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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  October 2, 2010 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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right now on msnbc, the rain clouds part on the east coast. we'll take a look at the damage and flooding from this supersoaker storm. today labor and civil rights group across the country unite on the national mall. what's behind the one nation working together rally? and the world's most wanted man, we have new details on osama bin laden's connection to terror plots across europe. good morning, everyone, so nice to see you on this saturday. this morning, crews are assessing the damage from the deadly storms that slammed the northeast. the remnants of tropical storm nicole drenched pennsylvania with more than ten inches of rain and delivered winds of up to 40 miles an hour. officials are blaming flooding from the storm for the death of one man in pennsylvania and five more in north carolina. one resident in connecticut said the deluge there was unprecedented. >> it ain't never overflowed
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like this. but this is terrible, this is the worst i ever seen it. >> 50,000 people lost power during the storm, but power was mostly restored last night. for a look at the complete weekend forecast, let's go to nbc meteorologist bill karins, bill nice to see you, good morning. >> a lot of people are in their basements "toda basements today taking a look at the water damage that was done. the storm system itself, here's a look at it over the last 48 hours, the bright colors with the heavy rainfall yesterday that extended up from the norfolk area early yesterday morning and exited new england late last night. we ended up with five inches of rain in albany, new york, three inches in new york city, new jersey got a hit a little bit harder, along with eastern pennsylvania. we still have numerous flood warnings on rivers that are cresting around binghamtoning,
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new york, and albany, new york, and up into new hampshire you still have some rivers that will crest today. that storm is gone, it's going to be sunny, it's going to be dry. it's actually a very cool weather pattern, there's not a lot of wet weather across the country, there's nothing coming our way from the tropics, just some shower activity especially sunday in the mid-atlantic, also some showers this arrange around the great lakes. it's a forecast, it's a chilly morning, it's in the 40s from minneapolis to chicago. so that's definitely fall weather, and today's high will be in the 50s in the great lakes. we're in for a nice treat this weekend. >> temperatures in the 40s, is that what you said? >> in chicago, minneapolis and everywhere in between. everybody's waking up this morning probably with the heater on. for the latest weather advisories in the forecast where you are, we always invite you to
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head to the web, check out the president of rutgers university says he plans to meet with members of the school's gay community following the death of freshman tyler clementi. the 18-year-old killed himself by jumping off the george washington bridge last week. clementi's roommate and another student are charged with invasion of privacy, they're accused of secretly recording a sex encounter with a man in his dorm room. officials in new jersey called yesterday black friday and handed out roses in memory of clementi. and the football team is planning a moment of silence before it's game against tulane. the family issued a statement saying our hope is that our family's personal tragedy will serve as a call for compassion, empathy and human dignity. conflicts ideas on how the nation can best jump-start the struggling economy. president obama and the gop
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senate leaders each laid out their prescription for recovery while the white house sees promise in green energy, republicans are focused on taxes. >> my administration has made a historic commitment to promote clean energy technology. this will mean hundreds of thousands of new american jobs by 2012. >> the best way to help individuals and small businesses and the economy is to give them all a certainty that their taxes won't be going up at the end of the year. >> let's bring in nbc's mike vi vick -- at the white house. >> strike up the bands, release those balloon, we are exactly one month away from those midterm elections where many are predicting a republican landslide and perhaps taking over seats in the house of representatives and less of a sure thing in the senate itself, and that's why it's become such
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a desperate struggle. virtually every speak the president's made over the last three weeks and going forward is geared toward the midterm elections trying to preserve democratic majorities in the house and senate and if the house were to go to the republicans in a majority, that would mean a total recalibration for the president in terms of his priorities and hi approach and perhaps that's one thing that's motivating a lot of voters now. republicans slamming democrats, they left town before extending those bush era tax cuts, remember they were passed back in 2001 and tr2003, there are critics who say after the voters have spoken, that's not the time to do this with a lot of representatives here in the capital who have lost their elections or retired. last week about midweek, the president was in madison, wisconsin, he spoke to a very
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enthusiastic thrown of students there. he was trying to narrow that so-called enthusiasm gap. the president working hard now, democrats in the last few days feel as though the polls are tightening, they feel as though they're getting a little traction and there's hope for the democrats that the house can be preserved, but this election cycle is going to be a battle here and across the country. civil rights groups and labor yuan yos are hoping to draw tens of thousands of people to the national mall "today." the naacp and four other -- for a rally called one nation working together. the march's major organizers are traditionally liberal leaning but leaders claim today is not a response to glenn beck's conservative rally held in this same spot this past august. brian moore is live for us on
