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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  September 23, 2010 1:04pm-1:34pm EDT

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i went to bills that my colleagues had introduced. i listened to concerned people had when i was pack home in texas and brought that back. the more important thing is, let people just judge these ideas on their own. all of these attacks are a way to avoid the real issue. >> let's talk, congressman. >> they're for or against the specific things that are in there. >> let's talk about the specifics. this is 21 pages long. and there are few specifics in this thing. let's talk about obama care, what republicans call the president's signature health care reform proposal. you said today, you want to repeal it and replace it. so let's talk about some of the protections that went in place today. i want specific answers from you on this -- one of the things that went in place today, coverage for kids with pre-existing conditions. you want to repeal that? yes or no? >> look at the document itself. it says when we repeal obama care, part of the replacement is
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protection for people with pre-existing conditions. it's in the document itself. >> so that's a yes. >> read it. >> what about a ban on lifetime benefit limits? yes or no, do you want to repeal that? >> we want to repeal all of the obama health care proposal and begin to replace it. we laid out four or five specific things to replace it with immediately. but the key point to make on health care and all of the other issues. >> this is a simple question. it's a yes or no. ask you about expanded coverage for young adults. everybody up to the age of 26 can stay on their parents' health care insurance. do you want to repeal that? yes or no? >> if you would let me answer the question, what i was about to say was this is a first step. this is not the whole answer to health care. it does not try to solve all of the problems about young adults who don't have coverage personally. i support that. i have two kids about that age. but what's in this plan is what
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people are talking about now. and it's a first step towards greater -- towards further steps on health care, budget reduction, and all the other issues. >> okay, but i want to talk about the health care for a minute. because these are things that go in place. i want to know what the republicans -- if they take control, specifically what they want to do when it comes to health care. the other thing that takes place today, obama care as you call it, free preventive care, things like mammograms, things like colonoscopies, you don't have to pay a co-pay, and also immunizations. do republicans want to repeal the free preventive care that's providing in obama-care, yes or no. >> you misunderstand this document. this document wants to repeal the whole health care bill. now, this congress. it is not a party blueprint for everything we would do if given the opportunity in another congress. it is, again, a first step that
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we want to do now and now we would start with repealing the whole health care bill. >> i listened closely to your comments today. you started off speaking to everybody by saying the first job of the federal government is to protect our country and defend our citizens in a dangerous world. but, in fact, in this document, you say that's the first priority, there is no mention of what should be done differently or better in afghanistan. why? >> again, this document does not try to give the party position on all issues. what it does is it focuses on the things we heard from the american people that they are unhappy with right now. and it does include coddling terrorists, supporting the military, the last funding bill for the troops in afghanistan have -- yesterday, in the senate, they tried to put in an immigration bill on it. that does affect the troops in afghanistan. we think that's wrong.
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there ought to be clean funding bills with no fork and no domestic legislation attached. >> i appreciate you trying to opt for the tough questions. i know the republicans have been painted as the party of no. so i was trying to get from you the explanation of what the parisi is for and what you would change in a new congress. i appreciate you joining us today. >> this is the first step towards what would be changed. >> congressman mack thorn berry, appreciate it. and president obama addresses it u.n. general assembly calling on global leaders to support the path of peace and also support the two-state solution in the mideast. we tco-host of the daily rundown joins us in new york because that's where the president is. and savannah, the president making a pledge today when it comes to mideast peace and palestine. >> that's what stood out with this speech. long speech, wide ranging. a progress report.
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the push on middle east piece. israel and palestine. it's about to be tested severely with question if israel would continue the moratorium on settlement building not looking as though it's likely to do that. the u.s. is hoping that israel would do that and create an atmosphere that's conducive to peace. and he really addressed not only the israelis and the palestines but the other arab leaders saying you've got to invest yourself in peace. you have to lay out a vision on how things could change if finally this thorny foreign policy problem could be resolved. listen. >> if we do, when we come back here next year, we come back to an agreement to have a new member of the united nations, an independent sovereign state of palestine living in peace with israel. >> a lofty goal, but, as you know, this is an issue that's
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bedeviled many, many administrations past, the president hoping at long last there will be progress here. >> no doubt. you cover the white house. this is known as no drama obama. there is drama inside the west wing. there are rumors of a staff shake-up. not just rahm emmanuel, but what about other advisors. >> there's no question about it. axelrod has been straightforward that this is a temporary tour of duty for him. and at some point next year, i think spring or summer, he's going to leave and go back to chicago and read -- and re-elect president obama. i don't think it will happen any sooner than that. everybody's tongues are wagging about when rahm emmanuel, the chief of staff is announcing a departu departure. we may hear something about that in a week or so. wouldn't be surprised. wouldn't make a move. there's talking inside the white house about potential
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replacements. everything i've been able to garth everyone and report suggests it's likely to be an insider. you wonder if there will be a caretaker chief of staff for a little while. pete rous, somebody with low profile. the president doesn't trust or whether they'll make the move and make a permanent chief of staff. already, we've seen departures on the economic team. a year from now, the west wing is going to look very, very different from what we see today. no question about that. all right, savannah guthrie, always, great reporting, good to see you, thank you so much. >> you too, norah. >> join savannah and chuck todd or known add chavannah -- sorry, savannah. only on msnbc. >> coming up, the new health care law takes effect today. so why is there so much confusion about what's actually in the bill? we're going to help sort it out for you. sarah palin tweeting again, talking. what she's saying now about president obama. and throwing their hat in the 2012 presidential race.
