tv Countdown With Keith Olbermann MSNBC October 6, 2010 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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you know, the great groucho good evening, americans, and welcome to the ed show tonight from new york. these stories on the table and hit mike hot buttons that the hour. senator jim demint, the tea party king, is also the king of discrimination. let's see now. he thinks that gay people and sexually active women should be banned from teaching. i think this is flat-out evil. my commentary and the first openly gay congressman ever to be elected as a freshman responds in just a moment. and the right-wing chamber of commerce is reportedly gearing up to spend a whopping $75 million to defeat democrats. think progress. drop this bomb today. some of the money is illegally coming from foreign countries. this is a complete disgrace and i ask you conservatives tonight, do you like foreign money in
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your elections? and it's just a good sign, never a good sign when the campaign commercial starts with the line, "i'm not a witch." stephanie miller will take christine o'donnell's latest gem and do something with it tonight. and the cultural question tonight is how far do we want to go in this country when it comes to oppressing women? that's right, oppressing women. and of course, gays and lesbians. this is what the righties are all about and that's why this is the story that also me fired up tonight. the forces of evil, and that's what they are, forces of evil to think about this about other people, forces of evil in the republican party, i think they are just flat-out at it again. now, i'm taking a lot of heat for some of the things i have said on the steps of the lincoln memorial this in particular. here it is. we, as one nation, must stand
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together, must fight the forces of evil, the conservatives in this country, across the world, they don't want it for the people. they talk about the constitution, but they don't want to live by it. they talk be about poor farm but they want discrimination. they want to change this country and we, as one nation, stand up this day and say we will be there on november 2nd. we will not give up. now, that was on saturday. the next day this story pops. let me take you to exhibit a, bigot homophobe senator jim demint is trying to socially engineer public education in america. now, if the god father of the tea party his way, your kids will be indoctrinated with anti-women, anti-gay, anti-american ideas when it comes to education, according to the spartanburg, south carolina, herald journal. demint said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classrooms and
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he holds the same position on unmarried women with who are sleeping with her boyfriend. she shouldn't be in the classroom. wow. this is 2010. and i think that is the singly the most radical, stupid thing that any elected official has said in this country in a long time. if you follow senator demint's logic, his warped logic, every 22-year-old woman who graduates from college and gets a teaching degree and then gets a teaching job would have to take, i guess, a vow of celibacy before she enters into the classroom? does demint want them to get stoned in public as well, in the public square? i mean, folks, wake up. this is who wants to runt country. if anyone is trying to push sharia law in the united states, it appears to me, in fi opinion, to be jim demint. and guess what? i think that's evil. real evil and mean on people. republican senators also love to openly discriminate against gay people and the claim that, you know, hey, we are taking the
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moral high ground here. let's see they don't want gay people to get married. they don't want them to serve in the military. and now, well, the leader to of the tea party here, you got jim demint, he doesn't want them to teach in public schools. there is only one word to describe all of that and it's called discrimination. there is a real possibility that in the not too distant future, republicans could have a filibuster -- filibuster-proof majority in the senate. demint is doing his best to make sure that the tea party will be calling the shots, according to open and think progress. demint's pacs have poured in over $2 million to 15 different gop candidates, including tea party favorites like florida senate candidate marco rubio, former nevada teacher sharron angle, mountain man
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joe miller, delaware brain wizard, christine o'donnell and mr. racial diversity himself, rand paul, down in kentucky that's who's getting demend minlt's money. unless democrats stand up to this and i call it evil, these will be the people decide how your child gets educated and who is doing it. demint and the right-wing governors like chris christie are on a mission to reshape education by number one, destroying unions, they are evil, and discriminating against tax paying american teachers that want to privatize public schools and make education a race to the bottom line. now, this is not the country that i grew up. and we get into this conversation often times in this political season. well, you know, we just have too much us versus them. well, let me ask you the cultural question tonight, folks. whose side do you stand on? do you really think that gay people shunt be able to teach in public schools? does jim demint know for sure that he didn't have a gay teacher? where are we going with this crowd?
