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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  June 16, 2010 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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>> make no mistake, we will fight this still with everything we've got for as long as it takes. we will make bp pay for the damage their company has caused. president obama and bp's top executives come face-to-face for the first time in just 15 minutes. look at them going into the white house now. good wednesday morning, i'm chris jansing. live from msnbc world headquarters in new york. now, the president heads into this morning's meeting armed with yet another sobering new and higher estimate. government scientists now say up to 2.5 million gallons of oil is spewing into the gulf each day. in his first oval office address, president obama took bp to task, accusing it official recklessness. the president also outline plans to tackthal disaster and made a pitch for a clean energy bill. >> the tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the
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time to embrace a clean energy future is now. now is the moment for this generation to embark on a national mission to unleash america's innovation and seize control of our own destiny. >> while president obama meets with the heads of bp, some lawmakers called for their heads during a heated hearing on capitol hill. >> i really think you should be resigning as chairman of bp america. i'm not asking for an apology. i'm asking you to resign. >>proponent of offshore drilling. you're not making me look good. one louisiana congressman frustrated by the damage to his coastline suggested that resignation might not be enough. >> in the asian culture we do things differently. during the samurai days, we just give you a knife and ask you to commit. from the white house to the gulf coast, live team coverage of today's meeting and what's
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ahead following the president's primetime address. nbc mike at the white house and for analysis we have msnb analyst ed schultz and ari fleisch fleischer. let me start with you, mike, i'm wondering at the white house right now, what is going on in there? >> anything sort of ritual suicide as suggested by the congressman from new orleans there. you saw the pictures, chris, very interesting. normally guests who come for appointments enter through a door that are not visibly seen by cameras. coming into the white house and being called on the carpet and some have called it the walk of shame after being excoriated by the president on national television last night accusing them of being reckless saying they're going to pay every penny
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of the recovery, the cleanup and of staunching that flow and the gusher at the gulf of mexico and yesterday also taken to task by lawmakers, we saw that. not a good week for bp. tops on the agenda today forming this fund out of which all the people who have a claim against bp whether it's small businessmen in the gulf of mexico or people who have lost their jobs, lost business. they, the president says he's going to inform them that they're going to have to create this account, an escrow account administered by a third party completely transparent out of which they'll pay all of these claims. the meeting expecting to last a while. >> mike, thank you. now, bp just announced it's hooked up a second containment system, that system captures the oil and then burns it off. tom costello live in louisiana literally just happened. we just got this word, right, tom? >> happened at 2:30 a.m. eastern time when they hooked up this
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device and the hope is that they can actually increase the capture rate to 24,000 barrels a day and that excess is going to be burned off, as you mentioned. let's put all of this into perspective. in the beginning of this crisis, we had 1 million to r5 million barrels and today the latest estimate is -- by the end of june, they're hoping they can capture up to 50,000 barrels a day and by mid-july 80,000 barrels a day. that's more capacity than is coming out of that pipe. keep in mind every single day or every single week it seems the estimates have gone up and up on how much oil is coming out of that pipe at the bottom of the ocean. meanwhile, a great deal of frustration on the ground here in louisiana. frustration aimed, obviously, at bp and the company has very
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little credibility any more and also with government and the coast guard and the hope is that the president's message last night will be followed by swift and thorough action and the people of the gulf were hoping that he comes through on his word. back to you. >> tom, thanks very much. now, everybody has an opinion on what the president had to say last night. let me read to you what lyn sweet a columnist in "chicago sun-times" wrote. he looked awkward and robotic, but seriously, who cares about the optics in the midst of this catastrophe. obama said the right things for the situation. ed schultz author of a new book "killer politics." did he nail it? >> he came really close. no question about it. it was not a state of the union speech, a message from the oval office. the mission was to tell the american people what we're going through, where we are and what our plan is going forward and who is going to pay.
