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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  October 5, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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to soften their image in new ads just weeks before the midterm election. >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard. >> but is that the first thing you want to tell voters in a new campaign ad? i'm not a witch? but will it work? and pink ribbons on alcohol. companies under fire for using breast cancer campaigns to sell liquor. is it crossing the line? and from mogul to commander in chief? really? donald trump now admits he is considering running for president of the united states. why he thinks he can get your vote. donald trump will join me live with his campaign pitch. breaking news out of connecticut, a guilty verdict for a man accused of invading a suburban home then robbing and murdering three members of the same family. steven hayes was charged with 17 counts. jennifer hawk-petit and her two
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daughters were killed in that horrendous attack in 2007. >> tlshere's somer relief, but family is still gone. it doesn't bring them back. it doesn't bring back the home that we had but certainly a guilty verdict is a much better sense of relief than a verdict of not guilty. >> your heart goes out to dr. petit in a way na you can't really explain, jeff. but i'm curious what was the reaction in the court when the guilty verdict was handed down? >> reporter: he broke down in tears. the entire family did. you think about what this man has been through over the past
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three years. let alone that night when he was tied up in the basement, beaten with a bat, helpless as his own family is tortured and killed inside their own home. the three years that have gone on. then what he had to go through in the past two weeks of this trial. the gruesome evidence, tamron. some of which we can't talk about. it was that bad. burned clothes of his kids. details of sexual assault of one of his daughters and his wife before burning the house down and their death. but he came to court every single day. he says he's waited three years for this, three years for justice. and he says he got it. i spoke with dr. petit a short time after the guilty verdict came down. 16 of 17 counts guilty for steven hayes, which means he faces the death penalty. here's my conversation with william petit moments after the verdict. >> tears of relief. that's all. trying to maintain my composure
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and not violate the judge's instructions to have any shows of emotion. >> keeping his composure. he's done a very, very good job of that. through this trial he testified for an entire day during this trial with gripping testimony, and he held it together, tamron. it's hard to imagine he could do that. so here's the time line going forward now. there's a sentencing phase. the same jury that today found steven hayes guilty of 16 of 17 crimes, by the way the only one he got away with was arson. the prosecution could not prove he set the fire to the house, the fire that ended up killing two of the girls. the jury will come back and begin the sentencing phase for another four weeks, and they will decide whether or not steven hayes is executed or not, tamron. and we are learning new details about 12 suspects terroristed arrested in france
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just this morning and fife others killed in a drone attack. officials have not said if the incidents are related to the travel alert about the possibility of al qaeda attacks in europe. nbc's stephanie gosk is live in london with the latest. what can you tell us about these developments? >> tamron, well, in france today there were two operations in the early morning. one involved three people that were arrested with links to islamic radicals. other nine people arrested, and they're suspected of trafficking arms and explosives. nbc news spoke with a former counter terrorism chief in france who said that the three who were arrested this morning are actually linked to an arrest in naples last week. there was a 28-year-old algerian who was arrested there and found with what they described as a kit to make explosives. the other nine there, described probably as a low-level cell, but they do have links to islamic radicals.
