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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  May 5, 2010 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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second, we need to have a better understanding of the specific terrorist groups who are training people to threaten us and aggressively disrupt them. we're doing a lot of that. we've certainly been very aggressive in pakistan. we're stepping up efforts in yemen and somalia. the more we know about these terrorist groups, the better we can act to disrupt them up front. we've had some success. that's, perhaps, why the quality of some of the people that they're sending out isn't that high. but we need to do more to make sure that we're safer. >> let me read more details here about the news nbc is getting from senior u.s. counterterrorism officials. the official says in particular shahzad's interrogation is pointing toward the role of the taliban in at least the training and bomb making aspects. the official says there's been extensive, even seamless cooperation in the sharing of information between the fbi and law enforcement on one hand and the cia and intelligence in the other. they do say the debrief of shahzad has yielded important information. how does this play in for you in
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this whole debate about when we should be reading suspects miranda rights and what rights terrorism suspects should have? >> like i said, the key issue here is the radicalization in the groups that are threatening us. i think it's a distraction to focus on miranda. what happened in this case, they investigated and they questioned this guy without miranda for a substantial period of time. specifically to try to stop any immediate threat. once they became convinced that the immediate threat was contained, they mirandized him and continued to question him to preserve the possibility of trying him here in fall courede court. the justice department knows what it's doing. there's this great myth out there that somehow before miranda everybody just talks, talks, talks, talks, talks. second you give them miranda, they stop. neither is true. a lot of times people don't talk to you whether you mirandize them or not. interrogation is a complicated process that members of the justice department are extremely well trained to do. i've heard some others suggesting that while only the
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military should do this, the military is no better and in many instances not as good at interrogation as the fbi and the justice department. they've been doing it for years with mafia families, with terrorists. they are well trained investigators. even after miranda, time and time again, they get quality information. i wish we would stop the obsession with that piece of this and really focus on some of the issues that you've raised. you know, the cooperation between agencies, how did this guy get on the plane, how did we catch him. those are the critical issues for our national security. >> at least to the broader issues, because here you have joe lieberman the chair of the senate's homeland security committee, he told fox he wants to revoke the citizenship of anyone accused of terror. in fact, let me play it. >> i think it's time for us to look at whether we want to amend that law, to apply it to american citizens who choose to become affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations. whether they should not also be deprived automatically of their
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citizenship and, therefore, be deprived of rights that come with that citizenship when they are apprehended and charged with a terrorist act. >> would you support changing the law so that someone who's accused of terrorist activity no longer can be a citizen? >> certainly -- certainly not. on a couple of levels. first of all, again, you can get quality actionable intelligence out of this people. and, also, even if they're citizens as we learned in this case, we have no problem interrogating them short of miranda. because if it's a terrorist act, if there's a present threat, we have the absolute right to do that. second, even after they're mirandized, you can get good information out of them. third, i'm not sure if senator lieberman realizes what he just said. basically, all the federal government would have to do under that law is accuse you of a terrorist act and your rights are gone. let's not forget that every once in a while, we do accuse people of terrorist acts, and we turn out to be wrong. we've had numerous people who were picked up.
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i don't think we should just say we can toss the rights based on an accusation. further, i think the system as it's set up is very aggressive. gets information out of these people and is working towards protecting this country. again, i think that's focusing on the wrong area in terms of what we need to do to make us safer. >> congressman, i appreciate your time and your perspective today. thank you, sir. >> thank you. in this reignited debate about what rights terror suspects like faisal shahzad should have as an american citizen, my big question today, shouldn't we uphold the laws and the very constitution we're fighting to protect? share your thoughts with me on twitter, on facebook and on e-mail. i'll try to get to some of your responses later this hour. a breaking story out of huntsville, alabama, right now. at least one person has died. three others are seriously injured in an explosion at the army's redstone arsenal this morning. there's the map of huntsville and where it's happening. the explosion happened in a building that handles aviation and missile testing. we don't know the cause of the explosion, but we'll keep you posted on any developments. breaking news here.
