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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  October 1, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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killed when their suv hit a patch of water and skidded off a highway. a 3-year-old survived the crash. in a separate incident a man drowned when his truck plunged into a river. parts of north carolina saw more rain in hours than they normally get in months. 12 inches drenched jacksonville in only six hours. the storm moved north of the eastern seaboard dumping 13 inches of rain on parts of maryland. thursday was the state's rainiest day in four years. the system has been drenching most of the northeast. mara is joining us live from new jerse jersey. as you can see things are dry. the storm is fast moving. we were expecting it to come through here pretty quickly. i want to show you the beart levels really quick. we're standing by a canal that services a river about 100 feet away.
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in some places they have been below normal. this area has been facing drought conditions for quite some time now. the reason that's good news is because even with all the rain we've got over the last 24 hours, there is very little concern about significant flooding, and, of course, that's good news for everyone here. so the rain did provide some welcome relieved from the drought conditions and the fact that there had been a drought also mitigated some of the flooding concerns. regardless, they still got a lot of rain. central new jersey, two to four inches of rain here. to put it in perspective, you mentioned some places got more rain in hours than in months. the amount of rain they got in central new jersey in the last 24 hours is more than the state of new jersey got in all of august. quite a significant amount. new york city is going to see about two inches before all of this is said and done. it is causing travel delays.
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jfk and laguardia are seeing delays. it seems as though the worst is gone at this point from new jersey. hopefully it's moving up to new england before it heads out for good. >> all right, mara is live for us in new jersey. thanks, mara. what's happening with nicole as we speak? let's check in with the weather channel's kelly cass in atlanta. where is the area you're looking at now, kelly? >> hey, tamron. let's call it the ghost of nicole. still calling it a scary situation for new england. boston, the heavy rain just moved in within the last hour. laguardia, kennedy, definitely terrible delays now. ranging from anywhere from a half hour to over two hours. the heaviest rain over vermont or nn. a lot of wind energy with the system as well probably bringing down tree branches. power outages. there's still a likelihood here. we're getting lots of reports of that.
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over 20 miles per hour sustained. gusting over 40 or 50 miles per hour. new york city, starting to get the drier north wind in here. that's good news. the rain should be shutting off soon. the delaware river is out of its banks, including record flooding along that river. where you see the green on this map, these are flood watches from eastern new york on up to the parts of maine and the counties closed in here that are circled in the lighter green, that's where we have flash flood warnings in effect until 3:00 eastern time. be aware, it's going to be a really difficult day for getting around and traveling over new england. especially through the weekend. >> if you are among the millions trying to stay safe and dry while this east coast storm continues to bear down, upload your pictures and videos. well, back to the big story. stunning admission from the government. secret medical experiments
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conducted in guatemala where people were intentionally infected with syphilis and gonorrhea. it happened more than 60 years ago. researchers with the u.s. public health service gave nearly 70 guatemalans the does. they had no knowledge and never gave their permission. this morning secretary hillary clinton and kathleen sebelius issued an apology calling it irreckable and the research irreprehensib irreprehensible. bob is here with exclusive details. i can't tell you how many people sent in e-mails that just can't believe that this happened. even if it was 64 years ago, that it happened at all. what else do we know? >> in those days there weren't rules or regulations. they did know that they were doing harm. the researcher who unearthed these papers who is an expert on
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the other horrible incident in american medical history said she was shocked by this. and a lot of people have expressed shock. robert gibbs said president obama was briefed. he, too, was outraged. he's going to call the president of guatemala to apologize on a personal phone call. but what happened was these people new it was wrong because the surgeon general said we couldn't be doing this in the united states. they were given prisoners, mental patients and prostitutes all these organisms being shipped from a laboratory in staten island. they were encouraged to have sex and spread it. it's so awful it almost defies belief. >> it does defy belief. you have many people wondering if it's possible something like this could happen today. maybe somebody else in the world. >> two things about.
