tv The Last Word MSNBC September 30, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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this idea of the war expanding into pakistan, it is not a secret, and it is not going to be a secret. i guarantee it. i don't plan on being quiet about it. i plan on screaming bloody murder about it. now with his guests, michael bloomberg and megan mccain, this time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." >> thanks, rachel. the lovely megan mcgain is going to be with me tonight to discuss "dirty sex politics" for sherr a book title and for me is a lifestyle. there will be nothing else in the show that will be even slightly sexy, but there will be passion, some of it physical, some of it even homicidal. and i wish i was joking about that. this republican billionaire made her fortune in fighting.
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she thinks it's the perfect training for a republican seat in the u.s. senate. >> i'm linda mcmahcmahon. i'm running for senate and i approve this message. >> this millionaire thinks he can fight his way to being governor in new york. >> how are you going to do that? >> watch. >> by beating up this nuch reporter. >> it's all right to show people you're angry. >> and this republican billionaire is on her way to becoming governor of california. >> i saw that she throw me away like a piece of garbage. >> today, we have clearly proven with the release of this letter that meg whitman lied to the press. >> if she can just get past this little fight with her maid, i'll ask mike bloomberg, the only sane billionaire politician in america, how he enlush enleashef these billionaires behaving badly. >> how did you get so damn rich? >> that's not embarrassing.
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>> and can mccain talk some sense into the republican party? no, not that mccain. i'll ask the one who hasn't flip-flopped on everything. >> if you make the party smaller, you have less voters. where do you go from there? we're so polarized and it's us versus them and i think it's a very scary place. good evening from new york. i'm lawrence o'donnell. a lot of people have a lot of reasons to be angry in this economy, but that's no excuse for these shocking increases in secret militias documented by "time" magazine, which we will discuss later, and there's never an excuse for any billionaire to be angry. so what explains a billionaire candidate for governor on the verge of slugging a reporter? i don't know. what do i know about billionaires. for that, we turn to "the last word's" fave billionaire, the mayor of new york. thanks for being on tonight.
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>> thanks for having me. >> this is the first question for all the billionaires on the show. i'm going to let the audience know the answer, so the pressure is on. doesn't seem fair. >> come on, this is something you're supposed to know. really. any kind of decent billionaire would know this. but the mayor should know this. the audience knows the answer, but they don't know the question. and the question is -- what is the minimum wage? >> u.s. minimum wage is about $15,000 a year, about $300 a week. that's $7.25 an hour. >> geez. all right. you got it. but everybody would know that. >> this is why you're my favorite billionaire. you're the only billionaire in politics that knows this. in connecticut, the problem for the day for linda mcmahon is she doesn't know the minimum wage. she was asked. she didn't know what it is. >> did her opponent know it? >> i'm sure he did.
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i'm sure he knows it now. which brings to us, what have you unleashed? i think it's your fault. let me show you something that i think is your fault. we're going to go to videotape of the republican candidate for governor in new york state and i think everything we've seen in this tape is your fault. let's take a look at carl paladino, republican candidate for governor of new york. >> you've descended into the gutter by suggesting he was involved in extramarital relations when he was married with no evidence. if you don't have evidence of that, isn't that going into the gutter? >> hmm, well a guy that's been in the gutter and spent a good part of his life in the gutter like andrew should think twice about trying to characterize me. >> but you're a lawyer, you heard the term -- >> i'm also a lawyer, okay -- >> what evidence that you have. something that most people would consider a smear? >> i want to know why you sent your goons -- >> i sent no one after --
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>> this doesn't have to do with your charge against cuomo. do you have the evidence or not? >> at the appropriate time -- >> how can you say that about him -- >> i have a daughter, too. you talked about her, too. >> fred, that's it. >> what evidence do you have? >> listen, all right? >> you send your goons after my daughte daughter. say that one more time. >> don't touch me. >> i asked you a question. do you have any evidence for the charge. >> at the appropriate time you eel get it. >> this time is the attorney general of new york. >> and you're his bird dog. >> you made a charge. >> you send another goon to my daughter's house and i'll take you out, buddy. >> you'll take me out? how are you going to do that? >> watch. >> what are you doing? threatening me. >> first of all, that's carl
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paladino. and fred, a no reporter, the toughest they come, he says what evidence do you have. he gets in an argument, it's your fault because we now have a bunch of crazy billionaires like paladino running for political office because of you. >> uh-oh. >> because you are the billionaire who got in there and won one of these things. ross perot we saw him do it crazy style and lose. you come in and you're encouraging these people. your fault? your response? >> clearly my fault. i beg forgiveness. i'm really sorry. does that make you happy? >> you've always got -- we've got meg whitman. >> if you take a look, all kidding aside, wealthy candidates do not do well