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three people are dead as protests in greece pivot out of control. 100,000 people hit the streets protesting harsh cuts in government spending. some hurled molotov cocktails at police and torched buildings. police sprayed tear gas and shet off flash bombs to try and stop that mayhem. look at that scene. three workers trapped in a burning bank died. i know that they're frustrated about some of the budget cuts the government is instituting. don't they realize what's happening in a broader sense? >> i don't know. i think -- right now i think all of greece is shocked what's happened today. three deaths is really something new. we had a lot of times that after a very peaceful demonstration, and there was this escalation. and today it was the same. it was a huge demonstration. it was a lot of people
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peacefully wanting to have their rights. but then a few hundred, they make like always the riot, the clashes. today is something very new that people had to die for it. they burnt the building. i've been here around just a few hundred meters, and you see all the smoke. it's really scary. because they were coming in the street, everywhere, and were just burning mostly banks and also cars anywhere. and so a lot of people just escaped and tried to get in the hotel or in the houses. and the police after i think half an hour, there was most everything under control again. now i have to say, it's quite calm in athens. i think a lot of people right now are really shocked.
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>> thank you very much for giving us the scoop from inside athens right now. we'll keep your eye on that today. of course, the people in greece are not the only ones who are concerned about what's happening financially with their country. the greek debt crisis is having an impact on the markets here in the united states. we'll take a look at the mid-day boards here. the dow jones essentially flat now. the s&p flat as well. the nasdaq is down. we saw a big rocky day yesterday on the -- in the markets as well. we're keeping our eye on the dow jones industrials. now both the s&p and dow jones turning into positive territory. minnesota supreme court just dealt the state's governor a big role. the court ruled republican governor tim pawlenty exceeded his authority when he slashed the state's budget by $2.7 billion. the ruling matches a lower court oes decision as well. the governor's appeal concerned his cuts to a nutrition program for the elderly and disabled adults. it means other programs affected by last summer's spending reductions can apply to have their funds reinstated.
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just today in the "washington post," the minnesota governor tim pawlenty is quoted as saying that his 13-year-old son is predicting minnesota soon becomes a situation like greece. they're having real budget crisis like in many states there in minnesota. the governor was trying to solve those budget gaps. a satellite expert says oil has reached the mississippi delta and is close to coming ashore. oil still leaking into the gulf. it's taken nearly two weeks but bp is hopeful it has a plan to contain the huge gulf oil spill. the hundred ton metal and concrete box is designed to plug the massive leak should head to sea shortly. we don't know how effective it will be. it's never been tested at 5,000 feet. another sliver of good news. overnight engineers managed to cap one of three leaks from the damaged well. mike tie waibbtaibbi, what's th situation? >> it's not just biloxi, it's the entire coast knowing what's
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happening, the slick is getting closer, but favorable weather patterns are continuing to hold the slick and its dangers offshore for at least another couple of day. it appears to be the case. trace amounts of oil have been found along the coast, barrier alands, mississippi coast and off the louisiana coast as well. the weather window has allowed those responding to do two things. basically to deal with the slick itself, the oil already in the water, by using chemical dispersants. about 60,000 gallons so far. almost a third of the world supply of the most popular chemical dispersant already being deployed in this region now. also skimming up as much of the slick as possible. then to deal with the source of the leak. the good news is they're getting one of those containment domes on a ship right now as we look at my watch here. beginning to leave the place where it was fabricated in louisiana for the 12-hour trip to get to the site where it'll be dropped down. it may be days before it's deployed, but it's going to be there. that's the best chance to contain the leak at its source. >> let's hope that that works. because the worst case scenarios are really startling. as one lawmaker said, there's not a lot of best case scenarios
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here. so mike taibbi, thanks for keeping us in the loop. former alaska governor sarah palin's weighing in on this oil spill disaster via twitter. moments ago palin wrote, gulp. learn from alaska's lesson with foreign oil companies. don't naively trust, verify. livelyhood affected by the spill. don't sign away remedy rights. emirates airlines didn't notice he'd been placed on the no-fly list. security lapses that cause concern about how we catch would be terrorists. new details in the murder rocking the university of virginia. the la crosse player accused of killing his ex-girlfriend may have threatened her before. national car rental? that's my choice.