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that went on for 40 years. when hundreds of african-american men told they were being treated for syphilis, but they weren't being treated. they were denied treatment. in this situation, there was no informed consent, as yo pointed out. could something else be going on in the world now? it wouldn't be exactly the same because there's rules and regulations. there could be something else just as bad in a different form. for that reason, today the health and human services asked the institute of medicine to set up a panel to investigate this incident to see if anything out there needs to be studied further to have further rules and registratiulations in place. not just by the united states, but by drug companies paid by researchers in the united states. >> bob bazelle, thank you very much. it was discovered by a women's
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professor. susan joins me by phone now. thank you for joining me. >> caller: you're welcome. >> let me find out how you came upon the information. >> caller: i was doing research on my book on the syphilis study. i was doing what historians do, which is go to archives and read dead people's mail. and i found the records in the pittsburgh -- university of pittsburgh archives of john c. cutler, the physician who did this study in guatemala. >> when you realized that 696 men and women were essentially used in this experiment, what did you think when you realized what erp reading and had researched was a reality. >> one thing i want to correct that bob bazell said. the study was to look at whether or not penicillin could be a cure. in some cases they were given syphilis and gonorrhea, they were also given penicillin to treat it. so this was an infecting study.
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there was an attempt to treat. whether everybody got cured and whether everybody even got the disease isn't yet clear from the records. this will have to be review eby the institute of medicine. >> the story does not end with the apology we heard from secretary of state hillary clinton and secretary kathleen sebelius. >> i thought it was terrific. it show what is you want your government to do when mistakes are made. you want an apology to happen. you want to think about what public policy should be going forward. and they did that. but there's a possibility of another country with the moneys from american research doing something like this. with what you've learned, do you believe it is possible for this mistake to sadly be repeated? >> i think it's certainly possible that some kind of research like this could still
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go on, but we don't know. part of the problem is when government research often leaves paper trails. it's done by a drug company and we don't know. so the fda does investigations whenever data comes in from an international basis. >> i know you're being applauded around the world for your research and what has come out of this. thank you. >> you're welcome. bye-bye. an emotional afternoon for rahm emanuel as he resigned as president obama's white house chief of staff. >> they came here for a better life for their children. my mother marched with dr. martin luther king because she believes none of is truly free until all of us are. both of my parents raised me to give something back to the country and the the community that has given us so much. >> the president called it the least suspenseful announcement
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of all time and praised emanuel as a friend and selfless servant. he named pete rouse as interim chief of staff. chuck todd is the chief white house correspondent and msnbc political correspondent. so the talks have started about how this white house might be different moving ahead. >> they bring in pete rouse. this white house is preparing itself more for a political battle going forth that's going to be taking place in washington but outside of washington. when you look at what's going to happen next year, this is going to be less a policy fight and less about getting legislation through and more of an ideological debate about the future of government and the
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budget between potential ly an all-republican house or all-republican congress or whatever comes through in november. this is the beginning of that preparation. look at pete rous stepping up in the world with the addition of david, and that's what you're seeing there. take a listen to what rahm emanuel had to say about his boss. he did do part introduction of himself to chicago, but part thank youing the white house staff and the president. take a listen. >> mr. president, i thought i was tough. but as someone saw firsthand how close our nation came to the brink and what you had to do to put america back on track, i want to thank you for being the toughest leader any country could ask for in the toughest times any president has ever faced. >> so, tamron, clearly a grateful rahm emanuel. what was interesting about this event is that clearly, you know, he talked about his own
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biography. it's obvious this is serving as an introduction to chicago residents who will all be seeing lots of these clips over the next few days as he is literally packing up today and has already been packing as they get ready to move back to chicago. >> chuck todd, live for us at the white house. thank you, chuck. a memorial service will be held later today for a california teenager who died after hanging himself. we're going to talk with that boy's grandfather about the warning signs. what did his family tell school officials and what happens next. plus the couple accused of holding jaycee dugard captive for 18 years of her life in court today. and there's new indictment which changes the case. and later. snooki at it again. the jersey shore teen not playing well with each other. we're going to have what happened coming up. this is msnbc. [ animals calling ] ♪ [ pop ]
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u students at rutgers university are calling today black friday all over cam pulse. roses are being handed out to mourn the death of freshman tyler clementi. the body recovered from the hudson river has been identified as the 18-year-old. now two fellow classmates could face serious charges in the death. clementi killed himself by jumping off the george washington bridge. his two classmates were already charged with invasion of privacy to stream him over the internet while he had a sexual encounter with another person. they're now examing the motives of whomever hid the webcam ra in the room which is crucial to determining if hate crime charges should be filed.