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percentage wise. most of them have lost. and that doesn't mean they wouldn't have been good if they had gotten elected, i don't know. i'm supporting meg whitman who i think would be a good governor of california, although her opponent jerry brown, people say he did a good job when he was mayor of oakland. why he would want to go back and be governor again, i don't know. there are others, some of whom have money and have done well. some of whom have not had money and done well. >> meg whitman, very tough on anyone who employs undocumented worker, turns out she employed an undocumented worker as her maid in her home for about seven, nine years. do you want to now officially retract your endorsement based on her employment of an illegal maid? >> i do not. >> going to stake with her? >> i'm going to stick with her, yes. >> and the other thing about this billionaire thing is, they make the case, and i think it was a little bit of a part of the bloomberg -- the first bloomberg campaign, before you
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were a man of government, there's always the case of hey, i'm a great businessman, i know how to do this. the interesting thing about your particular case is, i'm sure you've noticed that the bloomberg business exploded after you left. it has done so much better with you in city hall, but it didn't with you there. >> i have always said to anybody that wants to leave me, you can not leave until you find somebody better to take the job. and i found two guys better than me to run the company and hopefully i'll have some influence and whoever follows me, and all kidding aside, i'm going to live in this city for the rest of my life, so i hope whoever succeeds me does a better job. but you take what somebody did before you and you build on it. and nobody's going to have all of the answer or solve all the problems. it's always going to be something left for the next guy or woman. >> you were at the republican house team today, not the full caucus, the theme team.
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who are they and what is the theme that they're trying to find and what did you tell them, what did you help them -- >> there are all these groups within the democrats and republicans, because these party, they talk about a big tent and, in fact, they are. there are liberals and conservatives on both sides. this is a group of reasonably middle of the road, i think, a lot from the midwest. and they wanted to know my thoughts on immigration, my thoughts on how we keep crime coming down in this country, public education, which i've been talking about, and each of them introduced themselves and had questions. it was a very friendly group. i don't know whether or not i convinced them of anything. in new york city, we created this year 10 pr% of all of the private sector job crease yated in t -- created in the whole country. >> by the way, 20 of them created by me this week. >> no one is more a fan of your show than i am. and they'll all be taxpayers. >> you also testified to the immigration subcommittee in the
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house. by the way, same committee stephen colbert testified to. did your comedy writers deliver? >> there was not a lot of laughs. >> what was your point? >> i testified, and rupert murdoch also testified. >> he himself as immigrant. >> we have a bunch of business guys to explain to them why this country needs more imgrants coming here from all over the world, not just from one part of the world, but from all over the world. and basically, if you listen to everybody, there's three parts to this puzzle. and everybody wants to solve one of them and you can't do it unless you solve all three at the same time. one is border security. you can put a lot of troops on the border, but until you find a way so that companies know if a prospective employee is legal, they can't enforce the law. if they can't hire an illegal aliens and you don't, then you'll have fewer people trying to come over the borders. the second thing, this country needs engineers and doctors and
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scientists, writers from around the world. and we just passed a health care bill ensuring an awful lot, many millions more people. we don't have doctors to treat them. and the third part of the puzzle is there are roughly 11 million people undocumented that broke the law to get here, but with the complicity of business and federal government that deliberately passed a law without enforcement so both sides could say to their constituents look, don't worry about it, i didn't hurt you. and unless you in the same piece of legislation solve all three problems, not perfectly, but you've got to come up with some solution to all three. number one, you won't get it passed and number two, it's not going to work. >> can you explain to me why the white house chief of staff rahm emanuel would quit that job to seek a demotion to mayor. >> mayor is the best job in the country. >> this is the mayor of chicago. >> second best job in the
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country. richard daley has improved schools, brought crime down. daley will be missed. this guy has been a great mayor. and what i think emanuel sees is that mayors do things. in the legislature, they talk about things. they can be on boast sides of it. presidents and governors, at that level, you basically allocate resources. mayors make decisions. and they have to make explicit decisions. that's why mayors tend to not go on to other offices. every decision you make, you alienate other people. >> the last mayor on a national ticket, a person who was a mayor on a national ticket, hubert humphrey. you spent a certain amount of your life in the top tax bracket. the raging debate now is do we extend the brackets for the top tax bracket, keep them low at 35%, or let them go back up to