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this is not the republican party of, let's see, make name of the past. bob dole. bob dole, he subscribe to this kind of stuff? he ran against clinton in '96? is this where the republican party is now? must be. this is who they are filtering money to the people that subscribe to this kind of garbage. whose side are you on? you have to ask yourself that question in this election. what do you really believe in? now, there's another story that is popping down in florida, alan grayson is going to join us in a moment just what kind of view does his opponent have when it comes to women being oppressed? tell me what you think in our telephone survey tonight, folks, the number to dial is 1-877-ed-msnbc. my question tonight is do you agree with senator demint that gay people or sexually active single women shouldn't be teachers? press 1 for yes, press 2 for no. and we will bring you the results later on in the program tonight on that number. now, joining me now colorado democrat jared polus, the first openly gay congressman to ever be elected as a freshman. he is also a fierce advocate of education and is a member of the house committee on education and labor. mr. p to olus, good to have you
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with us tonight. what is your reaction to this story? i mean, this is -- with some conservatives' conventional wisdom right now. what is your response? >> it is bizarre, ed and shows how bizarre many of the newfangled tea party republicans are. they have utterly displant the "regular republicans" who by the way, were bad enough, this new bread of republicans thinks the school district should investigate the personal lives of all their teachers, find out who their single women teachers are sleeping with? what is this about? this isn't america you and i believe in? this is contrary to our lives as americans. >> we have to, i think, take the leap here, saying if they had a filibuster-proof senate, jim demint would bring this kind of stuff forward. elections have consequences. i mean this is how they think. this is the idea these purporting. but what kind of threat would it be to gay teachers possibly
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being hired in a public school system? your thoughts? >> i would say this would be a huge threat to public education. i mean to go through the ranks of teachers and to scare teachers who are single women who are gay, who are lesbian with this kind of investigation and firing. i mean this would devastate public education. i mean, it would destroy many of our public schools. i mean, even the teachers that aren't gay, who are married, to see their colleagues brought up on these charges in a witch hunt. i mean, if you want -- maybe his real agenda is to destroy public education. i mean, if you look at where the agenda goes, gutting schools, vouchers, i mean, they are looking at destroying public education. >> do you believe that? you are on the education committee. do you believe that the republicans are trying to privatize education in this country across-the-board? >> many of them are, not all, and jim demint absolutely is. the scary things is his candidates are the ones rine winning the republican primaries over the country and why it is super important for democrats to
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win and we need to vote this november. >> congressman, good for you to be with us, i appreciate your time on the ed show. >> always a pleasure. >> we bring in congressman alan grayson from florida. i want to show our audience your to new commercial, your opponent in my opinion, has really radical idea wednesday it comes to women. here is it. >> aim congressman alan grayson and i approve this message. >> daniel webster's backers are attacking women on issues. webster sponsored a bill to create a form of marriage that would trap women in abusive relationships. fact, webster is an advocate for a group that teaches that mothers should not work outside the home. fact, webster would force victims of rape and incest to bear their attacker's child. those are the facts. don't let daniel webster make the laws we will have to live w. >> so this is down in florida, where mr. webster has voted on some of these and written laws and proposed them on his own. just go right on up the coast to south carolina, you got jim demint talking some more "psychotalk," which we just covered. congressman, some think that this ad is over the top. your response to this?
