tv Morning Joe MSNBC September 24, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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"i kissed a girl." >> do we we have that video aga? i'm trying to decide if the parents who wrote in and were deeply offended should have been offended. what do you think? i'm not seeing too much. frankly it's time elmo got a little view of adult life. you know what i mean? how long can he be 3 years old you en droj nous little freak. "morning joe" starts right now. listen. you know what? you want to yell, yell at me. but don't give her a hard time. we're here talking about the future of the state of california and the future of our country. you know what? you know what? let me tell you this, you know what? it's people who raise their voices and yell and scream like you that are dividing this country. we're here to bring this country together, not to divide it. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> well, i have professed my love. >> what else can you do? >> how many times can we tell chris christie we love him? >> i think we should watch him. i'm serious. i think we should watch him. >> you know what -- will lease geist? meecham is so -- >> founder and host. people have tried to disparage the garden state for years. i have always seen the garden state and its finest -- bruce springsteen, right? snooki. and now chris christie, somebody bruce springsteen would never vote for in a million years. >> bill bradley. >> bill bradley. >> theodore heusen. >> sinatra. this guy, though.
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he's good. >> he's done some unpopular things. many people in the state like the unpopular things he's doing. >> what he said yesterday was a message that really can -- it goes across the board from washington to media. it is the message, and to people -- >> don't raise your voice. similar her down. let's talk. chris christie is going to be on "oprah" today. he's going to be on with cory booker. >> of course, mark zuckerberg who gave $100 million. >> huge gift. >> we did the interview with bill clinton. here is a guy that we were intractable foes in the 1990s. i remember one time telling staff members that i felt guilty about hating bill clinton so much. i said that. it was 1995. the staff members said don't feel guilty, he hates you, too. and he hated all of us and we
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hated him. again, it was so ugly. but, i always think -- you talk about james madison's vision for how it's supposed to work. even when you have people going like this, or maybe because you have people going like this, balanced the budget four years in a row, first time since the 1920s. welfare reform, two successful military campaigns, 22 million new jobs. a lot of different things. so yesterday the idea of the interview was we were going to figure out if bill clinton were president, what would he do to get this economy started? i would suggest the most important thing to talk about and, of course, he didn't disappoint, did he? >> no, he didn't. >> brilliant responses. and yet the rest of the day we were savaged. i was savaged with why didn't you bring up monica? why didn't you bring up impeachment. and then the left, why were you so critical of barack obama? which i wasn't. but does this none, jon meacham
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suggest what's wrong with this country? everybody, all the adults at least are focussed on how do we get the economy started again. how do we grow jobs. these harsh partisans on both sides that we talk about all the time, they're focused on -- as the chris christie video shows, tearing the country apart. >> bill clinton has always driven his foes crazy and to extremes. he's somebody, i think, who -- he's clearly the most articulate advocate in the country for whatever he wants to advocate for. and he is a flawed and imperfect human being, but who isn't? >> but who isn't? and to that point, though he's not flawed in the area where we need him right now, and that is giving this president ideas on how getting unemployed people -- my dad, i take this personally
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because my dad was unemployed for two years in mississippi in the recession of the early 1970s. we didn't give a dam about watergate or vietnam. we wanted my dad to get back to work. >> part of the issue with clinton was because of the prosperity that with both george h.w. busch's policies he created a climate of comfort in which the tabloid became an indulgeable vice for the country. it was prosperous. there was not a sense of great impending crisis. so you could have a scandal like that. >> right. >> but i think that, as you're saying, the central concern of anybody is the economy. a lot of us think, like richard, that afghanistan and iraq should be -- and terrorism should be higher as well. but why wouldn't you want to listen to whoever has experience and ideas? >> exactly. richard, we are as a country
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sick right now. we've got to figure out how to get people back to work, how to grow the economy. you always hear the doctor analogy. seriously, if i have cancer of the brain, i've got a tumor and i've got the best most successful doctor on the planet, i'm not trying to figure out what he did ten or 11 years ago in his personal life. i want to know how to get well. >> really came through loud and clear this week in new york. most of the world leaders converged in new york. i had a chance to meet with lots of them, both publicly and privately. the sub text of almost every conversation, how serious is the american economic problem? will your politics allow you to do what you need to do? if you don't, how are we going to deal with the rising chichb nah? everyone was uneasy equally about china's assertiveness and the overlay of america's
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political problems. people are seriously worried about whether, to put it bluntly, we can get it together politically to do what we need to do economically. >> richard, the question is, and i don't want to make this all about bill clinton. this is about the will of the american people to tune out the rabid ooid logs that are hurting this country. wonder, again, going back to this bigger point. do the rabid ideologues on the right prefer george w. bush's ideas? would they trust him more than bill clinton. will the rabid ideologues on the left trust barack obama more than bill clinton? again, this isn't about bill clinton. it's about do we care more about ideology than we do getting people back to work and fixing this country? >> exactly right. the clinton administration to its credit was willing to make tough decisions, in their case, for example, about interest rates. it wasn't politically popular in the short run. it was the right thing in the long run economically. again, we have to make different
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and still difficult economic decisions here, particularly about cutting spending on entitlements and other things. but the gap between the seriousness of what needs to be done and the lack of seriousness on the political debate is frightening. >> it is frightening. >> people always sit around and quote churchill and say americans get it done right, that's too sang win. i actually have a question whether we really can get it done. i don't just assume because we always have historically, we'll automatically be able to do it now. >> i don't know that the political extremes allow it to happen right now. i've talked to one -- you talk about off the record, quiet conversations, we've had quiet conversations with progressives with courage, conservatives with courage. but they all say, when they step out and try to do things that would help this country economically, they get savaged by the other side on the internet immediately and they
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get savaged by their own side on the internet immediately. and you talk about tough choices. i wonder if we had the internet then that we have now, whether all the tough choices that we made in the 1990s -- bill clinton in '93 raised taxes. i hated it. that's why i ran for office. he said we need to raise taxes. we need to make some spending cuts. we've got to bring down the deficit. in '95 we came in and made real spending cuts that bill clinton and the democrats hated. said it would wreck the economy, right? just like we said his tax increases would wreck the economy. by the end of that decade -- because bill clinton made the tough choices that we republicans didn't want him to make. we republicans had made the tough choices that bill clinton didn't want to make. the economy soared. we balanced the budget four years in a row. hadn't been done in 75 years.
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do we have the courage to do that today? >> well, we need it, because i don't know if you remember at our breakfast with the iranian president which we'll lead our news with, there was a question about the young people in iran and their hopelessness and confusion. he just laughed and said, really? look at your own country. and that was kind of a moment where you realize this problem that we have, it impacts our reputation around the world. >> let me just say in our defense we don't shoot people in the street and let them bleed to death. >> i know. there's a lot of reasons why it's not even an argument with him. it is a little bit telling when you can look at your own country and say, you know what? some people are hopeless. >> ahmadinejad had quite a day yesterday. >> he sure did. >> this whole engagement thing that barack obama was so sure of back in the campaign, it's not working that well, is it? >> yeah. but we need to get a new act, too. >> we're going to read the news,
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chris. i'm going to set this up really quickly. barack obama was so contemptuous intellectually of hillary clinton during the fall of 2007 during the debates because hillary clinton suggested that engaging ahmadinejad may not bring peace and light and happiness to the middle east. go ahead and read the story. let's see how three years later engagement is working. >> okay. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad addressed the u.n. general assembly yesterday sparking the seemingly annual tradition of delegations leaving the room in protest. the u.s. and several european delegationless walked out after ahmadinejad said most people believe the u.s. government was responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks. >> some segments within the u.s. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining american economy and its grips on the middle east in order to
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save the zionist regime. the majority of the american people as well as most nations on politicians around the world agree with this view. >> there they go. the white house later said president obama thought the comments were utterly outrageous and offensive, especially in the city where the 9/11 attacks occurred. earlier the president himself spoke to the session saying, quote, the door remains open to diplomacy should iran choose to walk through it. president obama also urged world leaders to stop, in his words, tearing down israel and instead push for a peace deal in the middle east. >> it's time we should reach for what's best within ourselves. if we do, when we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the united nati s nations, an independent sovereign state of palestine leaving in peace with israel. [ applause ] >> so, richard, why was the
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emphasis of this speech middle east peace process? >> the short answer is i was frankly somewhat surprised and then some. a quarter of the speech was on this, given iran, given afghanistan, given the state of the u.s. economy, rise in china, all the asian leaders in town for today's summit wanting to talk about chinese power, it seemed slightly out of sync with what people's concerns are. it seemed almost like a speech written weeks ago and then put out. it seemed slightly out of sync with what's on people's minds. >> you know, jon, richard suggested and i'm sure he's right. he's richard haass. >> one of the things that richard did at the council, he started having food that was a little harder to even actually chew now. it was soft for many years. >> it needed to be.
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>> they needed soft foods. >> arthur needs the tapioca. >> we digress. >> anyway, it is very important for this country, though, as richard haass has suggested, to check that box off. we'll try to engage eye ryne. the door is open for iran, sending the message to the world that in the end when their facilities get bombed by israel or somebody else, we've done everything we could do to avert conflict. >> i think the president believes this as deeply as he believes anything. i've asked him this question directly sitting this close, and he has said exactly that. why wouldn't you try to engage so that, if it fails, you have the world with you? the implicit indictment being that the previous eight years did not go that step. >> here is the bottom line.
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richard, we have george w. bush, has drawn so many lines in the sand over eight years that ahmadinejad stepped over and the iranians stepped over. they have had contempt for the united states for years. at some point we're going to have to mike a very difficult decision, aren't we? >> we keep redrawing what's the red line? at some point we'll have to decide what is truly intolerable. >> we've taught the iranians over the past decade that there's really nothing they can do to stop us from drawing another line. >> that would be dangerous if they thought -- at some point it's quite possible that either israel or the united say you are now too close to nouk loor weapons. that's truly unacceptable. at some point we could really mean it. it means enforcing sanctions or attacking iran. i wouldn't rule it out. >> i'm not ruling it out.
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i think somebody should send him a reel -- willie, maybe we can do this to music, of all the dictators in the past that said the united states would never come in. maybe we could put saddam hussein on the loop. you know what of my favorites, noriega, remember he had the sword. if they come -- three weeks later he's in a miami jail hanging out with a couple of guys from liberty city and it gets ugly real fast. >> attacked him with rock music, right? >> that's right. bad rock music. >> seriously, what do the iranians think? what do they think? what do these dictators think? we don't have to occupy them. we've learned our lesson over the past ten years. we're not going to go in, bomb your facilities, get your leaders out of facilities and occupy you. we're just going to bomb your
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facilities, get your leaders out of power and then come back to california and hang out on the beach. seriously, what are they think sng. >> you must have broken up really early to develop all these premises. >> turn the music off. we have this thing yesterday for advertisers for the three morning shows, "squawk box" which is amazing, and the "today show." matt and meredith. meredith is so cool. she really is. love matt, too. and then us. they go down the list and ask everybody, when you wake up for the show? they're like -- everybody is, oh, i work up at 3:00 and i have 12 alarm clocks. >> and reading my four blackberries. >> al said they woke up at 2:30. >> meredith was 2:30.
