tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC October 8, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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country. >> are you crazy? >> yeah, you knew that a long time ago. nice to see you, toure. that does it for us. i'm dylan ratigan. "hardball" is up next. here's chris matthews. wild pitches. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews. in washington. angle's new angle. forced a vote to prevent sexual predators to get viagara through the bill. the democrats voted no, of course. now sharron angle is accusing harry reid using taxpayers
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dollars to this. the target of that republican ad in west virginia. actors picked up at philadelphia. they were looking for people who had a quote blue-collar look. joe manchin will be here to talk about it. he's a fiscal conservative, by the way. plus, obama versus ro rove. time for the white house to remember, it's the economy, stupid. also if you have been waiting for funnyman in al franken to come back out, your wait is over. he's out there. he's working the delaware route now. the latest attack on president obama. all that is ahead. a couple of more generic ballot pools. for that, we go to the hardball scoreboard. republicans have a 7 point lead.
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that's getting big. similar numbers in the new cbs poll. where republicans lead by 8. we'll continue to check the "hardball." scoreboard. it's getting down to crunch time. in hot mid-term elections. accusations and ads are flying. we'll assess the field. with msnbc's analyst richard wolfe. let's take a look at this one. this is christine o'donnell playing defense. in her senate bid. let's listen. >> i didn't go to yale. i didn't inherit millions like my opponent. i'm you. i know how tough it is to make and keep a dollar. when some tried to push me from this race, they saw what i was made of and so will the senate if they try to increase our
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taxes one more dime. i'm christine o'donnell and i prove this message. i'm you. >> well, alex, do you feel like she's a sister in america there. if you didn't go to yale and you didn't inherit a lot of money, you're with 99.99 per suspect of america. she's us. >> i didn't go to yale. although, i have to say, i found it interesting the person who has led voters to believe that she went to oxford university and princeton university and claremont is now talking a big game about being the salt of the year. look, gop, the gop's latest crop of female candidates and education is nothing new. remember sarah palin, she went to five schools. two in hawaii. two in iowa -- she actually went to those schools. >> that is true. i'm just like everyone else.
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i'm making my way in the world >> it's interesting. we know what's going on here. it's not a bad play. a country that's had enough with intellectuals. because they haven't figured out the economy, to put it lightly. bring in somebody who said my claim to fame, i'm not a fraud. i guess i get it. >> you're right. she still makes this ad about herself. we're talking about jobs. she needs to talk about what voters care about. this election isn't about her. what she is thinking, someone new to the stage, she's making this out to be a defensive move. >> it's not all stupid. here's the attack ad, put out by the other side. here's the democratic committee
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ad against christine o'donnell. >> she claims that she'll control washington spending. look at her record, she was sued to not paying her bills, her taxes. spent campaign funds on herself. if christine o'donnell wants to be irresponsible for her money, but she's running for senate. >> you know, i got to go back to this, alex, i mean, she's -- i got to be careful how i say anything. she's irresistibly cute in the way she present herself. she's attractive and all that. but she's playing on the cute thing. all of those pictures portray h her. you see how sarah palin plays perk really well. like mary tyler moore almost type of thing. that's as attractive as hell.
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your thoughts on that ad? we see her in person, she's always smiling, she's always happy. people like that kind of company, let's be blunt. your thoughts? >> there might be something there. christine odop knell is this cheery, who has no idea how to control her pocketbook. it is delaware. delaware is all about taxes and the american public is all about the economy right now mp in terms of messaging the democrats are right on this. >> you can't be a dead beat is what you're saying. >> exactly. >> here's o'donnell, richard, on cnn -- first of all, a lot of
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buzz in hillary clinton. i haven't seen any hillary for president signs. she has. let's watch. >> if the house and senate passing a bill to fully repeal obama care so we can clear the way to start over with true reform and the president then goes and vetoes that bill when the will of the people has been made very clear, if barack obama vetoes that he's setting himself up to be very vulnerable. i have seen many hillary clinton tv ads running. >> does reality matter anymore? >> she's stuck in early 2008. remembering the primaries. >> but she has seen a lot of them. >> i know. but, i do think, here's someone who has a lot of tv experience. let's face it.