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>> it is the truth. and you know, the truth hurts. there's only one person in central florida who i can think of who would insist and demand that a raped woman batter attacker's child and his name is dan webster. there's only one person in central florida who actually introduced a bill that would forbid divorce, except in the case of adultery and if both parties committed adultery, they would be stuck with each other forever. that person is dan webster it is about time we held these people responsible for their wacko beliefs. >> does he really believe that women should not be working outside the home? >> yes, he is an advocate for an organization, well, specifically mothers that mothers should not be working outside the home, as if you lose your rights as a human being when you give birth. he belongs to an organization that advocated for an organization and taught at an as called the institute for basic life principles. he spent $4,000 of taxpayer money to promote that organization by send out 35 fliers to his constituents. >> now --
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>> and this san organization that wants to create a second-class citizenship in the united states called being a woman. >> now, you took a lot of heat for your taliban dan adsome this a rebuttal to that, but just maybe a softer edge to it? what was your mission here? >> my mission is to make sure that we don't exalt form over substance. too many people were thinking too much about the word taliban and not thinking about the fact that there are certain people in this country who want to create a theocracy in america who want us to be ruled by their own principles, their own ideas about how the rest of us should live. and that's one of the real issues in my case in central florida. my opponent quite bluntly tells people that if you are the victim of incest, you must bear the child. and he has tried to create laws that actually require that. >> what kind of -- >> that is one of the key issues in the race this year. >> mr. grayson, a republican held this district for some 25
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-- 20-plus years before you were elected as a democrat. what kind of response are you getting to this? >> i think some people understand the importance of this issue. either people, frankly, turned off by any discussion of any social issues, given the economic pressures that we all face. and i understand that. >> do you think the -- >> but the fact is -- >> do you think that this had is the new republican party? do you think that there is a real clear edge when it comes to oppressing women and discriminating against gays and lesbians? >> yes. ed, without any question. my opponent has said over and over again he wants to take back america. so many of these tea bag verse said over and over again they want to take back america, and it's true. they want to take back america to the 18th century. >> gutsy political move, congressman. you're telling it like it is. >> thank you, ed. >> i appreciate your time tonight. thanks so much. the real -- the new republican party. i mean, it doesn't seem like
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there's any moderates left heading down the stretch into this election. coming up, christine o'donnell wants every ton know that she is not a witch and she is just like you. i guess everyone lies about going to oxford and thinks mice have human brains, just like you. stephanie miller sounds off, coming up, "the ed show." and professor beck, i tell you what this guy needs to take a little time away from scaring people to do a little extra work on his math. i will break out the lesson plan in the playbook. and of course, we have got linda mcmahon hammering richard blumenthal's record. how about this? joe miller's wife, he says that unemployment benefits unconstitutional but his wife just happened to take unemployment. how about that? and my good old buddy, bill o'reilly, spins his way into the zone. you are watching "the ed show" on msnbc. stay with us.
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welcome back to "the ed show" and thanks for watching tonight. democrats are under attack from a lou is of right-wing organizations, they are piling up the money. and the united states chamber of commerce is pretty much leading the charge. the chamber is planning to spend $75 million on attack ads targeting democratic candidates this year. and that money may not be coming from the united states. think progress reports. the chamber's political contributions may be funded by foreign sources, which would violate campaign finance law. the chamber issued a vague
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statement saying that they have a system in place to prevent foreign funds from going into american political campaigns. but the bottom line is, we still have a month left of these heavily funded attack ads and if the chamber of commerce gets the republican congress they are paying for, it's over. they will never pass a law denying the power of big business to buy elections. for more, let's bring in joan walsh, editor and chief, joan, we should point out that teeter freeman, the vice president of communications for the chamber of commerce, says that these accusations by the liberal think tank, think progress, is completely erroneous. two things, they are admitting that these -- this ad money is coming out of the general fund and the chamber of commerce solicits for run money into the general fund. how do we differentiate? how do we know this is happening? >> i don't know. they didn't deny it at first but now being very, very vociferous about it ed. i think we know a couple of things. they are raising -- bragging
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about raising a ton of money overseas and it enables them to do a lot of things to advance their pro-business, anti-democrat agenda, regardless of whether it is being spent in specific race. they are very proud of their international outreach. they are very proud in their outreach at trashing democrats who want to put in any kind of controls, eliminating tax breaks, for example, for companies that offshore jobs. so it's clear what their agenda is. is it is clear they are looking for foreign support for their agenda now saying, new york the story isn't true. move on is now asking the department of justice investigate this. we will see where it goes. but you know, i don't want to get what they are doing totally lost in this question of foreign funding. foreign fund work illegal t would be terrible, but even without the foreign money, let's say they do have controls in place. what they are doing really questionable for american business. so you -- first of all, you want to elect people who drove our
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economy into a ditch and -- from the entire 2000 to 2008. that's what you want back? is that good for american business? i don't think so you want to elect people who will not pass small business tax cut. is that really good for business? it is a really right-wing, big corporate agenda, not small business agenda, not business agenda. it's corporate. and i think that needs to be gotten across. >> i think that every fair-minded american in this election cycle should be asking his or herself the question, is it right to have foreign money in our elections? i mean, there's -- it is all set up for the back scratch here. send your jobs, america, to our country. we will filter some money back to you through the chamber of commerce so we can fight this labor thing. i mean it is just amazing to me. so, how could conservatives, now this is where the money is going, you have got the chamber of commerce now going to be sending some money to run against joes stack. and the conservatives say that they love the troops. excuse?