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>> roker was 3:30. we've talked about this. >> meredith has to carry the show for the guys. so i understand seriously why meredith would have to wake up early. but roker, when does he wake up? >> 3:30. he's got a show at 6:00 on the weather channel. >> i have a show at 6:00, too. >> oh, yeah. >> as i explain, i've got no alarm and i wake up at 5:30. al roker, what's he do? why does al wake up at 3:30? >> he has to make his kid's lunch. >> and those are big lunches. >> i don't know. >> come on. >> i think you woke up early and developed that premise on iran. i can tell you were studying, you were scurrying around your apartment trying to get notes and looking at books and studying computers because your job is so important. >> it is. all right. up next, developing overnight -- >> i wake up 12 hours before i
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start the show. politico has new details -- >> and the east coast, expect a summer show. come on now. >> all right, now. update on the delaware senate race. why mike castle may not be done yet? >> he may be a write-in candidate. >> i like that. i like that. that's exciting. >> i actually agree. i told a supporter -- >> no switcheroo. i'm tired and a little later from witchcraft to fighting mascots. don't miss willie's week in review. first a check on the weekend forecast including record heat. here is bill karins. >> i have to defend al -- >> whatever. >> you suck up. >> do you eat your kid's sandwiches, too? >> do we have to go there on a friday? i'm up at 1:45 a.m., just thought i'd let you guys know that. >> i wouldn't admit this. i would not admit that i was too
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slow to just roll out of bed and look at the charts and say it's going to be 84 in buffalo today. i mean, come on. >> that's true. >> what's the weather going to be like in buffalo, today? >> you can just do it. >> i did and i didn't have to wake up at 1:30. >> just makes us sound better like we work harder. we really don't. >> guess what, bill? 82 in boston. >> expect through the weekend on the northeast there's going to be a pressure system that pushes through. it's going to feel more like fall on monday. >> everyone just jump in whenever you want. 95 today in d.c. record heat as we were mentioning there. let's talk about your weekend forecast. cooler air will arrive for the midwest and slowly slide to the east coast. so that 95 in d.c. with the hottest temperature we'll have for a long time. saturday is more likely, a beautiful day. partly cloudy skies. temperatures in the 80s. thunderstorms in florida. big changes on sunday in the southeast. finally, everyone down where joe likes to be, pensacola, panama
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city, atlanta. much cooler air, the first real cool shot you're going to have so far. we also finally want to mention we have a tropical storm that's going to hit central america, honduras and nicaragua today. we'll have more on that during the morning and of course next week, tropical storm matthew. you're watching "morning joe." >> yeah, baby! >> brewed by starbucks. [ female announcer ] stay once... stay twice... earn a free night!
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two separate stays at comfort inn or any of these choice hotels can earn you a free night -- only when you book at new aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers, with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on, to even skin tone in four weeks. new aveeno tinted moisturizers.
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jenna has crazy stuff built into her contract that kicks in now. >> like what? >> eye contact. everyone must make eye contact with miss maroney at all times. she also gets a producer credit. >> a low-cost way to make someone feel more important. like executive producer ashton kutcher or secretary of state hillary clinton. >> wasn't that great? >> don't watch any tv.
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>> andrew called me last night to remind me this is the beginning of season five. was it this show? maybe it was scar boborough couy where we were interviewing them at the end of the first year. absolutely loved the show. they were on the bubble. didn't know if they were going to be renewed. isn't this the year where it goes into syndication. if you survive five years, you're doing okay. >> instead of making larry david's $900 million, she'll make maybe $10 million. >> like seinfeld owns that building with all the cars, that's what syndication gets you. >> "way too early" is going to do that. >> as the founder, do you get the bigger cut? >> yes, and we have a staff of two. by the way, another reason
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why this guy over here is going to get rich, he wakes up at about 1:30 every morning and stirs up a big pot of headlines for you people. these are the ones he picked out with his super headline human activation machine. >> after i check the asian markets. then i get into domestic headlines. >> okay. that's what i do. >> to the papers now, "san francisco chronicle," although her job performance ratings are at an all-time low, senator barbara boxer increased her lead over republican challenger carly fiorina. the three-term incumbent is leading the former hewlett packard ceo 47% to 41%. >> something is going on on the west coast. patty murray is gaining also in washington state. good news for democrats there. >> what's in "the globe." >> teachers at underperforming schools could soon see bonuses up to $15,000 depending on how their students perform, part of
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a new experimental system to give educators financial incentives, but also attraction good teachers to low-performing schools. don't forget our town hall meeting this weekend. "education nation" sunday night at 8:00 p.m. talking about "waiting for assumer man," one of the most important movies i've seen in a long time. "usa today," showdown in the s.e.c. number one alabama visits 11th ranked arkansas in a key conference match-up this weekend. >> showdown? the "wall street journal." tom hicks, cohener of the liverpool football teams is on the run. the liverpool faithful are waging a fierce campaign to evict the american owner by trying to convince banks not to lend him money to pay his debts and keep the team. >> the banks won't lend him
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money? >> the guy is about 250 million pounds in debt. he's trying to refinance it again. it's a risky proposition. millions of liverpool fans saying we're never use your banks. >> mr. hicks should have stayed with baseball? >> that didn't go too well for him either. the rangers, didn't they go bellyup? >> they struggled a little bit. >> he's out of there. i like tom hicks. if he'll just get rid of liverpool. you know what you always say, willie, to your friends? set the bird free or something like that. if it comes back, it's yours. >> okay, just stop. can we go to politico. >> if it doesn't come back, it never was. something like that. i don't know. >> shoot the bird.
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mike allen is the chief white house political correspondent. good morning, mike. >> happy friday. >> that's how the weaken starts for me. the minute i hear that, we're in for good times. >> cracking up a bud right now. >> a little trump vodka. >> explain this to me. mike castle in delaware, we hear he might run as a write-in candidate. how would that work? what would he chances be? >> he's looking at it very seriously. he's going to take a poll to find out what would happen in a three-way race between him t democrat and christine o'donnell who unseated him for the republican nomination. he's probably not likely to do it. one thing that may be in his mind is this would be a way to end the race on his term, that he could decide not to do a write-in, instead losing to christine o'donnell. it's got to be tempting. she's the republican senate most likely to lose, way down on the
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polls, unlike the california races which are both in the margin. republicans would love another solution. the party in washington is sticking with their nominee, but republicans around the country are furious at the idea that she may cost them the senate majority. it may take a few more races than that. but it is like a gaping hole in the republican's momentum. >> willie, this week -- since she's beaten castle, there have been so many videos that came out, the witchcraft stuff. mahr is sitting on others. one embarrassing interview after another through november. i don't know why castle wouldn't consider getting in. >> bill maher is on again tonight, threatening to roll out a new tape and probably will. is this a viable political option of running as a write-in candidate? >> he could. it's very hard. we talked about how hard it is in alaska. every ballot could be disputed. castle is a little easier to spell than murkowski. they go by what the voter
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intended. so we may be back to shots of guys with goofy glasses trying to figure out who exactly the voters meant to write in. it doesn't work. >> how many times has castle won statewide? it's like 18? something like that. >> he's the most widely known person in delaware except for beau biden who is one of the unhappiest politicians in america. he stood out of this race. now this will be his for the taking. it will be senator biden. >> castle could win that thing. >> do we agree around the table, richard? >> yeah. i think it's in some ways the beginning of the next phase of the bottle for the party. this goes way beyond delaware. >> i agree with that. >> jon meacham, you said for some time that our party system has been stagnant now for over a century. >> yeah, 150 years now.
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i think we are due for some kind of realignment. and it needs -- i think what richard said is right. the conservative movement is much more a movement than the progressive movement is. it would be most likely, it seems to me, for the tea party to go into sort of a conservative place, a republican party to try to take the kind of moderate position. and it would be appropriate if it began in new england obviously because of the tradition there. >> all right. mike allen, thanks so much. coming up, no joke for stephen colbert, scheduled to testify this morning on capitol hill. >> about what? >> you'll have to wait and find out. a little later, uk deputy minister nick clay, oscar winning actress mira sore vino and director oliver stone will be here to discuss his movie "wall street 2." we'll be right back.
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introducing the blackberry torch. words alone aren't enough. our job is to listen and find ways to help workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. we'll keep restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. foggy this morning. welcome back to "morning joe." 37 past the hour. >> look who is on the front of the metro section. >> "washington post."
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michelle rhee. >> she talked to the mayor elect gray there. i tell you, when people see "waiting for superman," they're going to see what she endured. the worst school system in america, washington, d.c. there's not a close second. you'll see what she tried to do there, how she bent over backwards to try to make teaching a more competitive venture and how the bureaucrats just beat her down every time. the unions beat her down every time. it is so depressing. >> she's going to be on our panel sunday night at 8:00, "education nation," bringing together people on both sides of this debate. it's going to be a good honest debate. we applaud everyone, whether we agree or disagree with them for agreeing to do this. >> randy will be there, head of the teachers union. we thank her for coming on. we'll not only talk about where we disagree. we'll find out places like
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jeffrey canada and randy wine garden agree. the teachers unions are beginning to understand this isn't just about job protection. it's about children as well and that the world is changing underneath their feet. willie, wasn't this one of the saddest parts of the movie when you saw that washington, they showed the adults in the audience with their arms crossed basically saying we don't give a dam about children, we don't give a damn about anything but job protection. >> the moment was so telling when michelle rhee said it took me a year into this job, but now i get why this system chews people up and spits them out and i understand why nothing ever gets done. she's not bowing out. >> everybody should go and bring their kids as well. again, sunday night at 8:00, "education nation," we'll take the conversation to the next
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level. >> i knew how this movie was going to end even before he was done editing it because we had been up there and we know the tragedy, the human tragedy that goes on in america's poorest neighborhoods. i still had to wipe my eyes four or five times at the end. >> we walked down the street not able to talk because we were just twisted up to it. >> i felt sick to my stomach. when i got home and looked at my kids, i looked at my kids differently going, my god, my kids can go to good schools but these other kids are enslaved in the worst districts in america. we have solutions and you've got adults that are every bit as immoral as george wallace standing in the doorway preventing them from actually getting out of a burning building. jon, your wife works in -- >> charter schools.
