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tv   First Look  MSNBC  October 11, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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flat line, word that social security recipients will go without a cost of living increase for a second straight year. and at the tunnel, engineers in chile make final preparations for the rescue of 33 trapped miner peps. and flying solo, the world's first commercial spacecraft reaches a new milestone. hi, everybody, good morning. i'm thomas roberts and this is "first look" on msnbc. great to have you with us. we begin this morning with more fuel for the anti-washington fire.
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as the voters don't seem angry enough, it's election year. the government is expected to announce that this week more than 58 million social security recipients will not get a cost of living increase in their monthly benefits next year. that would mark only the second year without an increase since automatic adjustments were in place and were adopted back in 1975. but first was this year. although it's not their doing, the timing couldn't be worse for the democrats as they approach an election in which they are in danger of losing their majorities in both the house and the senate. the end of a two-month odyssey is finally near for 33 trapped miners in chile as rescuers have finished drilling an escape shaft examine make final preparations to bring the men to the surface. if it all goes according to planned, the first miner is expected to be lifted to safety as early as wednesday morning. here is more now from chile. >> reporter: the drill turned 6/22 liters into the earth and that was it. it punched through to the
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trapped miners. and on the surface, the celebrations began. engineers, as if they'd just won the playoffs. a rush of emotion as some wives and daughters pushed past police to thank the team who never gave up. >> we could see the miners going crazy. we were going crazy. and just the fact that -- that we did it because, you know, we knew we could do it. >> at the controls when the drill finally made it through some of the hardest rock on earth, american jeff hart who had only six hours sleep in the last three days. >> this is the most difficult, most stressful well we've ever drilled. there's 33 lives at stake. you put an unbelievable amount of pressure on yourself to make it happen every single day. >> knowing that the moment everyone wants is now that much closer makes these next days that much more difficult. engineers have decided to reinforce the shaft with a steel
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sleeve, a pipe that will go down 315 feet. the idea is to encase the hole to prevent rocks at the top falling down as the capsule comes up. >> government officials here will not say an exact date that the miners will be brought to the surface, but it's shaping up that it's going to look like probably wednesday. kerry sanders, nbc news, chile. in new york city, eight suspects faced a judge yesterday while one is still being sought in what police says was an anti-gay gang attack. the case is a shocking reminder that anti-gay violence in this country is still very much a fact of life. frances coe has more. >> the eight young suspects were arraigned sunday, a day after their arrest for the vicious attacks. police say the crimes happened at this abandon apartment in the bronx last weekend. investigators believe a gang known as the latin king goonnys lashed out after learning that a
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17-year-old recruit was gay. >> he was thrown into a wall, made to strip naked, hit in the head with a beer can, cut with a box cutter and sodomized with the handle of a plunger. >> the heartless men who committed these crimes should know that their fellow new yorkers will not tolerate their vicious acts or the hatered that fuels them. >> the shock of the crime caused outrage among city and state leader peps. >> you don't attack somebody because of who they are unless you are an ignorant coward. >> over the weekend, the father of one of the suspects dchded his son. one thing is clear, the community wants those responsible brought to justice. francis coe, nbc news. >> just hours after that arraignment hearing, carl palidino fired off anti-gay
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remarks. he said he doesn't want children to be, quote, brainwashed into thinking homosexuality is acceptable. he went on to criticize andrew cuomo for marching in a gay pride parade later this year. cuomo later released a statement regarding palidino's quote, stunning homophobia. a boulder rolled off a hill and crashed into a home. damage caused by the 25-foot wide boulder is so extensive that the home is now uninhabitab uninhabitable. local authorities are now investigating. in california, spaceship two made a 25-minute test flight. the space vehicle was brought up to 45,000 feet and released by
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its mothership. it's all part of the spaceship's rigorously tested work before its maiden voyage, coming up soon. more than 39,000 american couples tied the knot yesterday on the date 10-10-10, waiting, hoping to exchange numb tuales that is the perfect day. good luck to them. and after marriage, a california couple welcome their new coupled, emma ma lee into the world yesterday on 10-10-10. weighing in at 7 pounds 10 ounces. emma marie was born 10 minutes after 10:00. she's cute. now we turn to bill karins for the weather channel forecast. at least she wasn't 10 pounds, 10 ounces. >> she left that alone and her mom is probably thankful. >> yeah, i'm sure.