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tamron? >> stephanie gosk live for us in london. now let's bring in bob windram. this may be linged to an arrest in maples. we're not clear if the drone attack and the arrest of the germans has anything to do with the travel alert. >> certainly at this point there's heightened security throughout europe. certainly if there has been in the past any links to people, those are now being reviewed, and certainly people are being picked up if they believe they are a threat. france is very aggressive in going after terrorism suspects. as a result of that, some of these may be out of an abundance of caution. it's hard to tell how much of this is related to basically anything other than security being at a much higher level. >> what are we to make of the fact that five german nationals were killed in the drone attack in pakistan? >> well, certainly what we have been told over the last several weeks is that the number of germans who have been operating
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or been training, i should say, in pakistan is a large number. i mean, i have heard reports of perhaps as many as 100 germans have been trained over the last several years in pakistan. the question, of course, is where are they now? and we're also hearing that some of the caution is because german police have not been able to keep track of those who have returned. so this is a concern to germany. it's a concern to the european union, of course, because there's a lot of free travel back and forth across the borders. >> let me ask you also, police are saying that these two groups did not know each other. how are they able to say that with confidence? that's there no connection? >> one has to assume -- and i don't know the answer to that question, but one has to assume that some of the intelligence here was developed as a result of looking at their e-mails, looking at their phone records. and so they may not have any connection through those electronic means or through surveillance. but certainly a lot of these
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groups operate as individual cells, and they don't want the extensive contacts with other cells because that essential would infect them and tleed to their arrest. >> bob, thank you very much. thank you very much, sir. well, failed time square bomber faisal shahzad will spend the rest of his life in jail. today he was sentenced to six life terms in prison. in court a federal judge told shahzad he'll have plenty of time to think about whether the koran wants you to kill a lot of people. in june faisal pleaded guilty to the botched plot including he built a car bomb and left it in the heart of times square. it's now four weeks in l the november midterms. as we head into the homestretch. the tea party backed republican candidates christine o'donnell and carl paladino are out with makeover ads. here's o'donnell in the infamous
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moment back in 1999. >> i was dabbling in witchcraft. i was dabbling in -- >> and what does christine o'donnell want voters to know about her now. >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard. i'm you. none of us are perfect, but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us. politicians who think spending, trading favors, and backroom deals are the way to stay in office. i'll go to washington and do what you do. >> then there's candidate for governor of new york, paladino. he made headline with the heated confrontation with a newspaper reporter. >> i'll take you out, buddy. >> you going to take me hout? >> yeah. >> how you doing to do that?
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>> watch. >> fred, that's it. that's it. >> stay away from me. what evidence do you have? >> well, in addition to a new softer image revealed in this new tv ad, this morning on "today" paladino said he's not angry. he's just channelling the anger of voters. joins us now communication strategist of the brunswick group, an international firm specializing in corporate communication challenges. thank you for joining us. speaking of challenges we want to play what mr. paladino said on the "today show." but let ne get your thoughts on christine o'donnell. we know what happened in 1999. now she's got pearls and soft muse nick the background. she says i'm just like you. i'm you. does that work? >> she still has a dark ominous background behind her, so i'm not quite sure she solved the
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problem. but at the end of the day if you're a candidate like her unwilling to go and do any national news and appear on shows like yors, then the only way you can define yourself is through a 30-second ad. if you ask most voters in delaware or anywhere around the country the first thing that springs to mind when they hear her name is witch. in part because of her many, many appearances on bill maher. so many some respects she has to do that because at the end of the day her campaign is i'm you. and most people think witch when they hear her name. >> is it smart to have that i'm not a witch be the first thing out of your mouth in your first general election campaign ad? >> that would not ha been my recommendation. if you have decided that you're not going to engage in a back and forth and all you're going to do is can communications, you have to deal with the issue.
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are you better off ripping the band-aid off quickly or letting it linger? i think she made a choice. you know, we'll see. she's trailing in the polls. so we'll see if it works. >> this does boil down in so many ways to christine o'donnell and many other candidates asking if you like someone just like you or someone considered more experienced, the best and the brightest, if you will. i want to talk about carl paladino. he said i don't think it's anger. i think it's people very frustrated. i'm just a reflection at that frustration. in his new ad trying to play the softer ground when they accuse him of alleged infidelities of his opponent, andrew cuomo. >> well, at the end of the day, i think voters appreciate candidates who feel their
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frustration and anger. it's obviously a theme defining this candidacy and this cam bane season. again, you have a candidate flawed in many ways. the republican party in new york was not particularly thrilled about because they were worried that these off the cup remarks would side track the debate around the issues that matter so pal doe know is doing what he needs to do to try to soften his image, but at the end of the day, it allows cuomo to talk about the things that people actually care about. you know, puts him in a position to define the debate. i would much rather be sitting where andrew cuomo is than paladino. maybe we can have a square-off between the witch heand the box and see who wins. your first appearance on the show. good to have you on. we now turn to a stunning story from rural tennessee at a home that caught fire. now the homeowners called 911.
