tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC October 1, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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it. >> great discussion on the president. this story continues. it's a fascinating story, trying to figure out what makes him work. we'll figure it out soon. >> have a great weekend, everybody. read "rolling stone" this week. willy, roll tide. if it's way too early, what time is it? >> "morning joe." right now up to chuck and savannah, who have the daily rundo rundown. >> bye-bye. take a good look at rahm emanuel as he begins his last day as white house chief of staff. the campaign for mayor of chicago also starts today. at least five deaths plame on that punishing rainstorm stick sewinging the northeast and our socks. >> thank you, brian. slut. plus andrea mitchell? what? the story behind her cameo on "30 rock." it's friday, october 1st, no surprises here.
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it's october, savannah. >> we're here. first for friday, too. >> friday the 1st. >> we've established we know the date. that's good. >> and the month this time. for october surprises. >> we're going to start with breaking news, nbc exclusive, frankly a stunning disclosure from the federal government about medical experiments. the u.s. conducted on unknowing patients back in the 1940s. today officials at the very highest levels of government will apologize. robert bazzell is nbc's chief science correspondent. good morning. >> good morning. the officials that will do the apologizing including secretary of state liquiditien and sebelius. from 1946 to 1948, officials with the u.s. public health service injected gonorrhea and syphilis as part every an experiment in people in guatemala without their permission or consent. these people included people in
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mental institutions, included prostitutes set loose in prison in an attempt to see how the organisms would spread, all part of an effort to learn more about venereal disease. the records were hidden for many years unless a historic at wesleyan found out about them. we'll hear more about t. but a lot of apologizing all the way around. >> so bob, this professor found out about it, and presumably brought it to the attention of the u.s. government? >> she brought it to the attention of the u.s. government. she was studying, and has written extensively about the tuesday ka heee expert on syphilis on african-american men. this raises comparisons with that horrible incident where from 1932 until press reports
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revealed it was going on in 1972, u.s. government doctors were telling these african-american men that they were treating them for syphilis when in fact they were withholding treatment. this is a very similar event, though it occurred in guatemala. there will be a lot of apologizing to the nation of guatemala and his spain residents of the united states. >> good the guatemalan government have any suspicion about this? >> i think at that time they were fully cooperative, chuck. don't forget there was a lot of politics between guatemala and the united states in that time. 1954, the cia engineered a coup in guatemala. >> they were hiding this as well? >> they were hiding this as well. a lot of doctors and nurses were involved in this, but it was under the authority of doctors from the u.s. public health service who was in guatemala. the samples, for instance, of
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the syphilis organism were taken from a lab in staten island and flown from guatemala to be injected in people without their consent. robert bazzell with the breaks news. secretary sebelius will do a public apology today for experiments that happened back in the '40s. the u.s. government intentionally injecting guatemalans. >> with cooperation from the guatemalan government. you also heard that secretary of state clinton will you issuing an apology. >> this breaks news into msnbc exclusively. we move on into the white house, with the worst-kept secret in washington. >> he will announce at 11:05 that rahm emanuel is resigning, and that longtime adviser peter rouse is stepping in as chief of staff on an interim basis, but again don't we all work a an interim basis?
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particularly everything at the white house. >> and talking to some senior officials, this is on an interim basis. he certainly didn't lobby for the job, but they won't start the proverbial search today. he already had been working for several months on a transition plan. they know there are going to be so many people who will leave the west wing in the coming months. this turnover is expected, and he's really been the architect of putting the new team in place. >> let's tell you a bet about pete rouse. he was chief of stas. as a u.s. senator, pete rouse was the chief of staff for tom daschle. pete rouse was looking for a job, and a lot of the daschle folks were close to the obama campaign at the time, and basically made that marriage happen between pete rouse and then senator-elect barack obama. he's been with senator obama ever since. he was on the presidential campaign, he was working on the
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west wing transition even before the election. both campaigns do that, because you want to hit the ground running. he's been the guy in charge of the long-term planning. there's every chance they view it as a transition position as you go to the reelect. the presidential campaign will start quickly. >> and just for fun and maybe a bit of self-promotion, our first guest on "the daily rundown" was rahm emanuel. you know, we asked him about this. will you commit to stay at the white house? a lot of chiefs of staff make this a two-years gig. >> yes, i'm staying. >> so you're not going to run for mayor of chicago? >> no, this is a historic time with great challenges. i was pleased to get offered to do this job, and i'm pleased to stay here as long as the president wants me to stay. i plan on staying as long as he
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has me here. >> he is leaving on his own terms, which was something important to him at this point anybody that aspires to be mayor of chicago isn't satisfied by being a staffer. maybe there really was a two-year expiration date. >> in fairness to realm from that clip, no one expected mayor daly not to run. this shocked him and shocked a lot of people. >> they were always told june. by june of this year, that he was probably going to run geren. >> and of course the announcement's at 11:05 eastern time. >> is it 11:06 that realm for chicago goes live? look for it today. overseas, suspected militants in pakistan set fire to more than two dozen tankers carrying fuel for nato troops. pretty tricky issue here going on, john. tell us about it.
