tv The Ed Show MSNBC October 1, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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voting booth and courageously act on it. it may lack the emotional kick is you get from kicking the whole political system in the chin but it has the clear advantage of making a smart investment in your country in a time when this country needs most of all smart thinking and courageous action following it up. bill clinton admits that he's making the case that's good for his party. it's nonetheless a reasonable argument to make. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. right now it's time for "the ed show" with ed schultz. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show." tonight from the nation's capital, these stories are hitting my hot buttons at this hour. okay, enough is enough. the republicans and conservative talkers in this country have divided us long enough. tomorrow, we are marching to bring this nation together. high might for the good jobs, better education and a diverse america, plus reaction from reverend al sharpton and naacp president bell gel its coming up
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here tonight on the program. and i want to know where the tea party queen, christine o'donnell has gone. she's hiding from cameras. maybe she's renting cheney's bunker, i don't know. her academics' records again in question. i'll give her my lesson coming up in the playbook tonight. and after throwing a million bucks at the republican governor's association uncle rubbert nucor the parent company fox news sent another $1 million check this time to the right wing chamber of commerce. i find the whole thing absolutely disgusting and you know what, does that mean the democrats who are in business shouldn't be a member of the chamber of commerce? we'll talk about that tonight. but this is the story that has me fired up tonight. at this hour, hundreds of thousands of people are descending on washington, d.c. to take part in tomorrow's one nation rally on the steps of the lincoln memorial. i am honored other than more than honored, to be a part of this and be a featured speaker. i've spent countless hours
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crisscrossing this country meeting some great people, meeting americans who feel like their voices aren't being heard. my mission tomorrow is to speak for them. one nation is an extremely diverse collection of the largest labor organizations, the naacp, and happens of other groups who want to make sure that their voices are heard. what can be more american than that my friends? of course america's fake profit and resident hate merchant across the street doesn't seem to think that it looks that way. look at what beck said about people going to this rally tomorrow. >> and i mean this sincerely. is it not a watch an fbi watch list under any other administration? >> oh, absolutely. >> under any other administration it's an fbi watch list. this is holy supported by his president and his allies. >> beck is doing his absolute best to talk down this rally because he's afraid america will
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see a massive group of people who are rejecting his fear mongering across the board. here are some of the groups that beck seems to be concerned about. the answer coalition, code pink, united for peace and justice, veterans for peace, iraq vefts against the war, communist party usa, and the democratic socialists of america. now, let's put the cards on the table. i don't align myself with absolutely everything these groups stand for but this rally, my friends, is going to be a listen for this country when it comes to free speech. i'm not giving up the microphone because i disagree with a few voices that are going to be out in the crowd. america is a melting pot. a melting pot of ideas and that's how we celebrate our democracy. it's about inclusion, not exclusion, not about exclusiv y exclusivity. beck's tea party wants nothing to do with diversity. nothing to do with inclusion. some of them demonstrate with racist signs and run around screaming about taking their
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country back. taking their country back to what? this saturday's march is about keeping our resolve and pushing back on the tea party message. this country belongs to all of us and everyone should have an equal opportunity at the american dream. ever since president obama was sworn in the tea party crazies and glenn beck have just soaked up the spotlight, made this a big thing about how we're not america. tomorrow all of that ends at noon. we're not going to let these naysayers mischaracterize what freedom is all about. i want -- my motivation tomorrow comes from people that i have met on the road during town hall meetings. we were in san diego about four years ago and a gentleman came up to me -- i was just about raze ready to go on the stage. and he was a laborer. he had a green jacket on. he had gray hair. he had a hard face. you could tell that he'd been working in the sun. he shook my hand and i mean it
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was a labor handshake. he pointed to his mouth and he pointed to his ear and he went like this. i said you can't talk and you can't hear? he handed me a sheet of paper. i put it in my pocket, i got up, i spoke to the crowd. that night when my wife and i were on our way home on the plane i was cleaning out my pockets and you know when you get on the road people give you stuff and i pulled out this piece of paper and this gentleman had given me a note and i was reading it on the plane. he said, ed schultz, you are my ears and you are my voice. i can't talk and i can't hear. i have special equipment at home and that's how i listen to your show. please don't give up. tomorrow before i take the stage i will think about that gentleman that i in the san diego four years ago. and i will think about speaking for him and i could tell by his handshake that he was a working
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man. i could tell by his handshake that he was a wage earner and he needed someone to speak for him and i have prayed so much over the years to understand where that man was coming from, and tomorrow when i go on the lincoln memorial and it's my turn to speak i will think about that man and i will think about what he said to me and that note and i still have that note at home on my dresser. get your cell phones out, folks, i want know to what you think. tonight's text survey question is, should any group, any voice, any one be excluded from tomorrow's one nation wash tomorrow in washington? text text "a" for yes. text "b" for no. a man who i have admired. joining me now is reverend al sharpton the president of the national action network. >> glad to be here with you. >> what does this mean? >> it means bringing country together. we don't all agree, as you said, on every particular point.