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not once, but several times. but the fire department refused to respond because the homeowner did not pay an extra $75 annual fee for fire protection. firefighters from the city of south fulton did arrive when the fire spread to the home a fire who did pay the fee, they put down the neighbor's home but let the other home burn to the ground. he talked about his heartbreak with keith olbermann. >> everything that we possessed was lost in the fire. three dogs and a cat. that belonged to this my grandchildren was lost in it. they could have been saved if they had put water on it, but they didn't do it. >> when you all called 911 you said you would pay whatever was necessary to have the firefighters come out and
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prevent the firefighter from spreading to your house. what was their response? >> that we wasn't on their list. >> joining me now nationally syndicated radio talk show host michael smerconish. michael, the mayor of this town st defending the actions of the firefighter saying this is like insurance. if you don't have it, you're not protected. what do you say? >> i think it's absolutely appa appalling, atrocious. words can't describe what they did. to me, this is a kin to a surgeon who is driving down the highway and sees an accident and there's a man, he pulls over to the side of the road. and there's a dying man that he can save, but he won't get involved because the man won't first present payment or an insurance card. i was taken aback at the radio show at the and division among callers. half of whom said no, it's a matter of personal responsibility. and although the outcome is horrific, they made the right call. to which i respond, how about being a good samaritan? what if you were the neighbor of this man, and the house were on
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fire? who among us would standby without pitching in? i don't think anyone. >> that's the thing, michael. neighbors were using garden hoses to try to help put out the fire when the fire department is there with the proper equipment, and they didn't help. to your point, there were good samaritans next door to this guy who tried to help. i just don't understand how those firefighters. this is a small town. you know people know people. you're likely related in some cases. and you don't help. >> the response i say to personal responsibility, that argument, is to say that the punishment here so out weighed the crime. why not put a lien on the man's property, as a caller suggested? why not put out the fire and then assess him at a future date. we all agree. he should have paid the fee, but this is disgusting. this is third world kind of stu stuff. >> what do you make of the fact that there's no budge.
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the local news covered the the story last week. once it's is on with keith olbermann, it goes to another stratosphere. the outrage is incredible. why do you think you have a mayor that would stick to his guns and not go to your kinder side or your, as you point out, the good samaritan side in all of us, i hope. >> well, i think that his stick to ittiveness plays well. it will fw interesting to see if they rethink their position in this kals. i sure hope they do for the next person who is out there, who ought to pay the fee, but should have the fire put out. there's certain basic services, police and fire at the top of the list, where we're going to protect you regardless of your financial situation. >> absolutely. michael, it's great to see you. i'll see you tomorrow hopefully. we would like to know what you any about this story and many others. a lot of you sending in tweets about donald trump coming up as well as christine o'donnell. the wife whose husband was
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killed by mexican pirates makes a desperate plea to president obama and relives the horror she and her husband faced. >> and when you're looking at the end of a barrel of a gun and wondering if they're going to shoot you, too, and wondering if your families are never going to know where you are. >> more of what she had to say. and just weeks before the midterms, democrats get a boost in a new poll of latino voters. we're going to talk to maria theresa kumar. trump says he is seriously considering running for president. donald trump will join me live. what he h do to improve our economy? [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever.
