tv Hardball Weekend MSNBC October 9, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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i'm john seeingthaler. wild pitches. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. leading off tonight, angel's new angle. remember when republicans forced a ludicrous vote to prevent sexual predators from getting viagra through the health care bill? well, the point was to put democrats in a bind. either allow the bill to be killed with amendments or force them to vote against the viagra amendment. the democrats voted, no, of course, and now sharron angle is predictably accusing harry reid of using taxpayer dollars to give viagra to child molesters. we'll get to this cheap shot and other gems from the campaign trail.
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also, the target of that republican ad in west virginia featuring actors who'd been picked up in philadelphia at a certain -- remember they were looking for people who had a certain, quote, hickey blue collar look? well democratic senate candidate joe manchin will be here tonight to talk about it, he's a fiscal conservative by the way backed by the chamber of commerce, now there's a democrat for you. and plus obama versus rogue. with the economy still bleeding jobs, why is president obama spending time or wasting it going after karl rove? time for the why it's time for us to remember, it's the economy stupid. the funny man and al franken to come back out your wait's over. check out the side show tonight. he's out there, he's work the delaware route right now. finish tonight with the latest mccarthy latest attack on president obama. i think it's the craziest. all of that's ahead and first a couple of new generic congressional ballot polls matching republicans against democrats nationwide. and for that, we'll go to the "hardball" scoreboard. in the brand-new cnn/opinion research poll republicans have a seven-point lead in the poll. that's getting big.
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seven points, 52-45. similar numbers in the new cbs poll, where republicans lead by eight. 45-37. we'll continue to check the "hardball" scoreboard in all of the big races each night leading up to november 2nd election night. it's getting down to crunch time in the hot midterm races and the accusations and ads are flying . we'll assess the fields and some of the wildest claims with msnbc's analyst, richard wolffe, and's alex wagner. thank you both for joining us. let's take a look right now at this one. this is christine o'donnell playing defense. her second tv ad a bit of biography here in her senate bid. let's listen. >> i didn't go to yale. i didn't inherit millions like my opponent. i'm you. i know how tough it is to make and keep a dollar. when some try to push me out of
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this race, they saw what i was made of and so will the senate if they try to increase our taxes one more dime. i'm christine o'donnell and i approve this message. i'm you. >> well, alex, do you feel like she's a sister in america there? i guess if you didn't go to yale and if you didn't inherit a million. there have she's us? >> i did not actually in fact go to yale, although i have to say i found it interesting that the person who has led voters to believe that she went to oxford university and princeton university and claremont is now talking a big game about being salt of the earth and not having gone to yale. you know, look, gop and -- the gop's latest crop of female candidates and education curcuffels is nothing new. remember sarah palin? she went to five schools. two in he, two in alaska -- >> but she actually went to the schools, that's the difference here. >> that is true. but again played that as a sort of i am just like everybody else, i, you know, i'm making my
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way in the world and i think that christine o'donnell is trying to do that as well. >> you know, it's interesting, we know what's going on here. it's not a bad play because we know what's going on here. a country that's had enough with intellectuals because they haven't really figured out the economy, to put it lightly. and all of the sophisticated canesy economics doesn't seem to be working yet. so bring in somebody who says my claim to fame is i don't know nothing. i'm better than the people who say i'm something. at least i'm not a fraud. i guess i get it. >> you're right but she doesn't quite get that. she makes this ad about herself. instead of saying the democrats have got it wrong or the intellectuals. the less about her the less that she gets the voters to care about her. the election isn't about her, what she's thinking, someone new to the stage, you should all these attacks, she's making this ad to be a defensive mood.
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>> it's not all stupid. here's the attack ad on her put out by the other side the coons' ad. the democratic committee ad against o'donnell. let's listen the way that they're going after her. >> christine o'donnell claims that she'll control washington spending. but look at her record. she was sued for not paying her bills. didn't pay her taxes. has a federal complaint filed against her for spending campaign funds on herself. if christine o'donnell wants to be irresponsible with her money, that's her business. but she's running for senate and being irresponsible with our money is our business. >> you know, i got to go back to this, alex. i mean she's -- well i have to be careful with how i say anything, of course i'm a male talking about a female. but she's irresistibly cute, put it that way in the way that she presents herself. obviously she's attractive and all of that, but she's playing on the cute thing and then going after that, those pictures portray her as an attractive young material. maybe not senate material yet but clearly it's a tricky thing. you see how sarah palin plays perk very well. she's perky, upbeat, gung ho. it's like mary tyler moore almost kind of thing. and that's attractive as hell.