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the mall in the nation's capital. good morning to you, brian. >> reporter: we're just about four hours away from the beginning of this rally, very few people here right now, but organizers are hoping to get 100,000, maybe 200,000 people here "today." they're saying this is not the liberal answer to glenn bek's restoring honor rally, but that's the way the rest of the world is looking at this, as an anti-tea party rally. they have an agenda today that they say is inclusive of all people. they're going to talk about jobs, first and foremost, putting america back to work, after all that's what this is called, one nation working together. another focus is education, and then equality for all. but what this is aimed at is getting democrats as excites as they possibly can be with a little more than a month
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remaining before the all important midterm elections. >> and brian, i'm looking behind you, and i know it's still early, but are things gearing up yet, are you seeing a lot of people out there? >> reporter: no, right now it's sort of the set up to the set up. the organizers are here, they're getting the signs ready for the labor groups that are going to come in. you can see some of the talent starting to gather, but it's really too early to tell what kind of turnout there might or might not be here. park police are set up for a large gathering, they have put up the barricades up around the reflection pool, just like they did for the glenn beck rally. but it's a little too early to tell, we'll be able to tell in the next couple of hours exactly what kind of people are flooding in for this, and from where. >> you had mentioned that organizers are hoping to get 100,000 to 200,000 people for this rally.
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how many turned out for that glenn beck rally. >> that's an area of very bitter dispute. i was here at the glenn beck rally. i have seen a lot of rallies, i have seen the million-man march. i have seen fire works, and i have seen the obama nomination. i would say the glenn beck rally pulled in at least 200,000 people, though some estimates are much lower, some are much higher. 200,000 is a very good rally here in the nation's capital. the anti-tax rally at the capitol, that was probably in the neighborhood of 90,000. so it's hard to tell on any given day what's going to happen, but this is a nice day, great weather, it's a saturday not a sunday, this is a group that hasn't had a big rally like this here on the mall in a long time and they know that democrats are in trouble in the elections coming up in a month so there could be a lot of people here. >> all right, great, brian moore, live for us in washington, we appreciate it. msnbc will have live coverage
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for the nation working together rally today in d.c. new developments this morning in the terror threats targeting big cities across europe. terrorism officials say that osama bin laden may have had a key role in the planning. let's get a live report from london. what have you learned about osama bin laden's connection here? >> well, intelligence officials are saying that he was a key figure in the plot to launch coordinated attacks in major european cities that includes the uk, germany and france and they also say this would involve shooting rampages and that if he was involved, it would be the first time since the 9/11 attacks that he would have played a direct role. now counter terrorism officials are saying that al qaeda is trying to prove that it is still strong, that they still have some power and some ability at a time when their support base and their finances are weakened. these officials have said that they won't reveal what evidence they have that bin laden was so heavily involved, but that the
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details of the plot are known to senior al qaeda leadership who are hiding in northwest pakistan. they say this is known as al qaeda central which they tend to call bin laden-led operations. but officials also say that the plot was in its early stages and both the timing and the targets were not yet known. >> there's a new audiotape of lau bin laden that's come out. what can you tell us about this? >> there are two more tapes, if it is bin laden, but in termses of context, he's directing his message to muslims around the world an he's acting to change the lives of those people affected by the pakistan plight. he's criticizing leaders as well as the media saying there's been a clear shortcoming, those are his words in reporting the tragedy as well as providing aid. he also goes on to say that the world is witnessing huge climate changes. it's been claimed that both
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tapes were made in the past month. california lawmakers say they have reached an agreement on the state's budget after a record 90-day stalemate. republicans are indicating that there will be no tax increase. the announcement comes after a five-hour meeting last night. details of the plan are expected to be announced wednesday followed by a vote by the electr electric chur on thursday. gmac and jpmorgan are also reviewing tens of thousands of foreclosure cases after it was revealed that some companies signed foreclosure documents without even reading what was in them. bank of america isn't saying how many cases will be affected. rjts new polls show the gop is facing fresh midterm road
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a marine who was killed in iraq in 2007 has a new resting place this morning. first lieutenant travis manning was originally buried near his pennsylvania home three years ago, but he was reburied in arlington national cemetery yesterday. before he was killed manning told his family we wanted to be buried next to his bests friend. new insight to how the voters view the upcoming elections. democrats may be feeling some heat. democrats lead republicans on everything from afghanistan to energy to education.