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you know, you should be ashamed. you and your surrogates put her deportation at risk. >> you have blamed her, blamed me, blamed the left, blamed the unions, but you don't take accountability. and you can't be a leader -- >> the candidates for california governor meg whitman and jerry brown debating whether whitman knowingly hired an illegal immigrant as her housekeeper. as both candidates are desperately seeking the vote of california's large hispanic population in their very tight race. a new poll just released in the last couple of hours may be, in fact, good news for democrats. it shows the party standing among hispanics is the strongest ever. 65% of hispanic registered voters plan to vote for the democratic candidate in their congressional district next month. just 22% say they'll vote for the republican candidate. joining me now is maria theresa
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kumar. good to see you. >> great to see you, tamron. we all registered does not result in likely turnout. what do you make of the very interesting numbers? >> well, i think it translates two things. the louisiana tee know community is hit hardest when it comes to foreclosure and when it comes to jobs. and they increased rhetoric on the comprehensive immigration reform. the only party figuring out ways to keep their folks at home is the democratic party. that's one of the reasons why the latino community is increasingly pledging to democrats. that wasn't the case even five years ago, ten years ago. >> it's interesting because one of the questions is which party has more concerns for hispanic. according to the poll 46% democrats. 6%, republicans. eugene robinson was on morning
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show and he has a book about african-americans and we can no longer be viewed as one group rvlgs even though the vast majority of african-americans can vote democrat, is it's no longer proper see african-americans as a monolithic group. surely that's the same to be said about the hispanic community. education jobs are number one. that doesn't matter on race, of course. but you can't look at a group as one unit. >> you hit the nail on the head, tamron. that's what groups have been trying to communicate to the democrats and the republicans. if you look at the historical record of the latino vote, it was very strong for reagan. then it swing to clinton. then it swung to bush. then it swung to barack obama. to the detriment of the republican party, if they continue accostic rhetoric when it comes to how they talk about immigration and tying it to the latino community, then it's to their detriment when trying to get elected in the future. it's not solidified by in means.
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this population is absolutely up for grabs. yes, education and jobs are very important. they are highly entrepreneurial. one of the fastest growing groups of small business are his panic women business owners. >> that's a great point, maria. i greatly appreciate you coming on. i wish we had more time. we will see you very soon. thank you. >> thank you, tamron. absolutely. breast cancer advocates are calling it shameful. liquor companies promoting breast cancer awareness by selling their product with a pink ribbon on it. is that crossing a line? come on. and the government takes a big step in determining how safe your car is to drive. they're stepping up the standards. they'll have details on it. ♪
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47 people were killed along the u.s./mexico border just this past weekend alone. we're going to take you live to the board earn and try to figure out why this violence is not
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letting up. plus the donald is considering running for president. where does he stand on bush tax cuts, immigration, sarah palin? getting stuck month. sweat every day to make an honest buck...month. and if you're gonna try and do this in anything other than a chevy... well, good luck...month. great deals on the complete family of chevy trucks all backed for a hundred thousand miles. it's truck month. now, during truck month, get 0% apr financing on all trucks and full-size suvs like this 2011 silverado. see your local chevrolet dealer. may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. but the financial landscape is still full of uncertainty. carnation instant breakfast essentials.
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welcome back. for the first time we are hearing from the woman who says she escaped mexican pirates but not before she watched them kill her husband. tiffany hartland is pleasing with authorities and @ obama to take action to find the remains of her husband, david. the u.s. mexican border runs right through the body of water. and she says david's body is on the mexican side of it. she along with david's family are asking authorities to help in the search. >> they're not getting in the water. they don't have people on the ground. they don't have people looking for him. that's why we're pleading that he has to come home. president obama, help us. president of mexico, help us, please. >> the obama administration has
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not yet publicly responded to that family's plea on friday. his friends will hold a rally outside the mexican koconsulaten denver, colorado. drug-related attacks are leaving many parts of mexico under siege. the violence is spilling across the border into the states. nbc's mark potter is live in loredo, texas. weave been reporting about these drug cartels being captured or killed. i believe four of them. over the weekend almost 50 people were killed. >> reporter: yeah, four cartel leaders in a short period of time is a big success for the mexican government, no doubt. six over the last year. you have to put it in the context of the size of the massive cartels. thousands and thousands of people in the cartels spread out through mexico.
