tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC October 11, 2010 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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i knew that the more i dedicated... the harder i worked, the more it was going to benefit my family. this my son, mario and he now works at walmart. i believe mario is following in my footsteps. my name is noemi, and i work at walmart. ♪ they wear these little speedos and grind against each other and it's a terrible thing. >> pal design know unleashes on cuomo for taking his daughters to a gay pride parade. president obama continues to rally his base, working to convinces independents democrats should stay in power. gop's karl rove says the president has enemy's list, a growing number of tight races across the country is escalating the political mudslinging.
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and it's only a matter of days and hours now for 33 chilean miners trapped underground since early august. known for being a family man, brett favre caught in the middle of a sex scandal that reportedly happened when playing in new york. favre returns to the scene of the alleged crime when the v viking face the jets. martin frost, mortgage zuckerman, melissa harris-perry and linda cap lynn thalor. good monday morning. this is "jansing & company." well, he says he stands by his remarks, that being gay is not a valid option. republican candidate for new york governor carl paladino yesterday, speaking to a group of orthodox jewish leaders. >> don't misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual people in any way. that would be a dass ardly lie.
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my approach, live and let live. i think my children and your children will be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family. and i don't want them to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid or successful option. it isn't. >> this morning on the "today" show he tried to clarify, saying he has a gay nephew and would be open to hiring gays. but then he blasted his opponent, democrat andrew cuomo, for taking his children to the gay pride parade. >> i don't think it's proper for them to go there and watch a couple of grown men grind against each other. i don't think that's proper. i think it's disgusting. >> our company, melissa, it seems to me that there is a far right and a far left but also a line where you get to be extreme or an extremist. where do you see carl paladino in that line? >> this isn't about right or left, this is about basic
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american values and in this in context the basic american value is the notion that all persons are endowed with the right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, right? we are at our core meant to be a nation where identity does not determine the extent to which you can be free and equal in this country. each point in our history where we haven't done that, we've gotten better. we've fought wars to make sure african-americans can be free. we fought in the streets so women can vote. >> this started out, i think, i think, as a debate over gay marriage where there is an ongoing social debate that's going on right now, including one involving barack obama. >> it is interesting that gay marriage becomes the space where we have this argument. part of what i heard going on in this conversation is the idea that it is disreputable to be gay, unacceptable, it's not respectable but precisely that
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citizenship lie, the idea that, in order to be an equal citizen you have to be respectable and reputable by rules of the american system, that's not how it works. your notion of citizenship, your ability to get decent housing and a good job and be free from discrimination, including the discrimination of an elected official on television saying these horrible things about you, that's your right as an american. you don't have to meet the clothing standards of the u.s. congress in order to be free. >> congressman, what went through your mind when you heard carl paladino? >> i've run a lot of campaigns, i was chairman of the committee in '96 and '98, this is a waste of air time. he ought to be talking about jobs, the economy in new york, the budget, and he's sacrificed valuable exposure. i think it's crazy for him to be talking about this issue. >> should the only issue people should be talking about, especially ones, we should say,
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there was one poll where he was pulling close to andrew cuomo, most polls have cuomo with a double digit lead. he ought to be talking about jobs? >> he ought to be talking about things that affect people's jobs in new york. maybe right wing republicans love to hear this. this election in new york is going to be determined by independent voters, by democrats, and he's way far behind, and i don't think he helps himself by getting distracted by this issue. >> let me go to another topic, karl rove, of course, the republican who democrats love to hate, is accusing the obama white house of compiling an enmes list. he's very much back in campaign mode. he co-founded that group that's raised $32 million, most from unnamed donors, and that's what pushed the dnc to put out this ad. >> karl rove, ed gillespie, bush
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cronies. the u.s. chamber of commerce, their shields for big business. they're stealing our democracy, spending millions from secret donors to elect republicans to do their bidding in congress. >> they have not one shred of evidence to back up that baseless lie. this is a desperate and, i think, disturbing trend by the president of the united states to tar his political adversaries with some enemy's list with being unretrained by facts or evidence whatsoever. >> martin, let's me go back to your premise, which is the candidates ought to be talking and presumably, surrogates about things that matter to the american people. not only do you have this fight going on between the dnc and karl rove, you have the president on the campaign trail yesterday, he was ratcheting up the rhetoric against the republicans for he said unnamed, foreign donors. are the democrats missing the point here? >> yeah, i think that process arguments don't work very well in campaigns.