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i thought the key word last night was informed. the president told the american people that he was going to inform bp today that they're paying and it's all about the money. once you start seeing checks flowing to these folks who have had their lives disrupted they will have a different attitude about the future. the fact is the president was not going to get into the minutia of policy and it's all about big picture. not about passing this bill or that bill it was about focusing the country on where we have to go and our mindset towards energy independence. so, in the 20-minute speech -- >> i want to ask you if you think then that what they wrote in the new orleans paper is a little off the mark, a little unfair. here's what their editorial said this morning. we also want them to understand the most decisive response to the oil spill a moratorium on deep water drilling capsizes our already struggling economy. in the meantime, we want
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specifics about his plans for restoring the unique beauty and bounty of this region, quote/unquote. a gulf coast restoration plan will be developed soon but what is that exactly and how soon will we see it activated? >> the president can only address so much in 20 minutes. here's the point about that editorial. president obama is doing everything he possibly can to get to the source of fixing all of this and that's the money and who's going to pay. now, we are seeing this big confrontation unfolding today in the white house. we're going to find out who has more power. a multi-national corporation that does whatever it wants with the congress or the president of the united states who is trying to stand with the people and make this right. i think the president hit all the right notes in the time allotted last night. it was big picture and it was visionary and not supposed it be about detail and minutia.
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>> am i hearing you right? the historic moment, potentially, for his presidency was not last night it's today, right now inside the oval office and what happens coming out of there? >> no question about it. a series of things are going to take place. the president informed the country last night what we're doing, where we're going forward and how this is all going to unfold. today is the next step and he also said that it is going to get capped. the president's not going to give details on how exactly he is going to do it. he is putting his credibility on line with the american people that these things are going to happen and if they don't happen we will render judgment whether he has the ability to lead us out of this crisis which will cripple our economy, if we don't. >> ed, thanks. i know you will have more reaction and analysis and what happened today later tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern on "the ed show." let's bring in ari fleischer. i want to ask you because you've been inside the white house for
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big meetings before. i don't care who you are, i don't care how much money you make, you're going into the oval office in and of itself intimidating, right? and you know the president is pretty mad and he's gone on national television and promised to say pretty harsh things to you. what is going through these guys' minds right now? >> is there something they can actually discuss? >> do you feel like they felt like they were going on a curb walk? >> instead of when you walk through you go underground and into the white house. they took them on that route because they wanted to parade them in front of the cameras. what we saw on capitol hill yesterday, theatrics isn't going to solve this problem, but we're seeing now two branches of government engage more in theatrics than substance. >> he gave voice to a lot of his
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constituents, don't you think? >> there's anger. but congress needs to rise above the anger and figure out how to get things done and that's still what we're waiting to hear. nobody knows how to cap it yet and i don't blame president obama for that. he didn't cause the leak. an oval office address is a terrible thing to waste and i think he wasted it. >> why? >> because if he had given a very similar speech in the first week of this and if he had brought out those executives from the oil companies in immediately after the leak, then he would have been ahead of this. then he would have been seen as directing and leading our country and the effort to blame the oil companies much better received. they are at fault and do have cullpability here. it is too late for president obama, that's the president. the events right now are so much bigger than him. >> you know that things come and go and they're up and down and they change and it's a little too soon, isn't it, to say that it's too late? >> no, it's not. if he had done what he's doing
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this week in the first week of the crisis, the american people would have said our president is rallying us. he doesn't know how to stop it, nobody does. at least the president is doing the right things. he's recovering now from having snoozed his way through the beginning of this. they politically thought the best course of action was to delegate, let somebody else be in charge and now they're trying to catch up. >> even if we accept your premise that it was a late start and he should have said this in the first week or second week. what he did say and the direction that he is going in, is it correct? >> well, in terms of cap and trade, if that's the direction he's going in, then the answer is no. even if we were able and we hope we can double or triple the amount of energy we get from renewab renewables, it doesn't we still need oil and offshore oil wells and we still need those platforms. what he said in terms of making
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every effort when he goes down there and it shows pristine beaches, that is great because it shows you can still go vacation down there. too late and if he tries to use this as a switch to get congress to pass cap and trade or cap and legislation even the democrats aren't going for that. >> maybe you'll come back and talk about that, ari. thanks for coming in. >> my pleasure. the president talked about god and the power of prayer last night and what is behind this talk? i'll ask joe scarborough andmia brzezinski. well, after bp officials leave the white house, senator scott brown is in the president's calendar. it's brown's first formal sit down with president obama since january when he won ted kennedy's old massachusetts
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senate seat. typically this might be routine except that brown has been slamming the president's handling of the gulf crisis. >> what the president is doing tonight, hopefully, we'll get a plan. because up to this point there has been lack of leadership. >> that is one of several interviews scott brown did yesterday. his meeting with the president is scheduled for 2:30 eastern time. he's already got a nickname, rocky mountain rambo. a colorado man heads to the mountains of pakistan to take out osama bin laden. i got new details on this story from his two brothers. where have we heard this before? joran van der sloot says he's finally ready to come clean about what happened to natalee holloway. [ wind howling ] [ male announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] [ male announcer ] fills you with energy...