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so there they're going at it and putting it down. your thoughts on that ad. what do you think on that knock on her, is that overdoing it? we see her in person here. she makes a great appearance. she's always smiling. she's always happy. people like that kind of company. let's be blunt. >> well -- >> your thoughts? >> well, i think there are -- there might be something insidious there, like, oh, christine o'donnell is this -- this kind of cheery, thoughtless woman who has no idea how to control her own pocketbook but i think that lawrence o'donnell made this point a few nights ago. it is delaware. delaware's all about taxes. and the american public is all about the economy right now. and i think in terms of messaging, the democrats are right on this. i mean -- >> if she's a dead beat, it matters. >> fiscal responsibility. >> you can't be a deadbeat, you're saying. >> exactly. >> you might be a witch but a deadbeat won't work. >> exactly. >> it's kind of strange up there you have to worry about your witch thing. here's o'donnell i want richard
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here, on o'donnell on cnn saying she's been a lot -- she's seen a lot of -- now first of all a lot of buzz in our business about -- an i was up in massachusetts last night. a lot up there of course but i haven't seen any hillary for president signs. let's watch. reed voted to pay for sex offenders, what else could you need to know about harry reid? >> is that unlady like to go after viagra ads? you need an actress to do it? >> maybe you only want attractive women to talk about viagra. in terms of the marketing of it, though, looking at that you recall edward kennedy working across the aisle to pass no child left behind, and those days of bipartisanship are over.
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this is such a clear and in some ways political myriad by the gop months ago. i'm surprised it took so long. it is the kitchen sink playbook with sharon angel at this point. >> he's mike huckabee, a republican on the political gains as he put it being played in the varks viagra ad. let's listen to this. >> this is a classic example, good politics, great politics, but one of the instances where it sounds like he said, yes, there's a bill to provide viagra and that was the primary purpose of the bill. >> but isn't that fair game? >> it is not unlike when republicans attack democrats for their support of the national endowment for the arts and were sponsoring the famous christ ajar, hideous stuff like that. it doesn't always work. >> it wasn't about a bill that was too complicated too read, it
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was about an amendment. >> this is about strategy. the more dirty race gets in nevada the worst it is for sharon ankangel. >> democrat, republican, tea party or -- >> you can vote none of the above in nevada. none of the above can get elected, but that's the significant protest of both of these people. you make them acceptable. and the big loser will be star ron sharron angle. you have really dirty t-shirts, and the ad was so disgusting that nobody wants to buy the ad. it is so icky. >> here's harry reid going after her. let's listen. >> i work with kids who are abused and their stories break my heart. but when the assembly weeded out sex offenders to do background
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checks on volunteers it passed with two voting know. sharron angle is one of them. >> i'm sure there was a good reason. it is weird the way the people are cutting each other, alex. >> i think we thought talking about witches was weird, talking about sex offenders is a loticier. the cnn time poll showed sharron angle up by two with harry reed, but 10% of the voters were picking none of the above. that's a clear statement from nevada voters grappling with the nation's highest unemployment rate. their homes are foreclosed on, they are leading the nation in that. they need real answers right now. this stuff is nonsense chatter. i agree with richard. this is something that does not do well for sharron angle. >> she got a question about muslims wanting to take over the united states. here's part of her answer.
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isn't there some limit a big bell goes off and says, that's dead wrong? >> well, if people are applauding it maybe they were in the place where they the hillary for presidents signs. i don't know. some alternative reality. it would be -- it would be just a joke if these people weren't actually within a whisker of becoming a united states senator. and then they'd be making policy decisions and taking votes based on what they think of the facts and, clearly, i mean, where is this true? and who are the people she's talking to. >> alex, last question. has the establishment so offended people they're willing to vote for crazy people? or vote for people they're just loopy? >> i think that the frustration is absolutely part of it. i think people -- there's a lack of civil dialogue in this country and i think that using the muslim religion is a lightning rod to channel fear and hate. has been politically expedient for some candidates but i do hold out hope that the american voters will see past that. >> i wish that some people would roar out, no, you've gone too far. thank you, richard. happy friday to you. happy columbus day weekend. alex, great to have you on the
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show. for some people it's a three-day weekend but not for "hardball." up next republicans have pulled that ad in west virginia. remember the one that they hired three actors in philly, they figured -- there they are. the three guys for the casting call, and said give me some hickey guys, blue collar types. wear old clothes or whatever. they look pretty good to me. they're out there trashing governor manchin the popular governor in west virginia. manchin's coming here in a surprisingly tight race but can he use that ad in his casting call that went after, quote, hickey blue collar people, as i said, to turn things around. have they gone too far? that's our question tonight. governor manchin is joining us next on "hardball." [ female announcer ] where are people with moderate to severe
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now to governor joe manchin, the democratic candidate in the senate race in west virginia. governor, thanks for joining us. you know, there's been a lot of noise in our office about this crazy ad that's been run against you. you know, i'm from philadelphia, the only reason that's relevant is apparently these actors in this ad were picked up in philly.