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the clinton level of 39%. where are you? >> keep them for two years. you can't risk stopping job creation. if you don't have a job, you don't have the dignity of being self-employed. and the other reason not to do it is if you want to raise taxes, raise them on everybody. if you want to cut them, cut them on everybody. creating a class system in our country is not a good idea. we have a graduated income tax so those who make more not only pay more, they pay a bigger percentage, but the step functions where all of a sudden there's a cutoff creates the kinds of divisions that we don't need and america wasn't built on. america was built on fundamentally, we're all equal. those who have more have a greater obligation to help those who have less, but you don't go all of a sudden and say here, $1 more and you're less or more of a person. >> so i can't get you with the idea of not only letting the top bracket go up but creating new top brackets for $10 million, for $100 million, for $500 million? >> lawrence, if god said to me you could write the tax code, i
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would -- >> he's saying to you right now. >> i would change it so every single american files the tax return and pays at least $1. they should all understand this is not somebody else's money, this is our money, our country, our votes. we all are in this together. and if you think about it, less than half the people in this country pay any tax at all. as a matter of fact, a bunch of them have a negative income tax rate because of an earned income tax credit. the tax rate is skewed. it's very progressive. as you go up the scale, you pay a lot more in a percentage. and if we don't have enough money, we should, i think, raise everybody's taxes. but this year and next year, too dangerous to do because of the unemployment. after that, if you can afford it, you should pay it, but no step functions. just make it gradual. >> i'm telling you, i'm going to be pushing the billionaires bracket, the new billionaires brackets. i hope you do and we want you living here because we need more taxpayers in this city.
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congratulations on the new show. >> mr. mayor, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> happy to do it. >> militias are on the rise here in the u.s. but they're also getting more and more extreme. a militia man who could have been the nuclear version of timothy mcveigh. and later, megan mccain is here to talk "dirty sexy politics." does she agree with lady gaga or her father? b color system, for colors never before seen on tv. notice the lifelike color on this yellow seahorse, oh sorry, yellow-ish seahorse on your tv with three color technology. observe this stunning blue sea, in your mind that is. well, you get the picture. actually, you don't. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. ♪
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coming up, last night the senate -- no, come on. let's watch that crazy billionaire again. come on, let's see that. >> do you have any evidence for the charge you made? >> at the appropriate time you'll get it. >> this guy is the attorney general of new york -- >> and you're his stocking horse. you're his bird dog. >> you made the charge. >> you send another goon to my daughter's house and i'll take you out, buddy. >> you're going to take me out? how? >> watch.
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>> locked and loaded. since barack obama became president, the number of heavily armed anti-government militias has tripled. that's right, tripled. the surge in recruits to what could be the training ground of our next timothy mcveigh parallels the rise of the tea party and includes at least one man who had serious plans to kill the president by going nuclear. joining me now is the author of "time" magazine's special investigation, "locked and loaded -- the secret world of extreme militias" barton
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gellman, "time" magazine's contributing editor at large. tell us about the guy who was building, really seriously building a nuclear device he hoped would take ute the president. >> well, a dirty bomb, he hoped. >> sthst whthis is what we fear qaeda. there will be some suitcase bomb that lend up on the new york city subway. but we had a domestic terrorist working on it. >> well, two things to say about this guy. number one, he probably is the most serious -- came the nearest to being able to build a dirty bomb of any of the domestic tret threats we heard. certainly way more than jose padilla, the accused al qaeda dirty bomber. on the other hand, he wasn't ready yet, he wasn't there. but it is by the happenstance that he was killed in his sleep by his wife that he found out
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about it at all. >> why was he killed in his sleep by his wife? >> there were things wrong with him as a husband as well as a citizen? >> there were issues. the judge found she had suffered so greatly in terms of domestic abuse that he waived any prison sentence at all, even though she killed him in his sleep. >> lenient judges have their place in our judicial system. you write that the holocaust museum killer, that he had written, was that on his website that he wrote this? >> no, actually, more chillingly, when he went and killed the guard, he double parked, raised the rifle and got out and killed him. in his double parked car was his planning notebook. and in that notebook, you found evidence of the other target he is h-- he had in mind. >> obama was created by jews.