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>> she has been in harlem at a charter school and now works at the fund for public schools downtown, department of education. i think the phrase you use admin ut ago and the point you made is exactly right. there has to be a way of getting beyond the caricatures and finding the common ground and make the moves you can make. but i do think this movie is, and so does she, could be the rachel carson, the silent spring of this, the piece, the movie that changes the consciousness of the country in a way that makes real reform possible. >> it really does. before we get to sports -- we won't take the sports time. this is what's happening on oprah today. it's today, right, chris? >> yeah. >> this is the guy from facebook, 26 years old. >> god bless him. >> giving $100 million to the schools in newark. there are people out there who care, who want to make a difference. cory booker will be on. >> the reason this moment is possible, and jeb said it.
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a lot of republicans are saying, one of the reasons this moment is possible is just as only nixon can go to china, only barack obama can stand up to the entrenched interests in education and say, actually we're going to put our kids and the future of america over special interests. that's whapg. >> that's the big point. you look at american competitiveness in the world. one of the biggest challenges to this country's ability to do well economically and every other way is the quality of k-12 education. higher education here is world class, no pun intended. k-12 education in this country is a national scandal. yes, if you have the option to do charter schools or private schools you have tremendous options. if you're in the public school system with few exceptions, the race is uneven almost before it begins. when you go into the schools through teach for america or whatever, you see how uneven it is when the kids are 10 or 12 years old, they don't have a chance. that's a scandal.
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you look at the unemployment rates in this country, how linked they are to education, if you don't have a college education -- >> if you have a college education in america right now, there's a 4.5% unemployment rate. >> low test scores, high dropout rate, high confidence. >> in the "waiting for superman" film, there was one principal in l.a. who says between ninth grade and tenth grade he loses 60% of his students to dropout. >> you lose them. the gentleman? pittsburgh, driving past a failing school first, a dropout factory, driving a couple blocks to a prison, and he says, that's where they go. they don't pay taxes, don't create jobs, don't create opportunities. i think one of the most dramatic things in this movie was talking about the fact that for years there has been this arrogant belief among elites in the education class -- i think it's just a justification for a
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failing system -- that kids from certain neighborhoods can't succeed. this blows that bigoted assumption to pieces. that's the revolution that your mom, willie, has been in involved in, too. that's the revolution going on in harlem, that's going on in the south bronx, in brooklyn, in part because michael bloomberg, that's the revolution happening here where we are learning that a kid in harlem cannot only do as well as a kid in scarsdale, new york. he can do better than a kid in scarsdale, new york, even in a challenging neighborhood. >> i do think that's the good news, that there are people like keith meacham, my mom, debra kennedy who see this as a real moment. >> they have to be allowed to succeed. >> mayor bloomberg, michelle rhee, they feel like it's a moment they can't let pass.
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>> it is a moment that, as you said, davis guggenheim has captured perfectly. he has put it in film. we are a visual nation. this is critical. what he has done is absolutely critical at a critical time. >> let's not kid ourselves, this is a civil rights issue. this is the civil rights issue of the new century. i think if it's framed in moral terms, then it has more efficacy and will have more impact. >> it's also a national security issue though. we will not be able to hold our own in the world unless we improve the quality of our schools. it's that simple. >> we are having to -- >> we're not exceptional in this. >> we're having to let immigrants in to handle when there are openings in silicon valley, we're having to let immigrants come in to fill some of those jobs. >> though we have the number of visas for exactly those people.
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part of the immigration problem is we're not letting in the talented people -- >> willie, when we come back -- >> i can't believe we blew the mariners-blue jays highlights with trivial -- >> peggy noonan when we come back. the laughing and the joy of being in the moment. sporting events are exciting. you jump and cheer and shout. you can't ever repeat a playoff game. i use blueprint for my season tickets, so i will, in fact, have them paid off before i even go to the first game. with blueprint, i feel much more responsible in how i spend my money. with blueprint on her slate card, lisa designed a plan to save money on interest. does your credit card have blueprint? [ male announcer ] we asked zyrtec® users
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we need directions to go to... pearblossom highway? it's just outside of lancaster. sure, i can download directions for you now. we got it. thank you very much! check it out. i can like, see everything that's going on with the car. here's the gas level. i can check on the oil. i can unlock it from anywhere. i've received a signal there was a crash. some guy just cut me off. i'll get an ambulance to you right away. safely connecting you in ways you never thought possible. onstar. live on. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really was abe lincoln honest? mary: does this dress make my backside look big? abe: perhaps... save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really host: is having a snowball fight with pitching great randy johnson a bad idea?
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man: yeah, i'm thinking maybe this was a bad idea. words alone aren't enough. our job is to listen and find ways to help workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. we'll keep restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. what time did you wake up? >> you're just phoning it in now, seriously. yes, is it time. >> i'm not asking about "when harry met sally."
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>> an important week in new york alone. everyone in town for the u.n. none of that we found in our top news stories of the week. >> i dabbled into witchcraft. i hung around people who were doing these things. >> at number three, voodoo politics. >> one of my first dates was on a satanic altar. ity didn't know it. >> delaware candidate christine o'donnell was haunted by a spooky clip from her past when bill maher rolled out a satanic ol difficult. >> if you're watching, i created you. if you don't come on the show, i'll show a clip every week. >> she brushed off the witchcraft as harmless teenage fun. >> i was in high school. how many of you didn't hang out with questionable folks in high school? >> then it was bill o'reilly's turn to play the greatest hits. >> we have some crazy stuff she
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said. >> you say crazy stuff, i say scientific breakthrough. >> american scientific companies are crossbreeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains. >> at number two, mascot on mascot violence. an interstate college football rival i have when rough fuss the bobcat attacked brew tus the buckeye in his own back yard. the student inside the rufus was banned from light, receiving a twist rebuke from the mascot community at large. an unofficial mascot in philadelphia ran onto the field during a phillies game this week in a red spandex, full body gimp suit.
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the 17-year-old was arrested and later released to his waiting parents still wearing the only clothes he had with him. >> and the number one story of the week, superiority complex. >> i feel that my role as a former president is probably superior to that of other presidents. >> jimmy carter's declaration of superiority reminded americans that he suffers from no crisis of self-confidence. >> whenever you have a chance, say something good about our country. >> the one-term president's comments struck some as not particularly presidential. >> he is a frustrated, bitter, angry, petty, small individual. >> carter spread his unique brand of charm across the country during a week-long promotional tour for his new book. a memoir that includes an attack on the late ted kennedy. carter even had the gal to mock our nation's witches and war
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locks. >> i'm not particularly familiar with the tea party. i haven't been involved in witchcraft. >> james earl carter, how we've missed you. >> i spent a lot of time deciding how i can be a good president. >> not quite enough time, jimmy. not quite enough. >> whoa. north koreans liked it we'll be right back with peggy noonan with the pledge to america. [ female announcer ] what if your natural beauty could be flawless, too? new aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers, with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on, to even skin tone in four weeks. new aveeno tinted moisturizers.
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if i'm not mistaken, your idea sounds slightly like -- did i say slightly -- exactly like your old ideas. >> reign in the washington, d.c. red tape -- >> cut washington red tape. >> act immediately to reduce spending. >> change the way we do business in washington. >> change business as usual in washington. >> make the tax cuts permanent. >> make the existing tax cuts permanent. >> health savings account that puts the patient firmly in control. >> health savings accounts which will give families more control. >> reduce the size of our government. >> reducing the size of government. >> a smaller -- >> less costly. >> and more accountable government in our nation's capital.
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[ cheers and applause ] all right. top of the hour. welcome back to "morning joe". still with us, jon meacham, and joining the table, the "wall street journal's" peggy noonan. >> it is about time. >> where have you been all my life. >> she's back and better than ever. >> awful around here without you. >> she brought us gifts. jon meacham, i remember when i first saw at the revolution -- >> not when you read it. >> you were in my room. i couldn't get you out of my room. your archivist and photographer was there. holbrooke's archivist was over there. i couldn't enjoy it. now i can. peggy has given us a beautiful paperback version of it, but a classic. >> it is a classic book. i told peggy the first time we spoke years and years ago, i remember reading this and thinking that it was like a thousand days. it actually was something that
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will be read forever as an account of what it was really like to be in a historic white house. >> thank you, jon, for saying that. this is a -- let me say -- oh, let me do my vulgar thing. this is a 20th anniversary edition of "what i saw at the revolution" that is out this week from random house, and we're all excited about it. we found over the years there is still demand for it. it's been very gratifying. i sort of think -- i was rereading it last week, i think it's a little pertinent to the moments we're living right now. >> i told jon this, these are the type of books when there seems to be a lack of leadership in wash wash that i always go back to the biographies. i'm reading doris kearns good win "lbj." i read ambrose's eisenhower books.
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>> i have been reading robert carrow because we all longed for washington when it worked. we want to study how did it work when it worked. >> what's the secret here? this is the same thing with reagan. it's not ideological. you can read richard reid's jfk. >> david mckol low. >> exactly. you go through and see things that work. what would leaders in washington see today? what would they learn in "what i saw at the revolution?" >> i think you can see reagan as the last president of the old america, the old world. the media environment this man lived in had to do with the big threes, big three networks and newspapers, big three tab oidlo lloyds. it was almost a calmer country
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when the president could come forward with his point of view, explain his plan to the american people and say i'm going to put this through and work with the people there. reagan always had a democratic congress, but he managed to do good work with them. he was almost proof that sometimes plight government can be very good government. >> reagan and tip o'neill worked very well together at times. >> at times. to tell you the truth, the wonderful closeness that we we all celebrate where they worked apart during the day and then came together at 6:00 p.m. and had a scotch and talked about life and told irish jokes, there's a little blarney to that. these are guys at each other's throats every day and sometimes became detached from each other and had their issues. >> it never became personal though, did it? ronald reagan did not hate tip
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o'neill. >> i don't think he was capable of hating. >> and tip o'neill did not hate ronald reagan. they were from the old school, i'll kick the hell out of them during the day -- >> do you know how classy tip o'neill was? i worked on a speech with the president once. tip o'neill saw it. he called me up to say this is tip o'neill, the speaker of the house, i like what you did the other day. he told me what he likes. i'm not sure that happens every day. >> it doesn't. it should. >> can i ask, one of the things that i've always thought was underappreciated about president reagan is one of his seminal life experiences was being a labor negotiator all those years. talk about -- i think a lot of republicans think if you're going to be reaganesque, you have two moves and don't move. you cut taxes and kill congress. >> i agree with you. the idea of what is reaganesque has become slightly changed. you know, this was a guy who had a broad life.