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maybe we can hear the philadelphia accent, let's watch the ad and we're going to have some fun with this, governor. the ad that the republicans are running against you. >> obama's messing things up. >> stimulus, obama care. >> and joe manchin's supported it all. >> but when he's with obama. >> he turns into washington joe. >> apparently, governor, they're running that ad somewhere in your state but they've stopped running it now. what do you think that was all about? what's your take on that ad. >> chris, it's awful. it's offensive. there's been no apologies whatsoever from my opponent. i can't believe it but they're still running it. they might tell you they're taking it off. it's still running and it's so offense i have to west virginians. chris, what people don't realize is that the state of west virginia, we're one of the best financial shapes of any state in the nation. we've been ranked the third-best fiscally sound and responsive state.
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and they get no credit for that whatsoever, but they want to have this in a disparaging light and it's just awful and our opponent has not apologized whatsoever. he hasn't said, i'm sorry, that's not who -- nothing at all. so it really tells you a man that lives with his family in palm beach florida, is so far out of touch with west virginians, average west virginians. and this is why now we know he lives in florida because of what he thinks of us. it's unbelievable. >> let's get to that question. is he a legal candidate to run against you? is he allowed to run against you? i guess he meets the minimal requirements he intends to be in the state on election day is that all it takes in west virginia? >> well, i don't know -- i -- >> i'm sorry, the senate -- i'm sorry, i know the law. the senate's opened to anybody. let me ask you about the weird thing about his wife. is she allowed to vote for him? because i understand she took some kind of tax deal down in florida as a resident, a permanent resident. does that mean that she's a permanent resident of florida and is not allowed to vote in west virginia? >> chris, that's what we understand. it's a permanent resident and
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then she won't be able to vote for her own husband but yet they're asking west virginians to do it and they're so far out of touch. but this ad's offensive, we've got the hardest-working coal miners, truck drivers, research, scientists. it's awful what they did. they could have said we're cast for example hard-working, hard-working west virginians. the salt of the earth that made this country of what it is today. not at all. they went for absolutely the lowest blow and i'm offended. he should be offended and you know what he says, it's just politics. well, john, i'm sorry. it's not just politics to me or to west virginians. it's personal. >> would it have been all right if they just picked up three folks from west virginia that looked the part as far as they were concerned? country people that wear hats, you know, can hats whatever you call them, the john deere hats and working man's clothes. or is that they were hiring actors from out of state? what was it that offended you? >> the offended thing is basically the role-call as the casting call. >> yeah. >> they cast it and said we're basically looking for blue
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collar hickey people, dirty people -- i mean this -- that's -- it's not who we are. >> i know. >> and chris -- >> i know it tonight? it's an insult. >> the language is pretty rough. >> it makes me mad. >> you are saying how developed they are as a society, yet you are saying they are getting their minds twisted by the advertising. if it is smear campaign, what are the specific smears you want to correct right now? >> well, as far as a smear, being called a rubber stamp. >> that's not a smear. they are calling you a democrat. >> they are going to say you are
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voting on the agenda oh what's up there now. that's not a west virginia democrat. it is not what we believe in. we don't believe in those mentalities. if you can do something you should be working, and we do that in west virginia. we have turned it around. we have surpluses. we have not laid anybody off, we have not raised taxes, we have not cut any services. tell me how many states are doing that today. >> thank you very much. good luck in the race. joe manchin of west virginia. thank you, sir. by the way, we have heard from one of the actors in the west virginia ad the republicans put on. he says he is pulling for manchin, the democrat to win. he's coming on "hardball" on monday. i love the twists. up next, al franklin is taking paint not too be too funny for the united states senate, but he shed his exhibitions on the campaign trail in delaware. catch the "sideshow" coming up from al frank inn. [ water ] hey, it's me water.
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back to "hardball." time for the "sideshow." first round up the usual suspects. watch stephen colbert take on david vitter and sharron angle last night. >> there are two terrifyingly great ads out this year from nevada senator candidate sharron angle and louisiana senator david vitter. >> harry reid is fighting for a program that would give preferred college tuition rates to none other than illegal aliens. >> next time you think you just can't work any harder, remember charlie melancon who used our money to benefit illegals. >> holy -- those are the same hombres. look at those two pictures. this is the most terrifying scenario of all. there aren't enough stock photos of scary minorities out there.
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>> that is a riot. great catch by colbert. next, live from delaware. it's al franken. while minnesota's junior senator's taking care to shed his funny guy image, last night at a chris coons' campaign rally for senate, franken let loose. >> we need to work from now until election day, many of you have families, ignore them. except the little kids. you know, about 8 years old, kids can -- can survive. this is for their future. >> wow, we've got the point. now to a not so successful foray. florida governor charlie crist threw out the opening pitch in front of a sold-out crowd at last night's tampa bay rays playoff game. it wasn't pretty. that's a little wild, but at
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least it wasn't a duster. you know, right there in the dirt? actually i've been there. coming up next, "your business." everybody has somebody to go heart healthy for. who's your somebody? eating campbell's healthy request can help. 25 delicious soups with low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. because heart healthy is good for your life... and the people in it. healthy request from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful.
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