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okay, so right now president obama is meeting with those bp execs after telling the nation he has the battle plan for the crisis.
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he says he'll make bp pay up and promise to overhaul the nation's energy policy. >> the one approach i will not accept is inaction. the one answer i will not settle for is the idea that this challenge is somehow too big and too difficult to meet. you know, the same thing was said about our ability to produce enough planes and tanks in world war ii. the same thing was said about our ability to harness the science and technology to land a man safely on the surface of the moon. >> joining me, nbc news presidential historian michael. how interesting, he is talking about a battle plan and world war ii and talked about a siege, mobilization and assaulting our shores. it almost sounded like a call to war. >> almost did. and, chris, you notice that he only mentioned things presidents want to do where they succeeded landing a man on the moon or winning world war ii. 1973 richard nixon gave a speech
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and said let's have project independence. let's wean ourselves off foreign oil by 1980. didn't happen. what obama is trying to do, which is classic obama, not overpromise and set a goal by which he will be judged in which we can't meet. >> who was his speech aimed at mostly? was it the american people or bp executives? who is his big audience here? >> i think if you have to get to the core, certainly the people in the four states that are particularly suffering and, also, a big wrap on obama the last number of weeks that he has not been engaged enough. 53 emergency ro 53% of americans thought his performance in this crisises was poor or very poor. chris, in the end, results are what are going to matter. this is a version of carter crisis. he gave speech after speech and until the hostages got out, same thing.
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until the hole is plugged and people are helped and those who committed malfesance are punished. >> part of what he says and the other part is how he said it. did he sound presidential and did he sound like he was in charge to you? >> i think he did although the thing that was very unusual for the president was the lines about, we may not know exactly where the future is and we may not know exactly how we'll get there, but we'll get there. that's something pretty unusual for the president. you couldn't imagine an fdr or ronald reagan saying that. at the same time, if you make people feel confident, sometimes you do overpromise. fdr on his inauguration is the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, great line. if you look back at it, americans had a lot to fear, 25% were unemployed and look as if the economy were going off the cliff. >> where are those great lines,
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michael? what happened to all those great lines sph. >> sometimes used, but one thing that is classic about barack obama, he doesn't overpromise and he doesn't engage in excessive rhetoric and sometimes that will leave people feeling hungrier. >> always great to talk to you, thank you. >> same here, chris. we keep hearing joran van der sloot's prison described as hell. he has been playing cards and hanging out with a disgraced mayor. michelle kosinski is checking it out from peru. pet care is a $45 billion industry and she founded camp bow wow ten years ago and now has several hundred franchises.
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hour into an armed senate services committee and now he's back answering tough questions. they have been talking about the pace and the success of the war in afghanistan. glad to see him back and okay. dutch murder suspect joran van der sloot is eating again and no longer depressed now that he has adjusted to his peruvian jail. he has been playing poker with his inmates. although, prison officials are denying the report. michelle kosinski is in lima, peru, and she has new details on his alleged confession could help the natalee holloway case and this is what everyone has been wondering. could there be closure for natalee holloway's family? >> chris, i can only hear every other word that you're saying. i have no idea what you just asked me, but i'll talk to you about, i think you mentioned the
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fact that his confession and the fact that areuben authorities are in the mix and we do know as of yesterday aruba and peru were finally able to talk, at least over the phone. they had a phone conversation in the morning and this cams after days of aruba saying they couldn't get anybody here and they couldn't reach anyone and their phone calls were going unanswered. the officials we talked to here didn't know why that was the case but it has been a little hectic. the system here is much different than the aruban system and it is pretty much tough for anybody who inis volved here. they say now that the two entities will work together and move forward and what aruba needs to do and what they're working on is a formal request to speak directly to joran van der sloot. they want to find out if he really does have information related to natalee holloway as he said he did in his confession and how they're going to get that out of him. to see the actual wording of his confession is interesting.
