tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC October 5, 2010 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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"countdown with keith olbermann" starts right now. which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow? the republican party's war on the middle class. it's the alaska candidate joining the connecticut one attacking the minimum wage. he says it's unconstitutional. >> that's not within the scope of the powers given to the federal government. >> you won't have to work for less. you'll have to work forever. it's kentucky's plan to gut social security. >> for the younger generation, there will be changes in eligibility. >> you would raise the retirement age? >> there may have to be for younger people, yes. >> my special guest, rachel maddow. railing in nevada after she say this is about them. >> the republicans have lost their -- lost their standard.
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they've lost their principle. >> she says it while trying to make a backroom deal to get a splinter candidate to the senate to drop out. i have juice with demint. my special guest, rachel maddow. glenn beck's latest whopper. seemingly innocent ideas started slavery. but then -- >> a little more regulation here and there and before we knew it, america had slavery. >> yep, big government ruined slavery's good name. and a preview of the tea party's america. gene didn't pay the surcharge to the fire department. when his house caught fire, the firemen came out and watched. >> i thought they would come out and put it out.
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even if you didn't pay the $75. but i was wrong. >> gene is our special guest. all the news and commentary now on "countdown." >> good evening from new york. democrats are at work on a campaign strategy to push back against a growing element of the tea party agenda that is so unpopular, they don't want you to know about it. it's in our fifth story tonight, class warfare. a war against the middle class and the working poor. the republican position that americans are not working enough and they're not poor enough. the senate tea party candidate in alaska is the most noteworthy candidate today. the 10th amendment prohibits any federal program not identified in the constitution.
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americans make at least $7.25 an hour. >> that should be the state's decision. >> there should not be a minimum wage. >> that is not within the scope of the powers in the federal government. let's think of this pragmatically, as well. even if you disagree with the constitutional approach, it makes far more sense to have those decisions made at the level closest to the people, where there's more accountability, less inefficiency. more understanding of where the people ought to be and the state rule of government. if you like big government, move to massachusetts. >> in fact, the supreme court unanimously upheld the constitutionality in 1941. child labor laws also do not appear in the constitution.
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the national journal reports that the democrats are planning to use the minimum wage issue against miller and the large number of republicans challenging it. just last week, linda mcmahon called for a review of the minimum wage and didn't know what her own state's minimum wage was. washington senate candidate geno rossi supported lower rates for people. bill brady wants to lower his state's minimum wage. tom emmer argued this summer waiters made too much money, $100,000 a year, thanks to tips. he wants to cut the minimum wage for people making tips. the minimum wage allows for a salary of $19,000 a year.
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this candidate said it doesn't make sense that the waitresses are getting tips plus the highest minimum wage in the country. in oregon, it's $8.50 an hour. an average salary of $35,000 to $50,000, well below the $450,000 that is the minimum wage for dudley's old job in the nba. why haven't you heard about this from republicans? ask dudley. >> i'm not going to make it a forefront issue. it's a hot button people don't understand. i'm aware of issue. >> that's a rich, former pro athlete explaining how he's going to keep everybody else poor. minimum wage workers must work longer, until they're older, and retire on less. rand paul explains that's how they'll pay for extending tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 a year.
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>> we do have to admit that with the baby boom generation about to retire, we're going to double the amount of retirees. we can't put our head in the sand and borrow more money. >> be specific. >> for the younger generation, there will be changes in availability. >> you would raise the age? >> the average life expectancy in the '30s was 55. >> you're going to have to have eligibility changes for the younger people. younger people will have to admit, have an adult discussion. they'll have to admit younger people will have to have different rules. >> let's bring in rachel maddow. good evening. >> thanks for having me. >> how real is this republican
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antipathy toward the minimum wage? how could it sell? >> looking into this today, knowing you were leading with this and we were going to be able to talk to it, i ended up going through my own files on the minimum wage. i was surprised to find there all the stuff about a.c.o.r.n. all the republican hysteria when it went from a conservative movement and it blew up and all the republicans started piling on against them. the thing that a.c.o.r.n. was really, really good at was advocating for a living wage. a minimum wage enforced everywhere. but that when you made minimum wage, you could live out of poverty. a way that allowed you to have the dignity. a living wage is popular every time you put it on the ballot. that freaked out the right.