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it was so warm out there. it felt like summer in so many spots. yesterday's highs. everywhere colored in here was 08 degrees yesterday. we had the chicago marathon yesterday. and temperatures along the route were in the upper 80s at some point outside the city. i mean, it was just brutal out there for the runners. and we were in the 80s, even 90s in spots like little rock and memphis. it's going to continue to be warm, at least for another two days. our weather pattern is very slow moving once again. the main jet stream is up here through canada. and that means a slow-moving storm system. if you're anywhere here in the southeast, mid-atlantic, we're going to have a pretty warm week for you. you're going to have a lot of sunshine just like for this weekend. the wet weather is back here towards kansas and we have pretty good storms that separates texas into oklahoma. as far as the west coast goes, traveling out there yesterday, not many problems. a front goes through the northwest with showers. as far as the wet weather goes, it's right with this weak storm
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system through kansas and oklahoma. the white out here is lightning strikes. there's a lot of active lightning heading down through sherman, texas. dallas, only showers for you. oklahoma city, you look okay, also. as far as the temperatures go, it's a warm day. it's going to be very mild this afternoon. highs today, about 85 degrees in d.c., charlotte, raleigh, all the way down to atlanta. chance of a thunderstorm or two and showers in dallas. another mild day. not quite as warm, but mild from minneapolis to chicago. even in new england, we're going to be sunny. it's amazing how warm it's continuing. we keep waiting for once you get to the mid to late fall, you can get frofts and freezes. we start talking about our first snows here, but we're not even close to that. >> traders await the next step from the fed. the dollar feels the heat and at what age do people get grumpy?
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your first look at business headlines straight ahead. the phillies go for the sweep and the rays try to stay alive. plus, could the saints overcome three interceptions from their star quarterback? ready to try something new? campbell's has made changes. adding lower sodium sea salt to more soups. plus five dollars in coupons to get you started. campbell's condensed soup. pass it on. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ new aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers, with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals
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at a great price. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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hi again, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. here is some of the top news making news this morning. tens of thousands got their first look at their leader in waiting after he made his first national appearance yesterday. kim jong un joined hits father, kim junk ill in a parade for the ruling party. lushao boe says she's under house rate and being barred from visiting family and friends. she informed her husband that he won the nobel last week for seeking greater rights in the communist nation. a gay rights protest in
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serbia occurred yesterday in nearly a decade in serbia. and the population of the international space station has doubled. two russian cosmonauts and an american astronaut arrived for what will be a nearly six-month stay at the laboratory. now here is you're first look at wall street. the dow opens at 11,00 6/after gaining 57 points on friday. the s&p rose 7 points and the nasdaq added 18. trading overseas in tokyo, the nikkei was closed while in hong kong, the hang seng climbed 263 points. wall street will likely be stuck in low gear this week as investors await what they believe is inevitable action from the government to boost the economy. after friday's anemic numbers,
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the federal reserve will buy more assets like treasury bonds to stimulate the economy. most analysts agree, the employment situation leaves the fed with little choice after saying last month it was prepared to intervene with the only question now being when. their release today of the minutes of the last month's fed meeting could may into their thinking on new stimulus measures. this week's data on retail sales, trade definite nebs, consumer sentiment are unlikely to sway cautious traders until the fed makes its move. the anticipation of further action from the fed has taken a heavy toll on the dollar which hit a new low against currencies. many nation are already intervening to stop currencies from rising while china faces mounting pressure to allow its currency to appreciate. earnings out this week from the likes of intill, jp morgan
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cha chase, google and general electric are unlikely to sway investors. 52 is the age when people start to get grumpy. infants laugh up to 300 times a day while teenagers laugh an average over 6 and those over 60 chuckle only 2 1/2 times a day. a new swiss study suggests that living with airplanes regularly thundering overhead could endanger your heart. heart attacks were more common with airport noise. the researchers found living within 100 meters of a major road increased the risk of heart attack. for more information on this and other health stories, check out the health page, how sweep it is to the if the phillies, a ray of hope for
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tampa and speaking of mistakes, a series of errors has atlanta's second baseman hoping for a second chance after one of the worst playoff performances in history. a look at sports is straight ahead. of the season to get you in the mood to motor... including classics like, 'thirty one days of ways to save.' 'skidmarks and smokescreens?' 'kiss my resale value.' and the timeless 'make it mine for $199.' celebrate this motor-tober with a new 2011 mini cooper hardtop for 199$ a month. - be my wife. - miss dimitra, marry me. - marry me. - marry me.
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- marry me. - be my wife, please. ( bells tolling ) ( all cheering ) ha ha ha! announcer: introducing the kohler karbon faucet. they know that she always forgets where she puts her "magic wand"... but when she finds it, she makes magic happen. [ kim ] people know a lot of things about me, but no one needs to know about my condition. thanks to depend®, they don't. [ female announcer ] now the best protection also comes in new prints and colors.
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thank you very much. you're on e-trade. huntin' down stocks, bonds, etfs. oh i love etfs. look at you. why don't you show me your portfolio? i'd love to... i already logged out. oh no, it's easy, actually, to get back... see where it says history? there's a history? yeah, it'll take you right back to the site you were just on. well the last site... [ british vo ] and now, cycle complete. the male wildebeest returns to propagate the herd. [ animal grunts ] can you forward me this link? [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. welcome back to first look. i'm thomas roberts. in sports, the philadelphia phillies are about to do battle for their third national league pennant. with more on that, here is nbc's fred roggins.