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but we agree that when it comes to jobs, when it comes to education, when it comes to justice, we can come with a consensus of what is going to move the country forward and i think what you and the labor leaders and civil rights groups, all of us that are really true patriots who are trying to bring the country together, we can debate the particulars and we can say we don't think what that what you're saying in this area that area is right. but general thrust of this country coming together around things like health care, things like education in providing jobs that's what tomorrow is about. >> reverend, when did this start? >> in the spring. the labor unions and civil rights groups began meeting. i went to the first meeting in the spring of this year and i think that as the -- it progressed the circle got even larger. the first meeting we had everyone from harry belafonte and transgression of lebanon '99 to ben gellis and myself for the
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national action network and as this was driven made a particular thing that it had to be broad. it was not going to be a thing of just representing one interest group or one race or one group. it wanted to really say one nation and in a diversity that you'll see tomorrow and the inclusion i think is something unlike we've seen in recent history in a divisive kind of politics. >> do you think there will be popular results out of this for the progressive of america? i mean is this really a turning point, with all of the negativity that's been out there, all of of the critique that's been out there about the progressive movement and the obstruction that has taken place. we've seen 40 people in the united states senate say no and stop a lot of legislative stuff right in its tracks. is this march going to make a difference? >> i think this march has the potential to, if we can tell those people tomorrow to go home and go to work. we cannot leave washington saying we had a nice big rally.
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washington's used to rallies. we have to use it as a jump off point and get to home. door by door, block by block, church by church, group by group to organizing around to turning around the midterm election and turn back with the republicans and the right wingers as predicted. nothing would be better than to wake up november 3rd and say you know this whole republican political tsunami that was predicted it didn't come. nothing better then a storm being predicted and you wake up the next morning and the sun is still shining. >> october 2nd is all about november 2nd, but i think, personally, this is a lot bigger than the president. this is about a movement. this is a generational push and if we lose the majority it's a big start over. changes everything. >> no, i think -- i think that the president has said that about anyone. this isn't just about him. this is about taking us in a direction that reverses the direction that put us in an economic and a political ditch
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and as he said you don't get the same people who drove you into the ditch the keys to the car. i'm saying some of nus the car didn't even have seat belts on and the air bag didn't go on and for some of us our head went through the windshield. this is making sure that we come out of that ditch and keep going in the right direction rather than come out of that ditch going into the direction of the people who drove us in here. that's bigger than one election but what we've got to make sure that is on november 2nd we don't reverse which way going that we keep going. it's bigger than president obama. he was the driver. the direction is what we must vote for. >> reverend al sharpton, good to have you with us. now let's bring in pennsylvania governor ed rendell. governor, good to have you with us tonight. this rally -- the results of this hopefully will be people in pennsylvania, people in other states across america engaging, and in your state of pennsylvania, joe sestak is in a heated battle with pat toomey.