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i would rather see the dnc spending money talking about how republicans want to privatize social security and medicare, i'd rather see the dnc spend its money how democrats have created jobs and will create jobs in the future. i think the dnc's made a mistake by taking out ads on this issue. i don't think people care about this one way or the other. i'm not a fan of karl rove's, don't get me wrong, but i don't think this is a good use of other than moi money. >> we have a statement, i think, from the u.s. chamber response to the dnc ad, quote, the dnc is going to exhaust itself trying to hard to change the political conversation. its ad attacking the u.s. chamber is a blatant attempt to avoid a serious discussion of americans' top priority-creating jobs and growing the economy, the ad is ridiculous and it's false. we can argue more about right or wrong, true or false, but are the democrats making a mistake spending money on an ad like this? >> yes. i don't think it's a winner for
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them, you know? it's the kind of game that goes on always in politics, but i think it's not the best way for the democrats to climb out of what is clearly a very deep political hole. it's not going to work. the supreme court made their decisions. everybody hides their contributions, who knows where some of the big democratic money said were collected, it's just not a winning issue. >> where should they be put their money? >> i disagree. the thing that the gop has over the democrats is they have an enemy. they can look at barack obama, they can make him the bad guy, i mean it's what the out party always has against the party of the president, that's why the party of the president loses seats in the midterm elections. what the dnc is trying to do here is create an equal bad guy on the other side. whether or not we think it's accurate is one thing don't think it's a bad strategy. >> what does it do? what does it accomplish? >> it allows a focus on the
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national level one bad guy. remember, again, what the republicans have been great at doing is taking midterm elections, local elections, and turning them into a referendum on a national issue. >> that is a focus that gets people to the polls? >> sure. >> does it fire up the base? >> remember, it's your base. remember part of what liberals and progressives want is a more aggressive president obama. you've heard this over and over again from the left. if in fact barack obama does have an enemy's list i suppose the left would be quite thrilled with this. the idea that he's finally sort of standing up and fighting has been precisely the anxiety coming from the left. i don't think it's a bad strategy. >> how do you spend your money? if you're chair of the democratic national committee and you have a few million and time is getting tight and you have a growing number of races apparently up for grabs now what do you do? how do you spend your money? >> if i'm chairman of the dnc, i'll try to find a second
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career. setting that aside, focusing on politics, i would focus money on where the constituencies, the districts are, where the democrats have a chance. i think it is way too early to establish a national campaign or way too late to establish a national campaign. i think there are a number of individual districts where the democrats need a lot of financial support. the contributions to the democrats are way down. so i would focus the money on those districts where the democrats -- states where the democrats have a chance to win. >> on a lighter note, i am interested, martin, in the fact, did you hear ed gillespie this sghnds he u weekend? he used the word refute yates, taking the page from sarah palin, repudiate, refute. martin's barely cracking a smile over that one. no, nothing on that? anyway -- >> i thought it was great. >> the word of the summer, according to the dictionary. >> english is a living language.