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obama does what his jew owners tell him to do. he had other names on the card? >> he did have other names. one of them was david axelrod, the president's closest political adviser. you don't have to think that one life is more important than another to understand that it would have been a very different kind of event had an assassin killed one of the president's inner circle members. and a thing that put a jolt and secret service was that this is a guy who demonstrated motive, means, intent to kill. actually did kill, and he had a plausible plan to get to david axelrod. >> why didn't he go after the president or axelrod? was the holocaust museum just easier? all you had to do was just walk? >> actually, it's not clear to me it was easier. he knew there were armed guards all over the place. that does not happen to have been the case at david axelrod's
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home and the address was listed. i think that jews were whole central to this guy's whole concept of evil in the world that he couldn't resist. >> do you see any relationship in the parallel rise in time only, i'm only suggesting there's a parallel in time, of the tea party and this tripling of the militias? >> it's tricky, because i do not want to give the impression that i'm associating the tea party with these militias. it almost doesn't matter what the anti-government extremists believe. what matters is that they are arming and training and practicing and planning for bloodshed. in most cases they consider it defensive. they're expecting, you know, obama to send troops to declare martial law, to seize their guns and round them up in concentration camps and so on. but they are training to kill opposition forces that look exactly like the atf or the fbi or national guard unit.
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>> is it your sense the election of president obama has provoked this increase in the militia, or at the same time the worst economy, you know, since the depression has provoked this, or something else? >> well, both. the fbi calls that a perfect storm. you had -- look, anytime you have the bottom drop out of the economy, it increases discontent greatly, and it sort of increases the voices of people who think that, for example, special interests are running the world to their own detriment, who were alienated from washington. and many people in this sort of highly alienated, anti-government right have hated every recent president. they hated the bushes. but obama also sort of jolted that movement because in one guy, you united sort of -- because of his race, because of
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what they imagined his religion was, because of what they imagined his, you know, his birthplace was, he united the bigotry of racists and religious big gots and nativists. so he was a perfect symbol for all of them. >> barton gellman, "locked and loaded" an amazing story. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, lawrence. >> >> coming up, megan mccain joins me to talk about what the tea party is doing to the gop and whether she agrees with christine o'donnell on you know what. and with the partisan gridlock on capitol hill, you will be shocked to learn that democrats and republicans voted unanimously on something last night.
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>> we have breaking news. the senate agreed on something. last night they passed a bill unanimously. not only did the senate pass the bill unanimously, they passed it by what they call unanimous consent meaning they didn't even have to have a roll call vote. what could possibly move the most disagreeable bunch of people in america into union? that television is too noisy, specifically commercials. they passed a bill requiring tv and cable companies to keep the volume during commercials at the same level as the programs they
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interrupt. americaning have been complaining about this to the fcc since the 1950s. basically since the invention of television. so the senate should be getting around to doing something about iphone signal quality around 2070. what's it like to have lady gaga repeatedly attack your dad over his position on don't ask don't tell? megan mccain joins me to talk "dirty sexy politics." an an exclusive interview with attorney gloria allred. she's representing the attorney of meg whitman's former maid who may have sunk her political future. bloop or, maybe you want to help improve our schools? whatever you want to do, members project from american express can help you take the first step. vote, volunteer or donate for the causes you believe in at
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grizzlies, the joe millers, the sharron angles and the christine -- no relation -- o'donne o'donnells. 71% of republicans say they're tea party supporters. on the right, the talk is about tax cuts for the rich, don't ask don't tell and taking back the country from the terrifying left. and left out in the cold, republican pragmatists and moderates, many who no longer recognize their party. tonight, one of them steps into our spotlight. author of the new book "dirty sexy politics" megan mccain. thanks for joining pups us. >> thanks for having me. >> i have a few questions for you. in shaping your world view, what newspapers and magazines -- that's a joke. i know you saw the questions i
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asked levi. >> i get that a lot. it's the katie couric question to sarah palin. and she said all of them. >> i've never seen that whole interview, only clips of it. >> we'll show it to you tonight before you leave. i'm the parent of a daughter. >> how old is she? >> she is 16. >> and there came a time -- i didn't realize it immediately, and there came a time that i realized i better own up to my mistakes. if i'm telling her she made a mistake, i better own up to mine. so when did your father come to you after the election and say megan, that palin thing was the craziest thing -- >> this election? >> the presidential election. >> he's ran twice. >> presidential election. when did he come to you and say the palin choice was the biggest mistake of my life.