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he said at the very end they asked him if he had anything he would like to add. he said y would like to talk about the natalee holloway case from so many years ago. i would like to see if there is a possibility and if this case moves smoothly and slowly here, i might be extradited to aruba. it doesn't seem at that point that he was asking for any special treatment or moved and that has been reported later and police won't comment on that. they just basically say now they're willing to work with aruba and see what happens next. >> michelle kosinski, thanks. let's look at all that oil gushing into the gulf. now they're saying 2.5 million gallons a day. this situation has been compared to war. plus, how the tv character ma mcgyver.
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[ low male ] plop, plop. [ high male ] fizz, fizz. right now team obama meeting with team executives in the white house. executives arrived a short time ago. this is the president's first meeting with bp since the gulf oil crisis began. during his oval office address the president talked about the best and brightest minds working on the oil disaster, but he fixed the speech evoking a higher power. >> what sees us through, what has always seen us through is our strength, our resilience and our unyielding fate that something something better awaits us if we sum on the courage to reach for it. tonight, we pray for that courage. we pray for the people of the gulf and we pray that a hand may guide us through the storm towards a brighter day. >> let's bring in my good
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friends msnbc joe scarborough and mika brzezinski. thanks for staying awake for us. >> thank you for having us. >> it is interesting that the president uses all this talk, here's what we're going to do and hold feet to the fire and war analogies left and right and he ends on this very religious, spiritual note. what do you make of that, joe? >> i thought it was one of the better parts of the speech. mika and i were talking last night and we said, okay, stylistically people want him to show more passion and show his heart and he is a man of faith and i thought that was one of the better moms of the speech. >> we know every minute of this speech was analyzed and microanalyzed what was in and what was out and what's behind this part of it? >> it was a tone that he wanted to set, it was him. i actually really liked it, i thought it was beautiful. the speech itself addressed
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everything that everybody wanted to hear and yet there was this reaction that was just so starkly different from across the board -- absolutely, the criticism. at this point it seems almost frustrating. what do people want him from him? if you talk to people in the gulf, perhaps they'll hear something different. >> i did read some of the editorials and he laid out the things he wants to do for us but he didn't tell us how he's going to do it. >> everyone said he's too much of alprofessor and you can't run this country being a law professor. please, he did whaut fits for him. >> you know a president speaks, every word measured. the one thing we've learned with barack obama and our connections with the white house is a lot of
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time staffers are frustrated because barack obama refuses. to take the easy political shot. he could have a layup, but he says, that's not me. i have to be myself. you can say with a great deal of certainty that if the scripture were in there, it was in because barack obama wanted it to be and some presidents that cut and paste these things and throw in the teleprompter and the government will read it. >> of course it's in there because it is the one short thing who is going to argue with god and faith. >> barack obama could have had these moments earlier. talking about a clint eastwood moment and in this morning's editorial her op-ed in so much time. he doesn't always go for the cheap, rhetorical hit. that's why i would give this president a bit more, a bit more
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of a pass on using this for political reasons just because, again, he has stubbornly remained himself throughout the campaign and the white house through a lot of the voters. >> meeting with bp execs and trying to figure out the money, that's going to be difficult. what he was just saying, look at the religious of it but he was asking for america to pay for him but in themselves. as we look at this as a turning point there this country in terms of how we do business and where we get our energy. he's asking for action, he can't do this alone. >> also, regarding the specifics, he was attacked from the left and the right for not being specific enough. john kennedy, when he talked about his moon shot speech. we will go to the moon by the