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because with national, i roll past the counter... and choose any car in the aisle. oh, buck chooses the blue one! [ male announcer ] go national. go like a pro. choosing your own car? now, that's a good call. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®.
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we are gettings some breaking news from capitol hill. david obey of wisconsin will announce his retirement at 1:00 eastern. obey is a democrat from that state. here's why he's certainly important. he chairs the powerful house appropriations committee. the national republican congressional committee already out with a response. basically, here it is. there's no question david obey was facing the race of his life. that's why the architect of president obama's failed stimulus plan has decided to call it quits. we'll watch for the congressman announcement and keep you covered. we have you covered from the east coast to west coast. federal authorities are working with police far and wide for a puzzling case. they're investigating in ohio, idaho and oregon the case of a john doe. a decades old id theft and thursdayed baby boy. police are trying to figure out his true identity. he's been calling himself jason robert evans for more than a
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decade. the real jason evans is a 3-year-old boy who was kidnapped and murdered in cincinnati in 1982. police say this john doe used a stolen id and got a job with the oregon litter control commission. in 2002 he passed the state background check. he applied for a passport and a routine check against death certificates raised a red flag. california high school students are getting to use i pds in the classroom. the christian school is ditching textbooks and replacing them with the new gadget. the school started out with 70 ipads. all of them stay in class. the kids say they're great because with a quick click you can see almost anything you want. >> we're doing, like, a shakespeare work, like a fellow, we can click on the words and look them up instantly rather than having to flip through a dick n dictionary which is really
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handy. >> there's a program called e books which allows us to look at books covered before 1930 and they're free. rather than having to -- just read it right there on the ipad. >> if all goes well this year, the school plans to have 200 ipads for students by next year. too cool for school. check the fourth grader. real stickler for details. the eagle eyed girl was visiting a ride at disney world in orlando. did you see that error? uh-huh. the countdown reads 1 seconds. of course, everybody knows one is the loneliest number. >> i learned in ms. bennett's class that a singular number can't be with a plural word. and so that's what it was. it wasn't right. >> immediately it clicked. you're right. so she had her little pink princess camera. she took a picture of it. >> hannah mailed her picture to disney and they wrote back saying it was a mistake that will be corrected soon.
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hannah's teacher is -- >> there you go. hannah's teacher i'm sure would be proud of her. she gets the award for being grammar queen. alleged times square bomber faisal shahzad faces five terror related charges. he was caught and pulled off an airplane headed for dubai. "newsweek" and "the new york times" say at least two major security lapses happened here. the fbi lost track of him for a time and the airline did not recheck the no-fly list after shahzad was added. still authorities say his arrest was fast and impressive. >> it was 53 hours and 20 minutes. now, we know that jack bauer can do it in 24 minutes. but in the real world, 53 is a pretty good number. >> roger cressey is an nbc terror analyst and partner in good harbor consults. what do you make of the two major reported security lapses. >> i think the first one with the fbi is understanding in the following way.