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he stack is the highest ranking military officer ever elected to the congress. he is running for the senate and he has got foreign money, allegedly, working against him. can the conservatives say, hey we support the troops? >> well they can't, you snow they have always been -- these are the people who thank try to convince us that they have our interests -- they are looking out for our interests and they are no they are the people who are trying to convince us the democrats are not patriotic when we have got people like joes stack serving. they have really run a con game on us for a long time, ed, you know this to try to identify the big, big, big business, corporate america, global
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>> we are going the other direction and we both know that sadly. >> joan, good to have you with us. thanks so much. >> thank you. o'riley is spinning the truth and showing his true colors again. he managed to discount the entire african-american vote. you know where i'm throwing pinhead next, right into the zone. [ engine revs ]
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you use your card at marriott. apply now and earn 22,500 bonus points when you use your card and enjoy a free night stay. so, before you know it, work time becomes well-deserved downtime. apply now at you've got staying power. and in "psychotalk" tonight, bill o'reilly's racially insensitive insensitivity rears
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its ugly head tonight in the zone. back in april, if you remember, reverend sharpton's national action network conference, bill showed just how out of touch he really is. >> it is a much more interesting country, america, if we stop with the race business, i think. i mean, i'm not black, so i don't know your struggle. and you don't know my struggle, all right, because you're not white. after 9/11, we pretty much dropped that race stuff did we snot we pretty much were all americans there, right? >> now he is spinning a new poll and discounting the entire african-american vote. >> according to a new gallup poll, president obama averaged a 45% job approval rating in september. but 91% of african-americans continue to like the job he is doing. and 75% of those described themselves as liberal also approve of the president. by the way, just 55% of hispanics now support president obama. so, if you take out the african-american/liberal
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component, mr. obama has very little support in the rest of the country. no kidding, o'really? the same thing would happen with your tea party candidate fuss discounted tea parties. and bill leaves out a whole lot of information. also in that poll, 79% of democrats support the president of the united states. 57% of 18 to 29-year-olds support president obama and a majority of moderates also support the president. so, really, it's just old conservative white people who drag down his approval rating. and where do old white conservatives get their news? hmm, let me remind you. less than one half of 1% of fox news audience is black. so o'reilly doesn't have to worry about alien nating a whole lot of viewers when he discounts all african-americans. but still, it really is spewed "psychotalk." coming up, the delusional newtster thinks people actually want to hear his advice. he is telling the right that he
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wants to make democrats the party of food stamps. well, we will make him eat his word nas moment. congressman jim demint sounds off ahead. and mr. john boehner pulls off a fast one with mr. hannity last night. i will get rapid fire response on that. and joe miller, his wife took on unemployment. how about that? linda mcmahon body slams richard blumenthal and the beckster? i think he needs some flash cards. you are watching "the ed show." stay with us.
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welcome back to "the ed show." the battle ground story tonight, newt gingrich's psychomemos. newtster thinks the midterms come down to more food stamps or more paychecks. as usual, no one asked for his advice but he is planning to send a memo to republican candidates outlining what he thinks the gop's closing argument should be. now, here is a portion of the
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letter. in january 2007, when nancy pelosi and harry reid took over the congress, unemployment was 4.6% and food stamp usage was around 26.5 million americans. today, the unemployment rate is 9.6% and over 40 million americans are on food stamps. which future i do want, more food stamps or more paychecks? this is the choice we want to drive home again and again to voters from now until election day. your friend, newt. this is absolutely shameless. gingrich is trying to drive the conservative base to come out and vote against helping people who are poor and need help. we know republicans don't have a solution to get those 40 million americans off food stamps and get them good-paying jobs and newt's trying to convince the american people nancy pelosi drove the economy into a recession and not president bush. for more, let's bring in washington congressman jim mcdermott.