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do you think that this rally can make a difference? >> sure. i think anything that sends out a clearing call to base democratic voters and independents who care about the direction of this country is a positive and i think that this can be something that energizes that base. we're trying very hard to get them energized. we're trying to tell them the good things that aring. . health care eight, nine important things changed. we're trying to wake up and say let's get out there. sure, it hasn't been perfect but we have to get out there and vote and protect our future and i think that the message's starting to get through. joe and dan onorato our gubernatorial candidate have moved up in poll the polls from a very precarious position last week to being in the hunt, almost close to the margin of error, ed, and if we can keep the people being awakened to this i think we have a chance, as reverend sharpton said, duck
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a storm this november and have some really good results. >> ed, there's a lot unemployed people in this country upwards 15 million people. they could make a big difference and a lot of them are disenchanted feeling like they've been left behind. how important is it for the democrats to give them confidence that if the democrats keep the majority those people's problems will be addressed much better than what the republicans can do. >> well, i think that's crucial. if that voting bloc is mobilized it could make a very clear difference. you were laid off because of what some greedy billionaires did in wall street and who fought to protect you and extend your unemployment benefits. we almost had no republicans showing us in that effort. that's a thing that we should drive home. who's got the best job creation
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plans? look the president stimulus gets much better than targeted for. good jobs that can't be outsourced right here in america, we've just got to drive home that message. it's not a question of persuasion, it's a question of just making people feel like it's worthwhile getting out to vote and remember says the tea party's so wildly enout thatiastic, well the last time i checked a mildly tempid vote, counts the same as one wily enthusiastic job. but this rally i think can be an important catalyst a very important catalyst. it's more than just political but it's time that somebody, a large group of people stood up and said this is one country. we're not going to divide each other anymore.
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the horrible anti-muslim feeling that was demonstrated. the bastthing that eyedone in my 30 years of politics. we had clerics of every faith talking about houtkoran was a good book and how our muslim americans are good citizens. and chris matthews covered it a little bit on his show. it was the best view i've had in all of my years. >> governor ed rendell, thank you so much. thank you so much. night. coming up, more monkey business is suspected on christine o'donnell's academic record. she's still hiding from the cameras. i think that she needs to meet the press. after threatening to take out a reporter crazy karl is in the rapid fire. all of that, plus the drugster pretends to be a family guy, michele bachmann is a back-stabber?
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rupert murdoch is putting in the money in the pockets of the republicans again. he just bank rolled the right wing chamber of commerce with another million dollars. i think it's outrageous and of course nationally syndicated radio talk show host mike pap antonio will join me on that subject next. hey, guys, i know i've been bad at this in the past, so i've come up with some mnemonic devices to help me learn your names. hello, a "penny" saved is a "penny" earned. oh, that's 'cause fedex ground helps you save money. that's right, penny. do you know ours?
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company contributed $1 million to the republican governor's association that opened off i few eyes and now it turns out they gave the same amount to the united states chamber of commerce. the chamber using the money has slammed the obama administration for being hostile to economic growth. that's the claim. and it plans to spend up to $75 million supporting mostly republican candidates this year including carly fiorina out of california and rand paul in kentucky. does that sound fair and balanced to you this deal? let me bring in mike papantonio, host of the nationally syndicated radio talk show, ring of fire. this is -- i have to tell you, though, mike, it doesn't bother me. because now we definitely know that they're not fair balanced. definitely know where the money is. follow the money you know exactly what's going to. >> what's really scare beit now, ed, we're seeing what citizens united does to the democratic process. we knew was an important decision. we knew that the u.s. supreme court had become such a lap dog
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for corporate america. trying to figure out a way for the robert murdoches to give away. san organization that represents mom and pop business all over america. nothing's further from the truth. they is 19 companies that are putting gazillions of dollars into this next midterm election. we don't even who know they are. citizens united doesn't even allow us to know who are the people paying fortunate attack ads? why are they paying for it? the insurance industry? the petroleum issue? we never know that because the supreme court judges that have made that happen have been lap dogs for corporate america long before -- >> does this qualify fox news as any credible news organization and i say that with a laugh but now that the money's involved. >> it would in most countries but you know if you look at fox -- it's not just this money. if you think of where all of the other parts they have a daily voice, they have a daily voice with glenn beck and hannity and
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o'reilly. wherever it is, it's not just the money. roger ailes for example, he knows exactly what fox morphed into, but at this point they really don't care. they see a divide in america. their angle is to increase that divide as much as they can be, to be as divisive as they can and they just happen to have the money do it. as progressives, first of all is understand that we can beat money. i don't care how much money that you -- >> how are you going to beat money? you're looking at $25 donations by people -- that's what the democratic party is. right now since that supreme court ruling the corporations are outgunning the unions 26 to 1 financialry. >> right, right. think of mitt romney. i always like to use this example, mitt romney by the time it was over had spent something like $3 million for -- for votes even make it to the primaries. so what i'm trying to say is what you're going to do tomorrow, for example, what you're going to be doing right
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here in washington, d.c. on the plaza, you're going to be having the message that gets people to the polls. that's all it's about. we can overcome money if we show up. that's the only way that we can overcome money. >> mike, good to have you with us. >> thanks. >> you do great work no doubt about it. coming up, what is it about food that fills people with psycho talk? first the beckster freaked out about to french fry police and now the congressman takes the eat fighting food saying that government is going to force feed you, veggies, well we'll fire them up next in the zone next. how are you getting to a happier place?