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i agree with you. i think the seminal moment in ronald reagan's professional life post acting was finding out he was a leader. when did he find out? when he ran for president of the screen actors' guild. he learned there leadership negotiation skills. he used to say gorbachev and those who preceded him, some would say, oh, you're meeting with gorbachev, gorbachev is going to be tough. reagan would say he won't be as tough as jeff warner was tough. he negotiated contracts with the toughest, meanest heads of the production studios in hollywood. that's where he learned so much about himself. it was because he was a union president in hollywood that he thought he could be governor of california. it was the real seminal thing in his life. >> peggy, your last book
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"patriotic grace" was another great read. it strikes me as this time we're in right now, there's utter lack of grace, gracefulness, graciousness. is there any way to get that back? have we reached the point of no return when all the attention and the money is being loud and ungraceful? >> you know, i was out in omaha this week and we got talking about this a little bit at a lunch. it seems to me the american people have a bit of real power here. no matter who it is, what side you're on, what party you back, what politician you love, when they get out of line and they are rude or they lower the standards of debate or they're vulgar in their usage or they send out facebook and tweets that are not even literate and they're running for presidents, their supporters should say, please don't do that, don't
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lower the standards, our children are watching. act with adult comportment in the world. act like you had an education. treat people with respect. if you don't, we won't support you. >> you talked about ronald reagan and something that we always talk about when we go out. it's how conservatives love to talk about reagan. they love to talk about reagan. this is a theme i touched on in my book last year. >> yes. >> and they get reagan, the conservative ideologue right, but they are so off base when they move from ideology to temperament. and they don't for some reason remember that reagan was moderately temperamental. that was the key to his success. they say i know the federal government has been growing since the war ended, and i know
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that every time somebody tries to cut the rate of that growth they're called mean and harsh, but government is not the solution. it's the problem. when reagan said it, it didn't sound harsh. it didn't sound angry. >> it sounded evuncular and warm and reasonable. >> some conservatives today like extremists on the left see civility as a sign of weakness. >> they do. i think reagan is also misunderstood with regard to how he viewed the use of force. reagan was strong. reagan loved america. reagan built up the military. he built up our defense structure. but he didn't run around saying the soviet union is very wrong, very abusive, terrible to people. we're invading tomorrow. the warsaw pact countries are acting in a terrible way. we're going to turn that around. he respected in a berkian
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manner, reality. he respected the world as it was. he tried to change what could be change. he tried to move shrewdly, diplomatically. verbally he tried to tell the truth. sometimes i think there are those on the conservative or republican side who misunderstand, who change his memory into thing more brag dough shows. >> an interesting moment happened in california yesterday with one of our favorite republicans. can i show it? >> you sure can. >> i think i should. >> you're in love with this guy. >> i kind of am. is that okay? >> it's a shapely figure. >> we or working on that together. we'll be doing work together in new jersey. i digress. chris christie brought up the
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issue of sort of civility and the way people should act versus the way people shouldn't at an event for someone else. >> when meg whitman was being shouted down by a guy in the audience. >> exactly. take a look. >> hey, listen, listen, you know what? you want to yell, yell at me. but don't give her a hard time. we're here talking about the future of the state of california and the future of our country. and you know what? let me tell you this, you know what? it's people who raise their voices and yell and scream like you that are dividing this country. we're here to bring this country together, not to divide it. >> i paid for this microphone -- >> good. it's funny how that's so unusual and fabulous to us because it doesn't happen all that much, where somebody who is trying to silence another person meaning a
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heckler. people often try to silence you when you're a speaker by heckling you and getting in your face. it doesn't happen enough that somebody steps forward and says, no, you're not going to do that. >> we were in new hampshire last week, and we were talking -- giving the talk that we give about where the country is, where we're going. we always talked about civility. the need for people to keep calm and carry on, somebody asked in the audience, what is the message in 2012 that's going to break through? >> said it's a pretty revolutionary message. it's nice. hope and change in 2008. in 2012, americans -- you saw it in omaha. we've seen it across the country. americans are tired of the shrill voices. i'm not by polyanish. it's like the dead zone. i could read their mind and knew
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what they wanted. that's what i can do. i picked that up. we've given a lot of speeches over the past two years, and the one thing that makes everybody lean forward is when you say i disagree with every program of barack obama's domestically except education. i think his policies are terrible, but i like him. i think he's a good guy. i think he's a good dad. i think he's a good father. i'd love him to be my neighbor. i respect him. i think his policies are wrong. and it's seriously such a relief to -- it doesn't matter whether you're in maine or miami or in the deep south when we talk there, whether we're in new hampshire, everybody's eyes light up. they're like, oh, wait a second. we can just talk. we can just discuss this. we don't have to hate somebody with whom we disagree.
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nice is revolutionary peggy noonan. >> we'll keep that in mind because there's so many nice candidates out there. >> don't you pick that up? an utter exhaustion. >> i do. there's a moment when senator tom coburn mentioned nancy pelosi. everybody booed. he said, don't do that. i know her. she's a nice woman. we disagree on everything. but that's okay. >> isn't that great? >> you may be on to something with nice. >> i am. i shook the hand. dead zone, right there. nice. >> and so is chris christie. i thought he made a great point in that moment. >> as we go to break, read peggy's column. we have a piece of her column full screen, chris, if you can put that up. in her latest column, you write, peggy about one middle class woman who voiced her concerns at
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president obama's town hall meeting in washington. we'll skip the clip. we remember the moment. here is what peggy wrote. it was the word mrs. hart used that cap shurd everything, exhausted. from what i see that's how a lot of democrats feel. they've turned silent to like people who witnessed a car crash and can't talk anymore about the reasons for the accident or how many were injured. this election is more and more shaping up into a contest between the exhausted and the enraged. representative marsha blackburn of tennessee suggestless i have the wrong word for the republican base, the word, she says is not enraged, but livid. >> the enraged versus the exhausted. >> "what i saw at the revolution," read it. coming up deputy prime minister of the uk nick clegg will be on the set. and up next, the huffington's
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post es rah klein. and chuck todd. first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? >> good morning everyone. record heat expected today. it's going to be ridiculously hot. yesterday, 93 in dvmt record high in new york city at 89. we'll be close, probably just a little shy. the rest of the country, still very hot in the southeast. the cold front, though, is going to sit down right by the chicago area. that's why you're only going to be 69. that cool air, ever so slowly will continue to move from the midwest to the east on saturday. and then by the time we get to sunday, that's when it's really going to cool off. look at atlanta. this is way, way, way overdue. 79 degrees. a chance of rain around. it's been one of the hottest summers ever in the southeast. the drought conditions are starting to get worse. we can use that rainfall. finally, we'll also watch tropical storm march thank you. this storm will cause the most destruction and damage than any
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other storm we've had this tropical season. it will be over central america this weekend. the gulf coast and florida, next week that storm could be creeping towards us. we'll keep an eye on it on "morning joe." you're watching "morning joe." we're brewed by starbucks. my name is vonetta, and i suffer from allergies.
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[ male announcer ] we asked zyrtec® users what they love about their allergy relief, and what it lets them do. the thing i love most about zyrtec® is that it allows me to be outside. [ male announcer ] we bet you'll love zyrtec®, too -- or it's free. [ vonetta ] it is countdown to marshmallow time. [ woman laughs ] [ male announcer ] it's a symbol of confidence... ♪ ...honor... ♪ ...and trust... an unspoken bond that, while common among men... is exceedingly rare among companies. the ram 60-day handshake. ram.
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showing us what they would do. and we simply cannot afford to let them do that. >> speaking of civility, that's my dear friend elijah cummings who i love. >> 21 past the hour. welcome back to "morning joe." >> a great guy. >> he has some really good points to make. you might be wrong. here is nbc political correspondent chuck todd and the washington's post esrah klien. in washington we have the moderator of "meet the press" david gregory and we still have peggy noonan. >> who is better than esrah. >> the joke never gets old? nobody is better than errah. >> by the way, great band for the five people who didn't get
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the joke. >> three of you got the joke, and the rest of you, it's a band from new orleans, i think. let's talk about a couple of things. the political impact of the pledge, gop plan won't be that big. another story yesterday, democrats decided they weren't going to move on extending george bush's tax cuts. smart move? >> because the guys that are in trouble in the house are the ones that don't want to make this vote because they're going to have to be the ones to kill the president on this, vote against him or feel compelled to vote with them, hurt themselves in the district. they were tied in knots on it. they don't have a clean way of doing this. there was some talk they would get a cleaner way of doing this on the democratic side which is permanent extension of the middle class tax cuts. one-year extension of the tax cuts for the folks over
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$250,000. that way it's next yeesh at this time, right before the presidential election year and you've separated out the middle class aspect of this so that right now both sides are leaning on the middle class part of this and the tax cut on this. nobody is having the straight argument david gregory, now the campaign moves forward and republicans obviously across america will be blaming democrats for a tax increase. will it resonate? david? >> we need his mic. >> seriously we had some problems down in washington yesterday. >> great. we unplged everything. >> we'll go back to everything in a second. >> republicans are going to be going home saying democrats allowed taxes to go by 4%. they won't say i'm wealthy, they'll say i'm a job creator. does that resonate in the south
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and the west where barack obama has problems now? >> it might. the tax cuts for the rich are not very popular. let's say you're an independent or maybe even a left-leaning independent and you see two things. you don't know what the republicans are saying. the democrats don't seem confident enough to stand by it and take the vote. i think chuck is dead right on everything they said. they don't know how to take the vote, worried they'll lose the vote. the public image, the way this plays is terrible. the one thing they seemed finally ready to fight on again, they backed off. maybe it will be in a lame duck, maybe it won't happen at all. if they're the guys governing now and don't seem to get it done right -- >> we were talking about the 9/11 responders bill yesterday, the new york cops and firefighters are not going to be taken care of. they're afraid to take a vote. the blue dogs don't want to hell vote to help new york. take the vote. they said put us in power and we're going to change the culture of washington. instead, they go -- i'm not so
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sure this helps gillibrand in a close race. i don't know that it helps a lot of democrats in a close race, that this democratic congress can't even help new york cops and firefighters. >> sure. it gets difficult right here before the election because the moment of maximum fractiousness. the blue dogs are running. a couple months ago, pelosi said the election is not yet, just be with us now. we'll get it altogether. now that we're right before the election, they're not having a way to pull them back in. what do you offer them if you're pelosi? the moderate democrats are terrified of being with the democrats. that makes all the democrats look bad. it's not helping anybody. it's a bit of a collective action problem. >> david gregory, do we have you? >> do you have me? i can hear you. >> moderator of "meet the press." >> i felt on the outs, i was so close to being part of the conversation and painfully on the for instance. >> it's terrible. we blame it on lewis. the gop plan and the way they
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unfolded it, is anything resonating here? will anything break through of their points? >> the bigger message is they want to try to rein in government. so this is something they can go out and campaign on without being in a position of having no plain and no real ideas and just being in the opposition. i think democrats will embrace this to some extent. certainly the white house will as something to really go out and campaign against, whether it's arithmetic that doesn't add up or policies that don't seem to make sense. but nevertheless, this is more of at least a starting point for republicans to campaign on even though there's some really big holes here. like the tax debate, i think right now democrats -- as chuck said, they don't want to take a vote now on whether they're going to have to raise taxes on wealthier americans. at the same time, you could put republicans on the spot about how they're going to pay for an extension of the tax cuts, when they want to bring down the
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deficit. so i think the optimal result may be on both sides. if you look what happens in november, you let that shake out and maybe there's some room for compromise here on some sort of extension for the upper earners. >> peggy, you were talking in your column today in the "wall street journal" about how democrats are tired. they're exhausted. it sounds kind of a queue in to what esra was saying, do something, i don't care what, do something, lean forward. >> i don't gather a lot between now and november second, i don't gather a lot will happen on capitol hill. my curiosity, ezra is when you go into america and you look at politics and what's happening now and who is having rallies, et cetera, else, i can see what the republicans are up to. there's lots of energy, et cetera. where are the democrats? that is my question on the ground in america.