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he is the chairman of the house subcommittee on income security and family support. would -- congressman, good to have you with us tonight. >> good to be here. >> i would think that you would welcome this strategy by the republicans. what do you think? >> well this is nothing but newt gingrich starting his presidential campaign for 2012. he wants to put this letter out and then if the republicans win with he will say i'm one that led them out of the wilderness, just like i did in '94. he will be on his way. it is nonsense, what he says. without food stamps and without unemployment insurance this country would be in a terrible mess today. you have to give people temporary support to get to their next job, that is what the programs have been about the republicans have voted against it the republicans voted against the program recently in the senate that would keep 250,000 jobs that even haley barbour that great liberal from mississippi said was a great program. the republicans simply don't care about ordinary people. >> well, correct me if i am wrong, congressman, the food stamp program is in the farm bill which is already allocated
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dollars is that correct? >> absolutely. it's -- the farmers put it together. the republicans have always thought it was a good idea because it's how we got rid of our surpluses. it is simply nonsense for them to be attack the food stamp program t keeps grocery stores and 7-11s and a lot of grocery outlets open because people have a way to go and get food for their family what they are saying is we don't care if people can't feed their children. >> congressman, what do you -- how do you feel now with with -- inside a month to the midterms? are the democrats picking up some steam? is this starting to swing or do you think that the republicans are still pretty much flexing their muscles, thinking that they are going to take over the house? where do you stand on all this? >> the american people are now very serious, ed become this election. >> they are paying attention?
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>> they are paying attention and what they hear from the republican candidates is nonsense, witchcraft and all kinds of crazy stuff and they simply know they want to stay with president obama and keep moving forward. nobody thinks we are going as fast as we want to, but certainly, we don't want to go back to the guys who put us $3 trillion in debt and want to extend the tax cuts for billionaires so that we can put another $4 trillion of taxes on our children. that simply is not where americans want to go and i don't think they are going to come out and vote for republicans who say that's what we are going to do. we are going to repeal everything. we are going to go backwards. >> congressman, good to have you with us tonight. thanks a lot much appreciate your time. >> welcome. now let's get some rapid-fire response from the panel on these stories. the gloves are off in the connecticut senate race. linda mcmahon's 11th hour ad hammers blumenthal with accusations he lied about his service. joe miller said unemployment benefits are unconstitutional but today, admitted his wife was on unemployment a few years ago. and the tan man paints himself
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as mr. bipartisanship on mr. hannity's show. he talks about joking with with the president of the united states before claiming the president gops blank when he brings up the problems real americans are facial. with us tonight, karen hunter, journalist and publisher and john feehery, republican strategist. welcome to both of you, to the program tonight. let's talk about the situation over in connecticut. blumenthal and his military record. here is the mcmahon commercial on that issue. >> would you lie about serving in a war? >> we have learned something very important since the days that served in vietnam. i served -- >> dick blumenthal did, again and again. >> when we returned, we saw nothing of this gratitude. >> he covered one lie with
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another. >> since the days that ier is informed vietnam. >> if he blind vietnam, what else is he lying about? >> karen hunter, blumenthal had a double-digit lead and now it has been narrowed. how does he get around this one? and a story out there a long time and been regurgitated? >> the ads are superb, i don't think he does get around it. this is exactly what people are tired of on both sides of the aisle, people who are dishonest, politicking all the time instead of really put out a platform that is going to serve america. he didn't have to tell that lime it was a lime it wasn't a slip of the topping or he forgot that he didn't serve that he was in the national reserve and in the nixon white house or wherever he was during the time, he forgot? no he told a lie and i think people are tired of it and going to come back to haunt him. >> john feehery if you're running her campaign, is this the commercial? >> karen's absolutely right. blumenthal is a terrible candidate. mcmahon is closing fast.