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>> we're looking at civil rights violation, wiretap federal and state, probably harassment and many other crimes. >> clementi's family issue ad statement saying they are heartbroken. the two classmates face up to five years in prison if they're convicted. and the parents of a 13-year-old texas middle school student who killed himself said their son was relentlessly harassed in school and often the target of gay slurs. asher brown's funeral will take place tomorrow. the eighth grader shot himself inside his family's home. asher's parents said their son told him he was gay shortly before he killed himself and they complained to the high school about the harassment he endured. >> my son told teachers. when that didn't work, we called the school. we asked to speak to counselors, assistant principals, the coaches in his p.e. class. anyone who would listen to us. >> the family says they blame the school district for allowing the harassment to go on.
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meanwhile, the school district responded to msnbc news saying upon enrollment his mother reported his personal history, which included post-traumatic stress disorder. the parents made no contact with the school regarding concerns of bullying. asher brown and tyler clementi are among four gay teenagers who killed themselves in the past month alone. in california, a memorial service for 13-year-old seth walsh is taking place later today. the middle school student spent nine days on life support after hanging himself in a tree in the backyard. he died tuesday. joining me live on the phone is jim walsh. the grandfather of seth walsh. mr. walsh. thank you for joining us. our hearts and thoughts are with your family in this time. >> caller: thank you. >> absolutely. first of all. tell me about your grandson. >> caller: well, he was a loving boy. always smiling. thoroughly enjoyed life, we
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thought. to give an example of the type of student he was, seth and a friend of his, an autistic boy at school two years ago that the school pretty much shunned. the other kids shunned. so seth and his little friend would go by and pick that student up every day and go things with him in school and have lunch and so on with him. and include him in the group. that's just the kind guy seth was. excuse me. he was always there for the other person. >> what did seth tell you or other family members was happening at school to him? >> caller: well, he knew he was being bullied at school. his mother, since seth has been in the fourth grade, has talked
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to the teachers and administrators. every year. he was pulled out of school twice due to bullying. most recently this year after two weeks, approximately, after school started, she pulled him out with a written statement to the school district that he is being pulled out due to bullying and harassment. my daughter signed it. the principal of the middle school signed it. and he was put in the independent study. >> did seth ever say why the other children were bullying him? >> caller: to his mom, not to me. pretty much because he was gay. i don't want to use the word flamboyant. that's the wrong word. but everybody pretty much knew it. >> that he was open with his
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sexual orientation, his sexuality. >> caller: yeah. he was open about himself. he didn't try to hide it. he had a ton of friends. they're all going through the grieving process right now. >> we know this has to be incredibly overwhelming. you are not satisfied with where things stand. police are not planning to charge anyone anyone. school administrators say they have an anti-bullying program in place. beyond that knave not release ad statement regarding what was happening in the school. what do you want to happen next? >> caller: well, i think two things. i think the police need to dig a little deeper. some of the things i heard happened at the park that they really need to start looking at people. and the school district has finally today admitted that, gee, we did find a written complaint on bullying onset. up to this point, until i got
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vocal, no complaint was ever filed. what i want to see happen is -- i'm a retired high school principal. i started out as elementary and went all the way through high school. i think we need this for all school ls. school has to be safe for students. regardless if they're gay, if they dress different, if they're a different color, different religion. you can go on down the list. >> right. >> caller: but school needs to be safe. some of our children today, school is the only place they can eat a meal. school is the only place they can really feel safe because a lot of kids are going through gang territory, going back and forth to school, they may not make it. we know this. >> your message will resonate with many. we're going to continue to
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follow seth's story and other stories. school is supposed to be a place where children are safe. i appreciate you joining us. our thoughts are with you and your family through the unplooefbl pain you must be experiencing. thank you again. brian is the founder of vocation vacations. he pairs individuals up with existing small businesses. giving the vacationers a two to three day crash course to test drive a different career. it's an intensive learning experience for prospective entrepreneurs. for more watch "your business." we know why we're here. to chart a greener path in the air and in our factories. ♪ to find cleaner, more efficient ways to power flight. ♪ and harness our technology for new energy solutions. [ female announcer ] around the globe, the people of boeing are working together,
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♪ where'd you learn to do that so well. ♪ ♪ where'd you learn to do that so well. ♪ the new cadillac srx. the cadillac of crossovers. cadillac. the new standard of the world. right now we are waiting for arraignment of the california couple accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard back in 1991 and holding the her for 18 years. they've been in custody for more than a year now. they face a long list of
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charges, including kidnap and rape. a brand new indictment changes the case. jaycee dugard reappeared in august 2009 tw two daughters, allegedly fathered by phil lick garrido. what are we expecting in this ape rainment? >> well, what apparently happened is the district attorney has gone to the grand jury to get this indictment to spare jaycee dugard the ordeal of having to testify at a preliminary hearing and turn around and testify again at the garrido trial. the grand jury proceeding conducted behind closed doors and not in public. phillip and nancy garriirrido fa variety of charges. phillip garrido will be charged with the rape of jaycee dugard, the imprisonment of her. he allegedly fathered two