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the corporation tried to unseat them. they got the republicans across the board to pile onto them. that was the real threat that a.c.o.r.n. ever, i think, posed to conservatives and the republicans that support them. and i think that's why they had to go after them so vociferously. >> my head hurts. how can you -- how can you sell this? i mean, at any point, is a democrat going to make it clear that the tea party is appealing to the working poor? these people are not only out to wage class warfare on them but seem intent on making sure that they shoot any survivors who might slip through the cracks. >> at this point, the democratic challenge is to turn policy here into politics. because the reason all of these republican candidates feel they can say stuff this radical, they >> at this point, the democratic challenge is to turn policy here into politics. because the reason all of these republican candidates feel they can say stuff this radical, they
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think they're only talking to their base, only issues that they will engage on. that there's no democratic extreme from the right. it's about mobilizing the conservative base. there's no electoral price to pay for being radical on these issues. democrats, when they try to call republicans out on these, find very soft targets. very easy to make an attack ad about rand paul's position. people who try to do it have great success with the ads. democrats have to be willing to swing at the soft targets. >> let's try this. on joe miller's argument. constitutionality regarding this and social security and pretty much everything considered a social safety net. what is his argument? >> he's a tenther. we had birthers, deathers, he's a tenther. a person with a radical fringe interpretation of the 10th amendment.
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the government cannot have programs like social security, medicare, medicaid. no unemployment insurance. he won't engage with nonconservative media. the campaign won't make him available to my show or your show. we've asked many times. i would want to have somebody that doesn't agree with him ask him questions. i suspect if you ask if it is constitutional to have an income tax, we might find that joe miler is a lot like wesley snipes. is it constitutional to have a civil rights act to allow businesses to refuse to serve people?
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>> the argument that states know best, that is appealing to anybody that took a course in american history, what is the reality of the society they want to bring about? should we say bring back? is this what's kicking all the migrants and immigrants, so we can put americans back in the jobs of picking tomatoes? what is the end of this? >> it's an argument that has a lot of very overt precedent. it's a very civil war-like precedent. if the government doesn't have the power to make rules, then the federal government can't say, hey, deep south states, you have to pay people for working for you. for example. i mean, this -- when you have a radical proposition on states rights like tenthers do, like joe miller does, the slippery slope is very slippery and steep
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back to civil war era arguments about nullification and ultimately, slavery. i'm not saying he's a pro-slavery guy. >> i've been waiting for tea party candidate john c. calhoun to show up. to what extent is this not class-based but generational? the republican tea party wants our grandkids to pay for their tax cut for the rich right now. they want to cut the retirement and medical benefits of the younger people, which they'll need more because they will have to work longer. >> i think it's generational in part. i think it's magic. i think the idea is that you pare down what government offers to where we're a nonsocial
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welfare state, presocial welfare state environment. rand paul, on fox news sunday, is talking about how his first priority is to get rid of government debt. so he wants massive tax cuts. >> yeah. >> it's magic. it's magic. it's magic. you can't talk about it as if there's a shell game moving resources from generation to generation. honestly, the arguments don't make sense. the math doesn't work. >> lastly. looking ahead to the sharron angle story. she's caught on tape saying she has juice on demint. you're the mixologist. what is that? >> the mossy aussie. if she were brandy, she would be delicious.