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running there? dancing there? flying there? how about eating soup to get there? delicious campbell's soups fill you with good nutrition, energy, farm-grown ingredients, and can help you keep a healthy weight. helping you get to a happier place. have a nice trip. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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and in psycho talk tonight, republican congressman dr. paul brown of georgia, he puts a fresh twist on the righty campaign to convince us that we are definitely headed for socialism. brown is the self-described defender of the constitution who wants to repeal the 16th and the 17th amendments. he's also the guy who said clean energy legislation will kill old folks. now he's saying the centers for disease control is going to start cracking down on people's vegetab vegetables intake. >> centers for disease control in atlanta said that the people in america are not eating enough fruits and vegetables and they won't get all of the power of the federal got force you to eat more fruits and vegetables.
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this is what the federal, cdc. this is socialism of the highest order. >> they're going to be it's federal government's going to be calling people about what they're eating? the idea that the federal government is going to be keeping tabs on whether 300 million americans are eating their recommended servings of fruits and vegetables is -- is absolutely ridiculous. and you'd think, you'd think, being a doctor, mr. brown would encourage his constituents to eat better anyway, but republicans are so used to saying no, they can't even admit that a healthy diet might be a good idea saying that the federal government is going to force them to eat their fruits and vegetables is unhealthy psycho talk. coming up, false prophet glenn beck restored a bunch of
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garbage at his rally. tomorrow people will have a chance to unite as one nation and stand up for equality, social justice anti-american dream. naacp president speaks out on the one nation march on the battleground story tonight. and it's getting so ugly for meg whitman she's thrown her own husband under the bus. some bad housekeeping going to here, folks. and rahm emanuel gets a dead fish delivered. welcome to chicago. and headlines club ed on a friday night. ♪ ♪ every day, it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ a-hey, a-hey-hey ♪ every day, it's getting faster ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up
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here in the nation's capital. tomorrow we're going to be bringing in civil rights activistsing in the our nation's capital to show that we are united as a country. this one nation smafrp multinational civil rights and human movement. something that radical tea parentiers are trying to destroy and we're not going to let it happen. we're just not going to let it happen. the voices will ring tomorrow here in washington. let me bring in the president of the naacp. his organization has been on the forefront of this. ben, good to have you with us tonight. >> hi, ed. >> with the political environment that's taken place in this country, how important is it for the progressive movement to set the positive tone going in to the final month before the election? >> very. right now you know folks see this time of rising tension and decreasing prosperity and some people say that's a formula for the battleground.
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let's put our shoulders so that we push in the same direction and increase prosperity in this country. that's what the battle of reform health care is about. it's also about saving lives. forcing families from bankruptcy. the 150,000 teachers jobs that we saved last month. we need our government to be fixated in creating until the job is done. >> ben, when you take a look at what has happened in this country how important is it to hear all voices? i think that this really could be a defining moment for liberals, progressives and the base that's really not motivated to get the job done on november 2nd. >> will not just look like this country will look like this century. you'll see mine workers environment yamists. jews, muslims.