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daughters by her during her 18 months of captivity. and in his compound in antioch, california. now there's been issue raced about his sanity. there will be a competency hearing at some point to determine whether he is able to stand trial. today at the arraignment the judge may enter a plea for garrido, as the case moves forward. the timing of the case not expected to be altered by the sanity issue. meanwhile, people have been asking how is jaycee dugard doing? apparently she's fine. she and her two daughters are getting accustomed to life as normal. again, in seclusion since their release last year. jaycee dugard is reportedly working on her memoir about her ordeal. it's scheduled to be published next year. >> george, thank you very much. in another update on the 33
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miners trapped still underground since chile. they could be rescued earlier than expected. possibly in a couple weeks. the government previously said the drilling of a tunnel to bring the men to the surface is going better than expected. and thousands of progresses u and liberal activists are expected to fill the national wall in washington, d.c. tomorrow. organizers will outline a progressive agenda that focuses on jobs, justice and education. some leaders of the rally say it's their turn to counter. joining me now is ben jealous, president of the naacp. thank you for joining me. >> thank you, tamron. >> absolutely. what do you think of the leaders who say this is to counter the tea party message mean? >> we don't want to be the tea party, we want to be the
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antidote to the tea party. we are. we're both responding to the samt movement of decreasing prosperity and increasing tension in the country. some see that has a a formula for a bt l grouattleground. we see it as a way to find common ground. we do that by push up on prosperity. that's what we've done from health care reform to saving 150,000 teachers' jobs last month. that's what we're doing now by saying let's make job creation job one for this country. >> who do you want to send this message to? is it the white house? not everyone sees the decisions made by the president, even though they support him in the same light? who are you sending a message to tomorrow? >> the biggest issue we have now are the obstructionists in the senate. the democrats and republicans, conservatives of both parties who have dug their heels in and refuse to let so many bills get through. as the president said a week and
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a half or two weeks ago, it was a great a small business, new job tax cut got through. but it took too long. it should have been done a long time ago. the reality is there's much bigger, bolder policies now languishing. everything from the ted kennedy service act which received bipartisan support. it would create 250,000 young jobs coming out of california. but people look at the traffic jam in the senate and say there's just no way. >> you know, it is interesting. within of the issues, i think, that you're hearing a lot or i'm hearing a lot is about african-american voters and getting african-american voters and young people out in the midterm election. why are we still discussing this? why is it so hard to get particularly african-americans interested in midterm elections? >> black women have shown they can vote at the highest pro portion in the country.
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higher than why men who have been historically the highest group. the reality is right now a lot of people feel quite discouraged just by the tensions and the temper of the times. it's been very divisive times. people haven't been able to celebrate what chaif accomplished. the most diverse this country has ever seen. white people and asian people, jews and christians and muslims. they're all saying let us pull this country together by putting it back to work. >> all right. the president of the naacp, benjamin jealous, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> msnbc will have special coverage tomorrow from noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern time. now to education nation. it's our week long look at america's schools and how we can help our children succeed. the graduation rate for
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african-american high school students is just 60%. for young african-american men it is even worse. so there's a real push to get african-american male teachers into the classroom to serve as role models to the younger generation. with that story, here's craig melvin of the nbc station wrc in washington, d.c. >> good morning please. take a seat. >> reporter: aaron barnett brings a unique perspective to the classroom. >> i've worked in juvenile corrections before. often i was frustrated because i was working with young men already in the system. they already made mistakes. >> reporter: now at the all boys eagle kmea in new york, he's teaching these young men valuable lessons. things a student can't learn from a textbook. >> i can't tell you how many young men incarcerated or in the grave because they made a decision because they felt disrespected. >> reporter: as an african-american male teacher,
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mr. barnett is one of the few. >> what does respect mean? >> caller: in fact, of the country's 5 million teachers, only 2% are black men. >> it speaks to the crisis that we're in. it speaks ats a mission as a black man to give back to my own community. my role as a successful black male is i try to be a model for our young men. >> a model for many young men who do not have strong male figures at home. >> my mother is my father figure at home. at school, this is where we get the backbone of support, you know, that push to really become a man, because at home mom can't do everything. >> for students like sharif and others the statistics are stacked against them. according to a recent report, less han that have the black males across the country graduate high school. in new york the number is worse. just 28%. >> we have to create lessons that are a bit more fast pace sod that it really does keep young men engaged. >> reporter: here, eagle academy
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success stands out. last year they graduated more than 80% of their students. an achievement they say due in large part to their approach. >> you come prepared every day. jeff engages his students by tailoring his lessons to young men. >> would you go play a football game without a helmet? >> his lessons have a message. >> when i asked you, who do you do your home work with? i'm not asking you if you cheated? i'm asking who did you work with? i don't want you working alone. >> reporter: a message of team work that gives these students a sense of belonging. >> when you're studying the reasons why gangs are successful and the reason they're able to recruit young men and young black males into those gangs is because they create an environment that says you are wanted here. this is a sense of brotherhood.
