck to symbolize his average guy image. in the first ad for his senate bid, moran is shown driving around in a sedan. visualize it. those are things we thought you should know. that does it for this hour. thank you so very much for joining us. interesting topics across the board. join me tomorrow, each weekday, 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. eastern. in the meantime, donny deutsche is up next. donny? >> tamron -- >> i think some people are extremely -- >> i think people are fed up with it. i'm going to work on this entire week. today's show, the media, coconspirators. the michael douglas son case going to trial. do celebrities get special attention? is that causing some anger? boss: y'know, geico opened its doors back in 1936
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and now we're insuring over 18 million drivers. gecko: quite impressive, yeah. boss: come a long way, that's for sure. and so have you since you started working here way back when. gecko: ah, i still have nightmares. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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hello, everyone. i'm donny deutsche. should goldman sachs be prosecuted? i'm not sure. i'm really not. is health care reform fiscally irresponsible? not quite sure. should we torture terrorists for information if it makes us safer? not sure again. is president obama doing a great job? i got to say, it is too early to tell. should we legalize marriage? not sure. okay. i'd like to introduce you to a new media critter. i am donny deutsche. guess what. i will admit it. i'm just not sure about a lot of stuff. there, i said it. i think i'm a pretty smart guy. i built a big business. always full of opinions. let me say, there's just not a lot of stuff i'm sure about today. maybe if we could all come clean on that, we could take some of the steam out of the anger that's suffocating us. i'm going to wrote a new book, "sometimes wrong, often in
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doubt." maybe, just maybe, we can do a little anger management by admitting we've got some rubix cube problems here. there's the blue state of mind. there's the red state of mind. let me introduce you to purple. that's where i think most people live. let me be the first to jump on the purple movement. because i'm just not sure about a lot of stuff, and i can admit it. goldman sachs defending itself against an sec fraud suit. goldman pocketed nearly 3$3.5 million in profits just last quarter. it may add fuel to the fire as congress looks at reining in the financial industry. those remarkable numbers bring us right back to our week-long series, "america the angry." today we take a hard look at greed in the country, anger because of greed and anger at the greed. did today's anger begin in the boom of the '80s when we looked
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up to the rich in awe? >> greed, for lack of a better word, is good. greed is right. greed works. greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. greed, you mark my words, will not only save this corporation, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the usa. >> the poster child for greed, goldman sachs. here's senate majority leader harry reid earlier today. >> look at the rules of the road on wall street. they get to take your money, money that isn't their own, and gamble it away with low risk and large reward. what they're going on wall street, we should have the nevada gaming commission and come.


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