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it's not latin. i'm from the hip-hop generation. we make up words all the time. >> i want to see it in an editorial. >> it's great. it should be a living language. >> so it's always fascinating to see, talking about campaign cash, how you spend it, fascinating to see where the parties are putting their money in the closing weeks of the campaign. nonpartisan extraordinaire charlie cook, i mentioned this, he said there were 81 congressional seats in play. he thinks it's 90 democrats in trouble. let's bring in cnbc's washington correspondent john harwood. democrats have tough decisions to make where to spend money in the weeks ahead. >> reporter: they do, chris. what they're doing is monitoring on a continuing basis the polling date in particular districts say weefg ging we've party here, move this race to that race because this candidate has a better chance. for example, i was in columbus,
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ohio, mary jo killroy, barely won in 2008 as obama was carrying the state of ohio, she's behind her republican opponent. the democratic party postponed by three weeks the ads that they had planned to start for her. that cuts in 500,000 dollars they planned to move down and moving that money to other races where they have a better chance. john spratt in south carolina, chairman of the budget committee in a tough race. he's got probably a better chance to win thank killroy so they accelerated spratt's advertising. >> congressman, i want insider information. so right now, since you're been there before, take us inside the war room. how are these decisions being made? >> you have to be pretty cold-blooded and you have to do exactly as john has suggested. what i advise candidates don't spend all your money on television, save money for get out the vote. a lot of these races are going
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to be very close. when we lost the us 1994 we lost a number of races by 500 votes, a thousand, turn out your voters. >> we'll be back. more politics to talk about. but busy news day, including those rescuers who believe they're days away from raising those trapped miners from the ground. some, however, may need to run for cover from wives and girlfriends and i say that specifically, wives and girlfriends. president obama is hitting the campaign trail with gusto, but it could be bill clinton who proves to be the game changer for democrats. is the latest music video from miley cyrus too hot for tv or for betweens who are her main audience? [ female announcer ] imagine the possibilities
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trapped chilean miners emerging into freedom, fame and potentially fortune. the optimism at drill site is balances, however, by doctors and officials taking every precaution to make sure that that trip to the surface is the safe one. nbc's kerry sanders is live in copiapo, chile. tell us where we are right now, kerry. what's the latest when they might get out of there? >> reporter: it may be wednesday, perhaps even earlier. the area that now has the shaft completely all the way down, i'm going to step out of the way, and as we look up there, it's now shrouded in tarps. you see the black tarps there in they've surrounded the area, not only to stop television cameras from seeing something but when the men come out, they will not have seen light for 68, 69, 70 days. aside from the artificial light they've had down there, they want to protect their eyes.
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saturday, the big moment. look at this. this is the breakthrough here. as that drill makes its way down, after it cleared through moving a huge celebration here as people all over just burst into tears, clapping, popping champagne. now, let's talk about what is going to happen with this shaft that has been created. they're going to lower a capsule down, an escape capsule. about will go down. it will come up. it will go down it will come up. tell they'll take two people from the surface, take them down a paramedic and a miner. they'll all have a discussion down there and start bringing the 33 miners to the surface. what is delaying things now, because they have those metal reinforcing pipes in place, it is that they're waiting for concrete to cure. as you look here, they have this big winch that they built. that winch has its cable running over an arm. the winch and the cable -- the
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winch and the arm had to be set in big pieces of concrete that's curing right now. once that cures, it takes 36 hours, that cable, which was flown in from germany, it's a ski chairlift cable, it will go down and take the capsule down. so, we might see a rescue tuesday afternoon, tuesday evening, wednesday morning. i know everybody's eyes, the world's eyes, are on this, chris. >> i understand some of the eyes are going to be glaring, potentially, at these guys. as if it's not dramatic enough already what's been going on there i've been reading in the british papers, not surprisingly, in some cases lives of some of these miners have been coming out, perhaps in ways they would have preferred them to stay private. >> reporter: you know, it is turning into a soap opera and i'm somewhat sympathetic to the men who thought that their lives were private and now everything is public, including one of the
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50-year-old miners who is married and also has a girlfriend and the wife and the girlfriend didn't know earth existed and both showed up out here with photographs of their loved one, the same photograph when they started to realize they were both holding the same picture of the same man, they got into a cat feet. they're now in hiding but he's going to have to face the music when he gets up here with that issue. but there's also wonderful, nice stories of a young man who is down there who had talked about getting married and his girlfriend up here and he talked about it didn't think they were ready, now they've decided they're ready, they're going to get married when he comes up. it's going to be a harsh glare. i'm not sure whether these guys are going to talk or not once they get up. there was discussions of a pact of silence they would create when they get up to the surface so they could sell their story.
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there are people here to buy it. aside from the movie producers here and the book authors who are here, at last count there are 1500 journalists from 200 nations around the world who are here with their lenses focused on that hole, focused on these men. while some countries like in the united states journalists don't pay for stories, other countries open up the checkbooks. it will be interesting to see how this plays out, who speaks what they tell us, what the movie looks like once it's all done. i don't want to get ahead of myself. this is dangerous. you still have to get 33 out of there. >> who would we cast to play kerry sanders? race reporter on the scene skoo i'm not sure i have a role, but thank you. >> thank you. he's been doing fantastic reporting from there in chile. >> a disturbing pattern emerging from one high school in ohio. four students from all the same school all committed suicide. were they bullied to death?