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we're all in for not only a bad night, but a very, very sick morning. >> rachel maddow, of "the rachel maddow show." we'll see you in 46 minutes. >> thanks. >> sharron angle explains how she will use the republican party to get to washington, where she's got the insider "juice" she needs. she's trying to persuade a third party candidate to get out of her way in nevada. next. f@@ ?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)
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she's backed herself into half a corner. caught on tape, she tries to talk a third party candidate out of nevada's race. it's the 50% of contributors that we don't know who they are that are the real problem. in texas, donate to his campaign fund, get a grant. this tennessee homeowner bought the tea party version of
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it is, in a word, remarkable. a backroom exchange. what happens when the tea party, that has taken control of the republican party, is not quite enough. another third party splinter group. and when the tea party candidate talks out of both sides of her mouth to get a third party candidate to drop out of the race. in the third story. it's sharron angle.
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i said, i'll work with it. you want to see demint, i have juice with him. at a meeting last week, the senate candidate tries to persuade scott ashton to drop out of the race and support her instead. the angle advisory completely legal audiotape of the 38-minute meeting was obtained by "the las vegas sun." angle wastes no time trashing the party. >> i don't see the difference between a republican and democrat. >> you know, it's true. the republicans have lost their -- lost their -- um, standard. they've lost their, um, principle. >> but angle then tries to pivot. explains she has the machinery
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of the republican party right where she wants it. >> the one thing you said about the machinery that has endorsed me -- they have no choice. i mean -- they're -- it's me or reid. i mean, that's what they got. in some ways, it's exactly where we wanted that good old boy thing is in the box. >> candidate angle then launches into a lengthy david and goliath angle. in her telling, establishment republicans are also villains by weighing her down with the armor of political machinery. she wraps up with this. >> and that's exactly where i'm at right now is trying to get them to leave me alone long enough so i can get my sling and go after this guy.
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you go, like i do, on character and principle. and they've got this political machinery that they'd like you to wear out there. this time -- you have tapped into the essence of america. and the essence of america is we are tired of politics as usual. the only thing that's different between you and i is, i guess that i was pragmatic enough to know -- because of other battles -- that third parties can't get traction. and so i said, all right. i'll work with it. just show me what the rules are. i'll work with it. >> that's right. after all that, by god, she'll work with it. later, angle talks about the grassroots power of the tea party movement and how she can
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use it. >> that gives me some juice. and that gives me juice to help those that -- and that's really all i can offer to you is whatever juice i have, you have as well. you want to see demint, i have juice with him. i go to washington, d.c., and i say, i want to see jim demint, he's there for me. i say i want to see tom coburn, he's there for me. >> let's turn to david weigel. >> good evening. >> holy crap. this is how she gained the tea party and republican party and how much of a pro she sounds like in a back, smoke-filled room. is anybody listening to this? >> it's a hard tape to listen to.
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actually, the campaign is not happy this is another day they don't get to talk about harry reid. they have only 30 days left to attack him. they think this was a mistake to have this meeting. the way i'm hearing this spun is this is not a bad thing ever for a republican candidate to be on tape saying the people in d.c. are a bunch of morons. they're gullible, she doesn't need them to succeed. and when she gets there, she can promise access. i guess that is upsetting. >> she has replaced the republicans in their own hierarchy. she's the virus that takes over the cell. it doesn't change what the cell is going to do. are they not going to bother to listen to it? >> they're going to side with her on this. the story of scott ashton is odd. he declared as the tea party candidate more than a year ago.
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and immediately, the tea party express, among other groups, dog-piled on him. had a p.r. campaign to drive him down from 14% in the polls to single digits, with the message he was going to split the tea party vote. the first example of how they wanted to make sure republicans won. there's no sympathy for this guy here. she's right about the republican party in d.c. not a lot of appetite for not giving tea party activists whatever they want. the best example was in delaware. they lost mike castle when christine o'donnell came in. they went from saying they were not going to support her to giving her a donation and saying she had a chance after all. angle is right. she'll get played for a sucker
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or she'll have a lot of pull. it's weird to hear her say she can promise it. >> but ashton is not dropping out of the race. angle described that as possibly being enough for that to cause her to lose to harry reid. is he taking the real line? better to lose with authenticity or win with juice? >> it's hard to read. he hasn't done a lot of media appearances. it's curious that the angle campaign decided to have this meeting. some people who i talked to today said they didn't want to. they shouldn't have. it was a bit of a trap. i don't think there's anything horse race-wise or anything revealing about the election apart from the fact that if she needs to grub for votes from this guy, she's not beating
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harry reid the way people thought he would be beaten. nevada's the worst place in the country for foreclosures. he's the leader of the democratic agenda in the senate. the fact that it's this close should give the democrats the most hope. you don't want to read too much into ashton. it's not a case repeating itself in many parts of the country. tea party activists have swarmed into the republican party without many questions. >> reporter dave weigel. you thought citizens of democracy. symmetry is achieved. we're now on at 8:00 and 11:00 eastern and pacific. we'll leave the light on for you.