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she has had tv time. why is she projecting out three or four hypotheticals ahead. it doesn't make any sense. is she auditions for this show or the senate? >> just having fun. we're talking about her. >> i guess. >> she's running if for the united states senate. she's the republican nominee for the state of delaware. here's sharron angle's ad. this was some crazy amendment -- they set it up. when a time they expected any amendments. they had to accept the b vote fo. ok at h b he thes vod crea d a pgr pasd
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there's a clear, that's a clear statement from nevada voters who are grappling with the nation's highest unemployment rate. their homes are being foreclosed on. they're leading the nation on that. they need real answers on that. >> well, it gets worse. sharron angle got a question about muslims wanting to take over the united states. here's part of your answer. >> we're talking about a militant terrorist situation, which i believe isn't a widespread thing. but, it is enough that we need to address, and we have been adrzing it. my thoughts are these, first of
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all, dearborn, michigan, and frankford, texas are on american soil, and under constitutional law, not sharia law. and i don't know how that happened in the united states. >> absolute nonsense, richard. there's no sharia law in the united states. no laws requiring hands being cut off. any of that stuff that you see under the taliban. they're just saying this stuff. isn't there some limit? a bell goes off that's dead wrong. >> people are applauding it. maybe they were in a place they had the hillary clinton for signs. i don't know. it would be a joke if these people weren't actually within a whisker of becoming a united states senator. then they would be making policy decisions and taking votes. and clearly, where is this true? >> okay.
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let me ask a question, how has the establishment so offended people that they're willing to vote for crazy people? >> i think frustration is absolutely part of it. i think people -- there's a lack of civil dialogue in this country. using the muslim religion is a lightening rod for fear. i hold out hope that american voters will see pass that. >> thank you, richard. happy friday to you. happy columbus day, weekend. thank you, alex. columbus day weekend. for some people, it's a three-day weekend. but for not hardball. remember the ad they hired three guys for the commercial. they look actually pretty good to me. they're out trashing governor joe manchin. manchin is coming here in a
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surprisingly tight race. can he used that ad and its casting call to turn things around? have they gone too far? governor manchin joins us next. you're watching msnbc. for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. ♪ when it's planes in the sky ♪ ♪ for a chain of supply, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when the parts for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a continuous link, that is always in sync ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ there will be no more stress ♪ ♪ cause you've called ups, that's logistics ♪ challenge the need for such heavy measures
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with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist. we have seen plenty of democrats distancing them from washington in this cycle. but one member says that he won't support nancy pelosi for congress. he says that he won't back john boehner. bright is in a tough fight with the republican that leans pretty far right. we'll be right back. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price.
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apparently these actors in this ad were picked up in philly. maybe we can hear the philadelphia accents. let's listen to the ad. we're going to have some fun with this. here's the ad that the republicans are running against you. >> obama is messing things up. >> spending money that we don't have. stimulus, obama care. >> and joe manchin supported it all. >> joe is not bad as governor. but when he's ee's with obama. >> he turns into washington joe. apparently, governor, they're running that somewhere in your state. they stopped running it now. what's your take on that ad? >> chris, it's awful. it's offensive. there's been no apologies whatsoever from my opponent. they're still running it. it's still running. it's so offensive to west virginiians. the state of west virginia, we're one of the best financial shapes in any state of the nation. we have been rajd the third best fiscally sound and responsive state. they get no credit for that
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whatsoever. they want to have this in a disparjing light. our opponent hasn't apologized. it tell us you, a man who lives with his family in palm beach, florida s so far out of touch with west virginia. and this is why now we know that he lives in florida because of what he thinks of us. >> let's get to that question, is he allowed to run against you? he intends to be in the state on election day, is that all it takes in west virginia? >> i don't -- >> i'm sorry, i know the law. let me ask you about the weird thing about his wife. is she allowed to vote for her husband? is she permanent resident of florida and not allowed to vote in west virginia? >> chris, that's what we understand. a permanent resident. she won't be able to vote for
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her own husband. they're asking west virginiians to do this. this ad is offensive. we got the hardest working truck drivers, researchers, they could have said, we're casting for hard-working west virginiians. not at all. they went for absolutely the lowest blow. and i'm offended. he should be offended. but john, it's not just politics to me and west virginia. it's personal. >> would it be all right if they picked up three folks from west virginia who looked the part, country people who wore hats? john deere hats. >> first of all -- >> were they hiring actors from out of state? what offended you? >> the role call. as a casting call. they casted it.