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four is not going to change anything. the war between the mexican government and the the cartels continues when a leader is taken out. there is a period of disruption. no doubt, it does have an effect. but eventually the person is replaced. some people would argue the more the mexican government pushes against the cartels the more they're going to fight back and that this violence is likely to continue for some time. it's pretty widespread. and it shows no signs of stopping. and the numbers are stunning, tamron. in four years, nearly 30,000 people are believed to have died in this drug war. and if you go down the road to el paso and across the border from there, the city of juarez, last year 2,800 people were murdered in that town. this year the number is going to maybe surpass the total. they're already at 2,100. including 100 police officers. these numbers are staggering. the threat is staggering. the type of violence is awful.
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it doesn't show any sign of letting up. and the drugs coming into the united states, the u.s. drug users, deent seem to be shrinking in terms of marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine. >> mark potter is live for us in loredo, texas. thank you very much, mark. how safe is your car? the government is unveiling a new safety rating system to make it harder for cars to earn top safety scores. the reason for the change is they say too many cars were receiving top marks making it hard to figure out which is the safest to buy. the executive editor for car and magazine joins us now from arbor, michigan. thanks for joining us. >> good to be here. >> absolutely. so tell me in your estimate how you think the changes will really affect or improve the system? >> i think it was confusing before because you had three different star ratings for
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front, side and roll-over crash performance. now you have a position where you have an overall rating. and therefore it's much easier looking at advertisements or manufacturer websites to see how safe their car is. >> and to your point, it's a new total overall score ranging from one to five. the other system was confusing. why are we just seeing this now? especially when you know how many people drive vehicles. you have your children in it. you want to be safe. >> i think it's just taken them time to come together with all the features. what we've seen on cars in the past fif years, for instance, the things like stability control systems have become standard on a lot of cars. and the new rating takes into account things like lane departure warnings, stability control, collision avoidance programs. and there's also new test for side pole intrusion, the most dangerous accident you can get into. >> one out of 55 models tested
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for 2011. just two earned the five rating. bmw-5 series and the hyundai senada. >> and these are two of the newest cared on the market. they've been designed with more severe safety standards in mind. >> reporter: and it's more economical in price. you don't have to spend bmw money to get a five-star rating safety car. does it concern you that just two out of the 55 got a five? >> no, i think you're going to see more and more cars get five in the future, simply because you'll be seeing new models coming to the market. they'll be designed to meet these crash tests. also, you've got more and more of the safety features being added. to cars getting cheaper and cheaper. >> executive director for car and driver magazine. great seeing you. >> thank you. >> absolutely.
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president obama on mtv. "the real housewives of atlanta", back at it again. the chicks driving people crazy, and not necessarily in a good way. let's get the latest from pop culture columnist courtney hazlett live in burbank, california. that's nice. what's on your list? >> it is nice, tamron. yes. let's start with president obama. on october 14th he's going to do a live youth town hall. it's going to be broadcast for one hour ininterruuninterrupted young people. across mtv, bet. i think this is really interesting. what he's doing here is cor coralling these group of young people so important in getting out the pro-obama buzz when he was elected. for these age group, so many of these kids probably voted for obama for their first presidential election. they were just old enough to vote when he was elected. so i think it will be a
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fascinating one-hour of television where these kids get to really ask questions. >> you think it will work? >> i think it will work to a large extent. he's going to reach an audience he doesn't always reach. that's part of the reason obama goes on shows like "the view." when he's there he's getting a totally different audience. he's not necessarily going to turn into a press conference or a state briefing. i think this is a lot to look forward to. switching gears in a very, very big way. "real housewives of atlanta." never thought i would talk about obama and the housewives of atlanta. but the show premiered last night. we have a little lick at the mayhem in case you missed it. take a look. >> this is an event for the most fabulous ladies in atlanta like me and shere and kim. i don't know her that well. but i ain't never seen fabulous. >> they are mean, gosh, courtney. >> i think we are in for quite a wild ride for this atlanta