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people of small business, big business union leaders. saying enough is enough. put await distractions. let's foccreating jobs. we spending spending less and less on wars and tax cuts for the richest 1%. more and more on jobs and schools and for the other 99% and so that's what this march is about. >> you know you take a look at what the republicans have done in the just most recent days, they blocked some more help for the 99ers. they stood fast against the small business bill that was out there to help americans, the outsourcing bill that was put on the table. i mean it would seem to me when people get the information when you know people who have fallen hard times in in this economy, get the information, straight-talk it should be easy to motivate them. >> look, this is going to be a tough time to get folks off of
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the couch. folks are a bit disdepressed, angry. conservatives in both parents have major obstructionings in the u.s. senate on getting stuff done and the reality is that what we hope to start tomorrow -- you know marchers are not the end of anything, they're the beginning of something. what we hope tomorrow is for a call out to people, get off of the sidelines, the couch, and get back engaged. we've passed health care reform. we've narrowly the divide. we've put millions of people back to work but we have millions of more jobs to be created. and from whatever party people who comes into the box have to be fix rated on all of our jobs, our kids go to great schools and they need to show up. they'll see 400 organizations working together. they'll see hundreds of
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thousands of activists of all races, of all nationalalities saying, don't forget about the noon 9%. >> the president of the naacp. i appreciate your opportunity. great organizing this. your people are great. >> thanks, ed and we look forward to what you have to say tomorrow. thank you. let some rapid foil stories tonight. meg whitman is scrambling after a letter surfaces apparently proving that she knowingly, knowingly employed an undocumented worker and lied about it. how republican. now she's letting her husband take the fall on the whole thing. new york candidate karl paladino. he continues the mudslinging in by hinting that he can prove his opponent cuomo had extramarital affairs. and rahm emanuel is terribly
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done for president obama's chief of staff. with us tonight karen hunter journalist and publisher and also with us tonight is heidi harris radio talk show host out of las vegas. all right let's talk about meg whitman first. this candidate has been out taking a tough stance on illegal immigration lo and behold for nine years. she's had an undocumented worker right in her own house. how does she get out of this one? >> well, meg whitman claims she got nikki from an agency and she believed her documents were in order. she employed her for nine years, she says when it came to her attention that nicky was undocumented that she did the hardest thing that she ever did and firing her. if she never had documentation she wouldn't have had an enormous string of people in her
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house. nobody's talking about this gloria allred's supposed to be representing nicky and yet she's showing documents that excludes your client. >> i'm just amazed that heidi eye don't believes what she's saying. but the timing of her firing nikki diaz is also very interesting. how do you work for somebody for nine years and not know them? that close proximity and how she work for meg whitman, this is the greatest gift jerry brown could have ever received and as a result no amount of money in the world will be able to buy this away. the hispanic vote is listening and they're watching what meg whitman is going to do next. >> i don't know what you guys do with the hispanic vote. a lot of latino listeners in my show don't want people breaking the rules. >> yeah but they don't want hypocrites to talk about the whole situation the what they meg whitman is coming out now, passing the buck to her husband.
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unless she doesn't and doesn't know enough about her. i think that would say a whole lot more about meg whitman than not knowing that she was undocumented. >> my guess is whitman made $100,000 a week. give me a break. >> exactly. well give aus i break in another way. heidi. >> well, it just seem to me that you know who's working in your house. >> exactly. >> but the lawsuit also contends that she worked hours and didn't get paid for them. i mean you got a billionaire republican out there who's too cheap to help out the worker. >> oh, come on. >> that's how you keep your money, ed. that's how they keep their money. >> $23 an hour. who is making $23 an hour doing that kind of thing? and go back to the thing of knowing nicky -- >> that kind of thing. >> of course, you know her but if you're from russia, mexico or anywhere else whether or not you're here. i may know originally where you are from, scotland or whatever but i don't ask if you are legal. >> oh my goodness.