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and said we're looking for blue-collar people, i mean, it's not who we are. chris, it just makes me mad. it makes me mad. >> what would they say about new yorkers using that language? whatever. >> chris, let me say this. >> why don't you debate your opponent? he's basically an out of towner. >> you want to debate him. >> we'll have as many debates that they want. there were two other candidates. we got 42,000 kids who registered to vote. the other two candidates. a candidate -- two other candidates that basically, that say, they're not really contenders. they qualify to be on the ballot. i can't just say --
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>> you want a four way? >> you have to. how are you going to eliminate people that qualify to be on the ballot? how do you do that? i can't. i'm willing to debate anywhere, everywhere. we're going to debate on the 18th. they're saying rubber stamp. the only rubber stamp is for the people of west virginia. chris, you can't make those tough decisions without putting west virginia first. stop playing politics. quit playing party politics. in washington, why we're mad in charleston and all over the state of west virginia. they're putting democrats and republicans ahead of our country. they're putting their party and their party interests. that's what we did in west virginia. we changed. we can take care of ourselves. it's a shame what i see going on. i have never been anybody's rubber stamp and never would be.
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how they have tagged this to believe this. i'm on the ballot. >> i accept the fact that you seem like a fella from west virginia, without making any aspirations, you don't have a new york, northeastern accent or anything, you're home grown and people like you down there. why is a guy like you, who has been popular as the governor, not be able to pass muster, why are you down in the polls? what is it? >> it's -- chris, it's a fear and smear campaign. they're trying to buy the campaign. they spent millions of dollars. basically, we're mad. >> why are the people of west virginia, you have been bragging on the people how good they are, how developed they are, yet you're saying they're getting their mind twisted?
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the smeers that we want to correct right now, as far as being a rubber stamp -- >> that a smear? >> no, basically is that what they're saying. they're going to say, you're going to vote the agenda of whatever you're up there. that's not a west virginia democrat. we don't believe expanding the entitlement mentalities. we do that in west virginia. we have turned it around. we have surpaluses. so, what would make anybody think that i'm going to go to washington? if you start putting america first and i can bring people together. chris, i have the chamber of commerce -- >> let me is you now, do you like the health care bill that obama got through? >> no, not the way it passed.
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>> do you like t.a.r.p.? >> not the way it pass zbld do you like the stimulus bill? >> this type of t.a.r.p. and all of that, you don't see me blaming president george bush. >> i'm trying to figure out where you are at, what are you forthat obama has done that you like? >> his education program, i think, is fantastic. bringing it to light that we have to have a better on stainment of education. >> you like his war policy in afghanistan and iraq? >> well, he inheritd that war policy. i think he's trying to get out of that as fast as he can. so, think he'll get as quick as he can there. the bottom line, totally different cap and trade. the epa.
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how they infringed in west virginia. it's awful on some of the encroachment. i'm willing to take that fight. if west virginia's going to send a message, i'll be the messenger. let me take the message. >> compared to most national democrats will you be conservative? >> i'm a conservative democrat. >> okay, great, thank you very much. good luck in the race, joe manchin of west virginia. >> thank you, chris. >> thank you, sir. by the way, we just heard from one of those actors in that west virginia tv ad, he says that he's actually pull for manchin the democrat, to win, he's going to come on "hardball" on monday. up next, al franken.
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the united states senator from minnesota. he shed his inhibition yesterday in delaware. that's next. a tool where people can enter the terms of the refinance offer they got from their mortgage guy, and know instantly if they're getting bamboozled. and i will start after lunch...tomorrow. don't just think about it. introducing lendingtree's free "look before you lock" tool. enter the terms of your existing loan offer to instantly find out how it compares to other offers, areas you may be overpaying,
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back to "hardball." time for the side show. first, round up the usual suspects. stephen colbert last night. >> there are two terrifyingly great ads out this year. from nevada senate candidate sh sharron. >> harry reid is fighting a program that would give preferred college tuition rates to illegal aliens. >> remember, melancon voted to use your money for illegals.
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>> those are the same hombres. look at those pictures. this is the most terrifying scenario of all. there aren't enough photos of scary minorities out there. >> that's a riot. great catch by colbert. next, live from delaware, it's al franken. last night at a campaign rally for senate, franken let loose. >> we need to work from now until election day. many of you have families, ignore them. not the little kids. about 8 years old, kids can -- this is for their future >> wow, we got the point.
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now to a not so successful foray. charlie crist throughout the opening pitch at the tampa bay bay rays' playoff game. it wasn't pretty. that's a little wild. at least it wasn't a duster. you know, right there in the dirt. up next, president obama is trying to rev up his base by blasting karl rove. is that smart politics or he should be spending his time talking about something important, like the economy? you're watching "hardball" only on msnbc. hey, did you ever finish last month's invoices?
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is s&p 500 adding 7 and the nasdaq ending # 7 points lower. 95,000 jobs were cut in september, more than expected. the unemployment rate unchanged at 9.6%. but some investors see this as boosting chances that the federal reserve will step in to spur the recovery. the question is not longer if, but how much? alcoa plus 5.7%. adobe shares plunging 6 points. farming-related shares were up. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. now, back to "hardball."