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barack obama won by 9.5 million votes, only two years ago. those people haven't disappeared. they haven't gone. what's going on with them? where are they? >> i guess there are two answers and i agree with you. it's sort of tough to watch. i'm one of the folks who think they've got a big record. he made a bunch of big promises and came through on a lot of them, more than a lot of people expected. it turned out that the people who turned out in 2008, the people who haven't been in the political process before and gave him the margin, governing is an unplez ant task youchlt lose a lot of things you wanted to have, loss of public option, they watch the economy not do what they thought it was going to do. american politics did not transform. we didn't become a post partisan nation. there's the question of the you can't run on the record because that, plus the economy is not popular and can't credibly say the next two years will be totally different than the last two years because you have the same party, what do you do? it seems to me they're caught in the trap. i'm of the opinion they could use a pledge like the republican pledge.
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saying what are we going to do going forward? >> as it is, they have a record they can't run on and don't have something saying what's going to happen next. they're caught right there. let's do lightning round here with chuck and david. chuck, a couple political things going on right now on the west coast. it seems like democrats are gaining ground. barbara boxer and patty murray. this is sort of a regional election. >> it's a reminder that there's a reason why you can call it a pacific firewall. washington state and the california -- look, the control of the house is being decided in the midwest. that is the swing area that democrats have frankly been dominating over the last decade. and that's where they are losing ground. you can see it, whether it's close to -- in michigan, whether it's in illinois, the president's home state. we're seeing places that they were over performing two and four years ago that are sort of
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receding back to republican ways of the '90s in illinois. iowa, when the wave hits, we'll be able to measure how high in the midwest and a place like iowa. >> of course, david gregory, russ feingold losing track among likely voters in wisconsin. i'm fascinated, what do you think about delaware? do you think mike castle may be a write-in candidate? >> if he's looking at recent polls, there's a reason to consider it. you see this revenge of the center where there's going to be a move for moderates in the party to try to make sure their voice is heard and that they have to make sure they have power. something to watch. >> david, we haven't had a chance to talk about it or talk to you since last week. what a show. what a show. >> thank you. >> colin powell and bill clinton, it was just great. >> thank you. >> how are you going to one up
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that weekend? that's a problem with that show. that really was, it was riveting. >> we'll focus -- we've got education week coming up that you're a part of. we'll have arne duncan, michelle rhee, robert bobb, randi weingarten. we'll talk about the future of the house, the republican agenda and our guest so far mike pens from indiana, a tea party advocate as you know. >> that's pretty good. david gregory, see you sunday on "meet the press." >> miami, baby. >> the big one. by the way, is launching a very cool feature today, the voter confidence index, sort of a dow jones of the national mood. the more negative the number is, the worse it is for the party in the white house. >> ezra klein, what cool gadgets do you have for post partisan? >> i swear to god, i have a pen that will record what you're
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saying and it goes to that moment in tape. >> help me out. you write something down. >> lit be recording it now, writing it down while you're talking. when i want to go back to it later, i literally point the pen at the place in my notes and it would give me everything i was saying. >> no matter how bad your handwriting is. >> do we have our nerdometer. >> a 47 on the nerd index. congratulations, you beat chuck todd. i joke about it. but where do i get one of those. >> "the washington post's" piece. nick clegg, the deputy prime minister is standing by in the green room. ♪ when it's planes in the sky ♪ ♪ for a chain of supply, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when the parts for the line ♪
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♪ with what i feel for you ♪ i could hang around till the leaves are brown and the summer's gone ♪ [ announcer ] when you're not worried about potential dangers, the world can be a far less threatening place. take the scary out of life with travelers insurance... and see the world in a different light. do you now regret when once asked what your favorite joke was, you replied nick clegg. deputy prime minister, what do you think of that? >> did you? >> i'm afraid i did once. >> i'm off. i'm off. >> come back. we're all going to have things that we said thrown back at us. it is a serious point in this
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which is, if you want to spend the next five years finding politics whose slightly disagree with other politicians on this, you can find lots. we're looking at the bigger picture. we're looking at what bold move like this with a strong stable government can achieve. if it means swallowing some humble pie and if it means eating some of your words, i cannot think of a more excellent diet in which to provide the country. >> that you uk prime minister -- >> you can learn something. >> oh, you think i am. do i need an education? >> off spoken like myself, keep calm and carry on. >> talking about nick clegg, holding the first joint news conference this past may. joining us now, nick clegg, the uk deputy prime minister on our set. >> thank you so much. we have been talking all morning about how in america we have forgotten how to get along with
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people with whom we disagree. it seems to me that right now great britain is providing a wonderful example for u.s. politicians. >> well, it happened because people said we didn't want -- in the election people didn't give any party an absolute majority. they didn't give the keys to number ten to any single party. we had a choice. we could say to the country, let's do this all over again, paralyze the country for another six months or we find a way of governing together in the national interest. i think the fast majority of people accept that, given the problems we face, with the huge deficit, good economic problems, social problems, we've got to improve our schools, our hospitals, we have to get on with it and do something to provide good government. >> how is it work sng. >> it's working very well. >> how? >> hold it. you're here in the united states. >> no one is watching. >> just between us adds connie chung once said to newt
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gingrich. you hate cameron, don't you? you should be number one, right? >> we're getting along very well. >> it's very intimate. forget the cameras and the lights. >> i think everyone is genuinely surprised that two parties who come from different directions on a whole bunch of issues can put aside our differences in the national interest. i think it's been better than many people expected. >> that's exciting, isn't it? >> it is. it is very interesting. i was wondering, this is perhaps a slightly boring question, but how did you solve all of staffing problems? a new pm comes to downing street and brings his staff with him. in a way we had a dual government going on. you had staffers and had people you wanted placed. quickly, how did you do that? >> like with everything else, you realize you've got to share space in terms of policy, in terms of people, in terms of the politics of it. i think once you kind of accept
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that you -- that no party one, no party can have their way all the time. you accept that as part of the deal. it becomes surprisingly easy to prag mat cli sort things out on a partnership basis. >> jon? >> you all have become known for what we've been calling the politics of austerity, trying to impose fiscal discipline in the interest of long-term growth and long-term security. as you look at it in the united states, what do you see see that you're doing that we're not. >> it really depends in country to country. we are in a much more exposed position than many other country sgls why is that? explain that. >> partly we're a smaller economy than the american economy, an open economy, the
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pound isn't eeth ner the dollar or the euro. i've always said, look, we can't afford to take the risk of the kind of dead weight of debt hanging around the economy's neck for too long. we've got this five-year plan. the previous government said it would do it for eight years. we've shortened it to five years. i kind of think -- it's just not fair to simply say to our children and grandchildren, you've got do carry on paying off the billions of pounds of interests of our debts when it can go into schools. >> the u.s. fiscal record impacts great britain, impacts the west, the world? >> i don't think what's going to help is for me or any or politician saying what we're doing is what other countries should do. i don't think it will help for people to be holier than thou. >> hold on a second. you won't be hollier than thou
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when it comes to economic matters. let's try foreign policy. do you think the united states' continued prets densence in afghanistan and iraq are a stabilizing impact. >> we were in afghanistan. i was there a couple weeks ago. >> when do you exit? >> we said our combat troops will be out by 2015. the u. suchlt president has said -- is it the summer of next year? >> we'll take out three troops. >> well, whatever happens. i spoke to american presence there and there's complete -- they're working together between the u.s. and u.k. military is incredible. i think we're all kind of trying to do the same thing which is to get our servicemen and service women out. no one wants to stay a day
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longer than we have to. but leave behind, perhaps not a perfect afghanistan. i think it's unrealistic, but at least an afghanistan which is stable and can become a haven for terrorism. >> is that possible? >> look, it's a tough -- a very tough thing to do. i think what we need to do is move from just focusing on the military side of things -- this is not a war we'll win. there is no military solution to this. you have to try to create the space militarily for the afghan government to develop a process of reconciliation, reintegration so afghanistan can stand on its own two feet. >> perhaps somebody should encourage karzai to stay on his meds, right? bob woodward suggesting he's on and off his meds. >> what about iran? you're going to the u.n. today? >> yes. >> given ahmadinejad's statements and attitude what is the best approach to relations or lack thereof with iran? >> his comments yesterday were
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bizarre, offensive, designed to detract attention to their own responsibility and their nuclear intentions. in a sense, the best thing to do is condemn the remarks and kind of ignore them. i don't think he actually speaks for the iranian people in many respects. we as an international community just need to constantly stand together, be very united against iran, say to them, look, we're prepared to talk to you, we're prepared to help you, but not if you don't come clean about your intentions. we in the european union in europe we increased sanctions in iran. i think people in iran have been surprised how those are started to bite. >> have you read tony blair's book yet? >> i read novels, not political biographies. i always have a novel on the go. >> what are you reading right now? >> david mitchell's book. fantastic. >> you've never read any of mech
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chapel's pulitzer prize winning -- >> i will get around to it. >> are you a tony blair fan? >> on some issues and some not. >> very diplomatic. >> nick clegg, thank you very much. we'll be right back with oscar-winning actress mira sorvino next on "morning joe." when i was seventeen, i was not good to my skin. long summer days, and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® clinical skincare, exclusive ion2 complex combined with activating cream helps restore collagen depleted skin.