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things were moving so quickly that a drop in surveillance sometimes happens. that doesn't excuse it. it just means that's a reality. sometimes with fast moving events. i'm sure the fbi is going to do their afteraction and figure out what might have happened. the second one is a little more troubling. it ended up well but demonstrated a flaw in the system even after we changed it and improved it so much. the airlines are not mandated to update their no-fly list more than once every 12 hours. because of that, emirates air said, hey, we weren't told to do it. department of homeland security has said, wait a minute. when we sent out shahzad's name, we asked the airlines to do it right away. so now we've seen the administration say you have to update every two hours. that's the new policy. so they're starting to fix that loophole that had it broke in the wrong way, shahzad would have been on a plane. it's not to say he would have gotten away. but he would have been on a plane and it would have taken off. >> just to put this in perspective, 12:30 the feds put out this note to the airlines
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saying, hey, watch your passenger manifest for this guy. he's on the no-fly list now. he arrives at the airport 7:30 monday and is allowed to board. the only reason it was caught is because the passenger manifest in the moment before the plane took off, about half an hour or so before, went to the customs control, the immigration folks, and they're the ones who flagged it and alerted then the airline. new york congresswoman nita lowey says she wants to change the law so that the airlines have to put out their passenger manifest 24 hours beforehand. is that a good idea from your perspective? >> well, the administration, and this started in the previous administration, is trying to take responsibility for cross-checking the manifests away from the airlines and then put in the hands of the government. that process has been very slow for a number of reasons. policy, technology, resistance by industry. the objective now through secure flight which is the tsa program is to have it done by tend of the year. i don't think passing legislation right now is the right step.
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instead i think it is accelerating the program that's in place and getting some of these barriers out of the way. the bottom line, contessa, as commissioner kelly said, 53 hours in the real world of counterterrorism from identification to apprehension is pretty spectacular. so even though we've had these small problems here, the overall performance of nypd and the fbi and dhs is something we should all be pretty happy with. >> yeah. it worksed. that's the bottom line. close call but no cigar for a guy who wanted to get away. >> fepeople are involved. you're going to have human error sometimes. a violinist who performs on broadway for the lion king fighting to bring his two cha children back to the united states. he believed his wife hid them in south korea. police tracked her down in gaun. she's under arrest. where are the kids? >> philadelphia fans have a bad reputation. maybe this is why. for the second night in a row a fan ran out on the field and security had to take him down.
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it didn't have the same result as the night before. this is now the top viewed on youtube. kids need to entertain themselves in their car seats some way, right? check out this little girl's version of cake's song "the distance." ♪ ♪ going the distance, he's going for speed, he's alone, alone, alone ♪ >> we don't know a whole lot about the singer other than she's 5 years old and boy does chef a good memory. perhaps spring fever, senioritis has taken over ohio state university. in this video student ts and staff break out into a dance in the great hall of the ohio union. at least they're getting their exercise. hey can i play with the toys ?
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sure, but let me get a little infortion first. for broccoli, say on for toys, say two. ys ! the system can't process your response at this time. what ? please call back between 8 and 5 ceral standard time. he's in control. gobye. even kids ow it's wrong to give someone the run around. at ally bank you never have to deal with an endless automated system. yocan talk to a real person 24/7. it's just the right thing to do.
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the suspect in the murder of a university of virginia la crosse star is talking now to police. george huguely told authorities his ex-girlfriend's bedroom. then he admitted to grabbing yeardley love and shaking her. but it didn't end there. nbc's jeff rossen is on the charlottesville campus right now. jeff, what are you learning about how things went down? >> reporter: it really is a bomb shell admission, will end up being a big kind of breaking point and turning point in this case. police are now painting a picture of sort of a toucurbule relationship. they were together, had sort of an on and off relationship for two years. friends say it often got physical, especially lately being that they broke up just a week ago. but no one reported it. there were no reports to the
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university of any kind of domestic violence. so the question becomes, of course, were there some missed warning signs here? as you mentioned, the bombshell admission from george huguely when he was being interrogated by police, within hours of yeardley's death, was that they told him, you can have a lawyer. you can stop talk ing. he waved his rights and kept on talking. i'm quoting here from the court documents. he says he kicked his right foot through the door that leads to love's bedroom. he also says that he -- i'm just looking here. again, i apologize. he had an altercation with her. during the course of that altercation he shook love and her head repeatedly hit the wall. police are trying to tie that directly to her death. she was found, sadly, this beautiful, beautiful young la crosse star facedown in her pillow. right eye full of blood. bruises and scratches on her chin. her roommate and another friend found her. a sad scene. questions spiralling out of this
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about whether this could have been avoided. on the heels of the times square terror suspect's arrest on board a plane getting ready to leave for dubai, new york is calling for airlines to reveal earlier who's planning to fly. she joins us. the water's receding but the number of people killed by flooding in tennessee is rising. we'll get a report from that straight ahead. [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] competition... it pushes us to work harder.