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she is with the people. she is outside -- she is not a typical politician. she has got a really suck is sellsful story herself and the one thing that drive people crazy. >> why is he a terrible candidate, john? >> first of all, he lied. if you ask any democratic strategist, they will tell you he has run a bad campaign but this is part of the reason. he is just not truthful on some of these issues and is where it catches up to him and he will be in big run. closing fast. i thought he came clean on this i thought he came out and said he made a mistake, misspoke and -- >> but ed, this commercial just reinforces the very thing that makes people's eyes roll. but i will say this, if people like you, you pretty much could get away with anything. so if he has a very strong likeability, you know, a whole bunch of people like him in connecticut, they may be willing to go to the, you know, election booth that day and vote for him anyway. >> john what do you make of the story out of alaska, where can joe miller, just ripping on unemployment benefits, saying they are unconstitutional, yet certainly as a spouse, toad know that his wife was taking unemployment ben sfichlts this a
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problem for him? >> i think a little bit of a problem. you have to be consistent on this stuff. you know, there's a lot of people hurting out there and i think that feeds some of this tea party anger. i think that tea party candidates have to be consistent though on how they put this stuff forward. that being said, i think he is still got a really good shot to win this election. he is up in the polls. and i think he -- he is an outsider and outsiders and the democratic candidate has raised no money and really not much of a factor in the race. but he is not a bad candidate. he is not a bad candidate? >> okay. well, joe miller, i mean, here he is out of both sides of his mouth. i mean, here essaying that unemployment benefits unconstitutional yet his wife has taken them. karen, how does he get around that? that just serve it is up, doesn't? >> once again, political bandering and i think that you know, if people are paying attention, and i hope they are, because this is a very important election, they are going to hold him to the same standard that we just held blumenthal to. we have to not allow these folks to lie to us, to mislead us and to use political bandering as a means to get into office.
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we have had enough of that. >> l i want to talk about the chamber of commerce for a moment and foreign money. john feehery, how do we know that the chamber of commerce has got good accounting practices because the money that they raise from foreign countries and foreign companies goes into their general fund and that's exactly where this money is coming from to run commercials against candidates. what do you think about this? >> listen aren't chamber of commerce knows exactly what it is doing it has a lot of very smart people on its staff, very smart accountant them know that if they cross the line they going to be trouble with the justice department. so they know how to play by the rules and they are playing by the rules. i guarantee if you eric holder and the justice department investigates, they he won't find anything illegal here. >> what do you think, karen, should they investigate? >> yeah they should always investigate. the rule of thumb is, what, follow the money? so i like to agree with john, but i just don't have the
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confidence that he does. >> i would think that americans would want some answers here. >> right. >> we talking about some huge money here and don't you think, john that americans want to know if there is for forrine money influencing our election? >> i think they want to know but i'm very certain -- i know a left to folks that work at the chamber. i know they do not want to do anything that goes afoul of the law, for their own personal security. so i guarantee you -- and they don't want to have the chinese influence this election. that would not be in america's business interests. i don't think that is going to be a problem in this case. >> wow. okay. here is john boehner talking about his relationship with the president last night. >> what is your relationship with the president like? >> we get along fine. you know -- >> smoke cigarettes together? >> no we don't. first thing that happens, i come in he will say, to oh, boehner, you are almost as dark as me. >> that what he he says to you? >> we talk about golf. we will talk about our --
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together. we have a nice relationship. the problem we have when we talk to each other, there's no connection. you know, i -- i've got 11 brothers and sisters. my dad owned a bar. office small business guy long before i got into this business. and when i talk about the real world, it doesn't seem to register. >> i think that's pretty slick on boehner's part, coming across as, oh, you know, i'm really trying to work with a guy. karen what do you think? >> i'm actually -- you know, disheartened that he would -- he would juxtapose himself to the president that he doesn't understand what real world things like this is a man who put himself through college, just paying off his student loans when he got elected, raised by a single mother, as many of us are in this country. you know if he doesn't know what the real world is like, the president of the united states, i don't know who does. i just think it's dangerous what he is doing. but you know it is par the course for the republican party. >> john? >> listen, i think that john boehner and barack obama are going to -- when john boehner becomes speaker, they will have a contentious relationship.