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welcome back to "hardball." president obama was in chi-town, his old town, here's the president. tell us what you make of this. here he was talking about what he's up against. what the voters are up against. let's watch. >> two groups funded and advised by karl rove have outspent the democratic party, 2 to 1, in an attempt to beat. 2 to 1. funded and advised by karl rove. just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign sources. so the question for the people of illinois is, are you going to let special interests from wall street and washington and maybe places beyond our shores come to our state and tell us who are
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our senators should be? that's not just a threat to democrats but our democracy. >> that the sound bite that you want out there? the democrat candidate for the senate to get his old seat. why is he talking about that and not jobs? with me now, a real pro -- we got two pros here. you first, todd, we're going to get to your piece about what mccain would have done. the president is talking like one of the pro. >> reporter: it's always risky when a president starts talking about a political operative. >> you can't imagine eisenhower's campaign manager is doing this or that. but, i think, look, the president doesn't have that much good news to share.
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they're trying to make the republicans into bully -- >> can you get democrats to vote against dirty tricksters on the other side if you will? let me go to steve, should presidents be talking like back room guys? >> yeah. the obvious comparison, you look back at the nixon white house, when the nixon white house made a calculation when they were taking in all of these illegal corporate money, before watergate, there was still plenty of stuff out there in the open. and the democrats were howling up and down. this would be lit call gold to see how the white house and the republican national committee were involved in all of this. the conclusion around nixon, to voters, every side does something like this. >> you're so smart. that is so right. all of the talking about watergate didn't get him a single vote before the election. to bob woodward caught him red handed and somebody nailed
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him -- karl rove's statement. >> he knows that i can't fund millions of dollars in political ads. just like he couldn't create the millions of jobs he promised with the stimulus bill. nixon, he used to tell pat buchanan, he said look, attack up. don't attack down. what this guy did, the president of united states, he attacked a political henchman and the henchman said, great, thank you for that and he attacks back. >> it's a risky thing. let's take a look. unemployment remains at 9.6 with the announcement of september numbers. 95,000 jobs were lost last month. not good news. here's president obama today on the jobs numbers. let's listen to the president on the report. >> more than 850,000 private sector jobs gained this year. which is in sharp contrast to
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the almost 800,000 jobs that we were losing. when i first took office. but, that news is tempered by a net job loss in september, which was fueled in large measure by the end of temporary census jobs and by layoffs in state and local governments. i should point out, that these continuing layoffs by state and local govls governments, teachers are police officers, would have been worse without the federal help that we provided to the states over the last 20 months. help that the republicans in congress have consistently opposed. >> you feel for him. what a bad bit of information. todd, you did something for vanity fair this week. it goes basically through what would have happened if mccain had been elected president. in part. what would have been the wonders of such an administration.
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no stimulus or financial regulatory bill. those big autocompanies gm and chrysler would have gone bankrupt. two conservatives on the supreme court. all of the bush tax cuts extended. and maybe even an iran strike. >> elections have consequences. >> mccain kept saying, bomb, bomb, iran. >> he did joke about that. but i think the more serious point there are a lot of people in the foreign policy situation -- when the election went amidst there, we would have had sanction and was the big threat, was the big threat of a mccain presidency, basically jerry ford, not really doing anything, just riding it out?
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>> i don't think. one of the things that senator mccain had any experience was an executive background of any kind. the thing, the piece focuses on what mccain has done in the past year in his re-election campaign in arizona. >> he's gone pretty far right. >> it statries to explore how m of a maverick he was all along. he's pretty conservative in many ways. >> just to kill j.d. hayworth. steve, this whole question about what the president should do in the last 2 1/2 weeks to make the closing argument, he's an attorney, for his summation as he goes and tries to stop, what i have tell you, it looks like perhaps, a catastrophe in the house. >> you know, i honestly, i don't
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think there's answer or much that he can do. there's a technical reason, a lot of the ballots have been cast by now. not much of a home stretch in this race. when you play that clip of him, addressing the jobs report today, i'll make another historical parallel. i'm seeing ronald reagan before the mid-terms, when the unemployment hit 10%. reagan is stressing we had two quarters of growth. we're going to get there and we' it's going to take some time. what people feel and now is the longest sustained period of up employment we have had since the great depression. >>. up next the middle east peace talks are stalling. what what to do get them back on track.