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>> he's never said anything like that to me. >> what? he didn't? >> no. >> what does that do to father/daughter credibility. you know it's the biggest mistake of his life. >> i don't think it's the biggest mistake of his life at all. she brought a lot of momentum to his campaign. she brought some negative thing. my family doesn't like to look back. it's a pretty great trait. we don't sit around talking about the election. thank god. i would probably never go home. >> see, the irish look back because we know there's nothing to look forward to. it's a whole other culture. you southwesterners live in optimist and sunshine. it's a whole different thing. so the question that the audience is waiting for is who's right even don't ask don't tell, lady gaga or senator john mccain? >> well, first of all, i don't believe entertainers reaching their hat into politics. i think everyone should stick to their mold and what they do. >> can i ask you two words? >> ronald reagan.
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>> yeah. you are so good at this. did you see my sdmards. >> -- cards? >> no. i'm against my father. obviously i'm against don't ask don't tell. i took a lot of heat when my father passed the bill. it's been a point of contention, not personally, it's not like i go home and talk about it, but obviously publicly, people still seem to vent anger at me about it. me and my mother both posed for the no hate campaign. i'm not a politician. >> but, you know, and you say entertainers shouldn't insert themselves here. >> i mean the sort of ben affleck -- >> what if the entertainer is right. you think lady gaga is right -- >> i would rather hear from politicians and professors and pundits and journalists for my information. >> all right. now, there is the tea party is -- 71% of your party supports in come sense the tea party.
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are you one of the 71% who in some way supports the tea party? >> i'm really conflicted. because i understand where the anger is coming from. i understand it's about the spending. where it gets hazy for me and a lot of other young people is this weird race stuff. i don't understand it. it make mess very uncomfortable. i think my generation is very post racial. that's where it gets hazy for me. i understand where the frustration is coming from and i think the obama presidency made this all possible. i'm conflicted. >> and then there's that new plank in the tea party platform in delaware that christine o'donnell has introduced. this kind of personal behavior thing where -- don't worry, i'm not going to use the word. i'm too polite for that. this is just a yes or no. >> oh, is this what i think it is. do you agree with christine o'donnell on you know what? it's just yes or no. >> if i were running for office, anti-masturbation would not be a
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platform i would choose. >> you're a libertarian on that one? >> yes. >> that's the rest of the o'donnell family position. i can't even use the word pop i think it's weird but whatever, do her thing. whatever. >> it is, as we say in boston, wicked weird. it's beyond weird. >> if it works for her, whatever. >> now, what is it like, you're 25 now? >> yeah, i'm almost 26. what is it like at this age, you know, the prime age group for lady gaga fans and, you know, that part of our culture to have that kind of whole culture coming down on your dad over this particular issue, don't ask don't tell, and then just in general, treating him as an old fogey, you know, the young democrat running for president is the cool way to go. how uncool do you feel when you're stuck in that corner? >> i don't fill uncool. i never have. >> you don't look uncool and you
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don't sound uncool. there's a lot of coolness. >> i like lady gaga. i just think it's, you know, i would like to sing her "paparazzi" and go to her concerts. i don't want her to yell at my dad anymore. >> she doesn't yell. i thought she was pretty eloquent the way she addressed it. i was surprised. there was no indication she could really put a sentence together. >> if you want middle america to come around to don't ask don't tell, she's not the vessel i would use to talk to middle america. someone like me or my mother is who i would send to the heartland to talk about don't ask don't tell. she's an entertainer, and i don't think that farmers in midland america are going to necessarily be listening to her on this issue. >> how many twitter followers do you have? >> 90-something-thousand. how many do you have? >> eight or nine. but lady gaga has 15 million. more than obama. more than the pope pop i think she's the most followed person.