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heidi, a woman who outsourced 40% of her labor to india. that's an issue that's been a very hot button isfuert republican party and she's running for office. you can't possibly sit here and tell me she had no idea and it was her husband and he signed the parentwork. give me a break. mec whitman knew for eight years. that's a hypocrisy and it's going to come to bite her in the behind. >> no one can support for the union wages. >> let's go to this crazy new york race for governor. mr. paladino defending telling a "new york post" reporter that he's going to take him out. here it is. >> they're taking pictures in the window. they were taking pictures of their mail. anybody that puts my daughter in danger is -- obviously i'm going to be responsive to them. >> karen hunter, you know there's going to be a lot of people in this country are going to i think side with paladino i
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mean he said a lot of goofy stuff but do candidates deserve that have reporters coming around almost stalking 10-year-old kids. what do you think? >> no, ed, this has gone too far. are we electing people to run or government or do we want to know what's in their garbage, in their underwear in their homes? i think crossing the line here. i heard a paladino interview on my way in it is outrageous that we camp out in the media and look for pictures of kids and we see this all in areas from celebrity and now no one's off-limits. if you're running for office this is part of the program and it shouldn't be. someone needs to put their foot down in the media and say no more, no more. >> heidi, take them out in new york, might have a certain definition. what does take them out mean in las vegas? >> we're running out of room to bury the bodies out here, ed. i have to tell you a funny story. we talked about that on my radio show one time. i said what happens if the construction workers come across a skeleton and i had them
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calling in the show say you know what, we don't tell anybody we just throw them in the dumpster. >> here's mike huckabee he says the "new york post" reporter went too far. here it is. >> and this reporter stepped way over the line. no matter what karl paladino said to him that may have seemingly provoked him it was his personal duty to remain detached and oifbt. he failed do that. when he raises his voice and begins to get confrontational and provoke and then that's no long air journalistic interview and that's what we had here. it got way out of hand and i think the reporter was unprofessional in the way that he handled it. >> well, mike, your boss apparently allowed it to happen because i think that you work for the same guy, mr. huckabee. this is paladino hinting that he has proof that his opponent mr. cuomo has cleated on his wife. here it is. >> we will at the appropriate time, okay, say whatever we have
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in our box at the appropriate time. yes. >> so you're not backing off that allegation. it is -- you do believe that andrew cuomo did have extramarital affairs when he was married? >> what i believe and what is factual out there we will at the appropriate time put out, yes. >> karen hunter, do new yorkers care about this? >> unfortunately they might but this is where paladino i think made a mistake and i think made a critical error. he would have had us on his side you know with the daughter and now you're turning around and doing the very same thing that you're accusing the media of doing. you're throwing money rat andrew cuomo and this should be the issues, right? if you have a strong platform how about running on that. i'm sick of tired of people are doing in their bed bath & beyond rooms. how are you going to fix our economies, our school system, how you are going to make this system greater. i don't care who is cheating on their wife right now so i think that he undermined himself by doing that. >> heidi, what happens in vegas stays in vegas but in new york
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everyone will know about it apparently. >> no question. do care anymore? they yawn anymore. paladino has admitted. you don't chase a 10-year-old around. is adultery an issue? i think that you have to let the voters decide about that. some voters only care about their wallet and a person screwing around so whatever so it depends on what the voters think. >> the current governor azadmitted to having an affair and smoking -- and at the end of the day can you fix our country, can you? really? >> not if you're businey screwi around. >> that could help. it didn't hurt zploont glad to have have you up on this friday. coming up christine o'donnell is getting a background check and running from the spotlight. i think it's time for her to start talking, don't you? and after getting fired from espn after a racist comment the
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and in high playbook tonight well i guess that you could say that the evidence is mounting against tea party nut job christine o'donnell. what story is it now? earlier this week we told you you about how her bogus linked 'n profile made herself look smarter than she actually is. by claiming that she went to oxford and claremont university. both universities denied the claim and she blamed it on others. but she did receive a fellowship from claremont institute.