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>> willie -- >> you guys are here, too. sorry. >> mika is hobnobbing with hollywood oscar winners. this new movie is out today, based ton best-selling book, generating a ton of buzz, joining us now, the star of "like dand line dust" mira sorvino. >> tell people who haven't read this book a little bit of the story of the book and the film. >> sure, based on a novel by karen kingsbury about two families at war over one child, the birth parents and adoptive parents. where you might think traditionally this story would have a good guy and a bad guy, it's very human and very real and beautiful. i think it's the most beautiful film i've ever been in. i play the birth mother of this boy and i have given him up for
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adoption because my husband has been put in jail for breaking my arm. >> you give up the child. >> he becomes happily adoptive for six years. >> then you decide, wait -- >> it's not me who decides it. i this you'll see that in the clip. i confess to my husband when he gets out of jail because he's seemingly a new man. he finds a legal way for us to try to get the child back. it becomes sort of a class warfare because the adoptive family is really well off and has everything in the world. we have very little and both of us realize that the most important thing we could have would be this child. >> but it's your child. it's not black and white and clear-cut. it's up to the audience members to decide. >> at certain point you're rooting for both families. my character, i think, has the hardest journey in a way. in the beginning she's really a victim, the victim of domestic
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abuse. she does not leave her husband. she's always believing he will reform and change. sometimes you want to shake her and say you're weak, get out of there. as the story progresses, story e has a miraculous gift of getting to know her son again, she starts to develop this strength and at the construction of the film she's got the most crucial position in the entire story. and everything is in her hands. >> that's incredible. >> as people listen, you sympathize with both families, people would say you gave up the kid, sorry. so how do we come to sympathize with you and your husband? >> as you get to know us. at first you would be like, oh, no, the terrible birth parents from the wrong side of the track want the kid back. no. for any adoptive parents, it would be unthinkable that someone could all of a sudden revoke the decision of the child that is your child after six years of raising him as your own. but you see us striving mightily to become better people and to rise above our ined a cauadequi
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we all love the child and you see the child would fill in us this chance to have a new life, like a dreamed of family that we don't have. so, you know, but of course, the other family is the one that everyone will initially completely sympathize with because as a parent that's immediately what you would think, how could someone take away your child. >> it does. it opens up the debate of what's your definition of a family. it sounds like it's a great, great movie. i can't wait to see it. and, willie, so, let me just tell you a little bit. >> i loalready know this. it's depressing. >> she graduated magna cum laude from harvard. she actually can speak mandarin and french. >> goodness. >> i'm still working on english. >> yes, he is. >> is there anything you can't do? >> lots of things. lots of things. you should see -- i can't -- i cannot keep my house unmessy. i have three little children. but i mean, we try. we try to make system where's
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things go. >> it doesn't work. >> no. >> what i would guess as a mom, though, that makes this so much more personal for you. >> completely. that's why it's like -- for me, all of the scenes that involve anything to do with potentially losing the child or getting the child back are so full with emotion. it was a hard role for me to play but very -- i felt like we all dug down deep. barry peppers is amazing with me in it as my alcoholic husband. look at all this stuff for coffee. oh there's tons. french presses, expresso tampers, filters. it can get really complicated. not nearly as complicated as shipping it, though. i mean shipping is a hassle.
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>> all right. that was good. >> is it a sin to love a man the way i'm growing to love bill clinton? >> i love him. >> love grows in my rosemary garden. >> see, he is, i'm telling you, just an impressive guy. we were talking beforehand, i had interviewed him yesterday. even picking up his mannerisms. so i had -- i had conservatives yesterday yelling at me because i was nice to him and i didn't bring up impeachment. i had liberals saying why didn't you ask him, obama, you know, i mean, i think most americans want solutions. and bill clinton is talking solutions. talking about overseas, whether you're talking about growing jobs at home. >> i think a lot of americans are feeling -- i have a speech in which i sometimes say, are you experiencing clinton nostalgia? people start to say yes. >> oh, my.
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>> this is conservatives into liberals. >> republicans. >> yes, conservatives, too. you know, this is a former president who is doing some very good in the world, the clinton global initiative. i thought your interview was great. >> thank you. >> we don't always need fist to cuffs, do we? >> also, i'm not really interested in talking about what happened in 1999. i want to know how we grow our econo economy, 2019, we're soaring again. >> did you see, by the way, clinton the other day was asked about newt gingrich who said something rather wild. >> we noticed this. >> his emotion. >> and clinton sort of baited, what did you think of what newt said. laughed it off. oh, that's just newt. you know -- >> he's the smart guy. he knows what he's doing. >> it was very adept. very centered. i thought, this is a master. >> we need answers from masters,
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which is why -- >> joining the table now lawrence o'donnell. >> because here's the thing about lawrence o'donnell, if you have a question as to whether he's a master or not, look at him. he's wearing glasses. he just looks so smart. >> that's exactly the idea. that's the whole thing. in my neighborhood in boston, if you wanted to look wicked smart, you would put on glasses. my other -- >> vanity glasses. >> i decided to do the rachel thing. now that as of monday at 10:00 p.m. eastern, as willie knows, 7:00 p.m. pacific "the last word," with me, premiers. i will be an actual host in the lineup. >> really? >> no one told you? >> 10:00 p.m. >> i don't think he's on the list. >> you not how rachel who is on "the tonight show," she wears glasses. this is to remind me that i'm a guest, that i'm here to answer the questions, not ask the
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questions. >> as i was told in 2003 you can never really own a time slot at msnbc, you can only rent it. so you understand that going in and that's good. remember when randy lack used to fire people, lying in bed at home and somebody would ask a question he didn't like and he would be like, get rid of him. and he did. >> this is fiction, ladies and gentlemen. andy lack, great guy. >> he's at bloomberg now and still trying to fire people. >> he employs me at several venues president not when he was a sony, he made a strict deal with me. at nbc, msnbc. i love him. he's a friend of mine before i came here. i love everything he did for me when i was here. >> i'm notingi ining knocking. the bigger point is, at msnbc -- >> you've been known to make things up about the way things work around here. >> did i ever tell you the story about how ronald reagan and tip o'neal would have whiskey every time. you know what, as i was
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explaining to peggy before, i don't give a damn whether paul revere rode or not. it's a good story. teaches our kids. you're going to educate us with facts, and more facts. it's just going to keep coming at us, knocking us down with facts. >> and biggests. >> huge. >> already you got one. >> vice president of the united states on monday. vice president of the united states. >> i love biden but what's the deal? >> it's a continuation of the vice presidential theme. levy is from a family we know. >> a bit of a stretch. >> seriously, what's the value? >> what do you mean, what's the value? he's a candidate for mayor. what are you talking tabout, what's the value? run for mayor. what's wrong with you? >> run for mayor of wasilla. >> he's actually going to be in new york, in studio with me, which means, which means -- >> huge.
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>> -- i walk out of the bidding at 11:00 p.m. with mr. levi johnson. we are doing the town, my friend. we are. >> i love it. >> we're getting in the car. >> could you ask biden a quick question. >> yes. >> two questions for us. >> i love biden. >> one on richard holbrooke, does he stand by woodward's assertion that he's the most arrogant bastard he's ever met. and number two -- >> that was already on my list. >> it was? >> i bet you are with me on number two, too. from joe and mika, when is everybody in the white house going to realize that he's right on afghanistan and the generals are wrong? could you ask him that question? >> we'll see if we get to that. see if we get to that. >> come on. you're going to ask about levi? joe biden is the best hope inside the administration to get out of afghanistan. >> joe biden and levi, not on the same night. they're not going to run into each other. >> oh, i thought. >> no, not the same night. no. we have mike bloomberg who is
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also not on levi night. levi's got his own night on the show. okay? >> like that 1970's show "night of 1,000 stars." he's going on on a trapeze, shot out of the cannon. monday at 10:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. eastern. >> do you have your own musical? >> we are working on the music. we need another couple of months where we want it. yes. >> give yourself a couple of months? >> i think this show is about two months away from being ready. >> we're starting monday. >> live rehearsalrehearsals. the vice president has agreed to join us on the air for these live rehearsals starting monday night. >> why don't you admit it? i hate to call you out here. >> oh. >> but what lawrence does with msnbc management, he gets like a three-year deal, right? >> stop right there. stop right there. >> within two to three -- they
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got to pay him regardless. pay or play, whatever. within two or three weeks he figures out a way to drive the show into the ground so quickly that they just pay him out. >> no. i'm here to play. >> it's like you're a screenwrit screenwriter. >> what do you mean? >> i can sell it to another studio. >> there's a lot -- i got to say, in show business -- in show business and in my show business experience, there is a great deal of being paid for doing nothing. so it is a thing. >> like us. >> it's a thing we do. kind of get used to it. >> would we find the room? >> lawrence, what will be the mood of the show? what are you trying to establish? >> the mood of the show will be late night, edgy, edgy, anything can happen. you know, anything can happen. >> will you be sober? >> it will be -- >> will it be funny? >> sure, it will be funny where appropriate. >> intentionally? >> we're not bringing jboe bide on to joke. this is going to be his first interview since the woodward book has come out so there's much to talk about in that. there's much to talk about in
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his view of what's happening in the race for his senate seat with christine o'donnell. >> by the way, on that front, can -- do you think mike castle can win in delaware if he does a write-in campaign? >> i will never bet on a write-in campaign. it's just -- you know, how do you bet on that? >> i know. linda smith from washington state -- >> by the way, i have bre ppreb for monday night jim downing of saturday night live who writes all their political stuff on the belief that he must be delivering an explosive christine o'donnell piece to the show. must be. right? >> of course. >> because the premier is this weekend. and -- >> smart. >> i just said, we got to have him. he will be the last guest on monday night. >> i like that. >> because there has to be, right? they have to do -- >> witchcraft. >> and this, by the way, is what they hate on that show. when there's a giant thing out there like christine o'donnell that they must do, that puts
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tremendous pressure on them to deliver something. so i'm now adding to that pressure that they deliver something. >> you and jim downing worked to the at harvard. >> we go back a bit. i've then him for a while. >> you worked at harvard lampoon there? >> there's a long line of lazy irish guys who came out of there, trying to avoid real work. conan o'brien, you know, and our method of avoiding real work was to aim for show business. >> you are the comedy. >> i am the only dramatist to emerge from the harvard lampoon. >> are you in this coming season? >> yes. i am trying to get me back to do an episode playing bill pacxtons lawyer which i find difficult since i have this day. >> take a day off. >> you know what, i like no vacation. in three years, i have a had no vacation. >> what i found here is they
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don't check your vacation. i work less here than i did in college. >> also on this particular show they don't seem to check what time you show up. >> no, they don't. >> i turn this thing on sometimes and she's sitting here alone and then at some point you're there. >> i show up. >> anywhere near 6:00 a.m. these odd arrival times. >> i am what i am. >> yeah. >> is it my understanding for my live 10:00 p.m. show, if i show up at 10:18 -- >> that's not okay if you. >> it's not the same for this? >> you've got to have a co-host that can carry you. >> that's the key. >> three of you. >> actually, seriously, if you have like barnicle and willie and mika and buchanan, it's just like, you know, cocktail party. you just slip in late for. >> find me a barnicle. >> actually required to be there at 6:00. you need a couple of those. >> yeah. >> so if the show were tonight, we're going to get him thinking quick on his feet -- >> lawrence, i'm just a news
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reader. >> if the show were tonight -- >> here are all the news stories of the day. thanks. >> look. i haven't turned a page. i mean, there's -- what's going on in the world? >> ahmadinejad said something terrible about the united states. >> done. he's on the show. >> mahmoud. >> the show books himself. >> the gop plan. >> you're going to have pat buchanan and you're doing to debate that. >> the one-page agenda thing i would have done last night. we actually did do it last night in our rehearsal shows which are sent directly to the museum of broadcasting seen only by people in the building. >> that's old news. throw it away. >> we did it last night, the pledge. >> old news. >> the pledge, my take. let's see. i was surprised -- >> really hot? >> no, there's a thing in there that i love. there's a tax item that i'm completely in favor of. and that is that in the health care bill for an unnecessary reason they inserted the provision that any purchase by a
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business over $699 requires the issuance of a 1099 to the company you bought it from. what a means is -- >> this show is going to be like -- all the kids are going to tune in to watch. >> they're going to love this part. >> the 1099 tax code -- >> what it means is, if the dry-cleaner decides to get hip and buy a $700 television to set up in there so people in line can watch "morning joe" while they're waiting on their shirts, he has to send a 1099 to best buy saying, you know, who have i lost? >> no. >> i'm totally in favor of that provision. >> however, it is the tiniest tax proposal you can possibly come up with in this so-called pledge to america. they don't have big grand republican tax schemes in there which surprises me. and that's how we covered it last night on our rehearsal show. >> all right. >> willie, who do the jets play
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this weekend? i'm not going back to lawrence. >> no, i want to hear more about the tax policy. >> as a former tax writer, we're going to have the tax segment of the show. >> love it. >> the bead lock as you call it in television, is going to be, you know, the irs section of the show every night. >> brought to you by h&r block, sponsorship opportunities. >> that $600 item has actually become symbolic to small businesses. >> it is. >> an intrusive, messy, regulating, crazy, paper producing point of view that they hate. >> lawrence, this weekend where nbc and, i thank nbc for this, nbc universal and jeff, jeff, remember, was the first guy to push us to go up to deborah kinney school and really opened our eyes. jeff has had the foresight to have across all all nbc universal platforms, education nation for a remarkable film
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that david has done. i wonder, do you think that reform in education is possible? >> you know, i don't see -- even through the lessons presented in the movie, having been a former public schoolteacher myself, and i'm on the board of a charter school, public charter school in boston which is near my old neighborhood and it's a very, very tough place to try to run a school. gunfire goes off, you know, when their athletic teams are practicing, thing like that. the grand scale, how to do this on the grand scale in 50 states, i don't see the model. can we save individual pockets of children, can we improve individual classrooms? yes, yeah, we can. >> so what's the obstacle to doing this on scale? >> there are so many. >> what's the biggest one?