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>> chuck, these tankers, oil trucks, were headed for afghanistan, headed for u.s. and coalition forces. where this attack happened, took place, rather, is significant. it happened in the south. it happened on a road that appears these trucks were going to a second crossing, an alternative crossing and of course the afghanistanis closed the maybe torkham crossing. where this happened, in the south, pakistanis usually don't even provide security for convoys, because they don't think it's necessary. this is all triggered by cross-border attacks into pakistan by coalition troops from afghanistan. that has really riled anti-western sentiment in pakistan. the legislators in the parliament have denouncing it,
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government ministers have been denouncing it. it's important to know that the government in pakistan has been under fire domestically for its handling of the flooding. so in a way, this is a way for the domestic politics -- for the leaders in pakistan to try to change the subject and try to get from one subject where the people are against them to perhaps one where the people will support them. chuck? savannah? >> john yang in kabul, thank you. in california, republican candidate for governor meg whitman is accusing her opponent of dirty politics say former governor jerry brown is the true moving force behind her former housekeep housekeeper's claims that whitman knew she was illegal and employed her anyway. >> i don't know the full story here, but clearly, you know, i think nikki had a gun to her head, and i think that this was, you know, very challenging for her, and i think she's been
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manipulated by a very sophisticated attorney who has done this for a living over the last 20 years, and i absolutely believe this is linked to the brown campaign 100%. all right. mark, meg whitman's team pushing back hard on this. will it blow over? our is this a significant problem for the campaign? >> savannah, this is a significant problem. they're alleges that jerry brown and also gloria allred, the attorney to the housekeeper, this is an orchestrated effort by them. the brown campaign, denies any type of link to this, and to this controversy. make no mistake, this is a problem for the whitman campaign. the latest twist happened yesterday when allred produced a letter from the social security administration raising issues about the house resolution keeper's social security number.
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on that letter allegedly was handwriting from whitman's husband that said, please check this. the allegation is that whitman then knew that the housekeeper at that time there was an issue whether she was an illegal immigrant. of course, whitman has maintained he was only knew she was illegal immigrant when she dismissed her. this will play out in the debate over the weekend between whitman and brown that's hosted by univision. this has been a three-day story. the question is does it play out until monday? >> mark, thank you, with a story drich by television out in california. the print reporters when they see a press release from gloria allred, they all roll their eyes, but tv was all over this. torrential storms are dumping more rain in a few hours than some cities typically see in a few months. at least five people have been
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killed from this weather. the westerly channel's eric fishers joins us from new york city. while we're dry in washington, you guys are feeling it. >> reporter: not so much. it's a soggy morning in new york city. umbrellas up everywhere. they kind of treat them like toothpicks. they buy a cheap one, and then throw them out. i can't tell you how many broken ones we have seen. the 1, 2, and 3 trains were suspended service for a while this morning. we've had street flooding throughout the city. certain roads being closed off. the airports are a nightmare. if you're flying today, call first, delays in laguardia at the moment. gusty winds as well. the power outages dropping off to the west, but picking up in the east. up the connecticut river valley to springfield, that will be heading to boston, so travel throughout new england will be
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rough today. there's a flash flood warning for suffolk and state of emergency out in sullen county, where they set a daily record rainfall. that's about something we're about to do here as well. chuck and savannah? >> eric fisher of the westerly channel. thanks very much. still to come on "the daily rundown" an unbelievable tourist attraction, a theme park built on hatred and funded by a terrorist group. plus rahm emanuel, chief of staff, presidential adviser, and resident white house hardliner. can any one person fell rahmbo's shoes? but first a look ahead at the president's schedule. he has a few things on there. the one most people are looking at is the personnel announcement. >> i love that it's at 11:05. >> not 11:4.