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voters also give them higher marks on spending, taxes and the economy, which are the gop's core concerns. the only place republicans rank higher is on the issue of terrorism. daniel stone is a reporter for "newsweek" magazine and joins us now live. why all these dire predictions about democrats losing the house. >> the short answer is it's a fickle electorate. but one thing we know that it's the biggest issue by far in this election over everything else is the economy. voters say they trust democrats more on things like afghanistan, on education, on social security, education, financial reform. but the unemployment rate reigns supreme and that's what people are mainly going to vote about this fall. >> your new poll suggestses that angry voters are really no more likely to go to the polls -- the
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angriest people, the loudest screamers usually get the most attention. our poll found about 23% of voters identify themselves as angry voters. but it's fair to say the rest of them, about 75% are just confused voters, they're voters in despair, there's no real good choices, they don't know whether republicans or the democrats are the best to lead the recovery and they just don't know, so they're not angry, but they're certainly disappointed with the choices they have with parties anding candidate this is year. that's why we're seeing low polling for some of these angry candida candidates. there's really no solution that's very, very easily identifiable here. >> and people are comparing this midterm cycle to 1994 when republicans controlled congress. in 1994, 71% of voters said they were dissatisfied with the country's direction and today that number is 68%. when it comes to the economy in 1994, just over half said it was a top reason for their
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discontent and "todatoday like were saying, the jumped to over 75%. are there legitimate comparisons here? >> it's perfectly natural for the minority party to make sizable gains in the midterm election, we saw in 1994, clinton's first term, 2006 the last time it happened to president bush when the democrats came back. you see the economy is a much more salient number this year, people are much more concerned about it than they were in 2004 and 2006. social issues have taken a back seat. voters say they're not very concerned about social issues. >> not concerned about social issues, is there anything else that stood out in your poll, anything else that surprised you? >> we heard from the president that this is a referendum on president obama's and on his administration's agenda, but it really isn't, especially if we go back to 1994 and 2006, president clinton and president
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bush at their respective times were going much worse, their poll numbers were in the mid 30s, right now president obama is at 38% approval so he's doing pretty well and this might not be the rebuke of him that we have heard so much about, he could actually escape this one not too undamaged. >> daniel, nice to see you, thank you. coming up next, checking the mail on saturdays, from your bills to birthday cards, we're going to tell you about big changes that could soon be delivered to your post box. words alone aren't enough. our job is to listen and find ways to help workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. we'll keep restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here.
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. a very special football game for a high school athlete in minnesota. toward the end of a game last week, the team ask the coach to put sam colden in to catch a pass. he's been on the football team since eighth grade. once he got in the game, he
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didn't just catch the ball, he sprinted 66 yards for the first touchdown of his high school career. >> that had to be the highlight of anybody's life, seeinga happen. i mean you could feel the aura. >> sam's team ended up winning the game and his teammates say they have absolutely thrilled at his accomplishment. check your mailbox today because it could be the last saturday that you get mail delivered by the u.s. postal service. the mail agency is anticipating $6 billion in losses this fiscal year. in fact the postal service has lost money three years in a row now. and more and more customers turn to the internet to pay bills, purchase goods and send personal messages. let's get details now from "the washington post" ed o'keefe. so in your latest article you're saying that today may actually be one of the last saturdays that we get mail? how likely is this? >> the postal service is really
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keen on trying to end saturday mail deliveries, but isn't necessarily going to happen this month, may not happen this calendar year, but if they have their way, congress would pass a law that would let them set their own delivery schedules, close as many post offices as they think necessary, maybe move the local post office into the grocery store. right now because it's kind of a government agency and it's very much tied to congress, and every year in the appropriations bill there's language that says what they can and cannot do. and the postal service wants to see all that stripped out so they can adjust and adapt as necessary so they don't have to wait for congress. >> how much could this help the postal service? how much could they save here? >> it only saves them about $2 billion over about ten years, which would only do so much to close a $9 billion budget in the
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next decade. they're in the the midst of negotiations with two of their largest unions, they've got to find a way to reduce the amount they pay into health benefits. they think they're going to be able to do that only because the unions realize that're going to have to make a few concessions. if they can find a way to bring those costs under control, they think they'll be able to close some of the gap. >> just a second ago you were saying that they could potentially set their own delivery schedule? is this just the beginning? will we see them cut back, no mail on thursdays, fridays, once or twice a week? >> a lot of the labor unions are concerned that if you're going to cut back on days you deliver the mail, you may cut out workers as well. the next day they would cut
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would be tuesday because that's the next slowest day of mail, so you get it maybe monday, wednesday, thursday friday. but i think right now, they're definitely at least focused on getting saturdays. if they were to do that, you wouldn't get mail delivered to your mailbox, but the post office would still be open in the neighborhood so you can go in and stop by and drop off a package orp pick one up or do whatever else you need to do. >> the mail doesn't go out on saturdays and tuesdays so that why my bills are late. the psych logical battlefield at school and online. how to help your kids rise above bullies. and what may have happened to the balloon racers before they disappeared off the coast of italy. boss: our breakout session is gonna be great.