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thank you, citizens united. half of the $80 million spent by outside groups on the midterms is from unknown individuals. next. first the sanity break. the new york magazine saying there's a rule against mentioning olbermann on twitter. boy, are me and my 125,000 followers in trouble. the first rule is you don't talk about olber-tweet club. now i'm in more trouble. let's play oddball. we begin in british columbia. this bear doesn't wait for the baskets to come to him. he breaks into the convenience store and puts them together his own self. he wanders into the children's section and leaves his own winnie the pooh.
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he leaves without taking anything. time to knock over the nearby liquor store. the king of the squares. after nearly 30 years of the competitions, they needed a new twist. this guy provided it. well played, sir. the genius of hacky sack with the hipness of the rubik's cube. you don't want to know what he can do with a slinky. finally, to the internet. killer dance moves. down goes his chances. that vanilla ice wannabe knocks her feet loose. time marches on. the first early results of the supreme court's democracy ending citizens united decision. at least $40 million spent on
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nine months after that decision, the president's stampede has proved be an understatement. hard evidence that faceless, nameless corporate interests are using unprecedented sums of cash possibly some of it foreign. $16 million, we knew where 90% of the money came from. in this cycle, $80 million so far, half of it untraceable. the bulk of the money is being spent by conservatives that have swamped the competition by 7 to 1. karl rove's p.a.c. spent nearly $3 million. in august, american crossroads raised $2.4 million from three texas billionaires. rove now using that money to beat democrats in missouri,
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ohio, and colorado. we have no idea who or what gave the american future fund the $7 million it has spent. the group is based in iowa. they paid the same guy that created the willie horton ads. now they're doling out cash trying to defeat 16 democrats in 16 races across 13 states outside of iowa. the american future fund producing democrat-bark ads henry ford style. >> on election day, take the right path. vote against mark schauer. on election day, take the right path, vote against jim marshall. vote against gary mcdowell. bobby bright. vote against john spratt. vote against john adler. bill foster. debbie halverson.
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martin heinrich. vote against chet edwards. american future fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> let's call in howard fineman. good evening. >> hi, keith. >> "the post" called it a spending frenzy conducted largely in the shadows. is there precedent for it? what does a government elected by this american future fund look like? >> a cross between the bush administration and the mckinley administration. the last time it was like this was when the republican party was a wholly owned subsidiary of j.p. morgan and the pennsylvania railroad and andrew carnegie. the decision was important legally and psychologically. the leaders and republicans in
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general. republicans like rove have solicited the money. the corporations that were cautious by nature were worried about lawsuits. they're not worried about it anymore, thanks to the supreme court. >> the dnc had the best fund-raising month so far. does this all balance out, he asked leadingly? >> no. >> no. >> it does not balance out. on the advertising side, maybe 7 to 1. i've heard estimates as high as 9 or 10 to 1. spending that would help the democrats. almost all that money is going into tv advertising. it will help republican candidates one way or another. the democrats are focusing on get out the vote. the ground game. they're facing a difficult choice. they leave the airwaves unanswered.