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yeah. >> that's what the answer to that is. people who want this to happen i think are thrilled where you and your mother are on this subject. i think anyone can understand that's not an easy thing, given your father's position, but lady gaga gets the attention to it, more than you can. >> but she was not effective. >> well, we'll see. i guess. right? we're going -- i mean, next year we'll know who wins this thing, john mccain and lady gaga. >> true. i hate this is the beat that's going on. >> megan mccain thank you very, very much for joining me tonight. your book "dirty sexy politics" everywhere now. billionaire linda mcmahon talks minimum wage today without kn knowing what the minimum wage actually is. she's tonight's politician in urgent need of the rewrite. and the allegations of this maid
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could undue all the millions and millions of dollars meg whitman has spent to try to be the next governor of california. attorney gloria allred unveiled the damning evidence today and she'll join me here. ♪ when the parts for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a continuous link, that is always in sync ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ there will be no more stress ♪ ♪ cause you've called ups, that's logistics ♪
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[ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to evolve the smartphone. business, meet fun. fun, business. at&t. rethink possible. coming up, connecticut senate candidate linda -- oh, no, no, no. show the craziest billionaire again. come on. >> do you have any evidence to the charge you made? >> at the appropriate time you'll get it. >> this guy is the attorney general of new york -- >> and you're his stocking boy. you're his stocking horse. you're his bird dog. >> you made the charge. >> you send another goon to my daughter's house and i'll take you out, buddy. >> going to take me out? >> yeah. >> how row going to do that? >> watch. n. by adding a fourth color -- yellow... yellow. banana. the standard rgb color system, quattron produces more colors... banana! ...and makes images brighter. banana! banana! when seen in 3d -- whoa! whoa! aah! quattron makes tv so realistic...
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piggy: yeah? mom: you're home. piggy: oh,cool, thanks mrs. a. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. connecticut republican senate candidate linda mcmahon who made her fortune literally off the blood of others in the wrestling business got the endorsement today of the national federation of independent business which like most republicans opposes any increase to the federal minimum wage. now, laj logic would dictate if raising the minimum wage is a bad thing, then loring it must be a good thing. that logic was obviously in mind when linda mcmahon today faced her first questions ever from reporters on the minimum wage. when asked by a report fer the
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f federal minimum wage should be reduced, she said -- >> we've got minimum wages in the state, we've got the minimum wages in the government, and i think we ought to look at all of those issues in terms of mandates are being placed on businesses even can they afford them. rewrites never get any easier than this. the answer to that question is no. the minimum wage should not be reduced. it doesn't matter if you want to reduce it, or even if you think it should be reduced, it is never going to happen because it never has happened. it started at 25 cents an hour in 1938 and it has very, very slowly increased to -- oh, yeah. that's right, linda. you don't know what the minimum wage is. when you were asked today if you knew the current minimum wage,
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you said you didn't know and you would have to check. as you by now know, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. in connecticut, being richer than the rest of the country and more generous in spirit has a state minimum wage a buck higher, $8.25 an hour. linda, you spend more on your hair than a connecticut minimum wage earner makes in a year. and there's something else you should know about the minimum wage. minimum wage jobs are not easy. you spend your whole day behind a counter in those jobs or standing in a parking lot. and there is no one in connecticut or anywhere else in this country living on the minimum wage who does not work much, much harder than you do. the minimum wage just got to $7.25 an hour last year. before that, it was $6.55 an hour. think about that, linda.