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brett favre's vikings face off the new york jets tonight but the married mvp quarterback is dodging allegations he propositioned multiple women with lewd text messages. details ahead. time for the "your business" entrepreneur of the week. ron owns the 137-year-old stokes farm in new jersey. he's benefiting from the new customer emphasis on buying locally grown produce at farmers markets. because of that demand, he now grows more than 74 items. for more, watch "your business" sunday mornings 7:30 on msnbc. ♪ [pbeat instrumental ] [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn't good enough. - if your car is in an accident, - [ laughing continues ] make sure it's repaired with the right replacement parts.
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four families lost children to suicide, all four victims from the same ohio high school. each young boy and girl was a subject of intense and repeated bullying. pushing them apparently to enough mental ankh wish and an end that broke the hearts of mothers, fathers and friends. jeff rossen joins us now. hi, yjeff. >> reporter: seems every week these days we're hearing about a new case of school bullying and suicide. it's scattered across the country. a school here, a school there. we heard about this high school. this high school in a cleveland suburb in ohio where four different students have taken their own lives in as many years. some of the victims' families
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are suing the school district saying administrators didn't do enough to stop the torture. what do you say to a mother who lost her little girl? she was just 16, she loved life, but in the hallways of mentor high her family say she's faced nonstop torment. what names did the bullies call her. >> whore, slut. >> reporter: it got physical. >> pushing her down the stairs, slamming her locker on her, hitting her. >> reporter: her family says they complained to school officials more than 20 times but nothing was done. she couldn't take it anymore. and hanged herself with a rope out her own bedroom window. >> she didn't see any other way out. >> reporter: and she wasn't the first. one year earlier, another student at mentor high, eric, took his own life. >> the bullies were, i would describe, as terrorists.
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they were little terrorists. they flicked his ear, pushed him into lockers, called him gay. the bully said, eric, why don't you go home and shoot yourself? it's not like anyone would care. >> reporter: hours later? >> hours later eric went home and shot himself. >> reporter: both families have filed lawsuits against the well-respected mentor school district, saying administrators ignores bullying calling it gross negligence and there's a frightening pattern here. >> bullied. deceased. bullied, deceased. >> reporter: four kids, one school. the first was jennifer in 2006. her family says bullies at mentor high harassed jennifer but her learning disabilities. 2007, eric's suicide. weeks later, after telling her friend she's was gay, meredith took her own life. then came the suicide a year later. in a statement to nbc news the school superintendent said they've had anti-bullying policies in place for years.
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kindergarten through grade 12, that address acceptance, tolerance, mental health. we continue to review, modify and grow these programs to ensure we are meeting our students' needs. but for the parents who have lost everything, the promise isn't enough. >> he's the first thing on my mind when i wake up and the last thing when i go to bed. >> reporter: the families are suing for damages. but more importantly, they're trying to send a message to schools across the country that they need to do a better job in protecting students. they're trying to send a message to the kids themselves, that they need to step up, that if they're walking down the hallway and see a wild being bullied, if they do nothing about it they're as guilty as the bullies themselves. back to you. >> thank you so much. governor joe manchin turning the political tables by using his opponent's campaign ad against him in a new television commercial in the west virginia senate race. reversal in the investigation of an american
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tourist attacked by mexican pirates. authorities are backing off reports that they have suspects in the case. we'll get latest in a live report from texas. campbell's has made changes. adding lower sodium sea salt to more soups. plus five dollars in coupons to get you started. campbell's condensed soup. pass it on. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ check this out. boo-yah! shazam! h2...o! hydrolicious! magic bananas! it's the first one click faucet filter that removes 99% of lead and microbial cysts. adios contaminos! that removes 99% of lead and microbial cysts. [ female announcer ] last year, the u.s. alone used over 39 billion plastic bottles of water. ♪ that's enough to stretch around the earth over 190 times. ♪ each brita filter can take up to 300 of those bottles out of the equation. it's a small step that can make a big difference.