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well action with rahm emanuel resigning, the white house is losing one of its most colorful and controversial personalities, and for president obama, a critical partner inside the white house. >> joining us to discuss the exit and what's next for the administration, a man who once had that job, ken duberstein. you're the perfect person to talk about this. we just got a note about what happened in the 8:30 staff meeting. he was given a gift of, what else, a dead fish from austan goolsbee, who's a fellow
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chicagoan, and fellow jokester. so he is good-bye to the staff this morning at the 8:30 meeting, and at 11:05 the official announcement. ken, do you think they have made the right decision by having pete rouse, a caretaker chief of staff? or do they badly need fresher blood? iflgts i think right now they need continuity. i think pete rouse is the ideal staff person. it's a staff job, not a chief job. it's not a principal job. pete rouse knows his ray around not just obama-world, but the hill. you know, you're trading in one-finger salutes for real handshakes. he is the type of person who knows everybody, and knows what
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makes obama comfortable. the prerequisite for a chief of staff is you have a constituency of one, maybe 1 1/2, but let's not tell the first lady who the half is. he knows how to make the president comfortable and happy, and he's going to do the job the way the president wants it done. >> it sounds like you're somebody who didn't buy into the conventional wisdom he needed to bring somebody in from the outside, because this is sort of the president obama way. he likes to have people he knows and is comfortable with. the irony is realm was somebody he wasn't very close to personally, and he felt he brought him in out of necessity, because he needed somebody who could run washington and be a filter, frankly, between congressional democratic leadership. so what is the realm legacy as chief of staff? iflgts but remember, chuck, there's only person who's indispensable in any white house. that's the president. he sets the tone.
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he sets the policy. the chief of staff implements it. so the legacy of realm is that he was in your face, he got things doing legislatively, which is what obama had as his major preoccupation in the first two years. he did it by hook, by crook, by cursing, by yelling, by rampaging, and never letting a crisis go to wieaste. and he won by one vote here or there, so to that extent he was successful, because the president sucked. it is now a calmer time. pete rouse will make thinks organized and run much more smoothly. it is not ego driven, it's presidential driven. there will be change in the white house, i believe. it isn't just doubling down. it isn't just continuity, but that comes from the president. that doesn't come from necessarily a chief of staff.
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>> as pete rouse looks to remake the west wing, and frankly that's what he's been tasked with the last couple months, what should he be looking for? not only are a lot of these guys just tired from the long hours and burned out. every organization can always benefit from some new blood or fresh thinking. is that what you think will happen here? >> absolutely. i think there are a lot of jobs that will turn over. there is burnout. it's two years, or almost two years, an it's an opportunity for the president to rebuild a team. he's not going to change his governing philosophy or governing goals, but he's going to have some people who are not burned out from 16 or 18-hour days, or people who answer the phone at 3:00 in the morning, and that tends to wear you down after a while. >> one thing we have never seen is a chief of staff leave and go and run for office. i want to say the last one there were true rumors about were jim bakker. a lot of people thought he was
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politically ambitious when he was reagan's chief of staff. what do you make of this from going to the chief staffer to chief principal on a campaign within frankly hours of this announcement? >> well, i think it's very interesting that they're going to use the east room of the white house as the backdrop for the launch of a may i don't recall campaign. >> do you think that's what's happening today? >> i think this is the beginning of the realm for mayor campaign. if you can make it in washington, you can make it in chicago. >> well, there's -- >> so that's the bicke stage? >> there you go. >> ken duberstein, we appreciate it. >> thank you for your perspective. up next, nerd alert. chuck has a new toy. gosh, another one? the latest ipad app. >> plus -- >> i'm ready.