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end of the decade. he didn't talk about what the engineers were going to be doing and how they were going to get a man from planet earth, cape canaveral up to the moon. he spoke in generalities. maybe we're alone and maybe we'll be proven wrong. i don't think so, though. i think this speech will do the president some good. >> we've all seen it. sometimes the way the pundits and americanmakers come down on this is different than the way the american people see it. >> as a republican, that would sit and listen to bill clinton and the state of the uniaddresses going on and on. the american people are going to hate this and the next couple days the polls show that people connected with bill clinton in a way that we didn't understand. i think the tracking poll of the president 47% approved and 47%
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disapproved and i predict in the next couple days those numbers are going to go up. >> we're going to bring joe and mika back. we'll check those numbers. i love watching you guys. >> thank you. >> we love watching you, too. great to have you back. >> you're not awake when i'm on the air. who are are you trying to kid? >> thank you, both, appreciate it. he asked himself what would macgyver do? after three arms with his arm stuck behind his oven's burner, amputating his own arm was the only chance for survival. he braced himself and he tried to yank his arm out one last time and then he looked around for his tool box. >> and so after about 18 hours of being trapped and my arm stuck in the broiler and i fastened a tourniquet around the
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shirt i was wearing and tied it the best i could. >> now, in his fantasy he thought he would be able to save his arms. he will, however, be fitted with a prosthetic. tiger woods talked openly to the media yesterday. now, most of the questions during that news conference were about this week's u.s. open at pebble beach. but it appears to be open season on tiger. according to new york's daily news two women are claiming that tiger had babies with them. one is a porn actress who says tigser the father of her 9-year-old son. the woman's own mother doesn't believe her. theresa rogers said she had woods' baby in 2004 and had a deal to keep quiet. "us weekly" reports that bristol
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and levi johnston are a couple again. they were arguing over custody of their 1-year-old son, tripp. an unnamed source tells the magazine that levi even stays the night. his manager says that they're spending more time together for their son's sake. he was a man on a mission to go to pakistan and kill osama bin laden. what made him do it? gary faulkner's brothers revealing answers in just three minutes. plus -- >> in the asian culture we do things differently. during the samurai days we just gave you a knife. >> i'll talk with that louisiana congressman who suggested the oil execs make the ultimate sacrifice. what you did at this morning's meeting? that was pure poetry.
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doctors are learning why a higher body mass index is linked to prostate cancers. they found the connection after studying more than 3,300 patients who had surgery to remove prostate tumors. there's a real possibility this morning that florida democrats will turn their back on their own nominee for senator and back the republican turned independent governor charlie crist. democrat jeff green is a billionaire who profited from the collapse of the housing market. he is politically unknown and keeps a collection of erotic art and mike tyson was the best man at his wedding. nbc congressional correspondent luke russert is following all of this. sounds like your typical senate candidate to me. >> who else would you want to
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represent your party. kendra who is the representative from florida who is thought to be the democratic nominee now finds himself in a tough race with jeff green, the billionaire in florida who has vowed to spend $40 billion of his own money. having mike tyson as the best man in his wedding and allow democrats apprehensive about him being the nominee. if he is to be the nominee, somehow, sway, democrats in the state of florida say that is a nightmare and looking to possibly supporting charlie crist. what hasñi charlie crist done i the last few months? he reversed his stance on gays in the military and shown on the beaches of florida with president obama and he's also vetoed a bill that was opposed by teacher union and also a recent bill in florida that would have called for an ultrasound by anyone having an abortion.