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here aresome of the top stories we're following on msnbc. eight alleged members of a gang are were arraigns on hate crime charges in new york city. arrested in connection with the torture and beating of a 30-year-old man and two teenage boys who gang members suspects of being gay. a ninth suspect is still at large. 12 young people were released from a washington state hospital after being sickens by an unknown substance at a house party. police didn't find any drugs but they do suspect that someone spiked drinks before they arrived. afghanistan president's hamid karzai has confirmed informal talks with the taliban on peace in the country. petraeus says the military has been aware of taliban attempts to meet with afghan leaders.
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pakistan reopening the border crossing for nato troops. supply drivers spent more than a week stuck in a holding pattern while gunmen fired on dozens of trucks. >> a setback in the investigation of an american tourist who was murdered on a border lake between mexico and texas. this weekend, a mexican newspaper reported police were searching for two men in the killing of david hartley. but now police say, there are no suspects and still no body. david's wife spoke with matt lauer on the "today" show this morning. >> this is very frustrating. one moment we do have suspects, another moment we don't. you know, either way, i hope that they do find somebody who can lead us where david is ultimately that's all we want. >> nbc's janet shamlian has more from texas. >> reporter: chris, it seems like there's a lot of confusion between the mexico side and the u.s. side. we're 11 days into this
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investigation, still no sign of david hartley. u.s. and mexican newspapers, over the weekend, reported there were two suspects, brothers, wanted in a number of other violent crimes who were members of the zeta drug cartel. last night a higher level mexican authority reported that there was no such thing that they had no suspects in cuss dirk categorically denied there had been suspects and the sheriff here says he knows nothing about any suspects at all. meanwhile, over the weekend, we dot a look at what david hartley and list wife tiffany were doing that day. through the release of a dash cam video by the texas department of public safety the couple's actually stopped for a traffic violation, an expired stick, as they were on their way here to falcon lake to go water skiing for the day. they weren't ticketed and they were released. authorities say it is evidence that they are collecting and they do not believe that tiffany hartley is a suspect at this time. they still believe that this is attributable to mexican pirates
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on the mexican side of falcon lake. they continue, chris, that search today about three miles behind me here on the lake, on the mexican side. we're not able to see that from this vantage point and are relying on reports from mexican authorities. >> janet, thank you so much. we've got to show you what's going on in the senate race in west virginia because they've escalated the recurring theme criticized as class warfare, elitism. started with a production company for john race si putting out a casting call for people in their words who look hickey. democratic governor joe manchin using his opponent's ad against him. >> john raese things we're hicks. >> his people hires actors from philadelphia to attack joe manchin and told them to dress hickey. >> it's insulting and he didn't even apologize. >> then, there's the fact raese moved his family to florida
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avoid paying taxes. >> we're not good enough for him. >> raese's wife is registered to vote in florida, she can't even vote for him. >> why should we? >> john raese fired back saying, quote, it's sad to watch a desperate politician intentionally deceive the electorate. west virginians won't be fooled all of the distortions on earth can't change the fact that joe manchin rubber stamped obamacare and stimulus. >> linynn linda caplin thaler, melissa harris perry is back and mortgage zuckerman, chairman of u.s. news and world report. linda, what do you make of the ad? is it effective? >> i do think it's effective and it shows you the power of the internet it can take one person in one production company to say, by the way, they were asking for people who sound like hicks to start a fire, and the fact he did not do the ad
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himself. it was done by a third party. >> they asked for them to wear be beat-up john deere hats. does this get off point? >> no it doesn't get off point. this is the political mistake on point. if you try to appeal to a lot of people and you treat them in some way that demeans the very people you're trying to appeal to this is not good politics. >> a lot of people have been ratcheting up negative ads. when the races are close, when you start to get down to the wire, the ads go negative. and they're shown to be effective. >> they've shown actually to polarize the electorate and make sure that folks who don't turn out are the people in the middle. it's not just effective in the broadest sense. it's that they tend to shrink the electorate and polarize it, which in midterm what you're wanting is the true partisans to show up. but they're not effective in the sense we should care about how we are getting elected.