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>> reporter: eagle academy has its own brand of brotherhood. eagles, who now have a chance to spread their wings and soar. >> i am the master of my faith. i am the captain of my soul. >> reporter: for msnbc, i'm craig melvin. >> well, during our education nation initiative this week, we've talked about the many components that can change troubled schools for policy to government officials, administrators and parents. we also know from looking at the piece we just aired that teachers can certainly make a difference. it's an alternative school for pregnant teachers and mrs. rose was the teacher who changed my life. good to see you. >> good to see you, tamron. >> well, you are retiring this year after how many -- i'm making this announcement. a lot of people aren't aware that you're retiring after how much years of teaching? >> 35. >> 35 years. >> in illinois. >> and you made a big difference in my life.
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i remember going to high school for the first time. everyone saying beware of miss rose. they said you were tough. you were like debbie allen in the movie "fame." we should fear but love you at the same time. over the years, miss rose, what have you learned works in reaching out to students for different backgrounds? >> number one, you have to have a personal connection. that's really important. and this time allowed me that. you had a group that hung out after school. you were one of them. best actress. having kids engaged in different activities made a difference. making them feel that you care. they don't care what you know unless they know that you care. and that makes a difference. having a personal conversation. reaching out. we go through a lot of different philosophies in education. that changes. the feeling that you're real with them. that makes a difference as
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opposed to reciting a script. >> you were my a.p. english teacher and my drama coach. you introduced me to my favorite book to this day, "the scarlet letter." my favorite poem. but you use a unique approach with us, in that you took us out of the classroom. but now so much is focused on memorization and stand iardized tests. does it make it more difficult to broaden the horizon? >> it does limit things. a lot of school districts are suffering with financial woes. they can't do as many things outside the classroom. you can't fund the field trips so you're limited to the classroom. the things that save us is the internet. we are able to connect to a lot of things. but there's nothing like being there. experiencing it, performing it, engaging in lye theater. that's one thing i try to get hay cross to my students.
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>> are you as hopeful today as you were as a young student, peoria, illinois, about to embark on a great career of being an educator. we're going to hear about it on the internet. every kid in ft. worth loves you. as you prepare to retire, are you as hopeful as you were when you left bradley in peoria? >> i don't know. that's hard to say. my expectations have changed. i was excite about doing a lot of things. i experienced more. when i went into teaching i was going to become an english teacher. i channelled my energy more to theater and speech and dance, other activities. i think it's hopeful for people who want to do that. the high school where i am, we don't have as many activities, but the students are hopeful about their future ls. they connect to individuals. that's what makes education important. >> and it is proof that one
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teacher can make a difference. you not only made a difference in my life but the any others walked through the high school. miss rose, thank you very much. they just showed my high school graduation picture. i was fully made up and had really big hair that you can't see under that hat. thank you. thank you, miss rose. >> thank you. >> i'll talk to you later. >> you made me so proud. >> don't make me cry. visit education nation and learn more. there you will find great apps on everything from how your child's school stacks up with everything across the country to local parenting chat rooms. congratlations to miss rose who is retiring.
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our very own andrea mitchell and brian williams get big laughs on "30 rock."