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let's do it. >> let's go. >> so what really happened the night that -- i can't even remember her name. the is a la his showed up at the state dinner? you try to forget some things. the gate crashers getting off scot-free. >> we'll ask pete williams. we're going to honor rahm emanuel, considered by many to be the prince of profanity. so we'll bring you what sometimes seems tore realm's favorite word, even though we're too polite to mention it here. there's no place for that in chicago politics, right? >> he called this place f-nutsville, he loves the "f" bomb. >> i think the song we're playing for is perfect. >> we'll let it breathe. just let it breathe. ♪
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all right. just over a month until election day, 32 days, and today we're rolling out a new election toy. it's the nbc decision app. and you know, when we use those three letters, it means you'll be able to downit soon. we're not quite ready for you to download it, but we're going to show it to you. we'll be use it a lot between. we're watching the runs. there's 150 different ballots measures in 35 states, initiatives on elections, gaming, taxes, and of course, marijuana, you have this is cash-strapped states they put a host of fiscal measures on the ballot, including a candy tax in washington state. massachusetts will end up having to vote on whether to repeal the sales tax on alcohol, because in illinois, four of its former
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governors have been convicted of felonies, they'll actually have abinitiative on whether to decide to have a recall mechanism. we're going to focus on california. and it's prop 19 in particular, it has to do with marijuana. there's a new poll out, whether to legalize marijuana, new poll out this morning, from the field poll, which shows that 49% favor full legalization of marijuana and would allow it to be regulated and taxed. you know what that would mean, the tax part. this is about a way for california to potentially fill some of the major budget gaps. if it's in california and this stuff becomes legal, this stuff will spread east, particularly if they see a huge revenue stream in order to fund schools, things like that. historically. legalization of marijuana has actually been moving more and more in favor. 1969 only 13% of californians favored it. we'll look at what it was in
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july 2010. 50%. you saw that last policy. the campaigning are going two different tacks. the pro-prop 19 and anti-prop 19. here's an example of a couple ads that are airing. >> in order to ensure or children have a bright and prosperous future, we proposes that it be used to supplement vote yet on 19. got a better idea? as you can see, two different tactics there. the pro side talking about the revenue, the anti side all about
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focusing and some strategists on both sides -- look, both candidates are against the initiative, but they wonder if conservative hispanics in particular, if they will then use -- will that allow meg whitm whitman to have a conference about those who are concerned. more money coming in on the anti side. one other social initiative is in colorado, called the personhood amendment, amendment 62, would outlaw abortion completely and extend the legal rights of a person to the unborn. we all know what that could mean about abortion. we know this is the type of amendment that ends up getting folks on both sides to pour money into this race. what is this going to mean?
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in colorado senate between ken buck and michael bennett. ken buck got the nomination. the question is will the social conservatism, the colorado springs crowd be able to come out in greater numbers and help put buck over the top? definitely something worth watches. this is our top ten potential takeovers, these are democratic seats, and we're telling you there's two states that were the and 10 there, california and washington. we're telling you they may not be 9 and 10 anymore. instead west virginia and connecticut, this is, by the way, simply to let you know i can draw on this thing. >> it's impressive. >> i would like to think so.
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but both parties getting very worried about west virginia in particular, that the democrats are very nervous about joe manchin. >> you mentioned west virginia like a month before, before it was cool. >> and democrats are pouring money in, and of course we've got or friends in connecticut there. that's a race. blumenthal and mcmahon. wait until the debates. voters seem to have problems with both of them. let's see how they perform. >> we could talk about this all day. coming up, how do you transform a failing school district? the trust is in the numbers. >> of every 100 cleveland ninth graders, only 54% will graduate, only 25% will go to college, and just 10% will graduate with a college degree.