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to be better. to win. but sometimes even rivals realize they share a common goal. america's beverage companies have removed full-calorie soft drinks from schools, reducing beverage calories by 88%. together with schools, we're helping kids make more balanced choices every day. ♪
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we're following a breaking story out of huntsville, alabama, right now. at least one person has died and three others are seriously injured in an explosion at the army's redstone arsenal this morn ing. the blast happened in a building that handles aviation and missile testing. we don't know what sparked it, but we'll keep you posted on any developments. again, one person killed, three seriously hurt. the last minute arrest of faisal shahzad, the alleged times square bomber, the prompting changes to the no-fly
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list and renewing questions on airport security. the suspect bought a one way ticket in cash and got a plane that would have headed for dubai. he'd been put on the no-fly list earlier in the day but tearline had not rechecked before he got his boarding pass. starting today the airlines will have to check the list two hours a new york congresswoman is calling for even more changes. she sits on a homeland security subcommittee. good to see you today. what changes would you like to see happen? >> well, this is the second time that a known terrorist boarded a plane. plane. first was shahzad. i made it clear for more than a svo that the manifests should be sent to customs at least 24 hours in advance for those who are boarding planes to the united states and from the united states. excuse me.
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this must be done now. 30 minutes is adequate for someoneáfpñi> okay.]údd> let me ask you, in this case with faisal shahzad, he bought his ticket over the phone on the way to the airport and then paid cash once he got to the airport. with a 24 hour disclosure, even if the immigration officials, the customs folks, had had the passenger manifest, faisal shahzad would not have been on it. >> well, you're saying there is some cases where someone buys a ticket in cash maybe an hour before or two hours before. customs would have time to check for that one person. but to go through the whole manifest in 30ig7!z: minutes is irresponsible and certainly is not enough time, as good as the
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people are at customs. >> but it worked. they did their job. they found his name on that list 30 minutes before. >> we were fortunate that they found the one name. but it is too often -- certainly we saw it with abdulmutallab and now with shahzad that they got on the plane. what if he blew up the plane when he got on it? this is absolutely unacceptable. >> congresswoman, can i ask you about your reaction now? nbc news is learning from counterterrorism officials they believe that the taliban is more involved at least in the training and bomb making and direction that was given to faisal shahzad. what's your reaction? >> i am very pleased that ray kelly and the new york city police department acted swiftly, and that's why secure the cities is such an important program. and i'm pleased that the pakistanis working in cooperation with all the intelligence apparatus are able to pursue the information in
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moving towards a conclusion as to who did what when and who participated. >> congresswoman nita low, i thank you so much for joining me. we've been talking online about this debate over what legal rights faisal shahzad should have. some lawmakers are arguing against reading him his miranda rights since he's a terror suspect. but i think the constitution guarantees due process for a reason. and guarantees it for all americans. dean fox responds. when people say we shouldn't mirandize people like shahzad, they're saying they don't trust our justice system. one that has worked for 200-plus years. carlos jaurez writes if we have to go by our laws these idiot terrorists will run all over. mr. shahzad will get his in a trial. jaded skeptic tweets it is disconcerting to watch the republicans move the ban on our rights. an ever increasing denial of rights. amazing gal. joe says teris shouldn't have any rights. if americans were killed saturday would the same questions have been raised? you can get hold of me on my e-mail, contessa@msnbc.