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what gives? the founder of facebook making a lot of new friends in new jersey with a big donation. this is andrea mitchell reports only on msnbc. shazam! h2...o! hydrolicious! magic bananas! it's the first one click faucet filter that removes 99% of lead and microbial cysts. adios contaminos! ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving heat patch activates sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals for deep penetrating relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol.
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my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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the first wave of new health care rules kicks in today instead of patient-friendly provisions that will serve as the trial run for the far-reaching changes that are due in the next few years. bertha coons joins us to tell us what's happening today. bertha, there are a lot of changes that begin today. tell us about them. oh. that's right. the full obama care doesn't go into effect until 2014. some key changes that are patient protections part of that act going into effect today including no, you already mentioned this one, children with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage
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anymore. the wrinkle on that is a lot of insurers now, they find if they're not sure how that's going to work for them. so they're only going to do that through family plans. if you buy on their own, you will have trouble buying on a child-only plan for that. they're lifting the lifetime limits on how much coverage you can get. this is important for people who may have cancer, hem fill yeah, they can no longer max out. if you get cancer, some people have complained that insurers can drop them. rescission is now banned as well. you cannot be dropped for a condition. the two biggest changes that affect the most people are the extensions for kids up to 26. the adult child can be remaining or added back to your plan. a slew of options are added including what you mentioned earlier, mammograms, coal noles
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colonoscopies, for your kids, immunizations as well. as a parent, you could get a big benefit. >> are we seeing premium costs go up? >> a lot of insurers did that ahead of this anticipating some of the changes. a lot of them aren't sure how this is going to work out this year. because once you get people being able to utilize more of that free preventive care, you get more people on plans, kids being added back in. they're not sure how that's going to affect costs. this is a trial run here. >> exactly. the president promised they would lower costs in the long run. bertha coombs, thanks so much. >> you're welcome. six months after the president signed this new reform in to law, we're learning that most americans still have no idea what's actually in it. there's a new associated press poll out today that shows 65% of people believed it will add to the federal deficit. but according to the nonpartisan congressional budget office, health care reform will actually reduce the deficit saving $140
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billion in the next ten years. we're live on capitol hill. i know you know this, you're a reporter. you cover the bill. there's a lot in the bill. there are a lot of consumer protections. a lot of people like it that are coming out today. so people still have a lot of misconceptions about what's in this bill, right? >> it is -- it's absolutely amazing, nora. you talk to democrats and republicans, they say to republicans that they were able to frame the debate about this bill and were able to sit and put only sut some degree misinformation campaigns that had a tremendous effect on how people view these things. the interesting thing within this a.p. poll, close to 40% of folks surveyed believed that the death panel so and so you bring grandma before a death panel exists. there's also half the country believes there are going to be a raise in taxes in the first year because of this law. there is no raise of taxes in the first year because of the law unless you like to go indoor
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tanning. college girls of america, you will see a tax hike. >> hey, there's some -- >> most americans will not. >> haven't you seen "jersey shore", college aged boys using tanning machines there. you're right. lots of misconceptions about this. why is that? >> i think partially it's what both sides will tell you, both parties came in here and framed the debate. look at where we are as a country. democrats seem to like this bill. republicans seem not to like it. republicans don't like things they see as big government intervention, things like health care. independents, though, which are the folks that swing elections, this poll tells us that the jury is out with them. while they oppose it to a degree, they don't know that much about it. that's what i saw in ohio, a lot of folks worried about their coverage being taken away. this shows that the more independents hear and health care and the popular provisions that are rolled out today in the patients' bill of rights, the
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more incline they are to support it. that's the challenge for the democrats needed in november. will that strike a tone? no one knowles. and most probably it won't with only a few weeks to go before the midterms. norah -- >> very, very smart observation. which is why some democrats talk about why they should talk about health care and explain what's in this health bill. >> very well. bill clinton's advice on avoiding a midterm debacle. what he says with president obama and democrats need to start doing to keep the independents that luke was talking about from fleeing to the republican party. and later, the economic shake-up at the white house. will team obama look to wall street to replace larry somers. you're watching andrea mitchell reports on msnbc. america's healthcare reforms change lives for the better. to find out how it can help you, visit us at the smell of home made chili whatever scents fill your household, purina tidy cats scoop helps neutralize odors
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iaiabetes. and i'm worried if i lose my job, i won't be able to afford insurance. not anymore. america's healthcare reforms change lives for the better. to see how it can help you, visit us at a big week for bill clinton hosting the global initiative. this morning, talking politics. whether he or any two-term president should be able to return to the oval office after