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season. and speaking of the housewives franchise, real housewives of d.c. wraps up with this infamous salahi white house crashing. it's amazing. >> it is absolutely incredible. i don't think anybody saw this coming. then finally, you mentioned sun chips. i happen to like sun chips. i did, however, miss out on the latest controversy. apparently there was a smack in -- sun chips made them into very environmentally friendly bags. however, when they did that, there was a chemical composition in the bags that caused it to crinkle, really loudly. there was a facebook campaign with more than 44,000 people saying, i'm sorry, i can't hear you, your sun chips are too loud. and they finally decided to take this bag off the market. and they're going to go with the formally unenvironmentally
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friendly bag in an effort to preserve snacking silence. >> interesting. all i'm thinking about right now is i should have had a bag of sun chips and crinkled them. en i haven't heard the sound before. i think they're too healthy for anybody to eat around here. we don't have any. thank you very much. enjoy california, courtney. >> i'll be back tomorrow in new york. >> excellent. safe travels. for the latest entertainment news, sun chips and all. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car... and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness... man: good job!
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well, have you heard? there's been a lot of buzz about billionaire developer and "the apprentice" host donald trump possibly running for president in 2012. speculation was fueled by reports of a poll in new hampshire measuring voter feelings towards the donald as a presidential candidate. they didn't word it that way. but we're going to the source. donald trump joins us live by phone thank you for joining us. >> hello, tamron. so you were on morning joe. and you said you were considering running. where do you stand now at 2:00 eastern time? >> well, not much has changed actually. i just see what's happening with things and this country, and it's not something i've wanted to do, and it may very well be something i don't do, but i look at what's going on, and it's really scary. >> what is scary? what scares you? >> well if you look at whags going on with the way the world
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is treating the country. it's just to the the same. we were a great country. we will not be a great country if we keep going on this track. and it's a very sad thing. whether it's opec or china or whether it's stupid decisions made in terms of protecting other countries and not even being reimbursed, and we just don't have that kind. we have trillion dollar deficits. we never heard the word trillion before, tamron. >> are you blaming, though, sir, this administration on this, or the previous -- when did we go from not being great? >> i think i'm blaming more than this just administration. i was never, as you know, because you've interviewed me previously. as you know i've never been a big fan of the bush administration either. it's not like, oh, gee, he did a great job. whether it's this administration or others, the country is heading down a very, very serious track. we're rebuilding china. china is making our product for us. we're rebuilding china. china is thriving. it's going up like a rocket ship.
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and we're going down. we don't have to build toys. we don't have to make toys with led poisoning with china. we can make them properly in alabama. we can make them in our states. i ordered windows, lots of windows last week, and so many of the manufacturers send out to china to have the windows made. and we make a better product in this country. >> there are many things i want to talk to you about. let's first look at jobs. what needs to be done in your thoughts to create jobs? >> well the first thing that has to be done when you look at outsourcing and, as an example you have a problem with the credit card. you're talking to somebody from india. you're not talking to somebody from this country. we have jobs taking care of the most mundane of things, and they're in other countries. america, the united states
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really doesn't make things anymore relatively speaking. >> i have to ask you as well, the tea party movement has been very enthusiastic. a lot of support. would you lay line with yourselves with tea party? the republican? independent? >> i am a republican. but i have great respected for what the tea party has done. they brought to light what is going on. we have trillion-dollar deficits. again, i never heard the word trillion until two years ago. >> would you be a darling of the tea party? >> i don't know. that's up to them. it's certainly not up to me. i can tell you the tea party has brought a lot of things to light that weren't brought up before. nobody discussed it. nobody discussed it. you look at companies in such trouble, and the cost of doing business in the country are impossible. >> and we're going to let you go, but i have to ask you, when will you make this decision?