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martin fletcher is a real expert. he has walked the length of israel for his new book, he'll join us next. ♪ when it's planes in the sky ♪ ♪ for a chain of supply, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when the parts for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a continuous link, that is always in sync ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪
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♪ there will be no more stress ♪ ♪ cause you've called ups, that's logistics ♪ president obama's top national security adviser, general jim jones is stepping down as of today the president made the announcement in the rose garden. his resignation was big speculation for months. he's replaced by tom donilon. jones struggled to fit in with the obama team from the get-go. "hardball" will be right back. how are you getting to a happier place? running there? dancing there? how about eating soup to get there? campbell's soups fill you with good nutrition,
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we're back, another round of talks between israelis and palestinians has come to a roadblock. no surprise there. martin fletcher has take an short break. he went from the lebanon border down to gaza in the south. a personal search for the soul of a nation. i got a lot of respect for you. i'm going to ask you questions that go beyond the walk. that is, is there a center to israel that wants peace? >> there was agreement on the table would sign it on the spot.
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regardless of what the deal was. >> when is that going to find its way into politics. it takes two to tango. if the palestinians offer something good, in other words f they offer peace, if they offer recognition of israel, will that be enough? >> what they're demanding, yeah, that's kind of a side show to the key issues that we know of the boarders. palestinie iaian refugees. the real question, what does it take for both sides to respond to the needs of the people? suppose we finance a buyout the state of israel proper doing since 1948 for whatever reason.
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peacekeeping -- or actually a defense complement of troops in the jordan valley. suppose they can find some portion of greater jerusalem to allow the palestinians to form as their capital. as those enough, are those nieces enough to make this work. >> no. >> okay you know so much. it's so complicated. >> in a word. for instance, for every issue that you just raised there's a counterissue. for instance, i'll give you one example, money. the number of given of -- of palestinian refugees who left or who were forced out of palestine in 1948 was about 800,000, that's about the roughly accepted figure. they need to be something -- they have to be either allowed to come home or reimbyrnesed financially or something. meanwhile, israel says hey, wait a minute, that same number of people, 800,000 jews were forced out of arab countries, at the time. we don't hear about them, what about financial restitution for them and that's a lot of money. so basically, if you even out what money would be owed to the palestinian refugees, the
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00,000, and what money would be owed to the jewish refugees about 800,000, you probably come to zero. >> okay we're making it harder. let me try to get back to philly politics i've always liked benjamin netanyahu. he wants to be a successful politician. he loves being a leader like everybody. he's a world leader. look at him there with merkel. he wants to see -- does he want to be the israeli leader who wants to cut the deal? that that's what -- that's what they say. and the question is whether it's true. i mean, he wants to be the leader. you know all israeli leaders want to cut a deal. they would all dearly love peace, the question is, can they take their government there? and the majority of the netanyahu's government at the moment, for instance, do not want him to continue the freeze on settlement building. if he had actually had -- with the palestinians and did what
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america wants, it's pretty much a ghachb his government would probably collapse and so then what does that leave? so it's it's so complicated. i mean -- >> do you think a good chance israel cut a deal that allows them to form some kind of split in the islamic world so that they have some kind of help from the arab islamic world from iran so it's not just them against iran. can they build a deal that gives them some type of support in that part of the world so they're not alone. >> well that sounds very logical, chris and i think if you apply logic to the case that would be a very good possibility. >> the sunni nations, the sunni nations, for example. they don't like with what's going to in iran. >> absolutely, they feel kuwait and those countries in the gulf, they feel more -- just as threatened, maybe more thre threatened than israel by a possible uranium nuclear bomb but it's not just the nuclear bomb it's as technology advances, weapons become more sophisticated and the damage done to israel, by iran, by other nations, it will become so great that the urgency for peace agreement soon, i believe, become it's it just becomes even
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greater. it's not just a matter of stopping a nuclear bomb. it's fact a very, very strong technological arm's race going on with all kinds of weapons delivered to other arab nations. syria getting the defense shield and an attack rockets from -- from russia, for instance. >> the odd thing and you know it better than i, it's still wonderful to be in israel. every time i go there i love it. something wonderful about it. something spiritually great about that count propose thank you so mitch martin fletcher. name of your book "walking israel." when i return finish pointing out the absurdity. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
5:59 pm
let me finish tonight with the latest ludicrous assault on our president. somebody just wrote that barack obama is getting his economic policies from his dead african father. the old man was against colonialism and had is why, the author writes, the president acted with or president bush's to safety country's financial institutions why he did the same with the country's auto industry, why he decided to give his health care plan to have it carried out by private insurance companies. but why he doesn't want the very top income brackets to get all of their tax breaks extended. it's because he's anti-colonial guy's right, it's because he's inherited his african father's politics, got it? now i have three good reasons to point out the absurdity of this
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