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taking off four years. >> i think there's a very strong argument for sailing you shouldn't serve three-year terms in a row. the timing for everybody, there's people getting relaxed. too much opportunity for people, even if not for corruption, but bad things happening for taxpayers for the crowd in all the time. >> right. >> but if you want for the life expectancy being so long and people being alert until they're in their 70s or sometimes in their 80s, look at paul volcker, he might as well be 40 years old. in some ways, there's an argument for that. if we change the constitution, it shouldn't apply to me. it shouldn't apply to anybody served. it should all be forward looking. that's what i think it should be. >> politico editor chief john harris spoke with president clinton yesterday. john, an interesting clip. we chose it for you because you
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heard clinton's mind churning there whether he could do a third term and maybe not for me but maybe for somebody else it might be a good idea. you spent some time with him. how do you sense that president clinton was? >> i found him in very good form, relaxed. very, very busy. he had something like 40 heads of state visiting him in the clinton global initiative. but he's at the start of the conversation. once we started talking about politics, you can feel him unwind. he loves talking about this. he says eache loex each electi like a mozart symphony. he's worried about the democrats. he believes that the party has not done enough to address the concerns of independent voters. >> he used the word that he did not think that the democrats or the president had been vigorous enough. i wonder if that's a euphemism for saying they've not been tough enough?
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>> i don't think he would put it necessarily as a matter of toughness or weakness, but they haven't been specific enough in countering what's been a very calculated -- he would say very false republican campaign to present democrats, generally president obama specifically as a kind of european-style, big government, quiet -- his team was quasi-socialist. he said, that argument is resonating with fiscally concerned swing voters. they think this is a huge problem and the democrats have to do more to rebut it. >> and you're discussing the town hall we saw of course on cnbc where this female supporter said she was exhausted by defending the president -- the president replied to you, quote, of obama, he's being criticized for being too disengaged, for not caring.
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so he needs to turn into it. i may be one of the few people that think it's not bad. but that lady said she was getting tired of defending him. he needs to hear it. you need to hear. what is the president suggesting obama needs to change? >> i was struck. he said he thought it was a good thing that obama was confronted by that woman. what he meant was that the public wants to see president obama and make it clear that he understands that they're angry, that he's not disengaged from these concerns. he said you need to embrace people's anger, including the disappointment at you. once you've done that, he thinks you can make the case, look, i know you're impatient, you're frustrated. give us two more years. and if we don't deliver a result, you can throw it back. >> good stuff. john harris, enjoyed reading your piece. thanks so much. >> good to see you. >> coming up, can $100 million and a donation from facebook
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save some of the lowest performing and worst performing schools in the nation? plus, will she or won't she? sarah palin issues the strongest indication yet that she's considering a presidential run in 2012. this is andrea mitchell reports only on msnbc. i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office.
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i'm norah o'donnell topping the headlines. a recall that may affect you. millions of containers of similac, a powdered formula for infants may be contaminated with insect parts that can cause stomach aches and digestion problems. the fda has decided to severely restrict avandia, move that will cripple the sales of drugs. the drug sales would be suspended entirely in europe. the new england journal of medicine has released a new study on mammograms. women age 50 to 69 who get screenings are less likely to die of breast cancer.
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the screening program in norway was monitored. and a harvard dropout turned billionaire is trying to change the lives of thousands of students in one of the country's toughest cities. mark zuckerberg has announced he's donating $100 million to the newark, new jersey school system. ron allen joins us now with the latest. ron, it's a lot of money. >> yeah, $100 million is a big chunk of the newark school budget. and it's a big victory for the major there, cory booker, who apparently friended mark zuckerberg and mr. zuckerberg decided to give the school district $100 million if, in fact, the mayor is given the authority to implement a new plan for the schools, something that has to require some political juggling because the school system is in such poor shape that's been in the control of the state of new jersey for the past 15 years. the governor of new jersey is also involve in this. they're calling it the oprah
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moment, that's what "the star ledger" is calling it. they're tweeting about it. mayor booker tweeted looking forward to oprah on friday. please tune in to know what's going on in newark. big promoter of the city since head's been mayor there. now beginning in the second term. governor chris christie tune in "oprah" on friday, great things to come for education in newark. a big day. >> i follow cory booker on twitter. he's a mayor of a different kind. because he responds to his constituents on twitter. he goes and fixes houses and potholes. a guy who uses social networking in a way that other politicians will follow in the future. let me ask you about some of the criticism of the plan, that, one, it's a pr move to sort of blunt some of the criticism that the founder of one of the -- the co-founders of facebook will face with the new movie coming out. and, two, already newark has one of the highest rates of money per child spent. and that has not


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