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we should care about the quality of our public discourse. i mean i know it's tough, because each election is local and in this case it's a real issue about localism, but on the other hand we have to be thinking of ourselves as democrats with a little "d," in other words, care about the quality of democracy. >> this is the race for governor in florida and there's a republican consultant who told the miami herald he thinks this is the best political show on television. let me show you clips from those two ads. >> when he was questions under oath, rick scott pled the fifth 75 times. >> that means scott refused to answer questions to avoid incriminating himself. >> 75 times rick scott refused to answer. >> rick scott couldn't be trusted as a ceo, and florida can't trust rick scott as governor. >> what alex sink promised. >> i'll continuousing my business experience to cut wasteful spending. >> but she billed taxpayers for over $400,000 of private plane use, 44 times die verting the
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plane to her home. alex sink says one thing and does another. >> you're a politician. >> you're a fraud. >> no, you are. >> no, you are. >> don't know about you. but i've had enough of politicians attacking each other. i'm ready to attack florida's challenges. that's why i've got a detailed business plan to create jobs and build a stronger economy. and a detailed reform plan to make state government more accountable. >> let's get it on. >> let's get to work. >> here's a better idea. let's get real. i'm alex sink, and the fight i'll be having as governor is for you. >> here's why i thought this was interesting. he went negative first in his approval rating went up but his negatives also went up by ten points. linda, where do you find that balance? >> i find it interesting. she has a sink or swim strategy right now, because she started out saying you know what? i'm either republican or democrat, i just want to get out of everything that's going on, we need to define new agenda.
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as soon as you get hit, you have to hit back. the fact is that you know, the negatives can rise notice poll, that doesn't mean that he's going to lose. now we see she's starting to sort of have an uptake and she's got to fight back, and this is unfortunately negative advertising works but i couldn't agree more it ends up hurting the parties, both of them. >> look, if we want a different kind of politics we should be talking about comprehensive campaign finance reform. this doesn't just happen because there are bad people running for office. this is happening because there are incentives set up there are firms that make money from putting out the most outrageous ads, particularly as you pointed out in the internet age, you not only want an ad played but picks up and go viral on the internet which means it's got to be outraejous as possible. we have to change the rules by which we play our political game. >> i want to go back to old fashioned politics because surrogates are an interesting source of debate. bill clinton's been out there.
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he has had tremendous star power in closing weeks. he actually is, if you look at a recent poll, the most popular politician in america, that was our nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. he's already headlined 60 events this season for democrats and he's going to be in kentucky next hour. west virginia, nevada, california this week. here's my question for you, mort. he we know is he popular. he draws people because he's a fun guy to watch and he's a former president, but does he accomplish anything for the people he campaigns for? he's not on the ballot. it's back to the question of does a surrogate help you win a race? >> if the surrogate is bill clinton, the answer is yes. he is not just, you know a charismatic figure, but when you listen to him speak, he has the most unique ability to connect with an audience and inspire an audience of any politician in america today, by far. so i think if anybody can help
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the democrats it's bill clin, and they desperately need the help. there isn't a single candidate for any office who wouldn't want to have him come in their district and campaign for him. >> i don't know if you saw the article in the "new york times" late last week, linda, where they talked about how all of the republicans now are saying nice things about him. shawn hand knitty's calling him good old bill, orrin hatch says he'll go down in history than a better president than barack obama. he is like he is the rock star. >> it's interesting. republicans are trying to find their rock star its not sarah palin? >> no. an interesting matchup with reagan giving a speech, mashed up with nancy pelosi and democrats talking about, you know, congress controlling america and everything, and it seems so relevant today. i thought it was a powerful thing they had to go back to reagan to find somebody that he
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could deiffy. >> brett favre accused of sending graphic photographs and suggestive e-mails to several women when he was playing for the jets. is the quarterback caught in a sex scandal? she went from hannah montana to on a bed nearly naked. this this new miley cryus video too much for her young fans? ♪ for he's a jolly good fellow ♪ the meeting's tomorrow in dallas ♪
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in the event of a biological attack, disease outbreak or other public health emergency, it seems most states and cities are yesterday ready to respond. a new report finds all 50 states have ability to investigate urgent disease reports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. brett favre is in new york, plague the jets entonight but the trip is turning up piles of baggage for the vikings' quarterback. amy robach is here, another case, good family man, grandfather. >> that was his image, until now. two new allegations of oin appropriate sexual advances made by favre in 2008 when playing for the new york jets.