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an increase of 70 cents an hour. and guess what? no one, no one gets fewer wage increases than minimum wage workers. you know how long it was $6.55 an hour? ten years. ten years, linda, without a penny, not a penny of increase. and you think maybe it's time to push it back down? to what? to $6.55 an hour again? lore? lower? now, we could hope that the blood money you made on the backs of men filled with steroids would be enough to prevent connecticut voters from sending you to the senate, but y your attitude towards minimum wage workers fuelled by the ignorance that you now claim to have about your own filthy business should be the last trau for straw for connecticut voters with a shred of human decency
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who are still undecided about you. coming up, what could be the most expensive example of karma ever? after spending more than $100 million on her campaign for california governor, meg whitman may be destroyed by the housekeeper she fired. i know who works differently than many other allergy medications. hoo? omnaris. [ men ] omnaris -- to the nose! [ man ] did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed, and sore throat. [ inhales deeply ] i told my allergy symptoms to take a hike. omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause. get omnaris for $11 at
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her for low pay, long hours and no benefits. in june 2009, diaz asked for whitman's help to become a legal u.s. worker. whitman immediately fired her. but firing wasn't good enough. diaz had to be erased, soviet style from whitman family history. >> she told me, i talked to my lawyer and he told me we cannot do anything for you and from now on, you don't know me and i don't know you. >> among diaz's claims in 2003, whitman failed to deal with a letter from the social security administration pointing out a discrepancy between nicky's driver's license and social security numbers. the whitman campaign responded. >> we never received those letters, and when we hired nicky, we used an employment agency. nicky provided her social security card, a droifr's
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license. she filled out a 1099. we told the employment agency, we have to hire only documented workers here. so we had no idea she was here illegally. >> they bet that gloria allred would not be able to produce that letter. today, they lost. >> he wrote this little note to her on the bottom, nicky, please check this, thanks. he never asked her to return it to him or to meg whitman. both who had a duty and a responsibility to return this to the government. >> dr. harsh, a name too obvious to already have been used in a bond film was forced to release
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this statement. while i honestly do not recall receiving this letter as it was sent to me seven years ago, i can say it is possible that i would have scratched a follow up note on a letter like this. here tonight, exclusively to discuss this admission from the whitman camp, diaz's attorney, gloria allred. gloria, where do we go from here? whitman has volunteered to take a lie detector test on this. are you going to take her up on that? >> i don't care whether she take once or not. i actually have heard that. i don't know if it's accurate. she later changed that to, she would take a lie detector test if jury brown took a lie detector test. i think that's ridiculous. if she wants to take it, she reque can take it. why does jerry brown have to take one? i proved that she lied yesterday. you got it exactly right. i even gave her a chance
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yesterday. i said to the press when they asked me yesterday for the letter that i told them existed. i said i'm not going to provide it unless meg whitman denies having received it and her husband denies having received it. they did deny it unequivocally. here's a quote from "the new york times." we never received that notification from the associated press, we never received that letter or that notification. today i held up that letter which s which you just showed and showed dr. harsh's signature on it. so obviously she lied when she said we never received. today they had to do a lot of back pedalling and dancing around, trying to do that old explaining thing, trying to explain away from it. but you can't get away from the fact that she lied and sh's been hypocrite call in employing aun undocumented worker. >> gloria, experienced criminal lawyers think of moments like this as the sanity test for their clients. and by that i mean, the lawyers
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who consulted -- who meg whitman consulted before making that statement, because we know in the real world, she wasn't going to go out there and make a statement without talking to campaign staff, without talking to all the hasn'tlers and without talking to lawyers. and no lawyer, no lawyer, not gloria allred or any lawyer you know in california was going to let her go out there and deny this given that you had already indicated that you had this proof. i mean, they wouldn't let them go out there if they just suspected you might have this proof. i mean, so, when i stare at, when i see her lying straight to the camera is what exactly is her score on a sanity test in this situation? >> you know, i don't know. maybe they underestimated the housekeeper because she's latina, because, you sknow, she doesn't speak perfect english. and maybe they underestimated me. i don't know. but if they did underestimate us, then they made a big
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mistake. because i don't say i will produce something unless i can produce it, unless i'm willing to produce it, unless i'm able to produce it. so i also have other evidence and other information, but i'm not going to produce that either unless meg whitman wants to engage in more lies and denials, then i'll have to see what we're going to produce to rebut what she might say in the future. so i think she really needs to be much more careful now and, you know, i know she's reluctant to attack my client because she doesn't want to alienate the latino voters, so she's trying to use me as a punching bag, but none of that is going to deter us or deflect from the fact that she terminated my client's employment, not because she was undocumented, lawrence. we believe because we believe she knew that for years. she did it because my client wanted to be legalized and she thought at that point, she would be exposed fo
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