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do they take the scarce resources and put it in television ads to answer this from karl rove and company or try to do it on the ground? the problem on a low-turnout midterm election, tv ads are easy to do if you have the money. geo tv is hard to do unless you have enthusiasm. the peace movement, you don't see the troops willing to get out there in the way they were in 2008. >> one of the things you know, great concern about foreign entities having now a cleaner path into putting money into american elections. is there evidence of that with the new report today? >> i think there might be. progress, out of research -- progressive blog, they think there's a lot more foreign money coming in through the chamber of commerce.
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there have been foreign corporations that have employees here that do get involved in chamber of commerce activities. the difference here now, an atmosphere of no holds barred. as much money as you want. directly for the candidates. i think there will be a lot of foreign money, foreign corporate money. a lot of it will be untraceable. it's not required that it be reported in many cases. >> the last question about a new breaking advertising story. not soft money. not the money from citizens united. a new ad from christine o'donnell's camp. >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you have heard. i'm you. none of us are perfect. but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us. politicians who think spending, trading favors, and backroom
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deals are the way to stay in office. i'll go to washington and do what you would do. i'm christine o'donnell. i approved this message. i'm you. >> if she's me, i'm jumping out the window. did she say bathroom deals? it's a little -- the piano in the background, i couldn't hear. is that a good ad or a really bad one? >> you don't need "saturday night live," i'm afraid to say, in this case. not since richard nixon declared "i am not a crook" has there been such a moment. to start and ad to say, i am not a witch -- but they did the best to make her look the junior league. she's got the pearls. i'll tell you who didn't make that ad. karl rove.
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he's still vehemently against her, really, even though he claims otherwise. he's disconsolate. he thinks the republicans could lose a shot at the senate. she didn't do anything to get in his good graces. >> better the junior league than the anti-sex league. neither of us are witches either. a tax in which you have to pay a special fee to the fire department. did you know he thinks slavery started with seemingly innocent ideas and then big government screwed it up? this guy is nuts. and when rachel maddow joins us, mark ruffalo joins her with the threat to the nation's water supply.
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about this "dedicated claims rep" thing. okay, well... calling yourselves "dedicated"? we're all dedicated, okay? the entire website team worked late every night this week. look at sanjeev. he's a mess! what? no... guys, we're called dedicated claims reps because we each stay with an esurance customer throughout the automobile claims process. it's not because we think we work harder than you. well, you don't. [ sanjeev ] am i a mess? [ joey ] you slept in the vending machine... [ male announcer ] want a great deal on car insurance? go to esurance. it was a scene out of "fahrenheit 451." the fire department showed up. they stood and watched. a la carte government in action. first, get out the pitchforks and torches. shelly stockwell.
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director of stockwell prep. she suspended cory keer for ten days and told him to find a way to come up with money to change the cover of the yearbook. he misspelled the name of the school. called it shockwell. at least ten other students and teachers looked at the cover before it was printed. none of them noticed it either. did you know slavery was caused by big government? it's true. >> it took a long time to start slavery. it started small. and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. and then a little court order here and a court order there and a little more regulation here and a little more regulation there and before we knew it, america had slavery.
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it didn't come over in a ship to begin with. as an evil slave trade. the government began to regulate things because the people needed answers. they needed solutions. it started in a courtroom. and then, it went to the legislatures. that's how slavery began. and it took a long time to enslave the entire race of people. and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another less than them. >> oh. in fact america was born with slavery and the lack of government regulation allowed each state to decide for itself whether it wanted to continue. and the fugitive slave act, that was signed into law by the foundingest father of them all, george washington. any claim that it didn't come over in a ship to begin with as an evil slave trade would be a silly statement even if it came from a 9-year-old child. my heroes, bob and ray, once interviewed alfred e. nelson.
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the first capital of the country was at bailey's mistake, maine. he wrote the book based on the memory of his schooling. the merits were the 110 pages and leather binding. glenn beck is alfred e. nelson. "the dallas morning news" had a searing analysis. a government in which he takes taxpayer money and gives it to the people that donate to his campaign. more than $16 million from perry's emerging technology fund has been awarded to companies with donors to perry's campaign. this is not an accident. the emerging tax fund was created by perry.