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those two previous report that he sent naked pictures to a sideline reporter. he returns to the scene of the alleged crime, the jets' home turf. >> reporter: with the super bowl championship and three mvps, brett favre is one of the most celebrated players in nfl history. >> it's almost like a rock star has arrived. >> reporter: the father of two is the nfl's only grandfather. with a long list of endorsements. >> i'm comfortable in wrangler. >> as a father, a family man, grandfather, solid guy, that represents the nfl brand, that makes a lot of money in endorsements. his brand's in big trouble. >> reporter: trouble stemming from allegations first reported on the sports blog claiming that favre approached multiple women with lewd text messages during his season with the jets starting with jen sturjer. a one-time maxim and playboy pinup landed a job ace sideline reporter with the jets at the
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same time favre joins the team. favre took notice of her and began leaving voice mails. >> i'm going back to the hotel and just, just chill. so i'm send me a text because i'll be in the building for a couple hours. love to have you come over tonight. >> reporter: nbc news couldn't verify authenticity of the recordings. she reportedly was sent text with nude photos of a man's private parts. the source is unclear. >> a group in tampa -- >> reporter: hosting a cable sports show has declined comment. dead spin paid an undisloesed amount of money to a third party to obtain voice mails and photos but the editor found out about the story from sturjer herself. >> someone else could be putting all of this effort into impersonating brett favre and making favre look bad but it
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seems unlikely. >> reporter: favre facing jets tonight. the quarterback dodged questions in a pregame press conference. >> i'm not get into that. i've got my hands full with the jets. >> reporter: now two more women, a massage therapist for the jets 2008 receives unwanted advances from favre. the website declined to reveal their names. >> if that's true, he's got to throw himself on the mercy of the public, nfl fans of women across this country, his wife. >> the nfl is looking into those allegations and what type of punishment he could possibly face. there are a lot of options out there for them. so i'm sure this is still a lot more to come. >> if it's true, it's hard not to listen to two voices, him, who we know is him and the voice on the phone and not hear the very strong sim laertss, it's just so heartbreaking for the family. >> heartbreaking for his wife and children and grandchild. president obama about to
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only. let's bring our panel back in. mort you have teenage girls, what do you think? >> i don't think it's made for adult eyes only. if you think so, there's a huge transformation in what teenagers are looking at, what they talk about, what they think about. i think it's enormously transformed, like it or not, you watch a lot of television, regular programming for teenagers, not just this, it's completely transformed. >> you say your daughter's 8 and she loves miley cyrus. >> right. he's a big hannah montana. it's troubling but on the other hand, i'll say that almost our entire hour this morning has been about sex. we talked about the miners who have a wife and a girlfriend. we've talked about brett favre cheat on his wife, we've talked about -- >> i don't any "jansing & company" appeals to 8-year-olds. >> new york it's not so much a critique as its a reflection that part of what -- i want us to be careful about taking miley
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cyrus out and sort of she has -- >> she has a specific audience. she's built a brand, a disney brand. >> but this is part of a broad call turle push -- >> she's 17. >> she's 17. >> you wouldn't believe it. >> 17 is not what 17 used to be. >> she just asked her parents to sign an agreement she could get breast implants, she's demanding. this is the newest thing that came out. >> i hadn't heard that. >> children are getting older younger. that is the fact and the internet has allowed them to have access. you know what? this is tame. i have a teenage daughter myself and this is tame compared to what happens out there. >> lock them up, that's what i say. >> movies and television. i mean, it's amazing how explicit it is. >> there's an episode of "glee" watching somebody have chas it'sy, it's stupid, why waste your time. >> the moment of danger here if we go back to teen sue ids and you look at how they were
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bullied, every one bullied around questions of sex, earsex identity of being called gay or a whore. i'm concerns how it becomes a youth culture of bullying. >> i'm looking at the three of you who have daughters and thinking whoo. i'm freaked enough about my 12-year-old. >> but you look marvelous, we thank you for coming in, our panel this morning. still to come, any minute now, president obama expected in the rose garden talking about the nation's infrastructure, roads and highways. how important, new projects are for the jobs and the economy. campaign for congress in ohio taking a turn when the tea party candidate is photographed wearing a nazi uniform. i didn't know there were re-enactments but there are. sex, lies and politics. the race between harry reid and sharron angle. if you can believe it, it's
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