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i'm on facebook and twitter and check it all the time. the mayor of nashville's reassuring residents today the music city will make it back. some of the city's best loved attractions including the grand ole opry and opryland theme park have suffered serious damage from the water. the cumberland river still receding through downtown. at least 29 people have died in three states from the storm. nbc's ron mott is reporting from nashville. he'll bring us a live report later on throughout the afternoon here, keeping our eye on the breaking developments out of nashville. breaking news now on some sea turtles coming out of the -- the news is coming from the federal fishery. they're investigating whether aggressive shrimpers are actually causing the deaths of these endangered sea turtles. we know they've been washing up on the beach with no signs of oil. we're getting that from the associated press. and they've talked to these fishery officials. investigators are going to look at whether the shrimp boats taking part in the emergency shrimping season ahead of the spill removed devices from their necks that are intended to allow
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turtles to escape. when we find out if that's what's causing these endangered turtles' deaths, we certainly will pass that along. new satellite images show oil drifting south. one expert says it could hit the florida keys and they've been getting ready. the good weather in the gulf today will help ramp up efforts to protect coastal wetlands and crews will lay down miles more of the absorbent boom to protect marsh lands. very delicate environments are already compromise and filled with endangered birds and fish. a conservation biologist from cal lutheran university, what could be the long-term impact of the recent spill? >> if we take a snapshot of what happened in prince william sound in alaska, we've got 200 miles of toxic beach. it smells like a big ole gas station. there's 20,000 gallons of uncontained oil. if we go back, dial down to the coast, the gulf coast, we've got
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a very fragile, yet complex marshland and exquisite mangroves. get this. there's a ripple effect, of course. we've got the giant 18-foot-long small tooth saw fish. they require a healthy coastline. they'll be out of business. we've got all these sea turtles that require the healthy shoreline to come in and lay their eggs. they're going to be out of business. but you know what? there's a silver lining to this cloud, contessa. our insatiable oil addiction, american ingenuity, american technologies to create green, clean energy technologies and jobs, it's really cool and it's just about to start to happen. >> we'll keep your eye on that side of the story, too. i just wanted to mention since we're watching the video of those turtles again, they have not so far showed they've died
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because of oil. again there are questions being raised about whether those were fishermen who may have killed the sea turtles in their effort to gather shrimp before the oil affected the shrimping season. we'll keep your eye on all that. thank you for that help. breaking news coming to me right now. apparently a big quake has hit off the coast of sumatra, indonesia. a 6.6 magnitude quake. that's the same area that suffered the earthquake that then triggered the christmas day tsunami a couple years ago. sumatra, indonesia. this has just happened. we're not getting any news so far about a tsunami warning or the like. when we get more information we'll pass that along. a 6.6 quake there in indonesia. police in new mexico didn't think they were going to have much trouble finding two thieves who broke into the new mexico court of appealing last month. they spent about two hours in the building lurking around, waved to the security cameras at one point. police say they took thousands of dollars in stolen good but left behind a lot of evidence including fingerprints. in georgia a close call for hikers who got tracked in a rain
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swollen river above a 30 foot water fall. they hung on for their lives until they could be pulled to safety. tonight the phoenix suns host game two of their western conference semifinal against the san antonio spurs. but the suns will not be wearing their usual home uniforms. the team's owner says his players will wear los suns on their jerseys to honor the latino community in arizona on this sicinco de mayo. the jerseys are the team's way of protesting the controversial immigration law. domino's pizza took out an ad campaign about its pizza's cheesy reputation. apparently it paid off. >> worst excuse for pizza i've ever had. >> sauce tastes like ketchup. >> when you first hear it, it's shocking. >> the card board complaint is the most common one. >> this we hear over and over and over. >> the company ceo now says domino's sales are up more than 14% since unveiling its new res pay and making sure people now
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it unveiled a new res pay. the ceo says the number ranks as one of the largest quarterly same store sales jump ever recorded by a major fast food chain. that's one big slice of pie. national car rental? that's my choice. because with national, i roll past the counter... and choose any car in the aisle. oh, buck chooses the blue one! [ male announcer ] go national. go like a pro. choosing your own car? now, that's a good call.