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>> good morning. back to back playoff appearances have gotten the if i amlies swift in the horizon. fifth inning, cuedo, into the stands. complete game shutout, struck out nieven, including scott roland to end it. phillies advance to their third straight nlcs. now to the atlanta game, san francisco down on their final out. aubr aubrey huff slapped a single to right. buster posy ripped the ground into second between the lepgs of brooks conrad, his third ever of the game. giants held on to win it, 3-2. they lead the series, 2 games to 1. texas, the rays avoid elimination, wing it, 5-2,
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forcing a game five in tampa on tuesday. now to the nfl eagles visiting san francisco, the 9ers with five turnovers. a costly mistake. quinton mckell, 52 yard return for pay dirt. philadelphia went on to win it, 27-24. saints visiting the cards late in the fourth. north down three. drew breeze picked off by dominick delmartie. cards beat the 6ers. big problems in big d. tony romo through three picks up his own. the cowboys would tie it and then chris johnson in for the go ahead score. titans won it, 34-27. dallas dropped to 1-3. that's your first look at sports. i'm fred roggin. now here is weather channel meteorologist bill karins with
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your forecast. >> the jets are playing i think the vikings tonight. big game. brett farve, randy moss. and it looks like the rain will hold off. the rain will come in after the rain is over. >> good for fans. >> i'm a little bias because i'm a jets fan. let's talk about the temperatures out there. it's cool in some areas of the new england and that's where the leaves are at their peak this weekend. it was gorgeous in so many spots. now we're in the 50s in the big cities. maybe a light jacket as you go out the door today. you'll probably carry it home, though. it's going to be a beautiful day. we have clear skies out there now. there's one band of showers racing through buffalo here. that will be in and out in a hurry. expect a lot of sunshine today. a couple more clouds late in the day. temperatures will be mild. pittsburgh, jumping up near 80, it will be 85 in washington, d.c. that's almost enough to turn the air-conditioner on in the car. it's 78 in philly, 75 in new york city. anywhere in new england should
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be in the 60s for the most part. as we go into tomorrow, i mentioned that threat of rain. it's not a large area of rain. it will be southern new england, possibly philly, possibly right around new york. our computers are estimating anywhere between half an inch and maybe an inch of rain in the bands here from hartford down into new york. it will mostly be tonight into tuesday morning. tomorrow morning's commute is going to be wet weather. the next shot of rain possible for the region would be on thursday. that's washington, d.c.'s extended forecast. and the other thing to notice, we get from 85 today for a high. by tend of the week, high temperatures will be around 60 or 62. a little dose of reality coming, thomas, by tend of the week. the rest of the country looks good. we have to watch those thunderstorms north of dallas. >> everybody gets to enjoy the weather this holiday. >> hopefully everyone is off from work, unlike us. >> unlike us, always. bill, thanks very much. no film took off this weekend at the box office, but
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which one bombed? your entertainment news is straight ahead. ♪
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[ male announcer ] at ge capital, we're out there every day with clients like jetblue -- financing their fleet, sharing our expertise, and working with people who are changing the face of business in america. after 25 years in the aviation business, i kind of feel like if you're not having fun at what you do, then you've got the wrong job. my landing was better than yours. no, it wasn't. yes, it was. was not. yes, it was. what do you think? take one of the big ones out? nah. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving cream works quickly to activate sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals fast for relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol.
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hi again, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. friday night on late night with jimmy fallon, jimmy couldn't resist after hearing the girls from jersey shore rescued a lobster from becoming dinner. >> snooki decided to bring home a lobster for dinner as toepdz to what they bring home every other night, crabs. they love seafood. they love seafood. this is kind of weird. reanna revealed this week that she texts lady gaga before major
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events to make sure they don't wear the same outfits. can you imagine that conversation? hey, georgia, are you going to wear that blue dress or the cold cut platter from blimpie's? this is kind of nice. johnny depp surprised kids in london by showing up as captain jacks sparrow after a little girl wrote him a letter and asked him to come. boys at the school were like, dear megan fox. >> so tonight, jimmy welcomes donald trump, actor sam rock dedz well and musical guest brad. that's late night jimmy fallon. time now for your first look at entertainment news. whatever americans were doing this fall weekend, not many were going out to the movies and that helped last weekend's box office
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champ. the social network remained at the top of the heap, holding up very well, dropping only 31% off its audience from its opening. "the social network" took the top spot raising its ten-dy total to over $46 million. "life as we know it" opened a close but disappointing second with $14.6 million. the horse racing drama secretariat star b diane lane did better than expected crossing the finish line in third with $12.6 million. now, the one film the critics were mixed on was "my soul to take." this one opened weekly in fifth place, unable to get past a meager $7 million. maybe people are just holding out until we get closer to halloween. >> so many areas of the country, maybe people will want to be
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outside more and didn't want to go to the movies, too. >> all right. i'm thomas roberts and this is "first look" on msnbc. the chilean miners trapped deep underground for two months are now just a couple days away from being released. what is the reason the 33 men are fighting to be the last out of the mine? meanwhile, carl palidino calls to the end of the brainwashing of our children with a gay agenda and rips andrew cuomo for marching in the gay pride parade. and the new york voters, last night it was the phillies ready to meet the yanks again in the world series. the question is, is this the year for philly?


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