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>> well, i'll make it over a period of time. this is something i would love not to do it. but i love this country. i see what's going on in the country. whether it's china, japan, india, i see we're being taken advantage of. somebody has to do something, tamron. >> we hope you call us and let us know when you make your decision. we don't want to read it in the paper. >> you'll be on the list. >> thank you, sir. >> have a good time. >> thank you, sir. we turn to chile where the trapped miners could be free as early as this weekend. chile's president says i think nears are very close. if the plan works the men will be lifted one by one out of that mine. nbc's kerry sanders joins us from chile. and, you know, you get goose bumps when you hear they are very close. you certainly hope those words are true. >> reporter: two months now, consider that, down below, almost a half mile in the earth, waiting to be rescued. and the efforts. the engineering efforts are hard
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at work to get to them. they have three holes they're digging. plan "b." the chileans and americans working together is most likely to get to them first. a short time ago the family's anxiety was giving way to anticipation as they gathered here on one of the hills overlooking the mine, and they said some prayers, and then they started to chant. it's very interesting to see the change in the way their faces look and how they're reacting. there's a general momentum building that they believe this that this could happen as early as this weekend. another sign that things are falling into place for a rescue. earlier today we had some vehicles arrive here. these are the triage units. there was members of the military and others from the mining ministry, all arriving, coming in to get prepositioned. then the government officials here dealing with the
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engineering aspect of this, cautioning if you begin to see a lot of cars, if you see helicopters, don't necessarily assume a rescue is under way. but certainly the pieces are falling into place, tamron. >> kerry sanders, live for us. thank you. some alcohol companies tying pink ribbons to their bottles to promote breast cancer awareness. this despite the fact that drinking increases your risk of cancer. so, is this crossing the line? we're going to talk about it. ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ]
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welcome back, in today's crossing this line, alcohol companies support breast cancer awareness. mike's hard lemonade and others are adding pink ribbons to the bottles. they explain by drinking their product, you're supporting breast cancer year round. according to the u.s. toxicology program the effect of alcohol on
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cancer has been well britished. although not all drinkers will develop breast cancer, alcohol can cause damage which may be clinically significant. and many breast cancer survivors are outrages. barbara brener from breast cancer action says anybody trying to sell alcohol to promote breast cancer awareness should be ashamed of themselves. so these companies crossing the line? angela wallw breast cancer action. thank you for joining me. >> my pleasure. >> some might say, and i have to play both sides of this here, that this is a way to raise awareness, to raise money. why is it shameful? >> it's shameful because this product has been linked to causing cancer. we call that pink washing. we coined the term pink washing to describe corporations proporting to do something to try to end the epidemic while selling products that contribute to it. this is one of the products. it's the only proven link between food and breast cancer.
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a lot of breast cancer survivors are outraged. >> maybe this is a strange way of educating people. i got a tweet from someone in the show saying they're not putting a pink ribbon on cigarettes. there's still folks maybe not aware that alcohol increases your risk of some cancers. >> what we need to start doing is think about the products that we buy that have pink ribbons on them and to ask a series of critical questions, like is the product good for us? a lot of them out there contribute to breast cancer in the first place. >> one alcohol company gave like $500,000 for breast cancer awareness. should that money be given back? >> i think what alcohol companies should do is look into the connection, do research into the connection between alcohol and breast cancer. instead of talking about awareness, i don't think anybody in the country is unaware of
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breast cancer. perhaps we need to look into research that stops cancer before it starts. >> thank you so much for your time. i'm so appreciative of your joining us today. thank you. >> tell me if this is crossing the line. go to should these liquor companies have the pink label to support breast cancer awareness in the way they've been doing? that wraps up this hour. i'm tamron hall. thomas roberts is taking over from here. preferred prescription plan, you have more time to remember what it's really all about. enroll starting november 15. go to for details. may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. kowalchick. [ man ] emergency, kowalchick. what is your emergency?
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