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this morning at least 36 with dead and dozens are hurt in indonesia after one train slammeded into another that was stopped at a station. officials are pointing to human error. hope is facing for two american ballooners missing off the coast of italy. they disappeared in a thunderstorm during a balloon race wednesday. the balloon's tracking device shows that the balloon crash into the sea at 50 miles an hour. and police nab a suspected bank robber near austin. police were surprised to find him in the trunk of his getaway car. at least five people are dead after a suspected u.s. drone attack in northwest pakistan. in the meantime, the taliban in pakistan is claiming responsibility for attacking a convoy of nato oil tankers saying it was retaliating over the death of three pakistani soldiers, nbc's john yang is live for us this morning in kabul, afghanistan.
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good morning to you, what do we know about today's drone attack. >> what we do know comes from pakistan. it happened in north waziristan, this is in the northwest part of afghanistan an area where tribal forces are very strong, where insurgents use as an area that insurgents use as a staging base for attacks in afghanistan. activity really has been stepped up there, there's been 23 missile attacks in the past five weeks, that is a record high. that has angered the pakistanis who have claimed that it's an assault on their sovereignty. now speaking in tucson, arizona yesterday, admiral mike mullen, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff acknowledged the anger that the pakistanis feel about this and acknowledged that the united states has some responsibility for that anger.
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he said that we left them in a dark hole from about 1990 until 2002. and they don't trust us and we're trying to rebuild that trust. part of that pakistani anger is being expressed by closing the main crossing point for nato supplies between pakistan and afghanistan. they come into the area by sea, into karachi, go up by truck into northwest pakistan and that's been closed now since thursday, since the incident involving the three pakistani forces who were killed at a border post. and the nato says that there's not yet been any effect of this, they haven't felt the squeeze yet, but they are working to try to resolve this standoff. >> john yang is in kabul, afghanistan. the mother of missing oregon boy kyron hormone is making a
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new emotional plea. kyron mysterious vanished from his portland elementary school. no suspects have been named in kyron's disappearance, but much of the investigation has focused on kyron's stepmother, she was the last person reported to see kyron on the day he disappeared. the slachbder charges stems from court testimony from amanda knox that police abused and threatened her until he gave a false confession. >> here with me now, the author of "angel face" the true story of student killer amanda knox.