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he vetoed that. there have been rumors about him talking to harry reid about caucusing the democrats, if he were to win. if green is the nominee in florida where a lot of democrats would stand behind rubio. very, very interesting to see charlie crist possibly getting the backing of some big-time money in the state of florida. >> this is such a fascinating political season, luke, in the middle of it. thank you. >> take care. honest question here y mean this. honest question, do you wish in a way that maybe he had succeeded? i'm talking about gary brooks faulkner. this is the colorado construction worker and man on a mission to killical osama bin laden. he was picked up on his sixth visit to pakistan carrying a sword, a pistol and night vision goggles. we're joined by todd faulkner
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and dr. scott faulkner. scott, if i can start with you. this is a story a lot of people are talk about. let's start at the beginning. when did your brother start going to pakistan and why? >> it was soon after the twin towers came down on 9/11. he felt that osama bin laden had mocked our country. that he had shed innocent american lives and blood and it became a passion for him to get osama. so, his journeys, let's call them, started soon thereafter. >> a lot of people have reported that he actually was avenging a personal loss, that is not true. >> that is not true. >> what do you think, though, really made him go to this length? he has been planning this. this isn't something he picked up one day and decided to do. >> well, you're correct. gary is very methodical, very
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meticulous. so, even though he doesn't have military experience, we have grown up hunting in the mountains of colorado and spent a lot of otime in the wilderness. and, so, because it was gary's passion to see this man brought to justice, after all, he is still wanted by the u.s. government and he is not harmliharming anyone else, he's like a bull dog and will not let this go. >> we understand the motivation and we understand a lot of people would like to see osama bin laden brought to justice but you're just taking this a little too far? >> oh, sure. because i can't think of doing something like this myself, most people can't imagine it. but there are those people that have that spirit in them. what makes somebody get into a boat and want to cross the ocean? i can't imagine it, but there are those individuals who look
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for that atencher. >> scott, i understand, you brought him to the airport for this last trip so this is something you have been following throughout. how did he go where to go? what kind of intelligence was he using? how did this all get to this point? >> after 9/11 a lot of harder time looking for pakistan and the information given on the news organization is that osama was in afghanistan. so, that's a good place to start. because gary was meticulous and able to blend in with the crowd, he trusted no one. he was able to look like the taliban with his dress, with his mannerisms and he was able to get intelligence that a lot of people just could not. >> well, do you think he ever
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even got close? >> i believe he has gotten very close, yes. now, has he seen oosama and told me that he has seen osama? no. if you're 18,000 feet in the mountain and there is nothing but rocks and there is nothing else around, that is highly suspicious. >> so to people, todd, who say your brother is well intentioned but perhaps just a little off balance. what would you say to them them? >> you know, my brother, gary, has a great spirit and a great heart and he loves life and how can you argue with that? that sums gary up right there. he loves life. and people have their opinions and i have read a lot of them on the internet and there's a lot of people who have really supported what he's done and
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others that disagree, but that's america. we have opinions and we're able to voice them. >> todd and scott, we thank you both for being with us. >> our pleasure. >> absolutely. the world cup now where five-time champion brazil took on north korea. this was north korea's world cup. boy, were they well represented in the stands. kim jong-il paid actors and musicians to go to south africa and cheer his team on. brazil won the game, though, 2-1, on a beautiful goal from an incredible anger. can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste?
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in the egz asian culture, we do things differently. during the samurai days we just give you a knife and ask you to commit hari-kari. louisiana congressman joseph
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with the most pointed message and congressman joins me now live and are your phones ringing off the hook? are you getting e-mails and faxes like you've never gotten before? >> well, we received a few phone calls, but, chris, our people are frustrated and we are fearful and we have high anxiety down there and all of this was caused by the incompetency and the irresponsibility and the shameful acts of bp. >> all right, so, you didn't mean it literally, but, what really do you want to be going on right now inside the roosevelt room? if you were in that room, what would you tell all these bp execs? >> first of all, we need a better, a more comprehensive plan with respect to the cleaning up process. i was touring some of the coastal lands and watching the
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oil as it was coming towards the shore and there were no ships out there trying to skim the oil. there's lack of coordination, the process has been dism disma an escrow account needs to be established and need to address this issue of the moratorium that has the potential to devastate the economy of louisiana. we need solutions to all these issues that we have that makes people frustrated and makes people angry. >> so, what you heard from the president last night and the fact that he's meeting with these bp execs today, do you feel a little better than you did yesterday in that hearing room that something might happen or not? >> well, chris, i've been very appreciative and thankful to the administration, to the president, personally, for his involvement, not only with respect to katrina, but also to the oil spill. but at the same time, i was looking for more details, more specificity last night and i did not receive a plan of
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rebuilding, a plan of cleaning up with many specifics. >> congressman cao, we appreciate you coming on with us and maybe you'll come back in a few weeks and in a month and let us know if you think it's going any better for your folks down there in louisiana. thank you. >> thank you very much. that will do it for me, i'm chris jansing. at 3:00 eastern a seattle police officer punches a teenager in the face and, obviously, it's all on camera. tamron hall will pick up things next and she has the skinny on the frozen diet foods. are they really low in fat and calories? stick around, a shocking new nbc news investigation. host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: does charlie daniels play a mean fiddle?
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