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>> well, what cleveland is doing to try to fix its abysmal school system. has it found the solution everyone is looking for? we'll talk to the man who is the moving force behind it. but first today's trivia question. rahm emanuel's old congressional seat was previously held by two notoriousliethically challenged democrats. who are they? the answer and more, coming up. [ male announcer ] there's a big idea happening in health care called the humana walmart- preferred prescription plan. it's a medicare prescription drug plan that saves you an average of over $450 a year, with monthly plan premiums less than $15 and copays as low as $2. with savings like these, you have more time to remember what it's really all about. enroll starting november 15. ♪ go to for details.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to keep your business moving. introducing the blackberry torch. at&t. rethink possible. bottom of the hour. a quick look at what's driving friday. >> this morning president obama will officially announce the departure of rahm emanuel. emanuel hopes to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming chicago's mayor. he will be replaced on an
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interim basis by pete rouse. the president will attend the investiture ceremony for elena kagan this afternoon. the new termsb gins on monday. al qaeda operatives have released what appears to be a new audiotape from osama bin laden. on the tape bin laden expresses worry over natural disasters, in what would be the insurgent leaders's first public comments in months. >> he's now a weatherman? >> i would like to hear more about that. climate change? i'm not sure. hezbollah in lebanon is winning supporters with an open-air theme park, the popular attraction for families, shows the war-torn remains with wars with israel. >> stephanie gosk has this fascinating story. >> reporter: good morning. lebanon is a beautiful place, the mediterranean sea, the
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mountains, a great climate, but we calked the landmark for the resistance. it's an open-air theme park, dedicated to military victories against israel. three decades of destroyed israeli tanks, guns action and spent mortar routs, carefully manicured and on permanent display. farouk's family came for the day. his youngest son could barely contain his excitement. the $4 million complex, complete with triumphant music and life-size statues was designed and built by hezbollah, lebanon's most dominant military force and political party, and according to the u.s. state department, a terrorist organization largely funded by iran. a. >> it's not at all glorifying the war.
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it's glorifying the sacrifices of the people. >> reporter: american journalist just published a book on hezbollah. he says it's a mix of both fact and propaganda. >> they work hard to convince the visitor what is they do is right and the fight they have against israel is justified. >> reporter: since the park opened in may, 500,000 tourists have poured in. for the farouks, a photo on the tank, a quick turn on the machine guns, an of course hats and t-shirts to take home. hezbollah says they will soon expand, including a restaurant, a hotel and cable car. it's an unlikely success. most other tourist attacks have suffered because of the near constant threat of armed attacks the country is now more defined by its modern wars than its ancient history. navigating through what used to be one of the hidden bunkers
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rami told me five of his friends have been killed. how many wars have you been through? >> the three main wars, 1993, the 1996, and the 2006. we know that there's going to be a war, which is going to be more severe than the last one. >> reporter: a theme park built on hatred of israel, and on decades of war, teaching children that the fighting goes on. since the last war ended between lebanon and israel in 206, the united states has been funding the lebanese military to try to curb blah's influence, particularly in the south. but the people we met at that theme park told us, should another war break out with israel, they really only trust hezbollah to protect themselves. chuck and savannah? >> stephanie gosk with that fascinating story. just odd, frankly, to see, that a terrorist organization that the united states considers a terrorist organization is able to build a memorial like that,
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whatever you want to call it, theme park, memorial, and that it attracts so many. >> amazing. we move on to this other infamous story. the couple that became notorious for slipping into the state dinner uninvited. we knew there was a bravo camera crew with them that night, and the episode aired last night on bravo's "real housewives of d.c." >> take a license. >> the invitation is a formality, something you keep, possibly frame, with pictures that you took, you went to the white house. you do not need the actual invitation going to the white house. >> well, nbc justice correspondent pete williams joins us. all right. pete, they were on bravo last night, not in jail, are they? >> no. of course the real question is, will they be prosecuted? there is still an investigation going on, but there's been a
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dispute within the government about whether to charge them or not. there are those to say it's important to send a message, this is frowned upon, but there are those who say, look, the real mistake was not the salahis, it was the secret service. but apparently what's happened here is after the u.s. attorney's office here in washington began to look at this, other people had complaints involves various charity events. this is what they doisms they're serial party crashers? >> they beyond parties. this is the way they have conducted some charity events, so the investigation had morphed into that as well. so they haven't quite turned this off yet. they haven't completely hung it up. >> that was my question. i get there's this debate, but rear looking at almost a year. you're say the investigation has now widened. until they determine what to do
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with them, they're not going to make a decision? >> that's right. >> by the way, desiree rogers out of a job basically because of this incident, and the salahis on tv. >> he's right about an invitation, you don't actually vf to have the ticket, but the problem is did they ever get the ticket in the first place. their own lawyer -- >> our guess is if he had gotten one, he would have framed it, would he not? >> very likely. >> thank you for staying on top of it for us. >> you'll be the first to know. trivia time. the old congressional seat previously held by two notori s notoriously ethically
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challenged. first dan rostenkowski, and rod blagojevich. um next, education nation, the man with the plan to fix the failing cleveland schools. the extremes he's going to to get kids the education they deserve. but soup of the day, cajun gumbo, a side order of dead fish? >> cajun rahmbo? >> that's clever. why didn't they think of that? you're watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. you to start your business... protect your family... and launch your dreams. at, we put the law on your side. and launch your dreams. everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. [ man ] i thought our family business would always be boots.