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>> there are so many gigantic cultural transformations that have occurred in the last 40 years that they have been -- they've been left unnoticed. there was a time when really bright women, like the women at this table, would never have had -- 40 years ago, you go back into the 1950s, 1960s, they would never have had the opportunity to do the jobs they do. they would have been public schoolteachers. peggy would have been a public school history teacher. she would not have been ever on the track to write speeches for the president of the united states. so in all -- what about mika? >> so in -- >> phys ed. >> phys ed. >> you would have been the principal in deciding exactly how many calories they should have. >> or the nurse. >> think about it, tremendous success of our acceptance and n. advancement of women in the workplace has meant that there is an enormous talent drain out
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of the public school system that used to be so dominated by these hugely over-qualified people who are now our physicians and our lawyers. so that we don't even think about. that happened and it's gone and we don't even think about it. so when we start concentrating on teachers and saying let's get better teachers, why haven't this teacher as good as the fifth grade teacher i had at st. brendan's school where, by the way, we have these nuns doing it for nothing because they were devoting their entire lives to it and those people aren't working anymore either. there's gigantic cultural transformations in the teaching profession underneath all of these other problems that we're talking about. and then you get into, you know, the collapse of family structure which means will is not someone at home to make sure or who cares about making sure the homework is done. so can you save individual children? yes, you can. can you -- which is why i, for example, am, i don't know, one
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of the few democrats outside of washington, d.c., local elected democrats, who is in favor of school vouchers because i believe if there is a better private school over here across the street that you can take this child who is dying in this classroom here and save her life in that school over there, you have a moral obligation to not only allow that to happen but to enable it to happen. >> it is a moral obligation. >> yes. >> 50 years ago when mika and i would have been idealistic teachers together. >> right. >> gentlemen, 50 years ago when mika and i would have been idealistic teachers to the, we would have had more coherent classrooms. we would have had children who came from two-family -- two-parent families, et cetera. but it is also true that mika and i would not have been unionized 50 years ago. that happened after world war ii
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and happened, as a matter of fact, when guys came back from world war ii. unionization soon followed. we know that the biggest in my view reactionary force against progress in the public schools now is the unions because unions stand for their own needs and the needs of their members. they do not stand for the needs of the children. that has been a big -- >> i would disagree with that but we don't have time. >> to my mind, on sunday. >> this is over-emphasis on teachers and an assumption that all students are the same. we got to go. >> lawrence, the last word. friday -- monday. >> you know what i'll do? i'm going to do something about public schools. >> i think you should. i've just been inspired. on my show. >> i love it. >> i will finish my thoughts at 10:00 p.m. monday. >> now, that's a tease. >> yeah. >> well-done. >> 7:00 p.m. on the east coast.
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great write-up on the "new york times." congratulations. >> coming up. >> it's the only time -- i'm in show business so we don't talk about this ever, my age. it's only time my age has been publicly over estimated. >> really? >> oh, geez, i can't -- what? "new york times" got it wrong. that number is wrong. it is an incorrect fact. don't anyone believe it. it is a lie. "the new york times" has a wrong number in there. >> what is the right number? >> we're not going to talk about it. it's wrong. >> you have an opportunity to clear it up. >> i'm in show business, i can't. as much as i can say. it is wrong. i would not say they're wrong if it wasn't provably wrong. >> thank you, lawrence. coming up, movie director oliver stone will be here to discuss the film "wall street, money never dies." and a little later, what do you get when -- >> sleep. >> sleeps. >> oh, sleeps. sorry. >> what do you get when you combine witchcraft, fighting mascot, jimmy carter and red spandex? joe? >> what a question.
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>> "money never sleeps." i'll never get it wrong. coming up in willie's weekend review. but first, the weekend forecast with bill karins. >> thanks, mika. washington, d.c. today will break a record high. two days in a row. we're going to be 96 degrees. here we are at the last week of september. we're expecting 96 in d.c. tomorrow will be a little cooler. look what happened at the beginning of next week. fall will officially arrive. rest of new england, warm. maybe records from new york and philly. not quite as hot. boston should be all right. dry everywhere this weekend in the northeast. the cold front, we're going to track it this week. today through chicago and kansas city. if you're ahead, warm. behind it, cooler. temperatures will slowly drop on the east coast saturday into sunday. the cold front will be arriving on the eastern seaboard late in the day on saturday. finally, by sunday, that's when fall will move into everywhere in the east and the middle of the country. the exception will be there in denver where it will be 90 degrees. finally, one thing we have to watch. we're not done with our tropical
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long summer days, and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® clinical skincare, exclusive ion2 complex combined with activating cream helps restore collagen depleted skin. neutrogena clinical skincare is clinically tested to undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just 4 weeks. do-overs do exist. [ female announcer ] clinical skincare. neutrogena. #1 dermatologist recommended brand. [ female announcer ] clinical skincare.
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president obama: yeah, i took a trip to elkhart, indiana, today. elkhart's a place that has lost jobs faster than anywhere else in america, and the people who've lost them have no idea what to do or who to turn to. in fact, local tv stations have started running public service announcements that tell people where to find food banks, even as the food banks don't have enough to meet the demand.
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enslaves its own people or an armed group in congo that use rape as a weapon of war. >> hello, we're sitting right here. hello. we hear you. how would you like to be costa rica? every u.n. general assembly alphabetically, you're sitting right next to the congo. every time you show up at the u.n. you sit down and go, oh, hey, what's up, you're the guys who use rape as weapons. we're were more of an eco tourist kind of country. >> all right. >> with us now chief white house correspondent for politico michael len. he has a morning look at the playbook. >> happy friday. >> we have a little scandal on our hands. new york post reporting that senior white house advisers suddenly skipping out on peter orszag's we'ding th wedding thi? >> this is on page 6, which
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usually runs on page 8 or 12, which may tell you something. but this eekd peter orszag is it getting married. you're not going to see the top of the "west wing." he regretted long ago, valley jarrett is instead going to the memorial service for the attorney general's mother who re recently passed. she's goes to the a.g. and figured he needed her more. but no surprise they're not showing up. peter orszag hated in the wing. his first column in the "new york times" which they felt und mined the president's view of tax cuts, very unhappen we with him. one senior official told me in a politico playbook we should run a quiz, which is the more disloyal former staffer, peter orszag or steven ratiner, they said the answer was definitely peter orszag.
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>> mike, you say the west wing hates peter orszag. >> he had no friends when he left. no top-level friends. very unhappy with him. not a lot of crying when he departed. >> wow. >> and made no new friends when he suggested they should let the tax cuts -- >> go for two years. >> yeah. >> i'm sure they set at google alert foris "new york times" columns. >> mike, a little scandal. >> this is just -- maybe this is the politician in me. but if a guy leaves and he's working for me and he dings me on the way out and he's got a "new york times" column, i would go to his wedding. no, no, seriously. i mean, there's no room for that in washington, d.c. when you're running the white house. lawrence, seriously, right? >> i think everybody over reacts to these books and i'm very interested in peggy's view of this having written an inside the white house book. i just think that they're never looked at in context when they
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come out. people take this little sentence here and say, oh, ratiner is whacking them. generally if you consume the whole thing, there's a different effect. >> that's true. there is a difference. i'm not sure how steve was thinking. i was thinking i want to capture history. i think steve was probably thinking, i want to capture what happened as we saved these auto companies. >> his is more minute to minute. you are the one that definitely has a historical feel to it for the reader as you're reading it. but then, i mean, back in that, you know, day in the life of president kennedy which kind of started us in that inside the white house minute to minute style, that's what i think you see in his books is that feeling of i'm going to give you the sensation of these minutes. >> staffer once said what history needs more of is first-person testimony. everybody should write. >> all right. coming up, we have oliver stone. we'll be right back. >> and also controversy on
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you know what, tell me, what makes peter, peter ? well, i'm an avid catamaran sailor. i can my own homemade jam, apricot. and i really love my bank's raise your rate cd. i'm sorry, did you say you'd love a pay raise asap ? uh, actually, i said i love my bank's raise your rate cd. you spent 8 days lost at sea ? no, uh... you love watching your neighbors watch tv ? at ally, you'll love our raise your rate cd that offers a one-time rate increase if our current rates go up.