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want to stay heart healthy? i'll have some tips right after this. s a rough time. my doctor told me i should've been doing more
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want to prevent heart disease? here's how. eat healthy and stay away from fatfy foods. keep your cholesterol and blood pressure in check. exercise and try to keep your weight down 10%. of course, no smoking. for more healthy tips, go to our website at an alarming report from the fda. inspectors found the drug maker mcneill that consumer health care knowingly used materials contaminated with bacteria to make children's and infant's tylenol products on on friday mcneil announced the recall. the company also stopped production at the pennsylvania plant are drugs were manufactured. f drk a said the known risk to consumers remote but there are theoretical concerns about the safety of those recalled products. if you've got them, you should not give them to your children. too little or too much sleep
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could actually kill you. that's according to a new study from italy that found people who sleep less than six hours a night are 12% more likely to die before age 65. people who sleep for more than nine hours a night were even more likely, in fact, to die early. 30%. the study involves 1.3 million people. teen girls may be able to jump, slip and tumble their way into having stronger healthier bones. new research shows gymnastics can help boost bone density and strength. greek doctors looked at two groups of girls. one with us elite gymnasts who had trained for at least two years. the others simply just got exercise in gym class. the gymnasts had much stronger and thicker bones. sadly, we're looking at international custody cases becoming more and more common. or at least hitting the headlines more and more. for instance, ail han dra men doe is a is an american father caught in an international custody battle. his children are in south korea with their maternal grandmother.
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a year ago he left his family to return to the united states for work. he expected his korean wife and children to follow. but they never did. now mendoza's wife has been arrested on the island of guam. he's in washington, d.c., for the day. good to see you. what do you know about where the case stands in terms of the arrest towards your wife and also where your children are? >> my wife is right now in the custody of u.s. marshals. and my children have been located. the state department has asked the u.s. embassy in korea to visit my children. and they are being held by the maternal grandmother in a small city in korea. >> i know you're hoping the investigation brings your children back to you and that your wife is duly processed in terms of the criminal investigation. i wish you the best of luck. i'm sorry to cut this short. we have to go to the white house now for the press briefing. robert gibbs is is fatalking ab
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this no-fly zone that's in effect, the no-fly list, rather. let's listen. >> again, as we said yesterday, the reason there are redundan redundancies in the system is to allow for -- is to ensure that there are many, many mechanisms that would allow you to prevent somebody from flying, which is what happened in this case. the cbp takes a locked manifest, it's required to be filed 30 minutes before a flight, with people that are on the plane. that was checked against that list. and the individual was removed from the plane. >> are there consequences for an airline that doesn't keep someone who is on a no-fly list off an airplane? >> i would point you to dhs on that. i don't know the specifics on that. yes? >> two questions.
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one, on the supreme court, can you tell us how the meeting went this morning? >> i don't have a readout on the meeting. i know that the meetings were a result of conversations that the president had on the phone over the past several weeks with both senators. i have no doubt that the supreme court came up and was part of that discussion. i also would assume that other issues were covered in each one of those meetings. >> can you confirm that the list has been narrowed, if so, to how many? >> i'm not going to get into -- >> there's robert gibbs talking a bit about the no-fly list. in this case, we know that emirates airlines allowed the times square bomb suspect, faisal shahzad, to buy a ticket and actually get on board the plane even though they had some seven hours or so notice that he was on a no-fly list. yet the system still worked. once that passenger manifest went to the customs officials, they were able to spot his name on the list, call the airline, and make sure that they were
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able to go and arrest him there on the plane. so we'll keep your eyes on what the press secretary has to say in response to some of the other angles coming out. some events we're watching this afternoon, in half an hour president obama signs a bill that improves health care services for veterans and expands care giver benefits and training. in one a student group at the university of arizona holds a rally in tucson to demand a repeal of the state's controversial immigration law. later tonight, in phoenix, the reverend al shorp tan leads a candle light vigil and march to protest this new law. [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] competition... it pushes us to work harder. to be better. to win. but sometimes even rivals realize they share a common goal. america's beverage companies have removed full-calorie soft drinks from schools, reducing beverage calories by 88%.