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you wrote about the slander trial in your latest article, so tell us more about this. what is this all about? >> the slander trial is very important in the big picture. amanda will start her appeal against her murder conviction on november 24, and the crux of whether or not and why she said that she was in the house at the time of the murder and why she accused patrick, a man who's not involved in the case of the murder. that's an integral part of the judge's reasoning for the conviction. so if she is able to prove in the slander case that the police coerced the confession that she was in the murder house, that will help her at in the appeal case. the problem now is that her slander case has been postponed until november 8 and likely it will not be resolved until after her appeal. so it's a very complicated case and with these trials that are going on in tandem, it makes its even more complicated. but the slander issue is a big
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part of her appeal and her hoping and getting some time off her case or having her conviction overturned. >> and we know that knox can face an additional six years if convicted of defamation, so do we know what type of evidence that the police are expected to bringhere? barbie, are you with us? all right, barbie is a reporter with the daily beast, we're going to go ahead and try to get her back with her skype connection. a los angeles real estate broker who survived six days in a remote desert canyon without food or water has been upgraded from fair to good condition. edward rosenthal will probably remain hospitalized for the weekend. he became lost after setting out on a day hike a week ago. rescuers spotted him on thursday. memorials are set throughout the week for tyler clementi, the 18-year-old who jumped to his death from new york's washington
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bridge after a private sexual encounter was streamed live on the internet. two of clementi's class mates used a webcam to spread video of clementi in a sexual encounter with another man in his dorm room. the football team has planned a moment of silence. psychologist jeff gardier is an nbc contributor and a contributor as well to health guru come. it's really difficult for us to fathom what must have been going through tyler's head when he figured out everything that happened to him. as a parent speaking to a child, what can you say to your child, how do you convince them that this isn't the end of the world and that things will get better? >> it's hard to tell them something like that because being in tyler's head at this point, we can only imagine the devastation and the humiliation that h felt when there was this streaming of his encounter with
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another man. we're talking about a gay youth here, a gay young man who probably has already had all sorts of emotional conflicts. so all we can do as a parent is let them know that we will be there for him in any way, that what happened to him doesn't define who he is, what defines him is how he gets through this very difficult situation in his life. regrettably, he took the wrong way out. but for other parents who are out there who are dealing with their kids who have been humiliat humiliated, who have been outed, college is the place for transgender, bisexual kids, gay kids to come out and deal with their sexuality, this was taken away from him. so as parents, we have to set the stage for our kids to have that freedom in college, but most importantly know that we will always give them the support, no matter what they decide to do. >> and technology really has changed the game when it comes to bullying? >> oh, absolutely.
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back in the day when i was a kid, it was maybe about spreading rumors or making fun of someone in front of some other kids. now with the technology that kids have, they wield incredible power so now they're able to stream something or put something up on youtube so now their power is ten fold, so whatever rumor you're spreading is out there for the world. so kids need to understand this. >> well, the rutgers university released a statement "today." to the people who still stand by ravi shame on you, a good guy would have realized the breach of his actions, his crimes must not go unpunished. the two students accused in this tragedy have not commented publicly on the charges filed. but some friends of ravy said that that was a prank. >> these two students, evidently
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they had gay friends, they were nice kids and so on, so it was quite possible that this was a prank. but they need to be held accountable for their actions because someone ended up dead because of this. we're not going to charge them with manslaughter, but the fact is they need to understand what it is they have done and we don't want to make them an example, but other kids need to understand that when you do these sorts of things that what can end up happening after can be devastating. now these two youths have to deal with the rest of their lives with this stupid, terrible thing that they did that caused someone else their life. >> and what do you suggest the college says at this point? how does the college speak to the kids? >> i think rutgers should take every situation of homophobia seriously, that they're able to protect every student who's not just gay or bisexual or transgender, but also heterosexual, rutgers has
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actual actually started a program about the power of the internet and so. people weren't paying attention, rutgers has to go full steam ahead with this program and the rest of the colleges need to do the same thing, we cannot allow this to happen again, but regrettably, it will. >> jeff gardier, it's always nice to see you. after the break, the fight for senate is getting nastier in nevada, we're checking in on the latest punches in the battle between harry reid and sharon angle. that's straight ahead on msnbc. and gave us their good housekeeping seal. for smooth, firm, younger looking skin shape up in the shower with olay total effects body wash.
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with xerox, you're ready for real business. well, msnbc is the place for politics and one of the most closely watched senate races in the entire country is prompting some of the strongest political attack ads. senate majority leader harry reid is fighting back a tough challenge from tea party
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republican sharon angle and he's pulling out all the stops, accusing her of seeking to repeal laws to -- >> every four minutes in america, a woman is sexual assaulted, almost half are 15 or younger. but in the case of rape or incest, sharon angle would force her to have the baby. >> if this is an ad war, who started it, reid or angle? >> this is one of the nasest wars in the country and harry reid has been going after it since the state primary. he knows in order to win this race, he's got to basically show voters why they hate her more. and you know, he has had some affect. right now most of them have their disapproval ratings north