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because tomorrow i, stephen colbert, will be testifying before congress. half spoken word, half dance number. now, that news made one of the friendly friends over at fox and friends so ensensed this morning that her hair nearly moved. jim? >> i mean, the idea that we're going to waste our taxpayer dollars for this guy to go up on capitol hill and we're supposed to sit there and take that? >> no, you're supposed to sit there and blow it out of proportion. read your contract. >> stephen colbert, actually testifying today in front of the house committee, illegal immigration. >> that's the gig, baby. >> apparently going to testify in character. >> people get paid a lot of money all over the world for blowing things out of proportion. we ought to try that sometime. let's try it. >> ready?
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>> yeah. my public tax dollars are spent going to pbs, willie, so they can have some -- is that blowing it out of proportion? >> so far so good. outrage, national scandal. >> what if i like california girls. >> katy perry? >> teenage dream, baby. >> superstar. singing the songs, making the kids happy. very mainstream, poppy. she did a little gig as celebrities often do. she did a gig with elmo. >> you know katy perry's parents, they're like, preachers. they're preachers. >> she does her thing with elmo. her parents are watching what you're watching right here. >> right. >> what are you watching? when you look at elmo, what are you watching? >> i'm just looking at elmo. i'm a father of young children. >> i am, too. >> watch the clip and decide whether or not you're offended. >> looking at elmo? what are you watching? ♪
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so the deal is some parents saw that, very offended, too much skin. so "sesame street" isn't going to air it. >> like bullwinkle, why was bullwinkle so great? >> nude. >> what was it, the universal movie this summer? >> "despicable me"? >> you want something that the kids love and that the parents, at least the dads love. and i think that's what "sesame street" is doing. i think that's a good use of taxpayer dollars. >> taking her off air. >> she's a christian. >> get over it. >> now we're persecuting christians? >> is that what this is? >> is that your position with pbs? >> i think it is wrong. you know, christian persecution must be stopped. we're going to take a stand right here on "morning joe," willie. >> oliver stone, next. >> katy, we're in your corner, baby. [ female announcer ] you use the healing power of touch every day.
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insider trading, your da daughter and i are engaged. you would not want to soil our r her name. >> you may not have traded but you try telling the feds. you induced others to trade on information that you knew to be false. >> hard to prove that. >> a fisherman always sees another fisherman from afar. i think you ought to start calling me gordon. >> willie is my assistant. >> that was a scene from "wall street, money never sleeps." >> how excited are you sm. >> huge. cannot wait. sequel of the '87 film "wall
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street" where gordon gecko once proclaimed greed. here with us now academy award winner and director of both film, mr. oliver stone. >> that's what's so amazing about this, timely in '87, even more timely now. why? >> well, the market changed radically. they went to -- in a sense, what the banks became is what gecko was. gecko was illegitimate but he was on insider trading but it all became insider trading. >> became mainstream. >> gecko went mainstream and they went to jail and in this movie the dankers got away with it. >> got rich. >> different kind of movie, result. 2,000s. >> how did that happen? what happened between when you did "wall street." how did it go mainstream? >> i imagithink a lot of reason. systemic failure. 30 years of administrations that deregulated the banking rules and the general marketplace from ronald reagan on through clinton through george bush jr. that was
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absence of government control and regulation. >> so we were talking to some friends from cnbc and maria was going to be here. she's sick. but cnbc is like a costar in this movie. >> yeah. >> it's just -- there's a constant flickering on there. >> maria and her team, melissa lee and joe -- jim, jim cramer, about ten of them around. they're great. we mixed it up. we have reuters and a.p. and some lumberg. >> oliver, was there a moment when you were watching this economy and our society and you say i have to make a sequel now? or did you always have in your mind that you were going to come back to this? >> no, we tried to write a script in 2006 but i wasn't really interested in pursuing it because it was about wealthy people and there was no tension. they were just getting richer and richer. the economy was losing its perspective. after 2008 it began to have a karma, a sense of crime and punishment, definition. i think it's important.
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it was a big moment. 2008 is still a warning signal. it's sleeping under the surface. some people have called it we're still on medication. we still have a heart attack, still in the hospital, and we're under heavy medication. but one great economist called it the illusion of normalcy that we're laboring under. >> did you look to reality to some of these ceos over the last two years, three years, as villain, as gordon geckos? >> they took a huge amount of money, paid far more than any working man in proportion to the per capita of the average working man flattened out and when they got bailed out they took bonuses that were enormous. none of them went to jail. none of them -- none of them were fired except maybe two were replaced because they were bought out. >> seems like lemon brothers as an inspiration. >> lehman, bear stearns. bear stearns actually was the first one to go under and they were bout out by morgan. that was the basis at the scene. we have a federal reserve board.
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>> how about, tell me as a write, did you know when you were writing gordon gecko that you were writing an iconic -- you were creating an iconic figure who would last a quarter of a century? >> no, no. >> a famous guy in people's imaginations? >> co-writer with stanley wiser on the original and directeder on this one. two other writers on this one. >> yeah. >> but in 1980s, no, he was the anti-hero and he was not in most of the picture. but michael douglas came in and he was very compelling. and he grabbed the limelight. but it wasn't to be a role model and i don't think he was. i mean, to me, it was the street was glamorous and the idea of money was sexy in the 1980s. it was the ronald reagan era, make money, get rich. with that mantra got boring after a while. i think by the 2000s, people, we've got to slow down. where is this america going?
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are we going to be about excess and consumerism and materialism or are we going to slow down? >> why gekko? >> gekko because -- >> the name. >> i made it up because frankly, i liked the name and it was before geico. >> i won'tered. i always wondered if there was a little connection there. >> a line in the film, even the caveman can do it. take money. no, gekko got old and he's reached a place in this new movie where there's a fork in the road. he's got to decide, is money enough, is this all there is or is there a relationship with his daughter, are there things like love and family values and trust? he's a very important issues not only to the economy but for people. >> does he -- does gordon gekko in the new movie just out have a speech that somehow refers back to or is equal to the famous greed is good speech in wall street i? >> it's hard to match something that catches the eye like that. he gives a speech earlier in the
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movie to fordham university where shia labeouf sees him. he writes a book called "is greed good" in which he examines the economy and he gives us a quick overview of what happened between '87 and 2008. >> oliver, is there any hope, is there any light in the film? and if you use the film as a metaphor for our time, is there hope, light, 23 years later and nothing has changes? >> i'm older. i went to other way. i could have gone hard and cold, and i didn't. i deliberately chose a path of hope and reconciliation. frankly, maybe think it's corny from oliver but it's a love story, too, in there and it's an important love story because it's the bounds -- the binders of our society. i really feel it's necessary to stick around and to, as you say, pull out to the as a family. and the country, i think of as a family.
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and the economy, too, by the way. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, joe. >> oliver stone. very excited. we're very excited about this. again, more timely than ever. we debate it with a nation's leaders and with wall street leaders. seems like we still haven't figured out how to get past some of this in '87. this is going to be a huge, huge hit. i can't wait. >> thank you, joe. >> thanks. "wall street, money never sleeps" opens today. thank you. we're going to be back, forget "the new york times" weekend review, we've got willie's. ♪ where'd you learn to do that so well. ♪ the new cadillac srx. the cadillac of crossovers. cadillac. the new standard of the world.
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so two years ago, let me get this straight. two years ago america broke up with you because you were badly mistreated her. and so you disappear do, some soul searching, get your head to the, and you come back rapping on our door, hat in hand, baby, i know you left me, but if we get back to the i pledge to you, i promise you i will still try to [ bleep ] your sister every chance i get. it's who i am, baby. it's who i am. >> and it looks like america is going to take him back anyway. it's been a wildly important week. especially ear here at tuu.n. leaders gathered. you won't see a single one of them in our top three store is
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are. >> i dabbled in witchcraft. >> at number three. voo-doo politics. >> one of my first names with the witch was on a san tannic alter and i didn't know it. there's a little blood there. >> delaware senate candidate christine o'donnell was haunted again this week by a spooky clip from her past. when bill maher rolled it out. >> christine, if you're watching, i created you. you need to come on this show. if you don't come on this show, i'm going to show a clip every week. >> reporter: o'donnell brushed off the witchcraft as harmless teenage fun. >> how many of you didn't hang out with questionable folks in high school? >> then it was bill o'reilly's turn to play the greatest hits. >> we have iconic crazy stuff she said. >> you say cry zi stuazy stuff, scientific breakthrough. >> american scientific companies are cross breeding humans and animals and coming up with -- with mice with fully functioning
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human brains. >> at number two, mascot on mascot violence. an intrastate college football rivalry took an ugly turn when their bobcat attacked ohio state's brutus the buckeye in his own backyard. and unofficial mascot in philadelphia ran on to the field during a phillies game this weekend in a red spandex full-body gimp suit. the 17-year-old was arrested and later released to his waiting parents, still wearing the only clothes he had with him. >> we have the gimp. and the number one story of the week, superiority complex. >> i feel that my role as a former president is that of other presidents. >> jimmy carter's declaration of superiority reminded americans that he suffers from no rice sis
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crisis of self confidence. >> whenever you have a chance, say something good about our country. >> the one-term president's comments struck some as not particularly presidential. >> frustrated, bitter, angry, petty, small individual. >> carter's unique brand of charm across the country during a week long promotional tour for his new book. a memoir that includes an attack on the late ted kennedy. >> he wasn't able to defend himself. >> he even had mocked our witches and warlocks. >> completely compatible with the tea party. i haven't been involved in witchcraft. >> james earl carter, how we've missed you. >> i have spent a lot of time deciding how i can be a good president. >> there's nothing like little wayne playing under a speech by jimmy carter. coming up next, what have we learned today? [ whistling ]
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welcome back to "morning joe." instead of talking about what we learned today, willie, what did you learn today? >> apparently america or "sesame street" parents are not ready for katy perry's outfits with elmo. >> apparently -- i don't know. i guess there are some people out there that hate christian singers. you know, parents are
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evangelical printers and i think she's being punished because of it. >> please. >> i'd like to point out one thing, america is okay with miss piggy and her cleavage but not with -- >> exactly. >> drop the banner, t.j. miss piggy. >> i rest my case. >> mika, christian persecution is wrong in china, it's wrong in america. we're going to stand up against this hatred. what did you learn? >> i learned this sunday you should tune in to msnbc 8:00 eastern time "education nation." it's going to be good. dialogue on education. >> what did you learn? >> i learned that i'm doing a live show monday night at 10:00 p.m. my rehearsal show. we're going to put it on the air. the most important thing we learned is the age fact checking department of the "new york times" gets things wrong and actually middle-aged anchormen and make them old age. it said 73. that newspaper is wrong. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's too high.
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