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happen. maybe not the mgm part. we're wrapping up our week-long special with a bold push for reform taking place in cleveland. >> last year more than 70% of the schools were failing. >> now the school district is implementing an overhaul. the goal -- zero failing schools and a 90% graduate rate. pretty ambitious goal. here with is the the man driving that change everyone dr. gene sanders. doctor sanders, it's great to have you here. i have to say, i love your motto -- whatever it takes, do more of what works, do less of what doesn't, and fast. this sounds simp, but of course it isn't. what is the number one reform you're trying to make? >> well, the first thing we're trying to do is change the mindset of how people feel about education. it's really important that we all believe we can make a
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difference. of course or primary gold is 90% graduate race. it can be done, and we have the people and the spirit to do it here in cleveland. >> i now one of the things is you might close some schools that aren't working, if necessary. we've seen detroit and kansas city do radical things, it was hard, parents were really upset. nobody want to see their neighborhood school go, no matter how it is performing. what kind of resistance are you running into in cleveland? >> because of the support of our mayor, we wrote the plan down in january. it did include the closing of about 16 schools. what we tried to do is not put the closing schools in a conversation by itself, but really around a comprehensive plan of school improvement. obviously it was very difficult, but there's an academic argument and there's an efficiency
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argument in terms of making a difference. at the enof the day, this is about children and their success, and it takes all of and all of us working together to make it work together. we're very kflt that we have an academic plan that will work. >> explain this concept of closing schools. we hear it a lot, your city is n not the only one that has done it. students still need to go to some school and how are you able to do that and still not have other schools overcrowded? >> in cleveland, ohio, what we're attempting to do is do two things. one, address our academic concerns and also our fiscal concerns, as well. it also means i have a lot of space. i heard the mayor of philadelphia say just a couple days ago 43,000 empty seats in philadelphia. we had a similar challenge here in cleveland. there is room, a matter of efficiency, as well as an academic concern, as well. at the end of the day we do have
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enough room for our students in our other buildings and it is difficult because people are acustom to neighborhood schools and it is difficult because it's more about closing schools and mindset and, ultimately, quantitative differences in terms of student performance. >> dr. sanders, are you going around the country looking for money the way obviously mayor booker did of newark when he got the donation from the founder of facebook for $100 million? are you in that same boat? do you find yourself going out looking for charitable or corporate handouts? >> well, one of our the premsis of our effort here in cleveland is a public, private partnership. we have been very fortunate with a number of foundation. cleveland the gun foundation locally that have funded millions of dollars of our transformation work and it will require substantially more than that as we go forward. we're certainly in the same
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spirit of engagement with our corporate and folks that really believe in a plan and believe in the people that are implementing it and if someone's watching today, we are certainly in need of a few extra million dollars here in cleveland and we certainly would not turn it down. >> all right, dr. eugene sanders, appreciate your time and your telling us about your work, sir. we really are glad to hear about it. all right, coming up, diplo speak. this is not. andrea mitchell makes a cameo on "30 rock." >> follow us on twitter and, luckily, twitter did not come with a scratch and sniff because when you read about the deaf fish stuff that you just had on twitter, it does sort of give you a little bit of an odor. you know, anyway. >> the tweet. >> the tweet does not smell, we promise. replant a forest?
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age. coming up next chris jansing. >> then at 1:00 -- >> andrea mitchell reports. >> don't want to miss our 11:00 a.m. special coverage of the incoming chief of staff pete rouse. i guess somebody else is departing. you can see it monday. easily conquer pavement, dirt, rocks and muck month. and get it all while keeping a few bucks month. great deals on the complete family of chevy trucks all backed for a hundred thousand miles. it's truck month. qualified lessees now get a low mileage lease on this 2011 traverse for around $299 a month. call for details. see your local chevrolet dealer.
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