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of 50% and that is helping harry reid and right now this race is neck and neck, and it's largely because of these attack ads. >> so we just saw an ad from harry reid, let's take a look at one of sharon angle's attack ads. >> he votes to give special tax breaks to illegal aliens and to take away your social security benefits. harry reid, the best friend an illegal alien ever had. >> if this is an ad war, who's winning? are there any winners? >> well rkswell, that ad was specifically designs to win over voter who is take a hard line on immigration. the economy there is really
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struggling, so sharon angle's ads are trying to drive home the economic message blaming harry reid for the economic problems and illegal immigration is part of it. they're trying to say that harry reid has sided with illegal immigrants above workers in the state who are looking for jobs and we'll see whether or not that works with independents. but they think, the sharon angle campaign thinks that that's something that could work and especially in places like las vegas and the surrounding area, which has really been devastated by the economy, if they can peel away some of reed's support in those areas, they may be able to squeak by. we'll see, this is a nasty race, and there's so much money coming in from outside groups that are trying to influence this race and this war is just getting uglier. >> so you mentioned the economy, so what other issues maybe reid and angle, what else are they looking at when it comes to reaching voters? >> it's interesting that harry reid's recent attack ads have
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largely focused on health care. this is an issue around the country are running from, but harry reid is taking a very specific approach, saying that sharon angle will not side with women who want to get breast cancer screenings, she won't side with people who want to get colon cancer screening, they're saying that she is insensitive to autistic children, they are trying to turn the health area issue against her. and harry reid was central in designing that health care law and he barely shepherded it through the senate with barely 60 votes. they're basically trying to paint the picture that she's too extreme for nevada and they think that some of these issues may resonate with voter who is want to get mammograms covered by their insurance and who want
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. >> what do the latest poll numbers show? >> right now it's still neck and neck, there was one poll from a republican pollster last week that showed reid up five but other than that, it's showing that it was well within the margin of error, meaning that this race could come down to just a few thousand votes or perhaps even less. is anybody out there? new evidence that will really could be life on another planet beyond earth? yep, you heard right. that's coming up next on msnbc.
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a new section of the gulf of mexico has now reopened for fishing for the first time since the bp oil disaster. it's about 75 miles from a formerly blown out well.
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well amazing news for anyone who's ever thought that we are not alone in this universe. a new planet discovered in the constellation libra is 20 light years away and is believed to have all the ingredients to sustain life. let's get the latest from dave brody who's a science and space correspondent. so tell us about this planet because it's being called a goldly locks planet. >> you remember the story, not too hot, not too cold, everyone's right. that's the case, we think on this planet. it's related to a star where water can be liquid, it can also be a gas, it can also be a solid. and on earth, water is what drives the life cycle on our planet. so water potentially leads to life, we don't know for sure on this plaentd.
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>> is this a big, big deal? hasn't this happened before? >> it's a step, we have found small, rocky climates, one is about three or four times the mass of the earth. we think it's rocky, it may very well have an atmosphere, we're not so sure. so it's a step in the right direction, but whether really be exciting is when we find an effort like planet and we actually find that there's life there. >> we're talking about life being able to sustain itself, we're not talking about humans, what temperatures exist on this planet? >> here's the thing, it's got a hot side and a cold side because it's in tigdal lock with the star, kind of like the moon, it always shows the same side to us. it has the cold side and the hot side.
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but in the temperate zone between the two, there's a zone like where there's kind of like a goldie locks area of itself own and it has potentially earth like temperatures. >> and this is coming to us after 11 years of observation from scientists, is that right? >> 11 years and here's how scientists actually find planets behind stars. this is a star, this is a potential planet. it's not orbiting the star, but it's orbiting the common center of mass, you see my hand wobbling a little bit. scientists can look at the wobbling of the star, they can detect after that after looking for years and years, they can tease out mathematically that there must be a particular set of planets who have a particular set of orbits. that's one way that we know that there are planets ash other stars, we have found over 400 of them so far. so just a matter of time before we find another earth, i think.
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>> that would be rather cool, wouldn't it? >> dave brody, so nice to see you. that does it for me, alex witt is up next, it's all about jobs at the national mall "today," that is where we will hear the chachbts of labor and civil rights groups "today" at the one nation working together rally. about saving for retirement and all investments, but it's not something that i want to do completely on my own -- i like to discuss my ideas with someone. that's what i like about fidelity. they talked with me one on one, so we could come up with a plan that's right for me, and they worked with me to help me stay on track -- or sometimes, help me get on an even better one. woman: there you go, brian. thanks, guys. man: see ya. fidelity investments. turn here. [ female announcer ] mousse temptations by jell-o. decadently delicious. 60 calories. it's finally me o'clock. time for jell-o.
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next on "msnbc saturday," it's the anti-tea party gathering. a call for action, what are they hoping to accomplish? we have got a live report straight ahead. plus drying out and cleaning up, the east coast in recovery mode after a windy, rainy wallop. and mafia wars, it's a popular online games that are turning so many moms into virtual monsters. it's


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