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a conservative think tank with no affiliation. the spokesperson told talking points memo that she has said she received a certificate for oxford university in the summer of 2001. and yesterday another website, yet another website, called zoom info surfaced with o'donnell making the same exact mistake. how unusual. well, that's three strikes for christine and the teenage witch. her man is to stay way from the national interviews but i think she really needs to step up and speak up if she's going to have any credibility at all. for more let's bring in media strategist let me turn to legendary radio talk show consultant holland cooke. well, plenty of writing talkers out there. shouldn't she get out there and clean this thing out? >> this is a genuine dilamy for her because she went on fox news and with great flourished announced this will be my last
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national tv appearance. here's the problem, delawareians are consuming national media. she's getting the horse lap in national media so she can't contain the story by staying home in delaware. >> what's her best play, fess up to it and move on? >> i don't know if that's in her dna and this has been a rough week for her, on wednesday congressman mike castle said he's not going to do the write-in. if she did she'd be math matuckly advantaged so now she's back where she started out. rolling up the ball against chris coons. and then the second shoe that dropped was this resume inflation thing. blumenthal is now -- >> resume inflation i love it. >> she's blumenthaled and this is an equal opportunity faux paw, a dem who fibbed about serving in vietnam.
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the internet is to christine o'donnell what videotape is to sharron angle. it's the lie detector. angle says something wild and then denying it and then they play her the tape. what is she going to say, that's not me? and now she's saying oh no that's not me. >> in a round about way doesn't this serve up an opportunity for the tea partiers to throw her under the bus and that we're behind this? a chance for the republicans to say okay we're not going to win this seat. but we can't phone up with it. logically yes, but it may be loo late in the game and until now she could skate because she hasn't had a real job since 2004. she's defaulted in mer mortgage. who in americannounce isn't jobless and having trouble with the mortgage? >> sure. >> she crossed a line when she
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lied about her resume. >> the sex thing how is that playing out on talk radio? >> oh, please. she's. >> she's got some goofy ideas. >> yeah she's a mommy grizzly. >> so the question is how did she get that far? >> by 3 fi540 votes. this is the year when reasonable republicans were in an endang endangered species and mike castle probably amped it up too quick. couple of pages in my playbook tonight. white house chief of staff rahm emanuel said good-bye to his staff in the white house this morning and he got quite the going-away gift a dead fish. the fish of course was a joke. there's a rumor that emanuel once sent a dead fish to a pollster that he didn't like, and finally after getting fired from espn for racist comments the drugster, rush limbaugh is getting back on tv. this time he's in a role that i
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and see a cartoon character. he's playing himself on "the family guy" apparently one of the liberal guests on the show is going to tell him off but of course the arrogant drug ster comes off that he looks like a champ or is that chump othis show. up next i'm going to get to the bottom of the christine o'donnell background. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national.
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welcome back to "the ed show" if it's friday it's time for club ed with liz winstedt. you can follow her at i have got to go back to psycho talk and dr. paul brown, he's telling this group of seniors, now let's look at this, he's holding a town hall meeting and he's telling this group of seniors that the government is going to be calling them, seeing if they're eating their fruits and vegetables. seniors. calling to see if they're doing the fiber check on the seniors, i guess. i don't know. this is crazy what the republicans are doing. your thoughts? >> well, i mean, when republicans think that eating healthy is some kind of socialist plot you than we're in trouble.
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what they want americans doing is walking through costco and handing out samples and hazmat suits because that's the way that americans eat, snacking across costco eating some made-up food and amble through life. it's terrible. the one ring that we can all agree on is yes, indeed americans have a problem with obesity and weight and we have to moderate our diet. it's insane. >> all right the gubernatorial race in new york. paladino says he's going to take that guy out. in new york, what does that mean? >> you know he runs his campaign -- i think his campaign manager is like bobby the bully from ps six. the sixth grader. sending scratch and sniff mailers. and andrew cuomo covered in feces in a mailer it's like who is running this -- i mean really is tom green in charge of this guy's career? it's pathetic. >> and christine o'donnell, i
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suppose now eye suppose now we're going to find out that she went to the university of minnesota or something. i don't know. what do you make of this? >> well you know the fact that she says that evolution is a myth it turns outta her education a myth i think that the next thing that we're going to find out is she was the only person ever living who's been homeschooled for college. or we'll find out she's just been masturbating all of the time and doing nothing else. liz winstedt. liz is going to be performing at landy's cabernet on october 15th. liz, thank you so much. tonight in our telephone text survey i asked you, should any group or any one be excluded from tomorrow's one nation march on washington? 10% of you said no. 90% said of you said. before i go tonight i want to take just a moment one more time to tell you that the mission of the one nation march, you can see it on my website at wegot it's mission statement.
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