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as president of the united states, i'm going to spare no effort to respond to this crisis for as long as it continues. the american people can be assured that the fbi and their partners in this process have all the tools and experience they need to learn everything we
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can. that includes what, if any, connection this individual has to terrorist groups. >> it's clear that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill americans. >> crisis and criticism. the obama administration has been in rapid response mode of late, reacting to this week's terror arrest and the massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico. msnbc chief washington correspondent norah o'donnell is at the white house today. what's the strategy in handling all these external events that get plopped on the president's plate? >> reporter: the president's team is bending over backwards to show the president is on top of these twin crises. of course, the rcrisis in the gulf and the crisis in new york. they are providing frequent updates. they are briefing as much as they can with different sorts of official. we just learned at the direction of the president he is sending janet napolitano, his homeland security secretary, the head of the dhs, commerce secretary lock, the head of noaa, the head
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of epa all down to biloxi on thursday to get their own firsthand look at the situation there. you can see this white house trying to make this strong effort to show and communicate in any way that they can that they are on top of these two situations. you just heard the president's press secretary there at the beginning of this briefing talking about redundancy in the system. if there's any criticism that maybe law enforcement officials dropped the ball to some degree with allowing this suspect to actually make his way on to the plane, the white house is saying, look, there were redundancies in the system. eventually we got him. just to make sure, we're correcting and changing some tsa guidelines. all of that is this effort, of course, from this white house to show that this president is in charge of the situation. there's no doubt that in new york, had that bomb gone off, this would probably have been one of the worst weeks of obama's presidency. and so, of course, they are trying to show that they have learned from it and that the president's on top of the situation. contessa? >> norah, good to see yu. thank you. i'm contessa brewer.
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appreciate you spent some time with me this afternoon. see you back here tomorrow at noon eastern. los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa joins me to discuss the battle over immigration reform. andrea mitchell is next. ♪ [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time. time for new zyrtec® liquid gels. they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. an allstate agent can help today. with an early signing discount. it could mean some real money. if you think switching now isn't worth the hassle, how about this... your allstate agent will help you with the details,
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," how is the times square terror suspect allowed to board a plane? questions remain today about security lapses. and lawmakers are calling for more restrictions. >> it seems to me that if anybody is on a terrorism watch list because somebody suspects that they may be a terrorist, it's in the interest of everybody else on that plane and of society to at least stop them and give them a secondary screening. also today, new requirements for the no-fly list.
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former homeland security secretary michael chernoff joining us here. in the gulf, winds threaten to push the oil slick towards florida. bp has capped one of the three leaks at the well. that is not expected to stop the flow. bp says it will be responsible for the cleanup costs, but what is the company saying behind closed doors? this hour, senator bill nelson who met with bp executives last night. coming up, the powerful -- obey announces his surprising retirement. faisal shahzad's first court appearance is on hold for now while investigators continue to interrogate him about the plot to bomb times square, a plot that shahzad says he tried to carry out by himself. so far investigators say that he has been cooperating so much so they don't want to interrupt the interrogation by bringing him to court. they've decided to delay today's arraignment. at the same time, we are
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learning more about the 53 hours leading up to his arrest. at 12:30 p.m. monday, homeland security added his name to the no-fly list. four hours latelater, the list updated with his passport number. despite that at 6:30 he called emirates airline to book a flight. an hour later he arrived at jfk, paid for his ticket in cash, got a boarding pass. then for three hours he apparently remained at jfk unobserved until the plane began to board. at that point officers from customs and border protection got the flight's passenger list from emirates airline and forwarded it to the terrorist screening board in d.c. they're the ones who found shahzad's name on the manifest, alerting customs officials just in time to stop the plane and arrest the would be terrorist. joining me now, former homeland security secretary michael chernoff. let's go back over this.


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