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the awards shrouded in secrecy. not only administered by his office, but by law, he must personally approve each dollar awarded. say, partner, why don't you follow through on that secession idea and secede yourself right out of that office? governor rick "16 million and what do you get" perry, today's worst person in the world. ♪ 16 tons what do you get another day older and deeper ♪
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a look now into the america envisioned by the tea party. a home catches fire. firefighters arrive on the scene, watch the place burn down. all because the homeowner did not pay an extra fee. our number one story. pay to spray. in a moment, the man victimized by this policy. it happened in tennessee.
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the grandson of gene and paulette was burning trash. they called 911. the fire department would not respond. why not? each year, residents must pay a $75 fee on top of taxes. the family did not pay. the fire department did show up when the fire spread to a neighbor's house that paid the fee. south fulton's mayor defended what is a 20-year-old policy. >> anybody that's not inside the city limits of south fulton, it's a service we offer. they accept it or they don't. >> crocker telling the area newspaper that if the fire department operated on a per call basis, there would be no incentive to pay the fee. he likened the policy to auto insurance.
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if an auto owner allowed the insurance to lapse, they would not expect the insurance company to pay for a vehicle once it is wrecked. 3 of 8 fire departments require the fee. they say they will not respond without payment. one of them says maybe. the county commission's latest report applauds the progressive credentials. it's a basic life, property-saving emergency service. it's no less important than energy medical services. gene kranek joins me. thanks for some of your time tonight under these circumstances. allow me to express our regret here over the loss of your home. >> thank you. >> thankfully, your family is okay. you're now reduced to living in a trailer on that property.
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can you tell us what was lost in the fire? >> everything we possessed was lost in the fire. three dogs and a cat. that belonged to my grandchildren. was lost in it. and they could have been saved if they had put water on it. but they didn't do it. >> when you all called 911, as i understand it, you told the operator you would pay whatever was necessary to have the fire put out and prevent the fire from spreading. what was their response? >> that we wasn't on their list. >> and -- did they say, when they finally got there and started to work on the flames because they had spread to the adjoining property, what did the firefighters say to you? were they sorry about this? did they express regret? >> they put water out on the fence line. never said nothing me. never acknowledged.
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stood out here and watched it burn. >> if your neighbors hadn't paid either and the flames jumped to their house, that would have burned, too. if nobody out there had paid, the entire community would have been on fire? >> it was -- it was in a cornfield. it was already harvested. they had a tractor in the distance. they had the flame contained in the field. the man that owned the field told them to put the water on the house. they said they couldn't do it because it wasn't on the list. >> has the fire department, to your knowledge, ever made an exception to the rule? >> yes, they have. back when he had a real fire chief. he would do things. he had enough gall about him. about three years ago. in december. this december.
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had the fire up here in my boy's house. and they waved the fee until the next day. but we had the thing out before they got there, which don't make any difference. i went in and paid the fee the next day. >> have other houses in the area burned down while the fire department watched because people hadn't paid the fee? >> yes, sir. they -- let, as far as mine, i know for sure, they let three. and i heard of four. and then on the other side of union city in a community, they let a barn burn. that had horses in it. so i don't know what about that. >> is your insurance going to help at all in this? >> my insurance is -- i talked to the adjuster. they're right on the ball. so -- insurance is going to pay for what money i had on the policy, looks like. like everything else, i didn't have enough.
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>> oh, goodness. gene, i don't know what else to say, other than we appreciate your taking the time to explain this to us. our sympathy on what happened. it's unbelievable. >> i'd like to say one more thing. >> please. >> if i can. >> yes. >> the mayor up here said i refused to pay. i did not refuse to pay. i told them i would pay whatever it took. but i had forgot this thing, and i know people don't think you forget things like that, but you do. and just so happened that i forgot it. now i have to suffer the consequences for it. so -- >> you paid your taxes. one would think it would be covered in that. i'm sorry to end the interview. i thank you for talking with us. >> all right. thank you.
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