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frankly, think it will be the better of the country if republican parties control the congress, president obama and they will find common solutions and i think that boehner and obama will be able to do that. >> only happen if we have a bout of amnesia as a country and forget john boehner there was when they drove this country into the abyss and barack obama the last two years has been take trying to take us out of that i don't know. >> john boehner, i tell you what, this guy is a sales man. here he is telling the american people, oh, we get along just fine. said absolutely no to everything, dissed him at every opportunity he could. john feehery, karen hunter, great tough with us tonight. coming up, democrats are being outspent big time this year. the unions can't compete with the corporations. minorities need to stand together and fight the money to win this thing. no doubt about t hillary shelt isn't vice president of the naacp. he sounds off ahead. and if you go to beck u, you know, you got to get a refund
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now. i'm teaching him something in the playbook. stay with us. mom, i want to drive. it'll cost a fortune to insure you. nationwide insurance, we need a freeze-frame here. let's give parents a break, right ? let the discounts they've earned be passed down to their teens. save mom and dad up to 25% versus the competition. we'll call it the nationwide family plan. here you go, and there you go. unfreeze ! keys ! savings !
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and in my playbook tonight, it's the numbers. democrats are being outgunned big time this election season. according to a "washington post" analysis, democratic groups are being outspent by conner is vat thetive groups 7-1. today, afl-cio president richard trump ka expects corporations to outspend labor unions 20-1. with those lopsided numbers, the only thing left for minority voices is basically the vote. their heart, their soul, their passion. a new poll shows president obama is still very popular with the
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base. 91% of african-americans still support the president along with 75% of liberals, 55% of hispanics. if these people aren't engaged in this election cycle, i mean it could be game over for the democrats. joining me is hillary shelton, senior vice president of the naacp. great to have you with us. great to see you saturday at the rally, which was a total success and i appreciate your involvement in that. all right. the minorities, the people of color in this country obviously can swing this election. that's the only thing you're going to have to fight back against all of this money. democrats are just getting hammered financially. what's the answer here, hillary? >> well, there has to be some balance, because what's in the wake is quite frank lit truth. people have to be able to make decisions on how they are going to vote, who they are going to vote for and why based on informing the f we have the skewing we are seeing so far, how much information coming
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based on how much tough spend, we are going to have a problem. 7-1, talking about groups actually promoting their agenda, 21-1, talking about the workers versus the owners. we have got a real problem in how people are going to be able to make an informed decision in this particular election. >> the gop pledge to america, according to congressman clyburn would do this eliminate 1 million jobs, cut 8 million pell grants, 2,000 students from head start would be cut, allow insurance denial for pre-existing conditions and not fix the immigration system. this is quite a list here. do you think voters are going to be motivated? do you think the people that supported president obama are going to be there when it's time? >> if they can really hear what is going on through all the noise, one of the problems that they are going to have is when you've got that kind of money, that level of resources, you can actually say turn the volume way up on whatever your side of the story is, not allowing balanced information to come through.