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let's get the scoop from natalie thomas. natalie, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> i really want to see "social network." is there any competition? >> not really. it's expected to do huge numbers. it's huge commentary on our society and social networking. you know, as it is. so i think really it's going to stand alone at the box office. >> it is amazing, and when you tie it into mark zuckerberg giving that money to schools. what is "let me in." >> yes. that's a scary movie. and "case 39", interestly is with bradley cooper and renee zellweger and was made in 2006 and shelved. it doesn't bode well for movies when that happens. they are rereleasing it to the
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attention that this relationship is getting. it's a horror film. i don't think anything stands a chance. >> they're trying to get the alternative crowd prehalloween. the topic two, snooki's brawl. i missed it. but it's everywhere. >> never a dull moment with the jersey shore or snooki. angelina and snooki got into a fight. as they have before in previous episodes. snooki said, hold my earrings. she took off her earrings and proceeded to go at angelina. angelina was leaving the show for the second time. she left last season the first day. she again was leaving. the cast mates, the house has really had it with her. and snooki went at her. >> it's amazing. everyone is using that hold my earring line. i grew up in the wrong neighborhood or hang out with the wrong people. i thought everyone knew that's what you were supposed to say. that's very telling. the best moment of tv last night, at least in my opinion.
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andrea mitchell and brian williams on "30 rock." let's take a minute. >> and we have this just into a us. richey and lynn spotted in tree. k-i-s-s-i-n-g. >> let's go to andrea mitchell for more. >> thank you, brian. slut. >> that is so funny to me. i screamed last night and e-mailed ann droo ya saying you rocked "30 rock." that was a great scene. >> they're widely respected for their journalistic abilities. brian has shown it a little bit before on the great show. to see andrea, it was hysterical. they're both really funny. >> right. in addition to i want our senior producer to wear that cowboy costume. other than that, that was pitch perfect. awesome, awesome. natalie, thank you very much. andrea mitchell and brian williams rocking "30 rock."
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a school district in massachusetts raising money by selling ads on the notices it sends home to parents. but notes used to inform parents about what's going on in school really be used to solicit parents to buy stuff? schools say the ads could raise $15,000 in extra, much needed revenue. we have the superintendent now on the phone. milton, thank you for joining us. i should say, superintendent burnett. thank you for joining us. >> caller: good afternoon, tamron. >> absolutely. you have at least one teacher saying advertisements have nothing to do with education.
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it is a lot of money. i know you need it. but is this a good idea? >> caller: well, we sent home a plethora of notices. we use the front side of the piece of paper to notify parents. why not use the backside of the piece of paper? it's not costing us more paper. what this is really going to do is offset some of the fees and maintain some materials we use in the classrooms. >> speaking of fees, you say school fees tripled this year and you had to cut teachers jobs. >> that is correct. unfortunately we had to raise our bus fees, the non-mandated bus fees from $100 per student to $300 per student. from a $200 family cap to a $600 family cap. so school committee was looking to see how can we raise revenue to maintain services? . so they set a mod test target for the first year. >> and you said the parents don't have to worry about the
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ads having inappropriate products like tobacco, alcohol, political causes. what kind of feedback have you gotten? >> caller: actually. we've gotten very positive feedback. it will reduce fundraising. keep in mind also, these ads are going to be on the back of a parent notice. it's not a footer at the bottom of a worksheet. >> but where do you draw the line? it's obvious you wouldn't put tobacco, alcohol or political causes, but what's the line? >> the line would be if you have young kids you would not have any hesitation about your children participating in. you wouldn't have hesitation about putting it on the kitchen table. no family reservations about changing your youngest child to a particular restaurant, sub shop, whatever. >> it's interesting.
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at least one parent was quoted as saying that advertisement has nothing to do with education. superintendent burnett, we greatly appreciate you coming on and talking with us about it. it'sinteresting. and it could do a lot of good for your district. thank you. we asked our audience, crossing the line? you tell me. now for the results of thursday's. did a north carolina elementary school principal cross the line by using hidden video camera, like, they looked like glasses to tape teachers in the classroom? teachers had no idea they were being taped. 52% of you say yes, it's an invasion of privacy. 48% said it's okay. apparently don't mind people spying on you. that wraps up this hour. thank you for joining me. i'll see you back on monday. enjoy your weekend. alex witt picks up after the break. [ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curve balls.
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