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so, it means that even as people are trying to make the right decisions for their communities, pick the right people to lead them, to he provide leadership for them on capitol hill and other places throughout their communities, their states and our nation, they are going to have major problems. we have got to do something to make sure that there is balanced information so people, again, can make a very informed decision as we move this election process. >> all of these things i just mentioned would really hurt minorities, would they not? >> absolutely. if you're not talking about really creating jobs, you are not looking at the disparities either. as you know, for white americans, there is a little less than 9% unemployment, for african-americans, 16% unemployment, but if you don't know where the problems are and where the focus needs to be, you are not going to know that it is a good idea to actually push past things like the miller bill
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to add 1 million new public sector living wage jobs to our economy. you are not going to know that not supporting certain program, you are going to lose certain protections in the areas of employment, areas of finance and other places. indeed, not informed on these issues, don't have the balance of information coming our wake the wrong decision is going to be made and quite frankly, people are going to be confused throughout the process. >> it's the turnout, if minorities turnout, if the latino vote is there, the african-american vote is there, the democrats have a chances. that a fair statement in your opinion? >> it is definitely a fair statement. as a matter of fact, one of the things we are most concerned about is what what happens, people are given misinformation throughout this process. we have seen it happen before, they have told people everything from misunderstandings about who is supporting which candidates to which polls to go to on election day. of course, it is too late, once the election day is over. >> mr. shelton, good to have you with us. thanks for your time tonight. a couple final pages in the playbook tonight, nutty professor glenn beck had some trouble last night when he was trying to do a little simple math. let's take a look at this one. >> there are less people but it doesn't matter. i mean it is not like there is less people or you know less
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people that are democrats in america. we are pretty evenly divided. we are about 35% independents now, 33% republican, 33% democrat. >> did he learn that at beck u? nice try, glenn. if you weren't trying to get to that 100%, your math is pretty bad. 35 plus 33 plus 33 is 101. better luck next time, big guy. new jersey governor chris christie was stumping for terry bran stead in iowa last night but he managed to make it all about him, touting his tough talk and telling the crowd, it's put up or shut up time. he also praised president reagan, but don't worry, he said he is not about to follow in the gipper's footsteps. "i'm governor of new jersey, i'm not going to run for national office. tough want it more than anyone else in the world. i don't. and you have to be ready for it and i'm not." you know what, that's the best
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thing i've ever heard come out of that guy's mouth. and the white house is going green. they are installing solar panels on the roof. the panels will be up around this spring. they will heat water and supply some of the first family's electricity. coming up, christine o'donnell, she wants us all to know that she is just like us. last i checked, i never had any satanic dates back in high school. radio talk show host, nationally syndicated talent, stephanie miller, breaks down o'donnell's new commercial, next "the ed show." stay with us. a new prescription drug plan, behold -- your window of opportunity is here. starting november 15th, you can enroll in an aarp medicarerx plan insured through unitedhealthcare. call now for your free information kit. see why over 4.3 million members are enrolled in these plans. i recently got this letter from my current drug plan.
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finally tonight, never a good sign when your campaign commercial starts with the line "i'm not a witch" tea partier christine o'donnell wants every ton know that she is just like you and me. >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard. i'm you. none of us are perfect, but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us, politicians who think spending, trading favors and back room deals are the ways to stay in office. i will go to washington and do what you do. i'm christine o'donnell and i approve this message. i'm you. >> joining me now is nationally syndicated radio talk show host stephanie miller. okay. we are on the tee box. you can hit the fair way on this
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one, can't you. >> hi, ed, i'm stephanie miller and by the way, i'm not a mermaid. what -- with have we reached -- this is like our "wizard of oz" moment? are you a good witch or a bad witch? i'm not a witch at all, ed. if she only had a brain. and first of all, i don't want someone just like be me in office, ed, i want someone smarter. and the other thing is what do you mean i'm just like you? unless you're unemployed, undereducated, nonmast tur baiting idiot who has been living off your campaign cash for seven failed campaigns, she is not just like anyone i know, ed. is she like anybody you know? >> for a radio talker, don't we want to make sure that she runs again, no matter how this turns out? >> oh, she is -- she is comedy gold. >> your odd dense -- how is your audience responding to her? >> well, first of all, i got to till, these tea baggers keep saying if they want the president to prove he is not from kenya, they want to see his birth certificate. thyic we should throw her in a dunk tank and make sure she doesn't float?
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don't you think in the next commercial she should throw herself in a lake and prove she is not a witch, ed. i want her to prove t. >> she is going to do another debate coming up on october 16th on one of the station there is in delaware. does she have a chance? do you think she has a chance to do any -- any good for the tea partiers and maybe possibly win? >> well, she will need to have a fully functioning human brain by then and i don't think that's likely. but i mean what is her latest thing, ed that the chinese are -- have a takeover plan and she is privy to classified information about that? this is after she said she heard the audible voice of god during the primary season and i think you and i both know that god doesn't get involved in the primaries. he only pays aten notice actual midterms, like the rest of us. >> stephanie miller, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. tonight in our telephone survey, i asked you do you agree with senator jim demint that gay people or sexually active single women shouldn't be teachers? 5% of you said yes, 95% of you
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